Angela A. Duck

Angela A. Duck


SON-Instruction School Nursing


Work Phone:
(601) 815-1949


University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate Studies in Health Sciences, PhD, Nursing Science2018
University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Nursing, MSN, Nursing, Nurse Educator2013
The University of Southern Mississippi, College of Nursing, BSN, Nursing2011
Southwest Mississippi Community College, School of Nursing, ADN, Nursing1995

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Registered Nurse, State of Louisiana1996 - 12/2017
Licensure, Registered Nurse, State of Mississippi2000 - Present
Certification, Nurse Educator, National League for Nursing2020 - Present

Current Positions

Director, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences07/2023 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Nursing06/2021 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing, School of Nursing06/2018 - 05/2021
Assistant Professor, Alcorn State University, School of Nursing08/2016 - 05/2018

Sponsored Program Funding


Invited Symposia, AA Duck, KC Hall, KL Carr, L Watkins, & K. Rhodes. (2023). Improving adolescent health
and advancing nursing science in school-based clinics: A research-academic-practice consortium, Symposium, Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Poster Presentation, AA Duck. Patient safety: A concept analysis [poster], (2014). University of Southern Mississippi School of Nursing, Doctoral Seminar. Hattiesburg, MS
Poster Presentation, AA Duck. Health care quality: Concept analysis [poster], (2015). UMMC School of Nursing, Doctoral Seminar, Jackson, MS
Poster Presentation, AA Duck. The relationship between amount of physical activity and postural balance in rural community dwelling adults age 65 years and older [podium], (2016). UMMC School of Nursing, Journal Club, Jackson, MS
Poster Presentation, AA Duck. A journey through western philosophy [poster], (2016). UMMC School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences’ Research Day, Jackson, MS
Platform Presentations, AA Duck. The relationship between amount of physical activity and postural balance in rural community dwelling adults age 65 years and older: The recipe [podium], (2017). UMMC School of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau Symposium, Jackson, MS
Keynote Address, Keynote Address. (2019). UMMC School of Nursing, Accelerated BSN Pinning Ceremony [invited podium], Jackson, MS
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Beta Chapter (2021). DNP, PhD, or both? Defining your path! [invited panelist], Jackson, MS
Platform Presentations, AA Duck, KC Hall, K Douglas, & TS Price. (2022). Influencers Covid-19 vaccine: practice and research unite [podium], UMMC School of Nursing Faculty Journal Club, Jackson, MS
Platform Presentations, AA Duck. Metabolic syndrome risk among adolescents in the Deep South. [podium], UMMC School of Nursing Faculty Journal Club, Jackson, MS
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, AA Duck. Challenges and solutions: Conducting fundable research in rural populations [invited podium], (2022). Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research Community Engagement and Outreach Summer Institute. Hattiesburg, MS.
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, AA Duck. Challenges and solutions: Community Engaged Participatory Research [invited podium], (2023). Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research Community Engagement and Outreach Summer Institute. Jackson, MS
Platform Presentations, AA Duck. The relationship between amount of physical activity and postural balance in rural community dwelling adults age 65 years and older [podium/poster], (2018). Southern Nursing Research Society, Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA
Platform Presentations, AA Duck, & CS Lim. How do we serve the underserved? School-based behavioral health screenings [accepted for podium, cancelled due to pandemic]. (2020). National School-Based Health Care Convention: Elevating a School Climate of Health and Safety, Denver, CO
Poster Presentation, AA Duck, & KL Carr. Integrating comprehensive and behavioral health in a school-based clinic for underserved adolescents [poster], (2020). Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and the Health Resources and Services Administration Conference. Sustaining Primary Care: Behavioral Health Integration, virtual
Poster Presentation, AA Duck, KC Hall, M Klamm, M Temple, JC Robinson. (2021). Physical activity and fitness: The feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of wearable activity tracker technology incorporating altruistic motivation in youth [poster], Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, virtual.
Platform Presentations, AA Duck, KC Hall, K Douglas, TS Price. (2022). Influencers of Covid-19 vaccine acceptance [podium/poster], Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Norman C. Nelson Order of Teaching Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center2024
School of Nursing Regions TEACH Prize Finalist, University of Mississippi Medical Center2024
Research Excellence Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing2023
Mentor Academy, Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research2018
Jonas Nurse Scholar Award, Jonas Foundation and American Association of Colleges of Nursing2016
National Quality Connect Champion, American College of Physicians2016
Quality Improvement Leadership Academy, Public Health Accreditation Board2015
Dean's Scholarship, University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Graduate Studies in Health Sciences2014
School of Nursing Service Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center2014
Family of the Year, Mississippi Association for Rights of Citizens with Disabilities2011
Clinicians' Leadership Academy, LSU Health Sciences Center2009
Clinical Excellence in Hypertension Disease Management, LSU Health Sciences Center2007
Employee of the Year, LSU Health Sciences Center, Lallie Kemp Medical Center2000

Professional Membership and Service

National League for Nursing, Member
American Heart Association, Member
American Nurses Association, Fellow
Mississippi Nurses Association, Member
Southern Nursing Research Society, Member

Committee Service

PhD in Nursing Comittee, Chair2023 - Present
UMMC School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences Alumni Board, Member2022 - Present
Institutional Review Board, Member2022 - Present
PhD in Nursing Committee, Member2021 - Present
Southern Nursing Research Society Grants Committee, Member2021 - Present
UMMC School of Nursing Faculty Search Committee, Member2021 - Present
UMMC School of Nursing Research Council, Chair2021 - 2023
UMMC School of Nursing Research and Scholarship Day Planning Committee, Co-Chair2021 - 2023
Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Beta Chapter, Chair2021 - Present
UMMC School of Nursing Workload and Practice, Task Force Member2019 - 2020
Lanier High Teen Wellness Clinic Advisory Board, Chair2019 - 2020
UMMC School of Nursing Research Council, Member2019 - Present
School of Nursing Research Council, Member2018 - Present
Alcorn State University School of Nursing Simulation Committee, Member2018 - 2019
Alcorn State University School of Nursing Pinning Committee, Member2017 - 2018
UMMC School of Nursing Doctoral Seminar Planning Committee, Member2015 - Present

Community Service

Lanier High Teen Wellness Outreach Activities07/2019 - 12/2021
Davis Magnet School Health Promotion Education05/2014 - 05/2015
Special Needs Cheer, Coordinator/Director2007 - 12/2020
Camp Sunshine, Director2006 - 12/2007

Other Service

Be the Match National Marrow Donor, Ambassador2016 - 12/2019

Teaching Experience

PHN 720, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Methods and Analysis I
N461, Nursing, Course, Grader, Management and Leadership Practicum
N407, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Pathophysiology
PHN 705, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Writing Proposals
PHN 710, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Practicum
PHN 717, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Directed Research
PHN 712, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Introduction to Grant Writing
PHN 714, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Theory Construction and Testing
PHN 711, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Data Collection and Analysis
PHN 721, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Methods and Analysis II