Laree M. Hiser

Laree M. Hiser

Associate Professor

SON-Instruction School Nursing


Work Phone:
(601) 984-6247


University of California, Berkeley, PhD, Biochemistry1994
Texas A&M University, College Station, BS, Biochemistry1987

Current Positions

Associate Professor, School of Nursing07/2009 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Nursing07/2006 - 06/2009
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Nursing07/2004 - 06/2006
Senior Research Associate, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Nursing11/2002 - 06/2004
Senior Research Associate, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences07/1998 - 10/2002
Adjunct Instructor, Tougaloo College08/1996 - 12/1996
Research Associate, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences01/1996 - 06/1998
Teaching Assistant, University of California, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences1989 - 05/1990
Research Assistant, Texas A&M University09/1986 - 05/1987
School of Nursing, Department of Instruction School Of Nursing

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Noscapine and Vincristine: The Perfect Pair?, Hyundai Hope on Wheels12/2010 - 11/2011
Intramural, Preclinical Investigation of Protectants Against Demyelination and Neuropathy, UMMC IRSP05/2009 - 04/2010
Intramural, Protection against vincristine-induced neurotoxicity: In vitro and in mice, School of Nursing11/2007 - 06/2008
Extramural, Prevention of Toxic Effects of Chemotherapy, Charles Morgan Carraway and Joanne M Carraway Charitable Foundation08/2006 - 07/2007
Extramural, Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Neurotoxicity, American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant03/2006 - 02/2007
Extramural, Efficacy of Neuroprotective Agents in a Myelinated Neuronal Cell Culture, Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats08/2005 - 07/2006
Intramural, Affymetrix DNA Microarray Analysis to Identify Genes Regulated in Response to Demyelination, UMMC School of Nursing01/2005 - 06/2005
Intramural, Differential Gene Expression in Myelinated and Demyelinated Neuronal Cultures Derived from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, UMMC School of Nursing09/2003 - 06/2004
Extramural, Biomarkers for aggressive lung carcinomas in African American Men, MD Anderson07/2003 - 06/2006
Intramural, Neuronal Cell Culture Model for Studying Demyelination, School of Nursing02/2003 - 06/2003


Journal Article

Hiser L, Herrington B, Lobert S, Effect of noscapine and vincristine combination on demyelination and cell proliferation in vitro. Leukemia & lymphoma, 2008 Aug;49(8):1603-92008
Cucchiarelli V, Hiser L, Smith H, Frankfurter A, Spano A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Beta-tubulin isotype classes II and V expression patterns in nonsmall cell lung carcinomas. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 2008 Aug;65(8):675-852008
Hiser L, Aggarwal A, Young R, Frankfurter A, Spano A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Comparison of beta-tubulin mRNA and protein levels in 12 human cancer cell lines. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 2006 Jan;63(1):41-522006
Hiser L, Hosler JP, Heme A is not essential for assembly of the subunits of cytochrome c oxidase of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The Journal of biological chemistry, 2001 Nov 30;276(48):45403-72001
Bratton MR, Hiser L, Antholine WE, Hoganson C, Hosler JP, Identification of the structural subunits required for formation of the metal centers in subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Biochemistry, 2000 Oct 24;39(42):12989-952000
Hiser L, Di Valentin M, Hamer AG, Hosler JP, Cox11p is required for stable formation of the Cu(B) and magnesium centers of cytochrome c oxidase. The Journal of biological chemistry, 2000 Jan 7;275(1):619-232000
Hiser L, Basson ME, Rine J, ERG10 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. The Journal of biological chemistry, 1994 Dec 16;269(50):31383-91994
Lobert S, Hiser L, Correia JJ, Expression profiling of tubulin isotypes and microtubule-interacting proteins using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Methods in cell biology, 2010;95:47-58
Dozier JH, Hiser L, Davis JA, Thomas NS, Tucci MA, Benghuzzi HA, Frankfurter A, Correia JJ, Lobert S, Beta class II tubulin predominates in normal and tumor breast tissues. Breast cancer research : BCR, 2003;5(5):R157-69

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Norman C. Nelson Order Teaching Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center2011
Norman C. Nelson Order Teaching Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center2009
UMMC Leadership Development Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center2007
Graduate Faculty Appointment, UMMC School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences2006
Graduate Fellow, National Science Foundation1988
National Research Service Award, Public Health Service1987
University Undergraduate Fellow, Texas A&M University Honors Program1986
Lechner Fellow, Texas A&M University1984
National Merit Scholar1984
Phi Lambda Upsilon, Honorary Chemical Society
Beta Beta Beta, Biological Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi induction
Phi Beta Kappa induction

Professional Membership and Service

ASCCP2019 - Present
American Association for Cancer Research, Member2007 - Present
Society for Neuroscience, Member2005 - Present
American Society for Cell Biology, Member2003 - 2009
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Member1999 - 2009
Sigma Xi, Member1998 - 2006
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Member1998 - 2003
Phi Eta Sigma, Officer, Other Officer1984 - 1985

Committee Service

Research Working Group, Dept. of Psychiatry & Human Behavior, Task Force Member2013 - 2013
Communication Implementation Team, Task Force Member2011 - 2012
Institutional Research Support Program IRG, Member2010 - 2012
Brain Awareness Week, Member2009 - 2009
Randall Awards Selection Committee, Member2009 - 2009
Multicultural Affairs Committee, Member2007 - 2013
American Cancer Society IRG Committee, Member2007 - 2009

Community Service

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Mississippi-Alabama Chapter, Leadership Board member2009 - Present
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Mississippi Division of All-America Chapter, Leadership Board member2008 - 12/2009

Teaching Experience

NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2024 - 2024
N632, Nursing, Course, Section Instructor, Discipline of NursingFall 2023 - 2023
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2023 - 2023
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2022 - 2022
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2021 - 2021
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2020 - 2020
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2019 - 2019
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2019 - 2019
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2018 - 2018
N633, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2018 - 2018
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2018 - 2018
Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Writing for ProposalsSummer 2017
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2017 - 2017
PHN 733, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2017 - 2017
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeFall 2017 - 2017
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2017 - 2017
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2017 - 2017
PHN 701, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Seminar/Journal ClubSpring 2017 - 2017
PHN 737, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2016 - 2016
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2016 - 2016
PHN 733, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2016 - 2016
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2016 - 2016
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeFall 2016 - 2016
N304, Nursing, Lecture, Grader, Introduction to Professional Nursing and Evidence Based PracticeFall 2016 - 2016
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2016 - 2016
N413-1, Nursing, Course, Facilitator, Health & Illness across the Lifespan ISpring 2016 - 2016
PHN 701, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Seminar/Journal ClubFall 2016 - 2016
N304, Nursing, Course, Grader, Introduction to Professional Nursing and Evidenced Based PracticeFall 2016 - 2016
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeFall 2016 - 2016
PHN 737, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2015 - 2015
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubSpring 2015 - 2015
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2015 - 2015
PHN 733, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2015 - 2015
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeFall 2015 - 2015
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2015 - 2015
N322, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Strategies for SuccessSummer 2015 - 2015
N304, Nursing, Lecture, Grader, Introduction to Professional Nursing and Evidence Based PracticeFall 2015 - 2015
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2015 - 2015
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubSpring 2015 - 2015
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2014 - 2014
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubSpring 2014 - 2014
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubFall 2014 - 2014
NSCI 701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Foundations in Neuroscience - Section of Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2014 - 2014
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2014 - 2014
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeFall 2014 - 2014
N428, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Nursing ResearchFall 2014 - 2015
N320, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Individualized StudyFall 2014 - 2014
N304, Nursing, Lecture, Grader, Introduction to Professional Nursing and Evidence Based PracticeFall 2014 - 2014
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2014 - 2014
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2013 - 2013
NSCI 704, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2013 - 2013
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubSpring 2013 - 2013
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubFall 2013 - 2013
N633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Design and Methods for Advanced Nursing PracticeSpring 2013 - 2013
N428, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Nursing ResearchFall 2013 - 2014
N320, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Individualized StudyFall 2013 - 2013
N320, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Individualized StudySpring 2013 - 2013
N304, Nursing, Lecture, Grader, Introduction to Professional Nursing and Evidence Based PracticeFall 2013 - 2013
N637, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologySpring 2013 - 2013
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2012 - 2012
NSCI 704, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2012 - 2012
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubSpring 2012 - 2012
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Neuroscience Journal ClubFall 2012 - 2012
N428, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Nursing ResearchFall 2012 - 2013
N637-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology IISpring 2012 - 2012
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2011 - 2011
NSCI 704, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2011 - 2011
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Facilitator, Neuroscience Journal ClubSpring 2011 - 2011
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Facilitator, Neuroscience Journal ClubFall 2011 - 2011
N637-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology IISpring 2011 - 2011
N637-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologyFall 2011 - 2011
Pharm 653, Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Special TopicsFall 2010 - 2010
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, PathophysiologySummer 2010 - 2010
NSCI 704, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Developmental NeuroscienceSpring 2010 - 2010
NSCI 720, Graduate, Course, Facilitator, Neuroscience Journal ClubFall 2010 - 2010
N666-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsSpring 2010 - 2010
N524, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Portal to Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology/PharmacologySummer 2010 - 2010
N637-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologyFall 2010 - 2010
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, PathophysiologySummer 2009 - 2009
N666-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsSpring 2009 - 2009
N666-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2009 - 2009
N637-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologyFall 2009 - 2009
PHN 708, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Quantitative Research DesignsSpring 2008 - 2008
N407, Nursing, Course, Course Director, PathophysiologySummer 2008 - 2008
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, PathophysiologySummer 2008 - 2008
N666-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsSpring 2008 - 2008
N666-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2008 - 2008
N637-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologyFall 2008 - 2008
SHRP, Lab, Lab Presenter, Molecular DiagnosticsSpring 2007
PHN 708, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Quantitative Research DesignsSpring 2007 - 2007
N407, Nursing, Course, Course Director, PathophysiologySummer 2007 - 2007
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Director, PathophysiologySummer 2007 - 2007
N303, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Introduction to PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2007 - 3007
N666-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2007 - 2007
N666, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsSpring 2007 - 2007
N637-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology IISpring 2007 - 2007
N637-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologyFall 2007 - 2007
SHRP, Lab, Lab Presenter, Molecular DiagnosticsSummer 2006
PHN 708, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Quantitative Research DesignsSpring 2006 - 2006
N407, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2006 - 2006
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2006 - 2006
N303, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Introduction to PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2006 - 2006
N666, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsSpring 2006 - 2006
N637-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology IISpring 2006 - 2006
N637-1, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/PathophysiologyFall 2006 - 2006
N637-3, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology IIISummer 2006 - 2006
PHN 701, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Seminar/Journal ClubAnnual 2006
SHRP, Lab, Lab Presenter, Molecular DiagnosticsSummer 2005
N407, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2005 - 2005
N307, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, PathophysiologySummer 2005 - 2005
N303, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Introduction to PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2005 - 2005
N666, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Clinical PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2005 - 2005
N637-2, Nursing, Lecture, Course Presenter, Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology IISpring 2005 - 2005
N303, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Introduction to PharmacotherapeuticsFall 2004 - 2004

Directed Student Learning

2013 - 2015

Fellows supervised

Pediatrics, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised07/2007 - 06/2010