Jeanne S. Nunez, MD

Jeanne S. Nunez, MD

Assistant Professor



Work Phone:
(601) 984-5260


Dr. Nunez was born in France, graduated from Medical School at University of Paris, then did a specialty of Pediatrics in France. She, then did a Neonatology fellowship at University of Maryland, and a pediatric residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
She practiced in General Pediatrics in France 1989-1992, then as a Neonatologist 1998 to 2015 at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. From 2015 to 2021, she practiced as a locum tenens before joining UMMC in 2021.
Dr. Nunez is certified in General Pediatrics and Neonatology.
Dr. Nunez has a strong interest in improving newborn care through evidence based QI initiatives, clinical research and teaching. Most notably, she has performed a QI project on delayed cord clamping, and developed a new statistical method to improve analysis of temporal association between symptoms and reflux, leading to multiple publications and presentations at international meetings.
Over the last three years, she has brought her extensive experience as the main neonatologist at NMMC, supporting UMMC goal to improve newborn care in the state of MS. She has presented several lectures notably on the Sepsis Calculator, Hypoglycemia which led to new guidelines and a research project. She has presented at M&M, and Chronic Care conferences.


Johns Hopkins Hospital, Pediatric Residency, Pediatrics1996
University of Maryland Medical System, Neonatal Fellowship, Neonatology1995
University of Paris V Descartes, Board of General Pediatrics France, Pediatrics1989
University of Paris V Descartes, MD, Medical School1985

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, State of Maryland Physician license
Certification, Board of Pediatrics France12/1989 - Present
Certification, Board of Pediatrics10/1996 - Present
Certification, Board of Neonatology11/1999 - 12/2026

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine10/2021 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Sponsored Program Funding

Intramural, Temporal Association of Polysomnographic Cardio-respiratory Events with GER Detected by Combined Impedance-pH probe Monitoring in the Premature Infant at Term., Accelerated Translational Incubator Pilot Program Grant from the JHH Institute for Clinical and Translational Research Grant Number UL1 RR 025005 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research01/2010 - 01/2011
Intramural, Temporal Association of Polysomnographic Cardio-respiratory Events with GER, Grant Number UL1 RR 025005 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research JHH GCRC.07/2009 - 07/2011
Extramural, Temporal Association of Polysomnographic Cardio-respiratory Events with GER Detected by Combined Impedance-pH probe Monitoring in the Premature Infant at Term., Thomas Wilson Grant.05/2005 - 06/2006


Journal Article

J. Nunez and J. Torday. The Developing Rat Lung Fibroblast and Alveolar Type II Cell Actively Recruit Surfactant Phospholipid Substrate Journal of Nutrition, 1995, 125:1639S-1644S.
D.Glen, P. Murakami P, J.Nunez. Symptom index P-value and symptom sensitivity index P-value to determine symptom association between apnea and reflux in premature infants at term. Dis Esophagus. 2013, 26(6):549-56.
J. Nunez, E. Cristofalo, B. McGinley, R. Katz, D. Glen, and E. Gauda. Temporal Association of Polysomnographic Cardiorespiratory Events with GER Detected by MII-pH Probe in the Premature Infant at Term. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 2011, 52(5):523-531.

Review Article

J. Nunez, MD. Extraesophageal Manifestations of Gastroesophageal Reflux in the Premature Infant: New Clinical Methods of Evaluation. E-Neonatal Review. November 2007 Volume 5 Number 3
E. Gauda, E. Cristofalo; J.Nunez. Peripheral arterial chemoreceptors and sudden infant death syndrome. Respir.Physiol.Neurobiol 2007, 157( 1): 162-170.


J.S. Nunez, J. Johnson, E.A. Cristofalo, C.H. Argani, and M.M. Gilmore. Poster presentation at Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, Philadelphia, PA, March 22, 2015, and . Delayed Cord Clamping for Preterms: a Quality Improvement Project Pediatric Academic Society, Sand Diego, CA, April 2015. Abstract Number: 7535102015
J Nunez, J. Hua, J. Torday, Glucocorticoid Stimulation of Surfactant Phospholipid Substrate Content in Fetal Rat Lung Fibroblasts in vivo. PAS National Meeting, Seattle 1994. Pediatric Research 35:348A.
J. Nunez and J. Torday, Regulation of Lipoprotein-Lipase in the Fetal Rat Lung
Fibroblast: a Possible Role in Surfactant Lipid Substrate Mobilization.
PAS San Diego, 1995. Pediatric Research 37: 344A.
E.Cristofalo, J. Nunez, K. Matthias, M. Lefton-Greif, E. Gauda, R. Katz. Duration of Apnea and Bradycardia Predicts Oral Feeding Success in Premature Infants 30 Weeks Gestation, PAS National Meeting, San Francisco. E-PAS 2006:59:5533.194
J. Nunez, A. Jain, E. Gauda, N. Fedarko. Presence of Tracheal Pepsin Suggests Reflux Aspiration in Intubated Fed ELBW Infants PAS National Meeting, San Francisco E-PAS2006:59:472.
J. Nunez, B. McGinley, E. Cristofalo, R. Katz, and E. Gauda. Temporal Correlation of Obstructive Sleep Apneas with GER Detected by Impedance-pH Probe in the Premature Infant at Term. PAS 2008 Honolulu. Poster 4459.10.
D. Glen, P. Murakami, J. Nunez. Novel Simulation and Permutation Methods for the Determination of Temporal Association between Apnea and Reflux Events PAS Boston 2012. E-PAS2012:3835.395
J.S. Nunez, P. Murakami, and D.R. Glen. Effects of Clustered Events Permutation Analysis of Reflux Symptom Association. International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus meeting, in Vancouver, Canada, Sept 2014. O107.09.

Book Chapter

Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On Call Problems, Diseases, Drugs. Review, Updates of following “On call Problems” Section III: Chapter 28: Abnormal Blood Gas; Chapter 29: Apnea and Bradycardia; Chapter 31: Bloody Stool; Chapter 33: Cyanosis; Chapter 36: Gastric Aspirate; Chapter 37: Gastrointestinal Bleeding from the Upper Tract; Chapter 41: Hyperkalemia;Chapter 44: Hypokalemia; Chapter 45: Hyponatremia; Chapter 46: Hypotension and Shock; Chapter 50: Pneumoperitoneum; Chapter 51: Pneumothorax; Chapter 53: Poor Perfusion; Chapter 54: Post Delivery Antibiotics;Chapter 59: Vasospasm Edited by Trish Gomella, MD 5th Edition 2003.


M&M conference, Presentation of a case in Tupelo., M&M conference, UMMC05/2024
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Examining Association between Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy and Neonatal Hypoglycemia. A research project, Research Conference, UMMC02/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hypoglycemia Guidelines, NICU Guidelines, UMMC01/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Sepsis Calculator in Infants at more than 35 weeks Gestational Age, Women and Children Division Meeting, NNMC06/2022
Platform Presentations, J.S. Nunez, J. Johnson, E.A. Cristofalo, C.H. Argani, and M.M. Gilmore. Delayed Cord Clamping for Preterms: a Quality Improvement Project. Poster presentation at Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, Philadelphia, PA, March 22, 2015, and Pediatric Academic Society, Sand Diego, CA, April 2015. Abstract Number: 753510.03/2015
Poster Presentation, J.S. Nunez MD, J. Johnson MD, E. Cristofalo MD, C. Argani MD and M. Gilmore MD Delayed Cord Clamping for Preterms: a Quality Improvement Project. The Fourth annual Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Patient Safety Week celebration on 3/1/2015.03/2015
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, 3rd Regional DC-MD-VA Neonatal Perinatal Symposium: A MCH Quality Improvement Project: Delayed Cord Clamping in Premature Infants10/2014
Poster Presentation, J.S. Nunez, P. Murakami, and D.R. Glen. Effects of Clustered Events Permutation Analysis of Reflux Symptom Association. Accepted for oral presentation at the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus meeting, in Vancouver, Canada, Sept 2014. O107.09.09/2014
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oral presentation at the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus Meeting, Vancouver: Effects of Clustered Events on Permutation Analysis of Reflux Symptom Association. Jeanne Nunez, Peter Murakami, and Daniel Glen. Sept 2014, International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus Meeting, Vancouver09/2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, NICN Foundations Course Presentation on the Bayview experience on Delayed Cord Clamping April 30, 2014.04/2014
Poster Presentation, J. Nunez; C. Argani; E. Cristofalo, and M. Gilmore. A MCH Quality Improvement Project: Delayed Cord Clamping in Premature Infants. The third annual Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Patient Safety Week celebration on 3/5/2014.03/2014
Poster Presentation, D. Glen, P. Murakami, J. Nunez. Novel Simulation and Permutation Methods for the Determination of Temporal Association between Apnea and Reflux Events.
PAS Boston 2012. E-PAS2012:3835.395; NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, October 18 - 20 in Salt Lake City; 7th Annual Bayview Research Symposium on Nov 30, 2012.
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Presentation to Pediatric GI at JHH Temporal Association of Polysomnographic Cardio-Respiratory Events and MII-pH probe Reflux in the Premature Infant at Term Nov 10, 2010.11/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Presentation to Division of Pediatric Pulmonary and Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital Noon Conference on: Temporal Association of Polysomnographic Cardio-Respiratory Events with Gastro-esophageal Reflux Detected by MII-pH Probe in the Premature Infant at Term. Dec7, 2009 and Dec 8, 2009.12/2009
Poster Presentation, J. Nunez, B. McGinley, E. Cristofalo, R. Katz, and E. Gauda. Temporal Correlation of Obstructive Sleep Apneas with GER Detected by Impedance-pH Probe in the Premature Infant at Term. PAS 2008 Honolulu. Poster 4459.10.05/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Presentation to Division of Pediatric Pulmonary: Temporal Association between Polysomnographic CR events and GER detected by Combined Impedance-pH probe April 16, 2007.04/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Noon Conference in the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Biomarkers of Reflux Aspiration in the Recovering Premature Infant February 16, 200702/2007
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biomarkers of Reflux Aspiration in the Recovering Premature Infant: Cleveland Rainbow Babies and Children Hospital invited by Dr Richard Martin November 17, 2006.11/2006
Poster Presentation, E.Cristofalo, J. Nunez, K. Matthias, M. Lefton-Greif, E. Gauda, R. Katz. Duration of Apnea and Bradycardia Predicts Oral Feeding Success in Premature Infants 30 Weeks Gestation, PAS National Meeting, San Francisco. E-PAS 2006:59:5533.19405/2006
Poster Presentation, J. Nunez, A. Jain, E. Gauda, N. Fedarko. Presence of Tracheal Pepsin Suggests Reflux Aspiration in Intubated Fed ELBW Infants, PAS National Meeting, San Francisco E-PAS2006:59:472.05/2006
Poster Presentation, 9. J. Nunez and J. Torday, Regulation of Lipoprotein-Lipase in the Fetal Rat Lung
Fibroblast: a Possible Role in Surfactant Lipid Substrate Mobilization. PAS San Diego, 1995. Pediatric Research 37: 344A.
Poster Presentation, J. Nunez and J. Torday, Regulation of Lipoprotein-Lipase in the Fetal Rat Lung Fibroblast: a Possible Role in Surfactant Lipid Substrate Mobilization. Mid-Atlantic Perinatal Research Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 1995.04/1995
Poster Presentation, J. Nunez, J. Hua, J. Torday, Glucocorticoid Stimulation of Surfactant Phospholipid Substrate Content in Fetal Rat Lung Fibroblasts in vivo. PAS National Meeting, Seattle 1994. Pediatric Research 35:348A.05/1994
Poster Presentation, J. Nunez, J. Hua, J. Torday, Ph.D., Glucocorticoid Stimulation of Triglyceride Content by the Fetal Rat Lung Fibroblast in vivo. Mid-Atlantic Perinatal Research Conference, Hershey, PA., September 1993.09/1993

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

US Patent application No. 61/546,293, filed on October 12, 2012 by Johns Hopkins University Technology Transfer. Novel simulation and Permutation Methods for the Determination of Temporal Association between Two Events. Inventors Jeanne S Nunez, Peter Murakami, Publication date 2013/4/19 Patent office WO Patent number 20130560612013

Professional Membership and Service

AAP, Fellow

Committee Service

Pharmacy meeting NMMS/UMMC, Member2025 - Present
Case Management Conference UMMC NICU, Member2024 - Present
NICU guidelines, Member2023 - Present
Member of the JHBMC NICU-Pharmacy work up group, 2003- 2015, Member2003 - 2015
Member of Laboratory Advisory Committee, at JHBMC, 2003-2015, Member
Member of the JHBMC NICU Respiratory Oversight Committee, 2003-2015, Member

Directed Student Learning

Preceptor2024 - Present