Mary Joyce B. Wingler
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Antibiotic Stewardship Program
Work Phone:
(601) 815-2722
Mary Joyce B. Wingler is a board-certified infectious diseases pharmacist. She graduated from Auburn University's Harrison College of Pharmacy in 2016, and went on to complete two years of post-graduate pharmacy training at East Alabama Medical Center (PGY1) and the University of Mississippi Medical Center (PGY2). She has been an antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist at UMMC since completing PGY2 training in 2018.
Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy, PharmD, Pharmacy | 2016 |
Auburn University, BS, Biomedical Sciences | 2008 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PharmD, PGY-2 Infectious Diseases Residency | |
East Alabama Medical Center, PharmD, PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Board Certified Infectious Diseases Pharmacist | 12/2020 - 12/2027 |
Journal Article | |
Roper S, Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Antibiotic De-Escalation in Critically Ill Patients with Negative Clinical Cultures. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 2023 Jun 16;11(3) | 2023 |
Puzz L, Plauche EA, Cretella DA, Harrison VA, Wingler MJB, Evaluation of a Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention at an Academic Medical Center. Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland), 2023 Apr 19;12(4) | 2023 |
Vance MK, Cretella DA, Ward LM, Vijayvargiya P, Garrigos ZE, Wingler MJB, Risk Factors for Bloodstream Infections Due to ESBL-Producing Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., and Proteus mirabilis. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 2023 Apr 13;11(2) | 2023 |
Keck JM, Cretella DA, Stover KR, Wagner JL, Barber KE, Jhaveri TA, Vijayvargiya P, Garrigos ZE, Wingler MJB, Evaluation of an Antifungal Stewardship Initiative Targeting Micafungin at an Academic Medical Center. Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland), 2023 Jan 17;12(2) | 2023 |
Markovich K, Wingler MJB, Stover KR, Barber KE, Wagner JL, Cretella DA, Analysis of the Clinical Impact of the BioFire FilmArray Meningitis Encephalitis Panel on Antimicrobial Use and Duration of Therapy at an Academic Medical Center. Diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 2022 Nov 20;10(4) | 2022 |
Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Wagner JL, Barber KE, Bookstaver PB, Freeman L, Covington EW, Bland CM, Jones BM, Tran M, Stramel SA, Turner M, Childress D, Stover KR, Evaluation of Pharmacy Residency Recruitment and Interview Processes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-2021 Application Cycle). Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy : JACCP, 2022 Jul 20; | 2022 |
Wingler MJB, Tamma PD, Defining effective durations of antibiotic therapy for community-acquired pneumonia and urinary tract infections in hospitalized children. Current opinion in infectious diseases, 2022 Oct 1;35(5):442-451 | 2022 |
Hawkins BK, Barnard M, Barber KE, Stover KR, Cretella DA, Wingler MJB, Wagner JL, Diabetic foot infections: A microbiologic review. Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland), 2022 May;51:101877 | 2022 |
Gunter SG, Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Wagner JL, Barber KE, Stover KR, Intravenous versus Oral Step-Down for the Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia in a Pediatric Population. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 2022 Jan 15;10(1) | 2022 |
Esquer Garrigos Z, Wingler MJB, Svoronos PA, Vijayvargiya P, Goodman-Meza D, O'Horo JC, Navalkele BD, Cretella D, Frame IJ, Parham J, Lucar J, Increased rates of blood culture contamination during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Infection control and hospital epidemiology, 2022 Nov;43(11):1719-1721 | 2022 |
Lucar J, Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Ward LM, Sims Gomillia CE, Chamberlain N, Shimose LA, Brock JB, Harvey J, Wilhelm A, Majors LT, Jeter JB, Bueno MX, Albrecht S, Navalkele B, Mena LA, Parham J, Epidemiology, Clinical Features, and Outcomes of Hospitalized Adults with COVID-19: Early Experience from an Academic Medical Center in Mississippi. Southern medical journal, 2021 Mar;114(3):144-149 | 2021 |
Wingler MJB, Stover KR, Barber KE, Wagner JL, An Evaluation of Pharmacist-Led Interventions for Inpatient HIV-Related Medication Errors. The Journal of pharmacy technology : jPT : official publication of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians, 2019 Dec;35(6):235-242 | 2019 |
Wingler MJB, T Childress D, Maldonado RA, Comparison of Vancomycin Treatment Failures for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia Stratified by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration. The Journal of pharmacy technology : jPT : official publication of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians, 2019 Oct;35(5):203-207 | 2019 |
W Covington E, B Wingler MJ, Jayakumar RA, White CW, Strategies for Clarifying Penicillin Allergies When Skin Testing Is Not an Option. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 2019 Jun 19;7(2) | 2019 |
Barber KE, Bell AM, Wingler MJB, Wagner JL, Stover KR, Omadacycline Enters the Ring: A New Antimicrobial Contender. Pharmacotherapy, 2018 Dec;38(12):1194-1204 | 2018 |
Tsai YV, Bookstaver PB, Kohn J, Justo JA, Childress D, Stramel S, Slain D, Tu P, Wingler MJB, Jones BM, Anderson DT, Seddon MM, Cretella DA, Eudy J, Winders H, Antosz K, Bailey P, Al-Hasan MN, The prevalence of gram-negative bacteria with difficult-to-treat resistance and utilization of novel β-lactam antibiotics in the southeastern United States. Antimicrobial stewardship & healthcare epidemiology : ASHE, 2024;4(1):e35 | |
Bradley AC, Wingler MJB, Artman KL, Ward LM, Lucar J, An evaluation of risk factors for readmission in patients receiving outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy. Therapeutic advances in infectious disease, 2023 Jan-Dec;10:20499361231195966 | |
Keck JM, Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Vijayvargiya P, Wagner JL, Barber KE, Jhaveri TA, Stover KR, Approach to fever in patients with neutropenia: a review of diagnosis and management. Therapeutic advances in infectious disease, 2022 Jan-Dec;9:20499361221138346 | |
Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Wagner JL, Barber KE, Bookstaver PB, Jones BM, Bland CM, Covington EW, Tran M, Stramel SA, Childress D, Turner M, Freeman L, Stover KR, Rethinking residency recruitment, application, and interview processes to benefit applicants and programs long-term. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA, 2022 Nov-Dec;62(6):1756-1760 | |
Hawkins BK, Wingler MJB, Cretella DA, Barber KE, Stover KR, Wagner JL, An evaluation of antipseudomonal dosing on the incidence of treatment failure. SAGE open medicine, 2021;9:20503121211000927 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Review, OBGYN division conference, Jackson, MS | 07/2024 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Introduction to Antimicrobial Stewardship and ASP Update, House/MICU Monthly Orientation, Jackson, MS | 07/2024 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pediatric urinary tract infection quality improvement project update, Pediatric ED conference, Jackson, MS | 05/2024 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit – Antibiotic Use, Pediatric ICU conference, Jackson, MS | 12/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Azithromycin Dosing for Hospitalized Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia, Vizient Pharmacy Network Poster Session, Anaheim, CA | 12/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluating the Outcomes of a Pharmacy Intervention on the Management of Uncomplicated Gram-Negative Bacteremia, . American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, CA | 12/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Review of Oral Vancomycin for the Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infections, Vizient Pharmacy Network Poster Session, Anaheim, CA | 12/2023 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antimicrobial Stewardship in Children: Focus on UTI, UMMC Pediatric Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS | 10/2023 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Guideline Review: ACCP’s Prolonged-Infusion Beta-Lactams, Infectious Diseases Conference, Jackson, MS | 10/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Impact of a direct stewardship intervention on prescribing practices for the management of uncomplicated gram-negative bloodstream infections., Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL | 05/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Implementation of a pharmacist-led multi-faceted stewardship intervention for antibiotic prescribing in the emergency department, Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL | 05/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Treatment of Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections at an Academic Medical Center, Vizient Pharmacy Network Poster Session | 12/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Community Acquired Pneumonia Disease State Evaluation, Vizient Pharmacy Network Poster Session | 12/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antibiotic Review for the Internal Medicine Practitioner, Internal Medicine Morning Report, Jackson, MS | 11/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, WikiGuidelines: A Novel Approach to Guideline Development for Infectious Diseases, Infectious Diseases conference, Jackson, MS | 09/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, ID Potpouri, UMMC Pediatric Grand Rounds | 08/2022 |
Platform Presentations, How Low Can You Go? Optimal Durations for Common Infectious Diseases, Mississippi Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Jackson, MS | 07/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, HIV Antiretroviral Agents, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 07/2022 |
Poster Presentation, Antibiotic de-escalation in critically ill patients with negative clinical cultures, 2022 Critical Care Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico | 02/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, A Cluster of Queries: Staphylococcus aureus in Pediatric Infections, UMMC Pediatric Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS | 12/2021 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns in Patients with COVID-19, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2021 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of MRSA-active Agents in Children Admitted to a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2021 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of Gram-negative Bacteremias in Adult and Pediatric Patients at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2021 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of Antibiotic Prescribing for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Outpatient Clinics Associated with an Academic Medical Center, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2021 |
Poster Presentation, Assessing Discontinuation of Antifungals after a Negative 1,3-Beta-D-Glucan Assay, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Virtual Meeting, Virtual | 12/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antimicrobial Stewardship Update and Let’s Go PO, Infectious Diseases conference, Jackson, MS | 10/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, New Antimicrobial Agents, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 10/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Battle of the Mold Active Azoles, Infectious Diseases conference, Jackson, MS | 08/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Vancomycin Dosing Update at UMMC, Division conferences, pharmacy forum, nursing forum, Jackson, MS | 04/2021 |
Poster Presentation, An evaluation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus nasal screening in patients with SSTIs, diabetic foot infections, and bone and joint infections, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of the impact of the BioFire FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel on antimicrobial de-escalation, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Appropriateness of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis in total knee and hip arthroplasty post-implementation of institutional guidelines, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Retrospective evaluation of hospitalized pediatric patients with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections at a tertiary academic medical center, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal pathogen panel: an opportunity for diagnostic stewardship, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual | 12/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Winter is Coming: An Update on COVID-19 and CAP, UMMC Pediatric Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS | 11/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Vancomycin Dosing Update: A Primer for ID Practitioners, Infectious Diseases conference, Jackson, MS | 10/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, An Update on COVID-19 Therapeutics, Infectious Diseases conference, Jackson, MS | 09/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, CAP-italizing in the New Year, UMMC Pediatric Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS | 01/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of antibiotic prescribing patterns in patients with low serum procalcitonin levels at a tertiary academic medical center, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV | 12/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Implementation of the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for vancomycin de-escalation, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV | 12/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Modern Aspirations: Current Trends and Treatment, Pulmonology/critical care conference, Jackson, MS | 11/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention and Control: A Collaborative Approach, APIC Conference, Jackson, MS | 11/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Polymixins, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 11/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antibiotic Allergies, Advanced Practice Provider Conference, Jackson, MS | 09/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Extended-infusion expansion to piperacillin/tazobactam at UMMC, Division conferences, pharmacy forum, nursing forum, Jackson, MS | 09/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Nitroimidazole antibiotics, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 09/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Evaluation of MRSA Nasal Colonization and Risk of MRSA infection: an Opportunity for Stewardship, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, CA | 12/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Lipoglycopeptide literature review, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 11/2018 |
Poster Presentation, An evaluation of pharmacist-led interventions for inpatient HIV-related medication errors, IDWeek, San Diego, CA | 10/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antimicrobial agents used in UTI, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 10/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Antibiotic Introduction for Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Pediatric NP conference, Jackson, MS | 10/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Quinolone literature review, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 08/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Macrolide antibiotics, Infectious Diseases Bugs and Drugs, Jackson, MS | 07/2018 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Antimicrobial Stewardship Honor Roll, Mississippi Department of Health | 2024 |
Antimicrobial Stewardship Center of Excellence, Infectious Diseases Society of America | 2019 |
Mylan Excellence in Pharmacy, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2016 |
Outstanding Professional ePortfolio Award, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2016 |
Allen I. Morris '66 Endowed Scholarship, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2015 |
Christian Pharmacy Fellowship International Leadership Award, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2015 |
Rho Chi Honor Society, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2014 |
Plough Endowed Scholarship, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2014 |
T. Lester White '72 Endowed Scholarship, Harrison School of Pharmacy | 2013 |
Professional Membership and Service
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, Member | 2021 - Present |
Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID), Member | 2020 - Present |
Infectious Diseases Society of America, Member | 2017 - 2018 |
Mississippi Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Member | 2017 - Present |
Alabama Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Member | 2016 - 2017 |
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Member | 2015 - 2024 |
Committee Service
SIDP Education Committee, Member | 2021 - Present |
MSHP Social Media Committee, Member | 2021 - 2022 |
Pharmacy Residency Advisory Committee, Member | 2021 - Present |
Pharmacy Residency Preceptor Development Committee, Chair | 2019 - Present |
Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee, Member | 2018 - 2024 |
Other Service
Pediatric Perioperative Antibiotic Guideline Workgroup, Workgroup Leader | 08/2022 - Present |
COVID-19 Treatment Guideline Committee, Group Co-lead | 03/2020 - 12/2021 |
Vancomycin Dosing Protocol Workgroup, Project leader | 2020 - 12/2021 |
Renal Dosing Protocol Workgroup, Project leader | 2020 - 03/2021 |
Teaching Experience
PHCY 501, Pharmacy, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Integrated Systems - Infectious Diseases Intensive | Fall 2020 |
PRCT 474, Pharmacy, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Advanced Infectious Diseases | Spring 2020 - 2022 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Guest Presenter, UM SOP Assembly | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Facilitator, Problem Based Learning | Spring 2018 - 2018 |
Pharmacy, Preceptor, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience | Annual 2018 |
Pharmacy, Preceptor, Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience | Annual 2018 |
Directed Student Learning
Preceptor | 2018 - Present |
Fellows supervised
Infectious Diseases Fellowship, Preceptor, 5 fellows supervised | 08/2018 - Present |
Residency Training
PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Residency, Preceptor | 2018 - Present |
PGY2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Residency, Preceptor | 2018 - Present |
PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency, Preceptor | 2018 - Present |