Leigh A. Ross, PharmD
Ole Miss Faculty
School of Pharmacy
Work Phone:
(601) 984-2481
Dr. Leigh Ann Ross is Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Mississippi (UM) School of Pharmacy. Dr. Ross received a BBA and a PharmD degree from UM and completed a Primary Care Pharmacy Residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC). Dr. Ross is a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist. Dr. Ross previously served as Director of Pharmaceutical Care Services at UMMC, overseeing the anticoagulation, asthma, diabetes and lipid clinics. As Associate Dean, she serves as the School’s liaison with UMMC and oversees the School’s clinical programs and partnerships. Dr. Ross is Director of the Community-Based Research Program and Principal Investigator of medication management projects in Mississippi communities. She serves as PGY-1 Community Pharmacy Residency Program Director. Dr. Ross completed a Congressional Fellowship in the Office of U.S. Senator Thad Cochran and is a former President of the Mississippi Pharmacists Association and the Mississippi Biotechnology Association. She serves as a member of the ACCP Board of Regents, Chair of the ACCP PAC Governing Council, and Immediate Past Chair of the AACP Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Practice. Dr. Ross is an invited member of the National Academies of Practice and a Fellow of ACCP and ASHP.
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Pharmacy | 1999 |
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, PharmD, Pharmacy | 1998 |
University of Mississippi School of Business, BBA, Business Administration - Finance | 1993 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), American Association of Diabetes Educators | 2003 - 12/2008 |
Certification, Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS), Board of Pharmacy Specialties | 2003 - 12/2016 |
Licensure, Pharmacist, Mississippi Board of Pharmacy | 06/1998 - Present |
Current Positions
Professor, School of Pharmacy | 07/2015 - Present |
Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy | 08/2008 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Department Chair, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice | 08/2008 - 02/2016 |
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice | 07/2008 - 06/2015 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice | 07/2002 - 06/2008 |
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice | 08/1999 - 06/2002 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, Pharmacy Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Project, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Mississippi State Department of Health | 10/2011 - Present |
Journal Article | |
McClendon KS, Bell AM, Ellis A, Adcock KG, Hogan S, Ross LA, Riche DM, Pathways to Improve Student Pharmacists' Experience in Research. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 2015 May 25;79(4):58 | 2015 |
Brown MA, Bloodworth L, Ross LA, Health information technology use in a rural clinic: the pharmacist's perspective. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 2013 Feb;24(1 Suppl):15-9 | 2013 |
Ross LA, Quality improvement in health care: opportunities and responsibilities for pharmacists. The Annals of pharmacotherapy, 2013 Sep;47(9):1206-9 | 2013 |
Ross LA, Janke KK, Boyle CJ, Gianutsos G, Lindsey CC, Moczygemba LR, Whalen K, Preparation of faculty members and students to be citizen leaders and pharmacy advocates. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 2013 Dec 16;77(10):220 | 2013 |
Chisholm-Burns MA, Spivey CA, Billheimer D, Schlesselman LS, Flowers SK, Hammer D, Engle JP, Nappi JM, Pasko MT, Ross LA, Sorofman B, Rodrigues HA, Vaillancourt AM, Multi-institutional study of women and underrepresented minority faculty members in academic pharmacy. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 2012 Feb 10;76(1):7 | 2012 |
Ross LA, Pharmacists as mid-level practitioners/providers. The Annals of pharmacotherapy, 2011 Jun;45(6):810-2 | 2011 |
Matzke GR, Ross LA, Health-care reform 2010: how will it impact you and your practice? The Annals of pharmacotherapy, 2010 Sep;44(9):1485-91 | 2010 |
Bosso JA, Chisholm-Burns M, Nappi J, Gubbins PO, Ross LA, Benchmarking in academic pharmacy departments. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 2010 Oct 11;74(8):140 | 2010 |
Thompson DF, Farmer KC, Beall DG, Evans DJ, Melchert RB, Ross LA, Schmoll BJ, Identifying perceptions of professionalism in pharmacy using a four-frame leadership model. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 2008 Aug 15;72(4):90 | 2008 |
Ross LA, Crabtree BL, Theilman GD, Ross BS, Cleary JD, Byrd HJ, Implementation and refinement of a problem-based learning model: a ten-year experience. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 2007 Feb 15;71(1):17 | 2007 |
Bouldin MJ, Ross LA, Sumrall CD, Loustalot FV, Low AK, Land KK, The effect of obesity surgery on obesity comorbidity. The American journal of the medical sciences, 2006 Apr;331(4):183-93 | 2006 |
Ross LA, Bloodworth LS, Patient-centered health care using pharmacist-delivered medication therapy management in rural Mississippi. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA, 2012;52(6):802-9 | |
Abstracts | |
Warrington L, Ross LA, Bloodworth LS, Farr LL. Implementation of medication therapy management and patient safety initiatives in a patient-centered medical home. JAPhA. 2012;52(2):257. | 2012 |
Book Chapter | |
Ross BS, Ross LA. Headache Disorders. Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2014 | 2014 |
Editorial Commentary | |
Ross LA. Quality Initiatives in Pharmacy: HRSA Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2013;47:1206-09. | 2013 |
Culhane NS, Brooks A, Cohen V, Couchenour R, Ferreri S, Garrett A, Jackson E, Marciniak MW, Roller L, Ross LA, Roth M, Somma MA, Young EW. Medication therapy management services: application of the core elements in ambulatory settings. ACCP Commentary | 2007 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ross LA. University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy Update, Mississippi Pharmacists Association Mid-Winter Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi | 02/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Implementation of a Non-Traditional Residency Program, 2013 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference, Washington, DC | 08/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Bloodworth LS, Ross LA, Brown MM, Davis CS, Ellis AW, Harrell TK, Pitcock JJ, Riche DM, Sherman JJ, Warrington LE. Educational Model in a Community-Based Research/Service Program, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois | 07/2013 |
Professional Membership and Service
American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Board of Regents | 2013 - Present |
Mississippi Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Committee Chair, Education Committee | 2013 - 2014 |
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Committee Member, Council of Deans | 2008 - Present |
Committee Service
MEDICAL CENTER-MARKETING, Member | 2014 - Present |
Teaching Experience
PRCT 357, Pharmacy, Course, Preceptor, Leadership & Advocacy | Fall 2014 |
PRCT 354, Pharmacy, Small Group, Facilitor, Pharmaceutical Care: Group | Fall 2014 |
Directed Student Learning
Preceptor, Advised: Christa Curtis | 2014 - Present |
Residency Training
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy PGY1 Community Pharmacy Residency Program, Preceptor | 2014 - 06/2015 |