Scott M. Rodgers, MD
Associate Vice Chancellor
SER-Assoc VC Academic Affairs
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5009
Scott Rodgers, M.D., assumed his current role as associate vice chancellor for academic affairs and chief academic officer on April 1, 2022. He is responsible for the Office of Academic Affairs, which supports the academic mission for UMMC’s seven health professions schools in Jackson, Mississippi. Previously he served for over seven years as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, a clinical department within UMMC’s School of Medicine. He is a native of Decatur, Georgia and received his medical degree from Vanderbilt University. He completed his residency training at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), where he served as a chief resident. Rodgers went on to complete his fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry, also at MGH. Prior to his move to UMMC, Rodgers served as the associate dean for medical student affairs at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He currently holds the rank of tenured professor at UMMC.
Harvard Medical School,Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Resident | 2000 |
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital, MD, Chief Resident, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 2000 |
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, MD, Chief Resident, Acute Psychiatry Service | 1998 |
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, MD, Resident and Senior Resident in Psychiatry | 1997 |
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, MD, Medical School | 1994 |
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, PGY-1 Resident in Pediatrics | 1994 |
Duke University, BS, Bachelor of Science in Zoology | 1988 |
Duke University, BS, Bachelor of Arts in German Literature | 1988 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, The American Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 12/2001 - Present |
Certification, The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology | 04/2000 - Present |
Current Positions
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry | 12/2014 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 12/2008 - 12/2014 |
Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry | 12/2008 - 12/2014 |
Associate Dean, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 2007 - 12/2014 |
Assistant Dean, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Student Affairs | 2005 - 12/2006 |
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, School of Medicine | 2005 - 11/2008 |
Master Clinical Teacher, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, School of Medicine | 2004 - 2005 |
Director, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, School of Medicine | 08/2002 - 06/2005 |
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, School of Medicine | 08/2000 - 11/2008 |
Director, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, School of Medicine | 08/2000 - 06/2005 |
Director, Vanderbilt University Children’s Hospital, Nashville, TN, School of Medicine | 08/2000 - 12/2004 |
Chief Resident, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital/ McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, School of Medicine | 2000 - 06/2000 |
Chief Resident, Acute Psychiatry Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, School of Medicine | 07/1997 - 06/1998 |
Psychiatrist (Overnight/Weekends), Charles River Hospital, Wellesley, MA, School of Medicine | 07/1996 - 2000 |
Journal Article | |
Rodgers, S. Transitional Age Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth - Issues of Diversity, Integrated Identities, and Mental Health. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of NA, 2017 | 2017 |
Pilla, M., Yakes, B.A., Allos, B., Fleming, A., Cutrer, W, Rodgers, S., Medical Student Ratings of a Mock Interview Program: Preparing for Success in The Match. Medical Science Educator, (accepted, pending revision). | 2014 |
Fleming, A., Cutrer, B., Moutsios, S., Heavrin, B., Pilla, M., Eichbaum, Q., Rodgers, S. Building Learning Communities around Student-Defined Values: Design and Implementation at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Academic Medicine; 88: 1246-1251 | 2013 |
Apple, R., Rodgers, S., and Allos, B. A Student Guidebook to the USMLE Step 1 Board Examination. AAMC iCollaborative. | 2012 |
Sastre E, Zackoff M, Rodgers S. Vanderbilt Wellness Program: Model and Implementation Guide. MedEdPORTAL | 2012 |
Drolet BC, Rodgers, S. A Comprehensive Medical Student Wellness Program – Design and Implementation at Vanderbilt School of Medicine. Academic Medicine; 85(1): 103-110. | 2010 |
Sastre EA, Burke EE, Silverstein E, Kupperman A, Rymer JA, Davidson MA, Rodgers SM, Fleming AE. Improvements in medical school wellness and career counseling: A comparison of one-on-one advising to an Advisory College Program. Medical Teacher; 32(10) e429-35. | 2010 |
Patel, SG, RR Ahmed, BP Rosenbaum, SM Rodgers Career Guidance and the Web: Bridging the Gap between the AAMC Careers in Medicine Website and Local Career Advising Programs. Teaching and Learning in Medicine; 20(3):230-4 | 2008 |
Jellinek, M, Rodgers, S: Pre-teen Cross-Dresses Contemporary Pediatrics, Vol. 16, No.7; pp. 42-43. | 1999 |
Rodgers, S. Transitional Age Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth - Issues of Diversity, Integrated Identities, and Mental Health. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of NA,2017 | |
Sweeney KR, Fritz RA, Rodgers SM, Careers in medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine: an innovative approach to specialty exploration and selection. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2012 Jul;87(7):942-8 | 2012 |
Ghodasara SL, Davidson MA, Reich MS, Savoie CV, Rodgers SM, Assessing student mental health at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2011 Jan;86(1):116-21 | 2011 |
Drolet BC, Rodgers S, A comprehensive medical student wellness program--design and implementation at Vanderbilt School of Medicine. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2010 Jan;85(1):103-10 | 2010 |
Rosenbaum BP, Gorrindo TL, Patel SG, McTigue MP, Rodgers SM, Miller BM, Medical student involvement in website development. Medical teacher, 2009 Jul;31(7):627-33 | 2009 |
Long DJ, Patel SG, Rosenbaum BP, Rodgers SM, Easing specialty selection with a web-based shadowing programme. Medical education, 2007 Nov;41(11):1090-1 | 2007 |
Letter to the Editor | |
Patel, SG, R Ahmed, BP Rosenbaum, SM Rodgers Local Career Guidance Programs on the Web. Medical Teacher; 29(4):412. | 2007 |
Invited Presentation, Better Understanding and Prevention of Suicide, A Panel Discussion, Everyday Welness Series, Office of Wellbeing, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 07/2018 |
Invited Presentation, Achieving Wellness within the Healthcare Workforce - A Psychiatrist's Perspective, Everyday Welness Series, Office of Wellbeing, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 05/2018 |
Invited Presentation, The One Minute Preceptor, a Model for Clinical Instruction, Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 03/2017 |
Invited Presentation, Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Adolescent Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Patients, 4th Annual HIV/AIDS Health Disparities Conference: Adolescent Sexual Health: Investing in Lifelong Health and Wellness, Jackson, MS | 02/2016 |
Poster Presentation, An Integrated and Coordinated Approach to Psychiatric Training Throughout the First Three Years of Medical School that Emphasizes Early Clinical Exposure and Adult Learning Principles., Paul, I.A., Moulana, M., Rodgers, S.M., ADMSEP Annual Meeting, Excelsior Springs, MO | 2016 |
Community and Mental Health, University of Mississippi Medical Center 2016 Mental Health Conference, Jackson, Ms | 04/2015 |
Invited Lecture, Educational Excellence in Psychiatry at UMMC - A defining Goal, Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of MIssissippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 02/2015 |
Invited Presentation, Medical Student Wellness: Addressing the Issue for Our Trainees and the Patients They Serve., Rodgers, S., Koenig, T., AAMC Webinar - featured speaker for national broadcast | 07/2014 |
Invited Presentation, Vanderbilt School of Medicine Student Wellness Program: Supporting All Dimensions of Student Well-Being, Rodgers, S., Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Medical Education Grand Rounds | 04/2014 |
Invited Presentation, Concurrent Sessions: Escaping the Jaws of Death: Preparing Students for Success in Residency Interviews. (peer-reviewed), Pilla, M., Rodgers, S., et al. AAMC National Group on Student Affairs National Meeting, San Diego, CA | 04/2014 |
Invited Presentation, Concurrent Sessions: Escaping the Jaws of Death: Preparing Students for Success in Residency Interviews. (peer-reviewed), Pilla, M., Rodgers, S., et al. AAMC National Group on Student Affairs National Meeting, San Diego, CA | 04/2014 |
Invited Presentation, Building Bridges to Move Mountains: Clinical Learning Leadership. (peer-reviewed), Brady, D., Rodgers, S., et al. AAMC National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA | 11/2013 |
Invited Presentation, The Vanderbilt Student Wellness and Advisory College Programs - Workshop for Faculty, Rodgers, S., Lincoln Memorial University - DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine | 10/2013 |
Invited Presentation, Hogwart's Houses: The Magic of Learning Communities, Rodgers, S., Penn State Hershey College of Medicine Workshop Presentation, Hershey, PA | 06/2013 |
Invited Presentation, Finding the White Picket Fence in Medical School (WOSR/WGSA: Special Wellness Theme Keynote Address), Rodgers, S., AAMC Western Regional Conference, Irvine, CA | 05/2013 |
Invited Presentation, Well-Being, Attitudes toward Counseling, Willingness to Seek Counseling in Medical Schools with and without Integrated Wellness Programming. (peer-reviewed), Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Borges, N.J., Roman, B., Rodgers, S., Kiraly, C. Association of American Medical College's Central Group on Educational Affairs Spring meeting, Cincinnati, OH | 03/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Well-Being, Attitudes toward Counseling, Willingness to Seek Counseling in Medical Schools with and without Integrated Wellness Programming., Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Borges, N.J., Roman, B., Rodgers, S., Kiraly, C. Association of American Medical College's Central Group on Educational Affairs Spring meeting, Cincinnati, OH | 03/2013 |
Invited Presentation, “I Gotta Be Me!”: Becoming a Doctor without Losing Yourself, an Examination of Medical Student Work/Life Balance. (peer-reviewed), Rodgers, S., Drolet, B., Sturgis, L., Mechaber, H., Nuzzarello, A., AAMC National Meeting, San Francisco, CA | 11/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Assessing the Reception and Impact of the College Colloquium at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine., Kiraly, C., Russell, R., Davidson, M., Rodgers, S., Eichbaum, Q. Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day, Vanderbilt University., Nashville, TN | 10/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Exploratory Investigation of Attitudes toward and Willingness to Seek Help, Stress, and Coping of Medical Students., Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Rodgers, S. & Kiraly, K. Poster presentation for the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL | 08/2012 |
Invited Presentation, Small Group Discussion: Meta/neuro-cognition in the learning community setting as a foundation for teaching the humanities in medical education. (peer-reviewed), . Eichbaum, Q., Fleming, A., Rodgers, S. Southern Group on Educational Affairs, AAMC, Lexington, KY | 04/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Vanderbilt Careers in Medicine: Career Counseling for the Preclinical Medical Student., Fritz, R., Rodgers, S., Fleming, A. CGSA and SGSA Joint Spring Conference Program | 03/2012 |
Invited Presentation, Hogwart’s Houses, How to Create Learning Communities, Rodgers, S. Group on Regional Medical Campuses (GRMC) 2012 Spring Meeting, Nashville, TN | 03/2012 |
Invited Presentation, Creating an Advisory College Program, Rodgers, S., Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Workshop Presentation | 2012 |
Invited Presentation, Student Wellness and Advisory College Programs., . Rodgers, S., Wake Forest School of Medicine Workshop Presentation | 2012 |
Poster Presentation, Assessing the Reception and Impact of the College Colloquium at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine., Kiraly, C., Russell, R., Davidson, M., Rodgers, S., Eichbaum, Q. 2012 Southern Group on Educational Affairs Conference., Lexington, KY. | 2012 |
Invited Presentation, Hogwarts Houses: How to Create Learning Communities, Rodgers, S., University of Colorado School of Medicine Workshop Presentation | 12/2011 |
Poster Presentation, “Assessing the Reception and Impact of the College Colloquium at Vanderbilt School of Medicine.”, Kiraly, C. Russell, R., Rodgers, S., Eichbaum, Q. Learning Communities Institute Conference, Denver, CO | 11/2011 |
Invited Presentation, OSR Breakout Session – The Mentorship Map: How Mentoring Can Help Students Navigate Medical School and Their Careers. (peer-reviewed), Copeland, N., Edeen, R., Jones, L., Rodgers, S. AAMC National Meeting, Denver, CO | 11/2011 |
Poster Presentation, Innovations and Dilemmas in Medical School Learning Communities, Allos BM, Rodgers S. Selection of Faculty Mentors for a Medical School Learning Community. American Association of Medical Colleges, Learning Communities Institute Meeting, Denver, CO | 11/2011 |
Poster Presentation, “College Cup: the Medical School Olympics.”, Nguyen, V., Chen, J., Zackoff, M., Kiraly, C., Rodgers, S., Fleming, A..AMSA Foundation 16th Annual Poster Session | 03/2011 |
Poster Presentation, Assessing the Reception and Impact of the College Colloquium at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine., Kiraly, C., Russell, R., Davidson, M., Rodgers, S., Eichbaum, Q. Learning Communities Institute Conference., Denver, CO | 2011 |
Poster Presentation, Assessing the Reception and Impact of the College Colloquium at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine., Kiraly, C., Russell, R., Davidson, M., Rodgers, S., Eichbaum, Q. Learning Communities Institute Conference., Denver, CO | 2011 |
Poster Presentation, “The College Cup, A Vanderbilt School of Medicine Wellness Initiative.”, Fleming, A., Kiraly, C., Nguyen, V., Chen, J., Rodgers, S. National Learning Communities Conference, Baltimore, MD | 11/2010 |
Poster Presentation, “Assessing Student Mental Health at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine.”, Ghodasara, S., Davidson, M., Reich, M., Savoie, C., Rodgers, S.. 28th Annual Research Forum, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Nashville, TN | 04/2010 |
Invited Presentation, The Double Standard: Equity in Student and Faculty Performance (peer-reviewed), Kavan, M., Dupey, P., Friedlander, D., Rodgers, S. AAMC Combined Central/Southern/Northeast/Western Regional GSA-GDI-OSR Meeting, Austin, TX | 04/2010 |
Platform Presentations, GSA/OSR Plenary: The GSA and OSR Mental Health Services Survey: Serving Our Students’ Well-Being through Innovative Programming peer-reviewed), Kavan, M., Rodgers, SM, Dyrbye, L, Olges, J., AAMC National Meeting | 11/2009 |
Invited Presentation, Psychiatric Evaluation of College Students in the Emergency Room, D’Almeida, T, Rodgers, SM, Grand Rounds Case Conference, Grand Rounds Case Conference | 10/2009 |
Invited Presentation, Fostering Multicultural Appreciation Through Foreign Language Instruction and Programming (peer-reviewed), Rodgers, SM, Fang, F., Hartley, B., AAMC Southern Group on Student Affairs Conference, Dallas, TX | 2009 |
Invited Presentation, A Presentation of the Vanderbilt Student Wellness Program., Rodgers, SM, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA | 2009 |
Invited Presentation, Maximizing CiM Potential: A Look at the Contributions of Students as Leaders at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine (peer-reviewed), Rodgers, SM, Silverstein, E., Sweeney, K., AAMC Careers in Medicine Conference, Savannah, GA | 2009 |
Poster Presentation, VAMOS: Vanderbilt Medicine's Organization for Spanish., Hartley, B., Fang, F., Wolfe, C., Lindell, R., & Rodgers, S., Southern Regional Meeting of GSA//MAS/OSR, Dallas, TX | 2009 |
Poster Presentation, “The Vanderbilt Medical Student Wellness Program.”, Drolet, Brian, Ashley Tauriac, Fiona Fang, Andrew J. Lautz, Fred Ochieng’ , Johanna Riesel , Jennifer Rymer , Sara K. Tedeschi , Scott Rodgers, MD. AAMC Central/Southern Group on Student Affairs Joint Meeting., Destin, FL | 2008 |
Invited Presentation, A Balancing Act: Self Care, Health, and Professional Behavior (peer-reviewed), Rodgers, SM, AAMC National Meeting, Washington, D.C. | 11/2007 |
Invited Presentation, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Clinical Presentation and Differential Diagnosis, Rodgers, SM, Currey-Ingram Academy Continuing Medical Education Symposium – Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Nashville, TN | 02/2007 |
Invited Presentation, Building a Local Careers in Medicine Program – The Vanderbilt Experience (peer-reviewed), Rodgers, SM, Patel, SG, AAMC Careers in Medicine Conference, Salt Lake City, UT | 2007 |
Poster Presentation, “Improving Specialty Choice through a Web-based Physician Shadowing Course.”, Long, Daniel J., Courtney A. Walkowski, Sanjay G. Patel, Benjamin J. Landis, Benjamin P. Rosenbaum, Anamika B. Mukherjee, Scott M. Rodgers, MD., Salt Lake City, UT | 2007 |
Invited Presentation, Ethical and Boundary Issues in Medical Student Affairs and Counseling (peer-reviewed), Rodgers, SM, AAMC National Meeting, Seattle, Washington | 11/2006 |
Poster Presentation, “Student Contributions to Accessible Online Medical Education Resources.”, Rosenbaum, Benjamin P., Tristan L. Gorrindo, MD, Scott M. Rodgers, MD, Bonnie M Miller, MD.AAMC Group on Student Affairs/Minority Affairs Section/Organization of Student Representatives Joint Spring Meeting (GSA/MAS/OSR)., Philadelphia, PA | 2006 |
Poster Presentation, “Career Guidance and the Web: Bridging the Gap between the AAMC Careers in Medicine Website and Local Career Advising Programs.”, Patel, Sanjay G., Rehan R. Ahmed, Benjamin P. Rosenbaum, Albert T. Nguyen, Sofie F. Rahman, Paul Q. Reynolds, Scott M. Rodgers, MD.AAMC Group on Student Affairs/Minority Affairs Section/ Organization of Student Representatives | 2006 |
Poster Presentation, “Wellness Online Forum: Anonymously Assessing Mental Health Needs of Students.”, James, Kevin, Phillip Tennant, Scott Rodgers, MD. AAMC Group on Student Affairs/Minority Affairs Section/Organization of Student Representatives Joint Spring Meeting (GSA/MAS/OSR). | 2006 |
Invited Presentation, Career Guidance and the Web: A Joining of Forces, Rodgers, SM, Patel, SG, AAMC National Meeting, Washington, D.C. | 11/2005 |
Invited Presentations, Childhood Bullies, Rodgers, SM, Family Practice CME Conference, Vanderbilt University Medical Center | 05/2003 |
Invited Presentations, Medication Management of Mood Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Rodgers, SM, Cumberland Pediatric Foundation - Featured Speaker | 2001 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Fellow, American Psychiatry Association | 2018 |
The 2018 Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award, The Arnold P. Gold Foundation | 2018 |
Trailblazer Teaching Award, University of Missisippi School of Medicine | 2017 |
Best Oral Research Presentation, Association of American Medical College's Central Group on Educational Affairs Spring Meeting, Cincinnati, OH | 2013 |
Academy for Excellence in Teaching, Founding Member, Vanderbilt School of Medicine | 2007 |
Presenter of Graduates for Hood and Diploma, Selected by Senior Class, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2005 |
Thomas Brittingham Award - Teaching Award from Academic Programs Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2004 |
Selected for Inclusion in Class of 2004 Composite Photograph (Distinguished Faculty Member), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2004 |
Master Clinical Teacher - $50,000 Award, Dean of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2004 |
Selected for Inclusion in Class of 2003 Composite Photograph (Distinguished Faculty Member), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2003 |
Class Day Faculty Speaker, Selected by Senior Class, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2003 |
CANDLE Award - Teaching and Mentoring Award, Vanderbilt Medical School Student Curriculum Committee | 2003 |
Selected for Inclusion in Class of 2002 Composite Photograph (Distinguished Faculty Member), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2002 |
Cum Laude Graduate, Duke University | 1998 |
Beauchamp Award, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 1994 |
Alpha Omega Alpha, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 1993 |
Justin Potter Scholar, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 1990 |
Professional Membership and Service
American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry | 2018 - Present |
Mississippi State Medical Association | 2018 - Present |
Mississippi Psychiatric Association | 2015 - Present |
American Psychiatric Association | 2015 - Present |
Board of Governors of University Physicians, PLLC, Member | 2015 - Present |
American Academy of Medical Colleges, Member, Group on Student Affairs | 2005 - 2014 |
Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry, Member | 2000 - 2005 |
Cumberland Pediatric Foundation, Member | 2000 - 2005 |
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Member | 2000 - Present |
Committee Service
Academic Leadership Search and Recruit Team | 2018 - Present |
Hinds Behavioral Health Advisory Board | 2017 - Present |
Ad Hoc Clinical Committee (Neuroscience Institute), Member | 2015 - Present |
Council of Clinical Chairs, Member | 2014 - Present |
Executive Faculty Committee, Member | 2014 - Present |
Southern Group on Student Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges, Vice Chair | 2014 - 2015 |
Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions, Vanderbilt School of Medicine | 2012 - 2013 |
Curriculum 2.0: Comprehensive Curricular Revision, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Member | 2011 - Present |
Committee on Health Related Professions, Vanderbilt University | 2011 - 2012 |
LCME Site Visit Steering Committee, Vanderbilt School of Medicine | 2011 - 2013 |
Search Committee for the Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, member, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2011 - 2012 |
Personalized Learning Plan Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2011 - Present |
Curriculum 2.0: Curriculum 2.0 Milestones Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2011 - Present |
Curriculum 2.0: Curriculum 2.0 Steering Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2011 - Present |
Teaching Rewards Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | 2010 - Present |
Southern Region Representative, Committee on Student Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges | 2010 - 2013 |
Shade Tree Clinic Advisory Board, Member | 2009 - Present |
Advisory and Policy Committee, Vanderbilt University | 2009 - Present |
Faculty and Physician Wellness Committee, Vanderbilt University Medical Center | 2008 - Present |
Student Travel Review Committee, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Member | 2008 - Present |
Committee on Health Related Professions, Vanderbilt University, Member | 2007 - Present |
Wellness and Student Life, Vanderbilt University, Member | 2006 - Present |
Diversity Task Force, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Member | 2006 - 2008 |
Promotions Committee, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, ex officio, Member | 2005 - Present |
Admissions Committee, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, ex officio, Member | 2005 - Present |
Undergraduate Medical Education Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, ex officio, Member | 2005 - Present |
Medical Scientist Training Program Faculty Advisory Committee, Member | 2005 - Present |
Medical School Admissions Committee, Member | 2005 - Present |
Health Professions Advisory Committee, Vanderbilt University, Member | 2005 - Present |
Appellate Review Board, Vanderbilt University, Member | 2003 - 2005 |
Pediatrics Credentialing Committee, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Member | 2003 - Present |
Search Committee for Director of Adolescent Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Member | 2002 - Present |
Collaboration Committee Chairman for the new Children’s Hospital between the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Member | 2002 - 2003 |
Clinical Years Review Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Member | |
Executive Faculty, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, ex officio |
Other Service
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Member | 2015 - Present |
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Academic Medicine | 2013 - Present |
Journal of Academic Medicine, Journal Reviewer | 2012 - Present |
German – Intermediate proficiency | |
French – Intermediate proficiency |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Evening Elective Program - Director | Winter 2014 |
Medicine, Mock Interviews - Design, Implementation, and Effectives of a Program to Enhance Senior Medical Student Competitiveness in Residency Applications | Summer 2013 |
Medicine, Clinical Elective Program - Director | Fall 2012 |
Assessing Medical Student Mental Health at Vanderbilt | Winter 2008 - 2011 |
Medicine, Assessing Effectiveness of the Advisory College Program at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine | Winter 2012 - 2012 |
Medicine, Vanderbilt Vamos - Faculty Advisor | Winter 2007 |
Medicine, Vanderbilt School of Medicine Advisory College Program | Winter 2005 |
Medicine, Careers in Medicine (CiM) Program – Faculty Advisor | Fall 2004 |
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Student Wellness Program – Faculty Advisor | Fall 2004 |
Medicine, LGBT, MD – Faculty Advisor | Summer 2004 |
Medicine, Clinical Transaction Project | Spring 2004 - 2005 |
Medicine, Master Clinical Teacher | Winter 2004 - 2005 |
Medicine, Lecturer, 3rd and 4th Year Psychiatry Resident Seminar | Fall 2003 |
Medicine, Lecturer, 2nd Year Medical School Course | Fall 2001 - 2006 |
Medicine, Lecturer, 3rd Year Medical School Clerkship | Fall 2000 - 2012 |
Seminar Leader in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship | Fall 2000 - 2004 |
The Westminster Schools, Atlanta, Science Teacher | Summer 1988 - 1990 |
Elective Program- Director | Fall |