Sharon A. Lobert

Sharon A. Lobert


SON-Instruction School Nursing



Vanderbilt University, PhD, Molecular Biology1989
Vanderbilt University, MSN, Nurse Practitioner1979
Tennessee State University, AD, Nursing1976
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, BA, Comparative Literature1972

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, RN

Current Positions

Associate Dean, School of Nursing04/2006 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Dean, School of Nursing09/2003 - 03/2006
MSN Program Director, School of Nursing03/2002 - 08/2003
School of Nursing, Office Of The Dean Medical School

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Statewide consortium outreach model for delivery of DNP education, HrSA07/2011 - 06/2014
Intramural, Validation of biomarkers for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, UMMC11/2009 - 10/2010
Extramural, Systems biology of antimitotic drugs and chemotherapy, carraway Foundation06/2007 - 05/2008
Extramural, Protection against neurotoxicity, Carraway Foundation07/2006 - 06/2007
Extramural, Efficacy of neuroprotective agents in myelinated neuronal cell culture, Southeastern center for emerging biologic threats07/2005 - 06/2006
Extramural, Biomarkers for aggressive lung carcinomas in African American men, DOD07/2004 - 06/2007
Extramural, Structural drug receptor changes in combination chemotherapy, Oncology Nursing Foundation05/2000 - 05/2002
Extramural, Sedimentation velocity and microtubule inhibition of vinca alkaloid analogs and tubulin, Pierre Fabre10/1998 - 04/1999
Extramural, Predictors of vinca alkaloid pharmacokinetics, NIH09/1998 - 08/2001
Extramural, Interaction of Antimitotics with Tubulin Isotypes, NIH09/1998 - 08/2001
Extramural, Dilantin enhancement of vinca alkaloid cytotoxicity, Oncology Nursing Foundation/Bristol Myers Squibb01/1998 - 12/1999
Extramural, Preclinical investigations of a novel vinca alkaloid, Pierre Fabre11/1996 - 10/1996
Extramural, Predictors of Vinca Alkaloid Pharmacokinetics, NIH09/1992 - 08/1997


Journal Article

Lobert S, Graichen ME, Hamilton RD, Pitman KT, Garrett MR, Hicks C, Koganti T, Prognostic biomarkers for HNSCC using quantitative real-time PCR and microarray analysis: β-tubulin isotypes and the p53 interactome. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.), 2014 Nov;71(11):628-372014
Lobert S, Graichen ME, Morris K, Coordinated regulation of β-tubulin isotypes and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition protein ZEB1 in breast cancer cells. Biochemistry, 2013 Aug 13;52(32):5482-902013
Lobert S, Jefferson B, Morris K, Regulation of β-tubulin isotypes by micro-RNA 100 in MCF7 breast cancer cells. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.), 2011 Jun;68(6):355-622011
Aggarwal A, Kruczynski A, Frankfurter A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Murine leukemia P388 vinorelbine-resistant cell lines are sensitive to vinflunine. Investigational new drugs, 2008 Aug;26(4):319-302008
Lobert S, Puozzo C, Pharmacokinetics, metabolites, and preclinical safety of vinflunine. Seminars in oncology, 2008 Jun;35(3 Suppl 3):S28-332008
Jordan MA, Horwitz SB, Lobert S, Correia JJ, Exploring the mechanisms of action of the novel microtubule inhibitor vinflunine. Seminars in oncology, 2008 Jun;35(3 Suppl 3):S6-S122008
Cucchiarelli V, Hiser L, Smith H, Frankfurter A, Spano A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Beta-tubulin isotype classes II and V expression patterns in nonsmall cell lung carcinomas. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 2008 Aug;65(8):675-852008
Hiser L, Herrington B, Lobert S, Effect of noscapine and vincristine combination on demyelination and cell proliferation in vitro. Leukemia & lymphoma, 2008 Aug;49(8):1603-92008
Lobert S, Ingram JW, Correia JJ, The thermodynamics of vinca alkaloid-induced tubulin spirals formation. Biophysical chemistry, 2007 Mar;126(1-3):50-82007
Hiser L, Aggarwal A, Young R, Frankfurter A, Spano A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Comparison of beta-tubulin mRNA and protein levels in 12 human cancer cell lines. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 2006 Jan;63(1):41-522006
Waltman PA, Brewer JM, Lobert S, Thyroid storm during pregnancy. A medical emergency. Critical care nurse, 2004 Apr;24(2):74-92004
Martin T, Lobert S, Chemical warfare. Toxicity of nerve agents. Critical care nurse, 2003 Oct;23(5):15-20; quiz 21-22003
Chatterjee SK, Laffray J, Patel P, Ravindra R, Qin Y, Kuehne ME, Bane SL, Interaction of tubulin with a new fluorescent analogue of vinblastine. Biochemistry, 2002 Nov 26;41(47):14010-82002
Correia JJ, Lobert S, Physiochemical aspects of tubulin-interacting antimitotic drugs. Current pharmaceutical design, 2001 Sep;7(13):1213-282001
Lobert S, Fahy J, Hill BT, Duflos A, Etievant C, Correia JJ, Vinca alkaloid-induced tubulin spiral formation correlates with cytotoxicity in the leukemic L1210 cell line. Biochemistry, 2000 Oct 3;39(39):12053-622000
Lobert S, Ingram JW, Correia JJ, Additivity of dilantin and vinblastine inhibitory effects on microtubule assembly. Cancer research, 1999 Oct 1;59(19):4816-221999
Lobert S, Ingram JW, Hill BT, Correia JJ, A comparison of thermodynamic parameters for vinorelbine- and vinflunine-induced tubulin self-association by sedimentation velocity. Molecular pharmacology, 1998 May;53(5):908-151998
Lobert S, Boyd CA, Correia JJ, Divalent cation and ionic strength effects on Vinca alkaloid-induced tubulin self-association. Biophysical journal, 1997 Jan;72(1):416-271997
Lobert S, Neurotoxicity in cancer chemotherapy: vinca alkaloids. Critical care nurse, 1997 Aug;17(4):71-91997
Vulevic B, Lobert S, Correia JJ, Role of guanine nucleotides in the vinblastine-induced self-association of tubulin: effects of guanosine alpha,beta-methylenetriphosphate and guanosine alpha,beta-methylenediphosphate. Biochemistry, 1997 Oct 21;36(42):12828-351997
Lobert S, Vulevic B, Correia JJ, Interaction of vinca alkaloids with tubulin: a comparison of vinblastine, vincristine, and vinorelbine. Biochemistry, 1996 May 28;35(21):6806-141996
Andréoletti L, Hober D, Belaich S, Lobert PE, Dewilde A, Wattré P, Rapid detection of enterovirus in clinical specimens using PCR and microwell capture hybridization assay. Journal of virological methods, 1996 Oct;62(1):1-101996
Lobert S, Frankfurter A, Correia JJ, Binding of vinblastine to phosphocellulose-purified and alpha beta-class III tubulin: the role of nucleotides and beta-tubulin isotypes. Biochemistry, 1995 Jun 27;34(25):8050-601995
Lobert S, Correia JJ, Method for rapid electrophoretic transfer of isoelectric focusing gels to polyvinylidene difluoride. Electrophoresis, 1994 Jul;15(7):930-11994
Correia JJ, Lipscomb LD, Dabrowiak JC, Isern N, Zubieta J, Cleavage of tubulin by vanadate ion. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 1994 Feb 15;309(1):94-1041994
Lobert S, Isern N, Hennington BS, Correia JJ, Interaction of tubulin and microtubule proteins with vanadate oligomers. Biochemistry, 1994 May 24;33(20):6244-521994
Correia JJ, Lipscomb LD, Lobert S, Nondisulfide crosslinking and chemical cleavage of tubulin subunits: pH and temperature dependence. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 1993 Jan;300(1):105-141993
Lobert S, Correia JJ, Antimitotics in cancer chemotherapy. Cancer nursing, 1992 Feb;15(1):22-331992
Lobert S, Correia JJ, Subtilisin cleavage of tubulin heterodimers and polymers. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 1992 Jul;296(1):152-601992
Lobert S, Correia JJ, Studies of crystallization conditions for native and subtilisin-cleaved pig brain tubulin. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 1991 Oct;290(1):93-1021991
Lobert S, Stubbs G, Fiber diffraction analysis of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus using limited numbers of heavy-atom derivatives. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography, 1990 Dec 1;46 ( Pt 12):993-71990
Lobert S, Heil PD, Namba K, Stubbs G, Preliminary X-ray fiber diffraction studies of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, watermelon strain. Journal of molecular biology, 1987 Aug 20;196(4):935-81987
Lobert S, Correia JJ, Energetics of vinca alkaloid interactions with tubulin. Methods in enzymology, 2000;323:77-103
Dozier JH, Hiser L, Davis JA, Thomas NS, Tucci MA, Benghuzzi HA, Frankfurter A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Beta class II tubulin predominates in normal and tumor breast tissues. Breast cancer research : BCR, 2003;5(5):R157-69
Lobert S, Correia JJ, Methods for studying vinca alkaloid interactions with tubulin. Methods in molecular medicine, 2007;137:261-80
Lobert S, Hiser L, Correia JJ, Expression profiling of tubulin isotypes and microtubule-interacting proteins using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Methods in cell biology, 2010;95:47-58
Lobert S, Graichen ME, Regulation of tubulin expression by micro-RNAs: implications for drug resistance. Methods in cell biology, 2013;115:63-74
Lobert S, Hennington BS, Correia JJ, Multiple sites for subtilisin cleavage of tubulin: effects of divalent cations. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 1993;25(3):282-97
Lobert S, Frankfurter A, Correia JJ, Energetics of vinca alkaloid interactions with tubulin isotypes: implications for drug efficacy and toxicity. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 1998;39(2):107-21

Clinical Trial

Mitchell A, Stevens B, Mungan N, Johnson W, Lobert S, Boss B, Analgesic effects of oral sucrose and pacifier during eye examinations for retinopathy of prematurity. Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 2004 Dec;5(4):160-82004


Poster Presentation, Paclitaxel treatment of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells stabilizes cytoplasmic p27Kip1 and reduces total intracellular stathmin, American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco, CA12/2016
Poster Presentation, Effect of low dose paclitaxel treatment on β-tubulin isotype distribution and non-tubulin targets in breast cancer cells, International Meeting on Microtubules/EMBL, Heidelberg Germany05/2016
Poster Presentation, Low dose paclitaxel increases the tability of p27kip1, AACR-NCI-EORTC, Boston MA11/2015
Poster Presentation, Prognostic biomarkers for HNSCC: β-tubulin isotypes and the p53 interactome, ASCB, Philadelphia12/2014
Poster Presentation, Paclitaxel induces changes in beta tubulin isotypes and epithelial to mesenchymal transition protein ZEB1 in breast cancer cells, American Society for Cell Biology12/2013