Jay O. Craddock, MD

Jay O. Craddock, MD

Associate Professor



Work Phone:
(601) 984-5020


Jay Craddock, M.D., Associate Professor and Medical Student Educator, is a board-certified Ophthalmologist and a glaucoma and anterior segment surgical specialist. Dr. Craddock is from Lowndes County, Mississippi and received his medical degree from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. After completing his Ophthalmology Residency at UMMC, Dr. Craddock began his practice with a dual appointment from the VA Medical Center and UMMC as an Assistant Professor. In 2017, Dr. Craddock completed a one-year glaucoma fellowship with the University of Alabama Birmingham, Callahan Eye Center and returned to practice solely at UMMC. Dr. Craddock has extensive expertise in LASER procedures for vision restoration, management of chronic and acute glaucoma, anterior segment eye surgery, management of acute eye trauma, and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS). Dr. Craddock is a Mississippi native who has a passion for serving his fellow state residents. And when he is not involved in teaching or patient care, Dr. Craddock enjoys reading, movies, podcasts, cooking, Peloton cycling, video games, home improvements, and spending time with his wife and two children.


University of Mississippi School of Medicine, MD, Medicine2010
Millsaps College, BS, Biology2004
University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Ophthalmology
UAB School of Medicine, Glaucoma

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Board certification, American Board of Ophthalmology06/2016 - 12/2026
Licensure, Mississippi Medical Licensure, MSBML07/2020 - 06/2021

Current Positions

Associate Professor, School of Medicine07/2021 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology07/2017 - 06/2021
Physician, VAMC, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology07/2014 - 06/2016
Assistant Professor, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology07/2014 - 06/2016


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Retrospective Review of Surgery Outcomes: XEN Gel Stent & Hydrus Microstent.", Resident Research Day, Department of Ophthalmology, UMMC, Jackson, MS06/2020
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "An Update on Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery: Trials and Tribulations with the XEN Gel Stent.", Ophthalmology Update, Jackson, MS08/2019
Poster Presentation, "Anorexic or Compressed Disc.", NANOS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV03/2019
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Teaching Pupils About Pupils.", Ophthalmology Update, Jackson, MS08/2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Retrospective Review of CyPass Outcomes.", Resident Research Day, Department of Ophthalmology, UMMC, Jackson, MS06/2018
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "The New Glaucoma Patient.", Ophthalmology Update, Jackson, MS08/2017
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Normal Tension Glaucoma.", Ophthalmology Update, Jackson, MS08/2017
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Pearls of Refraction.", Ophthalmology Update, Jackson, MS08/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Ocular Trauma: A Review of Open Globe Outcomes.", Resident Research Day, Department of Ophthalmology, UMMC, Jackson, MS06/2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "A Retrospective Review of Seasonal, Meteorological, and Calendar Date Factors Related to Ocular Trauma.", Resident Research Day, Department of Ophthalmology, UMMC, Jackson, MS06/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Potassium Ion Voltage Gated Channelopathy as Etiology for New Onset Diplopia, a Case Report.", Resident Research Day, Department of Ophthalmology, UMMC, Jackson, MS06/2012

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Excellence in the Undergraduate Study of Ophthalmology, UMMC Department of Ophthalmology2010
AOA (Alpha Omega Alpha), UMMC School of Medicine2009
Medical Alumni Reunion Scholarship, UMMC School of Medicine2009
Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Scholarship, UMMC School of Medicine2008
Medical Alumni Reunion Scholarship, UMMC School of Medicine2008
Dean's Summer Medical Research Fellowship, UMMC School of Medicine2007

Professional Membership and Service

AUPO (Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology), Member, AUPO annual meeting attendance, years 2019, 20202018 - Present
MAEPS (Mississippi Association of Eye Physicians and Surgeons), Member2017 - Present
AGS (American Glaucoma Society), Member2016 - Present
MSMA (Mississippi State Medical Association), Member2014 - Present
AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology), Member, AAO annual meeting attendance for years 2013, 2015, 20172010 - Present
AMA (American Medical Association), Member2006 - Present

Committee Service

CCC (Clinical Competency Committee), Department of Ophthalmology, Member2017 - Present
CCC (Clinical Competency Committee), Department of Ophthalmology, Member2014 - 2016

Other Service

Ophthalmology Interest Group, Faculty Adviser07/2018 - Present

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 630Annual 2020
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 659A & 659BAnnual 2020
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 660Annual 2020
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 659A & 659BAnnual 2019
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 660Annual 2019
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 630Annual 2019
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 659A & 659BAnnual 2018
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 660Annual 2018
Medicine, Course, Course Director, OPHTH 630Annual 2018

Directed Student Learning

Medical Student Educator, Advised: Shanu Moorthy, Thomas Bateman, Dani Block, Walter Rose, Sam Chafin, Sarah Sobiesk, MariMac Collins, Jerry Rodgers, Ashton Nicholson, Renfeng Xu, Osasu Adah, Philip Qu, Margaret Littlejohn, Elleny Gutierrez, Nicholas Braud, William White, Shelby Hope, Gary Hodge, Michael Magee, David Sandlin, Hannah Miller, Asyvia Powell, Jordan Ezell, Michael Ascuitto, Kellie Coleman, Samuel Metcalf, John Fitzpatrick, Thomas Coleman, Lakeshia Gibson, Anthony Tang, Kristina Moore, Daniel Robbins, Jessica Arnold, Landen Tharp, Ashley Pickering, Taylor Coleman, Salma Dawoud, Johnny McKenzie, Daniel McClung, Johnny Lipincott, David Riem, Max Harrigil, Edwin Moore, Michael Gilbert, Lorenzo Spencer, Walker Robison, Aaron Schwartz, Stephen Amann, Nelson Douglass, John Weldy, Haley McCool, Ashli Fitzpatrick, Benjamin Stevens, Kane Edwards, Tyler Shack, David Wilbanks, Hunter Aultman, Amit Bajaj, Jon Glaze, John Friend, John Hoffman, Haley Goodman, Ritesh Patel, Lydia Nunes, Kelton Kingsley2018 - Present

Residency Training

UMMC Ophthalmology, Attending Physician2017 - Present
VAMC Ophthalmology, Attending Physician2014 - 06/2016