Brian Rutledge, PhD

Brian Rutledge, PhD

Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief of Staff

SER-Office-Vice Chancellor


Work Phone:
(601) 984-1010


Dr. Rutledge earned the doctor of philosophy in clinical health sciences at the University of Mississippi. He earned his master of health services administration degree from Mississippi College as well as his undergraduate degree.

Rutledge has served as a health policy fellow to Sen. Thad Cochran. At UMMC, he has served as manager of Emergency Services (Emergency Medicine), manager of business operations (Medicine), and the director of accreditation and assessment (School of Medicine). He currently serves as chief of staff to the vice chancellor for health affairs.


University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Health Sciences
Mississippi College, BA, Communication/public relations
Mississippi College, MHSA, Master of Health Services Administration

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, American Medical Association
Certification, American Medical Association
Certification, American Heart Association
Certification, Professional Association of Diving Instructors
Licensure, Federal Aviation Administration

Current Positions

Professor, School of Health Related Professions07/2022 - Present
Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice Chancellor03/2012 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Health Related Professions07/2017 - 06/2022
Congressional Health Policy Fellow, United States Senate12/2013 - 03/2015
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Health Related Professions07/2011 - 06/2017

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, TelEmergency: Distance Care Utilizing Nurse Practitioners, United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development10/2006 - 09/2009


Journal Article

Rutledge, B.L., Jones, E.J, Bailey, J.H., Stewart, J.H. Evolution of medical students' understanding of systems-based practice: a qualitative account The Qualitative Report, 19(27)2014
Rutledge, B.L., Clark, G., Bailey, J.H., & Woodward, L.H. The effect of rescheduling National Board of Medical Examiners subject examinations on United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 2 Clinical Knowledge performance J Contemp Med Edu, 2(1): 13-222014
Rutledge, B.L., Henderson, K., & Hall, G. TelEmergency: Distance Care Utilizing Nurse Practitioners Telehealth Practice Report, September/October edition2004

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Mississippi College MHSA Alumnus of the Year 2013, Mississippi College

Professional Membership and Service

AAMC, Member, AAMC Performance Leadership Program2013
Member, Administrative Leaders in Medical Education2012 - 2015
UMMC, Member, Clinical and Quality Advisory Council2012 - 2015
UMMC, Member, UMMC Leadership Development Program2012 - 2013
AAMC, Member, AAMC MedAPS Advisory Board2011 - Present
LCME, Member, LCME (medical school accreditation) Task Force2010 - 2012
Member, MedBiquitous Curriculum Inventory Working Group2010 - Present
Chairperson, LINC Administrative Advisory Council2010 - Present
AAMC, Institutional Administrator, Association of American Medical Colleges2010 - Present
Member, Administrators of Internal Medicine2007 - 2010
Member, Department of Medicine Administrative Council2006 - 2010
Member, American Telemedicine Association2004 - 2007
Member, American College of Healthcare Executives2004 - 2007

Committee Service

Master of Health Administration Admissions Committee, Member2014 - 2015
Doctorate of Health Administration Admissions Committee, Member2013 - Present
Social Media Oversight Committee, Member2013 - 2015
UMMC Master of Health Sciences Capstone Evaluator, Evaluator2012 - 2013
UMMC Master of Health Sciences Curriculum Committee, Member2012 - 2013
SOM Education Building Design Steering Committee, Member2011 - Present
Institutional Assessment Committee, Member2011 - 2013
SACS Compliance Certificate Committee, Member2010 - 2010
SOM Clinical Course Directors Subcommittee, Member2010 - 2012
Hinds C.C. Business Office Technology Advisory Committee, Member2006 - 2013

Teaching Experience

Hinds Community College, Course, Adjunct FacultyAnnual
SHRP, Course, Assistant ProfessorAnnual