Joshua "Josh" S. Speed

Joshua "Josh" S. Speed

Associate Professor

SOM-Physiology & Biophysics


Work Phone:
(601) 815-4582


University of Alabama at Birmingham, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Experimental Medicine2015
University of MS Medical Center, PhD, Physiology and Biophysics2011
Belhaven University, BS, Chemistry2005

Current Positions

Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics07/2023 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics2018 - 06/2023
Instructor, University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine07/2015 - 12/2017

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, NIDDK06/2023 - 05/2025
Extramural, R01-Endothelin-1 in Obesity and Insulin Resistance, NIDDK04/2021 - 03/2026
Extramural, R00 Supplement: Endothelin-1: Mechanisms in Hypertension and Obesity Supplement, NHLBI01/2019 - 12/2019
Intramural, Endothelin and Insulin Resistance in Adipose12/2018 - 11/2019
Extramural, R00-Endothelin-1: Mechanisms in Hypertension and Obesity, NHLBI01/2018 - 12/2021


Journal Article

Speed JS, Pollock DM, Clemmer JS, Don't sweat the small stuff: skin mechanisms of sodium homeostasis and associations with long-term blood pressure. Clinical science (London, England : 1979), 2023 May 18;137(9):769-7722023
Rivera-Gonzalez O, Case CT, Wilson NA, Speed JS, Taylor EB, Endothelin receptor antagonism improves glucose tolerance and adipose tissue inflammation in an experimental model of systemic lupus erythematosus. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, 2023 Jan 1;324(1):E73-E842023
Gohar EY, De Miguel C, Obi IE, Daugherty EM, Hyndman KA, Becker BK, Jin C, Sedaka R, Johnston JG, Liu P, Speed JS, Mitchell T, Kriegel AJ, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, Acclimation to a High-Salt Diet Is Sex Dependent. Journal of the American Heart Association, 2022 Mar;11(5):e0204502022
Rhoads MK, Speed JS, Roth KJ, Zhang D, Jin C, Gamble KL, Pollock DM, Short-term daytime restricted feeding in rats with high salt impairs diurnal variation of Na(+) excretion. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2022 Mar 1;322(3):F335-F3432022
Stapel JR, Speed JS, Clemmer JS, Endothelin antagonism reduces hemoglobin A1c in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 2022 Aug 1;100(8):828-8332022
Speed JS, Pruett WA, Lirette ST, Cook JJ, Phillips CL, Grayson BE, Cardiovascular Risk Factors Following Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy in Black Americans Compared with White Americans. Obesity surgery, 2021 Mar;31(3):1004-10122021
Rivera-Gonzalez O, Wilson NA, Coats LE, Taylor EB, Speed JS, Endothelin receptor antagonism improves glucose handling, dyslipidemia, and adipose tissue inflammation in obese mice. Clinical science (London, England : 1979), 2021 Jul 30;135(14):1773-17892021
Hyndman KA, Speed JS, Mendoza LD, Allan JM, Colson J, Sedaka R, Jin C, Jung HJ, El-Dahr S, Pollock DM, Pollock JS, Fluid-electrolyte homeostasis requires histone deacetylase function. JCI insight, 2020 Aug 20;5(16)2020
Jenkins HN, Rivera-Gonzalez O, Gibert Y, Speed JS, Endothelin-1 in the pathophysiology of obesity and insulin resistance. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 2020 Dec;21(12):e130862020
Johnston JG, Speed JS, Becker BK, Kasztan M, Soliman RH, Rhoads MK, Tao B, Jin C, Geurts AM, Hyndman KA, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, Diurnal Control of Blood Pressure Is Uncoupled From Sodium Excretion. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2020 Jun;75(6):1624-16342020
Rivera-Gonzalez OJ, Kasztan M, Johnston JG, Hyndman KA, Speed JS, Loss of endothelin type B receptor function improves insulin sensitivity in rats. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 2020 Sep;98(9):604-6102020
Zhang D, Jin C, Obi IE, Rhoads MK, Soliman RH, Sedaka RS, Allan JM, Tao B, Speed JS, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, Loss of circadian gene Bmal1 in the collecting duct lowers blood pressure in male, but not female, mice. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2020 Mar 1;318(3):F710-F7192020
Monroe JD, Moolani SA, Irihamye EN, Speed JS, Gibert Y, Smith ME, RNA-Seq Analysis of Cisplatin and the Monofunctional Platinum(II) Complex, Phenanthriplatin, in A549 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and IMR90 Lung Fibroblast Cell Lines. Cells, 2020 Dec 8;9(12)2020
Jenkins HN, Williams LJ, Dungey A, Vick KD, Grayson BE, Speed JS, Elevated plasma endothelin-1 is associated with reduced weight loss post vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, 2019 Jul;15(7):1044-10502019
Kasztan M, Fox BM, Lebensburger JD, Hyndman KA, Speed JS, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, Hyperfiltration predicts long-term renal outcomes in humanized sickle cell mice. Blood advances, 2019 May 14;3(9):1460-14752019
Speed JS, Hyndman KA, Kasztan M, Johnston JG, Roth KJ, Titze JM, Pollock DM, Diurnal pattern in skin Na(+) and water content is associated with salt-sensitive hypertension in ET(B) receptor-deficient rats. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2018 Apr 1;314(4):R544-R5512018
Speed JS, Hyndman KA, Roth K, Heimlich JB, Kasztan M, Fox BM, Johnston JG, Becker BK, Jin C, Gamble KL, Young ME, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, High dietary sodium causes dyssynchrony of the renal molecular clock in rats. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2018 Jan 1;314(1):F89-F982018
Loria AS, Spradley FT, Obi IE, Becker BK, De Miguel C, Speed JS, Pollock DM, Pollock JS, Maternal separation enhances anticontractile perivascular adipose tissue function in male rats on a high-fat diet. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2018 Dec 1;315(6):R1085-R10952018
Becker BK, Feagans AC, Chen D, Kasztan M, Jin C, Speed JS, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, Renal denervation attenuates hypertension but not salt sensitivity in ET(B) receptor-deficient rats. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2017 Oct 1;313(4):R425-R4372017
Gohar EY, Kasztan M, Becker BK, Speed JS, Pollock DM, Ovariectomy uncovers purinergic receptor activation of endothelin-dependent natriuresis. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2017 Aug 1;313(2):F361-F3692017
Kasztan M, Fox BM, Speed JS, De Miguel C, Gohar EY, Townes TM, Kutlar A, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, Long-Term Endothelin-A Receptor Antagonism Provides Robust Renal Protection in Humanized Sickle Cell Disease Mice. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 2017 Aug;28(8):2443-24582017
Becker BK, Speed JS, Powell M, Pollock DM, Activation of neuronal endothelin B receptors mediates pressor response through alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. Physiological reports, 2017 Feb;5(4)2017
Johnston JG, Speed JS, Jin C, Pollock DM, Loss of endothelin B receptor function impairs sodium excretion in a time- and sex-dependent manner. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2016 Nov 1;311(5):F991-F9982016
Gohar EY, Speed JS, Kasztan M, Jin C, Pollock DM, Activation of purinergic receptors (P2) in the renal medulla promotes endothelin-dependent natriuresis in male rats. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2016 Aug 1;311(2):F260-72016
Speed JS, Hyndman KA, In vivo organ specific drug delivery with implantable peristaltic pumps. Scientific reports, 2016 May 17;6:262512016
Jin C, Speed JS, Pollock DM, High salt intake increases endothelin B receptor function in the renal medulla of rats. Life sciences, 2016 Aug 15;159:144-1472016
De Miguel C, Speed JS, Kasztan M, Gohar EY, Pollock DM, Endothelin-1 and the kidney: new perspectives and recent findings. Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension, 2016 Jan;25(1):35-412016
Heimlich JB, Speed JS, O'Connor PM, Pollock JS, Townes TM, Meiler SE, Kutlar A, Pollock DM, Endothelin-1 contributes to the progression of renal injury in sickle cell disease via reactive oxygen species. British journal of pharmacology, 2016 Jan;173(2):386-952016
Speed JS, Heimlich JB, Hyndman KA, Fox BM, Patel V, Yanagisawa M, Pollock JS, Titze JM, Pollock DM, Endothelin-1 as a master regulator of whole-body Na+ homeostasis. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2015 Dec;29(12):4937-442015
Speed JS, Fox BM, Johnston JG, Pollock DM, Endothelin and renal ion and water transport. Seminars in nephrology, 2015 Mar;35(2):137-442015
Speed JS, D'Angelo G, Wach PA, Sullivan JC, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, High salt diet increases the pressor response to stress in female, but not male ETB-receptor-deficient rats. Physiological reports, 2015 Mar;3(3)2015
Heimlich JB, Speed JS, Bloom CJ, O'Connor PM, Pollock JS, Pollock DM, ET-1 increases reactive oxygen species following hypoxia and high-salt diet in the mouse glomerulus. Acta physiologica (Oxford, England), 2015 Mar;213(3):722-302015
Jin C, Speed JS, Hyndman KA, O'Connor PM, Pollock DM, Sex differences in ET-1 receptor expression and Ca2+ signaling in the IMCD. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2013 Oct 15;305(8):F1099-1042013
Speed JS, Pollock DM, Endothelin, kidney disease, and hypertension. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2013 Jun;61(6):1142-52013
Hyndman KA, Xue J, MacDonell A, Speed JS, Jin C, Pollock JS, Distinct regulation of inner medullary collecting duct nitric oxide production from mice and rats. Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology, 2013 Mar;40(3):233-92013
Hall JE, Granger JP, do Carmo JM, da Silva AA, Dubinion J, George E, Hamza S, Speed J, Hall ME, Hypertension: physiology and pathophysiology. Comprehensive Physiology, 2012 Oct;2(4):2393-4422012
Speed JS, LaMarca B, Berry H, Cockrell K, George EM, Granger JP, Renal medullary endothelin-1 is decreased in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2011 Aug;301(2):R519-232011
Lamarca B, Speed J, Ray LF, Cockrell K, Wallukat G, Dechend R, Granger J, Hypertension in response to IL-6 during pregnancy: role of AT1-receptor activation. International journal of interferon, cytokine and mediator research, 2011 Nov;2011(3):65-702011
Tam Tam KB, George E, Cockrell K, Arany M, Speed J, Martin JN Jr, Lamarca B, Granger JP, Endothelin type A receptor antagonist attenuates placental ischemia-induced hypertension and uterine vascular resistance. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 2011 Apr;204(4):330.e1-42011
Young SC, Storm MV, Speed JS, Kelsen S, Tiller CV, Vera T, Drummond HA, Stec DE, Inhibition of biliverdin reductase increases ANG II-dependent superoxide levels in cultured renal tubular epithelial cells. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2009 Nov;297(5):R1546-532009
Chandler DL, Llinas MT, Reckelhoff JF, LaMarca B, Speed J, Granger JP, Effects of hyperhomocysteinemia on arterial pressure and nitric oxide production in pregnant rats. American journal of hypertension, 2009 Oct;22(10):1115-92009
Jernigan NL, Speed J, LaMarca B, Granger JP, Drummond HA, Angiotensin II regulation of renal vascular ENaC proteins. American journal of hypertension, 2009 Jun;22(6):593-72009
LaMarca B, Speed J, Fournier L, Babcock SA, Berry H, Cockrell K, Granger JP, Hypertension in response to chronic reductions in uterine perfusion in pregnant rats: effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockade. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2008 Dec;52(6):1161-72008
Jernigan NL, LaMarca B, Speed J, Galmiche L, Granger JP, Drummond HA, Dietary salt enhances benzamil-sensitive component of myogenic constriction in mesenteric arteries. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 2008 Jan;294(1):H409-202008
Speed JS, George EM, Arany M, Cockrell K, Granger JP, Role of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid in mediating hypertension in response to chronic renal medullary endothelin type B receptor blockade. PloS one, 2011;6(10):e26063


Speed JS, Pollock DM, New clues towards solving the mystery of endothelin and blood pressure regulation. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2015 Aug;66(2):275-72015


National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Adipocyte specific ETB receptor knockout attenuates insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in mice fed high fat diet, Rome, Italy10/2023
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Knockout of the endothelin B receptor in adipocytes improves insulin sensitivity and the metabolic profile of male mice fed a high fat diet, Seventeenth International Endothelin Conference, Virtual10/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Endothelin-1 in the pathophysiology of Obesity, Mississippi Center for Obesity Research, Jackson, MS03/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Endothelin in Adipose: A Driver of Obesity Related Insulin Resistance and Inflammation, Augusta University, Augusta, GA01/2021
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Obesity, Inflammation, and Endothelin-1, UMMC/Physiology, Jackson, MS09/2020
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Endothelin B Receptor Blockade Lowers Fasting Blood Glucose and Improves Insulin Tolerance in Rats, Endothelin-16, Kobe, Japan09/2019
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Salt intake, Endothelin-1, and Insulin Sensitivity, Southern, Salt, Water, and Kidney Meeting, Sarasota Florida12/2018
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Night-time sodium intake is associated with cardiometabolic risk and insulin resistance in night shift nurses, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA04/2018

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

UMMC Excellence in Research Early Career Investigator Award, UMMC2022
UMMC Gold Excellence in Research, UMMC2021
UMMC Silver Medallion Research Award, UMMC2019
Young Investigator Award, Endothelin-162019
Council on Hypertension Poster Award, American Heart Association2016
Creativity is a Decision Award, UAB Nutrition and Obesity Research Center2015

Professional Membership and Service

Society of Endocrinology, Member2019 - Present
American Society of Nephrology, Member2016 - Present
American Physiological Society, Member2010 - Present
American Heart Association, Member2010 - Present

Committee Service

Immunology Basic Science Committee, Member2022 - Present
NIDDK Diabetes Research Center Review Panel, Member2022 - Present
NIDDK Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Fellowship Review Panel, Member2021 - Present
AHA Innovative Project Award; Basic Science Peer Review Committee, Member2020 - Present
AHA Transformational Project Award; Vascular Basic Sciences Peer Review Committee, Member2019 - Present
AHA Council on Hypertension Nominating Committee, Member2018 - Present
AHA Fellowship; CardioRenal Bsc Peer Review Committee, Member2018 - Present
School of Graduate Studies Alumni Board, Member2018 - Present

Other Service

Plos ONE02/2021 - Present
Hypertension01/2021 - Present
FASEB Journal12/2020 - Present
AJP Renal Physiology10/2018 - Present
AJP Regulatory and Integrative Physiology10/2018 - Present
Scientific Reports07/2018 - Present

Teaching Experience

Graduate, Lecture, Facilitator, Advanced Renal PhysiologySpring 2022
625/725, Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, PhysiologyFall 2022 - 2022
Physio 625/725, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Fundamentals of PhysiologyFall 2022
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Physiology PBL-CardiovascularSpring 2019
ID709, Graduate, Small Group, Facilitator, Responsible Conduct in ResearchSpring 2019
ID714, Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Professional SkillsSpring 2019
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Physiology Problem Based Learning- RenalSpring 2018
Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Physiological Applications of Molecular BiologyFall 2018
Physio 715, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Advanced EndocrinologyFall 2018

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Advised: Marjorie Lam2023 - 2023
Research Advisor, Advised: Hayley Murphy2023 - Present
Research Advisor, Advised: Yamrot Sileshi2023 - 2023
Supervised Research, Advised: Shivam Patel2023 - 2023
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Umesh Bhattarai2022 - Present
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Breland Crudup2022 - Present
Research Advisor, Advised: Aditya Remata2022 - 2022
Supervised Research, Advised: Tatyana Stanford2022 - 2022
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Sheetal Chowdhury2022 - Present
Research Advisor, Advised: Daniel Moore2022 - 2022
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Andrew Milner2021 - Present
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Madison Newberry2021 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Kaleb Newton2021 - 2021
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Tanya Pareek2021 - Present
Supervised Research2021 - 2021
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Bridgette Konadu2020 - Present
Research Advisor, Advised: Joseph Cook2019 - 2019
Research Advisor, Advised: Jennifer Stapel2019 - 2023
Dissertation Committee Chair, Endothelin-1 in Obesity and Insulin Resistance
Advised: Osvaldo Rivera-Gonzalez
2019 - 2021
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: John Daseke2018 - 2020
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Advised: Redin Spann2018 - 2020
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Laura Coats2018 - 2021
Supervised Research, Advised: Haley Jenkins2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Corbin Shields2018 - 2022
Supervised Research, Advised: Jordan Love2018 - 2018

Fellows supervised

Physiology and Biophysics, Research Advisor, 2 fellows supervised01/2021 - Present