Grazyna K. Rajkowska

Grazyna K. Rajkowska





Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland, PhD, Experimental Neuroanatomy and Neurochemistry1986
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland, PhD, Experimental Neuroanatomy1986
University of Warsaw, Poland and University of St. Petersburg, Soviet Union, MS, Bioloy-Neuroanatomy1979
University of Warsaw, Poland and University of St. Petersburg, Soviet Union, BS, Zoology - Neuroanatomy1978
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, Quantitative Morphology of Human Brain

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry2002 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of , Department of Psychiatry1998 - 2002
Visiting Scientist, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research Amsterdam, Netherlands1997 - 1999
Assistant Professor, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of , Department of Psychiatry1994 - 2007
Assistant Professor, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of , Department of Anatomy1994 - 1998
Associate Research Scientist, Yale University, School of Medicine1993 - 1994
Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University, School of Medicine1989 - 1993
Visiting scientist, Autonomous University of Madrid School of Medicine, Madrid, Spain1988 - 1988
Research Associate, Nencki Institute of Exp. Biology, Polish Academy of Science, School of1987 - 1990
Postdoctoral Associate, Nencki Institute of Exp. Biology, Polish, School of1984 - 1987
Visiting scientist, Institute of Exp. Medicine, Prague, Czechoslovakia1984 - 1984
Graduate School, Nencki Institute of Exp. Biology, Polish Academy of Science, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Dept. of Neurophysiology1980 - 1984
Visiting scientist, Pavlov Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia1980 - 1981
Research Assistant, Nencki Institute of Exp. Biology, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland, School of1979 - 1980
Postdoctoral Associate, Nencki Institute of Exp. Biology, Warsaw, Poland1979 - 1989
Predoctoral student, Institute of Evolutionary Physiologyand Biochemistry, St. Petersburg, Russia1978 - 1979
Undergraduate Student, University of St. Petersburg, Soviet Union and University of Warsaw, Poland1974 - 1979
Head of the Laboratory of Quantitative Neuroanatomy, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Director of the Imaging Core of the Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience, University of Mississippi Medical Center

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, “Epigenetic Risk Factors for Suicide in Comorbid Depression and Alcohol Use Disorder”, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention10/2020 - 09/2022
Extramural, “Hypertension and Inflammation During Pregnancy and Postpartum Health”, NIH07/2019 - 05/2021
Extramural, “Astrocytes and the Pathology of Nodes of Ranvier in Depression”, NIH/NIMH06/2019 - 04/2021
Extramural, “Aging and Emotion Regulation Brain Circuitry in Bipolar Disorder”, NIH/NIMH06/2017 - 02/2022
Extramural, U01,“BRAIN Initiative: Transformative Approaches for Neocortical Cell-Type Classification in the Brain.”, NIMH10/2014 - 09/2017
Extramural, Inmaging Core Agency -P30: "COBRE - Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience", National Institutes of Health/NCRR09/2013 - 08/2018
Extramural, "Involvement of ZnT-1; ZnT-3; ZnT-4, Znt-5, ZnT-6 an MT-3 in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression.", Fundation for Polish Science05/2013 - 06/2015
Extramural, R01/Geriatric Depression: Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes, National Institute of Mental Health12/2012 - 11/2017
Extramural, NCGR NM-INBRE Sequencing and Analysis Pilot Award, National Center for Genome Resources / New Meico-INBRE07/2012 - 06/2013
Extramural, Whole human transcriptome analysis of human orbitofrontal cortex in major depression, National Center for Genome Resources/New Mexico INBRE07/2012 - 06/2013
Extramural, Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience/Vascular and Cortical Cell Pathology in Depression, National Center for Research Resources07/2007 - 06/2012
Extramural, R01/Geriatric Depression: Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes, National Institute of Mental Health12/2006 - 11/2011
Intramural, Glutamate Transporters in the Prefrontal Cortex in Suicide Victims, AFSP- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention09/2006 - 08/2008
Extramural, Conte Center for the Neurobiology of Depression/Cortical Cell Pathology in Depression, National Institute of Mental Health08/2006 - 07/2011
Extramural, P50 Conte Center for the Neurobiology of Depression, NIMH07/2006 - 06/2011
Extramural, Glutamatergic Markers of Astrocytes in Major Depression with Cormorbid Alcoholism, NARSAD-National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia & Depression07/2006 - 06/2008
Extramural, R01/Profiling Gene Expression in Major Depression, National Institute of Mental Health09/2005 - 08/2009
Extramural, R01/Hippocampal Atrophy in Major Depression, National institute of Mental Health12/2003 - 11/2008
Extramural, Alterations of Cortical Synaptic Markers In Alcohol Dependence, NIH: Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence09/2002 - 07/2007
Extramural, Administrative Supplement for Human Postmortem Brain Collection, National Institute of Mental Health09/2002 - 07/2006
Extramural, R01/Neurobiological Basis of Major Psychiatric Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health09/2002 - 08/2006
Extramural, R01/Limbic Dopaminergic System in Major Depression, National Instutite of Mental Health12/2001 - 11/2006
Extramural, Prefrontal Cell Pathology Distinguishes Mental Disorders, R01/National Institute of Mental Health09/2001 - 08/2006
Extramural, Prefrontal Cell Pathology in Vasculr Depression, National Institute of Mental Health09/2001 - 07/2006
Extramural, R01/Reduced Interneuronal Space in the Mini-columns of Schizophrenic Brains, National Institute of Mental Health09/2001 - 08/2006
Extramural, K02/Noradrenergic System in Depression Biology, National Institute of Mental Health03/2001 - 02/2006
Extramural, Histopahtology of the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex in Alcohol-Dependence and Suicide, Alcohol Beverage Medical Research Foundation01/2001 - 12/2002
Extramural, R01/Serotonin Receptors in Suicides with Psychiatric Autopsies, National Institute of Mental Health07/2000 - 06/2002
Extramural, Can Schizophrenia and Depression Be Distinguished in the Prefrontal Cortex Using Immunohistochemistry, NARSAD-National Alliances for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression09/1999 - 08/2002
Extramural, Are Class-Specific Neuronal Markers Altered in the Prefrontal Cortex from Suicide Victims, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention09/1999 - 08/2000
Extramural, R29/Neuronal Organization of Frontal Cortex in Depression, National Institute of Mental Health01/1997 - 12/2002
Extramural, Computerized 3D Brain Atlas of Human Prefrontal Cortex, NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization12/1996 - 12/1998
Extramural, Are Dopamine Mechanisms Affected in Alcohol Dependence? A Post-Mortem Study, Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation10/1996 - 10/1997
Extramural, R01/Serotonin Receptors in Suicides with Psychiatric Autopsies, National Institute of Mental Health04/1996 - 03/1999
Extramural, Morphometric Evaluation of Prefrontal Cortex in Depressive Disorders, NARSAD-National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia & Depression07/1995 - 06/1998


Journal Article

Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, Maciag D, Sathyanesan M, Iyo AH, Moulana M, Kyle PB, Woolverton WL, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Newton SS. Oligodendrocyte Morphometry and Expression of Myelin-Related mRNA in Ventral Prefrontal White Matter in Major Depressive Disorder. J Psychiatry Res,
Duncan J, Wang N, Zhang X, Johnson S, Harris S, Zheng B, Zhang Q, Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Sittman D, Ou XM, Stockmeier CA, Wang JM. Chronic Social Stress and Ethanol Increase Expression of KLF11, a Cell Death Mediator, in Rat Brain. Neurotox Res. 2015 Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print]2015
Setiawan E, Wilson AA, Mizrahi R, Rusjan PM, Miler L, Rajkowska G, Suridjan I, Kennedy JL, Rekkas PV, Houle S, Meyer JH. Role of translocator protein density, a marker of neuroinflammation, in the brain during major depressive episodes. JAMA Psychiatry, 2015, 72:268-275.2015
Johnson S, Duncan J, Hussain SA, Chen G, Luo J, McLaurin C, Warren M, Rajkowska G, Ou X , Stockmeier CA, Wang J. The IFNy-PKR pathway in the prefrontal cortex reactions to chronic excessive alcohol use. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2015, in press2015
Samara Z, Evers EAT, Goulas A, Uylings H, Rajkowska G, Ramaekers J, Stiers P. Human orbitomedial prefrontal cortex: Intrinsic connectivity parcellation and its functional organization. J Neurosci, 2015, submitted.2015
Rubinow MJ, Mahajan G, May W, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Steffens DC, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Basolateral Amygdala Volume and Cell Numbers in Major Depressive Disorder: A Postmortem Stereological Study. Brain Struct and Funct. 2014 Oct 7. [Epub ahead of print]2014
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wilson BA, Hussain SA, Meshram AV, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Reduced immunolabeling of connexin 43 in the orbitofrontal cortex in alcohol dependence and depression. J Psychiatry Res. 2014; 55:101-9, PubMed2014
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Whittom A, Villarreal A, Soni M, Meshram A, Pickett JC, Rajkowska G, and Stockmeier CA. Apoptosis-related proteins and proliferation markers in the orbitofrontal cortex in major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 2014 158: 62-70.2014
Udemgba C, Johnson S, Stockmeier CA, Luo J, Paul R. Albert PR, Wang J, May WL, Rajkowska G, Harris S, Sittman DB, Ou X. The Expression of KLF11 (TIEG2), a MAO B-transcriptional activator in the Prefrontal Cortex of Human Alcohol Dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014 38:144-51.2014
Chiuccariello L, Houle S, Miler L, Cooke RG, Rusjan PM, Rajkowska G, Levitan RD, Kish SJ, Kolla NJ, Ou X, Wilson AA, Meyer JH. Elevated monoamine oxidase A binding during major depressive episodes is associated with greater severity and reversed neurovegetative symptoms. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2014 39: 973-80. doi: 10.1038/npp.2013.297.2014
Lucassen PJ, Pruessner J, Sousa N, Almeida OFX, Van Dam AM, Rajkowska G, Swaab DF, Czéh B. Neuropathology of stress. Acta Neuropathol, 2014; 127:109-35. DOI 10.1007/s00401-013-1223-5.2014
Whittom A, Villarreal A, Soni M, Owusu-Duku B, Meshram A, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ. Markers of apoptosis induction and proliferation in the orbitofrontal cortex in alcohol dependence. Alcohol Clin and Exp Res., 2014, 38:2790-9.2014
Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Astrocyte pathology in major depressive disorder: insights from human postmortem brain tissue. Curr Drug Targets. 2013 Oct;14(11):1225-36.2013
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Jiang W, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Stockmeier CA, Steffens DC, Krishnan KR, Rajkowska G. Morphometric analysis of vascular pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex of older subjects with major depression. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Sep;28(9):959-70. doi: 10.1002/gps.3911. Epub 2012 Dec 3.2013
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D. Coverage of blood vessels by astrocytic endfeet is reduced in major depressive disorder. Biol. Psychiatry 73:613-21.2013
Cobb JA, Simpson J, Mahajan GJ, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Hippocampal volume and total cell numbers in major depressive disorder. J Psychiatr Res. 47: 299-306.2013
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Jiang W, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Stockmeier CA, Steffens DC, Krishnan KR, Rajkowska G. Morphometric analysis of vascular pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex of older subjects with major depression. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 28: 959-70.2013
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier CA, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D Coverage Of Blood Vessels By Astrocytic Endfeet Is Reduced In Major Depression. Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Apr 1;73(7):613-21. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.09.024. Epub 2012 Nov 10.2012
Cobb JA, Simpson J, Mahajan GJ, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Hippocampal volume and total cell number in major depressive disorder. Program No. 358.07. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience2012
Kang HJ, Voleti B, Hajszan T, Rajkowska G,
Stockmeier CA, Licznerski P, Lepack A, Majik MS, Jeong LS, Banasr M, Son H, Duman RS Decresed Expression of Synapse-Related Genes and Loss of Synapses in Major Depressive Disorder. Nat Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 March 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Med. 2012 September; 18(9): 1413–1417. doi: 10.1038/nm.2886
Zhu H, Urban DJ, Blashka J, McPheeters MT, Kroeze WK, Mieczkowski P, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Mahajan GJ, Rajkowska G, Wang Z, Sullivan PF, Stockmeier CA, Roth BL. Quantitative Analysis of Focused A-to-I RNA Editing Sites by ultra-high-throughput Sequencing in Psychiatric Disorders. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43227. Epub 2012 Aug 17.2012
Kang HJ, Voleti B, Hajszan T, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Licznerski P, Lepack
A, Majik MS, Jeong LS, Banasr M, Son H, Duman RS. Decreased expression of
synapse-related genes and loss of synapses in major depressive disorder.
Nat Med. 18: 1413-1417.
Johnson S, Stockmeier CA, Meyer JH, Austin MC, Albert PR, Wang J, May WL, Rajkowska G, Johnson C, Sittman DB, Ou X. The reduction of R1, a Novel Repressor Protein for monoamine oxidase a, in Major Depressive Disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology: 2011 Sep;36(10):2139-48. doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.105. Epub 2011 Jun 8. PMID:216547402011
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Nithuairisg S, Deborah Briggs, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Comparison of the distribution of the Cell-Adhesion Protein ICAM-1 in the Orbitofrontal Cortex between young and old subjects with major depression. J Affect Disord. 2011 Aug;132(3):422-31. Epub 2011 May 4. PMID: 215363332011
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stuckey J, Jiang J, Seligman S, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY , Jurjus G, Stockmeier CA and Krishnan RR. Depression in elderly is associated with blood vessels morphopathology in lateral orbitofrontal cortex. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry2011
Zhang X, Nicholls PJ, Laje G, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Albert PR, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Speer MC, Steffens DC, Austin MC, McMahon FJ, Krishnan KRR, Garcia-Blanco MA, Caron MG. A Functional Alternative Splicing Mutation in Human Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2. Mol Psychiatry 16: 1169-76.2011
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Dieter L, Konick L, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Vascular and extravascular immunoreactivity for intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in the orbitofrontal cortex of subjects with major depression: age-dependent changes. J Affect Disord. 2011; 132:422-31.2011
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Waltzer R, Whittom AA, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Glial and Glutamatergic Markers in Depression, Alcoholism, and their Comorbidity J Affect Disord. 2010 Dec;127(1-3):230-40. Epub 2010 Jun 26. PMID: 205800952010
Zhang X, Nicholls PJ, Laje G, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Albert PR, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Speer MC, Steffens DC, Austin MC, McMahon FJ, Krishnan KRR, Garcia-Blanco MA, Caron MG. A Functional Alternative Splicing Mutation in Human Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 Mol Psychiatry (2010): 1-8. PMID:208562482010
Szewczyk B, Albert PA, Rogaeva A, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, May W, Rajkowska G. Stockmeier CA, Austin MC Decreased expression of Freud-1/CC2C1A, a transcriptional repressor of the 5-HT1A receptor, in the prefrontal cortex of subjects with major depression. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 13: 1089-1101. NIHMSID:1837322010
Johnson S, Tazik S, Lu D, Johnson C, Youdim MB, Wang J, Rajkowska G, Ou XM The New Inhibitor of Monoamine Oxidase, M30, has a Neuroprotective Effect Against Dexamethasone-Induced Brain Cell Apoptosis Front Neurosci. 2010 Nov 2;4:180. PMID: 211030122010
Uylings HB*, Sanz–Arigita EJ, de Vos K, Pool CW, Zilles K, Rajkowska G.*
*=Both authors contributed equally. 3-D cytoarchitectonic parcellation of human orbitofrontal cortex. Correlation with postmortem MRI. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 183:1-20
Van De Werd HJJM, Rajkowska G, Uylings HBM. Cytoarchitectonic characterization of the prefrontal cortical areas in the mouse. J. Brain Structure & Functions 2010 214: 339-353. NIHMSID:1837562010
Maciag D, Hughes J, O’Dwyer G, Pride Y, Stockmeier C, Sanacora G, Rajkowska G. Reduced Density of Calbindin Immunoreactive GABAergic Neurons in the Occipital Cortex in Major Depression: Relevance to Neuroimaging Studies. Biol. Psychiatry. 2010; NIHMS156136.2010
Karolewicz B, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, O’Dwyer G, and Rajkowska G (2010). Reduced Level of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-67 kDa in the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacology13:411-420. NIHMS1401352010
Ou X, Lu D, Johnson C, Chen K, Youdim MBH, Rajkowska G, Shih JC. Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase–Monoamine Oxidase B-Mediated Cell Death-Induced by Ethanol is Prevented by Rasagiline and 1-R-Aminoindan. Neurotoxicity Research. 2009; 16: 148-159.2009
Van Otterloo E, O’Dwyer G, Stockmeier C, Steffens D, Krishnan RR and Rajkowska G. Neuronal reductions in elderly depressed are region specific. Intern. J Geriatric Psychiatry. 2009; 24:856-864.2009
Stockmeier CA, Howely E, Shi X, Trojecka A, Clarke G, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus G, Meltzer HY, Firedman L, Rajkowska G. Antagonist but not agonist Labeling of Serotonin-1A Receptors is Decreased in Major Depressive Disorder. J Psychiatry Research, doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2009.01.0012009
Szewczyk B, Albert PA, Burns AM, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Konick LC, Dieter L, Herbst N, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Austin MC. Gender-Specific Decrease in NUDR and 5-HT1A Receptor Proteins in the Prefrontal Cortex of Subjects with Major Depressive Disorder. Inter. J. Neuropsychopharm. 2009; 12:155-168.2009
Karolewicz B, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, O’Dwyer G, and Rajkowska G. Reduced Level of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-67 kDa in the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression. Int. J of Neuropsychopharmacology;doi:10.1017/S1461145709990587. NIHMS1401352009
Stockmeier CA, Howely E, Shi X, Trojecka A, Clarke G, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus G, Meltzer HY, Firedman L, Rajkowska G Antagonist but not agonist Labeling of Serotonin-1A Receptors is Decreased in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Psychiatry Research.20092009
Sanches M, Caetano S, Nicoletti M, Monkul ES, Chen HH, Hatch JP, Yeh PH, Mullis RL, Keshavan MS, Rajkowska G, Soares JC. An MRI-based approach for the measurement of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in humans. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2009; 173:150-154.2009
Szewczyk B, Albert PA, Burns AM, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Konick LC, Dieter L, Herbst N, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Austin MC Gender-Specific Decrease in NUDR and 5-HT1A Receptor Proteins in the Prefrontal Cortex of Subjects with Major Depressive Disorder International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008; 11:1-142008
Uylings* HB, Sanz–Arigita EJ, de Vos K, Pool CW, Zilles K and Rajkowska G. 3-D cytoarchitectonic parcellation of human orbitofrontal cortex. Correlation with postmortem MRI. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging2007
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Nithuairisg S, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G Distribution of ICAM-1 immunoreactivty in the human orbitofrontal cortex Brain Behavior and Immunity. 2007; 21: 100-1112007
Kang HJ, Adams DH , Lin A , Simen BS , Rajkowska G , Stockmeier C , Overholser J , Meltzer HY , Jurjus G , Konick L , Newton SS , and Duman RS Gene expression profiling of postmortem prefrontal cortex of major depressive disorder Journal of Neuroscience. 2007; 27:13329-133402007
Rajkowska G, O’Dwyer G, Teleki Z, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ Reduction in calbindin-immunoreactive GABA interneurons in the prefrontal cortex in major depression Neuropsychopharmacology. 2007; 32:471-4822007
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Overholser J, Meltzer HY, Stockmeier CA and Rajkowska G. Reduced glial and neuronal packing density in the orbitofrontal cortex in alcohol dependence and its relationship to suicide and duration of alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 30:1845-1855.2006
Colombo JA, Reisin HD, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ and Rajkowska G. Cerebral cortex astroglia and the brain of a genius: a propos of A. Einstein's. Brain Research Reviews 52:257-263. 2006.2006
Uylings HBM. , Rajkowska G, Sanz Arigita E, Amunts K and Zilles K. Consequences of large interindividual variability for human brain atlases: converging macroscopical imaging and microscopical neuroanatomy. Anat Embryology (Berl) 210: 423-431. 2005.2005
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Dubey P, Stockmeier CA and Krishnan RR. Prominent reduction in pyramidal neurons density in the orbitofrontal cortex of elderly depressed patients. Biol. Psychiatry 58: 297-306. 2005.2005
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Dubey P, Shao Q, C. Stockmeier and Rajkowska G. Unchanged packing density but altered size of neurofilament immunoreactive neurons in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia and major depression. Schizophrenia Research 76: 159-171. 2005.2005
Si X, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, O’Dwyer G, Stockmeier CA, and Rajkowska, G. Age-dependent reductions in the level of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein in the prefrontal cortex in major depression. Neuropsychopharmacology 29: 2088-2096. 2004.2004
Stockmeier CA, Mahajan G, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus G, Meltzer HY, Uylings, HBM, Friedman L, and Rajkowska, G. Cellular changes in the postmortem hippocampus in major depression. Biological Psychiatry 56:640-650. 2004.2004
Stockmeier, CA and Rajkowska, G. Cellular abnormalities in depression: evidence from postmortem brain tissue. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 6:371-388. 2004.2004
Selemon L, Rajkowska G, and Goldman-Rakic PS Evidence for progression in prefrontal cortical pathology in late-stage Huntington’s disease. J. Comp. Neurology 468:190-204. 2004.2004
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ and Rajkowska G Comparison of prefrontal cell pathology between depression and alcohol dependence. J. Psychiatric Research 37:411-420. 2003.2003
Piletz JE, Ordway GA, Zhu H, Rajkowska G, Klimek V and Halaris A Decreased reatio of [3H]-Clonidine binding to a2-adrenoreceptors and imidazoline sites in prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide victims. J. Psychiatric Research 37:399-409. 2003.2003
Rajkowska G Depression: What we can learn from postmortem studies. Neuroscientist. 2003; 9:273-284.2003
Selemon L and Rajkowska G Cellular pathology in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex distinguishes schizophrenia from bipolar disorder. Current Molecular Medicine 3: 427-436.2003.2003
Rajkowska G Neurohistological findings in affective disorders. Psychoses. 2003; 8:5-8 (in Japanese).2003
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wei J, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Stockmeier CA and Rajkowska G Glia pathology in the prefrontal cortex in alcohol dependence with and without depressive symptoms. Biological Psychiatry 52:1121-1133. 2002.2002
Rajkowska, G. Cell Pathology in mood disorders. Seminars in Clinical Neuropsychiatry. 2002; 7:1-12.2002
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Makkos Z, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Stockmeier CA. Layer-specific astroglia pathology in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 57:127-138. 2002.2002
Selemon LD, Goldman-Rakic PS and Rajkowska G. Two-Dimension versus Three-Dimension cell counting. Biological Psychiatry. 2002; 51: 837-939.2002
Rajkowska G. Cell pathology in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders. 2002; 4: 1-12.2002
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ and Rajkowska G. Morphological brain changes in depression: can antidepressants reverse them? Journal of CNS Drugs. 2002; 16: 361-372.2002
Stockmeier CA, Shi X, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus G, Meltzer HY, Friedman L, Blier P, and Rajkowska G. Neurokinin-1 receptors are decreased in major depressive disorder. Neuroreport:13:1217-1220. 2002.2002
Rajkowska G, Halaris A, Selemon LD. Reductions in neuronal and glial density characterize the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in bipolar disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2001; 49:741-752.2001
Manji HK, Moore GJ, Rajkowska G, Chen G. Neuroplasticity and Cellular Resilience in Mood Disorders. Millennium Article. Molecular Psychiatry. 2000; 5: 578-593.2000
Chen G, Rajkowska G, Seraji-Bozorgzad N Du F and Manji HK Enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis by lithium. J. Neurochem. 2000; 75: 1729-1734.2000
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Baucom Ch, Dilley G, Overholser J, Meltzer H, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G. GFAP immunoreactivity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex separates young from old adults with major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 48 (2000) 860-872. 2000.2000
Rajkowska G. Postmortem studies in mood disorders indicate altered numbers of neurons and glial cells. Biological Psychiatry. 2000; 48: 766-777.2000
Bligh-Glover W, Kolli TN, Shapiro Kulnane L, Dilley GE, Friedman L, Balraj E, Rajkowska G, and Stockmeier CA The serotonin transporter in the midbrain of suicide victims with major depression. Biological Psychiatry. 2000; 47: 1015-1024.2000
Rajkowska G. Histopathology of the prefrontal cortex in depression: what does it tell us about dysfunctional monoaminergic circuits. Progress in Brain Research 2000; 126:397-412.2000
Uylings HBM, Sanz-Arigita E, DeVos K. Pool CW, Schleicher A, Rajkowska G and Zilles K The importance of a human 3D database and atlas for studies of prefrontal and thalamic functions. Progress in Brain Research 2000; 126: 357-368.2000
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. Immunohistochemistry of neural markers for the study of the laminar cytoarchitecture in celloidin sections from the human cerebral cortex. J.Neurosci. Methods. 1999; 93: 69-79.1999
Klimek V, Rajkowska G, Luker SN, Dilley G, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Stockmeier CA and Ordway GA Brain noradrenergic receptors in major depression and schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1999; 21: 70-81.1999
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wei J, Pittman SD, Dilley G, Overholser J, Meltzer H and Stockmeier C Morphometric evidence for neuronal and glial prefrontal cell pathology in major depression. Biological Psychiatry. 1999; 45:1085-1098.1999
Uylings HBM, Zilles K and Rajkowska G Optimal staining methods for cortical areal delineation and neuron counts in human brains. NeuroImage, 9: 439-445. 1999.1999
Stockmeier CA, Dilley GE, Shapiro LA, Kolli T, Thompson PA and Rajkowska G Increase in serotonin-1A autoreceptors in the midbrain of suicide victims with major depression - postmortem evidence for decreased serotonin activity? J.Neuroscience 18:7394-7401. 1998.1998
Selemon LD, Rajkowska G and Goldman-Rakic PS Elevated neuronal density in prefrontal area 46 in brains from schizophrenic patients: Application of a 3-Dimensional, stereologic counting method. J. Comp. Neurology 392:402-412. 1998.1998
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD and Goldman-Rakic PS. Neuronal and glial somal size in the prefrontal cortex : a postmortem study of schizophrenia and Huntington's disease. Arch. General Psychiatry. 1998; 55:215-224.1998
Druga R, Syka J, and Rajkowska G. Quantitative evaluation of the distribution of neurons projecting from auditory cortex to the inferior colliculus. Physiol. Res. 46: 215-222. 1997.1997
Selemon LD, Rajkowska G and Goldman-Rakic PS. Abnormally high neuronal density in the schizophrenic cortex: a morphometric analysis of prefrontal area 9 and occipital area 17. Arch. General Psychiatry 52: 805-818. 1995.1995
Rajkowska G and Goldman-Rakic PS. Cytoarchitectonic definition of prefrontal areas in the normal human cortex: I. quantitative criteria for distinguishing areas 9 and 46. Cerebral Cortex V (4): 307-322. 1995.1995
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Obukhov DK, Markow* G, Rustamov EK. The structure of the olfactory bulb in sturgeons. J. Evol. Biochem. and Physiol. XVI: 599-605. 1980.1980

Review Article

Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ. Gliogenesis and Glial Pathology in Depression. CNS and Neurological Disorders – Drug Targets. 2007; 6:219-2332007


Rajkowska G, Legutko B, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo J. Astrocyte pathology in the ventral prefrontal white matter in major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 2015, in press.2015
Riaz MS, Mahajan G, Devitt N, Ramaraj T, Schilkey FD, Umylny B, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Whole transcriptome expression in selected layers of orbitofrontal cortex in women with major depressive disorder. Abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – 53nd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. December 7-11, 2014.2014
Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, Sathyanesan M, Iyo A, Moulana M, Kyle P, Woolverton W, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Stockmeier C, Newton S. Oligodendrocyte morphometry and expression of myelin-related mRNA in ventral prefrontal white matter in major depressive disorder. Abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – 53nd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. December 7-11, 2014.2014
Setiawan E, Wilson A, Mizrahi R, Rusjan P, Miler L, Rajkowska G, Suridjan I, Kennedy J, Rekkas V, Houle S, Meyer J. Increased Neuroinflammation in major depressive disorder in relation to symptoms severity. Abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – 53nd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. December 7-11, 2014.2014
Rubinow MJ, Mahajan G, May W, OverholserJC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Steffens DC, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Basolateral amygdala volume and cell numbers in major depressive disorder: a postmortem stereological study. Abstracts of Graduate School Research Day, Jackson, MS. October 24, 2014.2014
Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Imaging core facility of the COBRE Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience. Abstracts of Graduate School Research Day, Jackson, MS. October 24, 2014.2014
Johnson S, Hussain SA, Chen G, Luo J, Mclaurin C, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Ou X, Wang J. Alcohol exposure increases double-stranded RNA activated protein kinase (PKR) in the human and rat prefrontal cortex. Abstracts of the 37th Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA, June 21-25, 2014.2014
Riaz MS, Mahajan G, Devitt N, Ramaraj T, Schilkey FD, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Applied Neurotechnologies for Discovery-Based Research in Depression. NIH, NIGMS Fifth Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE). June 16 - 18, 2014, Washington, DC.2014
Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C. Imaging core facility of the COBRE Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience. Abstracts of Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS. January 17, 2014.2014
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Villarreal AM, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Increased ratio of smac/diablo to inhibitor of apoptosis xiap in the orbitofrontal gray matter in major depressive disorder. Abstracts of Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS. January 17, 2014.2014
Lucassen PJ, Pruessner J, Sousa N, Almelda OF, Van Dam AM, Rajkowska G, Swaab DF, Czeh B. Neuropathology of stress. Acta Neuropathol. 2014 Jan;127(1):109-35. dol:10.1007/s00401-013-1223-5. Epub 2013 Dec 8.2014
Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Sathyanesan SN. Reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA in the postmortem orbitofrontal cortex in major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 2014, 75: 40S2014
Setiawan E, Wilson AA, Mizrahi R, Rusjan PM, Miler L, Kennedy JL, Suridjan I, Rajkowska G, Rekkas V, Houle S, Meyer JH. Greater translocator protein distribution volume during major depressive episodes of major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 2014; 75: 91S.2014
Meyer JH, Setiawan E, Wilson AA, Mizrahi R, Rusjan PM, Miler L, Kennedy J, Suridjan I, Rajkowska G, Rekkas V, Houle S. Greater translocator protein distribution volume during major depressive episodes of major depressive disorder. Abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – 52nd Annual Meeting, Hollywood, Florida. December 8-12, 2013.2013
Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C. Imaging core facility of the COBRE Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience. Abstracts of 2013 Regional IDeA Meeting. Little Rock, AR. November 15-16.2013
Chiuccariello L, Houle S, Miler L, Cooke RG, Rusjan PM, Rajkowska G, Levitan RD, Kish SJ, Kolla NJ, Ou X, Wilson AA, Meyer JH. Elevated Monoamine Oxidase A Binding During Major Depressive Episodes Is Associated with Greater Severity and Reversed Neurovegetative Symptoms. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013 Oct 24. doi: 10.1038/npp.2013.297. [Epub ahead of print]2013
Udemgba C, Johnson S, Stockmeier CA, Luo J, Albert PR, Wang J, May WL, Rajkowska G, Harris S, Sittman DB, Ou XM. The Expression of KLF11 (TIEG2), a Monoamine Oxidase B Transcriptional Activator in the Prefrontal Cortex of Human Alcohol Dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Aug 5. doi: 10.1111/acer.12229. [Epub ahead of print]2013
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D. Incomplete coverage of blood vessels by aqp4-ir astrocytic endfeet in orbitofrontal cortex in major depression. Biological Psychiatry 2013, in press.2013
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Villarreal AM, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Increased ratio of smac/diablo to inhibitor of apoptosis xiap in the orbitofrontal gray matter in major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2013, in press.2013
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D. Incomplete coverage of blood vessels by aqp4-ir astrocytic endfeet in orbitofrontal cortex in major depression. Biological Psychiatry 73: 154S, 2013.2013
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Villarreal AM, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Increased ratio of smac/diablo to inhibitor of apoptosis xiap in the orbitofrontal gray matter in major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry 73: 154S, 2013.2013
Zhu H, Urban DJ, Blashka J, Mcpheeters MT, Kroeze WK, Mieczkowski P, Overholser JC, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Mahajan GJ, Rajkowska G, Wang Z, Sullivan PF, Stockmeier CA, Roth BL. Quantitati Analysis of Focused A-toI RNA Editing Sites by ultra-high-throughput Sequencing in Psychiatric Disorder. PLoS On. 2012;7(8):E43227. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043277. Epub 2012 Aug 17.2012
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D. Coverage Of Blood Vessels By Astrocytic Endfeet Is Reduced In Major Depression. Abstracts of 2012 IDeA Meeting. Washington, DC, June 25-27.2012
Riaz MS, Duncan J, Mahajan G, Cobb JA, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Rajkowska G, Duric V, Duman RS, Stockmeier CA. Calbindin immunoreactive GABA neurons in temporal lobe in major depressive disorder (MDD). 2012 New Mexico BioInformatics, Science and Technology Symposium (NMBIST) on functional genomics. 2012 in Santa Fe, NM.2012
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wilson BA, Meshram A, Rajkowska G, Hussain S, Stockmeier CA. Biochemical and immunohistochemical evidence for reduced Gap junction-forming connexin 43 in the orbitofrontal cortex in alcohol dependence and depression. Biological Psychiatry 71: 55S, 2012.2012
Duncan J, Wang J, Stockmeier C. A., Meyer JH, Albert PR, Johnson S, Paul IA, Rajkowska G and Ou X. Chronic social stress decreases the protein expression of R1, a transcriptional repressor of MAO A, in the prefrontal cortex of rats. Biological Psychiatry 71: 49S, 2012.2012
Kang H, Hajszan T, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C, Licznerski P, Voleti B, Lepack A, Banasr M, Son H, Duman R. Identification of a novel transcriptional repressor of synapse related genes in Major Depressive Disorder. Program No. 827.08. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.2012
Rubinow MJ, Mahajan G, May W, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Albert PR, Daigle M, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Influence of major depressive disorder on basolateral amygdala volume and cell numbers: a postmortem stereological study. Biological Psychiatry 71: 49S, 2012.2012
Stockmeier CA, Simpson J, Mahajan G, Overholser J, Dieter L, Herbst N, Jurjus G, May W, Rajkowska G, Cobb J. Hippocampal volume and cell number in major depressive disorder. Program No. 358.07. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.2012
Rubinow MJ, Mahajan G, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Influence of Major Depressive Disorder on the Volume and Number of Neurons, Glia, and Perivascular Cells in the Basolateral Amygdala: a Postmortem Stereological Study. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 50th Annual Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii. December 3-8, 20112011
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier C, Miguel Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D. Incomplete Coverage of Blood Vessels in Orbitofrontal Cortex by Astrocytic End-feet in Major Depressive Disorder. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 50th Annual Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii. December 3-8, 20112011
JJ Miguel-Hidalgo, Whittom A, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Relationship of apoptotic marker caspase 8 and proliferation marker PCNA in the orbitofrontal cortex in depression and alcoholism. Abstract for the Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS, November 30, 20112011
Riaz MS, Duncan J, Mahajan G, Cobb J, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Calbindin immunoreactive GABA neurons in temporal lobe in major depressive disorder (MDD. Abstract for the Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS, November 30, 2011.2011
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Dieter L, Konick L, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Vascular and extravascular immunoreactivity for intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 in the orbitofrontal cortex of subjects with major depression: age-dependent changes. Affect Disord. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 August 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Affect Disord. 2011 August; 132(3): 422–431. Published online 2011 May 4. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2011.03.052
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Newton SS, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, stockmeier C, Maciag D. Coverage of Orbitofrontal Cortex (ORB) Vessels by Astrocytic End-feet is Reduced in Major Depression. Abstracts of 2011 SE Regional IDeA Meeting. New Orleans, LA. September 22-242011
Rajkowska G, Hughes J, Stockmeier C, Miguel- Hidalgo JJ, Maciag D. Coverage of Orbitofrontal Cortex (ORB) Vessels by Astrocytic End-feet is Reduced in Major Depression. Biol. Psychiatry 2011; 69: 133S2011
Rubinow M, Mahajan G, May W, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Albert PR, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Influence of HTR1A promoter polymorphism and major depressive disorder on amygdala volume and cellular makeup: a postmortem stereological study. Abstracts of 2011 SE Regional IDeA Meeting. New Orleans, LA. September 22-242011
MJ. Rubinow, Gouri Mahajan, JC. Overholser, G J. Jurjus, L Dieter, N Herbst, J J. Miguel-Hidalgo, G. Rajkowska, CA. Stockmeier Influence of Major Depressive Disorder on the Volume and Total Number of Neurons, Glia, and Perivascular Cells in the Human Basolateral Amygdala: a Postmortem Stereological Study Biol. Psychiatry 2011; 69: 35S2011
J.J. Miguel Hidalgo, A. Whittom, J.C. Overholser, G.J. Jurjus, L. Dieter, G. Rajkowska, C.A. Stockmeier Relationship of apoptosis marker caspase 8 and proliferation marker PCNA to age in the orbitofrontal cortex in depression and alcoholism Biol. Psychiatry 2011; 69: 156S2011
Legutko B, Mahajan G, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G White Matter Astrocytes are Reduced in Depression Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting abstracts. October 20112011
Stockmeier CA, Cobb JA, O'Neill K, Milner JN, Simpson J, Lawrence TJ, Mahajan G, May W, Rajkowska G. Astrocytic Alterations in Postmortem Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.242010
Rajkowska G, Dickerson J, Maciag D, O’Dwyer G, Pride Y, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Newton SS Blood vessel pathology and alterations in gene expression of angiogenic factors in the orbitofrontal cortex in Major depression Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.212010
Legutko B, Abel K, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wang Z, Kyle P, Woolverton W, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G Fluoxetine Treatment Does Not Alter Density or Size of CNPase-Immunoreactive Oligodendrocytes in Prefrontal White Matter in Rhesus Monkeys Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.172010
Riaz MS, Mahajan G, Duncan J, Miguel- Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA GABA immunoreactive Neurons in the Temporal Lobe in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.222010
Cobb JA, Mahajan G, Simpson J, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA Hipocampal volume & cell number in major depressive disorder (MDD) Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.112010
Rajkowska G, Maciag D, Iyo A, Austin M, Stockmeier CA Oligodendrocyte Gene and Protein Expression is Altered in the Medio-Ventral Prefrontal White Matter Bundle in Major Depression Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.182010
Chandran A, Goswami DB, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Austin MC, Rajkowska G, Stockemeier CA, Karolewicz B Reduced level of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 gene expression in parvalbumin immunoreactive GABAergic neurons isolated by laser capture microdissection from the prefrontal cortex of depressed subjects Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.102010
Rubinow MJ, Mahajan G, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA Volume, Number of Neurons, and Number of Glia in the Basolateral Amygdala in Major Depressive Disorder: A Postmortem Stereological Study Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, December 1, 2010: p.222010
Stockmeier CA, Cobb JA, O'Neill K, Milner JN, Simpson J, Lawrence TJ, Mahajan G, May W, Rajkowska G Astrocytic Alterations in Postmortem Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Biological Psychiatry 67:(9S) 182, 2010.2010
Rajkowska G, Dickerson J, Maciag D, O’Dwyer G, Pride Y, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Newton SS Blood vessel pathology and alterations in gene expression of angiogenic factors in the orbitofrontal cortex in Major depression Biol Psychiatry. 2010;67:56S2010
Legutko B, Abel K, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wang Z, Kyle P, Woolverton W, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G Fluoxetine Treatment Does Not Alter Density or Size of CNPase-Immunoreactive Oligodendrocytes in Prefrontal White Matter in Rhesus Monkeys. Biol Psychiatry. 2010;67:54S.2010
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G Pathology of astroglia, GABA interneurons and pyramidal glutamatergic neurons in postmortem prefrontal cortex in major depression: relevance to neuroimaging studies. The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 20, Supplement 3: S2072010
Bissette G, Stockmeier C, Vale W, Rajkowska G Urocortin III protein is not increased in the dlFC of Major Depressed Subjects. San Diego Society for Neuroscience, 2010 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Program No2010
Rubinow MJ, Mahajan G, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA Volume, Number of Neurons, and Number of Glia in the Basolateral Amygdala in Major Depressive Disorder: A Postmortem Stereological Study Biological Psychiatry 67:(9S) 181, 20102010
Stockmeier CA, Cobb JA, O'Neill K, Milner JN, Simpson J, Lawrence TJ, Mahajan G, May W, Rajkowska G. Astrocytic Alterations in Postmortem Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Biological Psychiatry 67:56S, 2010.2010
Stockmeier C, Simpson J, O’Neill K, Milner J, Mahajan G, Cobb J, Lawrence TJ, May W, Rajkowska G. Glial pathology in the hippocampus in depression. Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology - Hollywood, Florida, December 6-10, 2009.2009
Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, O'Dwyer G, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, Malykhin N. Oligodendrocytes pathology in the medio-ventral prefrontal white matter in major depression: relevance to diffusion tensor imaging. Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology -, Hollywood, Florida, December 6-10, 2009.2009
Stockmeier C, Simpson J, O’Neill K, Milner J, Mahajan G, Cobb J, Lawrence TJ, May W, Rajkowska G. Glial pathology in the hippocampus in depression. Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology -, Hollywood, Florida, December 6-10, 2009.2009
Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, O'Dwyer G, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, Malykhin N. Oligodendrocytes pathology in the medio-ventral prefrontal white matter in major depression: relevance to diffusion tensor imaging. Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology -, Hollywood, Florida, December 6-10, 2009.2009
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Waltzer R, Lo V, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Alcoholism and major depression are differentiated by levels of glial glutamatergic markers and glial fibrillary acidic protein in the orbitofrontal cortex: a postmortem study. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, p.152009
Cobb JA, O’Neill K, Milner JN, Simpson J, Mahajan G, Lawrence TJ, May W, Rajkowska G,Stockmeier CA. Astrocytic alterations in postmortem hippocampus in major depressive disorder. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, p.92009
Wang JM, Irwin RW, He Z, Chen S, Bigler S, Austin M, Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier C and Brinton RD. Estradiol-17increases the apoE expression in R k/o mouse hippocampus but not in Rk/o mouse. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, p.182009
Dickerson J, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ , Maciag D, O’Dwyer G, Pride Y, Newton SS, Stockmeier C and Rajkowska G. Microscopic pathology of cortical blood vessels and gene expression of vascular markers in major depressive disorder (MDD). Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, p.162009
Rubinow M, Mahajan G, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Number of neurons and glia in the basolateral amygdala in major depressive disorder: a postmortem stereological study. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, p.182009
Feyissa A, Chandran A, Legutko B, Woolverton WL, Wang Z, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Austin M, Rajkowska G, Kyle PB, Stockmeier CA and Karolewicz B. Reduced level of metabotropic glutamate receptors 5 (mGluR5) protein in the prefrontal cortex in major depressive disorder. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, p.112009
Rajkowska G Glia and glutamate, key players in the pathophysiology of depression. Abstract for the Symposium proposal for the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, Vancouver, Canada,. Biological Psychiatry 2009; 65:176S2009
Salimi K, Hamer RM, Vadlamudi S., Glantz LA, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Gilmore JH, Jarskog LF. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Splice Variant and Endogenous Antisense Transcript Expression in Prefrontal Cortex in Schizophrenia International Congress of Schizophrenia Research2009
Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, O'Dwyer G, Spain A, Stockmeier C Alterations in oligodendroglia morphometry in prefrontal white matter in depression: relevance to diffusion tensor imaging. European Congress of Psychiatry,Lisbon, Portugal2009
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Waltzer R, Wanzo V, Lo V, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA Alterations of prefrontal glutamatergic and cytoskeletal components of astrocytes in major depression and alcoholism. Biological Psychiatry 65:177S2009
Stockmeier CA, Mahajan G, Kooiman H, Austin MC, Szewczyk B, Iyo AH, May W, Rajkowska G Cell loss and impaired neuroplasticity in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus during major depressive disorder. Biological Psychiatry; 65:173S2009
Stockmeier C, Mahajan G, Kooiman H, Austin M, Szewczyk B, Iyo A, May W, Rajkowska G. Cell loss and impaired neuroplasticity in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis ; 69: 2822009
Newton SS, Maciag D, Sathyanesan M, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G Expression of angiogenic and neurotrophic factor genes is reduced in major depressive disorder. 59th Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience.2009
Rajkowska G Glia and glutamate, key players in the pathophysiology of depression Biological Psychiatry. 20092009
Rajkowska G. Glia and glutamate: new key players in the pathology of major depression Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis ; 69: 2732009
Karolewicz B, Feyissa A, Chandran A, Legutko B, Ordway GA, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Glutamate receptors expression in postmortem brain from depressed subjects. Biological Psychiatry 65:177S2009
Maciag D, Hughes J, O’Dwyer G, Pride Y, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G Morphometric analysis of Calbindin-IR GABA Neurons in Occipital Cortex in Major Depression. Biological Psychiatry 65:238S2009
Stockmeier C, Kooiman H, Kelly S, Mahajan G, Cobb J, Lawrence T, May W, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Rajkowska G Polysialylated-Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (PSA-NCAM) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). European Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal2009
Karolewicz B, Feyissa A, Chandran A, Legutko B, Ordway GA, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Glutamate receptors expression in postmortem brain from depressed subjects. Biological Psychiatry 2009; 65:177S2009
Maciag D, O’Dwyer G, Rodriguez Y, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the occipital cortex in depression. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, Dec 3, 2008: p.202008
Cobb JA, O’Neill K, Mahajan G, Lawrence TJ, Clark C, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Age influences GFAP-IR astrocyte density in CA1 but not CA2/3 in major depression. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, Dec 3, 2008: p.112008
Cobb JA, O’Neill K, Mahajan G, Lawrence TJ, Clark C, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Age influences GFAP-IR astrocyte density in CA1 but not CA2/3 in major depression. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS, Dec 3, 2008: p.112008
Cobb JA, O’Neill K, Mahajan G, Lawrence TJ, Clark C, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Age influences GFAP-IR astrocyte density in CA1 but not CA2/3 in major depression. Glia Conference, UAB2008
Maciag D, O’Dwyer G, Rodriguez Y, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Stockmeier CA. Rajkowska G. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the occipital cortex in depression. Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day UMMC, Jackson, MS, Dec 3, 2008: p.202008
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Waltzer RC, Wanzo V, Lo V,Rajkowska G Differential prefrontal alterations of glial glutamatergic components in depression, alcoholism and comorbid depression/alcoholism Biological Psychiatry. 2008; 63(7S):60S2008
Waltzer R, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ. Distribution And Levels of GFAP in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Alcoholic and Depressed Subjects Journal Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2008; 53: 782008
Maciag D, O'Dwyer G, Rodriquez Y, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the occipital cortex in depression. Biological Psychiatry. 2008; 63(7S):2082008
Rajkowska G, Spain A, O’Dwyer G, Malykhin N, Coupland N, Stockmeier C, Norquist G. Postmortem analysis of oligodendroglia in similar part of medial prefrontal white matter identified by DTI in living depressed patients. ACNP abstract book, 46th Annual Meeting, Fl, Dec 9-13, 2007.2007
Karolewicz B, Maciag D, O’Dwyer G, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G. Reduction in GAD 67 but not GAD 65 in the postmortem prefrontal cortex in major depression. ACNP abstract book, 46th Annual Meeting, Fl, Dec 9-13, 20072007
Kang H, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Newton S, Duman R. Altered Expression of Synapsin 1 in Postmortem Prefrontal Cortex of Depressed Subjects. Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, 2007.2007
Austin M, Szewczyk B, Harris T, Albert PR, Czesak M, Konick LC, Dieter L, Herbs N, Overholser JC, Jurjus G.J, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Decreased Protein expression of the 5-HT 1a receptors in the Prefrontal Cortex of Females with Major Depressive Disorder. Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience.20072007
Cobb J, Mahajan G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Overholser JC, Jurjus G, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Granule Cell Number in Dentate Gyrus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Neuroscience, Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. 20072007
Rajkowska G, Van Otterloo E, Stuckey J, Samples J, O’Dwyer G, Stockmeier C. Morphometric Studies of Vascular and Neuronal Pathology in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Elderly Depressed. The American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, New Orleans, LA, March 2, 2007. Available on line at: http://www.netsymposium.com2007
Maciag D, Karolewicz B, O'Dwyer G, Srivastava K, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Decreased level of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 67 kDa in the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression. Society for Neuroscience, 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. 2007; Presentation No. 707.22007
Mahajan G, Kooiman H, Lawrence T, Cobb J, Dieter L, Herbst N, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Austin M, May W, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C. Decreased Serotonin Transporter (SERT)-Immunoreactive Fibers in CA1 but not CA3 in the Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Biological Psychiatry. 2007; 61:235S2007
Stockmeier C, Austin M, Rajkowska G. Evidence in Postmortem Brain Tissue for Cellular Pathology in Depression. Biological Psychiatry. 2007; 61:17S2007
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, O'Dwyer G, Teleki Z, Srivastava K, Stockmeier C GABAergic Neurons Immunoreactive for Calcium Binding Proteins are Reduced in the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression. Biol Psych. 61:231S, 2007. Biological Psychiatry. 2007; 61:17S2007
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Lo V, Wanzo V, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Glutamate transporter EAAT2 Immunoreactivity is Reduced in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Alcoholism and Depression. Neuroscience, Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Program.2007; No. 6092007
Karolewicz B, Rajkowska G, Overholser J, Jurjus G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Stockmeier CA, Maciag D Vesicular glutamate transporter in the prefrontal cortex in suicide victims. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. 2007; Presentation No. 707.2, 20072007
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stuckey J, O’Dwyer G, Van Otterloo E, Stockmeier C, Krishnan KR. Vascular and Neuronal Pathology in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Elderly Depressed. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
Cobb JA, Mahajan G, Lawrence TJ, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Dieter L, Herbst N, Matzinger M, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Stereological Estimation of Cell Number, Cell Size, and Hippocampal Volume in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
O’Dwyer G, Teleki Z, Stockmeier CA, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. GABAergic Neurons Immunoreactive for Calcium Binding Proteins are Reduced in the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
J. A. Cobb, G. Mahajan, L. Dieter, N. Herbst, M. Matzinger, J. C. Overholser, G. J. Jurjus,
G. Rajkowska and C. A. Stockmeier. Stereological Assessment of Total Cell Number in CA1 of the Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.
Stockmeier CA, Cobb JA, Lawrence TJ, Mahajan G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Matzinger M, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) in the Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
Mahajan G, Kooiman H, Lawrence TJ, Cobb JA, Dieter L, Herbst N, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Austin MC, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Decrease in Serotonin Transporter (SERT)-Immunoreactive Fibers in the Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
Szewczyk B, Iyo AH, Harris T, Konick LC, Dieter L, Herbst N, Czesak M, Albert PR, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C, Austin MC. Decreased Level of NUDR/Deaf-1 in the Prefrontal Cortex of Female Subjects with Major Depression. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Cell Pathology in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Alcohol Dependence and its Relationship to Suicide and Duration of Alcohol Dependence. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
Szewczyk B, Harris T, Konick LC, Dieter L, Herbst N, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C, Austin MC. Decreased Level of 5-HT1A Receptor Protein in the Prefrontal Cortex of Female Subjects with Major Depression. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, October 26, 2006.2006
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Cell pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex in alcohol dependence and its relationship to suicide and duration of alcohol dependence. Society for Neuroscience meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 14-18, 2006.2006
Rajkowska G. Age-dependent pathology of neurons and glia in depression. Biol. Psychiatry 59, 8S:195S, 2006.2006
Stockmeier C, Cobb JA, Lawrence TJ, Mahajan G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Matzinger M, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Biol. Psychiatry 59, 8S: 52S, 2006.2006
Mahajan G, Kooiman H, Lawrence TJ, Cobb JA, Dieter L, Herbst N, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Austin MC, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C. Decrease in serotonin transporter (SERT) – Immunoreactive fibers in the hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Biol. Psychiatry 59, 8S: 137S, 2006.2006
Cobb , Mahajan G, Dieter L, Herbst N, Matzinger M, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. Stereological assessment of total cell number a1 of the hippocampus in major depressive order (MDD). Biol. Psychiatry 59, 8S:136S, 2006.2006
Szewczyk B, Iyo AH, Harris T, Konick LC, Dieter L, Herbst N, Czesak M, Albert PA, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C, Austin MC. Decreased Level of NUDR/Deaf-1 in the Prefrontal Cortex of Female Subjects with Major Depression. Biol. Psychiatry 59, 8S:222S, 2006.2006
Makkos Z, Rajkowska G. Treatment of the withdrawal syndromes. Experiences with clonazepam. The International J. of Neuropsychopharmacology 9:S172, 2006.2006
Rajkowska G. Age-dependent cellular changes in the prefrontal cortex in postmortem tissue from depressed subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology 2006, vol.31 supplement 1, page S12, 2006.2006
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stuckey J, O’Dwyer G, Van Oterloo E, Stockmeier C, Krishnan KR. Morphometric studies of vascular and neuronal pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex in elderly depressed. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, November 22, 2005.2005
Van Otterloo ES, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Microglia immunoreactivity is unchanged in the white matter of orbitofrontal cortex in elderly depressed patients. Neuroscience Research Day, Jackson, MS, November 22, 2005.2005
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Nithuairisg S, Shao Q, Rajkowska G. Normal aging and the distribution of the Cell-Adhesion Protein ICAM-1 in the orbitofrontal cortex. Biol. Psychiatry 57:117S, 20052005
Stockmeier CA, Saenz MD, Smith E, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Freedman L, Rajkowska G. Volume of the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Biol. Psychiatry 57:183S, 2005.2005
Rajkowska G. Morphometric studies of vascular and neuronal pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex in elderly depressed. Biol. Psychiatry 57:210S, 2005.2005
Rajkowska G. Astroglia in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Schizophrenia. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): 74, 2005.2005
E.S. Van Otterloo, J.J. Miguel-Hidalgo, C.A. Stockmeier, G. Rajkowska. Microglia immunoreactivity is unchanged in the white matter of orbitofrontal cortex in elderly depressed patients. Program No. 107.4. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online.2005
Kang HJ, Adams DA, Lin A, Simen BS, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C, Overholser J, Meltzer HY, Jurjus G, Konick L, Newton SS, Duman RS. Gene expression profiling in postmortem prefrontal cortex of major depressive disorder. Program No. 915.2. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online.2005
Rajkowska G, Dubey P, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Krishnan RR. Neuronal pathology in orbitofrontal cortex in elderly subjects with MDD is more severe than that in age-matched control subjects. Biol Psych. 55:205S.2004
Stockmeier CA, Mahajan GJ, Hennessy E, Martin W, Konick LC, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Friedman L, Rajkowska G. The role of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in increased neuronal and glial density in hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Biol Psych. 55:142S2004
Sanches M, Nicoletti M, Serap Monkul E, Hsuan Chen H, Rajkowska G, Soares JC. An MRI-based approach for the measurement of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in humans. Biol Psych. 55:177S2004
Rajkowska G, Dubey P, Clarke G, Ni Thuairisg S, Mahajan G, Licht C, Van De Werd HJJM, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Yuan P, Manji H, Uylings HBM. Glial number is increased in hippocampus but not prefrontal cortex in lithium-treated mice. A Stereological Study. The International J. of Neuropsychopharmacology 7:S3602004
Stockmeier CA, Shi X, Trojecka A, Clarke G, Konick L, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Friedman L, Rajkowska G. Decrease in serotonin-1A receptors in orbitofrontal cortex in depression. The International J. of Neuropsychopharmacology 7:S3622004
O'Dwyer G, Dubey P, Shao Q, Stuckey J, NiThuairisg S, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Krishnan RR, Rajkowska G. Age-Dependent Cellular Changes In The Prefrontal Cortex In Postmortem Tissue From Depressed Subjects. Program No. 98.11. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online.2004
Adams DH, Newton SS, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA, Overhosler J, Meltzer HY, Roth BL, Jurjus G, Konick L, Lin A, Simen BS, Duman RS. Altered Gene Expression In Postmortem Prefrontal Cortex In Depression. Program No. 799.12. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online.2004
Newton S, Adams DH, Kang HJ, Simen B, Simen A, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C, Overholser J, Meltzer H, Roth B, Jurjus G, Konick L, Lin A, Duman R. Gene Expression Profiling in Postmortem Major Depressive Disorder Brain. Abstracts of the ACNP 43rd Annual Meeting, .p. 1332004
Uylings HBM, Sanz-Arigita EJ, De Vos K, Pool CW, Rajkowska G. Individual variability of human orbitofrontal cortical areas combined with 3D MRI. Abstract for The 9th Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Conference, New York, NY, June 18-22, 2003.2003
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Jiang J, Nizigiye J, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Jurjus G, Stockmeier CA, Krishnan RR. Depression in elderly is associated with blood vessels pathology in lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Biol Psych. 53:132S2003
Stockmeier CA, Mahajan GJ, Konick LC, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Friedman L, Rajkowska G. Neuronal and glial density is increased and neuronal size is decreased in hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Biol Psych. 53:70S2003
Stockmeier CA, Hennessy E, Martin W, Mahajan GJ, Konick LC, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Rajkowska G. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD), alcohol use disorder and schizophrenia. Program No. 849.20. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.2003
Si X, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. GFAP expression is reduced in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in depression. Program No. 640.8. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.2003
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Dubey P, Shao Q, Rajkowska G. Layer III neurofilament positive neurons in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are affected in schizophrenia but not in MDD. Program No. 316.12. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.2003
Wetsel WC, Jiang SX, Rodriguiz RM, Pogorelov VM, Nithuairisg S, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G, Caron MG. Behavioral despair in vesicular
monoamine transporter 2 heterozygous mice.
ACNP Annual Meeting
Rajkowska G. Updates on the Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: Morphometric Findings. XXIII CINP Congress Abstracts. Montreal, June 23-27, 20022002
Uylings H, Rajkowska G, Amunts K, Sanz Arigita E, Zilles K. The use and abuse of Brodmann cortical area specification in human brain imaging studies. The Human Brain Mapping conferenc, Sendai, Japan, June, 20022002
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier C, Rajkowska G. Reduction of glial and neuronal packing density in the rostral orbital cortex in alcohol dependence. Program No. 899.2. 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online.2002
Stockmeier CA, Mahajan GJ, Konick LC, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Meltzer HY, Friedman L, Rajkowska G. Preliminary evidence that neuronal and glial density is increased and neuronal size is decreased in hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD). Program No. 497.19. 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online.2002
Rajkowska G, O’Dwyer G, Shao Q, Stockmeier C, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ. Calbindin- immunoreactive non-pyramidal neurons are reduced in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in major depression and schizophrenia. Program No. 497.20. 2002 Abstract Viewer/ Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. CD-ROM.2002
Rajkowska G. Glial pathology in mood disorders and schizophrenia in postmortem prefrontal cortex. ACNP Annual Meeting Abstracts: 562002
G. Rajkowska Evidence for cell loss and atrophy in postmortem brain of subjects with mood disorders. Biol Psych. 49: 75S2001
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Makos Z, Dilley G, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Stockmeier CA. Layer-specific astroglia pathology in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 49:63S2001
Rajkowska G. Reductions in neurons and glia underlie prefrontal cell pathology of mood disorders. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, vol. 2: Abstracts, 22S.2001
Stockmeier CA, Konick LC, Shi X, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Jurjus GJ, Firedman L, Rajkowska G. Neurokinin-1 receptors are decreased in orbitofrontal cortex in major depressive disorder. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.:111.10.2001
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Konick LC, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. Glial pathology in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in alcohol dependence with and without depressive symptoms. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.:572.10.2001
Rajkowska G. Similarities in glial pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. ACNP Annual Meeting Abstracts:4142001
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Baucom Ch, Dilley G, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Stockmeier CA and Rajkowska G. GFAP immunoreactivity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex separates young from old adults in major depressive disorder. Conference "Depression in the 21st Century: New insights into drug development and neurobiology ". Dana Point, California2000
Rajkowska G, Halaris A, Selemon LD. Prefrontal cell pathology distinguishes bipolar disorder from schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 47:124S2000
Stockmeier CA, Ordway GA, Klimek V, ZHU M-Y, Rajkowska G, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Friedman L, Haycock JW, Pacheco M, Jope R. Alteration of noradrenergic and serotonergic neuronal elements in the brain of depressed subjects. 22nd CINP 2000 Congress, Brussels, Belgium.2000
Ordway GA, Rajkowska G, Zhu H, Duncan BJ, Stockmeier CA, Dilley G, Konick L, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Piletz JE, Halaris A. Imaging noradrenergic and non-noradrenergic binding of [3H]clonidine in brains from psychiatrically characterized humans. Abstract of the 10th Congress of the Association of European Psychiatrists, Prague, Czech Republic, October 28-November 1, 2000.2000
Makos Z, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Dilley G, Konick L, Overholser JC, Meltzer HY, Halaris A, Stockmeier CA, Rajkowska G. GFAP Immunoreactive Glia in the Prefrontal Cortex in Schizophrenia and Depression. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 26, Part 1: 15652000
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. Reductions in GFAP-immunoreactivity in MDD: are there correlations with morphometry? Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 26, Part 2:23082000
Manji H, Rajkowska G, Chen G. The mood stabilizer lithium increases hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult mouse. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 26, Part 2:18382000
Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wei J, Dilley G, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Stockmeier CA. Glial pathology in the prefrontal cortex in comorbid alcohol-dependence and depression. Abstracts ACNP 2000 Annual Meeting.2000
Rajkowska G, Wei J, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA. Glial and Neuronal Pathology In Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex In Schizophrenic Postmortem Brain. Schizophrenia Research 36:841999
Uylings H, De Vos K, Sanz Arigita E, Smeets WJAJ, Pool CS, Schleicher A, Zilles K, Rajkowska-Markow G. 3-D cytoarchitectonic analysis of human prefrontal cortex and human thalamus. First Vogt-Brodmann Symposium, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 20-21, 19991999
Vogelei K, Hutte H, Tepest R, Kawasaki Y, Jung V, Rajkowska G, Zilles K, Falkai P. Cytoarchitectural disturbance of Brodmann area 10 in male schizophrenics. First Vogt-Brodmann Symposium, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 20-21, 19991999
Rajkowska-Markow G. Comparative histopathology of prefrontal cortex in psychiatric disorders. Practical application of postmortem studies on human brain tissues. Abstracts of the XI World Congress of Psychiatry, Hamburg, Germany.1999
Rajkowska-Markow, G Histopathology of the prefrontal cortex in major depression: what does it tell us about dysfunctional monoaminergic circuits? 21 International Summer School of Brain Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.1999
Rajkowska-Markow G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wei J, Stockmeier CA. Reductions in glia distinguish orbitofrontal region from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 25: 8181999
J.J Miguel-Hidalgo, and G. Rajkowska-Markow Immunohistochemistry of neural markers for the study of the laminar architecture in celloidin sections from the human prefrontal cortex. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 25: 3631999
Stockmeier CA, Dilley GE, Kulnane LS, Wei J, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska-Markow G. Morphometric evaluation of the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) in suicide victims with major depression (MD). Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 25: 20981999
Rajkowska G, Wei J, Pittman SD, Page W, Richmond M, Dilley G, Meltzer HY, Overholser JC, Stockmeier CA. Cortical atrophy in orbitofrontal region: a postmortem study in major depression. Biological Psychiatry: 92S. Abstract1998
Rajkowska G, de Vos K, Pool CW, Roland PE, Zilles K, Uylings H. 3-D cytoarchitectonic parcellation of human orbitofrontal cortex. Correlation with postmortem mri. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 24: 11651998
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD, Goldman-Rakic PS. Marked glial neuropathology in prefrontal cortex distinguishes bipolar disorder from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 24: 41.1997
Selemon LC, Rajkowska G. Deep layer degeneration in prefrontal cortical area 46 in advanced-stage Huntington’s disease. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 23: 1912.1997
Stockmeier CA, Dilley GE, Shapiro LA, Kolli T, Thompson PA, Rajkowska G. Increase in serotonin-1A autoreceptors in the midbrain of suicide victims with major depression - postmortem evidence for decreased serotonin activity? Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 23: 1676.1997
Rajkowska G. Quantitative histopathology of prefrontal cortex in depression. Abstracts of 36th Annual ACNP Meeting: 321997
Ordway GA, Rajkowska G, Luker SN, Dilley G, Meltzer HY, Overholser J, Stockmeier CA. Brain noradrenergic receptors in major depression and schizophrenia. Biol. Psychiatry 39: 587.1996
Selemon LD, Rajkowska G, Goldman-Rakic PS. Elevated neuronal density in prefrontal area 46 of the human schizophrenic cortex. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 22:1679.1996
16. G. Rajkowska, L.D.Selemon and P.S. Goldman-Rakic Reduction in neuronal sizes in prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics and Huntington patients. Schizophrenia Research 15:311995
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD, Goldman-Rakic PS, Halaris A. Morphometric changes in prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic postmortem brain. Biological Psychiatry 37: 6671995
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD, Goldman-Rakic PS. Analysis of glial sizes in prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics; comparison to Huntington brains. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 21:2391995
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD, Halaris A, Goldman-Rakic PS. Morphometric evaluation of prefrontal cortex in bipolar brains, preliminary report. . Abstract of 34 Annual Meeting of ACNP:168.1995
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD, Goldman-Rakic PS. Reduction in neuronal sizes in prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics and Huntington patients. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 20:6201994
Selemon LD, Rajkowska G, Goldman-Rakic PS. A morphometric analysis of prefrontal areas 9 and 46 in the schizophrenic and normal human brain. Schizophrenia Research 9: 1511993
Selemon LD, Rajkowska G, Goldman-Rakic PS. A morphometric comparison of areas 9 in schizophrenic, schizoaffective, Huntington's and normal brains. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 19:2001993
Rajkowska G, Selemon LD, Goldman-Rakic PS. Morphometric evidence for prefrontal cellular atrophy in advanced Huntington's disease. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 19:8381993
Skangiel-Kramska J, Rajkowska G, Kosmal A, Kossut M. The distribution of cholinergic muscarinic receptors in the dog frontal lobe. Eur. Neurosci. Assoc., Cambridge, U.K.1991
Rajkowska G, Goldman-Rakic PS. Cytoarchitectonic remapping of areas 9 and 46 of the human prefrontal cortex by quantitative criteria. Abstracts International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Tucson, Arizona.1991
Rajkowska G, Goldman-Rakic PS. Cytoarchitectonic remapping of areas 9 and 46 in the human prefrontal cortex. Abstracts Soc. Neurosci. 16: 1093.1990
Markow-Rajkowska G, Druga R, Syka, J. Neocortical projections of the inferior colliculus in the rat and guinea pig. Short communication, Physiol. bohemoslov. 37: 512.1988
Cavada C, Rajkowska G, Reinoso-Suarez F. Projections from the cortex to the superior colliculus and their relationship to biochemical compartments. A comparative study in cat and macaque monkey. Supplement to the European J. of Neuroscience: 12.13.1988
Markow-Rajkowska G. Cortical connections of the auditory association cortex in the dog. Proceedings of the Symposium: Auditory pathway - structure and function, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York.1987
Druga R, Syka J, Markow-Rajkowska G. Localization of cortical neurons projecting to the inferior colliculus in the rat and quinea pig. Proceedings of the Symposium: Auditory pathway - structure and function, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York.1987
Stepniewska I, Markow G, Kosmal A. Sensory projections to the frontal association cortex in the dog. International Symposium of Eastern European Countries Organization for Brain Research, Jablonna, Poland.1985
Markow G, Kosmal A. Cortico cortical connections of the prefrontal cortex in the dog. International Symposium of Eastern European Countries Organization for Brain Research, Jablonna, Poland.1980
Markow G, Stepniewska I, Kosmal A. The presylvian cortex as a transitional prefronto-motor zone in dog. Symposium of Eastern European Countries Organization for Brain Research, Jablonna, Poland.1980
Markow G, Stepniewska I, Kosmal A. Laminar organization of efferent connections of the prefrontal cortex in the dog. International Symposium of Eastern European Countries Organization for Brain Research, Jablonna, Poland.1980

Book Chapter

Rajkowska G. Pathology in Astroglia, Glutamate and GABA in Major Depressive Disorder: Evidence from Studies of Human Postmortem Tissue. In: M. Popoli, D. Diamond, G. Sanacora (eds.) “Synaptic Stress and Pathogenesis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders”. Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, New York, pp. 245-264.2014
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. Localization of cortical neurons projecting to the inferior colliculus in the rat and guinea pig. In: Syka J, Masterton RB (eds.) Neuropathological Markers in Late-Life Depression. In: "Late Life Mood Disorder". H. Lavretsky H, Sajatovic M, Reynolds C (eds). Oxford University Press, New York pp. 627-642.2013
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G. Neuropathological Markers in Late-Life Depression. In: H. Lavretsky, M. Sajatovic and C. Reynolds (eds.) “Late Life Mood Disorders”. Oxford University Press, New York, pp.627-642.2013
Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Waltzer R, Lo V, Rajkowska G, Stockmeier C. Differential prefrontal alterations of glial glutamatergic components in depression, alcoholism and comorbid depression/alcoholism. Biological Psychiatry Vol. 63 (7S):60S, 20082008
Rajkowska G. Anatomical Pathology. In: D. Stein, A. Schatzberg and D. Kupfer (eds). Textbook of Mood Disorders. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc, pp. 179-195.2005
Rajkowska G. Quantitative cytoarchitectonic findings in post-mortem brain tissue from mood disorders patients. In: G. Agam, RH Belmaker and I. Everall (eds). The Post-Mortem Brain In Psychiatric Research. Kluwer Academic Publisher, pp. 49-73.2002
Cotter D, Pariante C, Rajkowska G. Glial pathology in major psychiatric disorders. In: G. Agam, RH Belmaker and I. Everall (eds). Glial pathology in major psychiatric disorders. In: G. Agam, RH Belmaker and I. Everall (eds).2002
Rajkowska G. Morphometric methods for studying the prefrontal cortex in suicide victims and psychiatric patients. “The neurobiology of suicide: from the bench to the clinic”, D.M. Stoff and J.J. Mann (Eds). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 836: 253-268.1997
Druga R, Syka J, Rajkowska G. Localization of cortical neurons projecting to the inferior colliculus in the rat and guinea pig. In: J. Syka, R.B. Masterton (eds.) Auditory Pathway: Structure and Function., Plenum Press, New York: pp. 293-298.1988

Letter to the Editor

Rajkowska G, Stockmeier CA. GFAP-Immunopositive astrocytes in schizophrenia. Letter to the editors. Schizophrenia Research 67:297-299. 2004.2004


National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alcohol exposure increases double-stranded RNA activated protein kinase (PKR) in the human and rat prefrontal cortex., Abstracts of the 37th Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 21-25, 2014, Bellevue, WA06/2014
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Imaging core facility of th eCOBRE Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience., Abstracts of Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS01/2014
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth facor (VEGF) mRNA in the postmortem orbitofrontal cortex in major depressive disorder., Biological Psychiatry2014
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Greater translocator protein distribution volume during major depressive episodes of major depressive disorder., Abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology-52nd Annual Meeting, December 8-12, 2013, Hollywood, Florida12/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Image core facility of the COBRE Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience., abstracts of 2013 Regional IDeA Meeting, Little Rock, AR11/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Incomplete coverage of blood vessels by aqp4-ir astrocytic endfeet in orbitolfrontal cortex in major depression., Biological Psychiatry 73: 154S, 20132013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Increased ratio of smac/diablo to inhibitor of apoptosis xap in the orbitofrontal gray matter in major depressive disorder., Biological Psychiatry 73: 154S, 20132013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Coverage Of Blood Vessels By Astrocytic Endfeet Is Reduced In Major Depression., Abstracts of 2012 IDeA Meeting, June 25-27, 2012, Washington, DC06/2012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Calbindin immunoreactive GABA neurons in temporal lobe in major depressive disorder (MDD)., 2012 New Mexico BiolInformatics, Science and Technology Symposium (NMBIST) on functional genomics, March 22-23, 2012, Santa Fe, NM03/2012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biochemical and immunohistochemical evidence for reduced Gap junction-forming connexin 43 in the orbitofrontal cortex in alcohol dependence and depression., Biological Psychiatry 71: 55S, 20122012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Chronic social stress decreases the protein expession of R1, a transcriptional repressor of MAO A, in the prefrontal cortex of rats., Biological Psychiatry 71: 49S,20122012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hippocampal volume and cell number in major depressive disorder., Program No. 358.07. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. online, New Orleans, LA2012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Identification of a novel transcriptional repressor of synapse related genes in Majro Depressive Disorder., Program N.o. 827.08. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online, New Orleans, LA2012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Influence of major depressive disorder on basolateral amygdala volume and cell numbers: a postmortem sterological study., Biological Psychiatry 71:49S, 20122012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Incomplete Coverage of Blood Vessels in Orbitofrontal Cortex by Astrocytic End-fee in Major Depression Disorder., abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 50th Annual Meeting, December 3-8, Waikoloa, Hawaii12/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Influence of Major Depressive Disorder on the Volume and Number of Neurons, Glia, and Perivascular Cells in the Basolateral Amygdala: a Postmortem Stereological Study., Abstracts of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology -50th Annual Meeting, December 3-8, Waikoloa, Hawaii12/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Calbindin immunoractive GABA neurons in temporal lobe in major depressive disorder (MDD)., Abstract for the Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS11/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Relationship of apoptotic marker caspase 8 and proliferation marker PCNA in the orbitofrontal cortex in depression and alcoholism., Abstract for the Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS11/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, White Matter Astrocytes are Reduced in Depression., Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting abstracts, November 12-16, Washington, DC11/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Coverage of Orbitofrontal Cortex (ORB) Vessels by Astrocytic End-feet is Reduced in Major Depression., Abstracts of 2011 SE Regional IDeA Meeting, September 22-24, New Orleans, LA09/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Influence of HTR1A promoter polymorphism and major depressive disorder on amygdala volume and cellular makeup: a postmortem sterological study., Abstracts of 2011 SE Regional EDeA Meeting, September 22-24, New Orleans, LA09/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Oligodendrocyte gene and protein expression is altered in the medio-ventral prefrontal white matter bundle in major depression: relevance to diffusion tensor imaging”, 10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czechoslowakia05/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Coverage of Orbitofrontal Cortex (ORB) Vessels by Astrocytic End-feet is Reduced in Major Depression., Biol. Psychiatry 2011;69:133S2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Influence of Major Depressive Disorder on the Volume and total Postmortem Sterological Study., Biol. Psychiatry 2011;69:35S2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Relationship of apoptosis marker caspase 8 and proliferation marker PCNA ti age in tl orbitofrontal cortex in depression and alcoholism., Biol. Pshchiatry 2011;69:156S2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Astrocytic Alterations in Postmortem Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)., Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Blood vessel pathology and alterations in gene expression of angiogenic factors in the orbitofrontal cortex in Major Depression. p.21, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Fluoxetine Treatment Does Not Alter Density of Size of CNPase-Immunoreactive Oligodendrocytes in Prefrontal White Matter in Rhesus Monkeys., Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, GABA immunoreactive Neurons in the Temporal Lobs in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)., Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hipocampal volume & cell number in major depressive disorder (MDD). p.11, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oligodenrocyte Gene and Protein Expression is Altered in the Medio-Ventral Prefrontal White Matter Bundle in Major Depression. p.18, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Reduced level of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 gene expression in parvalbumin immunoreactive GABAergic neurons isolated by laser capture microdissection from the prefrontal cortex of depressed subjects. p.10, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Volume, Number of Neurons, and Number of Glia in the Basolateral Amygdala in Major Depression Disorder: A Postmortem Sterological Study., Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Pathology in Fronto-Limbic pathaway in depression: Cellular and molecular basis. Relevance to neuroinaging", Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry UMC, Jackson, MS05/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Astrocytic Alterations in Postmortem Hippocampus in Major Depressive Dissorder (MDD), Biological Psychiatry 67:56S,20102010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Blood bessel pathology and alterations in gene expression of angiogenic factors in the orbitofrontal cortex in major depression., Biol Psychiatry. 2010:67:56S2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Fluoxetine Treatment Does Not Alter Density of Size of CNPase-Immunoreactive Oligodendrocytes in Prefrontal White Matter in Rhesus monkeys., Biol Psychiatry.2010:67:54S.2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Urocortin III protein is not increased in the diFC of Major Depressed Subjects., San Diego Society for Neuroscience, 2010 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Program No, San Diego, CA2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Volume, Number of Neurons. and Number of Glia in the Basolateral Amygdala in Major Depressive Disorder: A Postmortem Sterological Study., Bioligical Psychiatry 67:(9S) 181, 20102010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Neuropathology of Fronto-Limbic Circuits in Depression”, UMC Research Seminar, Department of Psychiatry, Jackson, MS12/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Glial pathology in the hippocampus in depression., Abstracts of the 48th Anual Meeting of the Anerican College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Decemeber 6-10, Hollywood, Florida12/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oligodendrocytes pathology in the medio-ventral prefrontal white matter in major depression relevance to diffusion tensor imaging., Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, December 6-10, 2009, Hollywood, Florida12/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alcoholism and major depression are differentiated by levels of glial glutamatergic markers and flial fibrillary acidic protein in the orbitofrontal cortex: a postmortem study.p. 18, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Astrocytic alterations in postmortem hippocampus in major depressive disorder. p.9, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMc, Jackson, MS11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Estradiol-17 increase the apeE expression in R k/o mouse hippocampus but not in R k/o mouse. p. 18, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Microscopic pathology of cortical blood vessels and gene expression of vascular markers in major depressive disorder (MDD)., Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Number of neurons and glia in the basolateral amygdala in major depressive disorder: a postmortem sterological study. p.18, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Reduced level of metabotropic glutamate receptors 5 (mGluR5) protein in the prefrontal cortex in major depressive disorder., Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackosn, MS11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Glia and glutamate: new key players in the pathology of major depression.”-, 9th International Congress of The Polish Neuroscience Society, Warsaw, Poland09/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Pathology of frontal white matter oligodendroglia in depression and its relevance to diffusion Tensor Imaging., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada06/2009
Invited Symposia, Glia and glutamate, key players in the pathophysiology of depression, Annual Meeting/Society for Biological Psychiatry, Vancouver, Canada05/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Cell Pathology and serotonin dysfunction in Depression, Research Seminar/Department of Psychiatry, Duke University School of Medicine, Raleigh-Durham, NC03/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alterations in oligodendroglia morphometry in prefrontal white matter in depression: relevance to diffusion tensor imaging., European Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alterations of prefrontal glutamatergic and cytoskeletal components of astrocytes in major depression and alcoholism. 65:177S, Biological Psychiatry2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Cell loss and impaired neuroplasticity in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus during major depressive disorder. 65:173S, Biological Psychiatry2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Expression of angiogenic and neurotrophic factor genes is reduced in major depressive disorder., Society for Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Program No. 156.20/011, Chicago, IL2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Glutamate receptors expression in postmortem brain from depressed subjects. 65:177S, Biological Psychiaty2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Morphometric analysis of Calbindin-IR GABA Neurons in Occipital Cortex in Major Depression.
65:238S, Biological Psychiatry
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Polysialylated-Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (PSA-NCAM) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor 9BDNF) in the Hippocampus in Major Depressive Dissorder (MDD)., European Congress of Psychiatry, Disbon, Portugal2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Age influences GFAP-IR astrocyte desity in CA1 but not CA2/3 in major depression. p.11, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the occipital cortex in depression. p.20, Abstracts of the Annual Neuroscience & Behavior Research Day, UMMC, Jackson, MS12/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Neuropathology of prefrontal white matter tracts in depression, Research Seminar/Dept. of Psychiatry and Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT09/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Manic-depressive illness: symptoms and brain pathology, Polish Cultural Center of NYC, New York, NY09/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Depression – From Dysfunctional Behavior to Cell Pathology, Polish Cultural Center of NYC, New York, NY05/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Interactions Between Glia, Glutamate and Serotonin system in Depression, Research Seminar/Department of Psychiatry, Duke University School of Medicine, Raleigh-Durham, NC05/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Dysfunction of GABAergic and serotoninergic systems in depression and its relevance to a late prefrontal development, Research Seminar/Department of Psychiatry, Duke University School of Medicine, Raleigh-Durham, NC05/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pathology of Prefrontal Microvessels in Depression, Research Seminar/Dept. of Psychiatry and Center for Research, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT02/2008
Poster Presentation, Postmortem analysis of oligodendroglia in similar part of medial prefrontal white matter identified by DTI in living depressed patients, Annual Meeting/American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Holywood, FL12/2007
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Depression: What We Can Learn from Postmortem Studies, Ground Rounds/Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI09/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Glial Cells in Depression: Silent Partners Speak Up”. Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS03/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Morphometric Studies of Vascular and Neuronal Pathology in the Orbitofrontal Cortex
in Elderly Depressed”., American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, New Orleans, LA
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Age-dependent cellular changes in the prefrontal cortex in postmortem tissue from depressed subjects”, ACNP Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL12/2006
Invited Symposia, “Depression: What We Can Learn from Postmortem Studies”., University of Mississippi, Oxford, Oxford, MS11/2006
Invited Symposia, “Postmortem Studies of Cellular and Vascular Pathology in Depression”, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS06/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Age-Dependent Pathology of Neurons and Glia In Depression”., Biological Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada05/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Cellular and Vascular Pathology in Prefrontal Cortex in Depression”., Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office, Cleveland, OH12/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Astroglia in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Schizophrenia”., World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria06/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Histopathology of the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Depression”, Duke Univ. Medical Center, Durham, NC02/2005
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Depression: What We Can Learn from Postmortem Studies”., University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS12/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: From Neuroimaging to Molecular Postmortem Studies”., Annual Psychopharmacology Update Advances in Bipolar Disorder, Jackson, MS11/2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Blood Vessels and Neuronal Pathology in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Elderly Depressed”., Duke Univ. Medical Center, Durham, NC04/2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Cortico-limbic Pathology in Mood Disorders: What Have We Learned From Genetic, Cellular
and Neuroimaging Studies?”, Society of Biological Psychiatry, New York
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Evidence for Cell Pathology in Depression: Postmortem Cell Counting Studies”., Center for Addiction and Mental Health Univ. of Toronto, Toronto03/2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Prefrontal Cell Pathology in Depression”, Yale University, New Haven, CT10/2003
Research Seminar, “Cytoarchitectonic parcellation of human prefrontal cortex: Correlation with structural MRI”., University of Texas Health Science, San Antonio, TX04/2003
Invited Talk, “Glial Pathology in Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia in Postmortem Prefrontal Cortex”., ACNP Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico12/2002
Invited Symposia, "Updates on the Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: Morphometric Findings"., XXIII CINP Congress, Montreal, Canada06/2002
Invited Symposia, “Glia in Major Psychiatric Disorders"., Society of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia05/2002
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Neuroanatomical Assessment of the Orbital Frontal Cortex”., Duke University, Durham, NC04/2002
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Prefrontal Cell Pathology in Depression: Postmortem Evidence”., Yale University, New Haven, CT03/2002
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Similarities in Glial Cell Pathology in Orbitofrontal Cortex in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia"., ACNP Annual, Kona, Hawaii12/2001
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Reductions in Neurons and Glia Underlie Prefrontal Cell Pathology in Mood Disorders"., Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany07/2001
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Neurohistology of Depression”, 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany07/2001
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Cell Pathology in Bipolar Disorder"., Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, New Orleans05/2001
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Prefrontal Cell Pathology Distinguishes Bipolar Disorder from Schizophrenia”., Society of Biological Psychiatry, Chicago05/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Depression Research Reveals New Findings”. “Untreated
Mental Illness: a Needless Human Tragedy”, NAMI Mississippi 11th State Conference, Jackson, MS
Invited Symposia, “Postmortem Neuroanatomical Studies Distinguishes Mood Disorders from Other Brain Disorders, NIMH04/2000
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Postmortem Studies in Mood Disorders Indicate Neural and Glial Cell Loss”., Conference"New Insights into Drug Development and Neurobiology, Dana Point, CA02/2000
Invited Symposia, “Postmortem Studies in Mood Disorders Indicate Neural and Glial Cell Loss”. New Insights into Drug Development and Neurobiology”, Conference Depression in the XXI Century:, Dana Point, CA02/2000
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Comparative Histopathology of Prefrontal Cortex in Psychiatric Disorders. Practical Application of
Studies on Human Postmortem Brain Tissues”., XI World Congress of Psychiatry, Hamburg, Germany
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Histopathology of the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression: What Does It Tell Us About
Dysfunctional Monoaminergic Circuits, 21 International Summer School of Brain Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Depression-Advances in Postmortem Histopathology”., American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC05/1999
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Glial and Neuronal Pathology in Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex In Schizophrenic Postmortem Brain”., International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Santa Fe, CA04/1999
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Morphometric Evidence for Cell Pathology in Major Depression”., Netherlands Institute for, Amsterdam, Netherlands1998
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Quantitative Histopathology of The Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression”., ACNP Annual Meeting, Kamuela, Hawaii12/1997
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Clinical Correlations of Morphometric Alterations in Prefrontal Cortex Of Schizophrenic Postmortem
Brains”., Cleveland, OH, V.A. Case Western Reserve University
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Morphometric Alterations in Prefrontal Cortex of Schizophrenic Postmortem Brains, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH05/1997
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Cytoarchitectonic Remapping of Human Cerebral Cortex”., Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands1997
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Application of Morphometric Analysis to Studies of Postmortem Brains From Psychiatric Patients"., Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland12/1996
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Cytoarchitectonic Abnormalities in Prefrontal Cortex From Suicide Victims”., Suicide Research, Washington, DC11/1996
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Reduction in Soma Size in Prefrontal Cortex of Schizophrenic and Huntington Brains”., International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Hot Springs, VA04/1995
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Cortico-Cortical Connections of the Prefrontal Cortex in Dog Brain”., Autonomus University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain03/1988
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Auditory Association Connections of the Dog Brain”., Institute of Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic06/1985
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Organization of Cortical Connections in the Dog Brain”., Leningrad, Russia, Pavlov Institute12/1980
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Morphological Organization of the Olfactory Bulb in Sturgeon”., Institute of Evolutionary Biochemistry, Leningrad, Russia04/1979
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pathology of astroglia, GABA interneurons and pyramidal glutamatergic neurons in postmortem prefrontal cortex in major depression: relevance to neuroimaging studies., The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 20, Supplement 3: S207
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pathology of astroglia, GABA interneurons and pyramidal glutamatergic neurons in postmortem prefrontal cortex in major depression: relevance to neuroimaging studies., The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 20, Supplement 3: S207

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Marquis Who's Who a Lifetime Achiever Award, Marquis Who's Who2017
Distinguished Fellow, Kosciuszko Foundation2015
Excellence in Research Award (Platinum level), University of Mississippi Medical Center2008
Excellene in Research Award (Gold Level), University of Mississippi Medical Center2003
Teaching Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center2003
Award of Tenure, University of Mississippi Medical Center2000
Excellence in research award (Silver level), University of Mississippi Medical Center2000
Independient Investigator Award, NARSAD, National Alliances for Research on schizophrenia and Depression1999
First Award, NIMH, National Institute of Mental Health1996
Young Investigator Award, NARSAD, National Alliances for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression1995
Award of European training Program in Brain and Behavior, University of Madrid, Spain1988
Best Ph.D Thesis, Polish Academy of Science1986
Scholarship of the Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Exp. Medicine, Prague, Czechoslovakia1984
Scholarship of the Polish Academy of Science, Polish Academy of Science1980
Award of the Chancellor of Warsaw for Best M.S. Thesis, Warsaw University1979
Award of the President of city of Warsaw (Poland) for Graduating with Honors, University of St. Petersburg and University of Warsaw1979
Graduated with Honor, University of St. Petersburg1979
Award of President of city of Gdansk (Poland), Twin Cities, Gadansk (Poland)1979
Twin city (St. Petersburg, Russia and Gdansk, Poland) Best Research Project, Twin city (St. Petersburg, Russia and Gdansk, Poland)1976

Professional Membership and Service

IRSP grant reviewing committe, Member2013
Journal: Biological Psychiatry, Reviewer, Journal Article2009
Journal: Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, Reviewer, Journal Article2009
Journal: Molecular Psychiatry, Reviewer, Journal Article2008
European Journal of Neuroscience, Reviewer, Journal Article2008
Journal of Affective Disorders, Reviewer, Journal Article2008
Journal: Biological Psychiatry, Reviewer, Journal Article2007 - 2008
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Member2007 - Present
Collegium International NeuroPsychopharmacologicum, Member2002 - 2011
CONTE Center Steering Committee at Duke University, Member2001 - Present
Archives of General Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Behavioral Brain Research, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Biological Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Brain Research, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Journal of Neural Transmission, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Cerebral Cortex, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Journal of Neurotrauma, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Neuroscience, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Neuropsychopharmacology, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
American Journal of Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Current Pharmaceutical Design, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Psychiatry Journal, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Brain Structure and Function, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Bipolar Disorders, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
NeuroImage, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Molecular Psychiatry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Journal of Psychiatry Research and Neuroscience, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Journal of Neurochemistry, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Society of Biological Psychiatry, Member1998 - Present
Psychological Medicine, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Psychiatry Research: NeuroImage, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
Neurotoxicity Research, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1998 - Present
American Associatrion of Anatomists, Member1997 - Present
Society for Neuroscience1990 - Present
International Brain Research Organization "IBRO", Member1990 - Present
International Organization of Eastern European Countries for Brain Research "Intermozg", Member1980 - 1989

Committee Service

Member of the Dissertation committee for Herni van de Werd, Member2012 - Present
Member of the Dissertation committee for Michael Schmidt, Member2012 - Present
Program Committee for the Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual meetings, Member2009 - 2010
Consultant to Eli Lilly Research Laboratories, Consultant2008 - 2009
Member of the External Advisory Board for the Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders and Schizophrenia at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, Member2005 - Present
External Advisory Board for the Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders and Schizophrenia at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, Member2005 - 2005
Advisory Board on the Collaborative Brain Collection Network for the study of the effects of exposure to extreme/traumatic environments., Member2002 - 2009
Biological Psychiatry2001 - 2006

Other Service

IRSP grant reviewing committe03/2013 - 04/2013
IRSP grants proposals, Reviewer2013 - Present
Graduate Faculty of The School of Gruaduate Studies in the Health Sciences, member2013 - Present
Cell Imaging Core, Director07/2012 - 06/2013
Advisory Committee for Ph.D candidate, member2012 - Present
NIMH Study Section on the “Stimulus Grants", Ad hoc reviewer2009 - Present
Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience Internal Review Committee, Dept. Psychiatry, Member2008 - 03/2009
Psychiatric Neuroscience (CPN) Internal Review Committee, Member2008 - 03/2008
Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience, Internal Review Committee2007 - Present
Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience Executive Committee, Dept. Psychiatry, Member07/2006 - Present
Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience (CPN), Executive Comittee Member2006 - Present
NIH BDCNN Special Emphasis Panel, Ad hoc reviewer2005 - Present
Search Committee for a Department of Psychiatry faculty position, Member2005 - Present
NIMH Study Section on CONTE Centers, Ad hoc reviewer2004 - Present
Distinguished Speakers Seminar Series, Member2004 - 2008
NIMH Study Section on CONTE Centers, Ad hoc reviewer2003 - Present
NIMH Intramural Program, Ad hoc reviewer2003 - Present
Cell Imaging Core in the Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience, Dept. Psychiatry, Director07/2002 - Present
Welcome Trust Grant Foundation, Ad hoc reviewer2002 - Present
postmortem research in PTSD for NIMH and Yale Univ, Consultant2002 - Present
Research Seminars Series in the Dept. of Psychiatry, Chair2002 - Present
International Training and Mentoring Committee, Member2002 - 2008
Medical Student Education Committee, Member2002 - 2005
CONTE Center Steering Committee at Duke University, Member07/2001 - 2009
postmortem research in depression for NIMH, Consultant2000 - Present
NIMH study section, Ad hoc reviewer1999 - 2000
Representation Committee, Member1999 - 2004
New Zealand Research Foundation, Ad hoc reviewer1998 - Present
Grand Round Committee, Chair1998 - 2001
Tissue Resource Committee, Member1996 - Present
Search Advisory committee for the Chair of Radiology, Member2005
Search Committee for a faculty position at DNBR, Member2005
Advisory Committee for Ph.D candidates, Member2003
Residency Award Committee, Member2003
Tenure and Promotion Committee, Member1999
Postdoctoral Taining Grant Committee, Member1997

Teaching Experience

Course, Lecturer, The Neural Basis of Cognition 2013
Graduate, Lecturer, Mentor to 2 graduate students 2011 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Graduate Program in Neuroscience 2007
Lecture, Lecturer, CNS Pharmacology 2003 - 2006
Lecture, Mentor for 10 undergraduate students 2003 - 2013
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, CNS Pharmacology 2001
Lecture, Mentor for 6 International Exchange Program students from Ireland 2001 - 2007
Lecturer, Mentor to 13 young faculty in the Dept. of Psychiatry 2001
Graduate, Lecturer, Mentor for 14 summer undergraduate studentSummer 2000 - 2010
Participant, CINP Mentor-Mentee program 2000 - 2008
Lecture, Lecturer, Neurodevelopment 1999
Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Psychiatry course for M1 students 1998 - 1999
Medicine, Mentor for research projects of 3 medical students (M1-M3) 1998 - 2002
Course, Lecturer, Neuropsychiatry 1997
Medicine, Lecture, Mentor, Mentor for one PGYII and 5 PGYIV Psychiatry Residents 1997 - 2009
Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neurobiology Course- Gross Anatomy of the Human brain 1996 - 1998
Lecture, Lecturer, International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Hot Springs, VA 1995
Lecture, Lecturer, Autonomous University of 1988
Lecture, Lecturer, Institute of Experimental Medicine 1985
Lecture, Lecturer, Pavlov Institute, Leningrad, Russia 1980
Lecture, Lecturer, Institute of Evolutionary Biochemistry, Leningrad, Russia 1979

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised:2013 - Present
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised:2011 - 2012
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised:2009 - 2010
Supervised Research, Advised: Eric Van Otterloo2007 - 2007
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised:2003 - 2005
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised:2000 - 2010

Fellows supervised

Psychiatry Resident, Mentor, 2 fellows supervised, PGYIV Residents01/2008 - 01/2009
International Exchange Program, Mentor, 2 fellows supervised01/2007 - 01/2007
International Exchange Program, Mentor, 2 fellows supervised01/2005 - 01/2005
Psychiatry Resident, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised, PGYIV Resident01/2003 - 01/2003
International Exchange Program, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised01/2002 - 01/2002
Psychiatry Resident, Mentor, 2 fellows supervised, PGYIV Resident01/2002 - 01/2002
Research Project, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised, M3, Medical Student01/2002 - 01/2002
Psychiatry, Mentor, 12 fellows supervised01/2001 - Present
International Exchange Program, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised01/2001 - 01/2001
Research Project, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised, M2, Medical Student01/2001 - 01/2001
CINP Mentor-Mentee Program, Participant, 0 fellows supervised01/2000 - 01/2008
Research Project, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised, M1, Medical Student01/1998 - 01/1998
Psychiatry Residents, Mentor, 1 fellows supervised, PGY11 Resident01/1997 - 01/1997