Benjamin H. Walker

Benjamin H. Walker

Assistant Professor

SPH-Population Health Science


Work Phone:
(601) 915-9544


Mississippi State University, PhD, Sociology2021
Mississippi State University, MS, Experimental Psychology2012
Southeastern Louisiana University, BA, Psychology2008

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Population Health06/2022 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Research Professor, Mississippi State University2021 - 06/2021
Project Manager, Mississippi State University2017 - 2021
Research Associate II, Mississippi State University2016 - 2017
Research Associate I, Mississippi State University2012 - 12/2016
Graduate Research Assistant, Mississippi State University2011 - 2012


Journal Article

Shirley HL, Walker BH, Reneker JC University Club Sport Student-Athlete Concussion Profiles Differ by Sport and Sex Shirley HL, Walker BH, Reneker JC. University Club Sport Student-Athlete Concussion Profiles Differ by Sport and Sex. Recreational Sports Journal. 2024 Mar 7:15588661241236408.2024
Roberts DK, Sarver DE, Cash AR, Walker BH, Lim CS Understanding health behaviors that modify the risk for obesity in ADHD J Pediatr Psychol. 2024; 49(5):372-381.2024
Teng F, Burns P, Welsch M, Tang W, Walker BH HIV risk perception and PrEP uptake among black MSM in Mississippi Int J STD AIDS. 2024; 09564624241297830.2024
Brown DC, Lariscy JT, Walker BH State-Level Trends in Lifespan Variability in the United States, 1960–2019: A Research Note Demography. 2023; 60(1):1-14.2023
Gissandaner TD, Stearns MA, Sarver DE, Walker BH, Ford H Understanding the Impact of Insufficient Sleep in Children with Behavior Problems on Caregiver Stress: Results from a US National Study Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2023; 28(4):1550-1564.2023
Trends in lifespan variation across the spectrum of rural and urban places in the United States, 1990–2017 Trends in lifespan variation across the spectrum of rural and urban places in the United States, 1990–2017 SSM Popul Health. 2022; 19:101213.2022
Walker BH, Brown DC, Walker CS, Stubbs-Richardson M, Oliveros AD, Buttross S Childhood adversity associated with poorer health: evidence from the US National Survey of Children's Health Child Abuse Negl. 2022; 134:105871.2022
Yigit IA, Brown DC, Walker BH, Pellegrine SE, Baird-Thomas C, Hanna HL, Buttross S. Perceived barriers to developmental screening among children ages 0-5: Results from a statewide survey of health care providers in Mississippi Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 2021; 62: 88-94.2021
Walker CS, Walker BH, Brown DC, Buttross S, Sarver DE Defining the role of exposure to ACEs in ADHD: Examination in a national sample of US children Child Abuse Negl. 2021; 112:104884.2021
Shope TR, Walker BH, Aird L, Southward L, Martin JM Influenza vaccine requirements in United States child care centers J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2020; 9(5):566-572.2020
Shope TR, Walker BH, Aird LD, Southward L, McCown JS, Martin JM Pandemic influenza preparedness among child care center directors in 2008 and 2016 Pediatrics. 2017; 139(6).2017
McKee C, Long L, Southward LH, Walker BH, McCown JS The role of parental misperception of child's body weight in childhood obesity J Pediatr Nurs. 2016; 31:196-203.2016
Walker BH, Sinclair HC, MacArthur J. Social norms vs social motives: The effects of social influence and motivation to control prejudice reactions on the expression of prejudice. Social Influence. 2015; 10:55-672015
Walker BH, McCown JS, Bowser D, Patev A, Raede FS, Razavi M, Dzielak D, Southward LH An assessment of emergency department use among Mississippi’s Medicaid population J Miss State Med Assoc. 2015; 56(5):120-124.2015

Professional Membership and Service

Population Association of America, Member
Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Science, Member
American Heart Association, Member

Other Service

Scientific Reports, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, Statistical Editor
Journal of Gerentology: Social Sciences, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Family Studies, A Hoc Reviewer
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Ad Hoc Reviewer

Teaching Experience

PHS 749, Population Health, Course, Course Director, Advanced Statistics in Population HealthSpring 2025
PHS 702, Population Health, Course, Course Director, Statistical Methods in ResearchFall 2024
PHS 701, Population Health, Course, Course Director, Applied DemographyFall 2024
PHS 702, Population Health, Course, Course Director, Statistical Methods in ResearchFall 2023
PHS 796, Population Health, Course, Co-Course Director, Directed ResearchFall 2023
PHS 701, Population Health, Course, Course Director, Applied DemographyFall 2022
PHS 749, Population Health, Course, Course Director, Longitudinal and Multilevel ModelsFall 2022

Directed Student Learning

Dissertation Committee Member, Assessing the Contextual Factors that Influence the Introduction, Deliberation, and Adoption of Maternal Health Legislation in Mississippi
Advised: Sabrina Alam
2023 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, The Intersection of Environment and Health: Exploring Park Quality, Green Space, and Temperature Effects
Advised: Lauren Pongetti
2023 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Understanding Barriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Care Continuum among Vulnerable Populations in the United States and China
Advised: Fei Teng