Laura R. Vick, MD
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5080
I grew up in Jackson. I went to college at Mississippi College. I then completed medical school and residency at UMC and am now on faculty in the Department of Surgery. I am married to Dr. Ken Vick, another general surgeon here at UMC. We have four children.
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD, General Surgery | 2011 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD, General Surgery | 2004 |
University of Mississippi School of Medicine, MD, Doctor of Medicine | 2003 |
Mississippi College, BS, Bachelor of Science | 1997 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Certified Wound Specialist - Physician, American Board of Wound Management | 12/2018 - 12/2022 |
Certification, Surgeons as Educators, American College of Surgeons | 09/2017 - Present |
Certification, Medical Education Research Certificate Program, AAMC | 10/2016 - Present |
Certification, Board Certified Surgery, American Board of Surgery | 03/2013 - Present |
Licensure, State of Mississippi Medical License, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure | |
DEA | |
NPI | |
Certification, Physician Wound Certification, Wound Educators .com | 11/2015 - Present |
Certification, Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery | 02/2011 - Present |
Certification, Instructor for Advanced Trauma Life Support | 2003 - 2012 |
Current Positions
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 10/2018 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine | 07/2017 - Present |
M4 Rotations Director Surgery, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 03/2012 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Student Clerkship Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine | 2013 - 06/2019 |
Associate Student Clerkship Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine | 03/2012 - 12/2012 |
Assistant Professor, University if Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 2012 - 06/2017 |
School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 2012 - 2012 |
Residency, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2008 - 10/2011 |
Research Fellow under Annette Wysocki, PhD and Drew Hildebrandt, PhD, UMC Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 10/2006 - 06/2008 |
Research Fellow under Ujjwal Rout, PhD, UMC Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2005 - 09/2006 |
Residency, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2003 - 06/2005 |
Student Researcher under William Lineaweaver, MD, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 05/2000 - 05/2003 |
Undergraduate Student / Research Assistant under John Naftel, PhD, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 05/1996 - 08/1996 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, Evaluating the Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers with Compounded Anti-Infective Irrigation Therapy, Keystone Pharmacy | 03/2021 - 02/2022 |
Journal Article | |
Gentile LF, Orr WS, Vick LR, Islam S "When can I ride again?" Recidivism in children with all-terrain vehicle injuries Am Surg. 2014; 80(4):415-7. | 2014 |
Gaugler A, Vick KD, Vick LR Sigmoid-urachal Fistula Presenting as an Incarcerated Ventral Hernia. Am Surg, 2013; 79(6):234-5. | 2013 |
Corley JJ, Vick KD, Vick LR Untreated axillary node metastasis of occult breast primary six years after diagnosis Am Surg 2013;79(6):217-8. | 2013 |
Vick LR, Propst RC, Barnes R, Wysocki AB Effect of Dakin's solution on components of a dermal equivalent J Surg Res; 155 (1):54-64 | 2009 |
Borman KR, Vick LR, Datillo JB, Tarpley JL, Mitchell ME Factors in Fellowship Selection: Effect of Services and Fellows J Surg Res; 154 (2): 274-8* | 2009 |
Vick LR, Gosche JR, Islam S Partial Splenectomy Prevents Splenic Sequestration Crises in Sickle Cell Disease J Pediatr Surg; 44 (11):2088-91 | 2009 |
Vick LR, Islam S. Adding insult to injury: Neck exploration for penetrating pediatric neck trauma Am Surgeon; 74 (11): 1104-6* | 2008 |
Borman KR, Vick LR, Beister TW, Mitchell ME Changing Demographics of Residents Choosing Fellowships: Long-term Data From tThe American Board of Surgery J AM Coll Surg; 206 (5): 782-7888 | 2008 |
Islam S, Vick LR, Runnells M, Gosche JR, Abell T. Gastric Electrical Stimulation for Adolescents with Intractable Nausea and Gastroparesis J Pediatr Surg; 43: 437-442* | 2008 |
Vick LR, Borman KR Instability of Fellowship Intentions During General Surgery Residencies J Surg Educ; 65 (6) | 2008 |
Vick LR, Islam S. Recombinant Factor VIIa as an adjunct in non operative management of solid organ injuries in children J Pediatr Surg; 43 (1): 195-8* | 2008 |
Vick LR, Gosche JR, Boulanger SC, Islam S Primary Laparoscopic Repair of High Imperforate Anus in Males J Pediatr Surg 42 (11): 1877-1881* | 2007 |
Vick LR, Vick KD, Borman K, Salameh JR Face, content and construct validities of an inanimate intestinal anastomoses simulation J Surg Educ 64 (6): 365-8 | 2007 |
Vick LR, Borman K, May W See one, do one, be competent inone? Resident rotations broaden the perceived scope of General Surgery J Surg Educ 64 (6): 410-5 | 2007 |
McDaniel DO, Hamilton J, Brock M, May W, Calcote L, Tee LY, Vick LR, Newman DB, Vick K, Harrison S, Timberlake G, Toevs C Molecular Analysis of Inflammatory Markers in Trauma Patients at Risk of Postinjury Complications J Trauma 63:147-158* | 2007 |
Richards L, Lineaweaver WC, Stile F, Zhang J, Zhang F Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the tubed pedicle flap survival in a rat model Ann Plastic Surg 50 (1):51-56* | 2003 |
Zhang F, Richards L, Angel MF, Zhang J, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC Accelerating flap maturation by vascular endothelium growth factor in a rat tube flap model Br J Plast Surg 55: 59-63* | 2002 |
Zhang F, M Inserra, L Richards, D Terris, W Lineaweaver Quantification of nerve tension after nerve repair: Correlations with nerve defects and nerve regeneration J Reconstr Microsurg 17: 445-451* | 2001 |
Fischer K, Blain B, Zhang F, Richards L, Lineaweaver W Treatment of facial angiofibromas of tuberous sclerosis by shave excision and dermabrasion in a dark skinned patient Ann Plast Surg 46: 332-335* | 2001 |
Blain B, Zhang F, Jones M, Richards L, Fischer K, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver W Vascular graft in the rat model: An anatomic study Microsurgery 21: 80-83* | 2001 |
Naftel JP, Richards LP, Pan M, Bernanke JM Course and composition of the nerves that supply the mandibular teeth of the rat Anat Rec 256: 433-447* | 1999 |
Googe B, Lackey AE, Arnold PB, Vick LR The Modified Lithotomy: A Surgical Position for Lower Extremity Wound Care Procedures in Super Morbidly Obese Patients. A Case Study Wound Management and Prevention. 2019; 65(7):30-34. | 2019 |
Review Article | |
Gosche JR, Vick L Acute, subacute, and chronic cervical lymphadenitis in children Semin Pediatr Sur, 2006; 15(2): 107-115 | 2006 |
Gosche JR, Vick LR, Boulanger SC, Islam S Midgut Abnormalities Surg Clin North Am 86:285-299 | 2006 |
Abstracts | |
Vick LR, Wysocki AB Testing the Effect of Iodine Preparations on Type I Collagen and Fibroblast Migration Using Dermal Equivalents Wound Rep Reg 17:A29 | 2009 |
Vick LR, Hildebrandt DA, Wysocki AB Wound Healing in Animal Models: A Comparative Study of Normal Skin Wound Rep Reg 17: A82 | 2009 |
Islam S, Vick LR, Gosche JR Bridging the Gap - Use of a Novel Dermal Collagen Biomaterial As Mesh in Children J Surg Res 144 (2): 406 | 2008 |
Vick LR, Borman KR Evolution in fellowship selection during general surgery residencies J Surg Educ 65:19 | 2008 |
Vick LR, Borman KR, Datillo JB, Tarpley JL, Mitchell ME Factors in Fellowship Selection: A Tale of Two Residencies J Surg Res 144 (2):396 | 2008 |
Islam S, Vick LR Rectal Duplication Presenting As Bowel and Bladder Obstruction J Surg Res 144 (2):407-408 | 2008 |
Vick LR, Wysocki AB Topical oxidizing agents effect on collagen and dermal equivalents Wound Rep Reg A57 | 2008 |
Vick LR, Vick KD, Borman KR, Salameh JR Face, Content and Construct Validities of Inanimate Intestinal Anastomoses Simulation J Surg Educ 64: 73-47 | 2007 |
Bergin SP, Stevens M, Oliver N, Vick LR, Islam S Radiologic Diagnosis of Pulmonary Contusions in the pediatric trauma patient: What does it mean? J Surg Res 137: 328 | 2007 |
Borman KR, Vick LR See one, do one, be competent in one? Resident rotations broaden the perceived scope of General Surgery J Surg Educ 64:73 | 2007 |
Book Chapter | |
James TA, Vick LR. Essentials of General Surgery and Surgical Specialties, 6th edition. Chapter 18, Breast Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2019. | 2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Chronic Wound Care for the Internal Medicine Physician, Department of Medicine, UMMC | 09/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pressure Injury Prevention and Documenting Existing Injuries Present on Admission, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, UMMC | 06/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pressure Injuries and the role of Physical and Occupational Therapists, PT/OT Grand Rounds, UMMC | 05/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ultrasound Basics, SOM M3 Bootcamp, UMMC | 03/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Informed Consent, SOM M3 Bootcamp, UMMC | 03/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Present on Admission and Pressure Injury Prevention, Resident Chief Council, UMMC | 10/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pressure Injury Prevention in the Operating Room, Perioperative Services, UMMC | 09/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Informed Consent, SOM M3 Bootcamp, UMMC | 03/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ultrasound Basics, SOM M3 Bootcamp, UMMC | 03/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Lower extremity ulcers. Workup, Diagnosis, management., MSMA | 11/2019 |
Invited Symposia, Lower extremity ulcers. Workup, Diagnosis and Management., St. Dominic's Hospital Wound Care Symposium | 08/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Entrustable Professional Activities: The New Guidelines in Educating Medical Students, MSMA CME with Mickey, Orlando, Florida | 11/2018 |
Invited Symposia, Chronic Wound Care for the Advanced Practice Provider, APP yearly meeting, Jackson, MS | 10/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Introduction to Coding and Billing, UMMC School of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical CEnter | 06/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Progress Notes for Medical Students, SOM, UMMC | 06/2018 |
Platform Presentations, History, Exam and Differential Diagnosis in Surgery, UMMC School of Medicine, UMMC | 12/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Progress Notes for Medical Students, SOM M3 Bootcamp, UMMC | 06/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Chronic Wound Care for the Internal Medicine Physician, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, UMMC | 04/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, My Life as a Surgeon, American Medical Women's Association, UMMC | 04/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Teaching the Teacher, Department of Surgery Faculty Retreat, UMMC | 10/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Progress Notes, UMMC School of Medicine, UMMC | 06/2016 |
Platform Presentations, Wound Care for the Family Practitioner, Resident Teaching Conference, Family Medicine Building | 06/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Teaching the Teacher - Entrustable Professional Activities, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, UMMC | 05/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ultrasound Basics for the Resident, Department of Surgery Resident education, UMMC | 07/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, It's Just Breast, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, UMMC | 06/2015 |
Platform Presentations, General Surgery for the Family Practitioner, Resident Education conference, Family Medicine Conference Room | 06/2014 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Writing Orders for Medical Students, Department of Surgery M4 Bootcamp, UMMC | 05/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Effect of topical antimicrobial solutions on components of a dermal equivalent, James D. Hardy Surgical Forum | 06/2011 |
Poster Presentation, Testing the Effect of Iodine Preparations on Type I Collagen and Fibroblast Migration Using Dermal Equivalents, Symposium on Advanced Wound Care | 04/2009 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The timing and implications of general surgery resident fellowship choices, American College of Surgeons, Surgical Forum | 10/2008 |
Platform Presentations, Clinical Implications of Hyperglycemia after pediatric penetrating trauma, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Hawaii | 09/2008 |
Poster Presentation, Clinical Implications of Hyperglycemia after Pediatric Blunt Trauma, The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma | 09/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Competency of General Surgery Residents to Perform Vascular Procedures: Expectations of Vascular Surgery and General Surgery Program Directors and Trainees, Society of Vascular Surgeons | 06/2008 |
Poster Presentation, Partial splenectomy prevents splenic sequestration crises in sickle cell disease, American Pediatric Surgical Association | 05/2008 |
Poster Presentation, Topical Oxidizing Agents Effect on Collagen and Dermal Equivalents, Wound Healing Society | 04/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Evolution in Fellowship Selection during General Surgery Residencies, Association of Program Directors in Surgery | 04/2008 |
Poster Presentation, Clinical Implications of Hyperglycemia after pediatric penetrating trauma, Southwest Surgical Congress | 03/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bridging the gap - Use of dermal collagen biomaterial as mesh in children, Academic Surgical Congress | 02/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Factors in Fellowship Selection: A Tale of Two Residencies, Academic Surgical Congress | 02/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Rectal Duplication Presenting as a Bladder and Bowel Obstruction, Academic Surgical Congress | 02/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Changing Demographics of Residents Choosing Fellowships: Long term Data From the American Board of Surgery, Southern Surgical Association | 12/2007 |
Poster Presentation, Wound Healing in Animal Models: A Comparative Study, Gordon Research Conferences, Tissue Repair and Regeneration | 06/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Recombinant Factor VIIa as an adjunct in non operative management of solid organ injuries in children, American Pediatric Surgical Association | 05/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Face, Content and Construct validities of an inanimate Intestinal Anastomoses Stimulation, Association of Program Directors in Surgery | 04/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, See one, do one, be competent in one? Resident rotations broaden the perceived scope of General Surgery, Association of Program Directors in Surgery | 04/2007 |
Poster Presentation, Radiologic diagnosis of pulmonary contusions in the pediatric trauma patient: What does it mean?, 2nd Academic Surgical Congress | 02/2007 |
Poster Presentation, Lessons Not Learned - Recidivism in Children and Adolescents with ATV Related Injuries, American Public Health Association | 11/2006 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Increasing Virulence of Community Acquired MRSA Soft Tissue Infection in Children, American Academy of Pediatrics | 10/2006 |
Poster Presentation, A Pain in the Neck: Analysis of Pediatric Cervical Spine Injuries, American Association for the Surgery Trauma, New Orleans, LA | 09/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Peripheral Vascular Injury and Traumatic Amputations in Pediatric Patients, 65th Annual Meeting American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, New Orleans, LA | 09/2006 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Modulation of Adhesion Receptor Expression by Teratogens, Surgical Research Conference, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 07/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Gastric Electric Stimulation for Adolescents with Intractable Nausea and Gastroparesis, American Pediatric Surgical Association | 05/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Teratogenic Drugs and the Expression of Integrin Subunit Alpha 1, School of Health Related Professions Research Day | 05/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Adding Insult to Injury: Neck Exploration for Penetrating Pediatric Neck Injury, Association of Academic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA | 02/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Effects of Drugs on the Differentiation of PC12 Cells, Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Jackson, MS | 02/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Primary Laparoscopic Repair of High Imperforate Anus in Males, American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Surgery | 10/2005 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, Alpha Mississippi Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha | 2021 |
Trailblazer Teaching Award, UMMC Office of Medical Education | 2020 |
All Star Attending, Carl G. Evers Society | 2018 |
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Surgery | 2015 |
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Surgery | 2012 |
Top Gun Laparoscopy Competition, ACS Clinical Congress | 2011 |
Evers' Society All Star Resident Teaching Award, Evers' Society | 2011 |
Top Gun Laparoscopy Competition 2nd Place, UMMC | 2011 |
Top Gun Laparoscopy Competition 1st Place, UMMC | 2010 |
Surgical Jeopardy Contestant, ACS Clinical Congress | 2008 |
Top Gun Laparoscopy Competition 2nd Place, ACS Clinical Congress | 2008 |
Top Gun Laparoscopy Competition 2nd Place, UMMC | 2007 |
Surgical Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Contestant, Spring ACS Meeting | 2007 |
Surgical Jeopardy Team Championship, UMMC | 2007 |
Surgical Jeopardy Team Championship, UMMC | 2006 |
Intern Laparoscopy Competition 1st Place, UMMC | 2004 |
UMC Residency Council Representative | 2004 |
Surgical Jeopardy Team Championship, UMMC | 2004 |
Professional Membership and Service
GWIMS - Group on Women in Medicine and Science, Member, Leadership Development Program | 2021 - Present |
American Board of Wound Management, Member | 2018 - Present |
Association for the Advancement of Wound Care, Member | 2016 - Present |
Wound Healing Society, Member | 2016 - Present |
American Society of Breast Surgeons, Member | 2013 - 2019 |
Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, Member | 2012 - 2018 |
James D. Hardy Society, Member | 2011 - 2018 |
Association of Program Directors in Surgery, Member | 2007 - 2012 |
Association for Surgical Education, Member | 2006 - 2014 |
Association for Academic Surgery, Member | 2005 - 2012 |
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Member | 2004 - 2015 |
American Medical Association and Mississippi Medical Association, Member | 2003 - Present |
American College of Surgeons, Fellow | 2003 - Present |
Committee Service
Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury Monthly Review, Member | 2021 - Present |
Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury workgroup, Member | 2021 - Present |
Failure Modes Effect Analysis - Pressure Injury, Task Force Member | 2020 - 2020 |
Wound Oversight Committee, Member | 2020 - Present |
Pressure Injury Data Standardization, Team Leader | 2019 - 2021 |
Pressure Injury Prevention, Lead Physician | 2019 - Present |
Member | 2017 - 2018 |
Clinical Course Directors Committee, Member | 2012 - Present |
Surgical Education Committee, Member | 2011 - Present |
Community Service
Homemade PPE Distribution, Organizer | 03/2020 - 08/2020 |
Mask Making, Video tutorial | 03/2020 - 12/2020 |
Mask Making, Seamstress | 03/2020 - 12/2020 |
Youth Basketball, Volunteer Coach | 11/2016 - 03/2018 |
Breast Milk Donation, Donor | 11/2015 - 09/2016 |
Other Service
Surgical Scholars Program | 03/2016 - 03/2018 |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Course, Lecturer, M3 Bootcamp | Fall 2021-2022 |
Surg, Medicine, Course, Course Director, M4 Wound Care Rotation | Annual 2021-2022 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinic | Annual 2021 |
Medicine, Course, Facilitator, SOM M4 Resident Prep Course | Spring 2021 - 2021 |
Surg 669, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Resident Prep Course | Spring 2021 - 2021 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2021 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2020 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinic | Annual 2020 |
Surg 669, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Resident Prep Course | Spring 2019 - 2019 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2019 |
Surg 665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2019 |
Surg 631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, M3 Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2019 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinic | Annual 2019 |
Surg 669, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Resident Prep Course | Spring 2018 - 2018 |
Surg631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, M3 Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2018 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2018 |
Surg 665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2018 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinic | Annual 2018 |
Surg 669, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Resident Prep Course | Spring 2017 - 2017 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2017 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinic | Annual 2017 |
Surg665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2017 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to Medical Profession | Winter 2017 - 2017 |
Surg631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2017 |
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Introduction to Medical Profession | Winter 2017 - 2017 |
Surg 669, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Resident Prep Course | Spring 2016 - 2016 |
Sur631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2016 - 2017 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2016 - 2017 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinic | Annual 2016 - 2017 |
surg 665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2016 - 2017 |
conj 621, Medicine, Course, Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine | Annual 2016 - 2016 |
sur 669, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Resident Prep Course | Spring 2016 - 2016 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2015 - 2016 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinics | Annual 2015 - 2016 |
surg 665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2015 - 2016 |
conj 621, Medicine, Course, Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine | Annual 2015 - 2015 |
631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2015 - 2016 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2014 - 2015 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinics | Annual 2014 - 2015 |
Surg 665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2014 - 2015 |
Conj 659, Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, M4 to M2 Teaching Track | Spring 2014 - 2014 |
Sur 631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2014 - 2015 |
Surg 652, Medicine, Course, Course Director, General Surgery | Annual 2013 - 2014 |
Surg 666, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Outpatient Surgery Clinics | Annual 2013 - 2014 |
Surg 665, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Breast Surgery | Annual 2013 - 2014 |
conj 621, Medicine, Course, Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine | Annual 2013 - 2013 |
Sur 631, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Surgery Clerkship | Annual 2013 - 2014 |
Directed Student Learning
Preceptor, Advised: Anna Dickson | 2021 - 2021 |
Preceptor, Advised: Joella Vaughnn, Amit Tzivion | 2017 - 2018 |
Preceptor, Advised: Amber James | 2017 - 2017 |
Preceptor, Advised: Sean Patterson | 2016 - 2017 |
Preceptor, Advised: Sean Patterson | 2016 - 2016 |
Preceptor, Advised: Lindsey Morris | 2015 - 2016 |
Preceptor, Advised: Lindsey Morris | 2015 - 2015 |
Preceptor, Advised: Kelly Brister, Tara Griffith | 2012 - 2013 |
Residency Training
Department of Surgery, General Surgery Residency Program, Attending Physician | 2011 - Present |