David Walker

David Walker

Associate Professor


University of Louisville, MBA, Business2012
University of South Carolina, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship, Forensic Psychiatry1998
Wright State University, Psychiatry Residency, Psychiatry1995
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, MD, Doctor of Medicine1991
University of Southern Mississippi, BS, Chemistry1987

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Medical License, Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure03/2010 - 02/2020
Licensure, Medical License, State of Georgia02/2003 - 11/2019
Re-certification, Maintenance of Certification, American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology10/2017 - 10/2027

Current Positions

CEO/Medical Center Director12/2015 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216


National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Selected to present to the leadership of the Phoenix VA Medical Center on how to improve quality through commitment management., Department of Veterans Affairs, Phoenix VA via VTEL08/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, I was invited to present at the first grand rounds of the academic year for the department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at UMMC. I have expertise in treating opioid use disorders and presented on treatment during pregnancy., Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior, UMMC08/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, I was invited to present a TEDx talk I gave in Washington, DC, in may of 2019. The venue was the Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. After presenting the TEDx talk I took questions from attendees., Department of Medicine, UMMC07/2019
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, TEDx: So You Think You Know How to hold Staff Accountable?, TEDx & Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington D.C.05/2019
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Management of a Federal Coordination Center presented at the Southeastern Consortium VA National Office of Emergency Management. By federal law I am the FCC commander responsible for all federally evacuated patients sent to Mississippi as a result of a national emergency deceleration. We have been activated twice in the last four years. After Hurricane Maria we were one of four sites in the US to take patients resulting in 16 patients being cared for in Mississippi., VA National Office of Emergency Management, St. Louis, MO04/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Opioid Use in Pregancy Grand Rounds for the UMMC Department of OB/GYN, UMMC Department of OB/GYN, UMMC05/2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Workplace Violence presented at the Social Work symposium for continuing education., Social Work Department, UMMC Medical Mall03/2018
Phi Delta Epsilon lecture at Miami (Ohio) University, Why Medicine is Not Prepared for the 21st Century, Phi Delta Epsilon Premedical Fraternity, Miami (Ohio) University11/2016
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, VA Perspective on Men's Health, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS Convention Center06/2016

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Jackson VA's Quality Journey presentation to all 146 VA Medical Centers, Department of Veterans Affairs2019
Presented to all 146 VA Medical Centers on our Quality Journey due to our success, Department of Veterans Affairs2019
Selected to give a TEDx talk, TEDx and Department of Veterans Affairs2019
Selected as 1 of 18 High Reliability Organization Medical Centers out of 146, Department of Veterans Affairs2019

Professional Membership and Service

American College of Healthcare Executives, Member2017 - Present
American Legion, Member2016 - Present
American Psychiatric Association, Distinguished Fellow
Mississippi Psychiatric Association, Member

Committee Service

VA High Reliability Organization National Steering Committee, Member2019 - Present
Jackson VAMC Patient Experience Committee, Chair2019 - Present
ETAT: Violence Risk Assessment involving employees, Chair2018 - Present
UMMC Accounts Receivable from VA referrals, VA Sponsor2017 - Present
Jackson VA Resource Evaluation Board, Chair2015 - Present
Jackson VAMC Quality, Safety, Value Committee, Chair2015 - Present

Community Service

American Legion Post 68, Executive Board Member07/2019 - Present
Freedom Foods food pantry at Jackson VAMC serving 1,000+ each month, Sponsor11/2018 - Present
American Legion Post 68, Post Service Officer08/2017 - 08/2019
Leadership lectures at Murray High School for Junior ROTC, Presenter10/2016 - 10/2016
American Legion Post 68, Member2016 - Present

Other Service

Instituted Telephone Town Halls for Veterans reaching 7,100 in 2019, Moderator2019 - Present
Leadership Excellence in Academia through Development, Enrichment, and Resources, I meet with new leaders to UMMC to provide knowledge, resources, and networks to be successful in their new roles07/2018 - Present
Warrior Bonfire: performs music to raise funds for events for Purple Heart recipients, Guitarist performing monthly in the lobby of the Jackson VAMC07/2017 - Present

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Treatment of Opioid Use in PregnancyAnnual 2019 - 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, TEDx "So you think you know how to hold staff accountable"Annual 2019 - 2019

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Teaching Activity2014 - Present
Supervised Teaching Activity2014 - Present

Residency Training

Medicine, Attending Physician2017 - 06/2018
Medicine, Attending Physician2014 - Present
Psychiatry, Attending Physician2014 - Present