Mecheri B. Sundaram
Professor Emeritus
Work Phone:
(601) 984-4892
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
School of Medicine, Department of Neurology |
Journal Article | |
M. Pande, A. Harps, M. Sundaram, P. Vig Role of Nitric Oxide in Domoic acid induced hippocampal degeneration. J. of Neurological Sciences 10: 16-24. | 2007 |
R. Lesser, M.B.M. Sundaram Treat the patient, not the test. Neurology. 60: 534-535. (editorial) | 2003 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, H. Goerres. Childhood Epilepsies. Adv. In Clinical Neurosciences 12: 155-173. (book chapter) | 2002 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, M. Sadler, G.B. Young, N. Pillay EEG in Epilepsy: current perspectives. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 26: 255-262. | 1999 |
E. Wirrell, A. Holt-Seitz, M.B.M. Sundaram. Idiopathic seizures in the elderly: Natural history and prognosis. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 26: 110-114. | 1999 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, H. Goerres Optimal use of the EEG in the diagnosis and classification of Epilepsies. Prog. in Neurology 2: 225-34. (book chapter) | 1998 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, V. Dostrow Epilepsy in the elderly. The Neurologist. 1:232-9 | 1995 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Long term monitoring in Epilepsy. Adv. in Clinical Neurosciences. 6: 75-82. (book chapter) | 1995 |
K. Dakshinamurti, S. K. Sharma, M. Sundaram, T. Watanabe Hippocampal changes in developing postnatal mice following intrauterine exposure to Domoic acid. J. Neuroscience. Vol. 13, pp. 4486-4495. | 1993 |
K. Dakshinamooriti, S.K. Sharma, M. Sundaram Domoic acid induced seizures in the rat. Neurosciences letters. Vol: 127, pp. 193-197. | 1991 |
J.J. Sibley, W.P. Olszynski, M. Sundaram The incidence and prognosis of central nervous system disease in systemic lupus erythematosus. J. Rheumatolol. Vol. 19, pp. 47-52. | 1991 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, T. Hogan, M. Hiscock, N. Pillay Factors affecting interictal spike discharges in Adults with Epilepsy. EEG Journal. Vol: 75, pp. 358-366. | 1990 |
R. Bourgault, M. Huges, M.B.M. Sundaram Collodion, Acetone and ether in EEG laboratory atmosphere. American Journal of EEG Technology. Vol: 16; No: 3, pp. 255-257. | 1989 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Etiology and patterns of seizures in the elderly. Neuroepidemiology. Vol: 8; No: 5, pp. 234-238. | 1989 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, G.B. Young Periodic complexes in Creutzfeldt Jakob disease and sleep. The Canadian Journal of Neurosciences. Vol: 16; No: 3, pp. 365 366. | 1989 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, T. Hogan Rhythmic auditory stimulation in generalized epilepsy. EEG Journal. Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 455-458. | 1989 |
T. Hogan, M. Sundaram Abnormal EEG patterns and the effect of sleep: A review. American Journal of EEG Technology. Vol: 28, No: 2, pp. 99-113. | 1988 |
M.B.M. Sundaram EEG: Uses and limitation. CME News, Saskatchewan, Vol: 18, No: 1 (non-refereed article) | 1988 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Seizures following intra urethral lidocaine. The Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol: 137: pp. 219-220. | 1987 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, W.T. Blume Triphasic waves: clinical correlates and morphology. The Canadian Journal of Neurosciences. Vol: 14, No: 2, pp. 136-141. | 1987 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Bell's palsy. CME News, Saskatchewan. Vol: 16, No: 5 (non-refereed article) | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, J.D. McMeekin, S. Gulamhusein Cardiac tachyarrhythmias presenting as a seizure disorder. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Vol: 13, No: 3, pp. 262-263. | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Seizures associated with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Vol: 13, No: 3, pp. 229-231. | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, P. Siemens Triphasic Waves in Mollaret's Meningitis. J. of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. Vol. 49: pp. 331-333. | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, D. Avram, A. Cziffer Unilateral ischemic optic neuropathy following systemic hypotension. J. of Royal Society of Medicine. Vol: 79, No: 4, p. 250. | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Management of Epilepsy: An update. . CME News, Saskatchewan. Vol: 15, No: 1 (non-refereed article) | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Pupillary abnormalities in congenital neurosyphilis. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Vol: 12, No: 2, p. 134-135. | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, A. Hill, N. Lowry Thyroxine induced petit mal status epilepticus. Neurology. Vol. 35, No: 12 | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, P. Siemens Lateralized EEG changes in Western Equine Encephalitis. Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol: 131, pp. 186-188 | 1984 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Local inflammatory myopathy (letter) Muscle & Nerve, Vol: 7, No: 8, p. 71. | 1984 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Petit mal (absence) seizure. CME News, Saskatchewan Vol: 14, No: 6 (non-refereed article) | 1984 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Headache. CME News, Saskatchewan. Vol: 131, No: 8 | 1983 |
H.V. Conway, B. Rozdilsky, R.J. Schneider, M.B.M. Sundaram Isolated bilateral complete ptosis. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol: 18, No: 1, p. 37-40. | 1983 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, A.H. Rajput Nervous system complications or relapsing polychondritis. Neurology, Vol. 33, No: 4, pp. 513-515. | 1983 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Transient ischemic attacks: Treatment with antiplatelet drugs CME News, Saskatchewan. Vol: 131, No: 8, Dec. 1983. (non-refereed article) | 1982 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, E.M. Ashenhurst Polymyositis presenting with distal and asymmetrical weakness. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol: 18, No: 2, pp. 147-149. | 1981 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, R. Swaminathan Total potassium depletion and severe myopathy due to chronic liquorice ingestion. Postgraduate Medical Journal, Vol: 57, No: 1, 48-49. | 1981 |
Abstracts | |
A. Kedar, V. Vedanarayanan, V. Vedanarayanan, < Isani, A. Fehring, S. Kedar, M.Sundaram, T. Abell Neuromuscular evaluation is an important component in evaluation of patients with gastroparesis. The American Federation for Medical Research Southern Regional Meeting, New Orleans.(Abtract: J of Investigative Med; 58: 478) | 2010 |
J. Wansapura, M. Sundaram, J. Williams, O. Williams, G. Mandybur. Curvilinear reformatted 3D intraoperative MR data using a simple algorithm to demonstrate subdural electrode strip placement. Americal Epilepsy Society meeting, Boston. (Abstract: Epilepsia; 44: 147). | 2003 |
E. Manning, M. Sundaram, A.Doughty Neuropsychological and psychosocial outcome after temporal lobectomy for intractable seizures. American Epilepsy Society meeting, Philadelphia. (Abstract: Epilepsia; 42: 195). | 2001 |
E. Manning, M. Sundaram, A.Doughty, R.K. Thompson, S. Johnson Quality of life and cognitive changes following right temporal lobectomy. XVII World congress of Neurology, London, UK. (Abstract: J of Neurological Sciences; 187: S283-S284.) | 2001 |
R. Verma, M. Sundaram, D. Gordon Seizures in cerebral venous thrombosis. American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Los Angeles. (Abstract: Epilepsia; 41: 100). | 2000 |
M. Sundaram, E.C. Wirrell, A. Holtz-Seitz Idiopathic seizures in the Elderly: Natural history and prognosis. American Epilepsy Society meeting, San Diego. (Abstract: Epilepsia; 39:121). | 1998 |
M. Sundaram, A. Bowles, J. Fratkin, J. Corbett, A. Leis, K. Digre Mesial temporal sclerosis in hemifacial atrophy. 33rd Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Montreal, Canada. (Abstract: Can J of Neurol Sci; 25: S22-S23). | 1998 |
M. Sundaram, H. Goerres Non-convulsive status epilepticus due to amitriptyline. American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Meeting, New Orleans. | 1998 |
M. Sundaram Seizure induced atrial fibrillation 32nd Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Saskatoon, Sask, Canada. (Abstract: Can J of Neurol Sci ; 24: S37). | 1997 |
P.J.S. Vig, M. Sundaram, D. Desaiah, J.D. Fratkin Apoptosis in mouse hippocampus after intraperitoneal aministration of domoic acid. 31st Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, London, Ont. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 23:5-38). | 1996 |
R. Ahmad, M. Sundaram. Cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy: Early course and intractability. 31st Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, London, Ont, Canada. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 23:5-71). | 1996 |
R. Ahmad, M. Sundaram. Cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy: prognosis when two antivonvulsants fail. Am Epilepsy Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Abstract: Epilepsia ; 37:91). | 1996 |
M. Sundaram. Optimal use of EEG in the diagnosis and classification of epilepsies. “Neurology update 2000". Athens, Greece. (Abstract: Neurologica Croatica; 45:45-46). | 1996 |
P.J.S. Vig, M. Sundaram, M. Pande, D. Desaiah. Role of nitric oxide in status epilepticus. American Academy of Neurology, San Francisco. (Abstract: Neurology: 46:A356-7). | 1996 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, V. Vedanarayanan Cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy in children. 30th Canadian congress of Neurological Sciences, Victoria, British Columbia (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 22:S56). | 1995 |
P.J.S. Vig, M. Sundaram, M. Pande Early effects of domoic acid on adult mice brain. 21st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney, Australia. | 1995 |
K. Dakshinamaurti, S.K. Sharma, T. Watanabe, M. Sundaram Hippocampal changes in postnatal mice following intrauterine exposure to Domoic acid. American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Seattle, Wa. (Abstract: Epilepsia; 33:(supp.3). | 1992 |
M. Sundaram, K. Dakshinamurti, S.K. Sharma Epilepsy model using Domoic Acid. XXVI Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Halifax, NS. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 18:239). | 1991 |
M. Sundaram, R. Griebel, N. Lowry, T. Hogan Prognostic value of post resection corticography and early scalp EEG after temporal lobectomy. American EEG Society Meeting, Houston(Abstract: EEG Journal). | 1991 |
M. Sundaram, J. Donat, G.B. Young. Seizures after anticonvulsant withdrawal in adults. American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Philadelphia (Abstract: Epilepsia) | 1991 |
M.B.M. Sundaram. Idiopathic seizures in the elderly. XXV Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Banff. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 17:239) | 1990 |
N. Lowry, L. Ang, R.W. Griebel, M. Sundaram Incontinentia pigmenti - MRI, Neuropathology and epilepsy surgery. XXV Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Banff. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 17:255. | 1990 |
G. Goplen, M. Khan, K. Lefevre, R. Griebel, M. Sundaram. Cervical spondylitic myelopathy: Factors influencing surgical decompression. XXIV Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Ottawa (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 16:276). | 1989 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, T. Hogan Factors affecting epileptiform discharges in Adults Epilepsy. 18th International Epilepsy Congress, New Delhi. | 1989 |
M. Khan, R. Griebel, M. Sundaram. Management of massive cerebellar infarction. XIV Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Ottawa (Abstract:Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 16:254). | 1989 |
K. Lefevre, M. Khan, K. Chandler, M. Sundaram Neurotogenic claudication secondary to lumbar stenosis. XXIV Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Ottawa (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 16:277) | 1989 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, N. Lowry, L. Hanson Perinatal factors in childhood epilepsy. 18th International Epilepsy Congress, New Delhi. | 1989 |
M. Khan, R. Griebel, M. Sundaram. Primary Brain Tumors in a Northern Community of Canada. XXIV Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Ottawa (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 16:259). | 1989 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, M. Khan, R. Griebel Seizures in supratentorial meningiomas. 18th International Epilepsy Congress, New Delhi. | 1989 |
M. Sundaram, J. Sibley. Seizures in systemic lupus erythematosus. 18th International Epilepsy Congress, New Delhi. | 1989 |
R. Bourgault, M.B.M. Sundaram Acetone and Ether in EEG laboratory. American EEG Society meeting, San Diego. EEG Journal. | 1988 |
T. Hogan, M.B.M. Sundaram Epileptiform discharges in standard interictal EEG. American EEG Society meeting, San Diego. EEG Journal. | 1988 |
T. Hogan, M.B.M. Sundaram. R. Utti. Interictal EEG in epilepsy. XXIII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Quebec City (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 15:213). | 1988 |
W.P. Olszynski, J.T. Sidbley, W. DeCoteau, M.B.M. Sundaram. Neurological complications of systemic lupus erythematosus. XXXII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Quebec City. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 15:199). | 1988 |
N. Lowry, M.B.M. Sundaram Childhood epilepsy with occipital spikes. XXII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences Vancouver. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 14:207). | 1987 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, T. Hogan First standard EEG in Epilepsy. Annual meeting of American EEG Society. St. Louis. (Abstract: EEG Journal Vol. 16). | 1987 |
M. Hughes, M.B.M. Sundaram Hans Berger: Other discoveries. Annual meeting of American Epilepsy Society. St. Louis. (Abstract: EEG Journal. Vol. 16). | 1987 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, H.Desai, S. Sudhakar Seizures following topical lidocaine. XXII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Vancouver. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 14:207-208). | 1987 |
J.R. Dont, M.B.M. Sundaram, A. Rajput Spinal myoclonus: Electrophysiological observations and response to treatment. XXII Canadian congress of Neurological Sciences. Vancouver. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 14:214). | 1987 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, B. Mallya et al Congenital lumbar stenosis: An unusual presentation. XXI Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. London, Ont. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 13:182). | 1986 |
T. Hogan, M.B.M. Sundaram Effects of sleep on bilaterally synchronous periodic complexes. Annual meeting of the Canadian Association of EEG technologists. London, Ont. | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, E.M. Ashenhurst Paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis: A case report. XII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. London, Ont. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 13:180-181). | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, T. Hogan Periodic complexes in Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease: Role of sleep and arousal. Annual meeting of American EEG Society. Seattle. (Abstract: EEG Journal; 64:77). | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Seizure patterns and etiology after the age of 60. Annual meeting of American EEG Society. Seattle. (Abstract: Epilepsia; 27:618). | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram Seizures in the elderly. XII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. London, Ont. | 1986 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, T. Hogan Auditory stimulation and generalized epileptiform discharges. American EEG Society annual meeting. Orlando. (Abstract: EEG Journal 1986; 64:21P). | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, S. Gulamhussein, J.D. McMeekin Cardiogenic seizures in congenital prolonged QT Syndromes. . XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Montreal. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 12:199). | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, S. Gulamhusein and J.D. McMeekin Cardiogenic seizures in hereditary prolonged QT Syndromes. American EEG Society Annual meeting, Orlando. (Abstract: EEG Journal 1986; 64:21). | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, J. Varughese Seizures in cerebral tumors: A reappraisal XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Montreal. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences; 12:199). | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, F. Chow Seizures in spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Montreal, 1985. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Vol 12, p. 198). | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, A. Hill, N. Lowry. Thyroxine induced petit mal status epilepticus. XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Montreal. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Vol. 12, pp. 198-199). | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, D. Avram, A. Cziffer Unilateral ischemic optic neuropathy following prolonged system hypotension. XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Montreal, 1985. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol. 12, p. 198.) | 1985 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, W.T. Blume Triphasic Waves: Morphology and Clinical correlates. American EEG Society meeting. New Orleans. Published: Electroencephal. Clinical Neurophysiol. Vol. 58, p. 51. (Abstract: EEG Journal, 58:51) | 1984 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, W.T. Blume Triphasic waves revisited. XVLIII Canadian Neurological Sciences Conference, St. Johns. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 146-147. (Abstract: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 146-147). | 1983 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, B. Rozdilsky reticulum sarcoma of CNS. Canadian Neuropathologists meeting, Saskatoon. | 1981 |
M.B.M. Sundaram, K. Scrinivas Organization of stroke services in a community hospital and suggestions for community measures in the care of stroke patients. WHO Workshop in Strokes, Institute of Neurology, Madras, India | 1974 |