Marc E. Walker, MD

Marc E. Walker, MD

Associate Professor



Work Phone:
(601) 984-5180


Dr. Marc E. Walker is a board-certified plastic surgeon, fellowship-trained hand surgeon, and cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Walker has clinical and research interests as well as advanced expertise in both pediatric and adult hand surgery, cosmetic surgery, and aesthetics. Dr. Walker is a native Mississippian and graduate of Ole Miss. He completed his medical education (MD) at the world-renowned Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital and obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School. Dr. Walker completed Plastic Surgery residency and subspecialty fellowship training in Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery at Yale University School of Medicine. He returned to his home state of Mississippi as an academic surgeon at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where he teaches medical students, surgery residents, and clinical fellows. Dr. Walker offers the most highly advanced surgical techniques to all patients in plastic surgery, hand surgery, cosmetic surgery, and aesthetics. Dr. Walker has participated in, organized, and has a great passion for international plastic surgery and hand surgery mission work; he serves on the Executive Board of Hand Help, Inc.


Yale-New Haven Hospital, Hand Surgery & Microsurgery2019
Yale-New Haven Hospital, Integrated Plastic Surgery2018
Yale School of Medicine, Associate Research Scientist2012
Harvard Business School, MBA, Business Administration2011
Harvard Medical School, MD, Medicine2011
University of Mississippi, BS, Biological Sciences2006

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Certification in the Subspecialty of Hand Surgery, American Board of Plastic Surgery10/2021 - 12/2031
Certification, Board Certification in Plastic Surgery, American Board of Plastic Surgery11/2020 - 12/2030

Current Positions

Songcharoen Endowed Chair of Plastic and Reconstructive Hand Surgery, School of Medicine09/2023 - Present
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery09/2023 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery07/2023 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery07/2023 - Present
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery09/2019 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery09/2019 - 06/2023
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery09/2019 - 06/2023

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, The Diagnosis of Infiltrative Disease in Patients Undergoing Routine Hand Surgery (Award 3641), American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand01/2021 - 12/2021


Graphic Design Category Publication

Patel NK, Songcharoen SJ, Wadford M, Patel SK, Walker ME Mississippi Hands Helping Mississippi Hands The Mosaic. 2021; 29. University of Mississippi Medical Center. Jackson, MS, USA.

Journal Article

Vance GR, Benedict K, Thames C, Hathaway B, Bowen E, Walker ME. J Hand Surg Global Online. Obesity as a Risk Factor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Independent of Diabetes Mellitus: A Nationwide Study Journal of Hand Surgery Global Online (JHSGO)2025
Paulin E, Bowen E, Dogar S, Mukit M, Lebhar M, Galarza L, Walker ME A Comprehensive Review of Axon Counts and Topography in Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerves: A Guide for Neurotization Journal of Hand Surgery Global Open (JHSGO); accepted pending publication2024
Mukit FA, Kim EY, Hilliard G, Pilkinton S, Walker ME, Wilson MW, Fowler BT. Scope of practice of oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgeons: a public perception survey. Orbit 2024, 1–7.2024
Goza S, Lebhar M, Sullivan, Waetjen E, Walker ME Hand Infections in End Stage Renal Disease—Consider Tumoral Calcinosis J Hand Surg Global Online. ACCEPTED PENDING FORMAL CITATION2024
Zhang W, Hecox EE, Dogar S, Walker ME The Role of Surgery to Relieve Symptomatic Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Refractory to Medical Treatments Case Reports in Oncologic Medicine. Volume 2024. Article ID 6645278. Open Access.2024
Mukit FA, Pilkinton S, Walker ME, Wilson MW, Fowler BT Scope of Practice of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons: A Public Perception Survey Orbit (Formal citation pending)2024
Mukit M, McCandless M, Davidson JC, Hopper S, Jabbour JI, Davidson SF, Walker ME The Evolution of Hand Injuries at a State’s Only
Level I Trauma Center: A Look From the 1980s
Through the Global Pandemic
Cureus Open Access Journal. Published Online 2/25/2024. Pending PubMed Index.
Eberlin KR, Dy CJ, Fischer MD, Gluck JL, Kaplan TD, McDonald TJ, Miller LE, Palmer A, Walker ME, Watt JF. Final 1-Year Results of TUTOR Randomized Trial Comparing Carpal Tunnel Release with Ultrasound Guidance to Mini-open Technique Plast Reconstr Surg Global Open2024
Sullivan JM, Benedict K, Waetjen E, Walker ME Acute Free Fibula Reconstruction of a Ballistic Ulna Fracture Journal of Clinical Surgery and Research. 2024 Jan 10; 5(1); DOI:10.31579/2768-2757/102.2024
Brown M, Sullivan JM, Googe B, and Walker ME Elbowplasty: Arm Contouring in the Absence of Massive Weight Loss Journal of Clinical Surgery and Research. 2024 Jan 1; 5(1); DOI:10.31579/2768-2757/101.2024
Corder B, Benedict K, Buie H, Moak R, McCandless M, Walker ME Statewide Prevalence of Congenital Hand Anomalies: A 6-Year Review of Patients Presenting to Mississippi’s Only Children’s Hospital ePlasty2023
Corder B, Sullivan JM, Humphries LS, Walker ME Subacute Ulnar Nerve Compression Neuropathy Following Hand Crush Injury in the Setting of Intra-Canal Accessory Abductor Digiti Minimi: A Double Crush Phenomenon Journal of Hand Surgery Global Open2023
Eberlin KR, Dy CJ, Fischer MD, Gluck JL, Kaplan TD McDonald TJ, Miller LE, Palmer A, Walker ME, Watt JF. Multicenter randomized trial of carpal tunnel release with ultrasound guidance versus mini-open technique Expert Review of Medical Devices (IERD), 2023.

Article ID: IERD 2218548
Corder B, Benedict K, Walker ME Gaining the Upper Hand: Understanding the Causes and Repercussions of Delayed Presentation of Congenital Hand Anomalies Eplasty. 2023 May 26:23:e30. eCollection 2023.2023
Eberlin KR, Dy CJ, Fischer MD, Gluck JL, Kaplan TD McDonald TJ, Miller LE, Palmer A, Walker ME, Watt JF. Trial of ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release versus traditional open release (TUTOR) Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Oct 14; 101(41): e30775.2022
Walker ME, Han G, Gabrick K, Kanouzi J, Lo YC, Galan A, Clune J, Narayan D, Ariyan S, Han D Acral Lentiginous Melanoma: Do Surgical Approach and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Matter? Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open: March 2020 - Volume 8 - Issue 3 - p e2698
doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002698
Mukit M, Sumner L, OBrien R, Bhanat E, Walker ME The Influence of Training Pathway, Institution Type, Gender and a Global Pandemic on Post Graduation Career Plans in Plastic Surgery Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2023.
Sudduth J, Dogar S, Horriat N, Walker ME Multi-Segmental Osteocutaneous Free Fibula Flap for Three-Dimensional Post-Traumatic Thumb and Wrist Modern Plastic Surgery Vol.13 No.1, 2023. ID1930214.2023
Sudduth J, Sullivan JM, Walker ME The Utility of The Galea in Scalp Reconstruction Modern Plastic Surgery Vol.13 No.1, 2023. ID1930213.2023
Niki K. Patel, MS, Avani K. Patel, MD, MHA, John E.
Wilkaitis, MD, MBA, Marc E. Walker, MD, MBA Psychiatry Meets Plastic Surgery: A Review on the
Importance of Psychiatry in Patients Seeking Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Journal of the Mississippi Psychiatric Association. Fall 2021.
Wu RT, Walker ME, Peck CJ, Liu YJ, Hetzler P, Le NK, Smetona J, Thomson JG Differential Pulley Release in Trigger Finger: A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial Hand. 2021;
Gabrick K, Walker M, Timberlake A, Chouiari F, Saberski E, Steinbacher D. The Effect of Autologous Fat Grafting on Edema and Ecchymoses in Primary Open Rhinoplasty. Aesthet Surg J. 2019 Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Buonocore S, Walker ME, Steinbacher DS Repair of the Median Microform Cleft Lip Using Z-Plasty Modern Plastic Surgery, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2012, pp. 43-45. doi: 10.4236/mps.2012.23011
Walker ME, Broer PN, Ng R, Wages D, Matthew M, Kwei SL. AlloDerm plication: A novel technique for enhancing acellular dermis-assisted breast reconstruction European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 36. 10.1007/s00238-013-0817-4.


The Effect of Intraoperative Temperature on Microvascular Thrombosis Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, April 2019 - Volume 7 - Issue 4S - p 86-87
Iyengar RJ, Mercier M, Patel NK, Thomson JG, Walker ME Analysis of Hand and Microsurgery Transfers to a Level I Trauma Center Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open (Pending Print)
Sumner L, Mukit M, O'Brien RC, Walker ME The Influence of Integrated vs Independent Pathway and Hospital Type on Plastic Surgery Post-Residency Plans Unchanged by Global Pandemic. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. 11(2S):p4, February 2023.

Book Chapter

Walker ME, Tsai D, and Thomson JG. Perioperative pain management in hand and upper extremity surgery. Perioperative Pain Management for General Surgery and Plastic Surgery, edited by Narayan, Kaye, and Vadivalu. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Walker ME and Steinbacher DM. Genioplasty with Osteotomies. Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery, edited by Chung et al. Wolters Kluwer, 2018.
Walker ME, Sawh R, and Steinbacher DM. Osseous Genioplasty Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty, edited by Derek M. Steinbacher. Wiley Blackwell, 2019.

Editorial Commentary

Mukit M, Moss CA, Walker ME The role of the A0 pulley in trigger finger Journal of Xiangya Medicine – March 2022 – Volume 7. Doi: 10.21037/jxym-22-4.2022

Electronic Publications

Walker ME Congenital Hand Anomalies Yale Surgical Videos2022
Marc E Walker, MD, MBA Leadership Requires Preparation ASSH Perspectives (American Society for Surgery of the Hand), September 2021 Issue2021


Poster Presentation, Hand Infection Encounters In The Emergency Department In The Presence Of Concomitant Psychiatric Diagnoses, American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), Austin, TX05/2025
Poster Presentation, Impact Of Neurodegenerative Conditions On Distal Radius Fracture Incidence In Geriatric Populations, American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), Austin, TX05/2025
Poster Presentation, Disparities in Certified Hand Therapy Accessibility in Alabama, UAB Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center (MHERC) 2025 Heath Equity Research Symposium, Birmingham, AL04/2025
Platform Presentations, Access to Certified Hand Therapists in the United States: The Cost of Accessible Care, International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand Triennial Congress, Washington, DC03/2025
Poster Presentation, Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of Four Provocative Maneuvers for Diagnosing Common Hand Diseases, International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Washington, DC03/2025
Poster Presentation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Patient Reported Impairment May Be Greater Than Currently Accepted Guidelines, International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Washington, DC03/2025
Poster Presentation, Optimizing Upper Extremity Nerve Transfers: A Comprehensive Review of Peripheral Motor Nerve Topography and Axon Counts, International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Washington, DC03/2025
Poster Presentation, Neurodegenerative Conditions May Lead to Increased Distal Radius Fracture Risk in the Elderly, International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Washington, DC03/2025
Poster Presentation, Diagnosing DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis Using Patient-Reported Pain Threshold During Diagnostic Maneuvers, International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Washington, DC03/2025
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Financial Health and Wellness for Residents and Fellows, UMMC OBGYN Department, Jackson, MS02/2025
Poster Presentation, Disparities in Certified Hand Therapy Accessibility in Alabama, Southern Medical Association, Physicians In Training Leadership Conference, Birmingham, AL02/2025
Poster Presentation, Optimizing Upper Extremity Nerve Transfers: A Comprehensive Review of Peripheral Motor Nerve Topography and Axon Counts, American Society of Peripheral Nerve (ASPN), Waikoloa, Hawaii01/2025
Platform Presentations, Novel Technique for Single-Site, Ultrasound-Guided Release of the Cubital Tunnel: An Anatomic Feasibility Trial., American Society for Peripheral Nerve (ASPN)., Waikoloa, HI01/2025
Poster Presentation, Access to Certified Hand Therapists in the United States: The Cost of Accessible Care., American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), Waikoloa, HI01/2025
Poster Presentation, Optimizing Upper Extremity Nerve Transfers: A Comprehensive Review of Peripheral Motor Nerve Topography and Axon Counts, American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS)., Waikoloa, HI01/2025
Poster Presentation, Soft Tissue Dynamics Following Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy., American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS)., Waikoloa, HI01/2025
Platform Presentations, Disparities in Certified Hand Therapy Accessibility in Alabama, Tinsley Harrison Research Society Annual Bites of Science: Medical Student Conference, Birmingham, AL2025
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Symbols that Define Us: Religion, Philosophy & Business in Medicine, UMMC OBGYN GRAND ROUNDS, Jackson, MS10/2024
Platform Presentations, Ultrasonography-Guided Minimally Invasive Decompression for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Adapting Techniques from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Management, Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), Houston, TX09/2024
Poster Presentation, Differential Impairment in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome versus Other Chronic Hand Conditions: A Functional Assessment, Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), Houston, TX09/2024
Platform Presentations, A Comprehensive Review of Axon Counts in Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerves: A Guide for Neurotization, Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), Houston, TX09/2024
Platform Presentations, Obesity and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Unveiling a Population-Level Association Beyond Diabetic Neuropathy, Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), Houston, TX09/2024
Platform Presentations, Hand Infection Encounters in the Emergency Department in the Presence of Concomitant Substance Use Disorders: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), San Diego, CA09/2024
Platform Presentations, Access to Certified Hand Therapists in Mississippi: The Cost of Accessible Care, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), San Diego, CA09/2024
Poster Presentation, Obesity as an Independent Risk Factor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Relationship to Diabetes Mellitus: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), San Diego, CA09/2024
Poster Presentation, Novel Technique for Single-Site, Ultrasound-Guided Release of the Cubital Tunnel: An Anatomic Feasibility Study, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), San Diego, CA09/2024
Poster Presentation, Hand Infection Encounters in the Emergency Department in the Presence of Concomitant Substance Use Disorders: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Poster Presentation, Neurodegenerative Conditions in the Geriatric Population Increase Risk of Distal Radius Fracture: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Poster Presentation, Obesity as an Independent Risk Factor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Poster Presentation, Novel Technique for Single-Site, Ultrasound-Guided Release of the Cubital Tunnel: An Anatomic Feasibility Study, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Platform Presentations, Evaluation of Common Provocative Hand Maneuvers for de Quervain's Tenosynovitis Diagnosis in the Clinical Setting, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Platform Presentations, De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis: Using Self-Reported Pain Rating During Clinical Testing as a Diagnostic Criterion, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Platform Presentations, Single Stage Coverage of Exposed Extensor Tendons with Intact Decellularized Fish Skin with Simultaneous Epidermal Autograft, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Minneapolis, MN09/2024
Invited Symposia, Resources for MSK Ultrasound Training and Education, MSK Forum09/2024
Poster Presentation, Digital Nerve Coaptation vs. Standard of Care for Partial and Ray Digital Amputations, Medical Student Research Program (MSRP), Jackson, MS07/2024
Platform Presentations, Rate of Distal Radius Fracture in Geriatric Neurodegenerative Conditions, Southern Orthopaedic Association, Miami, FL07/2024
Platform Presentations, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Prevalence Related to Obesity, Southern Orthopaedic Society, Miami, FL07/2024
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Use of Acellularized Fish Skin in Reconstruction of the Traumatized Limb
(*winner of Aurora International Case Award), Arctic Midnight Sun Scientific Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland
Invited Symposia, Innovative Therapies to Improve Nerve Regeneration, SESPRS Upper Extremity and Peripheral Nerve Symposium, Sea Island, GA06/2024
Platform Presentations, Novel Technique for Single-Site, Ultrasound-Guided Release of the Cubital Tunnel: An Anatomic Feasibility Study, SESPRS, Sea Island, GA06/2024
Poster Presentation, The Evolution of Soft Tissue in an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy: A Comprehensive Exploration, MS-AL Orthopaedic Society, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Poster Presentation, Increased Self-Reported Patient Impairment in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Compared with Other Chronic Hand Conditions, AL-MS Orthopaedic Society Combined Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Poster Presentation, Elevated Risk of Distal Radius Fracture Associated with Neurodegenerative Conditions in the Geriatric Population: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, AL-MS Orthopaedic Society Combined Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Poster Presentation, Obesity as an Independent Risk Factor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, AL-MS Orthopaedic Society Combined Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pediatric & Congenital Hand Surgery: A Mission at Home and Abroad, Gulf Coast Hand Society, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Real-Time Ultrasonography-Guided Minimally Invasive Decompression for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Exploring Bidirectional Surgical Techniques, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Association between Obesity and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Impairment Related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome May Be Greater than Related Chronic Hand Conditions, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Neurodegenerative Conditions in the Geriatric Population Increase Risk of Distal Radius Fracture: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Scope of Hand Surgery: The Perception of Plastic Surgeons as Hand Surgeons, Gulf Coast Hand Society, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Hand Infection Encounters in the Emergency Department in the Presence of Concomitant Psychiatric Diagnoses: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Hand Infection Encounters in the Emergency Department in the Presence of Concomitant Substance Use Disorders: A Nationwide Cosmos Study, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Assessing the Accuracy of Provocative Manuevers in Diagnosing Common Hand Conditions: A Prospective Cohort Investigation, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Access to Certified Hand Therapists in Mississippi: The Cost of Accessible Care, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Platform Presentations, Exploring Socioeconomic Factors in Care Access for Congenital Hand Patients, Gulf Coast Hand Society Annual Meeting, Point Clear, AL05/2024
Poster Presentation, Scope of Hand Surgery, Australian Association of Hand Surgeons, Maui, HI05/2024
Poster Presentation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Patient Reported Impairment May Be Greater Than Currently Accepted Guidelines, Australian Society of Hand Surgeons, Maui, HI05/2024
Poster Presentation, The Sandwich Technique: Single-Stage Laminated Reconstruction with Intact Decellularized Fish Skin and Epidermal Autograft, Australian Society of Hand Surgeons, Maui, HI05/2024
Poster Presentation, Acute Free Fibula Reconstruction of a Ballistic Ulna Fracture, Australian Society of Hand Surgery, Maui, HI05/2024
Poster Presentation, Novel Technique for Single-Site, Ultrasound-Guided Release of the Cubital Tunnel: An Anatomic Feasibility Study., Australian Society of Hand Surgeons, Maui, HI05/2024
Platform Presentations, Evaluating the Efficacy of Sonography-Guided Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Decompression with the Sonex UltraGuideCTR™ Device: A Minimally Invasive Approach, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS), Virtual04/2024
Platform Presentations, Evaluating the Efficacy of Sonography-Guided Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Decompression with the Sonex UltraGuideCTR™ Device: A Minimally Invasive Approach, SESPRS, Virtual04/2024
Poster Presentation, The role of surgery to relieve symptomatic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma refractory to medical treatments, Southeastern Surgical Congress, Clearwater Beach, FL02/2024
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Single-Stage Coverage of Exposed Extensor Tendons with Intact De-cellularized Fish Skin and Simultaneous Epidermal Autograft Application, Bostwick Burn and Wound Care Symposium, Maui Hawaii01/2024
Poster Presentation, Socioeconomic Data on Patients in Congenital Hand Clinic, Jackson Free Clinic Research Symposium, Jackson, MS11/2023
Platform Presentations, Scope of Practice of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons: A Public Perception Survey, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, San Francisco, CA11/2023
Platform Presentations, A Comprehensive Review of Axon Counts in Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerves: A Guide for Neurotization, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Austin, TX10/2023
Poster Presentation, A Comprehensive Review of Axon Counts in Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerves: A Guide for Neurotization, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Toronto, Canada10/2023
Poster Presentation, Differential Qualitative Descriptors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Pilot Study Using the Mississippi Qualitative Hand Pain Questionnaire, Medical Student Research Program (UMMC), Jackson, MS07/2023
Platform Presentations, Multigenerational Triphalangeal Thumb: Suspicion for a New Dominantly-Inherited Disorder of Hand Dev, 2023 World Symposium on Congenital Malformations of the Hand and Upper Limb, Minneapolis, MN05/2023
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, American Society for Surgery of the Hand:
ASSH Cocktails and Cases, American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Platform Presentations, The Influence of Integrated vs Independent Pathway and Hospital Type on Post-Residency Plans, American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons (ACAPS), New Orleans, LA02/2023
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Diagnosis and Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies, University of Nebraska Plastic Surgery Residency Program, Omaha, NE02/2023
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Diagnosis and Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies, The Newborn Associates, Jackson, MS02/2023
Poster Presentation, Public Perception of the Practice of Hand Surgery, American Association for Hand Surgery, Miami, FL01/2023
Platform Presentations, The Scope of Plastic Surgery: the Unfortunately Narrow Public Perception of our Broad and Diverse Specialty, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Annual Meeting., Boston, MA10/2022
Platform Presentations, Statewide Prevalence of Congenital Hand Anomalies: A 5-Year Review of Patients Presenting to Mississippi’s Only Children’s Hospital, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Annual Meeting., Boston, MA10/2022
Poster Presentation, Redefining the Pulley System of the Thumb: Back to the Anatomy Lab, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Annual Meeting., Boston, MA10/2022
Platform Presentations, Subacute Ulnar Nerve Compression Neuropathy Following Hand Crush Injury in the Setting of Intra-Canal Accessory Abductor Digiti Minimi: A Double Crush Phenomenon?, American Society of Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Boston10/2022
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hand Surgeon's Guide to Hitting the Ground Running: Building a Highly Effective and Efficient Team, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Boston, MA09/2022
Poster Presentation, Times Have Changed: The Rapid Evolution of Hand Trauma Since the 1980s and the Peculiar Influence of a Global Pandemic on the Nature of Hand Injuries and Subsequent Care

Mukit M, McCandless MG, DavidsonJC, Hopper S, Jabbour JI, Davidson SF, Walker ME, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Boston, MA
Poster Presentation, Redefining the Pulley System of the Thumb: Back to the Anatomy Lab, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), Boston, MA09/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Design Thinking to Transform the Consumer/Patient Experience – The Evolution of Carpal Tunnel Release, Mississippi Health Innovations Conference, Jackson MS08/2022
Invited Symposia, Design Thinking to Transform the Consumer/Patient Experience: Technological Evolution in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Mississippi Healthcare Innovation Conference, Jackson, MS08/2022
Platform Presentations, Times Have Changed: The Rapid Evolution
of Hand Trauma Since the 1980s and the Peculiar Influence of a Global Pandemic on the Nature of Hand Injuries and Subsequent Care, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS), Orlando, FL
Poster Presentation, Statewide Prevalence of Congenital Hand Anomalies: A 5-Year Review of Patients Presenting to Mississippi’s Only Children’s Hospital, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS), Orlando, FL06/2022
Poster Presentation, Redefining the Pulley System of the Thumb: Back to the Anatomy
Lab, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS), Orlando
Poster Presentation, The Scope of Plastic Surgery as Seen Through the Eyes of the Average American: a survey, Plastic Surgery Research Council (Annual Meeting), Toronto, Canada06/2022
Platform Presentations, Redefining the Pulley System of the Thumb: Back to the Anatomy Lab, 1st. ICOPLAST World Congress 2022, Lima, Peru05/2022
Platform Presentations, The Scope of Plastic Surgery As Seen Through the Eyes of the Average American: a survey, 1st Annual International Congress of Plastic Surgery Societies (ICOPLAST), Lima, Peru05/2022
Platform Presentations, Elbowplasty: Arm Contouring In the Absence of Massive Weight Loss, 1st Annual International Congress of Plastic Surgery Societies (ICOPLAST), Lima, Peru05/2022
Poster Presentation, Gaining the Upper Hand: Understanding the Causes and Repercussions of Delayed Presentation of Congenital Hand Defects, Southern Regional Meeting - Southern Society for Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA02/2022
Invited Symposia, Diagnosis and Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies, UMMC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Jackson, MS02/2022
Poster Presentation, Novel Single-Stage Multi-Segment Osteocutaneous Free Fibula Flap for Post-Traumatic Thumb and Wrist Reconstruction, American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), Carlsbad, CA01/2022
Poster Presentation, Multigenerational Triphalangeal Thumb: Suspicion for a New Dominantly-Inherited Disorder of Hand Development, American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), Carlsbad, CA01/2022
Invited Symposia, Diagnosis and Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies, UMMC Pediatrics Department, Jackson01/2022
Poster Presentation, A Coastal Fisherman’s Biggest Catch: Hand Salvage & Functional Recovery Following Marine Flesh-eating Bacterial Infection, American Medical Association (AMA), 2021 AMA Research Challenge10/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Do's and Don'ts of the Interview Trail, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Virtual Platform10/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, ASPS Virtual Medical Student's Day Subspecialty Breakout Sessions: Hand Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Virtual Platform10/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Frontline Medicine: The History of Hand Surgery, Billy S. Guyton History of Medicine Symposium, Virtual09/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Novel Internal Tissue Closure System in Abdominoplasty: A Prospective Pilot Study Evaluating Clinical Safety and Functionality, The Aesthetic Society, Miami, FL05/2021
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Frontline Medicine: The History of Hand Surgery, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN12/2020
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Short Term Medical Missions and Surgical Capacity Building--Do Both Frameworks Coexist?, GSSA Global Plastic Surgery Panel06/2020
Platform Presentations, Acral Lentiginous Melanoma: Does Surgical Approach Matter?, American Association of Hand Surgery (AAHS), Palm Desert, CA (2019)
Platform Presentations, Differential Pulley Release in Trigger Finger: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial, Yale Plastic Surgery Research Day 2019, New Haven, CT (2019)
Platform Presentations, Aggressive Digital Papillary Adenocarcinoma of the Finger: Case Report of a Rare Hand Tumor, New England Hand Society (NEHS), Sturbridge, CT (2018)
Platform Presentations, Response to Local Anesthesia as a Metric for Objective Risk of Persistent Post-operative Pain, New England Hand Society (NEHS), Sturbridge, CT (2018)
Platform Presentations, Modern Tools for Long-Term Follow-up Following a Pediatric Hand Surgical Camp in Lima, Peru, New England Hand Society (NEHS), Sturbridge, CT (2018)
Platform Presentations, Autologous Fat Grafting in Rhinoplasty: The Effect on Edema, Ecchymoses, and Patient-Reported Outcomes
The Aesthetic Meeting (ASAPS), The Aesthetic Meeting (ASAPS), New York, NY (2018)
Platform Presentations, A Reliable and Standardized Post-Operative Staging System for First Carpometacarpal Arthritis, American Association of Hand Surgery, Waikaloa, HI (2017)
Platform Presentations, Pre- and Post-Consultation Assessment of Patient Knowledge in Hand Surgery: An Evaluation of the Informed Consent Process, American Association of Hand Surgery (AAHS), Waikaloa, HI (2017)
Platform Presentations, The Art and Science of Surgical Drains: An Ex-Vivo Model of Fluid Management, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Los Angeles, CA (2016)
Platform Presentations, A 12-Year Analysis of Relationship Between Market Trends and Cosmetic Case Volume, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Chicago, IL (2014)
Platform Presentations, Prevention of Seroma and Post-Operative Wound Complications Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices Following Panniculectomy in Massive Weight Loss Patients, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Chicago, IL (2014)
Platform Presentations, The Value of Performing Frozen Section on Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients with Melanoma, American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), Miami, FL (2014)
Platform Presentations, Teaching Flexor Tendon Repair in Surgical Education, New England Hand Society (NEHS), Sturbridge, MA (2012)
Platform Presentations, Desmoplastic melanoma: A 12-Year Experience with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy, European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), Valencia, Spain (2012)
Platform Presentations, Intercultural Differences in Aesthetic Breast Shape Preferences Amongst Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), Geneva, Switzerland (2012)
Platform Presentations, De-epithelialized Flap Closure: A Novel Approach to Complex Ventral Hernia Repair, European Plastic Surgery Research Council (EPSRC), Hamburg, Germany (2011)
Platform Presentations, Macrostomia: A Spectrum of Deformity, European Plastic Surgery Research Council (EPSRC), Hamburg, Germany (2011)
Platform Presentations, AlloDerm graft plication: a novel technique in ADM-assisted breast reconstruction, New England Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cape Cod, MA (2011)
Poster Presentation, Hazards of Performing Microsurgery in Sickle Cell Trait Patients, American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), Phoenix, AZ (2018)
Poster Presentation, Skin Flap Closure in Desmoplastic Melanoma: A 12-Year Experience, European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO 2012), Valencia, Spain (2012)
Platform Presentations, Effect of Intraoperative Temperature on Microvascular Thrombosis and Postoperative Outcomes in Free Tissue Transfer, ASRM
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Congenital Hand Anomalies: An Anatomic Overview, Congreso Internacional de la Asociacion Peruana de Ortopedia y Traumatologia Infantil Congreso, Lima, Peru
Platform Presentations, Prospective Pilot Study in Abdominoplasty Patients to Evaluate Initial Clinical Safety and Functionality of a Novel Internal Tissue Closure System, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS)), Las Vegas, NV
Platform Presentations, Analysis of hand and microsurgery transfers to a Level I Trauma Center: A descriptive analysis over 7 years, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Platform Presentations, Improving Outcome Collection Following International Surgery Trips: A Proof of Concept from a Pediatric Hand Reconstruction Trip to Peru, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), San Francisco, CA
Poster Presentation, Electronic Communication and Short-Term Medical Missions: New Opportunities for Improved Patient Care., Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (2018), Philadelphia, PA
Platform Presentations, The Effect of Intraoperative Temperature on Microvascular Thrombosis, Plastic Surgery Research Council (PSRC 2019), Baltimore, MD
Platform Presentations, Addressing Ethical Concerns in International Hand Surgery: A Cost-Free Model for Outcome Collection and Postoperative Follow-Up, American Association for Hand Surgery
Platform Presentations, Analysis of Hand and Microsurgery Transfers to a Level I Trauma Center, American Association for Hand Surgery
Platform Presentations, Multigenerational Triphalangeal Thumb: Suspicion for a New Dominantly-Inherited Disorder of Hand Development, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Atlanta, GA
Poster Presentation, Analysis of Hand and Microsurgery Transfers to a Level I Trauma Center, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), San Francisco, CA 2021
Poster Presentation, Multigenerational Triphalangeal Thumb: Suspicion for a New Dominantly-Inherited Disorder of Hand Development, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS)
Poster Presentation, A Coastal Fisherman's Biggest Catch: Hand Salvage & Functional Recovery Following Marine Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infection, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Atlanta, GA
Platform Presentations, Analysis of Hand and Microsurgery Transfers to a Level I Trauma Center, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS 2021), Atlanta, GA

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Best Abstract Award - ASPS National Conference, American Society of Plastic Surgeons2024
Aurora International Surgical Case Award, Kerecis2024
College of Liberal Arts Early Impact Award, University of Mississippi2024
Trailblazer Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education 2023, UMMC Teaching Awards2024
Trailblazer Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education 2022, UMMC Teaching Awards2023
Healthcare Innovation Hackathon Winner, Mississippi Healthcare Innovation Conference (2022)2022
Glancy Competition Training Program Award, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS)2022
40 Under 40 Alumni Achievement Award, Ole Miss Alumni Association2022
Aesculapian Club, Harvard Medical School
Resident of the Year, Connecticut Burn Center - Yale-New Haven Health Health
Best Clinical Science Research Award, Yale Plastic Surgery
Adrien E. Flatt Scholarship for Residents and Fellows, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
LaSallian Founder's Young Alumnus Award for Service to the Poor, Christian Brothers High School
Tangredi Award for Excellence, Hand Help, Inc. (Pediatric Hand Surgery Mission)
Frist Family Fellowship Award, Harvard Business School
Medical Graduate Fellowship Award, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
UM Hall of Fame, University of Mississippi
Marcus Elvis Taylor Medal, University of Mississippi
Shoemaker Award in Biological Sciences, University of Mississippi
Robert M. Carrier Scholar, University of Mississippi

Professional Membership and Service

American College of Surgeons, Fellow2022 - Present
Southeastern Hand Society, Member2022 - Present
The Aesthetic Society, Member2022 - Present
American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons (ACAPS)2021 - Present
American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Member
Yale Surgical Society, Member
Harvard Medical School John Warren Surgical Society, Member
Phi Beta Kappa Society, Member
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Fellow
American Association for Hand Surgery, Member
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Member
American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Member
Mississippi State Medical Association, Member
Central Mississippi Medical Society, Officer, Other Officer

Committee Service

Member2023 - Present
Program Committee for Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS), Member2023 - 2023
MEDICAL CENTER-FACULTY SENATE, Task Force Chair2023 - Present
MEDICAL CENTER-FACULTY SENATE, I have been elected as Faculty Senator for the School of Medicine2022 - Present
University of Mississippi Honors College Dean Search Committee, Member2021 - Present
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-CURRICULUM, Steering Comittee Member2021 - Present
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-CURRICULUM, Task Force Chair2021 - Present
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-EXECUTIVE FACULTY, Treasurer and Member2021 - Present
Program Evaluation Committee - Hand Surgery, Chair2019 - Present
Program Evaluation Committee - Plastic Surgery, Member2019 - Present
Clinical Competency Committee - Hand Surgery, Chair2019 - Present
Clinical Competency Committee - Plastic Surgery, Member2019 - Present
Surgery Education Committee, Member
ASPS Resident Bowl Committee, Member
ASSH Young Members Steering Committee, Member
ASPS Legislative Advocacy Committee, Member
ASPS Young Plastic Surgeons Steering Committee, Member

Community Service

Sanderson Farms Championship Volunteer, Volunteer09/2021 - 10/2021
UMMC COVID Volunteer Reserve Pool, Runners for Direct Care Worker's - Children's ED09/2021 - Present
Hand Help, Inc., Surgeon, Board Member, Secretary-Treasurer07/2011 - Present

Other Service

Clinical Case Reports Open Access Journal11/2023 - Present
Plastic and Aesthetic Research Journal09/2023 - Present
Annals of Plastic Surgery (Hand Section)07/2023 - Present
ePlasty Journal05/2023 - Present
Microsurgery Journal06/2022 - Present
HAND Journal11/2021 - Present
Journal of Xiangya Medicine06/2021 - Present
PRS GO Journal Reviewer
PRS Journal Reviewer

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Course, Panelist, Financial Planning for Medical StudentsSpring 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, UMMC General Surgery Grand Rounds: Compression Neuropathies and Surgery of the Peripheral NervesSpring 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Hand Surgery for the Plastic Surgery In-Service Exam: Part ISpring 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Hand Surgery for the Plastic Surgery In-Service Exam: Part IISpring 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Plastic Surgery In-Service Exam JeopardySpring 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Lab, Lab Director, Advanced Suture WorkshopSpring 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Lab, Lab Director, Suturing for Plastic SurgeonsSpring 2022
Medicine, Small Group, Conference Hackathon Faculty Group Leader, Health Innovations HackathonFall 2022
Medicine, Lab, Course Director, Orthopaedic Splinting and Casting WorkshopSpring 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, UMMC General Surgery Grand Rounds: Compression Neuropathies and Surgery of the Peripheral NervesSpring 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Plastic Surgery In-Service Exam JeopardySpring 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Standards of Care in the Surgical Treatment of Gender Dysphoria and NonconformitySpring 2021
Medicine, Lab, Lab Director, Complex Suturing TechniqueSpring 2021
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Current Trends in the Management of Dupuytren's ContractureFall 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Lab, Course Director, Orthopaedic Splinting and Casting WorkshopFall 2020
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Preparing for the Hand Surgery ExaminationSpring 2020
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Plastic Surgery In-Service Exam JeopardySpring 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Birth-Related Brachial Plexus Injuries: Diagnosis and ManagementSpring 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, The Extensor Mechanism: Form and FunctionSpring 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Radial Nerve Palsy: Diagnosis and ManagementSpring 2020
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Innovations in Hand SurgeryFall 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Distal Radius Fractures: Diagnosis and ManagementFall 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Congenital HandFall 2019
Medicine, Lab, Lab Director, The Volar Approach for Distal Radius Fractures: Hands-On Lab ExperienceFall 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Wrist Instability and DislocationsFall 2019

Directed Student Learning

Preclinical Advisor, Advised: Adam Brooks Fleming2021 - Present
Preclinical Advisor, Advised: Healy Vise2021 - Present
Internship Advisor, Advised: Brittany Corder2021 - Present
Internship Advisor, Advised: Abigail Macoy2021 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Clayton Moss2021 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Niki Patel2020 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Travis Fortin2019 - Present
Internship Advisor, Advised: Bradley Hathaway
Internship Advisor, Advised: Shivum Desai
Internship Advisor, Advised: Gregory Vance
Internship Advisor, Advised: Clay Thames
Internship Advisor, Advised: Edgar Uribe-Sanchez
Internship Advisor, Advised: Leigh Sumner
Preceptor, Advised: Baylor Obert
Preceptor, Advised: Mackenzie Miller
Preceptor, Advised: Kyle Kennedy
Preceptor, Advised: Ken Winter
Preceptor, Advised: Benjamin Rushing
Preceptor, Advised: Anna Winter
Preceptor, Advised: Joseph Carter
Preceptor, Advised: Clark Martin
Preceptor, Advised: Graham Grogan
Preceptor, Advised: Ryan Pinosky

Fellows supervised

Hand Surgery Fellowship, Attending Physician, 15 fellows supervised09/2019 - Present

Residency Training

General Surgery Residents Seeking Hand Surgery Fellowship, Subspecialty/Activity Director2021 - Present
Independent Plastic Surgery Residents, Attending Physician2019 - 06/2020
Integrated Plastic Surgery Residents, Advisor2019 - Present