Harris, Tristen A., M.P.A.S., PA-C
Gender: Female
Board Certification: | Physician Assistant |
Graduate School: | University of Florida |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Licensure, Florida PA License | 07/2003 - Present |
Licensure, Mississippi PA License | 07/2003 - Present |
Certification, NCCPA | 07/2003 - Present |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
APP/Nurse of the Year, UMMC | 2019 |
Clinical Faculty of the Year, Mississippi College | 2017 |
Clinical Faculty of the Year, Mississippi College | 2016 |
Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, College of Arts and Sciences, Mississippi College | 2016 |
Clinical Faculty of the Year, Mississippi College | 2015 |
Clinical Faculty of the Year, Mississippi College | 2014 |
Clinical Faculty of the Year, Mississippi College | 2013 |
Pi Alpha National Honor Society, Mississippi College | 2013 |