Yann Gibert, PhD
SOM-Cell and Molecular Biology
Work Phone:
(601) 815-1659
My overall goal is to use the zebrafish as a vertebrate organism to develop models of endocrine disrupters action, to model metabolic disorders and to test novel putative therapeutics to fight these diseases. I have over 19 years of experience in using the zebrafish as a model in 4 countries (Germany, France, USA and Australia) on three continents. For the past 19 years, I published over 50 peer-reviewed articles, reviews, book chapters, and books (including 27 in the last 5 years). In my career I published several in high impact journals as first author (Development, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Trends in Genetics, Molecular Endocrinology, Proceedings of the royal Society, FASEB) or senior author (Cell Reports, Endocrinology, Molecular Psychiatry, BBA gene regulations) or co-author (PLOS genet, Hepatology, Blood). I have considerable experience with all the techniques related to the zebrafish work that are proposed in this application, and I have maintained an active funded research program for the last 19 years: PhD Scholarship, Post-doctoral fellowship, from the French Association for Cancer Research (ARC); various external grants in Australia (Including NHMRC, the Australian NIH equivalent) and industrial funding in Europe that had focused on zebrafish as a model of various metabolic diseases.
University of Konstanz (Germany), PhD, Developmental genetics | 2005 |
University of Limerick (Ireland), MS, Biochemistry | 2001 |
University of Pau (France), BS, Biology | 1996 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Australian Graduate Certificate of Higher Education, Deakin University | 04/2016 - Present |
Current Positions
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry | 10/2018 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Senior Lecturer, Deakin School of Medicine, Australia, School of Medicine | 05/2011 - 10/2018 |
Instructor, Tufts University, School of Dentistry | 10/2009 - 12/2010 |
Post-doctoral fellow, Harvard Medical School, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 11/2007 - 09/2009 |
Post-doctoral fellow, Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon, France | 02/2005 - 10/2007 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Intramural, Identification, selection and validation in vitro and in vivo of novel platinum related chemotherapeutics, CCRI Pilot program | 01/2022 - 12/2022 |
Extramural, Mechanisms responsible for tooth morphogenesis in vertebrates, NIH-NIDCR | 08/2021 - 05/2026 |
Extramural, Physiological and molecular metabolic consequences of fetal hyperglycemia, NIGMS | 05/2020 - 06/2022 |
Extramural, Development of chemotherapeutic agents to be used in the fight against leukaemia: PUFAs and enhanced haematopoiesis, The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation | 01/2020 - 12/2020 |
Intramural, Embryonic BPA, but not BPS, exposure increases lipid deposition by activating the ERR receptor, IRSP | 09/2019 - 08/2020 |
Extramural, Physiological and molecular metabolic consequences of fetal hyperglycemia, NIGMS | 05/2019 - 04/2020 |
Extramural, Antipsychotics and osteoporosis: mechanisms and clinical consequences, NHMRC (Australia) | 01/2019 - 06/2022 |
Extramural, Identifying novel lipid and genetic signatures of metabolic disease in early childhood, NHMRC/A*STAR (Australia) | 01/2018 - 12/2020 |
Extramural, quantification of DNA and RNA machine, Collier Foundation | 01/2015 - 12/2015 |
Extramural, Gene expression quantification, Collier Foundation | 01/2013 - 12/2013 |
Extramural, Bisphenol and type 2 diabetes in a zebrafish model, Diabetes Australia Research trust | 01/2013 - 12/2013 |
Extramural, In situ machine to measure gene expression, Collier Foundation | 01/2012 - 12/2012 |
Intramural, Zebrafish as a model of obesity, Deakin University | 05/2011 - 04/2013 |
Extramural, retinoic acid receptor active repression and cancer, ARC | 01/2006 - 10/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish as a model of gestational diabetes, The University of Memphis School of Medicine, Virtual | 07/2022 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Differential expression of cyp26b1 in the tooth germ controls tooth morphogenesis in fish, International Zebrafish meeting, Montreal Canada | 06/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Excess glucose or fat differentially affects gene expression during zebrafish embryogenesis, International Zebrafish meeting, Montreal Canada | 06/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Retinoic acid levels control tooth morphology in fish, EB22, Philadelphia PA | 04/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Zebrafish as a model of physiological and molecular metabolic consequences of fetal hyperglycemia, EB22, Philadelphia PA | 04/2022 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Physiological, molecular and metabolic consequences of fetal hyperglycemia, Bowdoin College (ME), Virtual | 03/2022 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Retinoic Acid is a Major Player Implicated in Tooth Morphology and Diversity in Vertebrates, University of Louisville (KY), Virtual | 01/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Cleidocranial dysplasia and tooth morphogenesis in zebrafish, Zebrafish Disease Model, Virtual only | 10/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish model of Gestational Diabetes, Experimental Biology 21, Virtual | 04/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish as a model of gestational diabetes, University of North Texas (TX), Virtual | 03/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, IDENTIFICATION AND VALIDATION OF NOVEL THERAPEUTICS USING SELECTED TARGETED SMALL MOLECULE SCREENS IN ZEBRAFISH, Zebrafish Disease Model, Virtual nly | 11/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Use of the lipids as biomarkers of liver cancer progression, Cept of Microbiology and Immunology, UMMC | 02/2020 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, The genetics of tooth formation and development in fish, Zebrafish south East regional meeting, Miami (FL) | 12/2019 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish as a model of fetal hyperglycemia studies, University of Mississippi | 11/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Bisphenol A, but not Bisphenol S, exposure increases lipid deposition by acting on the PI3K pathway in vivo, Zebrafish Disease Model, Boston MA | 07/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Zebrafish as a model of physiological and molecular metabolic consequences of fetal hyperglycemia, Zebrafish Disease Model, Boston, MA | 07/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Bisphenol A, but not Bisphenol S, exposure increases lipid deposition by acting on the PI3K pathway in vivo, EB19, Orlando Fl | 04/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, zebrafish as a model of diabetic retinopathy and retinoic acid signaling, ophthalmology, resident seminar, UMMC | 03/2019 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, zebrafish as a model of fetal hyperglycemia studies, Dept of Physiology, UMMC | 02/2019 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish as a model of fetal hyperglycemia studies, Millsaps College | 01/2019 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bisphenol’s Role in the Onset of Childhood Obesity, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Melbourne | 02/2016 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, 17th Australia & New-Zealand Zebrafish Meeting, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Melbourne Australia | 02/2016 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Model diseases, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Melbourne Australia | 02/2016 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Retinoic acid signaling and the endocannabinoid system combine to influence bone growth, European Zebrafish meeting, Budapest Hungary | 06/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Genetic models III, European Zebrafish meeting, Budapest Hungary | 06/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The zebrafish as a model of lipid studies for embryonic development, cancer, and pharmaceutical therapeutics, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Queenstown New-Zealand | 02/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish embryonic lipidomic analysis reveals that the yolk cell is metabolically active in processing lipid, 11th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, Stockholm (Sweden) | 06/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Altered Retinoic Acid signalling underpins dentition evolution, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Sydney Australia | 05/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Retinoic Acid suppression improves β-cell regeneration in vivo, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Sydney Australia | 02/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Endocrine Disruptors and Development: case study of Bisphenol A and Genistein, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Melbourne Australia | 02/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The roles of the endocannabinoid system and retinoic acid signalling pathway in fat development, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Melbourne Australia | 02/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebrafish as a model of obesity: case study of the regulation of CART by the cannabinoid pathway, Australian and New-Zealand Zebrafish society, Brisbane Australia | 02/2012 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Fasting induces CART downregulation in the zebrafish nervous system in a CB1 dependent manner, Combio (Australia) | 12/2011 |
Poster Presentation, Formation of oral and pharyngeal dentition in teleosts depends on differential recruitment of retinoic acid signaling, European Zebrafish meeting, Amsterdam (Netherlands) | 06/2009 |
Poster Presentation, Using Gene-History and Expression Analyses to Assess the Involvement of LGI Genes in Human Disorders, European Zebrafish meeting, Paris (France) | 06/2005 |
Poster Presentation, Retinoic acid coordinates the development of the neural tube and the spinal cord in zebrafish, International Zebrafish meeting, Madison WI | 09/2004 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Induction and prepatterning of the zebrafish pectoral fin bud requires axial retinoic acid signaling, International Zebrafish meeting, Madison WI | 06/2004 |
Poster Presentation, Analysis of the very large G-protein coupled receptor gene (Vlgr1/MASS1/USH2C)., Analysis of the very large G-protein coupled receptor gene (Vlgr1/MASS1/USH2C)., Madison WI | 06/2002 |
Poster Presentation, Cloning of zebrafish T-box genes tbx15 and tbx18 and their expression during embryonic development., International Zebrafish meeting, Madison WI | 02/2002 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
New Investigator Award, International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) | 2014 |
Researcher fellowship, Alfred Deakin Research Fellowship | 2011 |
Post-doctoral fellow in Biomedical Sciences, Philippe Foundation | 2008 |
Post-doctoral Fellowship, French Association for Cancer Research | 2005 |
Travel Grant, Zebrafish Development and Genetics | 2004 |
PhD fellowship, Landesgraduiertenstipendium Baden-Württemberg | 2002 |
Travel grant, British Society for Developmental Biology | 2002 |
MS award, Enterprise Ireland | 1999 |
Professional Membership and Service
International Zebrafish society (IZFS), Member | 2022 - Present |
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular biology, Member | 2019 - Present |
Endocrine Society, Member | 2015 - 2017 |
Zebrafish Disease Model Society, Member | 2014 - Present |
International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL), Member | 2014 - 2016 |
British Society for Developmental Biology, Member | 2002 - 2004 |
Committee Service
Research Space Allocation Taskforce, Task Force Member | 2021 - 2022 |
UMMC flow core (FACS) leadership, Member | 2021 - Present |
Cell and Molecular Biology evaluation committee, Chair | 2021 - 2022 |
Departmental graduate student admission and selection committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Scientific Leadership Council, UMMC Cancer Center and Research Institute, Member | 2019 - Present |
Experimental Therapeutics program, UMMC Cancer Center and Research Institute, Member | 2019 - Present |
Departmental Research Seminar, Chair | 2019 - Present |
UMMC zebrafish animal research facility, Chair | 2019 - Present |
TERI (The Environmental Research Institute of India) students Faculty of Health Liaison Deakin University, Australia, Member | 2017 - 2018 |
DIRI (Deakin Indian Research Institute) students School of Medicine Liaison Deakin University, Australia, Member | 2015 - 2018 |
Barwon Health Research Week Operational committee Deakin University, Australia, Member | 2014 - 2017 |
SOMASC: School of Medicine Admission and Selection Committee Deakin University, Australia, Member | 2014 - 2016 |
School of Medicine RRTC: Research and Research Training Committee Deakin University, Australia, Member | 2013 - 2015 |
Deakin University zebrafish users steering committee, Co-Chair | 2011 - 2018 |
Community Service
St Richard Science fair, Judge | 04/2019 - 04/2019 |
Other Service
American Heart Association, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 12/2021 - Present |
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Editorial Review Board Member | 04/2021 - Present |
Frontiers in Endocrinology, Editorial Review Board Member | 06/2020 - Present |
Schrödinger Foundation Austria, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 04/2019 - Present |
Biomolecules, Special Issue Editor | 04/2019 - 09/2020 |
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Special Issue Editor | 01/2019 - 05/2021 |
Scientific reports, Editorial Review Board Member | 08/2018 - Present |
Frontiers in Endocrinology, Special Issue Editor | 05/2018 - 12/2019 |
1st South Pacific Medaka-Zebrafish meeting, Meeting organizer | 02/2016 - 02/2016 |
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Special Issue Editor | 02/2016 - 04/2017 |
ANR Association Nationale pour la Recherche France, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 02/2015 - Present |
Diabetes Australia Research Trust, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 02/2014 - 12/2017 |
Australia Research Council, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 02/2013 - 12/2017 |
National Health Medical Research Council Australia, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 02/2013 - Present |
PLoS One, Editorial Review Board Member | 09/2012 - Present |
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
eLIFE, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Pharmacology Research, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Clinical and Translational Medicine, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
BioEssays, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Reviews in Aquaculture, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Neuroscience, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Cancers, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Frontiers in Cell and developmental Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Stem Cells International, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Frontiers in Endocrinology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Biology of Sex differences, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Biological Psychiatry, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
ACS Medical Chemistry Letters, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Bioorganic Medical Chemistry, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Open Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Disease Models & Mechanisms, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
RSC Advances, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Chemosphere, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
International Journal of Genomics, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Frontiers Physiology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Biomolecules, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Current Cancer Therapy Reviews, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
STOTEN, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Food and Function, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Genes, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Molecules, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
World Journal of Neurology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Environmental Pollution, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Scientific Reports, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
eLS, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Journal of Lipid Research, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
waste biomass valorization, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Endocrinology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
FASEB, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
International Journal of Developmental Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Journal of Endocrinology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Molecular Endocrinology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Developmental Dynamics, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Developmental Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Zebrafish Journal, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Transgenic Research, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Journal of Fish Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
BMC Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
BMC Developmental Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
BMC Evolutionary Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
PLoS One, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Gene expression pattern, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Journal Molecular Endocrinology, Reviewer, Journal Article |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Biochemistry | Fall 2021 |
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Molecular tools | Spring 2021 |
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Molecular tools | Spring 2021 |
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Cell and Molecular Biology Methods | Fall 2021 |
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cell and Molecular Biology Methods | Fall 2021 |
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Cell and Molecular Biology Methods | Fall 2020 |
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cell and Molecular Biology Methods | Fall 2020 |
Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Molecular tools | Spring 2019 |
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Molecular tools | Spring 2019 |
Directed Student Learning
Dissertation Committee Member, Nonencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae Oligopeptide Transporters Regulate Transcriptional Pathways and Alter Pneumococcal Virulence Advised: Courtney Courtney Thompson | 2021 - Present |
Supervised Research, omega 3 resolvins during hematopoiesis Advised: Kim Uyen Nguyen | 2020 - Present |
Supervised Research, Advised: Matthew Dubuisson | 2020 - Present |
Supervised Research, zebrafish as a model of fetal hyperglycemia Advised: Bridget Konadu | 2020 - Present |
Dissertation Committee Member, The Developmental Phases of Zebrafish Myogenesis Advised: Sam Keenan | 2020 - 2020 |
Internship Advisor, A zebrafish model of fetal hyperglycmia Advised: Nhung Phan | 2019 - 2019 |
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, The role of the Cajal body protein coilin in miRNA biogenesis, NF-κB activation and Cajal body condensation Advised: Madelyn Logan | 2019 - 2022 |
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Impact of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibition on the Cardiometabolic Profile of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Advised: Jacob Pruett | 2019 - 2022 |
Dissertation Committee Member, H1o as a new sensor of DNA damage Advised: Ciara McKnight | 2019 - Present |
Dissertation Committee Member, Role of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 in the midline axis formation of zebrafish Advised: Frisca Frisca | 2017 - 2017 |
Supervised Research, Study of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids during Zebrafish Haematopoiesis Advised: Danielle Matthews | 2017 - 2017 |
Supervised Research, Novel clinico-molecular insights into the role of bisphenol-A (BPA) in the etiology of diabetes Advised: Avinash Soundararajan | 2015 - 2018 |
Supervised Research, Zebrafish as a model to study disease mechanisms Advised: Amitoj Singh | 2015 - 2018 |
Supervised Research, Zebrafish: Drug discovery, toxicity testing and chemical modulators of lipids Advised: Prusothman Yoganantharajah | 2015 - 2018 |
Supervised Research, Metformin, beta-cell development, and novel processes following beta-cell ablation in zebrafish Advised: Georgia Wyett | 2015 - 2015 |
Supervised Research, roles of cannabinoids during bone formation Advised: Robbie Mann | 2015 - 2015 |
Supervised Research, Genetics of tooth development in Zebrafish Advised: Cassidy Redden | 2015 - 2015 |
Supervised Research, Bsiphenol A and lipid metabolism Advised: Prusothman Yoganantharajah | 2014 - 2014 |
Supervised Research, Role of Bisphenol in type 2 diabetes Advised: Kristie De Jong | 2013 - 2013 |
Supervised Research, Chemical Modulators of Lipid Abundance and Bone Development Advised: Daniel Fraher | 2012 - 2015 |
Supervised Research, Cannabinid and retinoic acid during bone formation in zebrafish Advised: Matthew Dubuisson | |
Co-supervisor, Cytokine receptor-like factor 3 (CRLF3) contributes to early zebrafish hematopoiesis Advised: Tarannum Taznin | |
Co-supervisor, SOCS proteins in development and disease. Advised: Monique Trengove | |
PhD co-supervisor, The ADAMTS5 Metzincin Regulates Zebrafish Somite Differentiation Advised: Carolyn Dancevic | |
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Wade Moore | |
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Characterisation of novel regulators of cardiovascular development in zebrafish Advised: Jessica De Angelis |
Fellows supervised
University of Mississippi Medical Center- SOM, Post-Doc Advisor, 1 fellows supervised | 06/2022 - Present |
University of Mississippi Medical Center- SOM, Post-Doc Advisor, 1 fellows supervised | 06/2022 - Present |
University of Mississippi Medical Center- SOM, Post-Doc Advisor, 1 fellows supervised | 06/2020 - Present |