Parminder J. Vig, PhD
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5513
University of Phoenix, MS, M.Sc., Computer Information Systems | 2003 |
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, PhD, Biochemistry | 1988 |
Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, BS, Biophysics (Honors) | 1982 |
Panjab University, MS, Biophysics, M.Sc. (Honors) | 1982 |
Current Positions
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology | 03/2011 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology | 03/2011 - Present |
Instructor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology | 03/2011 - Present |
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology | 03/2011 - Present |
Research Associate 1988-1992, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology | 03/2011 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Journal Article | |
Vig P J S, Subramony SH, Qin Z. Decreased Expression of Calbindin-D28k (CaB) Increases Ataxin-1 Mediated Neurodegeneration in SCA-1/CaB Null Double mutant Mice. Amer. Acad. Neurology | 2001 |
Vig PJS, Subramony, SH, Z Qin. Calbindin-D28k and ataxin-1 positive cytoplasmic inclusions in cultured Purkinje cells from spinocerebellar ataxia-1 (SCA-1) transgenic mice. FASEB J, 14: A 1492 | 2000 |
Vig PJS, D’Ercole AJ, Ye Ping, Subramony SH, Qin Z, Robertson P Insulin-like growth factor –1 (IGF-1)/spinocerebellar ataxia-1 (SCA-1) double transgenic mice: Role of IGF-1 in pathogenesis of SCA-1. Neurology (Suppl.) 54: A55 | 2000 |
Pande M, Cameron JA, Vig PJS, Ali SF, D Desaiah. Inhibition of calcium ATPase by phencyclidine in rat brain Mol Cell Biochem 194:(1-2) 173-177. | 1999 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Fratkin JD, Qin Z. Intranuclear inclusions in Macho-Joseph disease and spinocerebellar ataxia-1 Society for Neurosci. Abstracts ; 25: 297 | 1999 |
Pala I, Srinivasan A, Vig P J S and Desaiah D. Modulation of calmodulin and protein kinase C activities by penicillium mycotoxins. Intl. J. Toxicology 18 :91-96 . | 1999 |
Vedanarayanan V V, Vig P J S, Lawson N, Qin Z, Fratkin J, Subramony S H, Myopathy associated with heavy chain loss in rats with intramuscular botulinum toxin and high dose parenteral glucocorticoids Neurology (Suppl) 52: A 330 | 1999 |
Vig, P J S, Subramony S H, Qin Z, McDaniel DO, Fratkin J D. Relationship between Purkinje cell marker proteins and ataxia-1 (SCA-1) transgenic mice. Neurology Suppl. 52: A347 | 1999 |
Vig P J S, Desaiah D, Qin Z, Reddy S L N. Calcium-dependent antibody recognition of calcium binding protein, parvalbumin, is altered by different metals. The FASEB Journal 12: A1029 | 1998 |
Desaiah D, Chandna K L, Vig P J S, Reddy S L N. Congener specific effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on mouse brain nitric oxide synthase activity. The Toxicologist 42: 110. | 1998 |
Vig P J S, Desaiah D, Sundaram M, Reddy S L N. Effect of Domoic acid on the expression of calcium binding proteins in cultured cerebellar Purkinje cells. The Toxicologist 42: 108 | 1998 |
Rao JV, Desaiah D, Vig PJS, Venkateswarlu Y Marine biomolecules inhibit rat brain nitric oxide synthase. Toxicol. 129: 103-112 | 1998 |
M Pande, J A Cameron, P J S Vig and D Desaiah Phencyclidine block of Ca" ATPase in rat heart sarcoplasmic reticula. Toxicology 129: 95-102 . | 1998 |
Vig, P J S, McDaniel D O, Subramony S H, Burright E N, Fratkin J D, Qin Z. Reduced calbindin D-28k mRNA expression in cerebellum in spinocerebellar ataxia-1 (SCA-1) transgenic mice. European J. Neurosci. (Suppl.) 10: 321 | 1998 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Burright EN, Fratkin JD, McDaniel DO, Desaiah D, Qin Z. Reduced immunoreactivity to calcium-binding proteins in Purkinje cells precedes onset of ataxia in spinocerebellar ataxia-1 (SCA-1) transgenic mice. Neurology 50: 106-113. | 1998 |
Vig, PJS, Subramony SH, Burright EN, Fratkin JD, McDaniel DO, Desaiah D, Qin Z: Reduced immunoreactivity to calcium-binding proteins in Purkinje cells precedes onset of ataxia in spinocerebellar ataxia-1. Neurology 50(1): 106-113 | 1998 |
Vig P J S, Subramony S H. Relationship between ataxin-1 nuclear-inclusions and calcium binding proteins in Purkinje cells in SCA-1 transgenic mice. Muscle and Nerve (Suppl. 7) S183 | 1998 |
Vig P J S, McDaniel DO, Subramony S H, Qin Z. The effects of calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin antisense oligonucleotides on the survival of cultured Purkinje cells. Society for Neurosci. 24, 1554 | 1998 |
Paulson HL, Vig P J S, Subramony S H, Fratkin J D. Ubiquitinated nuclear inclusions of expanded polyglutamine protein in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3/Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3/MJD). Neurology (Suppl.) 50: A310 | 1998 |
LeBlanc M H, Feng Y A, LeBlanc E B, Vig P J S. Effect of anti-oxidants on lipid oxidation after hypoxic ischemic brain injury in piglets. Pediatric Res. April | 1998 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, McDaniel DO, Fratkin JD, Orr HT, Burright EN Altered expression of Parvalbumin and calbindin in Purkinje cells in SCA-1. International Symposium on inherited ataxias. Montreal, Canada. | 1997 |
McDaniel DO, Fratkin JD, Vig PJS, Subramony SH. Correlation analysis between expanded CAG repeats and measurements of neuronal cell density in brains of Machado-Joseph disease patients. International Symposium on Inherited ataxias. Montreal, Canada. | 1997 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Orr HT, Burright EN, Fratkin JD, Kynerd CT, Qin Z. Decrease in Calcium-Binding Proteins Immunoreactivity Precedes Purkinje Cell Degeneration in Spinocerebellar Ataxia-1 (SCA-1) Transgenic Mice. Neurology (Suppl.) 48:A434. | 1997 |
Paulson HL, Perez MK, Trottier Y, Trojanowski JQ, Subramony SH, Das SS, Vig P, Mandel J-L, Fischbeck KH, Pittman RN. Intranuclear inclusions of expanded polyglutamine protein in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Neuron 19: 333-344. | 1997 |
Vig PJS, Sundaram M, Desaiah D, Fratkin JD. Apoptosis in mouse hippocampus after intraperitoneal administration of domoic acid. Canadian J Neurol Sci(Suppl.) 23:538. | 1996 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Joshi P, Desaiah D, Cleary JD. Cytokine Expression in Patients with Inherited Cerebellar Ataxia. Society for Neurosci 22:2138. | 1996 |
Vig PJS, Fratkin JD, Desaiah D, Currier RD, Subramony SH. Decreased parvalbumin immunoreactivity in surviving Purkinje cells of patients with spinocerebellar ataxia - 1. Neurology 47: 249-253. | 1996 |
Vig PJS, Vedanarayanan VV, Desaiah D, Chandna KL, Pande M Effect of 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile on rat cerebellar Purkinje cells in vivo. FASEB Journal 10: A719. | 1996 |
Pope KT, Sekhon BS, Desaiah D, Cameron JA, Vig PJS. Effects of lead on protein tyrosine kinase phosphorylation in vivo Mississippi academy of science, 1996, Jackson, MS. | 1996 |
Desaiah D, Vig PJS, Vedanarayanan VV. Increased Levels of Cytokines in Rat Spinal Cords During Motor Neuron Degeneration Caused by 3-3' Iminodipropionitrile 14th International Neurotoxicology Conference Neuroimmunotoxicology . Hot Springs Arkansas. | 1996 |
Vedanarayanan VV, Vig PJS, Subramony SH, and Dai X Increased levels of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor- in rat spinal cords during motor neuron degeneration caused by 3-3' iminodipropionitrile. Neurology (Suppl.) 46:A345. | 1996 |
Joshi P, Vig PJS, Veerisetty V, Cameron JA, Sekhon BS, DesaiahD. Increased nitric oxide synthase activity in daunorubicin treated rat brain Pharmacol Toxicol 78:99-103. | 1996 |
Desaiah D, Pande M, Chandna KL, Vig PJS, Sekhon BS, Cameron JA. Inhibition of brain nitric oxide synthase by kepone. FASEB Journal 10: A719 | 1996 |
Janapala VR, Desaiah D, Vig PJS, Venkatieswarlu Y, Rao AV. Marine biomolecules inhibit rat brain nitric oxide synthase Society for Neuroscience 25th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. | 1996 |
Vig PJS, Sundaram M, Desaiah D, Pande M, Chandna KL. Role of nitric oxide in status epilepticus. Neurology (Suppl.) 46:A356-357. | 1996 |
Vig PJS, Desaiah D and Subramony SH: Daunomycin inhibits insulin-like growth factor-I- dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation Res. Comm. Mol. Pathol. & Pharmacol. 89:3-15. | 1995 |
Desaiah D, Pande M, Vig PJS, Cameron JA. Decrease of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in rats treated with phencylidine hydro chloride (PCP). International Congress of Toxicology 7: 87-P-1. | 1995 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Fratkin JD, Desaiah D, Currier RD. Decreased parvalbumin immunoreactivity in surviving Purkinje cells of patients with spinocerebellar ataxia-1 (SCA-1). Neurology (Suppl.) 45:A185 | 1995 |
Vig PJS, Desaiah D, Joshi P, Subramony SH and Fratkin JD Increased cerebellar endothelin-1 receptor binding in neurologic mutant mouse lurcher. Res. Comm. Mol. Pathol. & Pharmacol.89:307-316. | 1995 |
Vedanarayanan VV, Vig PJS, Singh RM, Subramony SH, Evans B. Increased levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) of childhood. Neurology (Suppl.) 45:A334. | 1995 |
Vig PJS, Vedanarayanan VV, Desaiah D, Janapala VR, Pande M, Subramony SH. Inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase by 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile in vivo. Society for Neuroscience 21:1519. | 1995 |
Chandna KL, Vig PJS, Pande M, Janapala VR, Desaiah D. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase in rat brain by Aroclor 1242 . Society for Neuroscience 21: 1519 | 1995 |
Desaiah D, Rao MR, Vig PJS and Mehrotra BD Inhibition of rat brain nitric oxide synthase activity by mercuric salts. The FASEB Journal 9:A663 | 1995 |
Vig PJS, Desaiah D. Lead inhibits insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation The FASEB Journal 9:A663. | 1995 |
Janapala VR, Desaiah D, Vig PJS, Yenkateswarlu Y, Rama Rao AV. Marine biomolecules inhibit rat brain nitric oxide synthase. Society for Neuroscience 21: 1519. | 1995 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Desaiah D, Currier RD. Altered insulin-like growth factor I-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation in spinocerebellar ataxia-1 (SCA-1, chromosome 6). Neurology 44:A369 | 1994 |
Desaiah D. Joshi P, Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Currier RD Cerebellar nitric oxide synthase activity in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia-1. Neurology 44:A369. | 1994 |
Rao MR, Vig PJS, Salahudeen AK, Desaiah D. Cyclosporin A induced changes in inositol 1,4,5,-trisphosphate receptor binding and nitric oxide synthase activity in rat brain in vitro. FASEB Journal, 8:A362 | 1994 |
Vig PJS, Desaiah D, Joshi P, Subramony SH and Fratkin JD: Decreased insulin-like growth factor-I-mediated protein tyrosine phosphorylation in human olivopontocerebellar atrophy and lurcher mutant mouse. J Neurological Sci.124 38-44. | 1994 |
Pentyala SN, Vig PJS, Sekhon BS and Desaiah D: Effect of carbon tetrachloride on inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate dependent and independent regulation of rat brain microsomal Ca2+-fluxes. Cellular Signalling 6: 561-567. | 1994 |
Vig PJS, Desaiah D, Subramony SH, Rao MR, Fratkin JD. Immunolocalization of calcium binding proteins in the cerebellum of lurcher mutant mouse. Society for Neuroscience 20: 414. | 1994 |
Vig PJS, Pentyala SN, Chetty CS, Rajanna B and Desaiah D: Lead alters inositol polyphosphate receptor activities: Protection by ATP. Pharmacology and Toxicology 75:17-22. | 1994 |
Desaiah D, Rao MR, Vig PJS, Sekhon BS, Cameron JA Stimulation of rat brain endothelin-1 receptor binding by cyclosporin A in vitro. FASEB Journal 8:A634. | 1994 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Currier RD and Desaiah D: Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate metabolism in the cerebella of Lurcher mutant mice and patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophy. J Neurological Sci 110:139-143. | 1992 |
Desaiah D, Pentyala SN, Trottman CH, Vig PJS, and Sekhon BS: Combined effects of carbon tetrachloride and chlordecone on calmodulin activity in gerbil brain. J Toxicol Environ Hlth 34:219-228. | 1991 |
PJS, Yallapragada PR, Trottman CH, Mehrotra BD and Desaiah D: Effect of organochlorine and organotin compounds on active conformation of calmodulin. J Environ Sci Hlth 26:521-534. | 1991 |
Pala I, Srinivasan A, Vig PJS and Desaiah D: In vitro effects of organophosphorus compounds on calmodulin activity. J Appl Toxicol 11:391-395. | 1991 |
Yallapragada PR, Vig PJS, Kodavanti PRS and Desaiah D: In vivo effect of triorganotins on calmodulin activity in rat brain. J Toxicol Environ Hlth 34:229-237. | 1991 |
Vig PJS and Nath R: In Vivo effects of cadmium on calmodulin and calmodulin regulated enzymes in rat brain. Biochemistry International 23:927-934. | 1991 |
Kodavanti PRS, Cameron JA, Yallapragada PR, Vig PJS and Desaiah D. Inhibition of Ca2+ transport associated with cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation in rat cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by triorganotins Arch Toxicol 65:311-317). | 1991 |
Desaiah D, Vig PJS, Subramony SH and Currier RD: Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors and protein kinase C in olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Brain Res 552:36-40. | 1991 |
Vig PJS, Ravi K and Nath R: Interaction of metals with brain calmodulin purified from normal and cadmium exposed rats. Drug Chem Toxicol 14:207-218. | 1991 |
Vig PJS, Yallapragada PR, Kodavanti PRS and Desaiah D: Modulation of calmodulin properties by amiodarone and its major metabolite desethylamiodarone. Pharmacol Toxicol 68:26-33. | 1991 |
Vig PJS and Desaiah D: Modulation of protein kinase C activity by amiodarone and desethylamiodarone. NeuroToxicology 12:595-602. | 1991 |
Vig PJS, Mehrotra BD and Desaiah D: Chlordecone interaction of calmodulin binding with phosphodiesterase. J Appl Toxicol 10:55-57. | 1990 |
Yallapragada PR, Vig PJS and Desaiah D: Differential effects of triorganotins on calmodulin activity. Toxicol Environ Hlth 29:317-327. | 1990 |
Vig PJS, Mehrotra BD and Desaiah D: Holothurin: An activator of bovine brain phosphodiesterase. Res Comm Chem Pathol Pharmacol 67:419-422. | 1990 |
Vig PJS, Bhatia M, Gill KD and Nath R: Cadmium inhibits brain calmodulin activity in monkey brain. J Appl Toxicol 9:313-316. | 1989 |
Vig PJS, Bhatia M, Gill KD and Nath R: Cadmium inhibits brain calmodulin: In vitro and in vivo studies. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 43: 541-547. | 1989 |
Ravi K, Paliwal VK, Vig PJS, Sharma M and Nath R Do isometallothioneins regulate enzyme metabolism? Speculations Sci. Technol 11:59-61. | 1988 |
Nath R, Vig PJS, Gulati S, Sharma M, Ravi K, and Paliwal VK: Biological and environmental monitoring of heavy metals with special reference to cadmium. In: eds Agarwal VP, Rana SVS, Sci Dev Environ. India; 113-116 | 1987 |
Vig PJS, Singh S, Prashar S, Gulati S, Paliwal VK and Nath R: Environmental impact of heavy metals on health (An analysis of food, water, air and blood samples). Environmental Pollution and Health Hazards in India, New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, Kumar R, ed, 138-146. | 1987 |
Kanwar KC, Vig PJS and Kalla NR: In vitro inhibition of testosterone synthesis in the presence of fluoride ions. IRCS Med. Sci. 11:813-814. | 1983 |
Kanwar KC and Vig PJS: Intestinal absorption of zinc in the fluoridated environment IRCS Med. Sci. 11:762. | 1983 |
Desaiah D, Pande M, Vig PJS, Cameron JA, Ali SF In vitro and in vivo inhibition of rat brain nitric oxide synthase activity by phencyclidine. Int. J. Toxicol. 18, 245-250 | 1999 |
Abstracts | |
Vig PJS, Qin Z, Subramony SH, D'Ercole AJ, Ye, P. Overexpression of insulin-like growth factor-1 in spinocerebellar ataxia-1 transgenic mice improves pathology and performance on the rotating rod. Annual Meeting, American Academy of Neurology, April 13-20 Denver, CO. | 2002 |
Vig, PJS, Qin Z, Subramony SH, D'Ercole AJ, Ye P. Overexpression of insulin-like growth factor-1 in spinocerebellar ataxia-1 transgenic mice improves pathology and performance on the rotating rod. Neurology (Suppl), 58: A54 | 2002 |
Vig P J S, Subramony SH, Qin Z. Decreased Expression of Calbindin-D28k (CaB) Increases Ataxin-1 Mediated Neurodegeneration in SCA-1/CaB Null Double mutant Mice. Amer. Acad. Neurology | 2001 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Qin Z Effects of retinoic acid on spinocerebellar ataxia-1 transgenic mice 31st Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Nov 10-15 San Diego, CA. | 2001 |
Vig PJS, Subramony SH, Qin Z. Calbindin-D28k (CaB) null/Spinocerebellar ataxia-1 double mutants: role of CaB in pathogenesis of SCA-1. Society for Neurosci. Abstracts: 26:541 | 2000 |
Fratkin J D, Vig P J S, Subramony S H, McDaniel DO, Desaiah, D, Koeppen AH. Changes in parvalbumin and calbindin-D28k immunoreactivity in Purkinje neurons of patients with Machada-Joseph disease (SCA-3). Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23: 861. | 1997 |
McDaniel DO, Nguyen C, Lefkovitz E, Vig P J S, Barber W H. Influence of micropolymorphisms in MLR as detected by the level of mRNA expression. 23rd Annual Meeting, American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA. | 1997 |
Vig P J S, Qin Z, Sundaram M, Desaiah D, Kelly R. Nitric oxide precursor L-arginine potentiates domoic acid induced status epilepticus in mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23: 807. | 1997 |
Book Chapter | |
Subramony SH, Vig PJS. Clinical aspects of SCA-1. In: Wells RD, Warren ST, eds, Genetic instabilities and hereditary neurological diseases. San Diego: Academic Press pp. 231-239 (1998). | 1998 |
Subramony SH, Vig PJS. Clinical aspects of SCA-1. In: Wells RD, Warren ST, eds, Genetic instabilities and hereditary neurological diseases. San Diego: Academic Press pp. 231-239. | 1998 |
Subramony SH, McDaniel DO, Smith SC, Vig PJS Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 in: GeneReviews at GeneTests: Medical Genetics Information Resource [database online]. Copyright, University of Washington, Seattle. 1998-2007. Available at : http://www.genetests.org. | 1998 |
Desaiah D and Vig PJS. Phosphoinositide derived second messengers and calcium homeostasis in neurodegeneration In ATrace and Toxic Elements in Nutrition and Health. Eds. M Abdulla, SB Vohra and M Athar. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi. London, pp. 194-200. | 1995 |
Desaiah D, Subramony SH, Vig PJS and Currier RD: Phosphoinositide second messenger system in human OPCA and the mouse model. In: Eds. Harding A, Deufel T, Advances in Neurology, vol. 61, New York: Raven Press 167-173. | 1993 |
Vig PJS, Paliwal VK and Nath R: A comparative study of direct current plasma atomic emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry for biological monitoring of trace metals. In: Dillon HK, Ho MH, eds, Biological Monitoring of Exposure to Chemicals: Metals. New York: John Wiley, 163-171. | 1991 |