Nicholas W. McAfee
Affiliate Faculty
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5854
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellowship | 2020 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Clinical Psychology Residency (Adult Track) | 2019 |
University of Missouri, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology | 2019 |
University of Missouri, BA, Psychology | 2012 |
University of Missouri, BA, Political Science | 2012 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Licensure, Clinical Psychology | 03/2021 - Present |
Current Positions
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry | 03/2021 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry | 07/2020 - 03/2021 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, Telemental Health Needs Assessment for Mississippi Public University Students, State of Mississippi Governor's Emergency Education Response Fund | 06/2021 - Present |
Extramural, Mental Health Outcomes of Transgender Mississippians After Receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy, Mississippi LGBTQ Health Fund | 01/2021 - Present |
Extramural, Targeted Capacity Expansion-HIV Program: Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations at High Risk for HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | 07/2020 - Present |
Journal Article | |
Pfund RA, King SA, Forman DP, Zech JM, Ginley MK, Peter SC, McAfee NW, Witkiewitz K, & Whelan JP. Effects of cognitive-behavioral techniques for gambling on recovery defined by gambling, psychological functioning, and quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | 2023 |
McAfee NW, Schumacher, JA, Williams DC, Madson MB, Bagge CL, Konkle-Parker D, Paul I, Houston LJ, & Young K. Multidimensional evaluation of screening brief intervention and referral to treatment training for medical students. Academic Psychiatry | 2023 |
Konkle-Parker D, Williams D, McAfee NW, Schumacher JA, & Parker J. Low-burden universal substance use screening in a primary care clinic to lower implementation barriers. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 2022; 1-11. | 2022 |
Gette JA, McKenna KR, McAfee NW, Schumacher JA, Parker JD, Konkle-Parker DJ. Cannabis-only users are less likely to accept brief interventions than other substance use profiles. American Journal on Addictions. in press. | 2022 |
Schumacher JA, Kinney KL, Morris MC, McAfee NW. Biweekly delivery of a group-based adaptation of written exposure therapy (WET) for PTSD in residential substance treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 2022. | 2022 |
McAfee NW, Schumacher JA, Madson MB, Villarosa-Hurlocker MC, Williams DC. The status of SBIRT training in health professions education: A cross-discipline review and evaluation of SBIRT curricula and educational research. Academic Medicine; in-press | 2022 |
Kinney KL, Rao U, Bailey B, Hellman N, Kelly C, McAfee NW, Morris MC. Dynamics of diurnal cortisol and alpha-amylase secretion and their associations with PTSD onset in recent interpersonal trauma survivors. Psychological Medicine. 2021; 1-11 | 2021 |
Pfund, R. A., Cook, J. E., McAfee, N. W., Huskinson, S. L., & Parker, J. D. Challenges to conducting contingency management treatment for substance use disorders: Practice recommendations for clinicians. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. | 2021 |
Schumacher, J. A., Williams, D. C., McAfee, N. W., Madson, M. B., & Lim C. S. Practice and dissemination of SBIRT: Integrating psychology interns into medical student education. The Behavior Therapist. 44, 90-94. | 2021 |
Pfund, R.A., Peter, S.C., Ginley, M.K., McAfee, N.W., Whelan, J.P., & Meyers, A.W. Dropout from face-to-face, multi-session psychological treatments for problem and disordered gambling: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. | 2020 |
McAfee, N.W., Martens, M.P., Herring, T.H., Takamatsu, S.K., & Foss, J.M. The efficacy of personalized feedback interventions delivered via smartphone among at-risk college student gamblers. Journal of Gambling Issues, 45, 38-63. | 2020 |
Schumacher, J.A., Coffey, S.F., Williams, D.C., Madson, M.B., & McAfee, N.W. Practice and dissemination of motivational interviewing: A psychology internship curriculum. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 14(1), 34-41. | 2020 |
Herring, T.E., Zamboanga, B.L., Olthuis, J.V., Pesigan, I.J., Martin, J.L., McAfee, N.W., & Martens, M.P. Utility of the athlete drinking scale for assessing drinking motives among high school athletes. Addictive Behaviors, 60, 18-23. | 2016 |
Martens, M. P., Herman, K. C., Takamatsu, S. K., Schmidt, L. R., Herring, T. E., Labuschagne, Z., & McAfee, N. W. An update on the status of sponsored research in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 44(4), 450-478. doi: 10.1177/0011000015626271 | 2016 |
Cadigan, JM, Weaver, CC, McAfee, NW, Herring, TE, & Martens, MP A confirmatory factor analysis of the protective behavioral strategies scale among OEF/OIF veterans. Addictive Behaviors. 2015; 51: 127-130 | 2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, IHL telemental health needs assessment summary and proposal., Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, Oxford, MS | 10/2022 |
Invited Symposia, Legacy and leadership seminar series: Mental health., Jackson State University, Jackson, MS | 10/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emotional intelligence: Applications for medical education., University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 07/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Demographic predictors of binge drinking, drug use, and related negative consequences among people living with HIV/AIDS., Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL | 06/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Does cognitive-behavioral therapy affect non-gambling outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Portland, OR | 04/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on short- and long-term gambling outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis., Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Portland, OR | 04/2022 |
Poster Presentation, The status of SBIRT training in medical education: A cross-discipline review and evaluation of SBIRT curricula and educational research., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 11/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Practice and dissemination of screening brief intervention and referral to treatment: Integrating psychology interns into medical student education., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 11/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Comparing standardized patient and expert assessment of SBIRT proficiency in third year medical students., Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana | 06/2020 |
Invited Symposia, Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for harmful substance use: The why and how., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi | 12/2019 |
Invited Symposia, Drugs, alcohol, and gambling: Methods of reducing harm with brief intervention., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi | 09/2019 |
Invited Symposia, Do less harm: Topics in addictive behavior prevention and harm reduction interventions., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi | 03/2019 |
Invited Symposia, A novel treatment of PTSD in a patient with comorbid major depressive disorder and idiopathic chronic pain., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi | 02/2019 |
Poster Presentation, The efficacy of personalized feedback interventions delivered via text-message., National Center for Responsible Gambling Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada | 09/2017 |
Poster Presentation, The effect of psychological intervention on physical rehabilitation outcomes: A meta-analysis., American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. | 08/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Comorbid persistent depressive disorder and frontotemporal dementia: A clinical example., Clinical Staff of the Neurology Grand Rounds, Columbia, Missouri | 03/2017 |
Poster Presentation, A meta-analysis of treatment versus control in gambling interventions., National Center for Responsible Gambling Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada | 09/2016 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Raising the bar: Reducing problematic Greek student alcohol use., Annual meeting of the Meeting of the Minds, Kansas City, Missouri | 04/2016 |
Poster Presentation, Alcohol use, gambling, and fraternity/sorority membership., Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas | 06/2015 |
Poster Presentation, Validating the use of the problem gambling severity index for college students: A confirmatory factor analysis., National Center for Responsible Gambling Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada | 09/2014 |
Poster Presentation, The effects of college students’ activities on alcohol use and alcohol-related problems., Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, Bellevue, Washington | 06/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Drinking motives among high school athletes., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee | 11/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Intoxicated impulsivity’s role in Greek students’ willingness to drive while intoxicated., Midwestern Psychological Association poster session, Chicago, Illinois | 05/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, College student roommate drinking similarity and environmental selection effects., Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program luncheon, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri | 08/2011 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Scott F. Coffey, Ph.D. Grand Rounds Speakership Research Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior | 2019 |
Chief Resident - Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2018 |
Integrative Behavioral Health Clinic Clinician of the Month, University of Missouri | 2017 |
Prentice Gautt Doctoral Award in Counseling Psychology Scholarship, University of Missouri | 2014 |
National Center for Responsible Gambling Conference Full Scholarship | 2014 |
Professional Membership and Service
Mississippi Psychological Association, Member | |
American Psychological Association, Member | |
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Member | |
Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, Member |
Committee Service
Mississippi Psychological Association Legislative Committee, Member | 2022 - Present |
UMMC Psychiatry Residency Interview Committee, Member | 2020 - Present |
UMMC Psychology Internship Application Review Committee, Member | 2019 - 2019 |
Other Service
Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention | |
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Supportive Psychotherapy Seminar | Annual 2020-Current |
IMP3, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Emotional Intelligence Principles and Practice | Annual 2021 - Current |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to SBIRT series | Fall 2020 - 2020 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Second Year Medical Student Education Seminar | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Second Year Medical Student Education Seminar | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Third Year Medical Student Education Seminar | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
Residency Training
UMMC Psychology Residency, Training Faculty | 2020 - Present |
UMMC Psychiatry Residency, Training Faculty | 2020 - Present |