Louann Woodward, MD

Louann Woodward, MD

Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, Dean of School

SOM-Emergency Medicine

Work Phone:
(601) 984-1010


LouAnn Woodward, M.D., is vice chancellor for health affairs, and dean of the school of medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Dr. Woodward is also tenured professor of emergency medicine. A native Mississippian, she is from Mississippi State University and earned her MD and completed residency training at UMMC.


University of MS Medical Center, Emergency Medicine Residency1995
University of MS Medical Center, Internal Medicine Internship1992
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD, Medicine1991
Mississippi State University, BS, Microbiology1985
American College of Emergency Physicians, Fellowship
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Fellowship, Patient Safety Leadership Fellowship
University of Mississippi Medical Center, LCME Faculty Fellow

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Certification, American Board of Emregency Medicine2009 - Present
Licensure, State of Mississippi Medical License1992 - Present
Certification, Advanced Disaster Life Support Instructor2004
Certification, Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor1994
Certification, Advanced Trauma Life Support1992
Certification, Advanced Cardiac Life Support1991

Current Positions

Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs03/2015 - Present
Dean03/2015 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2011 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, School of Medicine, Office of the Vice Chancellor2010 - 02/2015
Vice Dean, School of Medicine, Office of the Vice Chancellor2010 - 02/2015
Interim Dean, School of Medicine2009 - 2010
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Medicine2005 - 2008
Associate Professor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2003 - 2010
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Medicine2003 - 2005
Residency Program Director for Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine2003 - 2005
Medical Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center2001 - 2003
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine1995 - 2003
Associate Residency Program Director, Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine1995 - 2001
Vice Dean, School of Medicine2009

Sponsored Program Funding

Addressing Preventatble Medication Use Variance in Mississippi, AHRQ Contract01/2001 - 12/2004



Henderson K, Woodward LH, Isom KC, Summers RL. Survivability of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in Rural Emergency Departments Utilizing Telemedicine. Henderson K, Woodward LH, Isom KC, Summers RL. Survivability of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in Rural Emergency Departments Utilizing Telemedicine. Proceedings of South Med Assoc Scientific Assembly 2014, EM-1.2014
Reckelhoff JF, Woodward LH, Summers RL. Research Development Program for clinical and Basic Scientists. Reckelhoff JF, Woodward LH, Summers RL. Research Development Program for clinical and Basic Scientists. ELAM Leaders Forum 2014.2014

Journal Article

Henderson K, Woodward LH, Isom KC, Wilson J, Summers RL Prevalence of Intubation Rescue by Air Medical Personnel During Transfers From Rural Emergency Departments Air Med J. 2015;34(3: 141-432015
Woodward LH, Zimmerman J, Isom KC, Summers RL Comparison of Actual and Predicted Emergency Department Wait Times. Am J Clin Med2014
Henderson K, Woodward LH, Isom KC, Wilson J, Summers RL. Prevalence of Intubation Rescue by Air Medical Personnel During Transfers from Rural Emergency Departments. Air Med J2014
Henderson K, Woodward LH, Isom KC, Summers RL. Relative Survivability of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in Rural Emergency Departments Utilizing Telemedicine. Rural Emerg Med2014
Rutledge B, Clark G, Bailey J, Woodward LH. The effect of rescheduling National Board of Medicine Examiners subject examinations on United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 2 Clinical Knowledge performance J Comtemp Med Edu2014
Woodward LH, Zimmerman J, Isom KC, Summers RL. Comparison of Actual and Predicted Emergency
Department Wait Times.
Am j Clin Med
Summer RL, Jackson L, Woodward LH, Jones J, Dryer S Methodology for Measuring Diversity in Human Populations. Journal Cultural Diversity Volume 18(2):43-47;20112011
Woodward L Moving in the Right Direction Journal MSMA. August 2010; Volume 51, No. 82010
Woodward L A New Year at the Medical School Journal MSMA: Volume 50, No. 102009
Summers RL, Thompson JR, Woodward LH, Martin DS Physiologic Mechanisms Associated with the Trendelenurg Position American Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2009; 6:24-272009
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Thompson JR, Jackson-Williams L, Peacock WF Impedance cardiographic waveform changes in response to treatment of acute heart failure: a case study. Cong Heart Fail. 2008 May-June; 14(3):157-602008
Summers, RL, Woodward LW, Peacock WF Role for Impedance Cardiography in the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Heart Failure Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Review, www.TouchBriefings.com2006
Anderson AJ, Summers RL, Jackson L, Woodward LH Does Cell Phone use Cause Electromagnetic Interference with the Function of ECG Monitors in the Emergency Department? Annals of Emergency Medicine; October 2006, Volume 58, Issue 4, Supplement S.2006
Woodward LH, Davis MM. Disclosure of Unanticipated Outcomes in an Academic Medical Center. The Journal of Healthcare Risk Management of the American Hospital Association2004
Summers RL, Cooper CJ, Woodward LH, Finerty L Association of Atypical Chest Pain Presentations by African Americans and Lack of Utilization of Reperfusion Therapy Ethnicity & Disease. 2001; 11:463-4682001
Summers RL, McCoy B, Woodward LH, Jones AE Comparison of Non-invasive Measures of Cardiac Function The Middle East Journal of Emergency Medicine; 1:31-342001
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Galli RL Learning the Process of Research by Using the Scientific Method Medical Teacher. 1999;6(21):604-6062001
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Kolb JC Correlation of Radiographic Cardiothoracic Ratio with Cardiac Function in Patients with Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure Emergency Radiology. 1999;6(3);15301561999
Summers RL, Kolb JC, Woodward LH, Galli RL Diagnostic Uses for Thoracic Bioimpedance in the Emergency Department: Clinical Case Series Eur J Emerg Med. 1999;6(3):193-1991999
Summers RL, Kolb JC, Woodward LH, Galli RL Differentiating Systolic from Diastolic Heart Failure Using Impedance Cardiography Academic Emergency Medicine. 1999;6(7):693-6991999
Summers RL, Rodriguez J, Woodward LH, Galli RL, Causey AL Effect of Nebulized Albuterol on Circulating Leukocyte Counts in Normal Subjects Respiratory Medicine. 1999;93:180-1821999
Summers RL, Tisdale B., Kolb JC, Woodward LH Role of Technitium-99M Sestamibi Myocardial Imaging in the Emergency Department Evaluation of Chest Pain J of Miss State Med Assc. 1998;May:176-1781998
Summers RL, Anders R, Woodward LH, Jennkins AK, Galli RL Effect of Routine Pulse Oximetry Measurements on Emergency Department Triage Classification American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 1998;16:5-71998
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Sanders DY Research Curriculum for Residents Based on the Structure of the Scientific Method Medical Teacher. 1998;20(1):35-371998
Kolb JC, Woodward LH Gastric Syphilis American Journal of Emergency Medicine. March 1997;15:164-1661997
Summers RL, Montani JP, Woodward LH, Coleman TG, Hall JE Theoretical Analysis of the Mechanisms of Chronic Hyperinsulinemia Computers in Biology and Medicine. 1997;27(3):1-71997
Summers, RL, Woodward LH, Sanders DY, Hall JE Graphic Analysis for the Study of Metabolic States Am. J. Physiol.1996;270(15):S81-S871996


Summers RL, Woodward LH, Jackson-Williams L, Martin DS, Platts SH Ultrasound measurement of lower extremity interstitial fluid thickness may be used as an early indiator of dehydration Ann Emerg Med. 2007;2432007
Kunen S, Suel J, Smith P, Woodward LA, Scanes H, Mandry CV Psychiatric attitudes and practices of emergency physicians. Accepted as a poster at the annual Mississippi Psychological Association meeting2006
Summers RL, McCoy BD, Woodward LH Comparisons of Noninvasive Measures of Cardiac Contractility Acad Emerg Med. 1996(5):441-4421999
Summers RL, McCoy BD, Woodward LH Comparisons of Noninvasive Measures of Cardiac Contractility Acad Emerg Med. 1999;6(5):441-4421999
McCoy BD, Summers RL, Woodward LH Comparisons of Noninvasive Measures of Cardiac Contractility Academic Emergency Medicine. 1999;6(5):441-4421999
Summers RL, Nguyen PT, Woodward LH Correlation of Cardiac Markers with Lean Body Mass Acad Emerg Med. 1999; 6(5):417-4181999
Summers RL, Kolb JC, Woodward LH Correlation of Radiographic Cardiothoracic Ratio with Cardiac Function in Patients with Acute Congestive Heart Failure Annals Emergency Med. 1999;234(4):S76:2941999
Summers RL, Jones AE, Mizelle HL, Woodward LH Reduction in Aortic Compliance as a Marker of Coronary Disease Acad Emerg Med. 1999; 6(5):4211999
Summers RL, Kolb JC, Woodward LH, Carroll JF Correlation of Diastolic Dysfunction and Left Ventricular Hypertropy in Patients with Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure Acad Emerg Med. 1998; 5(5):4761998
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Kolb JC, Houpt A Correlation of External Environmental Temperatures with Triage Temperature and Pulse Oximetry Measurements Annals Emerg Med. 1998; 32:S23-861998
Burger E, Summers RL, Pinson T, Woodward LH Determinants of Time to healing in Minor Motor Vehicle Collisions Annals Emerg mred. 1998; 32:S33-1251998
Houpt A, Summers RL, Woodward LH, Kolb JC Effect of ambient temperatures on triage pulse oximetry measurements South Med J. 1998; 91:S1121998
Summers RL, Finerty L, Woodward LH, Pinson T Association of Atypical Chest Pain Presentations During Acute Myocardial Infarctin and Delays in Beginning Reperfusion Therapy Annals Emerg Med. 1997; 30:4241997
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Ladd R, Sanders DY, Breeden PC Gender Differences in thePrevalence of Atypical Chest Pain During Myocardial Infarction Acad Emerg Med. 1997; 4(5)1997
Summers RL , Woodward LH, Gitter MF Noninvasive estimation of end systolic pressure-volume relationship using impedance cardiography South Med J. 1998; 91:S1121997
Summers RL, Wambsgans S, Duncan NE, Woodward LH Nonlinear Changes in the Visual Analog Scale with Treatment of Pain Acad Emerg Med. 1997;4(5)1997
Summers RL, Finerty L, Woodward LH, Pinson T Regional Semantic Differences in Descriptions of the Character of Chest Pain During Acute Myocardial Infarction Annals Emerg Med. 1997; 30:424.1997
Woodward LH, Summers RL, Mizelle HL, Carroll J Characterizatin of the Effects of Magnesium on Cardiac Function Annals of Emergency Med. 1996; 27(1): 148-1491996
Summers RL, Woodward LH, Sanders DY, Hall JE Using Graphical Analysis for the Study of Metabolic States The FASEB Journal. 1996; 10(1):A264-15201996
Carroll JF, Huang M, Hester RL, Cockrell K, Woodward LH, Mizelle HL Cardiac Output and Regional Blood Flow in a New Animal Model of Obesity The FASEB Journal. 1995; 9(3):A297-17201995
Summers RL, Montani JP, Woodward LH, Armstrong BA, Mizelle HL Theorectical Analysis of the Influence of Heart Rate on Cardiac Output The FASEB Journal. 1995; 9(3):A13-751995
Chinchar VG, Turner (Woodward) LA, Kumar G Hemin ad cyclic AMP Stimulate Message-Dependent Translation in Lysates from Friend Erythroleukemia Cells Exp Hematol. 1988; 17:405-101988

Book Review

Woodward LH Review of Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, Companion Handbook by Cline D et al Annals of Emergency Medicine. 1997; 30(5):721-21997


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Mississippi HOBY Leadership Seminar, Millsaps College06/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Medical Student Charting, UMMC School of Medicine02/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, UMMC Medical Center Updates
Frequent presentations to Rotary Clubs and other Civic/Community Groups
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Difference a Doctor Makes, Legislator in the Lab Program10/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, What Will Be Done in Mississippi?, Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians, Annual Conference, Tupelo, MS10/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Airway Management Course and Skills Lab, UMMC Department of Emergency Medicine02/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Medical Student Charting and the Law, UMMC School of Medicine02/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Education Outcomes for the SOM, UMMC SOM Course Directors Retreat2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, Part II, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds11/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, Part I, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds09/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Professionalism in Medicine, UMMC School of Medicine09/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Student Evaluation of Faculty in One to One Student Preceptor Pairs - Southern Group on Educatin Affairs, AAMC, SGEA Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY04/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ethical and Legal Aspect of Charting, UMMC School of Medicine02/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds07/2006
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Risky Business, UMMC Graduate Medical Education Intern Orientation07/2006
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ethical and Legal Aspect of Charting, UMMC School of Medicine02/2006
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Balancing Demands of Career and Family, UMMC School of Medicine Career Development Series2006
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Environmental Emergencies, UMMC Emergency Medicine Student Series2006
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds07/2005
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Risky Business, UMMC Graduate Medical Education Intern Orientation07/2005
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Legal Issues of Disaster Response - ADLS, UMMC School of Medicine04/2005
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Curriculum Reform at the University of MS School of Medicine - Southern Group on Education Affairs, AAMC, Southern Group on Education Affairs, AAMC, SGEA/SGSA Joint Annual Meeting, Winston-Salem, NC03/2005
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Medico Legal Aspect of Charting, UMMC School of Medicine02/2005
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds07/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Risky Business, UMMC Graduate Medical Education Intern Orientation07/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alcohol Emergencies in Emergency Medicine, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds06/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, A Day in the Emergency Room, Sponsored by the Junior League of Jackson, UMMC - Jackson. MS02/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Management Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds07/2003
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Risk Management Topics, Lecture Series for Residency Training Programs at UMMC06/2003
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds07/2002
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Physician Documentation, UMMC Medical Staff Meeting03/2002
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Disclosure of Unanticipated Outcomes - Talking points for discussion of unanticipated outcomes, UHC Manager's Meeting10/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Emergency Medicine Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds07/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Wrist Injuries, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds06/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ankle Injuries, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds03/2000
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Elder Abuse Seminar, Southern Medical Association Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA11/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Residents as Teachers, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds10/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Foreign Bodies, Epistaxis, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds06/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Wound Management, UMMC Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds08/1997
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Speaker for Base Pair Video, Sponsored by a grant from Howard Hughes Medical Institute1997
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Speaker for LEAP (Learn, Earn and Prosper) Educational Video, Sponsored by a grant from Department of Human Services, UMMC, Jackson, MS1997
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Discussant: National CPC Competition, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Denver, CO05/1996

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Mississippi's 50 Leading Business Women for 2007, Finalist for Business Woman of the Year, MS Business Journal2008
Mississippi’s 50 Leading Business Women for 2007, MS Business Journal2007
Robert C. Jorden Emergency Medicine Excellence in Teaching Award1995
Careers in Women's Health (K12) Award
Ten Year Excellence and Appreciation Award

Professional Membership and Service

Liaison Committee on Medical Education, Committee Chair2017 - 2018
Liaison Committee on Medical Education, Chair-Elect2016 - 2017
Liaison Committee on Medical Education, Member2013 - Present
American College of Emergency Physicians, Member
American Medical Association, Member
Association of American Medical Colleges, Member
Mississippi State Medical Association, Member
Society of Academic Emergency Medicine

Committee Service

Council of Deans Administrative Board, Member2016 - 2017
America's Essential Hospitals Policy Committee, Member2016 - 2018
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, Member2016 - Present
Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Service Review Committee, Chair2015 - 2016
Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Service Review Committee, Member2014 - 2014
Intercollegiate Athlethics Committee, Member2013 - 2016
AAMC Group on Institutional Planning Information Management Committee, Member2010 - Present
EPIC Executive Leadership Committee, Member2010 - Present
Mississippi Center for Emergency Services, Director2010 - Present
UMMC Compliance Committee, Chair2010 - Present
UMMC LCME Task Force, Chair2010 - Present
Vice-Chancellor Cabinet Member, Member2010 - Present
Advisory Committee for the Building Interdisciplinary Research, Member2009 - Present
Education Building Corporation Board, Member2009 - Present
Lawson Implementation Project Executive Sponsor, Member2009 - Present
Master Plan Steering Committee, Member2009 - Present
SACS Compliance Certificate Committee, Member2009 - Present
SACS Faculty Qualifications Committee, Chair2009 - Present
SACS Leadership Committee, Member2009 - Present
UMMC Centers and Institutes Committee, Member2009 - Present
UMMC Centers and Institutes Committee, Member2009 - Present
UMMC Clinical Operations Committee, Member2009 - Present
Pediatric Chair Search Committee, Chair2009 - 2011
SOM Search Committee foir Vice Chancellor and Dean, Member2009 - 2010
UMHC ED Oversight Commiteee, Member2009 - 2010
Dean's VA Committee, Member2008 - Present
AAMC SGEA Conference Proposal Reviewer, Member2008 - 2009
SOM Student Promotions Committee, Chair2008 - 2009
AHA-UMMC Heart Walk Reception Committee, Member2008 - 2008
Medical Center - Council Of Deans, Member2007 - Present
Medical Center - Institutional Assessment, Member2007 - Present
Medical Center - Long-Range Planning, Member2007 - Present
SOM Faculty Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Member2007 - 2010
UMMC Senior Leadership Group, Member2007 - 2010
SOM Physicians Assistance Committee, Member2007 - 2009
Compliance Committee, Member2006 - Present
SOM Student Academic Awards Committee, Member2006 - Present
SOM Medical Student Research Program, Co-Chair2006 - 2008
SOM Student Promotions Committee (Basic Science), Vice Chair2006 - 2008
SOM Student Promotions Committee (Clinical), Vice Chair2006 - 2008
Gold Humanism Honor Society Faculty Advisor, Member2005 - 2009
SOM Course Director, Core Concepts, Member2005 - 2007
SOM Curriculum Committee, Chair2005 - 2006
SOM Health Professional Impairment Education Evaluation, Chair2005 - 2006
UMMC Accreditation and Bylaws Committee, Consultant2005 - 2006
Medical Center - Commencement, Member2004 - Present
Medical Center - Compliance, Member2004 - Present
Medical Center - Library Faculty Advisory, Member2004 - Present
SOM Basic Scienes Promotions Committee, Member2004 - 2009
SOM Curriculum Steering Committee, Member2004 - 2009
Medical Center - Ethics Advisory, Member2004 - 2007
Emergency Medicine Education Council, Member2004 - 2005
SOM Curriculum - Clinical Course Directors Subcommittee, Chair2004 - 2005
UMMC Accreditation and Bylaws Committee, Chair2004 - 2005
SOM Dean's Council, Member2003 - Present
SOM Executive Faculty, Member2003 - Present
SOM Clinical Sciences Promotion Committee, Member2003 - 2008
UMMC Accreditation and Bylaws Committee, Chair2003 - 2004
SOM Curriculum Committee, Member2002 - Present
School Of Medicine - Admissions, Member2002 - 2005
SOM Curriculum Committee Multidisciplinary Planning Subcommittee, Member2002 - 2004
SOM Steering Committee for LCME Accreditation, Member2002 - 2003
UMMC Accreditation and Bylaws Committee, Member2002 - 2003
UMMC Infection Control Committee, Member2002 - 2003
UMMC Medication Errors Subcommittee of P&T, Member2002 - 2003
UMMC Litigation Sub-Committee, Member2001 - 2003
UMMC Medical Executive Committee, Member2001 - 2003
UMMC Patient Care Committee, Member2001 - 2003
UMMC Risk Management Committee, Member2001 - 2003
UMMC Safety Council, Chair2001 - 2003
ACGME National Task Force on RRC PIF, Member2000 - 2001
Graduate Medical Education Committee, Member1998 - 2009
Residency Review Subcommittee of GMEC, Member1998 - 2005
ICME Preceptor, Member1998 - 2004
National Council of Residency Directors (CORD) SAEM Member, Member1997 - 2005
National CORD Tutorial EM Board Review, Member1996 - 2001
ACLS Instructor, Member1995 - 2009
Emergency Medicine Resident Selection Committee, Member1995 - 2005
Mentor for Base Pair Program - UMC and Murrah High School, Member1995 - 1996
UMMC Accreditation and By-laws Committee, Member1991 - 2001
AAMC MedEdPortal Editorial Board, Member
School Of Medicine - Dean's VA, Member
National Model Curriculum Task Force Member (CORD), Member

Community Service

Mississippi College Physician Assistants Program, Advisory Board Member2010 - Present
Madison Ridgeland Academy, School Board Elected Member2010 - 2013
Advisory Baord, MS Center for Health Workforce, Mississippi State University's Social Science Research Center2010 - 2012
Site Visit Team to University of Wisconsin, LCME Site Visitor2009

Other Service

UMMC Senior Leadership, Member

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Introduction to Clinical Medicine 2009
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Emergency Airway Management Course and Skills Lab 2008

Directed Student Learning

Dissertation Committee Member, Discovering the Patient's Definition of a Medical Emergency
Advised: Priscilla Pulliam

Residency Training

Emergency Medicine, Attending Physician1995 - Present