Meagan D. Allen, MS, CCC-SLP
Specialties: Children's Speech Language Pathology
Gender: Female
Biography: Meagan Allen is a graduate of Mississippi University for Women. She is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for clinical competence. Meagan had two years of clinical experience with the geriatric population targeting cognition, speech, language and dysphagia in the skilled nursing facility and outpatient therapy settings prior to joining the faculty within the Department of Otolaryngology at UMMC in 2013. She received the "Extra Mile" Award in the Department in 2014. Meagan's areas of interest include evaluation and treatment of feeding/swallowing disorders and cognitive-linguistic skills with medically complex infants, children and adolescents. She currently provides services at Batson Children's Hospital in the following areas: inpatient acute care, inpatient rehabilitation services (CRS), and outpatient modified barium swallow studies. Meagan also serves as the pediatric weekend and holiday coordinator and is involved in the "Best Practices" committee in the department.
Board Certification: | Speech-Language Pathologist |
Medical Education: | Mississippi University for Women |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Is it Skill or Will? Assessment and Treatment of Medical and Behavioral Pediatric Dysphagia | 09/2017 - Present |
Certification, Hemispheres Stroke Competency Series: NIH Stroke Scale Training and Certification | 09/2013 - Present |
Certification, FIM Instrument, Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation | 09/2015 - Present |
Certification, Adult/Child/Infant CPR, | 04/2014 - 04/2016 |
Certification, Wee Fim Instrument, Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation | 04/2014 - Present |
NPI | 04/2013 - Present |
Certification, Vital Stim Therapy Provider | 12/2012 - Present |
Certification, Certificate of Clinical Competence | 07/2011 - Present |
Licensure, State of Mississippi: 215 SP Lang Clinician (K-12) | 07/2011 - 06/2016 |
Licensure, Mississippi State Department of Health | 05/2012 - 06/2014 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
ACE Award, ASHA | 2016 |
Calm in the Midst of Chaos Award, SLP Faculty | 2015 |
The Extra Mile Award, Otolaryngology | 2014 |