Hong Zhu, MD, PhD

Hong Zhu, MD, PhD


SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery


Work Phone:
(601) 815-3098


University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, PhD, Pharmacology1999
Beijing Union University Traditional Medicine College, Beijing, P. R. China, MD1992

Current Positions

Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science07/2008 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science03/2002 - 06/2008

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Countermeasures to effects of radiation on vestibular and immune functions in rats, NASA/EPSCoR MSI proposal award NNX12AK85A, co-investigator08/2012 - 07/2014
Extramural, Neural mechanisms of sound activation of vestibular system, NIH R01 DC012060-01, PI05/2012 - 04/2017
Intramural, Neural mechanism of sound activation of vestibular system, Intramural Support Programs, PI11/2011 - 11/2012
Intramural, Neural Mechanisms of Opioid Addiction, NIH/NCRRP-20RR17701, PI04/2004 - 06/2006
Extramural, Neuronal mechanisms of opioid action, NIH R03 DA016400-01, PI04/2003 - 03/2006
Intramural, Neuronal mechanisms of opioid action, UMMC Intramural Support Programs, PI07/2002 - 06/2003
Extramural, Otolith function on cardiovascular system, American Hearing Research Foundation, co-investigator01/2002 - 12/2002


Journal Article

Zhu H, Jordan JR, Hardy SPG, Fulcher B, Childress C, Varner C, Windham B, Jeffcoat B, Rockhold RW, Zhou W. Linear acceleration-evoked cardiovascular responses in awake rats J Appl Physiol. 2007;103:646-6542007
Zhu H, Zhou W. Excitatory amino acid receptors are involved in the morphine-induced synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2005;528:73-782005
Zhu H, Zhou W, Li X, Ma T, Ho IK, Rockhold RW. Methyl parathion increases neuronal activities in the rat locus coeruleus J. Biomed. Sci. 2004;11:732-7382004
Zhu H, Zhou W. Morphine-induced potentiation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus involves norepinephrine Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2003;467:141-1442003
Kramer RE, Wellman S, Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Baker RC. A Comparison of cholinesterase activity after intravenous, oral or dermal administration of methyl parathion J. Biomed. Sci. 2002;9:140-1482002
Zhu H, Kramer RE, Baker RC, Ho IK, Rockhold RW. Methyl parathion (MP) masks withdrawal from physical dependence on morphine Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2002;3:1073-10812002
Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Baker RC, Kramer RE, Ho IK. Effects of repeated or single dermal administration of methyl parathion on behavior and cholinesterase activity in rats J. Biomed. Sci. 2001;8:467-4742001
Tokuyama S, Zhu H, Oh S, Ho IK, Yamamoto T. Further evidence for a role of NMDA receptors in the locus coeruleus in the expression of withdrawal syndrome from opioids Neurochem Int 2001;39(2):103-1092001
Zhu H, Zhou W. Morphine induces synchronous oscillatory discharges in the rat locus coeruleus J. Neurosci. 2001;21:RC179 (1-5)2001
Jang C-G, Oh S, Zhu H, Ho IK. Autoradiography of [3H]glutamate binding during pentobarbital tolerance and withdrawal in the rat Brain Res. Bull. 1999;48:99-1021999
Zhu H, Jang C-G, Ma T, Oh S, Rockhold RW, Ho IK. Region specific expression of NMDA receptor NR1 subunit mRNA in hypothalamus and pons following chronic morphine treatment Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1999;365: 47-541999
Zhu H, Ho IK. NMDA-R1 antisense oligonucleotide attenuates withdrawal signs from morphine. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1998;352:151-1561998
Tokuyama S, Zhu H, Wakabayashi H, Feng YZ, Ho IK. The role of glutamate in the locus coeruleus during opioid withdrawal and effects of H-7, a protein kinase inhibitor, on the action of glutamate in rats J. Biomed. Sci. 1998;5:45-531998
Feng YZ, Zhang T, Tokuyama S, Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Ho IK. mu- and kappa-opioid receptor antagonists precipitate similar withdrawal phenomena in butorphanol and morphine dependence Neurochem. Res. 1996;21:63-711996
Zhu H, Tang X, Wei W, Xu Y, Mustain W and Zhou W. Click-evoked responses in vestibular afferents in rats J. Neurophysiol. 106(2):754-763, 2011
Zhu H, Zhou W. Discharge activities of neurons in the nucleus paragigantocellularis during the development of morphine tolerance and dependence: A single unit study in chronically implanted rats Eur. J. Pharmacol. 636: 65-72, 2010.

Review Article

Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Ho IK. The role of glutamate in physical dependence on opioids Jpn. J. Pharmacol. (Review) 1998;76:1-141998


Zhu H, Tang X, Mustain M and Zhou W Air-conducted click-evoked responses in the vestibular nuclei of rats. Society for Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, LA.2012
Zhu H, Tang X, Maklad A, Mustain M, Rabbitt R, Highstein S and Zhou W Relation between vestibular afferents sound sensitivity and peripheral innervation patterns in rat vestibular end organs. The Association of Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) meeting 2012.2012
Zhu H, Tang X, Wei W, Mustain M and Zhou W. Air-conducted short tone bursts-evoked vestibular responses in rats Society for Neuroscience, 2011, Program No. 579.05/FF12 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Washington, DC:2011
Zhu H, Tang X, Wei W, Mustain M and Zhou W. Selective activation of different vestibular end organs by clicks Society for Neuroscience, 2010; Program No. 583.1/VV14 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, San Diego, CA.2010
Zhu H, Tang X, Wei W, Xu Y, Mustain W and Zhou W. Click-evoked responses in vestibular afferents in rats Society for Neuroscience, 2009, Program No. 72.2/W14 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Chicago, IL.2009
Tang X, Wei W, Mustain W, Zhou W, Zhu H. Effects of click intensity on sound-evoked vestibular responses in rats The Association of Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) meeting, 20092009
Zhu H and Zhou W Gap junction blocker carbenoxolone blocks the morphine-induced synchronized oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 2009.2009
Wei W, Jeffcoat B, Mustain W, Xu Y, Eby T, Zhu H, Tang X, Zhou W. Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) recorded from different sites of the sternocleidomastoid muscles in normal human subjects Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 2009.2009
Culpepper, J, Cannon, R, Young, J., Jordan RJ and Zhu, H Induction of vestibular damage in the rats via intra-tympanic or trans-bullar applications of aminoglycosides 71th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 2007.2007
Zhou, B., Zhu, H The role of visual cues in the linear acceleration-induced blood pressure changes in rats. 71th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 2007.2007
Zhu, H., Burford, M., Zhu, X., Zhou W Changes in the nucleus paragigantocellularis neuronal activities during the development of morphine dependence. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 2006.2006
Zhu, H, Zhu, X., Zhou, W Effects of aging on the otolith-driven cardiovascular reflex in rats. 29th Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Meeting, 20062006
Burford, M., Zhu, H Effects of butorphanol on neuronal activity of rat locus coeruleus. 70th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 20062006
Zhu H, Palamarchouk V, Zhou W. Effects of morphine on norepinephrine release in rat hippocampus: an in vivo voltammetry study. Society for Neuroscience, 2005, Program No. 802.10. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC.2005
Zhu, H, Jordan, J.R., Li, X., Windham, P., Jeffcoat, B. and Zhou, W. Bilateral labyrinthectomy attenuates linear acceleration-induced cardiovascular changes in rats. 27th Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Meeting, 2004.2004
Zhu H, Zhou W. Effects of chronic morphine treatment on the synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus. Society for Neuroscience 2004, Program No. 357.122004
Zhu, H. Zhou, W. and Li, X. Mechanisms underlying the morphine-induced synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus. Society for Neuroscience 20032003
Zhu, H. and Zhou, W., Ho, I.K. and Rockhold, R.W. Effects of methyl parathion on the firing pattern of the rat locus coeruleus. FASEB, 20022002
Zhu, H. and Zhou, W. Morphine-induced potentiation in the hippocampus involves norepinephrine. Society for Neuroscience, 20022002
Zhu, H., Hardy, S.G., Fulcher B, Childress, C., Varner C., Purohit, M, Rockhold, R.W. and Zhou, W. Otolith influence on cardiovascular function in rats. Society of Barany Meeting, 2002.2002
Hardy, S.G., Zhu, H., Purohit, M, Fulcher B, Childress, C., Varner C., Rockhold, R.W. and Zhou, W. The medial and inferior vestibular nuclei mediate otolith-cardiovascular reflex in rats. Soc. Neurosci. 20022002
Zhu, H. Ho, I.K. and Rockhold, R.W. Methyl parathion (MP) masks withdrawal from physical dependence on morphine. Soc. Neurosci. 2001.2001
Zhu, H. and Zhou, W. Morphine induces synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus. Soc. Neurosci. 20012001
Davidson B., Zhu H., Rockhold R.W., King W.M., Anand V. and Zhou W. Cardiovascular responses to pure linear motion in awake rats. Jackson International Cardiovascular Symposium, 2000.2000
Zhu, H., Rockhold, R.W., Baker, R.C., Farley, J.M., Kramer, R.E. and Ho, I.K. Effects of single dermal administration of methyl parathion on behavior and cholinesterase activity in rats. Soc. Toxicology, 2000.2000
Zhu, H., Farley, J.M., Rockhold, R.W., Baker, R.C., Kramer, R.E. and Ho, I.K. In vivo and in vitro recovery of cholinesterase activity in the rat brain cortex after oral administration with methyl parathion. Soc. Toxicology, 2000.2000
Zhu, H., Shaffery, J., Zhou, W., Eichhorn, J.H. and Ho, I.K. Spatial and temporal characteristics of morphine-induced changes in cortical EEG. Pharmacologist (SEPS), 2000.2000
Zhu, H., Tsang, B.K., Rockhold, R.W., Dharmavarapu, V.R., Eichhorn, J.H. and Ho, I.K. Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification under general anesthesia: a study in rats. Soc. Neurosci., 2000.2000
Zhu, H., Tokuyama, S., Jang, C-G., Rockhold, R. W. and Ho, I. K. The N-methyl-D aspartate receptor in opioid dependence. The 8th Southeast Asian-Western Pacific Regional Meeting of Pharmacologists, 1999.1999
Zhu, H., Jang, C-G., Ma, T., Oh, S., Rockhold, R. W. and Ho, I. K. Gene expression of NMDA receptor subunits following chronic morphine or butorphanol treatment: in situ hybridization study. Soc. Neurosci. 1998.1998
Ho, I. K., Feng, Y. Z., Tokuyama, S., Wakabayashi, H., Zhu, H. and Rockhold, R. W. Glutamate and the locus coeruleus (LC) in mediation of opioid withdrawal. XIIIth International Congress of Pharmacology, 1998.1998
Jang, C-G., Oh, S., Zhu, H., Ma, T. and Ho, I. K. The levels of NMDA receptor (NR) subunits mRNA are changed in the rat brain following pentobarbital tolerance and withdrawal: in situ hybridization study. FASEB 12: A460, 19981998
Jang, C-G., Oh, S., Zhu, H., Ma, T. and Ho, I. K. Time course effects of butorphanol withdrawal on NMDA receptors in rats. Soc. Neurosci. 1998.1998
Zhu, H., Oh, S., Jang, C-G. and Ho, I. K. NMDA antisense oligonucleotide attenuates morphine withdrawal behaviors. Pharmacologist (SEPS) 39: 315, 19971997
Zhu, H., Oh, S., Jang, C-G. and Ho, I. K. NMDA-R1 antisense attenuates morphine withdrawal behaviors. Soc. Neurosci. 19971997


Abstract, Click-evoked responses in vestibular afferents in rats, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL10/2009
Abstract, Vestibular sound-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) recorded from trapezius and extraocular muscles in an awake monkey, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL10/2009
Abstract, Gap junction blocker carbenoxolone blocks the morphine-induced synchronized oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2007
Abstract, Induction of vestibular damage in the rats via intra-tympanic or trans-bullar applications of aminoglycosides, 71st Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences2007
Abstract, The role of visual cues in the linear acceleration-induced blood pressure changes in rats, 71st Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences2007
Abstract, Changes in the nucleus paragigantocellularis neuronal activities during the development of morphine dependence, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2006
Abstract, Effects of aging on the otolith-driven cardiovascular reflex in rats, 29th Association for Research in Otolaryngology Meeting2006
Abstract, Effects of butorphanol on neuronal activity of rat locus coeruleus, 70th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences2006
Abstract, Changes in nucleus paragigantocellularis neuronal activities during the development of morphine dependence, UMC Neuroscience Research Day2005
Abstract, Effects of morphine on norepinephrine release in rat hippocampus: an in vivo voltammetry study, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC2005
Abstract, Bilateral labyrinthectomy attenuates linear acceleration-induced cardiovascular changes in rats, 27th Association for Research in Otolaryngology Meeting2004
Abstract, Effects of chronic morphine treatment on the synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2004
Abstract, Mechanisms underlying the morphine-induced synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2003
Abstract, Effects of methyl parathion on the firing pattern of the rat locus coeruleus, FASEB2002
Abstract, Morphine-induced potentiation in the hippocampus involves norepinephrine, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2002
Abstract, Otolith influence on cardiovascular function in rats, Society of Barany Meeting2002
Abstract, The medial and inferior vestibular nuclei mediate otolith-cardiovascular reflex in rats, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2002
Abstract, Methyl parathion (MP) masks withdrawal from physical dependence on morphine, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2001
Abstract, Morphine induces synchronous oscillatory discharges in the locus coeruleus, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2001
Abstract, Cardiovascular responses to pure linear motion in awake rats, Jackson International Cardiovascular Symposium2000
Abstract, Effects of single dermal administration of methyl parathion on behavior and cholinesterase activity in rats, Soc. Toxicology2000
Abstract, In vivo and in vitro recovery of cholinesterase activity in the rat brain cortex after oral administration with methyl parathion, Soc. Toxicology2000
Abstract, Spatial and temporal characteristics of morphine-induced changes in cortical EEG, Pharmacologist (SEPS)2000
Abstract, Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification under general anesthesia: a study in rats, Society for Neuroscience Meeting2000
Abstract, The N-methyl-D aspartate receptor in opioid dependence, The 8th Southeast Asian-Western Pacific Regional Meeting of Pharmacologists1999
Abstract, Gene expression of NMDA receptor subunits following chronic morphine or butorphanol treatment: in situ hybridization study, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 24:19701998
Abstract, Glutamate and the locus coeruleus (LC) in mediation of opioid withdrawal, XIIIth International Congress of Pharmacology1998
Abstract, The levels of NMDA receptor (NR) subunits mRNA are changed in the rat brain following pentobarbital tolerance and withdrawal: in situ hybridization study, FASEB, 12:A4601998
Abstract, Time course effects of butorphanol withdrawal on NMDA receptors in rats, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 24:19691998
Abstract, NMDA antisense oligonucleotide attenuates morphine withdrawal behaviors, Pharmacologist (SEPS), 39:3151997
Abstract, NMDA-R1 antisense attenuates morphine withdrawal behaviors, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 23:2651997

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Excellent in Research Award Silver level, UMMC2012
Grant Reviewer for NIH DA B-start grant program
Grant Reviewer for research projects funded by the State of Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH).
Grant Reviewer for the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)
Journal reviewer for Journal of Applied Physiology,Toxicology Letter,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
First place in Dean’s Graduate Research Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Neuroscience Research Award, Society for Neuroscience, Mississippi Chapter
First place in Lowell Greenbaum Research Awards, 18th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Pharmacology Society (SEPS)

Professional Membership and Service

Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Member
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Reviewer, Journal Article
Journal of Applied Physiology, Reviewer, Journal Article
Mississippi Academy of Science, Member
NIH DA B-start Grant Program, Reviewer, Grant Proposal
Research Projects Funded by the State of Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH), Reviewer, Grant Proposal
Society for Neuroscience, Member
Toxicology Letter, Reviewer, Journal Article
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Reviewer, Grant Proposal

Teaching Experience

703, Graduate, Lab, Lab Director, Neurophysiology NSCIFall

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Advised: Courtney Jenigan2012 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Jay Culpepper, Jay Young, Adams Briscoe, Anna McLemore, Rongrong Chen2002 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Matthew Burford, Dustin Markle

Fellows supervised

Training Faculty, 8 fellows supervised, Resident research training01/2002 - Present