Robert L. Hester, PhD
SOM-Physiology & Biophysics
Work Phone:
(601) 984-1816
University Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Biomedical Engineering | 1982 |
Mississippi State University, Mechanical Engineering | 1976 |
Mississippi State University, BS, Biological Engineering | 1975 |
Current Positions
Department Chair, School of Population Health | 10/2017 - Present |
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics | 07/2000 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics | 1993 - 2000 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics | 1985 - 1993 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia, School of , Department of Physiology | 1982 - 1985 |
Research Assistant, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics | 1982 - 1982 |
Teaching Assistant, Mississippi State University, School of , Department of Mechanical Engineering | 1975 - 1976 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, Hearin Foundation: Sycamore: A Real-Time Simulation for Continuity of Care Training 2019-2021 | 01/2019 - 01/2021 |
Extramural, A Computer Model of Renal Physiology for use as a FDA Medical Device Development Tool” SBIR Phase II., FDA | 01/2018 - 01/2019 |
Extramural, SBIR Phase 1: A Computer Model of Renal Physiology for use as a FDA Medical Device Development Tool, FDA | 01/2016 - 01/2017 |
Extramural, Cardiovascular Dynamics and Their Control, NIH | 01/2014 - 01/2019 |
Extramural, The role hyperglycemia-mediated oxidative stress in the development of acute kidney injury after orthopaedic trauma in obese Zucker rats | 01/2014 - 12/2015 |
Extramural, Collaborative Research: Batteryless Implantable Wireless Telemetry, NSF | 09/2012 - 08/2015 |
Extramural, Silu Lu, AHA, Southeast Consortium | 01/2012 - 01/2014 |
Extramural, Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence, NIH | 01/2010 - 12/2015 |
Extramural, DigitalLung: A Dynamic Multiscale Model of Respiration and Particle Deposition, NIH | 01/2010 - 12/2015 |
Extramural, A Virtual Patient integration with a mathematical physiology engine, NIH | 12/2009 - 11/2010 |
Extramural, Modeling and Simulation of complex systems, NSF | 09/2009 - 08/2014 |
Extramural, Microcirculation in Health and Disease, NIH | 05/2009 - 04/2013 |
Extramural, Research Infrastructure Development Program, NASA | 05/2009 - 04/2010 |
Extramural, EPSCoR: Modeling and Simulation of complex systems, National Science Foundation | 01/2009 - 01/2016 |
Extramural, Cardiovascular dynamics and their control, NIH | 01/2008 - 01/2013 |
Extramural, EPSCoR: Improving computational infrastructure, NSF | 03/2006 - 02/2009 |
Extramural, Jay Naik, NRSA | 01/2005 - 01/2008 |
Extramural, Jay Naik, AHA, Southeast Consortium, returned to AHA | 01/2005 - 01/2007 |
Extramural, Lusha Xiang, AHA, Southeast Consortium | 01/2005 - 01/2007 |
Extramural, Cardiovascular Dynamics and Their Control, NIH | 01/2004 - 12/2009 |
Extramural, Metabolic control of blood flow, NIH | 07/2001 - 06/2006 |
Extramural, Jaehwa Choi, AHA, Southeast Consortium | 01/2001 - 01/2002 |
Extramural, Leah Hammer, The role of ATP in metabolic regularion of blood flow, AHA, Southeast Consortium | 01/2000 - 01/2002 |
Extramural, Role of sex hormones on the neointimal growth following increased flow rate, Kidney Care Foundation | 01/1999 - 01/2000 |
Extramural, Cardiovascular dynamics and their control, NIH | 01/1999 - 01/2004 |
Extramural, Cardiovascular dynamics and their control, NIH | 01/1999 - 01/1999 |
Extramural, Venular-arteriolar communication in the regulation of blood flow, AHA | 01/1998 - 01/2000 |
Extramural, Regularion of vasodilator release from venular endothelial cells by PO2: a mechanism for local control of blood flow, AHA (MS) | 01/1998 - 01/2000 |
Extramural, UMMC director of Toyota Tapestry grant program 1995, Toyota | 01/1995 - 01/1995 |
Extramural, Mary McKay, Venular-arteriolar communication in the microcirculation, AHA, Southeast consortium, returned to AHA | 01/1995 - 01/1998 |
Extramural, Mary McKay, NRSA | 01/1995 - 01/1998 |
Extramural, Endothelial derived nitric oide and vascular control, AHA | 01/1993 - 01/1996 |
Extramural, Venular-arteriolar communication in the microcirculation, NIH | 01/1990 - 01/1995 |
Extramural, Cardiovascular dynamics and their control, NIH | 01/1988 - 01/1993 |
Extramural, Measurement of single red ccell hemoglobin saturation, AHA(MS) | 01/1987 - 01/1989 |
Symposium | |
Wu K, Chen J, Pruett WA, Hester RL HumMod Browser: An exploratory visualization tool for the analysis of whole-body physiology simulation data. IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization | 2013 |
World Conference | |
Hester, RL, Summers RL, liescu R, Ester J, Coleman TG DigitalHuman (DH): An Integrative model of Human Physiology NASA/CP-2010-216205 MODSIM World Conference, p129-134 | 2010 |
Journal Article | |
Pruett WA, Clemmer JS, Hester RL Physiological Modeling and Simulation-Validation, Credibility, and Application. Annual Reviews Biomedical Engineering. 2020 Jun 4;22:185-206. doi: 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-082219-051740. PMID: 32501771 | 2020 |
Xiang L, Thompson MS, Clemmer JS, Mittwede PN, Khan T, Hester R.L. Early treatment with GLP-1 after severe trauma preserves renal function in obese Zucker rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2019 May 1;316(5):R621-R627. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00312.2018. Epub 2019 Feb 27. PMID: 30811247 | 2019 |
Hester R.L., Pruett W, Clemmer J, Ruckdeschel A. Simulation of integrative physiology for medical education. Morphologie. 2019 Sep 25. pii: S1286-0115(19)30055-4. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2019.09.004. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31563456 | 2019 |
Clemmer JS, Pruett WA, Hester R.L., Lohmeier TE. Preeminent Role of the Cardiorenal Axis in the Antihypertensive Response to an Arteriovenous Fistula: An In Silico Analysis. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Aug 30. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00354.2019. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31469293 | 2019 |
Clemmer JS, Faulkner JL, Mullen AJ, Butler KR, Hester R.L. Sex-specific responses to mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism in hypertensive African American males and females. Biol Sex Differ. 2019 May 9;10(1):24. doi: 10.1186/s13293-019-0238-6.PMID: 31072402 | 2019 |
Sims CR 3rd, Delima LR, Calimaran A, Hester R, Pruett WA. Validating the Physiologic Model HumMod as a Substitute for Clinical Trials Involving Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution. Anesth Analg. 2018 Jan;126(1):93-101. PMID: 28863020 | 2018 |
Clemmer JS, Pruett WA, Hester R.L., Iliescu R, Lohmeier TE. Role of the Heart in Blood Pressure Lowering During Chronic Baroreflex Activation: Insight from an in Silico Analysis. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 Jul 13. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00302.2018 | 2018 |
Clemmer JS, Hester R.L., Pruett WA. Simulating a virtual population's sensitivity to salt and uninephrectomy. Interface Focus. 2018 Feb 6;8(1):20160134.PMID: 29285341 | 2017 |
Zucker IH, Lindsey ML, Delmar M, De Windt LJ, Des Rosiers C, Diz DI, Hester R.L., Jones SP, Kanagy NL, Kitakaze M, Liao R, Lopaschuk GD, Patel KP, Recchia FA, Sadoshima J, Shah AM, Ungvari Z, Benjamin IJ, Blaustein MP, Charkoudian N, Efimov IR, Gutterman D, Kass DA, Liao Y, O'Leary DS, Ripplinger CM, Wolin MS Why publish in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology? Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2017 Aug 1;313(2):H221-H223. | 2017 |
Clemmer JS, Pruett WA, Coleman TG, Hall JE, Hester R.L. Mechanisms of blood pressure salt sensitivity: New insights from mathematical modeling. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2017 Apr 1;312(4):R451-R466.PMID: 27974315 | 2017 |
Blair ET, Clemmer JS, Harkey HL, Hester R.L., Pruett WA. Physiological Mechanisms of Water and Electrolyte Disturbances Following Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery. World Neurosurg. 2017 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28797976 | 2017 |
Drummond HA, Xiang L, Chade AR, Hester R. Enhanced maximal exercise capacity, vasodilation to electrical muscle contraction, and hind limb vascular density in ASIC1a null mice. Physiol Rep. 2017 Aug;5(15). doi: 10.14814/phy2.13368. PMID: 28784852 | 2017 |
Aru RG, Songcharoen SJ, Seals SR, Arnold PB, Hester R.L., Microcirculatory Effects of Botulinum Toxin A in the Rat: Acute and Chronic Vasodilation. Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Jul;79(1):82-85. PMID: 28509693 | 2017 |
Clemmer JS, Xiang L, Lu S, Mittwede PN, Hester R.L. Hyperglycemia-Mediated Oxidative Stress Increases Pulmonary Vascular Permeability. Microcirculation. 2016 Apr;23(3):221-9. doi: 10.1111/micc.12267. PMID: 26749564 | 2016 |
Pruett WA, Clemmer JS, Hester R.L. Validation of an integrative mathematical model of dehydration and rehydration in virtual humans, Physiol Rep. 2016 Nov;4(22). pii: e13015. PMID: 27899683 | 2016 |
Barnes SL, Bukoski A, Kerby JD, Llerena L, Armstrong JH, Strayhorn C and University of Missouri Combat Casualty Training Consortium. Live tissue versus simulation training for emergency procedures: Is simulation ready to replace live tissue? Surgery. 2016 Oct;160(4):997-1007. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2016.04.044. PMID: 27506866 | 2016 |
Pruett WA, Hester R.L., The Creation of Surrogate Models for Fast Estimation of Complex Model Outcomes. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 3;11(6):e0156574. PMID: 27258010 | 2016 |
Zhang, Song, Pruett, WA, and Hester R. "Visualization and classification of physiological failure modes in ensemble hemorrhage simulation", Proc. SPIE 9397, Visualization and Data Analysis 2015, February 8, 2015, San Francisco, CA; doi:10.1117/12.2080136; | 2015 |
Hester R.L., Pruett WA. Use of Computer Simulations to Understand Female Physiology: Where's the Data? Physiology (Bethesda). 2015 Nov;30(6):404-5. | 2015 |
Lerant AA, Hester R.L., Coleman TG, Phillips WJ, Orledge JD, Murray WB. Preventing and Treating Hypoxia: Using a Physiology Simulator to Demonstrate the Value of Pre-Oxygenation and the Futility of Hyperventilation. Int J Med Sci. 2015 Jul 23;12(8):625-32. | 2015 |
Xiang L, Mittwede PN, Hester R.L. Comment on Sato et al. Improving Type 2 Diabetes Through a Distinct Adrenergic Signaling Pathway Involving mTORC2 That Mediates Glucose Uptake in Skeletal Muscle. Diabetes 2014;63:4115-4129. Diabetes. 2014 Dec;63(12):e20-1. doi: 10.2337/db14-1187. | 2014 |
Clemmer JS, Xiang L, Lu S, Mittwede PN, Hester R.L. β2-adrenergic regulation of stress hyperglycemia following hemorrhage in the obese Zucker rat. Physiol Rep. 2014 Dec 3;2(12). PMID: 25472607 | 2014 |
Lu S, Xiang L, Clemmer JS, Mittwede PN, Hester RL Oxidative stress increases pulmonary vascular permeability in diabetic rats through activation of transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) channels. Microcirculation. 2014; epub ahead of print | 2014 |
Xiang L, Lu S, Mittwede P, Clemmer J, Husband GW, Hester RL B2 adrenoreceptor blockade improves early post-trauma hyperglycemia and pulmonary injury in obese rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014; epub ahead of print | 2014 |
Xiang L, Lu S, Mittwede PN, Clemmer JS, Hester RL Inhibitiion of NADPH oxidase prevents acute lung injury in obese rats following severe trauma Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014; Mar;306(5):H684-9 | 2014 |
Pruett, W, Husband LD and Hester R.L. A Decision Support System Predicting Imminent Cardiovascular Shock. Paper # 14343 IITSEC Conference 2014 | 2014 |
Karaaslan F, Denizhan Y, Hester RL A mathematical model of long-term renal sympathic nerve activity inhibition during an increase in sodium intake Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2014;306(4):R234:47 | 2013 |
Lu S, Xiang L, Clemmer J, Gowdey A, Mittwede P Hester R Impaired vascular KATP function attenuates exercise capacity in obese Zucker rats Microcirculation. 2013;Oct;20(7):62-9 | 2013 |
Pruett WA, Husband L, Husband G, Dakhlalla M, Bellamy K, Coleman T, Hester RL A population model of integrative cardiovascular physiology PLOS One. 2013 Sept13;8(9):e74329 | 2013 |
Pruett WA, Hester RL, Coleman TG The apparent hysteresis in hormone-agonist relationships. J Theor Biol. 2012 Mar 7; 296:1-5... | 2012 |
Xiang L, Lu S, Fuller W, Aneja A, Russell GV, Jones LB, Hester RL Impaired blood pressure recovery to hemorrhage in obese Zucker rats with orthopedic trauma. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012;302(1):H340-8. | 2012 |
Walters DK, Burgreen GW, Lavallee DM, Thompson DS, Hester RL Efficient, physiologically resalistic lung airflow simulations. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2011 Oct; 58(10): 3016-9. | 2011 |
Sebai M, Lu S, Xiang L, Hester RL Improved functional vasodilation in obese Zucker rats following exercise training. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2011; 301 (3) : H1090-6. | 2011 |
Sebai ME, Xiang L, Jones EK, Hester RL Exercise training improves insulin resistance and the functional vasodilatation in non-exercising muscle in obese Zucker rats. FASEB J. 2011; 25:814.3. | 2011 |
Hester RL, Brown AJ, Husband L, Iliescu R, Pruett D, Summers R, Coleman TG HumMod: A Modeling Environment for the Simulation of Integrative Human Physiology. Front Physiol. 2011; 2:12. | 2011 |
Hester RL, Iliescu R, Summers RL, Coleman TG Systems Biology and Integrative Physiological Modeling J Physiol. 2011 589(Pt 5):1053-1060 | 2011 |
Xiang L, Hester RL, Fuller WL, Sebai ME, Mittwede PN, Jones EK, Aneja A, Russell GV Orthopedic trauma-induced pulmonary injury in the obese Zucker rat Microcirculation. 2010 Nov;17(8):650-9 | 2010 |
Burgreen GW, Hester R, Soni B, Thompson D, Walters DK, Walters K Digital Lung: Application of high-performance computing to biological system simulation. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2010; 680:573-584 | 2010 |
Hodnett BL, Dearman JA, Carter CB, Hester RL Attenuated PGI2 synthesis in obese Zucker rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2009 296(3):R715-721 | 2009 |
Summers RL, Ward KR, Witten T, Convertino VA, Ryan KL, Coleman TG, Hester RL Validation of a computational platform for the analysis of the physiologic mechanisms of a human experimental model of hemorrhage Resuscitation. 2009;80:1405-10. | 2009 |
Xiang L, Hester RL Adipocyte-derived factor reduces vasodilatory capability in ob-?ob-mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2009; 297(2): H689-95. | 2009 |
Xiang L, Dearman J, Abram SR, Carter C, Hester RL Insulin resistance and impaired functional vasodilation in obese Zucker rats Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008: 294(4), H 1658-1666 | 2008 |
Hodnett BL, Xiang L, Dearman JA, Carter CB, Hester RL Katp-mediated vasodilation is impaired in obese Zucker rats Microcirculation. 2008: 15(6), 485-494 | 2008 |
Naik JS, Xiang L, Hodnett BL, Hester RL alpha-adrenergic-mediated vasoconstriction is not involved in the impraired functional vasodilation in the obese Zucker rat Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2008; 35(5-6), 611-616 | 2008 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Hester RL Functional vasodilation in the rat spinotrapezius muscle: role of nitric oxide, prosanoids and ETTs Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2008; 35(5-6): 617-624 | 2008 |
Abram SR, Hodnett BL, Summers RL, Coleman TG, Hester RL Quantitative Circulatory Physiology: an integrative mathematical model of human physiology for medical education. Adv Physiol Educ 2007 31(2):202-210 | 2007 |
Shoook MM, Gilbert JS, Sedeek MH, Huang M, Hester RL, Granger JP Systemic hemodynamic and regional blood flow changes in response to chronic reductions in uterine perfusion pressure in pregnant rats Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007; 293(4), H2080-H2084 | 2007 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Abram SR, Hester RL Chronic hyperglycemia impairs functional vasodilation via increasing thromboxane-receptor-mediated vasoconstriction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007;292(1):H231-6. | 2007 |
Dorsett-Martin W, Hester RL Sex Hormones and Aortic Wall Remodeling in an Arteriovenous Fistula Gender Medicine. 2007; 4: 157-169 | 2007 |
Hodnett BL, Hester RL. Regulation of Muscle Blood Flow in Obesity Microcirculation. 2007; 14: 273-288 | 2007 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Hodnett BL, Hester RL. Altered Arachidonic Acid Metabolism Impairs Functional Vasodilation in Metabolic Syndrome. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2006 Jan;290(1):R134-8. | 2006 |
Naik JS, Xiang L, Hester RL Enhanced role for RhoA-associated kinase in adrenergic-mediated vasoconstriction in gracilis arteries from obese Zucker rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2006 Jan;290(1):R154-61. | 2006 |
Cain ML, Hester RL, Izevbigie EB Related Articles, Links Ethanol abrogates Angiotensin II-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell growth. Med Sci Monit. 2006 Apr 25;12(5):BR162-168 | 2006 |
Xiang L, Naik J, Hester RL Exercise-induced increase in skeletal muscle vasodilatory responses in Obese Zucker rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 288(4):R987-91, 2005 | 2005 |
Hammer LW, Overstreet CR, Choi J, Hester RL ATP stimulates the release of prostacyclin from perfused veins isolated from the hamster hindlimb. Am.J.Physiol.Regul.Integr.Comp.Physiol. 2003; 285:R193-R199. | 2003 |
Hester RL, Hammer LW Venular-arteriolar communication in the regulation of blood flow. Am.J.Physiol.Regul.Integr.Comp.Physiol. 2002; 282 (5):R1280-R1285. | 2002 |
Hester RL, Choi J Blood flow control during exercise: role for the venular endothelium. Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews. 2002; 30(4): 147-151. | 2002 |
Choi J, Hammer LW, Hester RL Calcium-dependent synthesis of prostacyclin in ATP-stimulated venous endothelial cells. Hypertension. 2002; 39(2):581-5. | 2002 |
Hammer LW, Ligon AL, Hester RL ATP-mediated release of arachidonic acid metabolites from venular endothelium causes arteriolar dilation. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ Physiol. 2001; 280 H2616-H2622. | 2001 |
Hammer LW, Ligon AL, Hester RL Differential inhibition of functional dilation of small arterioles by indomethacin and glibenclamide. Hypertension. 2001; 37(2):599-603. | 2001 |
Nuttle LC, Ligon AL, Farrell KR, Hester RL Inhibition of phospholipase A2 attenuates functional hyperemia in the hamster cremaster muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 276 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 45). 1999; :H1289-H1294. | 1999 |
Kassab S, Miller T, Knovak J, Reckelhoff JF, Hester RL, Granger JP Abnormal systemic hemodynamics and regional blood flows in a rat model of pregnancy-induced hypertension. Hypertension. 1998; 31 [Part2]: 315-320. | 1998 |
McKay M, Gardner A, Boyd D, Hester RL Influence of venular prostaglandin release on arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia. Hypertension. 1998; 31 [Part2]: 213-217. | 1998 |
Carroll JF, Jones AE, Hester RL, Reinhart GA, Cockrell K, Mizelle HL Reduced cardiac contractile responsiveness to isoproterenol in obese rabbits. Hypertension. 1997; 30:1376-1381. | 1997 |
Saito Y, McKay M, Eraslan A, Hester RL Functional hyperemia in striated muscle is reduced following blockade of ATP-sensitive potassium channels. Am. J. Physiol. 1996; 270 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 39): H1649-H1654. | 1996 |
McKay M, Hester RL Role of nitric oxide , adenosine, and ATP-sensitive potassium channels in insulin-induced vasodilation. Hypertension. 1996; 28:202-208. | 1996 |
Hester RL Venular endothelium: metabolic sensors. NIPS. 1995; 10: 50. | 1995 |
Huang M, Manning RD, LeBlanc MH, Hester RL Overall hemodynamics studies following the chronic inhibition on endothelial derived nitric oxide in rats. American Journal of Hypertension, 1995; 8:358-364. | 1995 |
Lohmeier TE, Reinhart GA, Mizelle HL, Montani JP, Hester RL, Hord CE, Hildebrandt DA Influence of renal nerves on sodium excretion during progressive reductions in cardiac output. Am. J. Physiol. 1995; 269 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol.):R678-R690. | 1995 |
Carroll J, Huang M, Hester RL, Cockrell K, Mizelle HL Hemodynamic alterations in hypertensive obese rabbits. Hypertension.1995; 26:465-470. | 1995 |
Huang M, Hester RL, LeBlanc MH Evaluation of the needle technique for producing an arteriovenous fistula. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1994; 77 (6): 2907-2911. | 1994 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL. Role of endothelial-derived relaxing factors in arteriolar dilation during muscle contraction elicited by electrical field stimulation. Microcirculation. 1994; 3(1):195-201. | 1994 |
Lohmeier TE, Shin Y, Reinhart GA, Hester RL Angiotensin and ANP secretion during chronically controlled increments in atrial pressure. Am. J. Physiol. 1994; 266 (Reg Integ Comp Physiol 35): R989-996. | 1994 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL Role of EDRF's in the control of arteriolar diameter during increased metabolism of striated muscle. Am J Physiol. 1994; (Heart Circ. Physiol. 36): H195-200. | 1994 |
Huang M, Hester RL, LeBlanc MH Systemic and regional hemodynamics following endothelial derived nitric oxide blockade; role of symphathetic nervous system. Am. J. Physiol. 1994; 267(Reg Integ Comp Physiol 36): R84-88. | 1994 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester, RL Role for venular endothelium in the control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 1994 36:H1227-1231 | 1994 |
Hester RL, Eraslan A, Saito Y Differences in EDNO contribution to arteriolar diameteres at rest and during functional hyperemia in striated muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 1003; 265 (Heart Circ Physiol 34): H146-151. | 1993 |
Kirchner KA, Scanlon PH, Dzielak DJ, Hester RL Endothelium-derived relaxing factor responses in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Am J Physiol. 1993; 265 (Reg Integ Comp Physiol 34): R568-572. | 1993 |
Mizelle HL, Montani JP, Hester Rl, Didlake RH, Hall JE Role of pressure natiuresis in long-term control of renal electrolyte excretion. Hypertension. 1993; 22: 102-110. | 1993 |
Hester RL Uptake of metabolites by post-capillary venules: mechanism for the control of arteriolar diameter. Microvascular Research. 1993; 46: 254-261. | 1993 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL Importance of venular flow in the control of arteriolar diameter in the hamster cremaster muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 1993; 265 (Heart Circ Physiol 34): H1294-1300. | 1993 |
Huang M, Hester RL, Guyton AC Hemodynamic changes in rats following the opening of an A-V fistula. Am J Physiol. 1992; 262 (Heart Circ Physiol 31): H846-851. | 1992 |
Huang M, Hester RL, Coleman TG, Smith MJ, Guyton AC Development of hypertension in animals with reduced total peripheral resistance. Hypertension; 1992; 20: 828-833. | 1992 |
Hester RL, Curry E, Bower J The measurement of recirculation is not accurate using BUN or creatinine measurements. American J. Kidney Disease. 1992; 20 (6): 598-602. | 1992 |
Hester RL, Ashcraft D, Curry E, Bower J Non-invasive measurement of recirculation in the dialysis patient. Transactions of American Society of Artificial Internal Organs. 1992; 38: M190-193. | 1992 |
Huang M, Hester RL, Guyton AC, Norman RA Hemodynamic studies in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats following the opening of an A-V fistula. Am J Physiol. 1992; 262 (Heart Circ Physiol 31): H1802-1808. | 1992 |
Shin Y, Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Kivlighn SD, Smith MJ Hormonal and circulatory responses to chronically controlled increments in right atrial pressure. Am J Physiol. 1991; 261 (Reg Integ Comp Physiol 30): R1176-1187. | 1991 |
Hester RL Venular-arteriolar diffusion of adenosine in the hamster microcirculation. Am J Physiol. 1990; 258 (Heart Circ Physiol 27): H1918-1924. | 1990 |
Hester RL, Barber BJ Drop interval flowmeter for low flow rate measurement. Microvascular Research. 1989; 38: 309-313. | 1989 |
Hester RL, Duling BR Constancy of red cell velocity during functional hyperemia: significance for rheology and oxygen transport. Am. J. Physiol. 1988; 255: H236-244. | 1988 |
Hall JE, Granger JP, Hester RL, Montani JP Mechanism of sodium balance in hypertension: Role of pressure natuiresis. Journal of Hypertension. 1986; 4: S57-S65. | 1986 |
Hall JE, Granger JP, Hester RL Interactions between adenosine and angiotensin II in control of glomerular filtration. Am. J. Physiol. 1985; 248: F340-346. | 1985 |
Hall JE, Granger JP, Hester RL, COleman TG, Smith M, Cross R Mechanism of "escape" from sodium rention during angiotensin hypertension. Am. J. Physiol. 1984; 246: F627-634. | 1984 |
Hester RL, Granger JP, WIlliams J, Hall JE Acute and chronic servo-control of renal perfusion pressure. Am. J/ Physiol. 1983; 244: F455-460. | 1983 |
Hester RL, Guyton AC, Barber BJ Reactive and exercise hyperemia during high levels of adenosine infusion. Am. J. Physiol. 1982; 243: H181-186. | 1982 |
Abstracts | |
Clemmer J, WA Pruett, Hester RL, and Lohmeier TE. In silico trial of baroreflex activation therapy for the treatment of resistant hypertension. FDA/BMES Frontiers Conference, 2019 | 2019 |
Clemmer J, WA Pruett, Hester RL, and Lohmeier TE. Preeminent Role of the Cardiorenal Axis in the Antihypertensive Response to an Arteriovenous Fistula: An In Silico Analysis. Hypertension 74:AP158 2019. | 2019 |
Clemmer J, WA Pruett, and Hester R. Reducing disparities in the treatment of hypertension in African Americans using computational modeling. Experimental Biology 2018 Experimental Biology 2018 | 2018 |
Clemmer J, Hester R, and WA Pruett. Investigating mechanisms of response to AV fistula for the treatment of hypertension using a mathematical model of physiology. Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2018. | 2018 |
Clemmer J, WA Pruett, and Hester R. Reducing disparities in the treatment of hypertension in African Americans using computational modeling. Delta Clinical and Translational Science Health Disparities Conference 2018. | 2018 |
Clemmer J, Pruett W, and Hester R. Physiological Sensitivity to Salt and Uninephrectomy. FASEB J 2017; 31:1026.1. | 2017 |
Clemmer J, Lohmeier T, Iliescu R, WA Pruett, and Hester R. Blood pressure lowering during chronic baroreflex activation: Don’t forget the heart. Hypertension 70:AP180 2017. | 2017 |
Clemmer JS, Pruett WA, Butler K, Hester R. The use of complex clinical data and topological data analysis for personalized medicine. Biomed Sci Instrum Symposium. 512: ISA, 2017. | 2017 |
Clemmer J, Hester R, Pruett W. Physiological Sensitivity to Salt and Nephrectomy. Virtual Physiological Human Conference, 2016; 978-90-826254-0-0. | 2016 |
Clemmer J, Pruett W, and Hester R. Predicting salt and diuretic sensitivity in a virtual population using topological data analysis. FASEB J 2016; 30:1216.14. | 2016 |
Clemmer J, Xiang L, Lu S, Mittwede P, and Hester R. Effects of Acute and Chronic Hyperglycemia on Lung Capillary Permeability. International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences Meeting, Omaha 2015. | 2015 |
Mittwede P, Lu S, Clemmer J, Hester R, and Xiang L. Attenuation of Post-Trauma Hyperglycemia Prevents Acute Kidney Injury in Obese Rats. FASEB J 2015; 29:800.6. | 2015 |
John Clemmer, Lusha Xiang, Silu Lu, Peter Mittwede, Robert Hester Pulmonary permeability after hemorrhage and resuscitation in the obese Zucker rat Experimental Biology 2014 | 2014 |
Silu Lu, Lusha Xiang, John Clemmer, Peter Mittwede, Robert L. Hester Oxidative stress increases pulmonary capillary permeability in lean Zucker rats with chronic hyperglycemia Experimental Biology 2014 | 2014 |
Lusha Xiang, Silu Lu, Peter N. Mittwede, John S. Clemmer, Robert L. Hester Beta2-adrenoreceptor blockade reduces early post-trauma hyperglycemia and pulmonary injury in obese rats Experimental Biology 2014 | 2014 |
Peter N. Mittwede, Lusha Xiang, Silu Lu, John S. Clemmer, Robert L. Hester Reactive oxygen species and acute kidney injury after trauma in obese rats Experimental Biology 2014 | 2014 |
V.L. Wolf, W.A. Pruett, R.L. Hester Boolean network approach to modeling estrogen and progesterone signaling in the endometrium Experimental Biology 2014 | 2014 |
W. Pruett: L. Husband: R. Hester Understanding variation in salt sensitivity in HumMod, a human physiological simulator Experimental Biology 2014 | 2014 |
R.L. Hester Wagner A Real-Time Simulation for Continuity of Care Training, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, January 2014 | 2014 |
Lusha Xiang, Peter N Mittwede, John S Clemmer, Silu Lu, and Robert L Hester TNF-a-mediated hyperglycemia in Obese Zucker rats following orthopedic trauma FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:1154.14 | 2013 |
Silu Lu, Lusha Xiang, John Clemmer, Peter Mittwede, and Robert Hester Impaired Autonomic Regulation during Exercise in Obese Zucker Rats FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:943.22 | 2013 |
John Clemmer, Lusha Xiang, Silu Lu, Peter Mittwede, and Robert Hester Hemorrhage-induced Hyperglycemia Improved with Acute TNF blockade in the Obese Zucker Rat FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:1193.4 | 2013 |
Heather Drummond, Monette Gousset, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Mohammed Daklallah, Jennifer Weisman, Beau Murphey, and Robert Hester ASIC1a opposes exercise induced hyperemia and maximal exercise capacity FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:924.7 | 2013 |
William Andrew Pruett, Graham Husband, Kyle Bellamy, Muhammed Dakhlalla, Thomas Coleman, and Robert L Hester Bifurcating response to hemorrhage in a population of mathematical models of the circulation FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:903.7 | 2013 |
W. Pruett, R. Hester Calibrating and analyzing a Mathematical Model of Human Circulation and Its response to Hemorrhage ASME/FDA Annual Frontiers in Medical Devices, 2013 | 2013 |
W. A. Pruett, G. Husband, K. Bellamy, M. Dakhlalla, T. Coleman, and R. L. Hester Bifurcating Response to Hemorrhage in a Population of Mathematical Models of Human Circulation, Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting | 2013 |
William Andrew Pruett and Robert L Hester The assumption of heterogeneity in a mathematical model of the parathyroids leads to improved qualitative and quantitative responses to complex stimuli FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:1217.17 | 2013 |
Jeffrey OR.L.edge, MD, MS Anna Lerant, MD, Robert Hester, PhD, Thomas Coleman, PhD, W and Bosseau Murray, MD Learn with a Physiology Simulator: The Value of Pre-oxygenation and the Dangers of Hyperventilation. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. 7(6):556, December 2012. | 2012 |
Hester RL, Kenny P, Parsons T, Rizzo A, Amundsen T, Fu J, Coleman T Implementation of a High Fidelity Physiological Model in a Virtual Patient. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, Jan 31, 2012 | 2012 |
Husband L, Pruett W, Coleman T, Hester RL. PKProject: A Physiological Social Network. FASEB J March 17, 2011 25:1130,5 | 2011 |
Pruett WA, Hester RL A Mathematical Model of Calcium Homeostasis Via the Bone Exchange Pool FASEB J March 17, 2011 25:1129.3 | 2011 |
Sebai ME, Xiang L, Jones EK, Hester RL Exercise training improves insulin resistance and the functional vasodilation in non-exercising muscle in obese Zucker rats. FASEB J March 17 2011 25:814.3 | 2011 |
Xiang L, Lu S, Hester RL Impaired blood pressure compensation to hemorrhage in obese Zucker rats with orthopedic trauma. Gulf Coast Physiology Meeting. Jackson, 2011. | 2011 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Lu S, Hester RL Mechanical ventilator-induced pulmonary injury in the obese Zucker rats. FASEB J. 2011; 25:638.2. | 2011 |
Lu S, Xiang L, Sebai ME, Jones EK, Hester RL The local and global effects from exercise training on the vascular responses to muscle contraction. Gulf Coast Physiology Meeting. Jackson, 2011. | 2011 |
Carter CB, Hester RL Modeling the Physiology of Primary Hyperaldosteronism Using Computer-based simulation: A Clinical Learning Tool University of Mississipppi Department of Medicine Research Day 2010 | 2010 |
Jones L, Fuller W, Xiang L, Hester RL Exercise training improves oxygen consumption and exercise performance in obese Zucker rats. FASEB J April 6, 2010 24:973.8 | 2010 |
Xiang L, Hester RL, Fuller WL, Sebai ME, Mittwede PN, Jones EK, Aneja A, and Russell GV. Orthopedic trauma-induced pulmonary edema in the obese Zucker rats. Global Obesity Summit 2010 | 2010 |
Iliescu R, Hester RL, Summers RL, Coleman T Effect of gender on cardiovascular responses to orthostatic stress-a modeling approach FASEB J April 22, 2009 FASEB J April 22, 2009 | 2009 |
Xiang L, Fuller W, Hester RL Adipocyte derived factor(s) is suppressed in the visceral fat in Mc4R-/-mice. FASEB J. 2009, 23: 594.3 | 2009 |
Hodnett BL, Carter CB, Hester RL Modeling of gender differences in cardiovascular function during exercise using Quantitative Human Physiology. Experimental Biology. New Orleans, LA 2009 | 2009 |
Carter CB, Hodnett BL, Hester RL Modeling of gender differences in respiratory function during exercise using Quantitative Human Physiology. Experimental Biology. New Orleans, LA 2009. | 2009 |
Hodnett BL, Dearman JA, Carter CB, Hester RL PGI2 synthesis is impaired in obese Zucker rats FASEB J April 5, 2008 22:1141.4 | 2008 |
Xiang L, Hester RL Local adipocyte derived factors-induced activation of Katp in smooth muscle cells reduces functional vasodilatory capability in ob-/ob-mice. Hypertension. 2008, 52: e55. | 2008 |
Xiang L, Fuller W, Hester, RL Impaired functional vasodilation in ob-/ob-mice and obese Zucker rats: Role of adipocyte released factors and Katp channels Jackson Cardiovascular-Renal Meeting. 2008, #29 | 2008 |
Hester RL, Coleman TG, Summers RL A multilevel open source integrative model of human physiology World Congress for Microcirculation, Milwaukee FASEB J April 5, 2008 22:756.8 | 2008 |
Hodnett BL, Xiang L, Hester RL Katp-mediated vasodilation is impaired in obese Zucker rats Experimental Biology | 2007 |
Hodnett BL, Xiang L, Hester RL K-ATP mediated vasodilation is impaired in obese Zucker rats. Experimental Biology 2007. | 2007 |
Hester RL, Coleman TG, Summers RL A multilevel open source integrative model of human physiology. World Congress for Microcirculation, Milwaukee, WI 2007 | 2007 |
Hodnett BL, Dearman JA, Carter CB, Hester RL PGI2 synthesis is impaired in obese Zucker rate ASCI/AAP 2007 Joint Meeting, Chicago | 2007 |
Coleman TG, Summers RL, Hester RL Quantitative circulatory physiology: an integrative mathematical model of human physiology for medical education Experimental Biology | 2007 |
Naik JS, Hester RL The obese Zucker rat is not a model of obesity associated pulmonary hypertension. FASEB J 20(5), A446, 2006 | 2006 |
Xiang L, Abram SR, Hester RL Decreased functional vasodilation and increased thromboxane receptor-mediated vasoconstriction in diabetic rats. FASEB J. 20:A1150, 2006. | 2006 |
Naik JS, Hester RL Lack of sympathetic restraint of hypoxic vasodilation FASEB J 20(5), A278, 2006 | 2006 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Abram SR, Hester RL Hyperglycemia impairs functional vasodilation via increasing thromboxane receptor-mediated vasoconstriction in obese Zucker rats. Hypertension 48(4) e69, 2006 | 2006 |
Abram SR, Xiang L, Dearman JA, Hodnett BL, Naik JS, Hester RL Role of thromboxane in the impaired functional hyperemic response to exercise in obese Zucker rats. American Heart Association. Chicago, IL | 2006 |
Naik JS, Xiang L, Hester RL Vascular smooth muscle cell [Ca2+] responses to vasoconstrictor stimuli in gracilis resistance arteries from lean and obese zucker rats. FASEB J, 2005. | 2005 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Hester RL Exercise-induced Increase in Skeletal Muscle Vasodilatory Responses in Obese Zucker Rats. FASEB J. 2005 | 2005 |
Xiang L, Naik JS, Hester RL Prostacyclin and Thromboxane Receptors Mediate the Impaired Functional Vasodilation in Metabolic Syndrome. Hypertension 2005. | 2005 |
King DS, Harrell TK, Hester RL, Johnson PN, Wofford MR, Noble SL Cardiovascular Disease Education adn Community Awareness: Training HighSchool Students as Health Promoters. Am. Journal of Hypertension 2004:17(5)228A. | 2004 |
Hammer L, Adcock C, Hester RL Relative contributions of cyclooxygenase and cytochrome P450 pathways during functional hyperemia in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 17:A142, 2003 | 2003 |
Huang M, Hester RL Renal function curve in normotensive and DOCA-salt sensitive rats during chrnoic minoxidil treatment. Mississippi Acad. Sciences 48(1):58, 2003 | 2003 |
Huang M, Hester RL Sodium intake and arterial pressure in normotensive and DOCA-salt sensitive rats during chronic minoxidil treatment. FASEB J. 2003; 17:A1263 | 2003 |
Choi J, Mamaril JLC, Overstreet CR, Hester RL Acidosis does not directly stimulate prostacyclin release from venous endothelial cells. 3rd Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. P389, 2002 | 2002 |
Choi J, Hester RL Hypoxia and hypercapnia do not directly stimulate prostacyclin synthesis in venous endothelial cells. Proceedings for Experimental Biology, FASEB J 16:A85. 121.19, 2002 | 2002 |
Hammer LW, Adcock C, Burton A, Hester RL ATP stimulates the release of prostacyclin from perfused veins isolated from the hamster hindlimb. Proceedings for Experimental Biology | 2002 |
Choi J, Mamaril JLC, Overstreet CR, Hester RL Acidosis does not directly stimulate prostacyclin release from venous endothelial cells. 3rd Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. P389, 2002 | 2002 |
Hammer LW, Adcock C, Burton A, Hester RL ATP stimulates the release of prostacyclin from perfused veins isolated from the hamster hindlimb. Proceedings for Experimental Biology. | 2002 |
Choi J, Hammer LW, Ligon AL, Overstreet CR, Hester RL ATP-stimulated calcium-depedent synthesis of prostacyclin from venous endothelial cells. Council for High Blood Pressure Resarch. P153, 2001 | 2001 |
Hammer LW, Choi J, Ligon AL, Overstreet CR, Hester RL Evidence of a role for ATP-stimulated release of venular prostacyclin in funcitonal hyperemia. Proceedings of 7th World Congress for Microcirculation, 2001 | 2001 |
Choi J, Hester RL ATP increases intracellular calcium and induces prostacyclin synthesis in venous endothelial cells. FASEB J 15:LB18, 2001 | 2001 |
Hammer LW, Overstreet CR, Hester RL Inhibition of funtional hyperemia by minimal concentrations of indomethacin in hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 15(4), A123, 2001 | 2001 |
Nuttle LC, Darnell K, Farrell K, Ligon A, Hester RL Metabolic Release of PGI2 from perfused isolated veins FASEB J. 14(4), A4, 2000 | 2000 |
Hammer LW, Ligon AL, Hester RL Role for ATP in regulation of arteriolar diameter in the microcirculation of hamsters. FASEB J. 14(4), A142, 2000 | 2000 |
Hester RL, Hammer L, Nuttle LC Venular endothelial control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia Annals of Biomedical Engineering 28:S-72, 2000 | 2000 |
Nuttle LC, Ligon AL, Farrell KR, Hester RL Albuminal release of PGI2 from perfused isolated veins. FASEB J. 13(4):A28 1999 | 1999 |
Hester RL, Nuttle LC, Ligon AL, Farrell KR Arachidonic acid metabolites regulate functional hyperemia FASEB J. 13(4):A28. | 1999 |
Nuttle LC, Ligon AL, Farrell KR, Hester RL Inhibition of phospholipase A2 attenuates functional hyperemia in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 12(4):A7. 1998 | 1998 |
Hester RL, Gardner A, Nuttle LC Production of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) modulates functional hyperemia in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 12(4):A7. 1998 | 1998 |
Young DB, Nuttle L, Hester RL, McKay MK, Srivastava K Control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia by venular prostaglandin release. Hypertension 30(3): 477, 1997 | 1997 |
Hester RL, McKay M, Gardner A Control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia by venular prostaglandin release. Hypertension 30(3):477, 1997 | 1997 |
Jones AE, Carroll JF, Hester RL, Cockrell K, Mizelle HL Reduced response of isolated papillary muscle to isoproterenol in obese rabbits. Am. J. Hypertension 10(4):103A, 1997 | 1997 |
McKay M, Young D, Srivastava K, Hester RL Endothelial cell [H+] response to lactic acid and inhibition of Na+,K+ exchange. Microcirculation 4(1), 168, 1997. | 1997 |
Hester RL, McKay M Venular control of arteriolar diameter and blood flow International Union Physiological Sciences, L056.07, 1997 | 1997 |
Kassab S, Miller T, Knovak J, Reckelhoff JF, Hester RL, Granger JP Abnormal systemic hemodynamics and regional blood flows in a rat model of pregnancy-induced hypertension. Hypertension 30(3):489, 1997 | 1997 |
Young DB, Nuttle L, Hester RL, McKay MK, Srivastava K Control of endothelial cell vasodilator release by cell pH. Hypertension 30(3):490, 1997 | 1997 |
McKay M, Boyd D, Gardner A, Hester RL Venular prostaglandin release in the control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia Microcirculation 4(1), 160, 1997. | 1997 |
Hester RL, McKay M A role for venular-arteriolar diffusion of vasoactive factors in coordinating blood flow. Int. J. Microcirculation 16(S1): 11, 1996. | 1996 |
Hester RL, McKay M Regulation of muscle blood flow: a role for venules in the control of arteriolar diameter. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 24(S1): S-31, 1996. | 1996 |
McKay M, Hester RL Inhibition of insulin-induced vasodilation by adenosine receptor antagonism and glibenclamide in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 10(3):A57, 1996 | 1996 |
Wallace M, Huang M, Hester RL, Kirchner K, Patel A Regional hemodynamic effects of acute sodium-potassium ATPase (Na,K-ATPase) inhibition in the rat. FASEB J. 10(3):A398,1996 | 1996 |
McKay M, Young DB, Hester RL Inhibition of endothelial cell H+, K+-ATPase causes intracellular acidification measured by pH sensitive fluoroprobe, carboxy SNARF-1. Microcirculation 3(1), 97, 1996. | 1996 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL ATP-sensitive potassium channels modulate functional hyperemia in hamster cremaster muscle. Microcirculation 2(1), 67, 1995. | 1995 |
Carroll JF, Huang M, Hester RL, Cockrell K, Woodard LH, Mizelle HL Cardiac output and regional blood flow in a new animal model of obesity. FASEB J. 9(3):A297, 1995. | 1995 |
McKay M, Hall JE, Hester RL Alterations in arteriolar diameter by insulin in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 9(3):A20, 1995 | 1995 |
Huang M, Hester RL, LeBlanc HH, Butler J Chronic cardiovascular responses following the creation of different size fistulas. FASEB J. 8(4):A865, 1994. | 1994 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL The role of EDRF's in functional hyperemia in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 8(4):A51, 1994. | 1994 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL Role of venular endothelium in the control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia. FASEB J. 8(4):A1056, 1994. | 1994 |
Didlake R, Hester RL Pump-induced motion of hemodialysis catheters. Miss Acad. Sciences 39:57, 1994. | 1994 |
Huang M, Hester RL, Manning RD, LeBlanc MH Cardiovascular responses following the chronic inhibition of endothelium derived nitric oxide in rats. Clin. Res. 41:794A, 1994. | 1994 |
Hester RL, Curry E, Ashcraft DE Access hemodynamics during recirculation. Abstracts of American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, 1993. | 1993 |
Saito Y, Eraslan A, Hester RL Importance of venular flow in the control of arteriolar diameter in the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 7(3):A901, 1993 | 1993 |
Lohmeier TE, Reinhart GA, Mizelle HL, Montani J-P, Hildebrandt DA, Hester RL, Hord Jr. CE Neurohumoral control of sodium excretion during controlled reductions in cardiac output FASEB J. 7(3):A188, 1993 | 1993 |
Huang M< Butler J, Van Vliet BN, Mizelle HL, Hester RL Cardiovascular responses to EDNO blockade: role of sympathetic nervous system. FASEB J. 7(3):A773, 1993 | 1993 |
Hester RL Arteriolar hemoglobin saturation during decreases in perfusion pressure FASEB J. 7(3):A887, 1993 | 1993 |
Eraslan A, Saito Y, Hester RL Non-velocity dependent arteriolar vasodilation during vessel occulsion in the microcirculation. FASEB J. 7(3):A557, 1993 | 1993 |
Lohmeier TE, Reinhart GA, Mizelle HL, Montani J-P, Hester RL, Smith Jr. MJ Chronic circulatory responses to graded increments in right atrial pressure FASEB J. 6(5), A1470, 1992 | 1992 |
Hester RL EDNO blockade reducees arteriolar vasodilation during muscle stimulation in the hamster cremaster muscle FASEB J. 6(5), A2074, 1992. | 1992 |
Hester RL, Ashcraft D, Curry E, Bower J Non-invasive measurement of recirculation in the dialysis patient Abstracts of American Society of Artificial Internal Organs | 1992 |
Van Vliet BN, Eraslan A, Hester RL Neurogenic cholinergic dilation in the dog hindlimb is not blocked by nitro-l-arginine. FASEB J. 6(5), A1258, 1992 | 1992 |
Lohmeier TE, Reinhart GA, Mizelle HL, Montani J-P, Hester RL Neurohumoral control of sodium excretion during chronic increments in right atrial pressure Circulation (Suppl) 86(4): I-544, 1992 | 1992 |
Huang M, Hester RL DOC-salt hypertension in rats with a reduced total peripheral resistance Hypertension 19(1) Suppl. I-132, 1992 | 1992 |
Huang M, Hester RL Role of total peripheral resistance in the development of DOCA-salt hypertension. FASEB J> 6(5), A1174, 1992. | 1992 |
Lohmeier TE, Shin Y, Hester RL, Kivlighn SD Hormonal and cirulatory responses to chronically controlled increments in right atrial pressure FASEB J. 5(4):A737, 1991 | 1991 |
Huang M, Hester RL Cardiovascular responses in a hypertensive animal with reduced total peripheral resistance. FASEB J. 5(4): A1412, 1991 | 1991 |
Hester RL Effect of Nω-nitro-L-arginine on arteriolar dilation during muscle stimulation in the hamster cremaster muscle. Proceedings of Fifth World Congress of Microcirculation 37, 1991. | 1991 |
Lohmeier TE, Shin Y, Hester RL, Reinhart GA Chronic effects of angiotensin on atrial natriuretic peptide secretion during controlled increments in right atrial pressure. Physiologist 34(4): 237, 1991 | 1991 |
Lohmeier TE, Shin Y, Hester RL, Reinhart GA Chronic effects of angiotensin on atrial natriuretic peptide secretion and urinary sodium excretion during controlled increments in right atrial pressure. Circulation (Suppl II) 84(4), 431, 1991 | 1991 |
Mizelle HL, Montani J-P, Hester RL, Hall JE Renal hemodynamics and sodium excretion during chrnoic reductions in renal perfusion pressure. FASEB J. 5(4): A737, 1991. | 1991 |
Scanlon PH, Dzielak DJ, Hester RL, Kirchner KA Effect of l-arginine on blood pressure in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Clin Res. 1991; 39(4), 807A | 1991 |
Shin Y, Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Kivlighn SD Chronic circulatory responses to controlled increments in right atrial pressure. FASEB J. 4(4):A846, 1990. | 1990 |
Huang M, Hester RL Chronic cardiovascular responses following the creation of an A-V fistula in the rat. FASEB J. 4(4):A705, 1990 | 1990 |
Hester, RL Venular diffusion and arteriolar transport of adenosine in the microcirculation. FASEB J. 4(4):A1255, 1990 | 1990 |
Mizelle HL, Montani J-P, Hester RL, Hall JE Role of renal perfusion pressure in the long-term control of sodium excretion. Hypertension 16:327, 1990 | 1990 |
Shin Y, Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Kivlighn SD Secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) during chronic control of right atrial pressure in conscious dogs. Am. J. Hyper. 3(5): 86A, 1990 | 1990 |
Hester RL, Lohmeier TE, Shin Y, Kivlighn SD Chronic measurement and control of right atrial pressure in conscious dogs. FASEB J. 4(4):A845, 1990 | 1990 |
Huang M, Hester RL Water balance responses following opening of an arteriovenous fistula. J. Miss. Acad. Sciences. 35:66, 1990. | 1990 |
Huang M, Hester RL, Norman RA Cardiovascular responses following oopening of an A-V fistula. J. Miss. Acad. Sciences. 34:67, 1989. | 1989 |
Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Yang HM, Kivlighn SD, Smith MJ, Carroll RG, Guyton AC Quantification of hormonal mechanisms in the control of arterial pressure following thoracic inferior vena cava constriction. Int. Symposium on ACE Inhibition. F057, 1989. | 1989 |
Hester RL, Guyton AC Venular-arteriolar diffusion of vasoactive metabolites. FASEB J. 3(4):A1399, 1989 | 1989 |
Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Yang HM, Kivlighn SD, Smith MJ, Carroll RG Quantification of circulatory control mechanisms following thoracic vena cava constriction. FASEB J. 3(4):A1303, 1989. | 1989 |
Hester RL Velocity-induced vasodilation in the microcircuation of the hamster cremaster muscle. FASEB J. 2(4):A944, 1988. | 1988 |
Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Yang HM Quantification of circulatory control mechanisms following thoracic inferior vena cava constriction: role of the nervous system. FASEB J. 2(4):A316, 1988 | 1988 |
Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Yang HM, Kivlighn SD, Smith MJ Quantification of hormonal mechanisms in circulatory control following thoracic inferior vena cava constriction. Circulation 78(4):II-362, 1988 | 1988 |
Lohmeier TE, Hester RL, Yang HM, Smith MJ, Carroll RG, Howell GA, Laurel HO A new method for quantification of circulatory feedback control mechanisms following thoracic inferior vena cava constriction. Physiologist 30(4):206, 1987 | 1987 |
Duling BR, Jackson WF, Hester RL Is the vessel wall both sensor and effector in local control of blood flow? Microcirc. Clin. and Exp. 3:517 1984 | 1984 |
Duling BR, Jackson WF, Hester RL Is the vessel wall both sensor and effector in local control of blood flow? Microcirc. Clin. and Exp. 3:517 1984. | 1984 |
Hester RL, Duling BR Response of arteriolar oxygen saturation during functional and reactive hyperemia. Microcirc. Clin. and Exp. 3:320 1984. | 1984 |
Barber BJ, Hester RL Analysis of a gradient hypothesis for interstitial protein concentration and fluid pressure. Fed. Proc. 39-3:379, 1980. | 1980 |
Hester RL, Barber BJ, Guyton AC Autoregulation of blood flow in teh gracilis muscle during constant concentration or constant rate of adenosine. Fed. Proc. 39-3:382, 1980. | 1980 |
Barber BJ, Hester RL An improved impulse flowmeter. Physiologist. 22-4:7, 1979. | 1979 |
Book Chapter | |
Pruett, WA and R.L. Hester. Physics-Based Model for the Physiome Chapter 10, 127-148. The Digital Patient, Edited by Don Combs, John Sokolowski and Catherine Banks, Wiley, 2016 | 2016 |
Summers RL, Coleman TG, Hester RL An analysis of the interface between lunar habitat conditions and an acclimatized human physiology as defined by the Digital Astronaut Program. In Lunar Settlements. CRC Press, 2010. | 2010 |
Summers RL, Coleman TG, Hester RL LUNAR SETTLEMENTS. An analysis of the interace between lunar habitat conditions and an acclimatized human physiology as defined by the Digital Astronaut Program. Ed. Haym Benaroya CRC Press, 2010, p. 233-240 | 2010 |
Hester RL The Cremaster Muscle for Microcirculatory Studies In Microvascular Research: Biology and Pathology, (Volume 1-2), Editor, David Shepro, Elsevier Publishers, 2006 | 2006 |
Dzielak DJ, Hester RL, Granger JP Immunologic Injury Chapter 8, 161-170, 1994 In: The pathophysiology of the microcirculation Eds: N. Mortillaro and E.E. Taylor. CRC Press. | 1994 |
Adair TH, Gay WJ, Hester RL, Montani J-P Does adenosine have a regulatory role in the growth of blood vessels? Chapter 40, 443-455, 1991, In: Role of adenosien and adenine nucleotides in the biological system. Eds: Shoichi and M. Nakazawa. Elsevier Science Publishers | 1991 |
Book | |
Xiang L, Hester RL Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise | 2012 |
Editorial Commentary | |
Hester RL, Ordway G Refresher course for teaching muscle physiology. Advances in Physiology Education 2003 27(4):170. | 2003 |
Electronic Publications | |
Pruett WA, Hester RL Parathyroid hormone secretion by multiple cell populations, a time dynamic mathematial model Physiol Rep. Feb; 2(2):e00231 | 2014 |
Mittwede PN, Xiang L, Lu S, Clemmer JS, Hester RL A novel experimental model of orthopedic trauma with acute kidney injury in obese Zucker rats. Rhysiol Rep. 2013; l(5):e00097 | 2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Can Simulation of Human Physiology be used for In Silico Clinical Trials, AJP Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Cardiovascular Science at the Cutting Edge Omaha Nebraska, Sept 8, 2016 | 09/2016 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Physiological Sensitivity to Salt and Nephrectomy, Virtual Physiological Human meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept 26-28, 2016 | 09/2016 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Role of Physiological Modelling in the Reduction, Refinement and Partial Replacement of Clinical Trials: Avicenna, A Strategy for in silico Clinical Trials, Barcelona , Spain. June 2-4, 2015 | 06/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod, A Computer Simulation of Integrative Physiology. Jan Beneken Conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands, April 2015 | 04/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Mathematical Simulation of Integrative Physiology: History and the Future. Julie Betschart Visiting Speaker, Center for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences, West Virginia University February 2015 | 02/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Wagner: A Real-Time Simulation for Continuity of Care Training, HEATT, Orlando, Fl August 2014. | 08/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Multiscale population models of integrative physiology. Experimental Biology, San Diego April 2014 | 04/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Wagner: A Real-Time Simulation for Continuity of Care Training, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, January 2014 | 2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Creation of a Population of Simulated Patients, I/ITSEC Orlando, FL December 2013., Fl | 12/2013 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod: A Multilevel Mathematical Model of Human Physiology for Medical Training Medical Meets Virtual Reality, Newport Beach, CA | 02/2012 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod: A Mathematical Model of Integrative Physiology, IITSEC 2010, Orlando, FL | 11/2010 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod: A Mathematical Model of Human Physiology, MODSIM, Hampton Roads, VA | 10/2010 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod: An integrative model of Integrative Biomedicine, World Congress for Microcirculation | 10/2010 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod: An Integrative Mathematical Model of Human Physiology, Department of Physiology, SUNY, Stonybrook, NY | 09/2010 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, HumMod: An Open Source Integrative Mathematical Model of Human Physiology. Society for the Simulation in Healthcare, HumMod, Pheonix, AZ | 2010 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Modeling and Simulation - An Introduction for Health and Medical Professionals MODSIM, MODSIM, Virginia Beach, VA | 10/2009 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, DigitalHuman (DH): An Integrative Mathematical Model of Human Physiology Mathematical Modeling of Integrative Physiology at UMC, MODSIM, Virginia Beach, VA | 10/2009 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, DigitalHuman (DH): An Integrative Mathematical Model of Human Physiology Mathematical Modeling of Integrative Physiology at UMC Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida | 09/2009 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Regulation of functional muscle blood flow in obesity, European Society for Microcirculation, Budapest, Hungary | 08/2008 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Arachidonic Acid Metabolies and the Regulation of Muscle Blood Flow in Health and Disease, Department of Physiology, LSU Medical Center, LSU Medical Center, Shreveport, LA | 10/2006 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Metabolic Control of Blood Flow: Normal and Pathological Conditions., Center for Cardiovascular Interdisciplinary Studies, West Virginia University | 02/2005 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Physiological Research at UMC to Science, Lanuage Arts and Mathematics (SLAM I) students, Jackson Heart Study, UMC | 07/2003 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Venular Endothelium as a Sensor for the Metabolic Control of Blood Flow., Cardiovascular Research Center, Milwaukee, WI | 03/2002 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Regulation of muscle blood flow: release of arachidonic acid metabolites from venular endothelium in the control of arteriolar diameter, Department of Pharmacology, Michigan State University | 2000 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Venular endothelial control of arteriolar diameter during functional hyperemia, Biomedical Engineering Society, Seattle, WA | 2000 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Venular control of arteriolar diameter and blood flow, Interantional Union Physiological Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia | 07/1997 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Regulation of Muscle Blood Flow: A Role for Venules in the Control of Arteriolar Diameter, Department of Physiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX | 02/1997 |
Invited Symposia, Regulation of muscle blood flow: a role for venules in the control of arteriolar diameter, Biomedical Engineering Society | 10/1996 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, A role for the venular-arteriolar diffusion of vasoactive factors in coordinating blood flow, Sixth World Congress for Microcirculation, Munich, Germany | 08/1996 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professor (Years 2015/2020), UMMC | 2020 |
Chair, Joint Programming Committee, American Physiological Society, APS | 2014 |
Mentor: APS Professional Skills Course on Writing and Reviewing for Scientific Journals, APS | 2013 |
Mentor: APS Professional Skills Course on Writing and Reviewing for Scientific Journals, APS | 2011 |
Chair, Cardiovascular Section, American Physiological Society, APS | 2010 |
Mentor: APS Professional Skills Course on Writing and Reviewing for Scientific Journals, APS | 2010 |
Mentor and speaker APS Professional Skills Course on Making Scientific Prsentations: Critical First Skills, APS | 2009 |
Mentor, Writing and Reviewing for Scientific Journals, American Physiological Society | 2008 |
Mentor and Speaker, Critical First Skills, American Physiological Society | 2007 |
Mentor: APS Professional Skills Course on Writing and Revieweing for Scientific Journals, APS | 2006 |
President Microcirculatory Society, Microcirculatory Society | 2005 |
Associate Editor for journal Cranio, Cranio | 2005 |
President-elect Microcirculatory Society, Microcirculatory Society | 2004 |
American Heart Association Grant in Aid, AHA | 1998 |
Editorial Board Microcirculation, Microcirculation | 1998 |
Editorial Board American Journal of Physiology: Heart Circulatory Physiology, American Journal of Physiology | 1995 |
Editorial Board American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative, Comparative Physiology, AJP | 1994 |
Fellow Council of High Blood Pressure, Fellow Council of High Blood Pressure | 1994 |
American Heart Association Grant-in-Aid, AHA | 1993 |
NIH First Award, NIH | 1990 |
Mississippi Heart Association Grant, Mississippi Heart Association | 1987 |
Biomedical Research Support Grant | 1985 |
NRSA Postdoctoral Grant, NRSA | 1983 |
NIH Predoctoral Training Grant, NIH | 1976 |
Professional Membership and Service
American Physiological Society, Member | 1994 - Present |
Virtual Physiology Human Institute, Member | |
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, Member | |
American College of Sports Medicine, Member | |
Biomedical Engineering Society, Member | |
American Heart Association, Member | |
Microcirculatory Society, Member |
Committee Service
Patent Committee, Chair | 2017 - Present |
IACUC, Chair | 2017 - Present |
Experimental Biology Board, Chair | 2015 - 2017 |
Experimental Biology, Board, Member | 2014 - 2019 |
American Physiological Society, Joint Programming Committee, Chair | 2014 - Present |
Human System Engineering Review Committee, Review Committee | 2013 - 2015 |
NIH Diabetes Center Review, Grant Reviewer | 2011 - 2012 |
NIH Hypertension and Microcirculation, Grant Reviewer | 2011 - Present |
American Physiological Society, Book Committee, Member | 2011 - Present |
American Physiological Society, Section Advisory Committee, Member | 2010 - 2013 |
American Physiological Society, Science Policy Committee, Member | 2010 - 2012 |
American Physiological Society, Cardiovascular Section, Chair | 2010 - 2013 |
MEDICAL CENTER-WEB, Member | 2010 - Present |
American Heart Association, Unified Peer Review Panel, Member | 2009 - Present |
Epic Steering Committee, Member | 2009 - Present |
American Heart Association, Vascular Biology/Blood Pressure Review Committee, Grant Reviewer & Chair | 2008 - 2010 |
American Heart Association, Vascular Biology Blood Pressure Regulation, Chair | 2008 - 2009 |
NIH Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS) Study Section, Grant Reviewer | 2007 - Present |
American Heart Association, Greater Southeast Affiliate Research Committee, Member | 2007 - 2009 |
American Heart Association, Region II Steering Committee, Member | 2007 - 2009 |
Quality and Patient Safety Board, Member | 2006 - Present |
American Heart Association, Vascular Biology/Blood Pressure Review Committee, Grant Reviewer & Vice-Chair | 2006 - 2007 |
Institutional Technology Planning Committee Web Subcommittee, Member | 2006 - Present |
American Physiological Society, Awards Committee, Cardiovascular Section, Chair | 2006 - 2010 |
American Physiological Society, Awards Committee, Cardiovascular Section, Member | 2006 - 2010 |
American Physiological Society, Education Committee, Member | 2006 - 2009 |
American Heart Association, Vascular Biology Blood Pressure Regulation, Co-Chair | 2006 - 2007 |
NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership, Grant Reviewer | 2005 - 2006 |
Microcirculatory Society, President | 2005 - 2006 |
Microcirculatory Society, Programming Committee, Member | 2005 - 2010 |
Microcirculatory Society, Liaison Committee, Chair | 2005 - 2006 |
American Heart Association, Science Classification Task Force, Member | 2005 - 2006 |
American Heart Association Vascular, Grant Reviewer | 2004 - 2010 |
American Heart Association Southeast Affiliate Research Committee, Grant Reviewer & Chair | 2003 - 2004 |
LCME Committee on Faculty, Chair | 2002 - 2003 |
Microcirculatory Society, Councilor | 2001 - 2004 |
American Physiological Society, Education Committee, Member | 2000 - 2003 |
American Heart Association Southeast Affiliate Research Committee, Grant Reviewer & Vice-Chair | 1999 - 2002 |
SACS Self Study Graduate Program Sub-Committee, Member | 1999 - Present |
American Heart Associationk Southern Research Consortium Steering Committee, Member | 1999 - 2000 |
Microcirculatory Society, Membership Committee, Member | 1998 - 2001 |
Information Systems Strategic Planning Committee, Member | 1998 - 2012 |
American Heart Association Southeast Affiliate Research Cpmmittee, Grant Reviewer | 1997 - 2003 |
American Heart Association Southern Research Consortium, Grant Reiewer & Vice Chair | 1997 - 2003 |
Alabama Heart Association, Study Section, Grant Reviewer | 1995 - 1998 |
Institutional Technology Planning Committee Research Subccommittee, Chair | 1995 - 2007 |
Biomedical Engineering Society, Membership Committee, Member | 1995 - 1998 |
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Government Liaisons Committee, Member | 1994 - 1996 |
American Heart Association, Research Advisory and Policy Committee, Member | 1994 - 1997 |
Microcirculatory Society, Historical Committee, Member | 1993 - 1995 |
Network Computing Committee, Member | 1992 - 1995 |
Faculty Senate, Member | 1990 - 1992 |
American Heart Association, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciemces, Member | 1989 - Present |
American Heart Association, Research Advisory and Policy Committee, Member | 1986 - 1989 |
PLOS, Journal Reviewer | |
Microvascular Research, Journal Reviewer | |
Microsurgery, Journal Reviewer | |
Microccirculation, Journal Reviewer | |
Microcirculation, Journal Reviewer | |
Kidney International, Journal Reviewer | |
Journal of Vascular Research, Journal Reviewer | |
Journal of Physiology (London), Journal Reviewer | |
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Journal Reviewer | |
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Journal Reviewer | |
Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal Reviewer | |
International Society of Hypertension, Journal Reviewer | |
Hypertension, Journal Reviewer | |
Experimental Eye Research, Journal Reviewer | |
Diabetes, Journal Reviewer | |
Advances in Physiological Education, Journal Reviewer | |
American Journal of Physiology, Journal Reviewer |
Community Service
Toyota Tapestry grant program, UMC Director | 1995 - 1996 |
Other Service
AHA Innovative Grants Study Section | 2019 - 12/2019 |
NIBIB US/India Workshop on Developing Passive, Cuffless, and Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurement Technologies | 2016 - 12/2016 |
NIH Diabetes Center Review | 2011 - 2012 |
Hypertension and Microcirculation | 2011 - 12/2011 |
AHA Unified Peer Review Panel | 2009 - 2013 |
Chair Vascular Biology/Blood Pressure Review Committee | 2008 - 2010 |
NIH Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS) Study Section | 2007 - 12/2007 |
Vice-Chair Vascular Biology/Blood Pressure Review Committee | 2006 - 2007 |
Institutional Technology Planning Committee - Web subcommittee, Member | 2006 - Present |
Quality and Patient Safety Board, Member | 2006 - Present |
NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership Grant Reviewer | 2005 - 2006 |
American Heart Association, Vascular Biology/Blood Pressure Review Committee | 2004 - 2014 |
Southeast Affiliate American Heart Association Research Committee, Chair | 2003 - 2004 |
Southeast Affiliate American Heart Association Research Committee, Vice –Chair | 1999 - 2002 |
Vice-Chairman, American Heart Association Southern Research Consortium | 1997 - 1998 |
Study Section, Alabama Heart Association | 1995 - 1998 |
Institutional Technology Planning Committee, Member | 1995 - 2007 |
Institutional Technology Planning Committee, Research Subcommittee Chairman | 1995 - 2007 |
Southeast Affiliate American Heart Association Research Committee | 1993 - 2002 |
Section Editor, Comprehensive Physiology: Vascular Physiology | |
Associate Editor for Frontiers, Computational Physiology and Medicine | |
Associate Editor: American Journal of Physiology, Hart and Circulatory Physiology | |
PLoS One | |
Microvascular Research | |
Microsurgery | |
Microcirculation | |
Kidney International | |
Journal of Vascular Research | |
Journal of Physiology (London) | |
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health | |
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering | |
Journal of Applied Physiology | |
International Society of Hypertension | |
Hypertension | |
Experimental Eye Research | |
Diabetes | |
Advances in Physiological Education | |
American Journal of Physiology |
Teaching Experience
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Laboratory Survival Skills | Spring 2011 |
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Physiological Simulation | Fall 2009 |
709, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Ethics | Spring 2009 |
SHRP, Course, Respiratory Physiology | 2006 - 2012 |
601, SHRP, Course, Lecturer, Physiology | Fall 2006 - 2013 |
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology | Fall 2002 - 2009 |
725, Dentistry, Lecture, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology | Fall 2002 - 2009 |
611, Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Medical Physiology | Fall 1996 - 2010 |
701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Medical Physiology | Fall 1996 - 2010 |
725, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology | Fall 1989 - 1992 |
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology | Fall 1989 - 1992 |
340, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Nursing Physiology | Fall 1989 - 1990 |
725, Dentistry, Lecture, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology | Fall 1989 - 1998 |
625, Dentistry, Lecture, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology | Fall 1989 - 1998 |
611, Medicine, Lab, Lab Director, Medical Physiology | Spring 1988 - 2014 |
701, Graduate, Lab, Lab Director, Medical Physiology | Spring 1988 - 2014 |
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology, Renal Physiology | Fall 1986 - 1989 |
611, Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Medical Physiology | Spring 1986 - 2014 |
701, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Medical Physiology | Spring 1986 - 2014 |
725, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Physiology, Renal physiology | Fall 1986 - 1989 |
340, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Nursing Physiology | Fall 1985 - 1988 |
Directed Student Learning
Summer Medical Students, Advised: Alex Meyer | 2018 - 2018 |
Summer Medical Students, Advised: Evan Blair | 2015 - 2015 |
Summer Medical Students, Advised: Stephen Wahl | 2015 - 2015 |
Summer Medical Students, Advised: Alex Mullen | 2015 - 2015 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Kyle Bellamy | 2014 - 2014 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Edward Yang | 2013 - 2013 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: William Fuller | 2013 - 2013 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Leland Husband | 2012 - 2012 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Andrew Gowdy | 2011 - 2011 |
Directed Individual/Independent Study, Advised: David Ray | 2010 - 2010 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Peter Mittwede | 2010 - 2015 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Louis Jones | 2009 - 2009 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: John Clemmer | 2009 - 2015 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Cory Carter | 2006 - 2006 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Amanda Ring | 2000 - 2000 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Kelty Darnell | 1999 - 1999 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Tom Wood | 1998 - 1998 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Daniel Boyd | 1997 - 1997 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Alan Jones | 1996 - 1996 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: John Hardwell | 1996 - 1996 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Rob Hamilton | 1993 - 1993 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Michael Holman | 1992 - 1992 |
Summer Medical Student, Advised: Del Ashcraft | 1989 - 1989 |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Kyle Moore | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Elena Dent | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Victoria Wolf | |
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Gwen Davis | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Ma Ga | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Jan Hang | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Intracellular Calcium Dynamics in Swine Trachealis: Effects of Neurotransmitter and Drugs Advised: Char-Chang Shieh | |
Dissertation Committee Member, The Role of Respiratory Depression in the Lethal Interaction between Pyridostigmine Bromide and N,N-Diethyl-m-Toluamide (DEET) in Rats Advised: Leslie Chaney | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Sensitization and Inhibition of Submucosal Gland Muscous Cell Function in Swine Airway Advised: Silu Lu | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Andrew Hoy | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Structural, Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Analysis of a Novel Drug Delivery Vector ELP[V5G3A2-150] in PBS, with Preliminary Analysis for Applying Quantitative Hydrodynamic Analyses in Serum Advised: Daniel Lyons | |
Master's Thesis Committee Member, Tenotomy Down-Regulates VEGF Expression and Causes Vascular Regression in Rat Skeletal Muscle Advised: Wen Li | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Role of Potassium in Protecting Against Arteriosclerosis and Neointimal Lesion Formation Advised: Ge Ma | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Adaptation of Blood Vascular System to Maximum Metabolic Demand Advised: Jian Hang | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Effects of Acute Hyperkalemia on Renal Hemodynamics and Renal Secretion in Intact Animals Advised: Huabao Lin | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Adrenergic Regulation of Renin Release and the Role of Angiotensin II in Mediating the Renal Actions of Norepinephrine Advised: Hun Mo Yang | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Role of the Transvascular Fluid Flux and Lymph Flow in Extracellular Fluid Volume Regulation During Vasoconstrictor and Volume-loading Hypertension Advised: Jorge Valenzjela-Rendon | |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Flow-induced dilation and its relative role in the regulation of arteriolar diameter Advised: Akin Eraslan | |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Role of total peripheral resistance in the long-term control of arterial blood pressure and the pathogenesis of hypertension Advised: Min Huang | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Role of sFlt-1 in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension: Mechanisms of Production and Hypertensive Actions Advised: Sydney Roberts-Murphy | |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Role of altered PGI2 metabolism and potassium channel function in the impaired vascular reactivity in obesity Advised: Benjamin Hodnett |
Fellows supervised
Mentoring Faculty, 0 fellows supervised | 01/2016 - Present |
Physiology, Supervisor, 0 fellows supervised | 01/2015 - 12/2018 |
Mentoring Faculty, 0 fellows supervised | 01/2014 - Present |
Mentoring Faculty, 0 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - Present |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - 12/2015 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - 12/2013 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - 12/2013 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - 12/2011 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - 12/2007 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2004 - 12/2006 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2003 - 12/2007 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/2000 - Present |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/1999 - 01/2002 |
Physiology, supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/1994 - 01/1996 |
Physiology, Supervisor, 1 fellows supervised | 01/1992 - 01/1994 |