Risa M. Webb, MD
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5560
Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center | 2010 |
National Jewish Hospital, CDC/SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology | 1992 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD, Fellowship | 1992 |
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicince, DTMH, Tropical Medicine and Hygiene(DTMH) | 1990 |
Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center, MD, Internal Medicine | 1989 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD, Internal Medicine | 1987 |
Mississippi College, BS, Biology | 1982 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Internal Medicine | 09/1990 - Present |
Certification, Infectious Disease | 10/2005 - 2015 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Hospital Epidemiologist, Jackson VAMC, School of | |
Infectious Diseases Consultant, Jackson VA Medical Center, School of | |
Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | |
TB Consultant, Mississippi State Department of Health, School of |
CDC TB NOtes | |
Webb, RM, Holcombe,M 3HP Implementation in Mississippi. TB Notes No. 3 2012 | 2012 |
Web Publication | |
Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment ACP PIER. 2002 | 2002 |
Journal Article | |
Webb RM, Denton C, Spruill E, Henson G, Bruce L, Woods GL, Swiatlo A, Walker ED, Peel C, Sullivan D. Multiclonal methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) outbreak and its control after use of the Veterans Affairs (VA) MRSA bundle in a VA long-term care facility, 2004-2014. Am J Infect Control. 2016 Feb 24. pii: S0196-6553(16)00036-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2015.12.041. [Epub ahead of print] | 2016 |
Adelor Zamora , Carter Anne Payne, Doris Hansen, Svenja Albrecht, Vince Herrin, K. Azad Risa M. Webb. Sporopachydermia cereana Sepsis in a Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: First Reported Case in the United States. IDCP. Epub ahead of print 11/2014. Printed May 2015. 23:3:152-4. | 2015 |
Pepper DJ, Webb RM, Holcombe M, About adult tuberculosis J Miss State Med Assoc. 2013 Nov;54(11):318-9. | 2013 |
Temple B, Kwara A, Sunesara I, Mena L, Dobbs T, Henderson H, Holcomb M, Webb R. Factors associated with recently transmitted Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain MS0006 in Hinds County, Mississippi. South Med J. 2011 Dec;104(12):819-26 | 2011 |
Webb, RM, Penman Alan, Holcombe, M, Dobbs, T, Mathew, T TB Case Decline with Nineteen Years of Universal Directly Observed Therapy in a Statewide Comprehensive Program International Journal of TB and Lung Disease.2010 | 2010 |
Muzny, Christina, Webb, Risa Enterococcal feacium Endocarditis Clinical Infectious Disease.2010 | 2010 |
Thomas A. Clark, MD, Sally A. Slavinski, DVM, Juliette Morgan, MD, Timothy Lott, PhD, Beth A. Arthington-Skaggs PhD, Mary E. Brandt, PhD, Risa M. Webb, MD, Mary Currier, MD, Richard H. Flowers, MD, Scott K. Fridkin, MD, Rana A. Hajjeh, MD Epidemiologic and Molecular Characterization of an Outbreak of Candida parapsilosis Bloodstream Infections in a Community Hospital J Clin Microbiol.2004:42(10):4468-72 | 2004 |
Webb RM, Holcombe M, Pearson MM Tuberculosis contact investigation in a rural state Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2003;7(12 Suppl 3):S353-7 | 2003 |
Sejvar JJ, Leis AA, Stokic DS, Van Gerpen JA, Marfin AA, Webb R Acute flaccid paralysis and West Nile virus infection Emerg Infect Dis.2003;9:788-93 | 2003 |
Leis AA, Fratkin J, Stokic DS, Harrington T, Webb RM, Slavinski SA West Nile poliomyelitis Muscle Nerve.2003;28(3):302-8 | 2003 |
KJ Mertz, JB Weiss, RM Webb, WC Levine, JS Lewis, KA Orle, PA Totten, J Overbaugh, SA Morse, MM Currier, M Fishbein An An Investigation of Genital Ulcers in Jackson, Mississippi with Use of a Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay: High Prevalence of Chancroid and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections Journal of Infectious Disease.1998;178:No.4, 10-66-1066 | 1998 |
Review Article | |
Abide JM, Webb RM, Jones HL, Young L. Three Leprosy Cases Southern Medical Journal:2008 | 2008 |
R Webb, M Currier, K. Mills McNeill, Mississippi Department of Health. E Bancroft, D Dasey, J Maynard, D Terashita, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. K Simeonsson, A Chelminski, M Viray, J Engle, North Carolina Department of Health. J Rosenberg, Div of Communicable Disease Control, California Department of Health Services. JF Perz, AE Fiore, IT Williams, BP Bell, Div of Viral Hepatitis, National Center for Infectious Diseases; T Harrington, C Wheeler, EIS officers, CDC. Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus among Persons Undergoing Blood Glucose Monitoring in Long-term Care Settings- Mississippi, California, and North Carolina J Clin Microbiol.2005;Vol 54, No 09:220 | 2005 |
Leiss AA, Stokic DS, Webb RM, Slavinski SA, Fratkin J. Clinical spectrum of muscle weakness in human West Nile virus infection Muscle Nerve.2003;28(3):302-8 | 2003 |
A Leis, MD, D Stokic, MD, J Polk, MD, V Dostrow, MD, M Winkelman, MD, R Webb, MD, S Slavinski, DVM, M Currier, MD, J Van Gerpen, MD, E Brewer, FMD, R Ratard, MD, J Sejvar, MD, L Petersen, MD, A Marfin, MD, G Campbell, MD, B Tierney, MD, M Haddad, MSN, S Montgomery, DVM, A Vicari, DVM, EIS officiers, CDC Acute Flaccid Paralysis Syndrome Associated with West Nile Virus Infection- Mississippi and Louisiana MMWR.2002;Vol 51, No 37:825 | 2002 |
MJ Kuehnert, RM Webb, E Jochimsen, G Hancock, M Arduino S. Hand, MM Currier, WR Jarvis Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections Among Patients Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy Trace to Probable Extrinsic Contamination of Anesthetic Agent Anesthesia and Analgesia. 1997;85(2):420-5 | 1997 |
Webb, R. M. Lundrigan, Michael D. OmpT Presence and Expression in Clinical Escherichia coli Isolates Correlation to Clinical Disease Severity and B - Lactam Antibiotics Medical Microbiology Letter.1996;5:8-14 | 1996 |
Chancroid Detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction MMWR.1995;44:567-574 | 1995 |
Lundrigan, Michael D. Webb, Risa M. Prevalence of the Outer Membrane Protease, OmpT, Among Human Isolates of Escherichia Coli FEMS Microbiology Letters.1992;97:51-56 | 1992 |
Chan, A. Webb, RM. Yang, CM, Jin, CB. The Effect of Estrogen on Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Binding Sites in Hypothalamic Membranes Neuropharmacology.1987:26:1395-1401 | 1987 |
Abstracts | |
RM Webb, MD Lundrigan Expression of Escherichia coli OmpT and Clinical Infections in Man Clinical Research. 1991 | 1991 |
RM Webb, RCKimbrough III, LJ Cochran Follow-up Pulmonary Function Tests in Adults with Varicella Zoster Virus Pneumonia Clincal Research.1991 | 1991 |
Book Chapter | |
Dobbs, Thomas, Webb Risa Treatment of Tuberculosis TB ed. Scholssberg: 2010 | 2010 |
Billet, Jose Antimicrobials in Neurologic disease. Neurology and Internal Medicine. 2007 | 2007 |
Poster Presentation, The Emergence of the MS0006 TB Strain and its Effects on the Homeless and HIV Infected Population of Hinds County, UMMC Research Day, IDSA | 10/2010 |
Poster Presentation, Onging Multi-clonal Dissemination of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Soft Tissue Infections in A Veterans' Long Term Care Facility (LTCF), UMMC Research Day, IDSA | 04/2010 |
Poster Presentation, Outbreak of Tuberculosis in Hinds County, CDC session ATS, New Orleans | 2010 |
Poster Presentation, Quantiferon - TB Gold In- Tube Assay Results Among Low Risk TST Positives in Mississippi, National TB Controllers' Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA | 2010 |
Poster Presentation, Contact investigations: a critical tool in early tuberculosis case identifications in Mississippi, World Conference on Lung Health of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Cancun, Mexico | 12/2009 |
Poster Presentation, Implementation of an electronic medical records (EMR) system fo TB management and control in Mississippi, 39th World Conference on Lung Health of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Paris, France | 10/2008 |
Poster Presentation, Enterococcal Endocarditis in Two Cases, ACP, Unversity Mississippi Medical Center | 2008 |
Poster Presentation, Review of MRSA Strains from a Cluster of MRSA Infections in a Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) after Admission of a Known MRSA Carrier, G.V. "Sonny " Montgomery VA Medical Center | 2008 |
Poster Presentation, Review of MRSA Strains from a Cluster of MRSA Infections in a Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) after Admission of a Known MRSA Carrier, University Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 2008 |
Poster Presentation, Hand Hygiene Monitoring in VAMC, National VAMC MRSA Conference | 10/2007 |
Poster Presentation, Pravalence of MRSA carriage in patients admitted to JVAMC, National VAMC MRSA Conference | 10/2007 |
Poster Presentation, Tuberculosis Infection Surveillance and Prevention in Mississippi State Prisoners., International Conference of the American Lung Association and American Thoracic Society, Mississippi State Department of Health | 05/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Identification of Isoniazid Hepatitis by Clinical and/or Monthly Laboratory Monitoring in Patients Treated for Latent Tuberculosis Infection, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 11/2003 |
Poster Presentation, Identification of Isoniazid Hepatitis by Clinical and/or Monthly Laboratory Monitoring in Patients Treated for Latent Tuberculosis Infection, Mississippi State Dept. of Health, Jackson, MS | 11/2003 |
Poster Presentation, Deaths Among Patients Treated with Isoniazid for Latent Tuberculosis Infection, IDSA | 11/2002 |
Poster Presentation, Completion of Twice Weekly Directly Observed Preventive therapy at a Poultry Plant Among US born and Foreign Born Individuals, 1999 IDSA, Philadelphia, PA | 11/1999 |
Poster Presentation, High Rates of TSTS> 5 MM Among Poultry Plant Foreign-born Workers After Exposure to an Active Tuberculosis Case., Mississippi State Dept. of Health, Jackson, MS | 04/1999 |
Poster Presentation, High Rates of TSTS> 5 MM Among Poultry Plant Foreign-born Workers After Exposure to an Active Tuberculosis Case., CDC, Altanta, GA | 04/1999 |
Poster Presentation, High Rates of TSTS> 5 MM Among Poultry Plant Foreign-born Workers After Exposure to an Active Tuberculosis Case., ALA/ATS International Conference, San Diego, CA | 04/1999 |
Poster Presentation, Completion of Twice Weekly Directly Observed Preventive therapy at a Poultry Plant Among US born and Foreign Born Individuals, Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson, MS | 1999 |
Poster Presentation, Tuberculosis and Drug Resistance in the Elderly in Mississippi, North American Region Third Annual Conference International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Mississippi State Dept. of Health | 1998 |
Slide Presentation, Capability To Identify Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus and Other Emerging pathogens in Clinical microbiology Laboratories Serving a Rural State, SHEA, University Medical Center | 04/1997 |
Slide Presentation, Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections Among Patients Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy Traced to Probable Extrinsic Contaminations of an Anesthetic Agent, Centers for Disease Contral and Prevention, Atlanta, GA | 04/1997 |
Poster Presentation, From Sanatoriums to Directly Observed Therapy(DOT): Twenty Years of Successful Public/Private Partnership in a Rural State., 2nd Annual Meeting North American Region International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Mississippi State Department of Health | 02/1997 |
Poster Presentation, Behavioral Correlates of Condom Use Among African-American Men With and Without Genital Ulcer Disease in Jackson, MS, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL | 1996 |
Poster Presentation, Behavioral Correlates of Condom Use Among African-American Men With and Without Genital Ulcer Disease in Jackson, MS, CDC, Atlanta, GA | 1996 |
Poster Presentation, Behavioral Correlates of Condom Use Among African-American Men With and Without Genital Ulcer Disease in Jackson, MS, Mississippi State Dept. of Health, Jackson, MS | 1996 |
Poster Presentation, Ciprofloxacin Usage May Help Potentiate an Epidemic of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) at a Veterans Administration Hospital, 35th ICAACC, VA Medical Center Jackson, MS | 09/1995 |
Slide Presentation, Health Care Seeking Behavior Among Sexually Transmitted Disease Patients During a Chancroid Outbreak in Jackson, MS, 11th ISSTDR, MM, St. Louis | 08/1995 |
Poster Presentation, High incidence of Chancroid Found by Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests at the Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic in Jackson, MS, 11th ISSTDR, M. St. Louis | 08/1995 |
Poster Presentation, High Incidence of Chancroid Found by Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests at the Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic in Jackson, MS, EIS Conference, M. St. Louis | 1995 |
Slide Presentation, Lead Surveilance in Children- Does The Proportion of Children with Blood Lead > 15 mcg/dl reporesent the Proportion with Blood Lead> 10mcg/dl, APHA Conference | 10/1994 |
Poster Presentation, Seroconversion to Hepatitis B Vaccine of Alabama Public Health Department Employees, EIS Conference, EIS Conference | 04/1994 |
Slide Presentation, Ciprofloxacin Use and Development of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus, 33rd ICAAC, Jackson VA Medical Center | 10/1993 |
Slide Presentation, Control of Epidemic Methicillin Staphylococcus (MRSA) At a VA Medical Center with comprehensive Control Measures, 32nd ICAAC, Jackson VA Medical Center | 10/1992 |
Poster Presentation, High Level Quinolone Resistance in Epidemic Strains of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at a Veterans Administration Center (VAMC), Jackson Veterans Administration Medical Center and University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS | 10/1992 |
Poster Presentation, OmpT Presence and Expression in Clinical Escherichia coli Isolates Correlation to Clinical Diseases Severity and B - Lactam Antibiotics, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/1992 |
Poster Presentation, Retrospective Investigation of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA) Outbreak and Failure of Initial Control Measures., Society for Hospital Epidemiology, Society for Hospital Epidemiology | 04/1992 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Award of Distinction to Mentored Fellow for HIV/TB Research, University Mississippi Medical Center | |
Presentation Award to Mentored Fellow presenting Enterococcal Cases, University Mississippi Medical Center | |
Quality Care Award, Department of Veteran's Affairs | |
Student Summer Research Scholarship, Unversity Mississippi Medical Center |
Professional Membership and Service
AMA, Member | |
American College of Physicians, Member | |
American Society for Microbiology, Member | |
Association of Practitioners in Infection Control, Member | |
Infectious Disease Society of America, Member | |
Mississippi State Medical Society, Member | |
SHEA, Member |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Fall 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Summer 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Summer 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Winter 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Clinical Conference | Fall 2011 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Fall 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Summer 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Winter 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Clinical Conference | Winter 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Journal Club | Winter 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Fall 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Clinical Conference | Fall 2009 |
Medicine, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Summer 2009 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Spring 2009 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Winter 2009 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Summer 2008 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Spring 2008 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Infectious Diseases Journal Club | Spring 2008 |
Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Winter 2008 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Bugs-N-Drugs | Winter 2008 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Clinical Conference | Winter 2008 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Infectious Diseases Journal Club | Winter 2008 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Journal Club | Winter 2008 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Infectious Diseases Journal Club | Winter 2001 |