John M. Schweinfurth, MD

John M. Schweinfurth, MD


SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery


Work Phone:
(601) 984-5160


Dr. John Schweinfurth is recognized as one of the leading physicians in laryngology among his peers, and is the only fellowship trained laryngologist in the state. Dr. Schweinfurth is committed to providing each patient with an outstanding health care experience as evidenced by his numerous positive patient reviews. When he’s not at the hospital, Dr. Schweinfurth enjoys classical and rock guitar, photography, sailing and golf.


University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Masters of Health Professions Education2009
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, Fellowship, Laryngology & Care of the Professional Voice1999
Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, Residency, Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery1998
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, General Surgery1993
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas, MD1992
University of Texas, BA, Plan II Honors Program1987

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Mississippi2002 - Present
Certification, American Board of Otolaryngology05/1999 - Present

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science07/2007 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Graduate Faculty, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Health Related Professions, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science2003 - 06/2007
Assistant Professor, Penn State University Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science05/2000 - 12/2002
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology And Communicative Science07/1999 - 04/2000

Sponsored Program Funding

Geriatrics Education for Specialty Residents, American Geriatric Society07/2007 - 06/2009
Characterization of Hearing Status in the Jackson Heart Cohort, National Institutes of Health, Institute on Deafness and Communicative Disorders02/2007 - 01/2012
Extramural, Assessment of Swallowing Outcomes following Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy vs. Traditional Dysphagia Therapy, Jahnigan Scholarship, American Geriatric Society07/2006 - 06/2009


Journal Article

House L, Bishop CE, Spankovich C, Su D, Valle K, Schweinfurth J Tinnitus and Its Risk Factors in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov 29. doi: 10.1002/lary.269642018
Sorrel JE, Bishop CE, Spankovich C, Su D, Valle K, Seals S, Schweinfurth JM Relationship of stroke risk and hearing loss in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study Laryngoscope, 128:1438-1444 June 2018
doi: 10.1002/lary.26896
Tracheotomy Outcomes in Super-Obese Patients JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surg. 2016 May 26.doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2016.10892016
Googe B, Kowalczyk D, Geisinger K, Schweinfurth J. Laryngeal Actinomycosis: A Case Report and Systematic Review of 32 Cases in the Literature HSOA Journal of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery2016
Haas PJ, Bishop CE, Gao Y, Griswold ME, Schweinfurth JM. Relationships Among Measures of Physical Activity and Hearing in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study The Laryngoscope. 2016 Mar 1 doi: 10.1002/lary.259242016
Nida A, Alston J, Schweinfurth J Primidone Therapy for Essential Vocal Tremor JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Feb:142(2):117-21. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2015.28492015
Googe B, Nida A, Schweinfurth J Coblator Arytenoidectomy in the Treatment of Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis Case Reports in Otolaryngology. 2015;2015:487280. doi: 10.1155/2015/487280. Epub 2015 Sept. 172015
Sutton MJ, Payne TJ, Gaughf NW, Crews KM, Elci OU, Peck SB, Schweinfurth J Tobacco dependence treatment: Influence of training experiences on clinical activities among otolaryngologists Laryngoscope. 2013 Dec;123(12):3005-9. doi: 10.1002/lary.23512 Epub 2013 Oct. 12013
Jana T, Schweinfurth J. "Stick out your tongue and say 'ahhhh'!" J Miss State Med Assoc. 2011 Apr;52(4):110-2.2011
Norris BK, Schweinfurth JM. Arytenoid dislocation: An analysis of the contemporary literature Laryngoscope. 2011 Jan;121(1):142-6.doi: 10.1002/lary.212762011
Goodier MA, Goodier AP, Brown AS, Schweinfurth J. Immunohistochemical analysis of aquaporins in the fetal and adult vocal fold Laryngoscope. 2010;120 Suppl4:S195. doi:10.1002/lary.216622010
Norris B, Schweinfurth JM Management of Recurrent Laryngeal Sensory Neuropathic Symptoms Annals of Otolaryngology 2010;119(3):188-1912010
Rosenberg T, Schweinfurth JM Cell Density of Lamina Propria of Neonatal Vocal Folds Annals of Otol Rhino Laryngol 2009;118 Feb (2):87-902009
Case R, Schweinfurth JM Efficacy of a Conservative Weight Loss Program in the Long-Term Management of Chronic Upper Airway Obstruction International Journal of Otolaryngology, vol. 2009, Article ID 3965232009
Buchinsky FJ, Donfack J, Derkay CS, Schweinfurth JM, Tsuji DH, Hu FZ, Rockette HE,Ehrlich GD, Post JC. Age of child, more than HPV type, is associated with clinical course in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis PLoS ONE. 2008 May 28;3(5):e22632008
Sisk, J, Schweinfurth, JM Cartilage Graft Laryngotracheoplasty for Anterior Subglottic Stenoses The Laryngoscope 2008 May;118(5):813-52008
Jeffcoat B, Schweinfurth JM Efficacy of a Portable, Audible Only EMG Device in theTreatment of Spasmodic Dysphonia The Laryngoscope 2008 May; 118(5):942-32008
Schweinfurth JM, Thibeault S. Does Hyaluronic Acid Distribution in the Larynx Relate to the Newborn’s Capacity for Crying? The Laryngoscope 2008;118(9):1692-16992008
Schweinfurth JM “Endoscopic Treatment of Severe Tracheal Stenoses.” Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology 2006;115(1):30-34. Reprinted in Home Study Course, “Laryngology, Voice Disorders, Bronchoesophagology” 2008; Nov Section 6 100-42008
Garner J, Schweinfurth J, May W, Faust J. The transnasal Esophagoscopy documentation dilemma Laryngoscope. 2007 Jul;117(7):1143-52007
Mellacheruvu S, Norton JW, Schweinfurth J Atypical antipsychotic drug-induced acute laryngeal dystonia Clin Psychopharmacol 2007 Apr;27(2):206-72007
Schweinfurth JM Interactive Instruction in Otolaryngology Resident Education Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 2007; 40(6):1203-142007
Schweinfurth JM Lifelong Learning in Otolaryngology: Self-Directed Learning Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 2007; 40(6):1323-302007
Garner J, Schweinfurth JM Nasal and Oral Aerodigestive Measurement Discrepancies: The Transnasal Esophagoscopy Documentation Dilemma The Laryngoscope 2007;117:1143-52007
Schweinfurth, JM, Meyers C. Culture of Biopsy Derived Upper Respiratory Epithelium The Laryngoscope 2006 Sept;116(9)1600-22006
Schweinfurth, JM, Meyers C “Organotypic (raft) Culture of Biopsy Derived Upper Respiratory Epithelium.” The Laryngoscope 2006 Sept;116(9)1600-22006
Sisk, J, Schweinfurth, JM, Wang XT, Chong KT. Presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Tonsillectomy Specimens The Laryngoscope 2006 Aug;116(8):1372-42006
Schweinfurth JM, Edwards LB Clinical Problem Solving: This budding’s for you? Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 2006;47(7):195-92006
Schweinfurth JM. Demographics of Pediatric Head and Neck Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital Laryngoscope. 2006;116(6):887-92006
Schweinfurth JM. Endoscopic Treatment of Severe Tracheal Stenoses Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology 2006;115(1):30-34 Reprinted in Home Study Course, “Laryngology, Voice Disorders, Bronchoesophagology” 2008; Nov Section 6 100-42006
Furr AM, Schweinfurth JM, May WL. Factors Associated with Long-term Complications Following Repair of Mandibular Fractures The Laryngoscope.2006;116(3):427-4302006
Chong KT, Xiang L, Wang X, Jun EL, Xi L, Schweinfurth JM High level expression of human epithelial beta-defensins (hBD-1, 2 and 3) in papillomavirus induced lesions Virology Journal 2006; 3:752006
Petro ML, Schweinfurth JM, Petro A. Trans-cricothyroid, Intra-operative Monitoring of the Vagus Nerve Archives of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 2006;132:624-82006
Schweinfurth JM “Demographics of Pediatric Head and Neck Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital.” Laryngoscope. 2006;116(6):887-92006
Furr AM, Schweinfurth JM, May WL “Factors Associated with Long-term Complications Following Repair of Mandibular Fractures.” The Laryngoscope. 2006; 116(3):427-4302006
Schweinfurth, JM “Management of a difficult case involving an endobronchial foreign body.” Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal 2005; 84(4):210-12005
Schweinfurth, JM Interarytenoid mucosal bridges complicating endotracheal intubation Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal. 2003 Sep;82(9):670-12003
Schweinfurth, JM, Pribitkin ED “Sudden Hearing Loss Associated with Ephedra Use.” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2003; 60(4):375-72003
Schweinfurth, JM “Image Guidance Assisted Choanal Atresia Repair” The Laryngoscope 2002; Nov 112(11):2096-82002
Ferraro RE, Schweinfurth JM, Highfill GR “Mucosal Melanoma of the Sinonasal Tract” American Journal of Otolaryngology 2002; Sep-Oct; 23(5):321-32002
Schweinfurth, JM “Single-Stage, Stentless, Endoscopic Repair of Anterior Glottic Webs” Laryngoscope 2002; May;112(5):933-52002
Schweinfurth, JM, Courey M, Billante M “Risk Factors and Demographics in Patients with Spasmodic Dysphonia” Laryngoscope 2002; Feb;112(2):220-32002
Franzese CB, Schweinfurth JM “Delayed diagnosis of a pediatric airway foreign body: Case report and review of the literature” Ear Nose and Throat Journal 2002; 81(9):655-62002
Schweinfurth JM, Boger GN, Steiniger J Pre-operative Risk Assessment for Gastrostomy Tube Placement” Head & Neck 2001; May; 23(5):376-822001
Schweinfurth, JM, Powitzky E "Cervical Manifestations of Blastomycosis" American Journal of Otolaryngology 2001; 22(2): Pp. 157-92001
Schweinfurth, JM, Fedok F “Avoiding Pitfalls and Unfavorable Outcomes in Scar Revision” Facial Plastic Surgery 2001; 17(4):273-2782001
Schweinfurth, JM “Future Management of Scarring” Facial Plastic Surgery 2001; 17(4):279-2822001
Schweinfurth, JM, Powitzky E, Ossoff RH “Regression of Laryngeal Dysplasia Following Serial Microflap Excision” Annals of Otolaryngology 2001;110(9):811-142001
Schweinfurth JM, Cacace AT “Cochlear Ischemia Induced by Circulating Iron Particles Under Magnetic Control: An Animal Model of Sudden Hearing Loss” American Journal of Otology 2000; 21(5):636-402000
Schweinfurth JM, Ossoff RH “Current Endoscopic Treatment for Dysphonia.” Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 2000; Vol.001-42000
Schweinfurth JM, Silver SM “Patterns of Swallowing Following Supraglottic Laryngectomy” Laryngoscope 2000; 110(8):1266-702000
Schweinfurth JM, Ossoff RH “Surgery for Dysphonia” Current Opinions in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery1999;7(6):357-601999
Schweinfurth JM, Koltai PJ “Pediatric Mandibular Fractures” Facial Plastic Surgery 1998; 14(1):31-441998
Schweinfurth JM, Cacace AT, Parnes SM “Clinical Application of Otoacoustic Emissions in Sudden Hearing Loss” The Laryngoscope 1997; 107:1457-63. Selected by the American Academy of Otolaryngology for inclusion in the 1999 Home Study Course Section 8, Otology, p. 24-301997
Schweinfurth JM, Parnes SM, Very M "Current Concepts in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sudden Hearing Loss" European Journal of Otolaryngology 1996; 253:117-211996
Schweinfurth JM, Johnson JT Jugular Foramen Syndrome as a Complication of Metastatic Melanoma” American Journal of Otolaryngology 1993; 14:3-1681993
Rachael R. Baiduc PhD, MPH, Christopher Spankovich AuD, PhD, MPH, Thanh-Huyen Vu MD, PhD, Alberto A. Arteaga MD, Charles Bishop AuD, PhD, John M. Schweinfurth MD Jackson Heart Study: Aggregate cardiovascular disease risk and auditory profiles Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology (LIO)2023
Natalia Trpchevska, Maxim B. Freidin, Linda Broer,
Berthe C. Oosterloo, Shuyang Yao, Yitian Zhou
Barbara Vona, Charles Bishop, Argyro Bizaki-Vallaskangas, Barbara Canlon, Fabio Castellana
Daniel I. Chasman, Stacey Cherny, Kaare Christensen
Maria Pina Concas, Adolfo Correa, Ran Elkon
Estonian Biobank Research Team, Jonas Mengel-From
Yan Gao, Anne B.S. Giersch, Giorgia Girotto
Alexander Gudjonsson, Vilmundur Gudnason, Nancy L. Heard-Costa, Ronna Hertzano, Jacob v.B. Hjelmborg
Jens Hjerling-Leffler, Howard J. Hoffman, Jaakko Kaprio, Johannes Kettunen, Kristi Krebs, Anna K. Kähler, Francois Lallemend, Lenore J. Launer, I-Min Lee, Hampton Leonard, Chuan-Ming Li, Hubert Lowenheim, Patrik K.E. Magnusson, Joyce van Meurs
Lili Milani, Cynthia C. Morton, Antti Mäkitie, Mike A. Nalls, Giuseppe Giovanni Nardone, Marianne Nygaard, Teemu Palviainen, Sheila Pratt, Nicola Quaranta, Joel Rämö, Elmo Saarentaus, Rodolfo Sardone, Claudia L. Satizabal Barrera, John M. Schweinfurth, Sudha Seshadri, Eric Shiroma, Eldad Shulman, Eleanor Simonsick, Christopher Spankovich
Anke Tropitzsch, Volker M. Lauschke, Patrick F. Sullivan, Andre Goedegebure, Christopher R. Cederroth, Frances M.K. Williams, Andries Paul Nagtegaal Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 48 risk variants and highlights the role of the stria vascularis in hearing loss American Journal of Human Genetics
Brandon Shepherd, Christopher Spankovich, Charles E Bishop, Dan Su, Karen Valle, John Schweinfurth Central Auditory Processing and the Relationship to Perceived Hearing Difficulty: The Jackson Heart Study Otol Neurotol2022
Alexander O Johnson, Benjamin P Stevens, John T Lam, John M Schweinfurth Two cases of rare subglottic MALT lymphoma of the larynx American Journal of Otolaryngology,Nov-Dec 2020;41(6):1027362020
Sorrel, Jonathan E; Spankovich, Christopher; Bishop, Charles E; Su, Dan; Valle, Karen; Schweinfurth, John M STROKE RISK IN AFRICAN AMERICANS WITH SUBCLINICAL AUDITORY DYSFUNTION EVIDENCED BY DISTORTION PRODUCT OTOACOUSTIC EMISSIONS: THE JACKSON HEART STUDY International Journal of Audiology2020
Curti SA, DeGruy JA, Spankovich C, Bishop CE, Su D, Valle K, O'Brien E, Min YI, Schweinfurth JM Relationship of Overall Cardiovascular Health and Hearing Loss in The Jackson Heart Study Population Laryngoscope. 2019 Dec 26. doi: 10.1002/lary.284692019
Nagtegaal AP, Broer L, Zilhao NR, Jakobsdottir J, Bishop CE, Brumat M, Christiansen MW, Cocca M, Gao Y, Heard-Costa NL, Evans DS, Pankratz N, Pratt SR, Price TR, Spankovich C, Stimson MR, Valle K, Vuckovic D, Wells H, Eiriksdottir G, Fransen E, Ikram MA, Li CM, Longstreth WT Jr, Steves C, Van Camp G, Correa A, Cruickshanks KJ, Gasparini P, Girotto G, Kaplan RC, Nalls M, Schweinfurth JM, Seshadri S, Sotoodehnia N, Tranah GJ, Uitterlinden AG, Wilson JG, Gudnason V, Hoffman HJ, Williams FMK, Goedegebure A. Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies five novel loci for age-related hearing impairment Scientific Reports 2019 Oct 23;9(1):15192. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51630-2019
Buchinsky FJ, Valentino WL, Ruszkay N, Powell E, Derkay CS, Seedat RY, Uloza V, Dikkers FG, Tunkel DE, Choi SS, Mortelliti AJ, Campisi P, Ospina JC, Donne AJ, Sataloff RT, Conley SF, McClay JE, Friedman EM, Elden L, Tylor DA, Rosen CA, Smith LJ, Copley GJ, Karas DE, Schweinfurth JM, Myer CM 3rd, Wiatrak BJ, Dohar JE, Sobol SE, Bastian RW, Smith RJH, Smith ME, Wassie AM, Post JC, Ehrlich GD. Age at diagnosis, but not HPV type, is strongly associated with clinical course in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis PLoS One. 2019 Jun 13;14(6):e0216697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216697. eCollection 20192019
Smith E, Bishop CE, Spankovich C, Su D, Valle K, Schweinfurth J The Relationship of Cardiometabolic Risk and Auditory Processing among African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018 Dec 11:194599818816090. doi: 10.1177/01945998188160902019
Bishop C1, Spankovich C, Lin FR, Seals SR, Su D, Valle K, Schweinfurth JM Audiologic profile of the Jackson heart study cohort and comparison to other cohorts Laryngoscope. 2019 Mar 19. doi: 10.1002/lary.279202019

Book Chapter

Schweinfurth, JM “Facial Plastic Surgery” “Incision Planning and Scar Revision" Section for Facial and Reconstructive Surgery in Handbook of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery 2010 Goldenberg & Goldstein (Thieme)2010
Schweinfurth, JM, Guest Editor “Scar Revision.” Facial Plastic Surgery. 2001; 17(4)2001
Schweinfurth, JM, Editor and Contributor “Vascular Lesions of the Vocal Folds”, “Iatrogenic Vocal Fold Scar”
“Vocal Fold Cysts”,“Sulcus Vocalis”,“Tracheotomy”,“Speech Therapy”
“Arytenoid Dislocation”,“Arytenoid Fixation”,“Contact Granulomas”
“Laryngeal Fractures”,“Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis”
“Vocal Polyps, Nodules”, “Glottic Stenosis”, “Functional Disorders”
Laryngology Section, Textbook


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Voice Health, Southern Remedy Radio Show, Jackson, MS08/2022
Invited Symposia, Laryngeal Manipulation in Singing Warm up: A Pilot Study, The Voice Foundation, Philadelphia, PA06/2019
Podium Presentation, Relationship of Overall Cardiovascular Health and Hearing Loss in an African-American Population, Triological Meeting at COSM, Austin, TX.05/2019
Poster Presentation, Auditory processing impairment and cardiometabolic risk, AAO-HNSF, Chicago, IL09/2017
Poster Presentation, Tinnitus Prevalence, Characteristics and Relationship with Cardiometabolic Risk in an African American Cohort, Triological COSM, San Diego, CA04/2017
Poster Presentation, Relationship of Stroke Risk and Hearing Loss in African Americans, Triological COSM, San DIego, CA04/2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Vocal health for the singing professional: fact or fluff?, Mississippi College, Jackson, MS01/2016
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Mouth/Throat Disorders – acute pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, OSA, Mississippi Colloge PA Program, UMMC Jackson, MS09/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, ENT Basics for the Nurse Practitioner, UMMC12/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Professional Voice, Mississippi College, Clinton, MS10/2013
Research, Preliminary Evidence Of The Differential Effect Of Abdominal Obesity And High Blood Pressure On Hearing: Research Podium Presented at AudiologyNOW!, Jackson Heart Study, Chicago, IL04/2011
Research, Management of Partially Obstructing Airway Foreign
Bodies, Combined Sections Triological Soc., Triological Society, Scottsdale, AZ
Poster Presentation, Linear Correlation of Auditory Pure-Tone Threshold and Obesity In the Jackson Heart Study Cohort, Global Obesity Summit, Jackson Convention Center, Jackson, MS11/2010
Scientific Presentations, Care of the Aging Voice, AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting, Boston, MA09/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hearing Status of the Jackson Heart Study Cohort, Jackson Heart Study 2010 Scientific Conference, Jackson, MS09/2010
Scientific Presentations, Laryngeal Synkinesis: A Treatment Dilemma, Combined Otolaryngology Section Meeting, Las Vages, NV04/2010
Scientific Presentations, Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from Teflon Granuloma, Combined Otolaryngology Section Meeting, Las Vegas, NV04/2010
Invited Symposia, Laryngitis, Grenada Lakes Medical Center, Grenada, MS02/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Laryngitis, Grenada Lake Medical Center, Grenada, MS02/2010
Scientific Presentations, A Novel Approach to Removal of Upper Airway Foreign Bodies, Southern & Middle Combined Section of the Triological Society, Orlando, FL02/2010
Scientific Presentations, Aquaporins in the Adult and Neonatal Larynx, Southern & Middle Combined Section of the Triological Society, Orlando, FL02/2010
Scientific Presentations, “Human Papillomavirus in Otolaryngology”, American Academy of Otolaryngology, San Diego, California10/2009
Scientific Presentations, Endoscopic Treatment of Subglottic Stenosis due to Percutaneous Tracheostomy Tube Placement, Southern and Middle Combined Section of the Trilogical Society, Bonita Springs, Florida01/2009
Scientific Presentations, Office Based Steroid Injection for Chronic Laryngitis and Glottic Stenosis Secondary to Sarcoidosis, Southern and Middle Combined Section of the Trilogical Society, Bonita Springs, Florida01/2009
Scientific Presentations, How did I end up here?, Otolaryngology Historical Society, Chicago, IL09/2008
Scientific Presentations, Cell Density of the Lamina Propria of Neonatal Vocal Folds, Brown Adipose Tissue Content of the Neonatal Larynx and Neck, Cervical Spine Disease Associated Dysphagia, ABEA Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL05/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Laryngeal Physiology, College of Health Scholars Series U. Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS09/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Laryngeal Physiology”, College of Health Scholars Series, Hattiesburg, MS09/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Common ailments of choral singers, The Mississippi Chorus Retreat, Jackson, Mississippi09/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Common ailments of choral singers”, The Mississippi Chorus Retreat, Jackson, MS09/2007
Scientific Presentations, Outcomes Following Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA05/2007
Scientific Presentations, Correlation Between Human Epithelial B-Defensin (hBD-1, 2 and 3) Expression and Clinical Behavior in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, Aberrant Expression of CTGF/CCN2 in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, Triological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA04/2007
Scientific Presentations, Efficacy of Weight Loss in the Long-Term Management of Chronic Airway Obstruction, Outcomes Following Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy, ABEA Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA04/2007
Scientific Presentations, Nasal and Oral Aerodigestive Measurement Discrepancies: The Transnasal Esophagoscopy Documentation Dilemma, Efficacy of a Portable, Audible Only EMG Device in the Treatment of Spasmodic Dysphonia, Anterior Laryngotracheoplasty in the Treatment of Subglottic Stenosis, Triological Society Combined Sectional Meeting, Marco Island, Fl.02/2007
Scientific Presentations, Organotypic (raft) Culture of Biopsy Derived Upper Respiratory Epithelium, The Epidemiology of Aspiration Pneumonia in a Tertiary Care Center, Demographics of Pediatric Head and Neck Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Vascular Malformations of the Orbit, Presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Tonsillectomy Specimens, Triological Society Southern Section Meeting, Naples, Florida01/2006
Scientific Presentations, “Mucosal Preservation Techniques in Laryngeal Surgery”, Mississippi Society of Otolaryngology, Oxford, MS11/2005
Scientific Presentations, Application of Behavioral Theory to Therapy for Functional Voice
Disorders, U. California, San Francisco Voice Conference, San Francisco, CA
Scientific Presentations, Pepsin Antibodies in the Detection of Extra-esophageal Reflux, Seminar on Digestive Disease. U. Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS09/2005
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Expression of Human Beta-defensins (hBD-1, 2 and 3) mRNA in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, 22nd International Papilloma Virus Conference, Vancouver, BC05/2005
Scientific Presentations, Factors Associated with Long-term Complications Following Repair of Mandibular Fractures01/2005
Scientific Presentations, “Transglottic Repair of Tracheal Stenoses”, Mississippi Society of Otolaryngology, Point Clear, AL06/2004
Scientific Presentations, “Safety, Outpatient Repair
of Mandibular Fractures”, AO-ASIF, Sun Valley, Idaho
Scientific Presentations, Motor Vehicle Accident Risk Assessment and Prevention in Patients with Episodic Vertigo, Southern Section, Triological Society, San Marco Is., Florida01/2004
Scientific Presentations, “Repair of Anterior Glottic Webs”, MS Society of Otolaryngology, Gulfport, Mississippi11/2003
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Pediatric Case Management Conference: Juvenile Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis.”, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS10/2003
Scientific Presentations, “Lipoblastoma of the Larynx”, Eastern Sectional Meeting of the Triological Society, Boston, MA01/2003
Scientific Presentations, “Safety of Long Distance Adenotonsillectomy”, Eastern Sectional Meeting of the Triological Society, Boston, MA01/2003
Scientific Presentations, “Pediatric Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea”, Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology, Hershey, Pennsylvania06/2002
Scientific Presentations, “Lipoblastoma of the Larynx”, Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology06/2002
Scientific Presentations, “Sudden Hearing Loss Associated with Ephedra Use”, Eastern Sectional Meeting of the Triological Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania01/2002
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Research into the Pathogenesis of the Human Respiratory Papilloma Virus”, Oncology Interdisciplinary Conference. Penn State Cancer Center, Hershey, PA11/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “The Current State of Knowledge on Human Papilloma Virus”, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN11/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Management of Allergic Rhinitis”, Hershey, PA09/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Treatment of Refractory Rhinosinusitis”, Ephrata Family Medicine, Hershey, PA09/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Management of the Difficult Sinus Patient”, Family Medicine, Hershey, PA07/2001
Scientific Presentations, “Sudden Hearing Loss Associated with Ephedrine Use”
“Mucosal Melanoma of the Sinonasal Tract”
“Delayed Presentation of a Pediatric Airway Foreign Body”, Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology, Philadelphia, PA
Scientific Presentations, “Regression of Laryngeal Dysplasia after Serial Microflap Excision”, American Laryngological Association section of COSM, Palm Desert, California05/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Total Laryngectomy”, Harrisburg, PA05/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Extra-esophageal Manifestations of GERD”, Harrisburg Primary Care Physicians, Harrisburg, PA04/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Update on the Treatment of Taste and Smell Disorders”, Berks Ear, Nose, and Throat Group03/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Current Concepts in Sudden Hearing Loss", Central Pennsylvania Society of Otolaryngology, Hershey, Pennsylvania09/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Pharmacotherapy in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease", University of Louisville, University of Louisville04/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Extraesophageal Manifestations of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease", Jennie Stuart Hospital Medical Group, Hopkinsville, Kentucky04/2000
Scientific Presentations, “Risk Factors and Demographics in Patients with Spasmodic Dysphonia”, Southern Section of the Triological Society, St. Petersburg, Florida01/2000
Scientific Presentations, “Cochlear Ischemia Induced by Circulating Iron Particles Under Magnetic Control: An Animal Model of Sudden Hearing Loss”, American Otological Society, Palm Desert, California04/1999
Scientific Presentations, “Swallowing Patterns following Supraglottic Laryngectomy”, Eastern Sectional Meeting of the Triological Society, Providence, RI01/1999
Scientific Presentations, “Clinical Application of Otoacoustic Emissions in Sudden Hearing Loss”, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA11/1997
Scientific Presentations, Trans-cricothyroid, Intra-operative Monitoring of the Vagus Nerve, Southern Section of the Triological Society, Miami, Florida
Scientific Presentations, “Endoscopic Management of Severe Tracheal Stenoses”, “Does Airway Instrumentation Cause Vocal Cord and Arytenoid Dysfunction?”, “The Utility of Routine Radiography in Postoperative Care Following Repair of Mandibular Fractures”, “Chronic Laryngitis Associated with Inhaled Cocaine”, Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting, Boca Raton, Fl

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Best Doctors 2009-2010, The Best Doctors of America2009
"Gold" Level Research Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center2007
Penn State University Clinical Teaching Award2001
Young Faculty Research Award, American Laryngological Association2001
Resident Research Award, Triological Society1999
Trans-cricothyroid, Intra-operative Monitoring of the Vagus Nerve, 1st Place Poster, Triological Society
Best Doctors 2011-2012, The Best Doctors in America
Best Doctors 2013, The Best Doctors in America

Professional Membership and Service

American Academy of Otolaryngology, Member
American Bronchoesophagological Association, Member
American Medical Association, Chicago, IL, Reviewer, Journal Article, Archives of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, Reviewer, Journal Article
Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology, Chicago, IL, Reviewer, Journal Article, Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology
Archives of otolaryngology, Reviewer, Journal Article
Head & Neck, Reviewer, Journal Article
Lippincott Williams, Philadelphia, PA, Editor, Associate Editor, The Laryngoscope
Mississippi State Department of Health, Member, Council of Advisors - Speech Language Pathology/Audiology
Mosby, St. Louis, Editorial Review Board Member, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Editorial Review Board Member
The American Laryngological Association, Fellow
The American Medical Association, Member
The Laryngoscope, Associate Editor
The Mississippi State Medical Association, Member
The Mississippi State Society of Otolaryngology, Member
The Triological Society, Member
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, Reviewer, Journal Article, Head & Neck

Committee Service

Evaluation Sub-Committee, Member2018 - Present
Medical Student Promotions Committee, Member2014 - Present
Department of Otolaryngology Promotions & Tenure Committee, Chair2014 - 2018
Medical Staff Quality Review Council, Member2011 - 2018
School Of Health Related Professions - Faculty Development, Member

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Mouth/Throat DisordersFall 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Otolaryngology Boot CampFall 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, PA StudentsFall 2017 - 2017