Suzanne Sanders, MD
Associate Professor
University of MS Medical Center, Rheumatology | 2002 |
University of MS Medical Center, Rheumatolog | 2000 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD | 1997 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Licensure, US Medical Licensing Examination | 05/1998 - Present |
DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration | 12/2009 - 12/2012 |
Certification, Board Certification, ABIM | 2002 - 2012 |
Licensure, MS State Board of Medical Licensure | 07/2010 - 06/2011 |
Certification, Board Certification, ABIM | 2000 - 2010 |
Certification, Certified Clinical Densitometrist, ISCD | 08/2003 - 09/2008 |
Current Positions
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 08/2008 - Present |
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 08/2002 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Poster | |
Karim S, Sanders S Osteoporosis screening and treatment following hip fracture in male veterans: A retrospective analysis Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, American Academy of Rheumatology 2008 | 2008 |
Review Article | |
Sanders S, Geraci SA Cardiovascular Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Disease and Treatment Interactions and their Implications on Treatment Decisions J Miss State Med Assoc. 2010; 51(3):75-80. | 2010 |
Geraci SA, Douglas S, Algood TL, Pinkston W, Sanders S, Kirchner K Hurricane Katrina: The Jackson Veterans Affairs Medical Center Experience Rheumatology. 2003; 42:700-702 | 2008 |
Sanders S, Harisdangkul V Leflunomide for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmunity The Am. Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2002; 323: 190-1 | 2002 |
Abstracts | |
Pasha F, Majithia V, Sanders S, Johnson D Osteoporosis Risk Assessment in Male Veterans With Rheumatoid Arthritis Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Jackson, Mississippi, April 1, 2010 | 2010 |
Pasha F, Majithia V, Johnson D, Sanders S Osteoporosis Risk Assessment in Veterans Affairs Rheumatoid Arthritis Registry [VARA] Patients at VA Medical Center Southern Society of Clinical Investigators, February 2010 | 2010 |
Singh A, Sanders S, Majithia V An Unusual Presentation of Reactive Arthritis as Erosive Arthritis of Hand Joints. Southern Society of Clinical Investigators, 2008 | 2008 |
Sanders S, Huddleston C, Stubbs J, Woodruff C, Worthy A, Geraci S Lessons Learned from Katrina Abstract/Poster, Katrina Poster Session, Chest Meeting, 2006 | 2006 |
Kellan E. Ashley, M.D., Jennifer Frost, D.O., Suzanne Sanders, M.D., and Kent Kirchner, M.D. A Case of Diabetic Muscle Infarction: A Rare Complication of Diabetes Mellitus 11th Annual Mississippi Associate’s Competition Mississippi Chapter – American College of Physicians, /Annual Reports/Annual_Report (p.87)). | 2004 |
Book Chapter | |
Suzanne Sanders, Kenneth J. Hardy, Robert W. McMurray New Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches for Spondyloarthritis; Arthritis Research: Treatment and Management Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2005, Pg. 27-57; | 2005 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, OP under-diagnosed and treated in Veterans, Osteoporosis Care Post Hip Fracture - One VA Hospital’s Perspective, 9th Annual Spring VARC Meeting, Saint Louis, Missouri | 04/2010 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Update in Osteoporosis Therapy, Nurse Practitioner Update, Jackson, MS | 09/2009 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Post-Hip Fracture Care in Jackson, MS, 8th Annual Spring VARC Meeting, Portland, Oregon | 05/2009 |
Panel Member, VA Rheumatology Consortium (VARC) Spring Meeting –, Good Clinical Practice for Rheumatology, Dallas, TX | 05/2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Nurse Practitioner Update – Fibromyalgia, Jackson, MS | 09/2006 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, VA Medical Staff Rheumatology Updates Lecture, VARC, Jackson, MS | 01/2006 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis – Focus on Men, UMMC Medicine Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS | 10/2004 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Secretary's Hero Award/GV Montgomery Medical Centr | 2005 |
Alpha Omega Alpha/Univ of MS Medical Center SOM | 1996 |
Dean's Award/Univ of MS Medical Center, SOM | 1995 |
Professional Membership and Service
Advanced Clinic Access Workgroup, Committee Co-Chair | 2009 - Present |
5th Annual VA Pain Management Update, Committee Member | 2009 |
VA Medical Staff, Committee Member | 2008 - Present |
VA Medical Staff, Officer, President/Elect/Past | 2008 - Present |
Education Council, DOM, Univ MS Medical Center, Member | 2008 - Present |
VA Medical Staff, Committee Vice Chair | 2008 |
DOM Research Day, Member | 2007 - Present |
VA Medical Staff, Officer, Secretary | 2007 |
VAMC Medical Service Education Committee, Member | 2007 |
Dept of Medicine Research Council, Member, Travel Funds Committee | 2006 - 2008 |
DOM Research Council, Member | 2005 - 2008 |
VA Medical Service Process Improvement, Member | 2004 - 2005 |
GV Montgomery Medical Center IRB Board, Member | 2002 - Present |