Kerry J. Yancy, MD

Kerry J. Yancy, MD

Assistant Professor



Work Phone:
(601) 984-2195


Dr Kerry Yancy has diverse training and experience in pediatric emergency medicine, working in the Bronx, Chicago, Milwaukee, Dallas, Fort Worth, Corpus Christi, the Rio Grande Valley, Mobile, Kissimee, and Baton Rogue, including many years in both non-academic and academic pediatric emergency departments, teaching pediatric, emergency medicine, family practice residents, and more, at ten institutions. She is also a board certified lactation consultant. She uses this knowledge to assist mothers and their nursing infants and toddlers in the emergency department. She recently earned a Master of Criminal Justice in Homeland Security and Emergency Management degree with a dual focus on disaster management and recognizing and responding to human trafficking the the emergency department setting. She is the only physician ever board certifeid in disaster medicine in the state of Mississippi.


University of Mississippi, Master of Criminal Justice, Homeland Security and Emergency Management2022
University of Chicago Hospitals, Fellowhsip, Pediatric Emergency Medicine1994
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Residency, Pediatrics1992
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Internship, Pediatrics1990
UT Southwestern Medical School, MD, Medicine1989
Austin College, BA, Biology1985

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Medical Doctor, Mississippi05/2018 - 06/2025
Licensure, Medical Doctor, Texas12/1990 - 05/2025
Certification, Pediatric Emergency Medicne, America Board of Pediatrics08/1994 - Present
Certification, Pediatrics, America Board of Pediatrics10/1992 - Present
Certification, IBCLC Lactation Consultant, International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners07/2006 - Present
Certification, Disaster Medicine, American Board of Physician Specialties10/2023 - 12/2031

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama Children's and Women's Hospital, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine01/2019 - 12/2019
Acted as Associate Professor, but had not yet been appointed. Departments were being formed, Doctor's Hosptial at Renaissance, UT Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine07/2017 - 05/2018
Assistant Professor, Driscoll Children's Hospital, Texas A & M College of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine09/2013 - 06/2017
Clinical Assistant Professor, Children's Medical Center, UT Southwestern Medical School, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics12/1998 - 08/1999
Assistant Professor, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics08/1994 - 11/1998


Journal Article

Broussard H, Buckelew A, and Yancy, KJ The Response of the UMMC Pediatric Emergency Department to the Rolling Fork Tornado Submitted for publication June 2022
EM Resident, the journal of the Emergency Medical Residents Association


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Induced Lactation Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby: The Process and the Promise, La Leche League of Texas, Grapevine, Texas06/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Induced Lactation and Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby (several La Leche League Conferences in Illinois, Texas, and Wisconsin, 1996-2008), La Leche League, Austin, TX07/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby, La Leche League International Conference, Orlando, Florida07/2005
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Induced Lactation and Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby, Texas Department of Health Texas Breastfeeding Summit 2001, Texas11/2001
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby, La Leche League International Conference, Buena Vista, Florida07/1999
Poster Presentation, "Peak Flow Meter Prescription Source for Children Presenting to an Emergency Department"

Abstract published in Ambulatory Child Health, vol. 3, no. 1, part 2, pg. 149, 1997., Abmulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, 1997, Washington, DC

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Oder of the Sword and Shield (Homeland Security Honor Society), University of Mississippi2021
Phi Kappa Phi (Academic Honor Society), University of Mississippi2021
Larry Snider Ripple Award for Mentorship, The International Cat Association South Central Region2017
Ten Years of Service Alumni Board of Directors, Trinity Valley School2013
Humanitarian of the Year, The International Cat Association South Central Region2009
Totally Outstanding Physician (TOPS) Award, Cook Children's Medical Center Emergency Department2005
Epocrates Advocate Consortium Charter Member, Epocrates, Inc.2005
Southwestern Medical Foundation Scholar, UT Southwestern Medical School1988
Southwestern Medical Foundation Scholar, UT Southwestern Medical School1987
Southwestern Medical Foundation Scholar, UT Southwestern Medical School1986
Southwestern Medical Foundation Scholar, UT Southwestern Medical School1985
Beta Beta Beta National Biology Honor Society Member, Austin College1983
National Merit Finalist and Scholarship Recipient, Austin College1981
Salutatorian, Trinity Valley School1981

Professional Membership and Service

Wilderness Medicine Society, Fellow, Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (Member since 1992)

To become a Fellow of the Wilderness Medical Society takes several years of active membership, and an accumulation of points in experience, continuing medical education, and conference attendance.
2021 - Present
Intertel, Member, Intertel is a society for those with IQs in the top 1%.2020 - Present
American Academy of Disabilty Evaluating Physcians, Fellow, For six years I served as a "Designated Doctor for the State of Texas", performing exams and disability ratings on injured workers in the Workers' Compensation system. This was the professional organization for this discipline.2007 - 2013
American College of Emergency Physicans, Fellow2003 - Present
American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow1989 - 2018
Mensa, Member, Mensa is a society for those with IQs in the top 2%.1981 - Present

Committee Service

UMMC PED,ED, OB/GYN Human Trafficking Alliance, Founding Organizer and Member2019 - Present
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Pediatric Asthma and Bronchiolitis Committee, Member2017 - 2018
UT Rio Grande Valley School of Medcine Pediatric Emergency Department Developement Team, Co-Chair2017 - 2018
Driscoll Children's Hospital Ebola Preparation Committee, Task Force Member2014 - 2017
Driscoll Children's Hospital Mock Trauma Code Quality Improvement, Physician Team Leader2014 - 2017
Driscoll Children's Hospital Sepsis Committee, Member2014 - 2015

Community Service

Generations Cat Club (TICA 503c cat club), Show Committee Member12/2021 - 12/2022
Texas State Aquarium, Volunteer Diver03/2015 - 12/2106
The Turkish Van Cat Connection (TICA cat club), President2015 - 12/2021
Boy Scouts USA Longhorn Council, Pack Camping Specialist2014 - 12/2014
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, In-Water Volunteer10/2013 - 06/2017
Texas State Aquarium, Volunterr Exhibit Guide09/2013 - 02/2015
Girl Scouts Texas Oklahoma Plains, Steering Committee of Outdoor Programs, member2013 - 12/2013
Boy Scouts USA Longhorn Council, Cub Scout Pack Committe Chair2012 - 12/2013
Boy Scouts USA Longhorn Council, Cub Scout Pack Camping Specialist09/2011 - 08/2012
Girl Souts Texas Okalahoma Plains, Backpacking Instructor2011 - 05/2013
La Leche League, LLL Leader10/2007 - 12/2011
Trinity Valley School Alumni Board, Director06/2003 - 05/2013
Girl Scouts Texas Oklahoma Plains, Troop Leader09/2001 - 05/2013
Girl Scouts Northeast Texas, Troop Leader09/1983 - 05/1984

Other Service

Wilderness Medicine Instructor, Organized and provided a Wilderness First Aid Course for Pediatric Residents at Driscoll Children's Hosptial09/2015 - 09/2015
Instructor, Advanced Trauma Life Support, ATLS Instructor02/2014 - Present

Teaching Experience

Lecture, Lecturer, Disaster Response in the Emergency DepartmentSpring 2023-2024 - 2024
Lecture, Lecturer, Is There a Doctor on the Plane? In-Flight EmergenciesSpring 2023-2024 - 2024
Lecture, Lecturer, Hyperthermia and Heat-Related IllnessSpring 2021-2022
Lecture, Lecturer, Aggression in the PEDSpring 2021-2022
Lecture, Lecturer, Aggression in the PEDFall 2020-2021
Lecture, Lecturer, Hypothermia in the WildernessFall 2020-2021
Lecture, Lecturer, Oh, Rats! (Hantavirus and Murine Typhus)Spring 2019-2020

Directed Student Learning

Attending Physician in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Advised: Many Various M3s and M4s2018 - Present
Attending in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Advised: Many Various M3s and M4s2013 - 2017
Attending Physician in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Advised: Many Various M3s and M4s1998 - 1999
Attending in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Advised: Many Various M3 and M4s1994 - 1998

Fellows supervised

University of Mississippi Medical Center Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship, Attending Physician, 14 fellows supervised05/2018 - Present
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship, Attending Physician, 6 fellows supervised12/1998 - 08/1999
Medical College of Wisconsin Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship, Attending Physician, 12 fellows supervised08/1994 - 11/1998

Residency Training

Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital/ Louisiana State University School of Medicine Residency Programs, Attending Physician2021 - 09/2021
University of Central Florida Emergency Medicine Residency at Osceola Regional Medical Center, Attending Physician2020 - 04/2020
University of South Alabama Women's and Children's Hospital Residency Programs, Attending Physician2019 - 12/2019
University of Mississippi Medical Center Residency Programs, Attending Physician2018 - Present
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Residency Programs, Attending Physician2017 - 06/2018
Driscoll Children's Hospital Residency Programs, Attending Physician2013 - 06/2018
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Residency Programs, Attending Physician1998 - 08/1999
Medical College of Wisconsin Residency Programs, Attending Physician1994 - 11/1998