Stephanie L. Elkins, MD

Stephanie L. Elkins, MD

Medical Director



Work Phone:
(601) 984-5615


University of MS Medical Center, MD, Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology1994
University of MS Medical Center, MD, Chief Residency1991
University of MS Medical Center, MD, Residency1990
University of MS School of Medicine, MD, Medicine1987
University of Southern Mississippi, BS1982

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Oncology, ABIM1995 - 2015
Certification, Hematology, ABIM1994 - 2014
Licensure, Medical Licensure1988 - 06/2011
Certification, Internal Medicine1990 - 2010

Current Positions

Division Director, School of Medicine2017 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine07/2008 - Present
School of , Department of Medicine07/1996 - Present
Medical Director, Anticoagulation Clinic, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine07/1994 - Present
Medical Director, Apheresis Unit, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine07/1994 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of , Department of Medicine2012 - 07/2013
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine07/1999 - 06/2008
School of , Department of Medicine07/1995 - 06/2004
Assistant Professor, Univ of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine07/1994 - 06/1995
Instructor, Univ of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine06/1993 - 06/1994


Research Paper

Advani AS, McDonough S, Coutre S, Wood B, Radich J, Mims M, O'Donnell M, Elkins S, Becker M, Othus M, Appelbaum FR SWOG S0910: A Phase 2 Trial of Clofarabine/Cytarabine/Epratuzumab for Relapsed/Refractory Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia British Journal of Haematology. May 2014; 165:4(504-509)2014

Conference Paper


Journal Article

Bigelow C, Elkins S, Hardy C, Files J Outcomes of unrelated PBSCT transplantation in adult Caucasian and African American patients: one ceter's experience J Invest Med 51:S2642003
Qu G, Elkins S, Steinberg MH Thalassemi intermedia and extramedullary hematopoiesis associated with compound heterozygosity for the 532 BP deletion of the globin gene and gene depletion hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin Hemoglobin 25(1):91-962001
Elkins EL, Wilson PP, Files JC, Morrison FS Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: evolution across 15 years J of Cl Aphersis 11:173-1751996
Joseph S, King M, Jackson J, Milner C, Elkins S, Vijayakumar S “Shrinking Lung” Radiation Technique in Hodgkin’s
Sumrall A, Shumaker G, Elkins S Multiple myeloma in a patient with Castleman's disease Internet Journal of Hematology,2008;4(2)2008
Colon-Otero G, Davis TH, Elkins S, Kosty MP, Mudad R, Niell HB, Wozniak Aj Oncology Board Review Study Guide The Am J of Onc Rev 3(11)2004
McCollum A, Bigelow CL, Elkins SL, Hardy CL, Files JC Unusual skin lesions in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia South Med J 96(7):681-6842003
Clark S, Elkins S, Deogaygay B, Salem M A young woman with severe hypercalcemia J of MS State Med Asso 41(6):6162000
Patel MS, Bigler SA, Steckfus CF, Elkins SL, Thigpen JT, Vance RB, Bigler LG Limited expression of C0erb-2 in node negative breast cancer patients J of MS Acad of Sci 45(4):215-2182000
Young T, Bigelow C, Elkins S VP-16 induced metabolic acidosis in a bone marrow transplant patient J of Ms State Med Asso 41(6):6162000
Patel M, Thigpen T, Vance R, Elkins S, Guo M Basal cell carcinoma with lung metastases diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy Southern Med J 92(3):321-3241999
Herrington JM, Herrin VE, Elkins SL Cancer basics The Mississippi Psychologist 24:2:91999
Suwannaroj S, Elkins SL, McMurray RW Systemic lupus erythematosus and Castleman's disease J of Rheumat 26(6):1400-14031999
Chowdhury Z, Graham J, Elkins S. Case Report: Acquired Factor VIII Inhibitor Following Medicinal Termination of Pregnancy JMSMA. 2022;63(9)2022
Williams C, Alweis R, Roth T, Luther V, Pile J, Elkins S, Nagalla S, Muchmore EA Perspectives on the quality and utility of letters conforming to the AAIM guidelines Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, 2021; 11:2, 175-1792021
Barta SK, Rasco DW, Chen AI, Elkins S, Wang M, Denis LJ, TOker S, Usansky H, Reddy S, Rao NS Clinical activity, safety and tolerability of ASN002, a dual JAK/SYK inhibitor, in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), myeolfibrosis (MF), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and solid tumors. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018;36:152018
Hansen VL, Coleman M, Elkins S, Letzer JP, Levy MY, Seneviratne L, Rine J, White M, Kuriakose ET An Expanded Treatment Protocol of Panobinostat Plus Bortezomib and Dexamethasone in Patients With Previously Treated Myeloma Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia. 2018; 18:6(400-407)2018
Barrett JC, Alweis R, Frank M, O'Connor A, McConville JF, Adams ND, Arfons L, Bernard S, Bradley T, Buckley JD, Cohen E, Cornett P, Elkins S, Kopelman R, Luther VP, Petrusky J, McNeill DB, Omar B, Palapiano N, Roth T, Satko S, Fried ED, Muchmore E Adoption of a Uniform Start Date for Internal Medicine Fellowships and Other Advanced Training: An AAIM White Paper The American Journal of Medicine. 2015;128:9(1039-1043)2015

Review Article

Kumar V, Elkins S, Gaston RS, Prendergast MB, Reddy V, Cook WJ, Sanders PW Bortezomib successfully reduces monoclonal serum free light chain levels in a patient with recurrent myeloma and cast nephropathy in the renal transplant Clinical Transplants2009


Reddy A, Poosarla T, Elkins S Acute liver failure as initial presentation of multiple myeloma2018
Keiser SC, Boyd KW, Rehberg JF, Elkins S, Owens MY, Martin JN Jr. High LDH to AST ratio: rapidly available aid to support a suspected diagnosis of pregnancy-related Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) Obstet Gynecol2010
Andreeff M, Sergej K, Wang R, Zeng A, McQueen T, Shi Y, Medeiros L, Estey E, McCarty J, Elkins S, Champlin R, Calandra G, Bridger G, Konopleva M Massive Mobilization of AML Cells into Circulation by Disruption of Leukemia/Stroma Cell Interactions Using CSCR4 Antagonist AMD3100: First Evidence in Patients and Potential for Abolishing Bone Marrow Microenvironment-Medicated Resistance Blood 108(11), November 26, 20062006
Bigelow C, Elkins S, Herrin V, Hardy C, Files J Reduced Intensity Conditioning Regimens with Alemtuzumab Result in Low Treatment-Related Mortality and Low Relapse Rate in Unrelated and Related Allotransplantation Recipients Blood 108(11):November 16, 20062006
Bigelow C, Elkins S, Hardy C, Files J Allotransplantation with reduced intensity conditioning that includes Alemtuzumab lessens transplant=related mortality and incidence of relapse in patients with High-risk Myeloid Diseases Bone Marrow Transplant Tandem Meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii2006
Bigelow C, Elkins S, Hardy C, Files J Allotransplantation with reduced intensity conditioning regimens modified to lessen transplant-related mortality is a useful treatment for High-risk Myeloid Diseases American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, GA2005
Bigelow C, Elkins S, Hardy C, Files J Variable intensity conditioning with durable engraftment and less graft versus host disease J Invest Med 52(1):S272, January 20042004
Bigelow CL, Elkins SL, Megason GC, Hardy CL, Files JC Effect on platelet and neutrophil recovery of administration of filgrastim post transplant in autologous transplant recipients Blood 102(11):428b, November 16, 20032003
Bigelow C, Elkins S, Hardy C, Files J Variable intensity conditioning with durable engraftment and less graft versus host disease in recipients of unrelated and related transplants Blood 102(11):42b, November 16, 20032003
Qu G, Elkins SL, Steinberh MH Compound heterozygosity for the 532-BP deletion thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH)-2 associated with thalassemia intermedia and extramedullary hematopoiesis Blood 94(10):3305, 19991999
Elkins SL, Wilson PP, Files JC, Morrison FS Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a 15 year experience Blood 84(10):2767, 19941994

Book Chapter

Elkins S Iron Deficiency Anemia. In medical Therapy in Pregnancy, 4th Edition2007
Elkins SL, Perry KG Iron deficiency anemia Principles and Practice of Medical Therapy in Pregnancy, 3rd Edition, New York:Appleton and Lange Publishers, pp 1156-11591998


Poster Presentation, A Case Series of Small Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder, SSCI, New Orleans, LA02/2019
Poster Presentation, 176 Ustekinumab-Associated TTP in a Jehovah's Witness Patient Treated Without Plasma Exchange, SSCI, New Orleans, LA02/2019
Poster Presentation, 170 Acute Myeloid Leukemia Everywhere Except the Bone Marrow: A Case of Myeloid Sarcoma with Multi-Organ Involvement, SSCI, New Orleans, LA02/2019
Poster Presentation, Panning for Precious Metals: A Case of Severe Pancytopenia Due to Copper Deficiency, SSCI, New Orleans, LA02/2019
Poster Presentation, 157 A Rare Evolution of Myeloid Malignancies, SSCI, New Orleans, LA02/2019
11th Annual Hope Conference, Cancer Treatment: How to Make Informed Choices about Standard Care and Clinical Trials, Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, MS-LA Chapter, First Baptist Church, Jackson, MS03/2013
Poster Presentation, It's All About the Bite: A Case of Babesiosis Presenting as Hemolysis, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2013
Poster Presentation, T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Take Two, Southern Society for Clinical Investigators, New Orleans, LA02/2013
Poster Presentation, Southwest Oncology Group Study S0910: A Phase 2 Trial of Clofarabine/Cytarabine/Epratuzumab for Relapsed/Refractory Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, 2012 ASH Meeting12/2012
Poster Presentation, Southwest Oncology Group Study S0910: A Phase 2 Trial of Clofarabine/ Cytarabine/ Epratuzumab for Relapsed/ Refractory Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia., SSCI, New Orleans, LA11/2012
Invited Symposia, Breast Cancer Case Study, Small Group, Univ. of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS09/2012
SuperTalk Radio Talk Show, Blood Cancer Awareness Month, Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, Jackson, MS09/2012
Invited Symposia, 2012 Internal Medicine Intensive Board Reivew - Oncology, MedStudy, Dallas, TX05/2012
Invited Symposia, 2012 Internal Medicine Intensive Board Reivew - Oncology, MedStudy, Dallas, TX05/2012
Invited Symposia, 2012 Internal Medicine Intensive Board Review Course - Hematology, MedStudy, Dallas, TX05/2012
Poster Presentation, Don't play with mismatches: Acute hemolytic reaction during allogeneic stem cell infusion for high risk myelodyplastic syndrome, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2012
Oral Presentation, Expecting the Unexpected: A Case of Sorafenib causing Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2012
Poster Presentation, Pyropoikilocytosis presenting as iron overload, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2012
Poster Presentation, Systemic Mastocytosis: A Case Report, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2012
Poster Presentation, Torus Hyperplasia of Pyloric Antrum simulating gastric malignancy, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2012
Hematology Board Review, Med Study, Dallas, TX05/2011
Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Dallas, TX05/2011
Poster Presentation, A case of acquired von Willebrand disease as a presenting sign of IgA Kappa Multiple Myeloma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, A Case report of a successful pregnancy in a patient with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria receiving Exulizumab, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
Poster Presentation, A case report of cutaneous metastases from non-small cell lung cancer treated with Taxol and Carboplatin, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
Poster Presentation, A case report: Post-Transplant Ewing's Sarcoma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
Poster Presentation, Cardiac Angiosarcoma: A case report and review of the literature, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
Poster Presentation, Gastric Plasmacytoma: A case report and review of the literature, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hitting an unintended target: Thrombotic microangiopathy as a result of Bevacizumab administration in metastatic renal cell carcinoma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2011
ASCO Item Writing Workshop, Alexandria, VA2011
Invited Symposia, Breast Cancer Case Study, Small Group, Univ of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS09/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, High LDH to AST ratio: rapidly available aid to support a suspected diagnosis of pregnancy-related Thrombotic thromocytopenic purpura (TTP), 30th Annual Meeting of SMFM, Chicago, IL02/2010
Poster Presentation, A case report of Adult T Cel Leukemia, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, A case report of Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, A case report of widely metastatic histiocytic Sarcoma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, Acquired Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia: A case series and review of the literature, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, Clinical outcome of chemoradiotherapy in elderly veterans with locally advanced unresectable non-small Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, Perivascular Epitheloid Cell Tumor: A case report and review of the literature, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, Suppression for the suppressed: Aplastic Anemia wihtou a sibling donor match, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
Poster Presentation, Treatment of Scleromyxedema with high dose Dexamethasone: A case report and review of the literature, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hematololgy Board Review, Med Study, Dallas, TX2010
Invited Symposia, MKSAP 15 Reviewer2010
Invited Symposia, MKSAP Hematololgy/Oncology Update 1 and 3 Question Writer2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Dallas, TX2010
Poster Presentation, A case report of mycosis fungoides evolving into an aggressive cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2009
Scientific Presentations, A case report of pulmonary papillamatosis with progression to multifocal squamous cell cancer of the lung, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2009
Poster Presentation, Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as hematuria, Southern Society for Clinical Investigtion, New Orleans, LA02/2009
Poster Presentation, Malignant transformation of a dermoid cyst of the ovary: a case report and review of the literature, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2009
Scientific Presentations, Ovarian cancer in a man?, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2009
Poster Presentation, Pseudothrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction: a diagnostic dilemma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hematology Board Review, Med Study, Dallas, TX2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Dallas, TX2009
Invited Symposia, Treanda for CLL Treatment, Meridian, MS2009
Invited Symposia, Hematology Board Review, Med Study, Colorad06/2008
Invited Symposia, Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Colorado06/2008
Poster Presentation, A case report of IgE multiple myeloma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Poster Presentation, Case Report of Multiple Myeloma presenting as acities, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Poster Presentation, Multiple Myeloma and it's predominance in the Mississippi Delta: Fact or Fiction?, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Scientific Presentations, multiple myeloma in a patient with Castleman's disease, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Poster Presentation, Multiple Myeloma presenting as a recurrence in the central nervous system, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Poster Presentation, Rasburicase induced mehemoglobinemia, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Poster Presentation, Unusual pathology for a palpable breast mass, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2008
Poster Presentation, Use of Peri-Transplant Rituximab improves outcome in non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Autologous Stem Cell Transplant, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orlenas, LA02/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, nonHodgkin's lymphoma, Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, Jackson, MS10/2007
Invited Symposia, Revlimid in multiple myeloma patients, local physicians, Hattiesburg, MS09/2007
Invited Symposia, Hematology Board Review, Med Study, Colorado06/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Revlimid in multiple myeloma treatment, Local physicians, Gulfport, MS05/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Multiple myleoma, Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, UMC, Jackson, MS04/2007
Poster Presentation, A case report of sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma with synchronous breast cancer, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2007
Poster Presentation, Idiopathic Ovarian Vein Thrombosis as a rare cause of Abdominal Pain, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2007
Poster Presentation, Reduced intensity conditioning using alemtuzumab in allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2007
Poster Presentation, Seconday rhabdomyosarcoma after non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2007
Poster Presentation, Thromboembolism in multiple myeloma patients receiving thalidomide combination chemotherapy, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2007
Poster Presentation, Unusual presentation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2007
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hematology Board Review, Med Study, Colorado06/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Colorado06/2006
Poster Presentation, A Case Presentation of Testicular Lymphoma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
Poster Presentation, A Case Report of Ophthalmic and Cutaneous Secondary Plasmacytomas in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
Poster Presentation, A Retrospective Review of Chemotherapy Response in Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Lung, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
Poster Presentation, Burkitt's Lymphoma Presenting in a Patient as a Right Atrial Mass, Southern Soceity for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
Poster Presentation, Clinical Significance of Reactive Thrombocytosis after Acute Myocardial Infarction and Subsequent Stent Placement; a Retrospective Chart Review, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
Poster Presentation, CRMP-5 Autoantibody-Associated Paraneoplastic Neurologic Disorder in a Patient with Gastric Adenocarcinoma, Southern Society for Clinical investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
Poster Presentation, Infusional Etoposide, Daunorubicin, Vincristine and Cytarabine in Relapsed Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hematology Board Review, Med Study, Snow Mass, Colorado06/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Snow Mass, Colorado06/2005
Poster Presentation, Variable Intensity Conditioning is Associated with Less Transplant Related Mortality than Non-myeloblative Conditioning in Unrelated and Related Allogeneic Transplant Recipients, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA02/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bexxar in NHL, Nashville, TN09/2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hematololgy Board Review, Med Study, Colorado Springs, Colorado06/2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncology Board Review, Med Study, Colorado Springs, Colorado06/2004
Invited Symposia, Cancer Conference: Education, Conversation and Celebration - Meet the Doctors presentation and Q&A session, First Baptist Church, Jackson, MS05/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bexxar in NHL, Jackson, MS, Mississippi Baptist Medical Center02/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Thrombocytosis Associated with Candidemia, 68th Mississippi Academy of Science Meeting, Biloxi, MS2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hematology Board Review Presentation, Med Study, Colorado Springs, Colorado06/2003
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncology Board Review Presentation, Med Study, Colorado Springs, Colorado06/2003
Invited Symposia, As the Doctor presentation and Q&A session, Keukemia Society of America, Jackson, MS2003
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Cancer: Keys to Survivorship, Leukemia Society of America, Jackson, MS12/2001
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Increassed Incidence of Gastrointestinal Tract GVHD in Non-Myeloablated Recipients of Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Cells, National Marrow Donor Program Council Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota11/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Overview of the Management of Fungal Infections in Immunocompromised Patients - Pfizer Antifungal Preceptorship, Univ of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS11/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Breast Cancer, Tougaloo College, Jackson, MS04/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oncologic Emergencies - Grand Rounds, Forrest County General Hospital, Hattiesburg, MS1997
Poster Presentation, Detection of a mBCR/ABL Rearrangement by Fluorescent in Situ Hybirdization in a Variant pH-Positive Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia, Southern Genetics Group, Charleston, South Carolina1994

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Listged in Best Doctors in America2007
Department of Medicine Community Service Award, Department of Medicine2007
Listed in Guide to American's Top Oncologists2007
Listed in Best Doctor's in America2002
UMMC - AOA Secretary1986
UMMC - AOA1985
UMMC - Douglas E. Wills Memorial Scholarship1985

Professional Membership and Service

AAIM Fellowship Match Working Group, Committee Member2012 - Present
Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), Committee Member, AAIM Fellowship Match Working Group2012 - 2013
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Guest Speaker, Blood Cancer Support Group - Brunch and Learn2012 - Present
Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, Session Moderator, 2012 Southern Regional Meeting2012
MS/LA Oncology Society, Member2012 - Present
Cahaba GBA - Mississippi, Mississippi Hematology Representative, Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) - Mississippi2011 - Present
Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, Committee Member, Patient Service Committee2011 - Present
American College of Physicians - MKSAP 15 Update Committee, Member2010
American College of Physicians, Committee Member, Internal Medicine In-Training Exam Question Writing Committee2008 - Present
Oncotalk Teach, Graduate2008 - 2009
American College of Physicians - Internal Medicine in Training Exam Question Writing Committee, Member2007 - 2010
Association of Subspecialty Professors - Members Services Committee, Member2005 - 2006
Association of Subspecialty Professors - Councilor at Large, Member2002 - 2005
Association of Subspecialty Professors - Education Committee, Member2002 - 2005
Association of Subspecialty Physicians, Member2002 - 2005
American Association of Blood Banks, Member
American College of Physicians, Member
American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Member
American Society of Hematology, Member
Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, Member

Committee Service

AAIM Resident to Fellow Interface Committee, Member2019 - 2020
UMMC's Research Compliance Subcommittee, Member2013 - Present
Department of Medicine Clinical Council, In-Patient Services Team, Member2011 - Present
School Of Medicine - Executive Faculty, Member2011 - 2013
LCME Education Program Subcommittee, Member2010 - 2011
Medical Center - Institutional Review Board 1, Member2007 - 2009
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Chair2007 - 2008
The University Hospitals and Clinics - Blood Transfusion, Chair2004 - Present
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Chair2004 - 2005
Internal Medicine Education Council, Member2003 - Present
The University Hospitals and Clinics - Blood Transfusion, Member2002 - Present
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Member1997 - 2011
School Of Medicine - Graduate Medical Education, Member1996 - Present
Quality Assurance Committee, Member1995 - 2010

Community Service

Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Stewardship Committee, Chair2012 - Present
Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Hostess Committee2012 - 2014
Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Bylaws Committee2012 - 2013
Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Chair, Stewardship Committee2012 - 12/2012
Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Stewardship Committee2009 - 2012
Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Youth Committee2004 - 2006
Jackson Friends of the Zoo Board, Secretary2001 - 2003
Junior Auxilary of Byram/Terry, President2001 - 2002
Jackson Friends of the Zoo Board1998 - 2004
Junior Auxiliary of Byram/Terry, Welfare Chair1998 - 2000
WIST (Women in Science and Techology), Panel Member1994 - 1995
Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Ladies Ensemble

Other Service

2013 Mississippi Health Summit, presenter06/2013 - 06/2013
Healthcare Build 2013 Habitat for Humanity Build, volunteer03/2013 - 03/2013
UMC Katrina Clinic, physician08/2005 - 09/2005
Jackson Free Clinic, Internal Medicine Physician Coordinator2005 - Present
Education Council; Department of Medicine, Member2003 - Present
Habitat for Humanity, UMC Jackson Build06/2002 - 06/2003
Leukemia Society of American - Mississippi Chapter, Board of Directors1996 - Present
Quality Assurance Committee; Department of Medicine, Member1995 - 06/2011
Student/Employee Health1991 - 1994

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Course, Lecturer, M1 Clinical SkillsSpring 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Mississippi College Physician Assistant SchoolSpring 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Family Medicine Core LectureFall 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M2 - ICMFall 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Thrombocytopenia (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia)Summer 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Chronic Leukemia (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Chronic Lymophocytic Leukemia)Spring 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Lymphoma (Hodgkin's/non-Hodgkin's)Spring 2012
631, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, General Medicine ClerkshipFall 2011
621, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to Clinical MedicineFall 2011
621, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Introduction to Clinical MedicineFall 2010
621, Medicine, Course, Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical MedicineFall 2010
621, Medicine, Course, Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical MedicineSpring 2010

Fellows supervised

Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program, Program Director, 8 fellows supervised01/1996 - Present

Residency Training

Internal Medicine Residency Program, Training Faculty1994 - Present