Workforce Development Scholarship
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Workforce Development Scholarship FAQ
Why has UMMC changed the Employee Tuition Benefit into the Workforce Development Scholarship?
UMMC made these changes to ensure the program and investment were aligned with current strategic initiatives. Specifically, UMMC wants to train and retain the best health care workforce in Mississippi.
Where does my supervisor approve my application?
After you complete the electronic application your supervisor will receive an email. The email will have a direct link for them to approve. Once approved, it will continue through the process to Human Resources. You can continue to check the progress of your application when you log into the application site, top section.
What is the status of my application? Where can I find it?
The application status can be checked anytime on the WDS application site. When you log on the page, you can find the status of your application.
Do I still need to turn in a paper form?
The paper application will no longer be accepted. All applications must be submitted electronically.
Once I complete the application, is there anything else I need to do?
Once you have completed the application, there is nothing else to do. You can check your status on the application site.
When will the funds be credited to my student account?
Funds will be credited to your student account at the end of drop/add week. Please make sure your application is complete prior to the start of classes. Any application received after the start of classes will cause your funds to be credited at a later date.
What about this six-month service commitment? Do I have to sign a contract?
If you received the employee tuition benefit in or prior to the 2015-16 academic year, you are not required to sign the service commitment. Employees that were receiving that benefit will be allowed to continue in their program through end of 2018 academic year. If an employee needs additional time to complete the program of study after that date, he or she will have to go through new approval process and sign service contract.
New applicants beginning the 2016-17 academic year will go through the approval process including the Workforce Development Committee. This committee is designed to ensure UMMC is using the funds allocated for this scholarship to meet the vision and needs of the institution.
Do I have to apply for every semester?
Yes, you must apply for the scholarship every semester.
How long does it take to process my application?
The application can take up to two weeks to be completed and approved. Make sure you check the status on the WDS application site.
Will the scholarship cover all tuition and fees, or what?
The scholarship will only cover up to six hours of tuition per semester. No fees.
If I am attending Ole Miss and receiving a tuition benefit, do I complete the electronic application?
If your program of study is at Ole Miss you will follow the same application procedure you have in the past, the paper application. Complete the paper application, have your supervisor approve and forward to Human Resources.