Nicholas W. McAfee

Nicholas W. McAfee

Affiliate Faculty



Work Phone:
(601) 984-5854


University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellowship2020
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Clinical Psychology Residency (Adult Track)2019
University of Missouri, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology2019
University of Missouri, BA, Psychology2012
University of Missouri, BA, Political Science2012

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Clinical Psychology03/2021 - Present

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry03/2021 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry07/2020 - 03/2021

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Telemental Health Needs Assessment for Mississippi Public University Students, State of Mississippi Governor's Emergency Education Response Fund06/2021 - Present
Extramural, Mental Health Outcomes of Transgender Mississippians After Receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy, Mississippi LGBTQ Health Fund01/2021 - Present
Extramural, Targeted Capacity Expansion-HIV Program: Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations at High Risk for HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration07/2020 - Present


Journal Article

Pfund RA, King SA, Forman DP, Zech JM, Ginley MK, Peter SC, McAfee NW, Witkiewitz K, & Whelan JP. Effects of cognitive-behavioral techniques for gambling on recovery defined by gambling, psychological functioning, and quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors2023
McAfee NW, Schumacher, JA, Williams DC, Madson MB, Bagge CL, Konkle-Parker D, Paul I, Houston LJ, & Young K. Multidimensional evaluation of screening brief intervention and referral to treatment training for medical students. Academic Psychiatry2023
Konkle-Parker D, Williams D, McAfee NW, Schumacher JA, & Parker J. Low-burden universal substance use screening in a primary care clinic to lower implementation barriers. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 2022; 1-11.2022
Gette JA, McKenna KR, McAfee NW, Schumacher JA, Parker JD, Konkle-Parker DJ. Cannabis-only users are less likely to accept brief interventions than other substance use profiles. American Journal on Addictions. in press.2022
Schumacher JA, Kinney KL, Morris MC, McAfee NW. Biweekly delivery of a group-based adaptation of written exposure therapy (WET) for PTSD in residential substance treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 2022.2022
McAfee NW, Schumacher JA, Madson MB, Villarosa-Hurlocker MC, Williams DC. The status of SBIRT training in health professions education: A cross-discipline review and evaluation of SBIRT curricula and educational research. Academic Medicine; in-press2022
Kinney KL, Rao U, Bailey B, Hellman N, Kelly C, McAfee NW, Morris MC. Dynamics of diurnal cortisol and alpha-amylase secretion and their associations with PTSD onset in recent interpersonal trauma survivors. Psychological Medicine. 2021; 1-112021
Pfund, R. A., Cook, J. E., McAfee, N. W., Huskinson, S. L., & Parker, J. D. Challenges to conducting contingency management treatment for substance use disorders: Practice recommendations for clinicians. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.2021
Schumacher, J. A., Williams, D. C., McAfee, N. W., Madson, M. B., & Lim C. S. Practice and dissemination of SBIRT: Integrating psychology interns into medical student education. The Behavior Therapist. 44, 90-94.2021
Pfund, R.A., Peter, S.C., Ginley, M.K., McAfee, N.W., Whelan, J.P., & Meyers, A.W. Dropout from face-to-face, multi-session psychological treatments for problem and disordered gambling: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.2020
McAfee, N.W., Martens, M.P., Herring, T.H., Takamatsu, S.K., & Foss, J.M. The efficacy of personalized feedback interventions delivered via smartphone among at-risk college student gamblers. Journal of Gambling Issues, 45, 38-63.2020
Schumacher, J.A., Coffey, S.F., Williams, D.C., Madson, M.B., & McAfee, N.W. Practice and dissemination of motivational interviewing: A psychology internship curriculum. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 14(1), 34-41.2020
Herring, T.E., Zamboanga, B.L., Olthuis, J.V., Pesigan, I.J., Martin, J.L., McAfee, N.W., & Martens, M.P. Utility of the athlete drinking scale for assessing drinking motives among high school athletes. Addictive Behaviors, 60, 18-23.2016
Martens, M. P., Herman, K. C., Takamatsu, S. K., Schmidt, L. R., Herring, T. E., Labuschagne, Z., & McAfee, N. W. An update on the status of sponsored research in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 44(4), 450-478. doi: 10.1177/00110000156262712016
Cadigan, JM, Weaver, CC, McAfee, NW, Herring, TE, & Martens, MP A confirmatory factor analysis of the protective behavioral strategies scale among OEF/OIF veterans. Addictive Behaviors. 2015; 51: 127-1302015


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, IHL telemental health needs assessment summary and proposal., Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, Oxford, MS10/2022
Invited Symposia, Legacy and leadership seminar series: Mental health., Jackson State University, Jackson, MS10/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emotional intelligence: Applications for medical education., University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS07/2022
Poster Presentation, Demographic predictors of binge drinking, drug use, and related negative consequences among people living with HIV/AIDS., Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL06/2022
Poster Presentation, Does cognitive-behavioral therapy affect non-gambling outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Portland, OR04/2022
Poster Presentation, Effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on short- and long-term gambling outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis., Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Portland, OR04/2022
Poster Presentation, The status of SBIRT training in medical education: A cross-discipline review and evaluation of SBIRT curricula and educational research., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania11/2020
Poster Presentation, Practice and dissemination of screening brief intervention and referral to treatment: Integrating psychology interns into medical student education., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania11/2020
Poster Presentation, Comparing standardized patient and expert assessment of SBIRT proficiency in third year medical students., Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana06/2020
Invited Symposia, Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for harmful substance use: The why and how., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi12/2019
Invited Symposia, Drugs, alcohol, and gambling: Methods of reducing harm with brief intervention., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi09/2019
Invited Symposia, Do less harm: Topics in addictive behavior prevention and harm reduction interventions., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi03/2019
Invited Symposia, A novel treatment of PTSD in a patient with comorbid major depressive disorder and idiopathic chronic pain., University of Mississippi Medical Center Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Jackson, Mississippi02/2019
Poster Presentation, The efficacy of personalized feedback interventions delivered via text-message., National Center for Responsible Gambling Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada09/2017
Poster Presentation, The effect of psychological intervention on physical rehabilitation outcomes: A meta-analysis., American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.08/2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Comorbid persistent depressive disorder and frontotemporal dementia: A clinical example., Clinical Staff of the Neurology Grand Rounds, Columbia, Missouri03/2017
Poster Presentation, A meta-analysis of treatment versus control in gambling interventions., National Center for Responsible Gambling Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada09/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Raising the bar: Reducing problematic Greek student alcohol use., Annual meeting of the Meeting of the Minds, Kansas City, Missouri04/2016
Poster Presentation, Alcohol use, gambling, and fraternity/sorority membership., Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas06/2015
Poster Presentation, Validating the use of the problem gambling severity index for college students: A confirmatory factor analysis., National Center for Responsible Gambling Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada09/2014
Poster Presentation, The effects of college students’ activities on alcohol use and alcohol-related problems., Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, Bellevue, Washington06/2014
Poster Presentation, Drinking motives among high school athletes., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee11/2013
Poster Presentation, Intoxicated impulsivity’s role in Greek students’ willingness to drive while intoxicated., Midwestern Psychological Association poster session, Chicago, Illinois05/2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, College student roommate drinking similarity and environmental selection effects., Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program luncheon, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri08/2011

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Scott F. Coffey, Ph.D. Grand Rounds Speakership Research Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior2019
Chief Resident - Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center2018
Integrative Behavioral Health Clinic Clinician of the Month, University of Missouri2017
Prentice Gautt Doctoral Award in Counseling Psychology Scholarship, University of Missouri2014
National Center for Responsible Gambling Conference Full Scholarship2014

Professional Membership and Service

Mississippi Psychological Association, Member
American Psychological Association, Member
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Member
Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, Member

Committee Service

Mississippi Psychological Association Legislative Committee, Member2022 - Present
UMMC Psychiatry Residency Interview Committee, Member2020 - Present
UMMC Psychology Internship Application Review Committee, Member2019 - 2019

Other Service

Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Supportive Psychotherapy SeminarAnnual 2020-Current
IMP3, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Emotional Intelligence Principles and PracticeAnnual 2021 - Current
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to SBIRT seriesFall 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Second Year Medical Student Education SeminarFall 2019 - 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Second Year Medical Student Education SeminarFall 2019 - 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Third Year Medical Student Education SeminarFall 2019 - 2019

Residency Training

UMMC Psychology Residency, Training Faculty2020 - Present
UMMC Psychiatry Residency, Training Faculty2020 - Present