Stephen J. Stray, PhD
SOM-Advanced Biomedical Education
Work Phone:
(601) 984-1735
Dr Stray obtained his undergraduate training at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and his PhD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) studying influenza virus receptors under Dr Gillian Air. He did postdoctoral training in B cell development at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) with Dr Don Capra, and in assembly of hepatitis B virus (HBV) capsids with Dr Adam Zlotnick at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC). Since joining the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at UMMC in 2006, his laboratory has studied the evolution of viruses such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2. Most recently, his studies have focused on using viruses as therapeutics to treat cancer.
Dr Stray is also the Course Director for Medical Microbiology and Immunology (Micro 611/701), Dental Microbiology and Immunology (Dent 641) and Fundamental Microbiology and Immunology (Micro 741). He is an award-winning teacher, having been honored by the Carl G Evers Society (Hall of Fame), University of Mississippi Alumni Association Medical Chapter (Preclinical Professor of the Year), and received the Regions T.E.A.C.H. prize in 2021. Medical Microbiology and Immunology, directed by Dr Stray, has ben designated M2 Course of the year by the Carl G Evers Society in on five occasions since 2011.
University of Alabama at Birmingham, PhD, Microbiology | 2000 |
The University of Melbourne, B. Sc. (Honours) -includes 1 year full-time research and thesis, Biochemistry | 1988 |
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Immunogenetics | |
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Biophysics/Biochemistry |
Current Positions
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology | 07/2015 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology | 08/2006 - 06/2015 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, School of , Department of Biochemistry | 12/2001 - 07/2006 |
Associate Research Scientist, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, School of , Department of Immunogenetics Program | 07/2000 - 11/2001 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Intramural, Influenza as an Oncolytic Virus Treatment for Glioblastoma, John C. Ruckdeschel CCRI Pilot Grant Award Grant Program University of Mississippi Medical Center | 01/2022 - 07/2023 |
Intramural, Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer, University of Mississippi Medical Center Institutional Research Support Program | 02/2017 - 06/2018 |
Intramural, New Technologies for Influenza Vaccines, University of Mississippi Medical Center: Institutional Research Support Program | 11/2009 - 10/2010 |
Intramural, New tools for understanding Hepatitis B; PI: Roy Duhé, PhD, American Cancer Society, IRG 98-275-07: Sub-award #56534 | 11/2007 - 12/2008 |
Journal Article | |
Stray S., Gordy X., Sullivan D., Bender S., Cook C., McKone K, Stokes J, Rockhold R. Base Pair: 28 years of Sustained High School Biomedical Research Mentorship Driving Health Sciences Career Progression. J STEM Outreach. 2020; 3(3) | 2020 |
Barnard M, Dehon E, Compretta C, Notebaert A, Sparkman W, Meyer ER, Stray S, Taylor J, Sullivan D, Rockhold R. Development of a competency model and tailored assessment method for high school science teachers utilizing a flipped learning approach Educational Technology Research and Development. 2020; 68: 2595-2614. | 2020 |
Notebaert A., Barnard M, Meyer E, Dehon E, Compretta C, Allen III D, Stray S, Taylor J, Sullivan D, Rockhold R. Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Mississippi. J STEM Outreach. 2018; 1 | 2018 |
Griffin YS, Sullivan DC, Stray SJ. Biosafety Knowledge Among Students at an Academic Medical Center: A Survey Validation by Field Professionals. Appl Biosafety. 2017; 22:123-9 | 2017 |
Taylor SD, Sanders ME, Tullos NA, Stray SJ, Norcross EW, McDaniel LS, Marquart ME. The cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin from Streptococcus pneumoniae binds to lipid raft microdomains in human corneal epithelial cells. PLoS One. 2013;8:e61300 | 2013 |
Stray SJ, Pittman LB. Subtype- and antigenic site-specific differences in biophysical influences on evolution of influenza virus hemagglutinin. Virol J. 2012 9:91 | 2012 |
Thangavel RR, Reed A, Norcross EW, Dixon SN, Marquart ME, Stray SJ “Boom” and “Bust” Cycles in Virus Growth Suggest Multiple Selective Forces in Influenza A Evolution Virology Journal. 2011; 8:180 | 2011 |
Porterfield JZ, Dhason MS, Loeb DD, Nassal M, Stray SJ, Zlotnick A. Full-length hepatitis B virus core protein packages viral and heterologous RNA with similarly high levels of cooperativity. J Virol. 2010; 84:7174-84. | 2010 |
Stray SJ, Johnson JM, Kopeck BG, Zlotnick A. An in vitro fluorescence screen identifies antivirals that target hepatitis B virus capsid assembly. Nature Biotechnol. 2006; 24: 358-62 | 2006 |
Stray SJ, and Zlotnick, A. BAY 41-4109 has multiple effects on Hepatitis B virus capsid assembly J Molec Recognit. 2006; 19:1-7 | 2006 |
Rahman NS, Godderz LJ, Stray SJ, Capra, JD, Rodgers KK. DNA cleavage of a cryptic recombination signal sequence by RAG1 and RAG2: implications for partial VH gene replacement J Biol Chem.2006; 281:12370-80 | 2006 |
Stray SJ, Bourne CR Punna S, Lewis WG, Finn MG, Zlotnick A. A heteroaryldihydropyrimidine activates and can misdirect hepatitis B virus capsid assembly Proc Nat’l Acad Sci USA. 2005; 102:8138-43 | 2005 |
Ceres P, Stray SJ, Zlotnick A. Hepatitis B virus capsid assembly is enhanced by naturally occurring mutation F97L. J Virol. 2004; 78:9538-43. | 2004 |
Stray SJ, Ceres P, and Zlotnick A. Zinc ions trigger conformational change and oligomerization of hepatitis B capsid protein. Biochemistry. 2004; 43: 9989–98 | 2004 |
Gulati U, Hwang CC, Venkatramani L, Gulati S, Stray SJ, Lee JT, Laver WG, Bochkarev A, Zlotnick A, Air GM. Antibody Epitopes on the Neuraminidase of a Recent H3N2 Influenza Virus (A/Memphis/31/98). J Virol. 2002; 76:12274–80 | 2002 |
Stray SJ and Air GM. Evaluation of influenza A receptors. Proceedings of the World Congress on Options for the Control of Influenza IV. International Congress Series 1219:487-502, Elsevier, Amsterdam (2001) | 2002 |
Stray SJ and Air GM. Apoptosis by influenza viruses correlates with efficiency of viral mRNA synthesis. Virus Research. 2001; 77:3–17 | 2001 |
Stray SJ, Cummings RD, and Air GM. Influenza virus infection of desialylated cells. Glycobiology. 2000; 10:649–58 | 2000 |
Air GM, Laver WG, Luo M, Stray SJ, Legrone G, Webster RG. Antigenic, sequence, and crystal variation in influenza B neuraminidase. Virology. 1990 ;177(2):578-87. | 1990 |
Zlotnick A, Lee A, Bourne CR, Johnson JM, Domanico PL, and Stray SJ. In vitro screening for molecules that affect virus capsid assembly and other protein association reactions. Nat Protoc. 2007; 2:490-8 | 2007 |
Tandon R, Mitra D, Sharma P, McCandless MG, Stray SJ, Bates JT, Marshall GD. Effective screening of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies in patient serum using lentivirus particles pseudotyped with SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 5;10(1):19076. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76135-w | 2020 |
Review Article | |
Zlotnick A, and Stray SJ. How does your virus grow? Understanding and interfering with virus assembly. Trends Biotechnol. 2003; 21:536–42 | 2003 |
Air GM, Ghate AA, and Stray SJ. Influenza neuraminidase as a target for antivirals. Advances in Virus Research. 1999; 54: 375–402 | 1999 |
Thesis | |
Stray SJ Studies of Bacteriophage resistance in Streptococcus lactis | 1988 |
Dissertation | |
Stray SJ Influenza virus binding and entry Department of Microbiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham | 2000 |
Book Chapter | |
Stray SJ and Air GM. The glycobiology of influenza viruses. In “Oligosaccharides in Chemistry and Biology: a Comprehensive Handbook”, pp 839–850, B. Ernst, P. Sinaÿ, and G. Hart, eds. Wiley-VCH, Weinhem (2000) | 2000 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biochemistry of Coronavirus, MSU Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University | 04/2022 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biochemistry of Coronavirus, MSU Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University | 04/2021 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Why do we keep getting the ‘flu- trying to understand influenza evolution at the structural and functional level, Department of Biology, Millsaps College, Jackson MS | 04/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Why do we keep getting the ‘flu- trying to understand influenza evolution at the structural and functional level, Department of Biology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS | 09/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biosafety compliance in the research enterprise- all you've ever wanted to know, and then some., Office of Research Assurances Workshop, UMMC | 07/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Towards a physicochemical understanding of adaptation of novel influenza viruses to the human population, FASEB Science Research Conference: Virus Structure and Assembly, Saxton's River, Vermont | 07/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Adding value to the “traditional” curriculum: improving horizontal and vertical integration with a small group activity., 15th Educational Strategies Workshop- American Medical Schools Microbiology and Immunology Chairmen's Association, Myrtle Beach, SC | 05/2014 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Engaging the large Group (co-presented with RA Adams, DDS), TIME for Faculty/UMMC Academic Affairs, UMMC | 01/2013 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Evolution of influenza viruses in the presence of a polyclonal immune response: Simple in vitro and in silico models of a complex biological problem., Jackson State University, Jackson, MS | 09/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Evolution of influenza viruses in the presence of a polyclonal immune response: Simple in vitro and in silico models of a complex biological problem, FASEB Summer Research Conference: Virus Assembly, Saxton's River, VT | 07/2012 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Evolution of influenza viruses in the presence of a polyclonal immune response: Simple in vitro and in silico models of a complex biological problem., FASEB Summer Conference on Virus Assembly, Saxton's River, VT | 06/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, What can your Institutional Biosasfety Committee do for you?, Department of Medicine Research Day, UMMC | 04/2012 |
Platform Presentations, Evolution of Influenza Viruses in the presence of a polyclonal immune response: Simple in vitro and in silico models of a complex biological problem, Twelfth Southeastern Regional Virology Conference, Atlanta, GA | 02/2012 |
Platform Presentations, Physicochemical contributions to evolution of influenza virus hemagglutinin, American Society for Virology 30th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN | 07/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biophysical Aspects of Influenza Evolution, Department of Micriobiolgy and Immunology, UMMC, Jackson, MS | 05/2011 |
Platform Presentations, Physicochemical contributions to influenza virus evolution, Sixth Noble Foundation Workshop in Virus Evolution, Ardmore, OK | 10/2010 |
Poster Presentation, Physicochemical contributions to influenza evolution, American Society for Virology 29th Annual Meeting, Bozeman, MT | 07/2010 |
Platform presentation by Graduate Student R Thangavel, Selection of influenza A virus hemagglutinin mutants by avian antibody, American Society for Virology 29th Annual Meeting, Bozeman, MT | 07/2010 |
Poster Presentation, In vitro evolution of influenza A virus in the presence of chicken antibodies., American Society for Virology 28th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada | 07/2009 |
Poster Presentation, Role of avian antibody in the evolution of influenza A viruses, American Society for Virology 27th Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY | 07/2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Virus assembly- a novel therapeutic target, UMMC Pharmacology | 02/2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hepatitis B virus assembly, UMMC Biochemistry | 09/2007 |
Platform Presentations, A Class of Antivirals can Activate and Misdirect HBV Capsid assembly, American Society for Virology 25th Annual Meeting, Madison WI | 07/2006 |
Poster Presentation, An in vitro Fluorescence Screen Identifies Moleculaes that Target Heptatits B Virus Capsid Assembly, FASEB Summer Research Conferences: Virus Assembly, Saxton's River, VT | 06/2006 |
Platform Presentations, A Heteroaryldihydropyrmidine Activates and can Misdirect Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly, Phage/Virus Assembly XIX, Winter Park CO | 06/2005 |
Platform Presentations, Zinc Enhances the Rate of Hepatits B Virus Capsid Protein Assembly Promoting a Conformational Change, American Society for Virology 23rd Annual Meeting, Montréal, PQ Canada | 07/2004 |
Poster Presentation, Zinc Enhances the Rate of Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Protein Assembly Promoting a Conformational Change, FASEB Summer Research Conferences: Virus Assembly, Saxton's River VT | 07/2004 |
Platform presentation by P Ceres (co-author), HBV Capsid Assembly is Enhanced by Naturally Occurring Mutation F97L, American Society for Virology 22nd Annual Meeting, Davis, CA | 07/2003 |
Platform Presentations, Zinc Binding to Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Protein Induces Conformational Change and Assembly, Phage/Virus Assembly XVIII, Woods Hole, MA | 06/2003 |
Platform Presentations, Conformational change in Hepatitis B virus capsid assembly: allosteric regulation of virus assembly, MontDiego 2003, La Jolla, CA | 03/2003 |
Poster Presentation, Do Zinc ions Initiate Assembly of HBV?, FASEB Summer Research Conferences: Virus Assembly, Saxton's River, VT | 07/2002 |
Poster Presentation, Antigenic Analysis of Neuraminidase of a recent H3N2 Influenza Virus (A/Memphis/31/98), American Society for Virology 21st Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY | 07/2002 |
Platform Presentations, Sialic Acid Independent Infection by Influenza A Virus, International Union of Microbiological Societies: XIth International Congress of Virology, Sydney, NSW Australia | 08/1999 |
Platform Presentations, Is Sialic Acid the Receptor for Infection by Influenza Viruses, American Society for Virology 17th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC Canada | 07/1998 |
Poster Presentation, Is Sialic Acid the sole determinant of influenza virus entry?, 10th International Conference on Negative Strand Viruses, Dublin, Éire | 09/1997 |
Poster Presentation, Influenza Viruses that do not need Viral Neuraminidase, 10th International Conference on Negative Strand Viruses, Dublin, Éire | 09/1997 |
Platform Presentations, Influenza A Viruses can Infect MDCK cells Depleted of Sialic Acid, American Society for Virology 16th Annual Meeting, Bozeman, MT | 07/1997 |
Poster Presentation, DNA Encapsidation by HPV-11 Capsid Proteins, Molecular Biology of Papovaviruses and Adenoviruses, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY | 08/1994 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
T.E.A.C.H. Prize, UMMC and Regions Bank | 2021 |
Norman W Nelson Order for Teaching Excellence, UMMC | 2021 |
Norman W Nelson Order for Teaching Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2020 |
Norman W Nelson Order for Teaching Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2018 |
Trailblazer Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education, University of Mississippi School of Medicine | 2017 |
Carl G Evers MD Society Hall of Fame, Carl G Evers MD Society, UMMC | 2016 |
Norman W Nelson Order for Teaching Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2015 |
Pre-Clinical Professor of the Year, University of Mississippi Alumni Association Medical Chapter | 2015 |
M2 Basic Science Professor of the Year, Carl G Evers MD Society, UMMC | 2015 |
Pre-Clinical Professor of the Year, University of Mississippi Alumni Association Medical Chapter | 2014 |
Nelson Order for Teaching Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2014 |
All-Star Professor (M2), Carl G Evers Society | 2014 |
Pre-Clinical Professor of the Year, Medical Alumni- UMAA | 2012 |
Nelson Order for Teaching Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2012 |
All-Star Professor (M2), Carl G Evers Society | 2012 |
Postdoctoral Travel Award, American Society for Virology | 2006 |
Postdoctoral Travel Award, American Society for Virology | 2004 |
Student Travel Award, American Society for Virology | 1998 |
Student Travel Award, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma | 1997 |
Student Travel Award, American Society for Virology | 1997 |
Summer Research Scholarship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia) | 1988 |
Cato Memorial Entrance Scholarship, Queen’s College, University of Melbourne (Australia) | 1988 |
Professional Membership and Service
Latvijas Zinantes padome (Latvian Council of Science), Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2012 - Present |
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2012 - Present |
Thompson Reuters, Reviewer, Book | 2012 - Present |
Mississippi State University, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2012 - Present |
Journal of Moelcular Biology, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2012 - Present |
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2010 - Present |
Virology, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2010 - Present |
Journal of Virology, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2008 - Present |
Cancer Letters, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2007 - Present |
Power APAC Elementary School, Science Fair Judge, Power APAC Elementary Science Fair | 2007 - Present |
Antiviral Research, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2006 - Present |
Journal of Molecular Recognition, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2005 - Present |
Virology Journal, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2000 - Present |
American Cancer Society, Guest Speaker, Relay for Life Kickoff, Mississippi College, Clinton MS | 2009 |
American Cancer Society, Guest Speaker, Relay for Life Kickoff, Jackson MS | 2009 |
American Cancer Society, Guest Speaker, Relay for Life, Winston County MS | 2008 |
American Cancer Society, Guest Speaker, Relay for Life, Jackson MS | 2008 |
Committee Service
Mississippi Base Pair Consortium, Steering Comittee Member | 2021 - Present |
SOM Curriculum Committee Professional Identity Development Subcommittee, Member | 2021 - Present |
SOM Curriculum Redesign Task Force Discovery Curriculum Subcommittee, Member | 2020 - Present |
SOM Curriculum Redesign Task Force Course Content and Design Subcommittee, Co-Chair | 2020 - Present |
SOM Curriculum Redesign Task Force, Steering Comittee Member | 2020 - Present |
SOM Curriculum Redesign Task Force, Task Force Member | 2018 - Present |
SOM Preclinical Course Directors Committee, Chair | 2017 - 2019 |
SOM Curriculum Committee Curriculum Development and Innovation Subcommittee, Co-Chair | 2017 - 2021 |
STEMI- Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest, Steering Comittee Member | 2016 - 2022 |
SOM Curriculum Committee Curriculum Development and Innovation Subcommittee, Member | 2016 - Present |
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-CURRICULUM, Steering Comittee Member | 2013 - 2021 |
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-CURRICULUM, Member | 2012 - Present |
SOM Curriculum Committee Evaluation Subcommittee, Member | 2012 - 2016 |
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Member | 2012 - Present |
SOM Preclinical Course Directors Committee, Member | 2011 - 2021 |
MEDICAL CENTER-FACULTY SENATE, Secretary | 2009 - 2011 |
Medical Student Research Program Steering Committee, Member | 2008 - 2010 |
SOM- Microbiology/Immunology Virology Faculty Recruitment Committee, Member | 2006 - 2011 |
Community Service
Standing Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, President | 02/2020 - 02/2021 |
Standing Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, Secretary | 02/2019 - 02/2020 |
Standing Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, Member | 02/2017 - 02/2019 |
Mistitcos/Warren Scholarship Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, Secretary | 2013 - Present |
Misticos/Warren Scholarship Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, Member | 04/2011 - Present |
Executive Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, Elected Member | 02/2011 - 02/2014 |
St Andrew's Cathedral (Episcopal)- Adult Formation Commission, Chair | 08/2009 - 08/2011 |
Executive Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, Bishop's Appointee | 02/2009 - 02/2011 |
St Andrew's Cathedral (Episcopal)- Adult Formation Commission, Member | 07/2007 - 08/2011 |
Episcopal Network for Science, Technology, and Faith, Co-convenor | 04/2006 - 04/2009 |
Episcopal Church Executive Council Committee on Science, Technology, and Faith, Committee Member | 06/2003 - 06/2009 |
Other Service
Education Sciences | 06/2022 - Present |
Journal of STEM Outreach | 2018 - Present |
Base Pair (UMMC/Murrah HS), Lab Mentor | 2008 - Present |
Teaching Experience
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Preparation for Instruction in Microbiology | Fall 2021-22 |
Micro 707, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Prepararion for Instruction in Microbiology | Fall 2021-22 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2021-22 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2021-22 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2021-22 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2021-22 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Lecturer, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2021-22 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2021-2 |
Micro 702, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular and Molecular Virology | Summer 2020-21 |
Micro 708, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Preparation for Instruction in Microbiology | Fall 2020-21 |
Micro 708, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Preparation for Instruction in Microbiology | Fall 2020-21 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2020-21 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2020-21 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2020-21 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2020-21 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2020-21 |
Micro 708, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Preparation for Instruction in Microbiology | Fall 2019-20 |
Micro 708, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Preparation for Instruction in Microbiology | Fall 2019-20 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2019-20 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2019-20 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2019-20 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2019-20 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2019-20 |
Micro 702, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular and Molecular Virology | Spring 2018-19 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2018-19 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2018-19 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2018-19 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2018-19 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2018-18 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2017-18 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2017-18 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2017-18 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2017-18 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2017-18 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2017-18 |
Micro 702, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellulat and Molecular Virology | Spring 2016-17 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2016-17 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2016-17 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2016-17 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2016-17 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2016-17 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2015-16 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2015-16 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2015-16 |
Micro 741, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Fundamental Microbiology and Immunology | Spring 2015-16 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2015-16 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2015-16 |
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular and Molecular Virology | Spring 2014-15 |
Micro 702, Graduate, Lecture, Course Director, Cellular and Molecular Virology | Spring 2014-15 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2014-15 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2014-15 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall 2014-15 |
Micro 741, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Fundamental Microbiology and Immunology | Spring 2014-15 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2013-14 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2013-14 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2013-14 |
Dent 741, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2013-14 |
Micro 741, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Fundamental Microbiology | Spring 2013-14 |
Micro 733, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Experimental Immunochemistry and Immunobiology | Spring 2013-14 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Assistant Course Director, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2012-13 |
Micro 741, Graduate, Course, Assistant Course Director, Fundamental Microbiology | Spring 2012-13 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2012-13 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2012-13 |
MICRO 702, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Viruses | Spring 2012-13 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2011-12 |
733, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Experimental Immunobiology and Immunochemistry | Spring 2011-12 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2011-12 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2010-11 |
Dent641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2010-11 |
Micro741, Graduate, Course, Lab Presenter, Fundamental Microbiology | Spring 2010-11 |
Micro741, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Fundamental Microbiology | Spring 2010-11 |
Micro 702, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Viruses | Spring 2010-11 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Assistant Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2010-11 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Assistant Course Director, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2010-11 |
Micro 733, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Experimental Immunochemistry and Immunobiology | Spring 2009-10 |
DENT 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2009-10 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2009-10 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2009-10 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2008-9 |
Micr0 702, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Viruses | Spring 2008-9 |
Micro 701, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2008-9 |
Micro 725, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Microbial Physiology | Spring 2008-09 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Small Group facilitator, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2008-09 |
701, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2008-09 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Course, Lab Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2008-09 |
Micro 611, Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2007-8 |
Micro 707, Graduate, Lab, Lab Director, Microbiology Laboratory Rotation | Fall 2007-8 |
DENT 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2007-08 |
641, Dentistry, Course, Lab Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2007-08 |
611, Medicine, Course, Lab and Small Group Facilitator, Medical Microbiology | Fall 2007-08 |
Micro611, Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Annual 2007-08 |
Micro 707, Graduate, Lab, Lab Director, Microbiology Laboratory Rotation | Summer 2006-7 |
Micro 725, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Microbial Physiology | Spring 2006-7 |
702, Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Viruses | Spring 2006-7 |
DENT 641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental Microbiology | Spring 2006-07 |
611, Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology | Annual 2006-07 |
Dent 641, Dentistry, Course, Lecturer, Dental Microbiology and Immunology | Fall |
Directed Student Learning
Supervised Research, Advised: Christopher Bruni | 2022 - 2022 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Shiv Patel | 2022 - 2022 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Ford Gordon | 2021 - 2024 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Casey Park | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Denton Garvey | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Anne Margaret Miller | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Shiv Patel | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Ford Gordon | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Lucas Morrisey | 2021 - 2022 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Casey Park | 2020 - 2020 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Benjamin Davis | 2020 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Hanna Bengtén | 2020 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Mariah Prather | 2019 - 2019 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Jeffrey Bruni | 2019 - 2019 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Evan Morrisey | 2019 - 2020 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Sarah Bowley | 2018 - 2018 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Amber Gardner | 2018 - 2018 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Douglas Campbell | 2018 - 2018 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Maggie Jefferis | 2018 - 2019 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Kilando Chambers | 2018 - 2019 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Hannah Gwin | 2014 - 2014 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Douglas Campbell | 2014 - 2017 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Evan Sanford | 2012 - 2012 |
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Melissa Sanders | 2012 - 2012 |
Supervised Research, Advised: James Wilson | 2011 - 2011 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Kara Elam | 2011 - 2011 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Graeme Campbell | 2011 - 2013 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Lauren King | 2009 - 2011 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Lindsey Pittman | 2009 - 2010 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, Advised: Rajagowthamee Thangavel | 2007 - 2011 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Erin White Norcross | 2007 - 2007 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Sai Majji | 2007 - 2010 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Charles Austin | 2007 - 2007 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Deepak Nayak | 2007 - 2010 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Dexter Whitely | 2006 - 2011 |
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Robert Sample | 2006 - 2010 |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Ivanka Milev-Milevanovic | 2006 - 2008 |
Master's Thesis Committee Member, Advised: Rajagowthamee Thangavel | 2006 - 2008 |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Yolanda Griffin | |
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Jesús Monico | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Erin Taylor | |
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Elizabeth Kwang Yu Cheng |