Jefferson D. Parker

Jefferson D. Parker

Professor Emeritus



Work Phone:
(601) 984-2778


Jefferson Parker, Ph.D., Division Director of Psychology and Co-Director of the Center for Innovation and Discovery in Addictions (CIDA) is a licensed clinical psychologist who treats a wide range of conditions and specializes in addictive disorders. Dr. Parker grew up in Pine Bush, a small town in New York and attended college at Tufts University. Prior to entering graduate school at the University of Maine, he worked extensively with the homeless in New York City and Boston. After moving to Maine, Dr. Parker worked in a community substance abuse treatment facility before entering graduate school at the University of Maine in Orono. He completed his pre-doctoral internship at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Dr. Parker started his career as a psychologist at the G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, from which he retired after 22 years, the first 17 of which were in leadership positions within the Addictive Disorders Treatment Program and the last 5 serving as Associate Chief of Staff for Mental Health. Dr. Parker is married with two grown children and four grandchildren. He is actively involved in Wells Memorial Methodist Church and for recreation he cooks, reads, hikes, rides his bicycle, and listens to music. Just prior to the pandemic, he achieved a lifelong goal of riding his bicycle across the United States.


University of Maine, PhD, Psychology1993
Tufts University, BS, Biology and Greek & Roman Studies1977

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Psychologist06/1994 - 06/2018

Current Positions

Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry04/2015 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Credentialing Coordinator, Mississippi Board of Psychology11/2014 - 06/2016
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry07/2011 - 02/2015
Chair, Mississippi Board of Psychology10/2010 - 10/2014
Associate Chief of Staff for Mental Health, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center12/2009 - 02/2015
Member, South Central Mental Illness Research & Education Clinical Center (SC MIRECC)2003 - 2008
Team Leader, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center07/1999 - 04/2011
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry07/1994 - 06/2011
Operations Manager Residential/Day Treatment, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center09/1993 - 07/1999

Sponsored Program Funding

Intramural, Lindsey, J.A., Martin, L.A., Parker, J.D., Henderson, K., Adler, G., Cully, J., Smith, T., Baillie, L., Armstrong, E.B., Hoffman, J. Bailey, K., Lyons, J. & Buckholdt, K. (2014). Implementing Clinical Video Telehealth into the home to increase rural Veterans' access to evidence-based psychotherapy for PTSD., VA Office of Rural Health10/2014 - 09/2015
Extramural, Parker, J.D., Burden, J. L., & Lash, S. J. (2009). Evaluation of implementation factors specific to
the Contracts, Prompts, and Social Reinforcement (CPR) Intervention for SUD continuing care within the VA., Quaility Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) Rapid Response Project
08/2009 - 09/2011
Extramural, Lash, S. J.. Burden, J. L., Stephens, R. S., Parker, J.D., Grambow, S.C., & Datta, S. K. (2005).: Reinforcement of abstinence and attendance in substance abuse treatment., VA HSR&D (IIR 03-267-3)07/2006 - 06/2010
Intramural, Schrimsher, G. & Parker, J.D. (2005): Relation of Cognitive Status to Substance Use Disorder
Treatment Outcome., South Central Mental Illness Research Education Clinical
04/2005 - 03/2006
Intramural, Watson, J. M., Sherman, K., Parker, J.D., & Qureshi, N. (2003). Alcohol and health in a primary
care setting., South Central Network Mental Health Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC)
04/2003 - 12/2004
Intramural, Hamilton, M., Merritt, N., Schrimsher, G., & Parker, J.D. (2003). Assessing and Enhancing Motivation for Change in Veterans with Dual Diagnoses Using a Group Therapy Model., South Central Network Mental Health Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC).04/2003 - 03/2004
Intramural, Schrimsher, G., Parker, J. D. & Carter, S. (2003). Cognitive Assessment in Substance Use
Disorder Treatment: Development of a Resource Manual for VA Programs., South Central Network Mental Health Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC).
04/2003 - 03/2004
Intramural, Parker, J.D., Shaw, C., & Ward, E. (2002). An age-specific role competency curriculum for substance abuse treatment program staff., South Central Network Mental Health Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC).04/2002 - 03/2003
Intramural, Parker, J. D. (2001 ). Contingency Management in Substance Use Disorders., South Central VA Health Care Network.04/2001 - 03/2002
Intramural, Parker, J.D., Burke, R. S., Matens, P., Hill, B. F. (1999). Chemical Dependence Treatment Program (CDTP)Gambling Education Initiative., VISN 16 Mental Health Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC).04/1999 - 03/2000
Intramural, Burke, R. S., Parker, J.D., Turk, C. L., Heimberg, R. G. (1999). Does treatment of social anxiety improve outcomes in outpatient chemical dependence treatment?, VISN 16 Mental Health Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC).04/1999 - 12/2000


Mental health article in monthly newsletter of Wells Methodist Church

Parker, J. D. Come to think of it, column in Wellspring. Monthly newsletter of Wells Methodist Church, Jackson, MS.(2004 – present).2004

Lay article

Parker, J. D. Getting hooked on coins: How to reel in new, young collectors. Coins, 44(2), 56-60.(1997).1997
Parker, J. D. Bringing back the kids: How to successfully introduce coin collecting to children. Coins, 42(12), 46-47.(1995).1995

Journal Article

Burden, JL, Parker, JD, Williams DC, & Lash, SJ Pre-implementation review of contracts, prompts, and reinforcement in SUD continuing care Journal of Behavioral Health Sciences and Research; 44(1):135-1482017
Raza, G.T., DeMarce, J.M., Lash, S.J., & Parker, J.D. Paranoid personality disorder in the United States: The role of race, drug use, and income. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 13:3, 247-257, (2014). DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2013.850463.2014
Tamanna, S., Parker, J.D., Lyons, J. & Ullah, M.I.. The effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy on nightmares in patients with pot-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. (2014).2014
DeMarce, J.M., Lash, S.J., Parker, J.D., Burke, R.S., & Granbow, S.C. Validity of the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV among Veterans seeking treatment for substance use disorders. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2013, 11(5): 546-556. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-013-9435-42013
Lash, S.J., Burden, J.L., Parker, J.D., Stephens, R.S., Grambow, S.C., Budney, A.J., Horner, R.D., & Jeffreys, A.S. Contracting, prompting, and reinforcing substance use disorder continuing care. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 4: 449-456. (2013).2013
Adams, C.E., Houle, T.T.; Parker, J.D., & Burke, R.S. Examining changes in depressive symptoms during substance abuse treatment in the context of regression to the mean. Addictive Disorders & their Treatment, January 24.2012
Adams, C.E., Rash, C.J., Burke, R.S., & Parker, J.D. Contingency management for patients with co-occurring disorders: Evaluation of a case study and recommendations for practitioners. Case Reports in Psychiatry, 2012, 1-7.2012
Reeves, R. R., Parker, J.D., Burke, R. S., & Hart, R. H. Inappropriate psychiatric admission of elderly patients with unrecognized delirium. Southern Medical Journal, 103(2), 111-115.2010
Reeves, R. R., Parker, J. D., & Burke, R. S.. Unrecognized physical illness prompting
psychiatric admission.
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. 22(3): 180-185.
Hunt, Y., Rash, C., Burke, R., & Parker, J. Smoking cessation in recovery: A preliminary comparison of two different cognitive behavioral treatments. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 9(2), 64-74. (2010).2010
Businelle, M.S., Rash, C. J., Burke, R. S., & Parker, J.D. Offering vouchers to increase continuing care participation in veterans: Does magnitude matter? The American Journal on Addictions,
18, 122-129.
Wickwire Jr., E. M., Burke, R. S., Brown, S. A., Parker, J.D., & May, R. K. Psychometric evaluation of the National Opinion Research Center DSM-IV Screen for Gambling Problems (NODS). American Journal on Addictions, 17(5), 392-295.2009
Businelle, M. S., Parker, J. D., May, R. K., Kendzor, D. E., & Burke, R. S. Effects of contingency management on substance abuse continuing care participation. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 7, 99-107.(2008).2008
Schrimsher, G.W., & Parker, J.D. Changes in cognitive function during substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 30(2), 146-153.(2008).2008
Reeves, R. R., Burke, R. S., & Parker, J.D. Characteristics of psychotic patients with
Foreign Accent Syndrome.
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 19(1): 70-76.(2007).
Schrimsher, G. W., Parker, J.D., & Burke, R. S. Relation between cognitive testing performance and pattern of substance abuse in males at treatment entry. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 21(3); 498-510.(2007).2007
Rhudy, J. L., Dubbert, P. M., Parker, J.D., Burke, R. S., & Williams, A. E. Affective modulation of pain in substance dependent veterans. Pain Medicine, Z(6); 483-500.(2006).2006
Reeves, R. R., Parker, J.D., & Konkle-Parker, D. J. New clinical awareness of war­ related mental health problems in veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing. 43(7), 18-28.(2005).2005
Schrimsher, G. W., O'Bryant, S. E., Parker, J.D., & Burke, R. S. The relation between ethnicity and Cognistat performance in males seeking substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 27(7), 873-875.(2005).2005
Forsyth, J. P., Parker, J.D., & Finlay, G. Anxiety sensitivity, controllability, and
experiential avoidance and their relation to drug of choice and addiction severity in a residential sample of substance abusing veterans.
Addictive Behaviors, 28, 851-870.(2003).
Reeves, R. R. & Parker, J. D. Somatic dysfunction during carisoprodol cessation: Evidence for a carisoprodol withdrawal syndrome. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 103, 75-80.
Parker, J. D., Turk, C. L., & Busby, L. D. A Brief Telephone Intervention Targeting Treatment Engagement from a Substance Abuse Program Wait List. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 29: 288-303. (2002)2002
Brown, S. A., Parker, J. D., & Godding, P. R. Administrative, clinical, and ethical issues surrounding the use of waiting lists in the delivery of mental health services. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 29: 217-228. (2002)2002
Anderson, D. A., Burton, D. B., Parker, J. D., & Godding, P. R. ( A structural equation analysis of the cognitive capacity screening examination. International Journal of Neuroscience, 111, 221-233. (2001)2001
Buckley, T.C., Parker, J. D., & Heggie J. A psychometric evaluation of the BDI-II in treatment-seeking substance abusers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 20, 197-204. (2001)2001
Reeves, R. R., Pendarvis, E. J., & Parker, J. D. Factors associated with readmission among VA psychiatric inpatients. Veterans Health Services Journal, 5(9), 29-35. (2000)2000
Parker, J. D., Daleiden, E. L., & Simpson, C. A. The Personality Assessment Inventory substance use scales: Convergent and discriminant relations with the Addiction Severity Index in a residential chemical dependence treatment setting. Psychological Assessment, 11, 507-513. (1999)1999
Anderson, D. & Parker, J. D. The use of a mental status examination in a chemical dependence treatment program. The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 14, 377-382. (1997)1997
Hecker, J. E., Fink, C. M., Levasseur, J. B., & Parker, J. D. Perspectives on practicum: A survey of directors of accredited Ph.D. programs and internships (Or, What is a practicum hour and how many do I need?). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 26, 205-210. (1995)1995
Thorpe, G. L., Parker, J. D., & Barnes, G. S. The Common Beliefs Survey III and its subscales: Discriminant validity in clinical and nonclinical subjects. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 10(2), 95-104.(1992).1992
Thorpe, G. L., Parker, J. D., Bush, M. J., & Magill, S. J. Alcohol and cocaine abuse treatment in Maine: An integrated approach. Alcohol Health & Research World, 11(4), 28-31. (1987)1987
Parker, J. D. CPR: Life support for substance use disorder continuing care. Mississippi Psychological Association Newsletter, 1: 5-7.(2010).2010
Parker, J. D. Stress and sleep. December newsletter, Special Operations Detachment, Mississippi National Guard, p. 2.(2009).2009
Parker, J. D. Meet the MIRECC Researchers: Jefferson Parker (Interview). South Central MIRECC Communiqué, 10(11): 1-2.(2008).2008

Book Review

Parker, J. D. The effectiveness of social interventions for homeless substance abusers. Journal of Mental Health Administration, 24: 363-364.(1997).1997
Parker, J. D. Legally safe mental health practice. [The Mississippi Psychologist, 22: 10,19. (1997)1997
Thorpe, G. L. & Parker, J. D. A multi-disciplinary British perspective on agoraphobia. [Review of Agoraphobia: Current perspectives on theory and treatment]. Contemporary Psychology, 36, 617-618. (1991).1991

Letter to the Editor

Reeves, R. R., Struve, F. A., & Parker, J. D. P300 event-related potential in late-onset schizophrenia. International Psychogeriatric, 16(4), 487-489.(2004).2004


Poster Presentation, Tamanna, S., Parker, J., Lyons, J., Campbell, D., & Ullah, M.I. PTSD and sleep apnea: Objective assessment of PTSD symptom improvement with CPAP in Veterans with OSA., Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis, MN06/2014
Poster Presentation, Lash, S.J., Burden, J.L., Parker, J.D., Stephens, R.S., Grambow, S.C., Budney, A.J., Horner R.D., & Jeffreys, A.S. Contracting, prompting and reinforcing substance use disorder continuing care., Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD11/2012
Poster Presentation, Lash, S.J., Burden, J.L,. Parker, J.D., & Williams, D. Contracts, prompts and social reinforcement (CPR): Implementation facilitators and barriers in substance abuse treatment., Assocation for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD11/2012
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Pippen, J., Crocker, H., Parker, J.D., Christoff, K., & Allen, M. Getting my dossier in order: Universal documentation for licensue in U.S. and Canada., Mississippi Psychological Association, Gulfport, MS09/2012
Poster Presentation, Hahn, K. S., Parker, J.D., Ro, E., Connolly, K. M., & Burke, R. S. Exploration of emotion dysregulation in treatment-seeking Veterans diagnosed with substance dependence disorders., Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY11/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Lash, S.J., Parker, J.D., & Burden, J.L. Contracts, Prompts and Reinforcement: An Evidence-Based Approach to Continuing Care., Implementing the Handbook on Uniform Mental Health Services and the Draft Handbook on Programs for Veterans with Substance Use Disorders", New Orleans08/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Burden, J.L., Parker, J.D. & Lash, S.J. Contracts, Prompts, and Reinforcement (CPR): Strategies for improving adherence to SUD Continuing Care., Annual Veterans Affairs Mental Health Conference, Baltimore Maryland07/2009
Public Presentations, Parker, J.D. Substance abuse services at the Jackson VAMC., Clinical and administrative staff of Harbor House, Inc. of Jackson, Jackson, MS.06/2009
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Using the NIAAA Clinician's Guide (Updated 2005 Edition), South Central MIRECC, Little Rock, AR01/2008
Poster Presentation, DeMaree, J. M., Burden, J. L., Lash, S. J., Stephens, R. S., Burke, R., Parker, J.D., & Granbow, S. Convergent validity of the Timeline Followback for veterans diagnosed with co-occuring substance use and psychiatric disorders via the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV., Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA11/2007
Public Presentations, Parker, J.D.. Contingency management in ADTP: Better health through bribery?, Jackson Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)., Jackson Chapter, NASW06/2007
UMMC Grand Rounds, Parker, J. D. Contingency management in ADTP: Better health through bribery?, University of Mississippi School of Medicine., Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center.12/2006
Poster Presentation, Ritter, M. R., Houle, T. T., Burke, R. & Parker, J.D. Examining changes in depressive symptoms during substance abuse treatment in the context of regression to the mean ., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy.11/2006
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. Treating chronic pain in substance abuse: An interactive primer. Interactive Pain CD., 2nd Annual Pain Management Symposium: Campaign Against Pain. G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC and the VA Employee Education System., Jackson, MS04/2006
Poster Presentation, Schrimsher, G.W. & Parker, J.D. Acute changes in cognitive function during substance
use disorder treatment., 26th annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio
Poster Presentation, Hunt, Y. M., Karekla, M., Burke, R. S., Parker, J.D., & Beddingfield, J. J. Acceptance-based treatment of comorbid substance abuse and social anxiety: A case study., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D. C.11/2005
Poster Presentation, Walker, N. R., Hunt, Y. M., Grothe, K., Parker, J.D., Burke, R. S., Dubbert, P.M., for the PATHS Research Group. Associations between tobacco use and alcohol moderation over time: Implications for clinical practice., Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington DC11/2005
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J. D. Dual diagnosis treatment: Concurrent treatment of substance abuse and psychiatric disorders., 91 Annual Conference on Co-OccurringMental Health and Substance Related Disorder. Sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health., Jackson, MS02/2005
Poster Presentation, Rhudy, J. L., Williams, A. E., Dubbert, P.M., Parker, J.D., & Burke, R. S. Affective modulation of pain in substance dependent veterans., annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Ca10/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. Consumer satisfaction: A case study., Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Mississippi State Hospital, and MissionLinks., Mississippi Annual State Conference on Homelessness.09/2004
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. & Ward, Evelina. An age-specific role competency toolkit for substance abuse treatment program staff., South Central MIRECC, South Central VA Health Care Network clinicians.04/2004
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. (2003, April). Motivation for change in substance abuse., South Central MIRECC Speakers Bureau., New Orleans, LA VAMC04/2003
Invited Symposia, Parker, J. D. Novel applications of contingency management in substance abuse treatment., annual conference of the Association forAdvancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV.11/2002
Invited Symposia, Parker, J.D. & May, R.. Challenges and curiosities discovered while implementing a contingency management program in a real world clinical setting., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV11/2002
Invited Symposia, May, R. & Parker, J. D. A contingency management intervention targeting
involvement in continuing care and abstinence following residential substance abuse treatment., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV.
Poster Presentation, Burke, R. S. & Parker, J. D. Examining the challenges to implementing an empirically validated treatment for Social Phobia in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center., Annual conference of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV11/2002
Poster Presentation, Burke, R. S., Parker, J. D., Turk, C. L. & Heimberg, R. G. Cognitive-behavioral treatment
of co-morbid Social Phobia and Alcohol Dependence: A case study., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV
Poster Presentation, Ferrell, S. W., Tassey, J. R., Zanotti, D. K., Vincent, A. S., & Parker, J.D. Using an integrated direct contact model to address tobacco use in primary care: An evaluation of a treatment delivery system., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV11/2002
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J. D. Brief interventions for substance abuse., Sponsored by the Talk presented to behavioral health staff of the Tulsa VAMC Outpatient Clinic,South Central MIRECC Speakers Bureau., Tulsa, OK.09/2002
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J. D. Brief interventions for substance abuse., South Central MIRECC Speakers Bureau., Muskogee VAMC, Muskogee, OK09/2002
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. Brief interventions for substance abuse., South Central MIRECC Speakers Bureau., Oklahoma City VAMC, Oklahoma City, OK.09/2002
Workship, Parker, J.D. Treatment planning process., 8th Annual Gulf Coast Conference on Treatment of Addictive Disorders, Biloxi, MS.09/2002
MIRECC Pre-Conference Presentation, Parker, J.D. & May, R. Contingency management demonstration project., MIRECC Preconference, 8th Annual Gulf Coast Conference on09/2002
Invited Symposia, Parker, J.D. Brief interventions for substance abuse: Issues of Motivation & Readiness to Change., South Central MIRECC Speakers Bureau., Fayetteville VAMC, Fayetteville, AR06/2002
Medical staff training, Eriator, 1., Parker, J.D., Beddingfield, J. & Wilson, J. Managing the pain patient with chemical dependency., Jackson, MS., Multidisciplinary Pain Symposium, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC04/2002
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J. D. & Kauth, M. R. Integrating research and education into clinical practice: the South Central VA Network MIRECC., 7th Gulf Coast Conference on Treatment of Addictive Disorders, Biloxi, MS09/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J. D. A gambling education module for substance abusers: integrating cognitive behavioral and 12-step components., The Gulf Coast Conference on Treatment of Addictive Disorders, Biloxi, MS09/2001
Poster Presentation, Ross, D., Burke, R. S., & Parker, J.D. Examination of pre- and post-BDI-II scores among military veterans participating in a chemical dependence treatment program., University of Mississippi Medical Center Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Research Day, Jackson, MS.2001
Poster Presentation, Burke, R. S., Parker, J. D., & Brown, S. A. Assessment of problem gambling in a residential substance abuse treatment program: A comparison of two brief self-report measures., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA11/2000
Poster Presentation, Burke, R. S., Parker, J. D., & Brown, S. A. Screening for gambling problems in primary care settings: Data from the NODS., Association for, New Orleans, LA.11/2000
Invited Symposia, Parker, J. D. Implementing empirically validated treatments for anxiety disorders in clinical settings: Current challenges and future directions., Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS10/2000
Poster Presentation, Heggie, J., Burke, R. S., & Parker, J.D. Examining changes in short-term verbal memorv performance among male veterans participating in a chemical dependence treatment program., Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS10/2000
Platform Presentations, Parker, J.D. & Ross, D. Substance abuse, psychiatric illness and HIV: Risk factors and treatment issues., Mississippi Chapter of Nurses in AIDS Care09/2000
Research Colloquium, Parker, J.D. A brief intervention targeting waiting list attrition., North Little Rock VAMC, North Little Rock, AR.08/2000
Poster Presentation, Burke, R. S., Parker, J.D., Godding, P. R., & Simpson, C. A. Using the PAl to assess somatization among African American males in chemical dependence treatment., Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN04/2000
presentation, Parker, J.D. & Sly, K. Dual diagnosis and HIV: Complexity upon complexity., Fourth Annual Conference on Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders sponsored by the , Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jackson, MS12/1999
Poster Presentation, Canna, M.A., Forsyth, J.P., & Parker, J.D. Predictors of Drug of Choice in Individuals Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada11/1999
Poster Presentation, Holle, C., Parker, J. D., Turk, C. L., ai'Absi, M., Busby, L. D., & Heimberg, R. G. The persistence of social anxiety during early recovery in a residential substance abuse treatment program., Association for Advancement of11/1999
Poster Presentation, Simpson, C. A. & Parker, J.D. An analysis of temporal discounting and drug
of choice in a chemical dependence treatment program., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.
Invited Symposia, Heggie, J. & Parker, J.D. Use of the BDI-11 in a substance abusing population., Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS.10/1999
Invited Symposia, Parker, J.D. & Daleiden, E. L. Use of the Personality Assessment Inventory among substance abusers., Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS10/1999
Poster Presentation, Burke, R. S. & Parker, J.D. Assessment of social anxiety in chemically dependent males: Standardization and validation of a brief measure of social anxiety., Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS10/1999
Public Presentation, Parker, J.D., Sly, K., & Bass, L. Dual diagnosis and HIV: Complexity upon complexity., University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Jim Buck Ross Agriculture Museum, Jackson, MS05/1999
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. & Sly, K. Dual diagnosis and HIV: Complexity upon complexity., Fourth Annual Conference on Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jackson, MS12/1998
Poster Presentation, Parker, J.D., Holle, C., Busby, L. D., ai'Absi, M., Turk, C., & Heimberg, R. G. Knowledge acquisition and cognitive status in a cognitive-behavioral substance abuse treatment program., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington11/1998
Grand Rounds, Dubbert, P., Parker, J.D., & Cooper, K. Screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems in primary care., Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi School of Medicine., UMMC06/1998
Poster Presentation, Busby, L. D. & Parker, J.D. Norms and reliability for the Stages of Change and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES) obtained from drinkers accepted for inpatient treatment., Association for Advancement of BehaviorTherapy, Miami, FL11/1997
Poster Presentation, Daleiden, E. & Parker, J.D. The Personality Assessment Inventory substance
use scales and the Addiction Severity Index: Evidence for convergent and discriminant validity., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami, FL
Poster Presentation, Forsyth, J.P., Breus, M., Parker, J.D., & Fitterling, J. M. Interceptive sensitivity, bodily fears, and their relation to control and experiential avoidance in a residential substance abuse population., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami, FL11/1997
Staff training, Parker, J.D.. Conflict resolution., Continuing Education, VAMC, Jackson, MS09/1997
Public Presentation, Parker, J.D. Communication between supervisors and supervisees., Continuing Education Program, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical, Jackson, MS09/1997
Poster Presentation, Parker, J. D., Busby, L. D., Turk, C. L., Oliver, M.A., & Curro, G. Alcohol- and drug-specific readiness to change as a predictor of admission to inpatient chemical dependence
treatment., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, N.Y.
Poster Presentation, Parker, J.D., Turk, C. L., Busby, L. D., Oliver, M.A., & Curro, G. An examination of the effects of a motivational interviewing intervention on waiting list attrition using survival analysis., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, NewYork, N.Y.11/1996
Invited Symposia, Parker, J.D. Motivational interviewing: Promoting readiness to change
(Without a big stick)., Continuing Education Program, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Biloxi (Gulfport Div.), MS
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Parker, J.D. Alcohol, drugs, and dual diagnosis., Joint Mississippi Mental Health Consumer Coalition/Clubhouse, Harvey Hotel, Jackson, MS.05/1996
Staff training, Parker, J.D.. Communication between staff and patients., G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Jackson, MS04/1996
Staff training, Parker, J.D. Communication between supervisors and supervisees., G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Jackson, MS.04/1996
Public Presentation, Parker, J.D.. The application of cue exposure with response prevention to smoking cessation., G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Jackson, MS.07/1993
Poster Presentation, Hecker, J. E., Fink, C. M., Kivler, T. & Parker, J.D. Alcohol use, anxiety. and panic in a college population., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York11/1992
Poster Presentation, Parker, J.D. & Thorpe, G. L. Social anxiety among substance abusers: Questionnaire data from women in long-term residential treatment., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.11/1990
Poster Presentation, Parker, J.D. & Thorpe, G. L. Social anxiety among substance abusers: Questionnaire data from women in long-term residential treatment., Maine Psychological Association, Lewiston, ME04/1990
Poster Presentation, Vogeltanz, N., Parker, J. D., Hecker, J. E., & Thorpe, G. L. The Fear Questionnaire: Separating fear and avoidance ratings, factor structure and further normative data., Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D. C.11/1989
Public Presentation, Parker, J.D. (1987). Dealing with AIDS in the substance abuse treatment setting., National Institute of Alcholism and Alcohol Abuse, Maine1987

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Distinguished Service Award, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC, Research & Development Service2015
Outstanding Administrator, American Psychological Association, VA Section, Division 182014
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2013
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2012
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2011
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2010
Just Do It Award, Chief of Staff; Jackson VAMC2009
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2009
Special Contribtion Award, Jackson VAMC2008
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2007
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2006
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2005
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2004
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2003
Clinical Education Award of Excellence, South Central Mental Illness Research and Education Clinical Center2002
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2002
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2001
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC2000
Special Contribution Award, Jackson VAMC1999
Teacher of the Year, University of Mississippi/VA Predoctoral Psychology Internship Program1999

Professional Membership and Service

American Psychological Association - Division 50 - Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Member2008 - Present
American Psychological Association - Division 12 - Clinical Psychology, Member1994 - Present
American Psychological Association, Member1994 - Present
Mississippi Psychological Association, Member1994 - Present

Committee Service

Executive Council of the Mississippi Psychological Association, Representative-Elect for Region 2. 3-year term to start 1/1/182018 - 2021
Psychiatry Resident Selection Committee, Member2015 - 2017
Quality Improvement Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Co-Chair2015 - Present
Diversity Training Oversight Committee, Subcommittee of Predoctoral Psychology Residency Training Committee, Chair2015 - Present
Residency Training Committee, UMMC/VAMC Psychology Prodoctoral Psychology Internship Consortium (UMC Division Committee), Member2015 - Present
Quality Value Executive Board, Member2014 - 2015
Peer Review Committee, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC, Member2013 - 2015
Grand Rounds2011 - Present
VISN Mental Health Product Line Inpatient Mental Health Strategic Planning Committee, Ad Hoc, Member2011 - 2011
VISN Mental Health Product Line Residential Mental Health Strategic Planning Committee, Ad Hoc, Chair2011 - 2011
Workforce Development Committee, Member2010 - 2011
VA Clinical Executive Board, Member2010 - 2015
Department of Psychiatry Promotions and Tenure Committee, Member2010 - Present
Post Tenure Review Committee, Ad Hoc, Member2010 - 2010
UMMC/VAMC Affiliation Partnership Council, Member2010 - 2015
House Staff Review Committee, Member2010 - 2015
UMC/VA Affiliation Partnership Council, Member2010 - 2015
Residency Training Committee, UMMC/VAMC Psychology Prodoctoral Psychology Internship Consortium (UMC Division Committee), Member2008 - 2015
VA Institutional Review Board, Vice Chair2008 - 2015
VISN 16 Substance Use Disorder Work Group, Chair2007 - 2015
VA Medical Center Interdisciplinary Pain Committee, Member2006 - 2010
VA Institutional Review Board, Member2005 - 2007
VA Substance Abuse QUERI Continuity of Care Subcommittee, Member2005 - 2013
Clinical Education Core, South Central MIRECC, Member2003 - 2008
Secretary of Medical Staff (VA Center Committee), Member2002 - 2004
Research & Development Committee, Member (VA Center Committee), Member2001 - 2005
Residency Training Committee, UMMC/VAMC Psychology Prodoctoral Psychology Internship Consortium (UMC Division Committee), Member1999 - 2004
Lead/Representative for VJSN 16 Substance Use Disorder to Associate Chief Consultant for Substance Abuse, Office of Mental Health Services, Member

Community Service

Wells Methodist Church, Lay Leader2017 - Present
Wells Methodist Church, Administrative Board, Ex Officio Member2005 - Present
Operation Shoestring, Board Member2004 - 2006
Operation Shoestring, Vice-President of the Board2003 - 2004
Operation Shoestring, Secretary of the Board2002 - 2003
Wells Methodist Church, Council on Ministries, Ex Officio Member; Former Chair2000 - Present
Operation Shoestring, Board member1996 - 2002
Wells Fest - Community Fundraiser sponsored by Wells Methodist Church, Volunteer1994 - Present

Teaching Experience

PSY 621, Medicine, Small Group, Guest Presenter, Introduction to Psychiatric Diagnosis and TreatmentSpring 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Small Group, Guest PresenterSummer 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Small Group, Guest PresenterSummer 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Small Group, Guest PresenterSummer 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterAnnual 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterAnnual 2017 - 2017
PSY 621, Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Introduction to Psychiatric Diagnosis and TreatmentSpring 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, UMMC/VA Predoctoral Internship Diversity DayAnnual 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, UMMC/VA Predoctoral Psychology Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, UMMC/VA Predoctoral Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, UMMC/VA Predoctoral Psychology Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 2012 - 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2010 - 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2010 - 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2009 - 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2009 - 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, UMMC/VA Predoctoral Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 2009 - 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2008 - 2008
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2008 - 2008
Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Seminar SeriesSpring 2008 - 2008
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2007 - 2007
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2007 - 2007
Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Seminar SeriesFall 2007 - 2007
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2006 - 2006
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2006 - 2006
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2005 - 2005
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2005 - 2005
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 2004 - 2004
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2004 - 2004
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2004 - 2004
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 2003 - 2003
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 2003 - 2003
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2003 - 2003
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2003 - 2003
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 2002 - 2002
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2002 - 2002
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2002 - 2002
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesSpring 2001 - 2001
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 2001 - 2001
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 2000 - 2000
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 1999 - 1999
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 1999 - 1999
621, Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, InterviewingSpring 1998 - 1998
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 1998 - 1998
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 1998 - 1998
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Internship Seminar SeriesAnnual 1998 - 1998
621, Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, InterviewingSpring 1997 - 1997
Medicine, Lecture, Guest PresenterSpring 1997 - 1997
621, Small Group, Course Presenter, InterviewingSpring 1996 - 1996
Medicine, Small Group, Guest Presenter, Psychiatry Resident Outpatient ConferenceSpring 1996 - 1996
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Predoctoral Psychology Intern Seminar SeriesAnnual 1996 - 1996
621, Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, InterviewingSpring 1995 - 1995
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Psychiatry Resident Outpatient ConferenceSpring 1995 - 1995

Residency Training

Psychology Predoctoral Internship Program, Research Advisor2006 - Present
UMMC Postdoctoral Psychology Fellowship Program, Research Advisor2000 - 06/2010
Predoctoral Psychology Internship Program, Training Faculty1994 - 02/2015