James C. Kolb, MD

James C. Kolb, MD

Specialties: Adult Emergency Medicine

Gender: Male


Board Certification: Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine
Internship:University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Medical Education:University of Mississippi School of Medicine
Residency:University of Mississippi Medical Center
Residency:University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio


Current Positions

Instructor, School of Medicine, Advanced Disaster Life Support2006 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center2002 - Present
School of , Department of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Sonography1998 - Present
Attending Physician, School of Medicine, University Hospital1994 - Present
Instructor, School of Medicine, Cadaver Procedure Lab1994 - Present
School of , Fiberoptic Bronchoscopic Intubation1990 - Present
School of Medicine, Emergency Medicine Residency Program1985 - Present

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, American Board of Medicine, ABEM1990 - Present
Certification, American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM1984 - Present
Licensure, Medicine, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure1981 - Present

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

"James Kolb" Excellence in Academics, Department of Emergency Medicine2012
"Q" award (Quality award), University of Mississippi Medical Center2011
Robert C. Jorden Excellence in Teaching Award2002
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society1981