Todd A. Nichols, MD

Todd A. Nichols, MD




Work Phone:
(601) 984-4051


I am a graduate of Millsaps College, attended UMMC medical school and UMMC radiology residency, completed fellowship in Neuroradiolgy at Emory University in 2010. My focus is to provide excellent quality clinical care for our patients and educate medical students, residents, and fellows.


Emory University Medical Center - Fellowship, CAQ, Neuroradiology2010
University of MS Medical Center -Residency, Diagnostic Radiology2009
Baptist Health System Birmingham, MD, Internship2005
University of MS School of Medicine, MD, Medical School2004
Millsaps College, BS, Chemistry2000

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Neuroradiology American Board of Radiology Certificate of Additional Qualification11/2011 - Present
Certification, American Board of Radiology06/2009 - Present
Licensure, MS State Board of Medical Licensure07/2010 - Present

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology07/2022 - Present
Division Chief, Department of Radiology2018 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Medicine07/2017 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology07/2010 - 06/2017

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE)
Comparison of hearing intervention and successful aging intervention on cognitive assessments, social and physical functioning, and quality of life, Johns Hopkins Bloomber School of Public Health
01/2018 - 10/2022
Intramural, Real-time Stroke Color Enhancement of Code Gray Head CT Images.Goal: To develop and validate a fully automated software algorithm that can receive Code Gray head CT images directly from a CT scanner, color the images using Stroke CED™ technology, and export the images to radiology PACS for viewing in real time., UMMC Intramural Research Support Program11/2015 - 10/2016
Extramural, Rapid bone density screening of CT images using color enhanced detection.To validate color enhanced detection methods as a rapid, accurate, and reproducible method to diagnose osteoporosis and low bone density from routine CT images., AOA (Alpha Omega Alpha) Medical Student Research Fellowship07/2015 - 06/2016
Extramural, Aric-PET Amyloid Study. Repeat brain MRI and florbetapir PET in ARIC study participants to evaluate differences in amyloid deposition in a community-base cohort without dementia, NHLBI NIH09/2011 - 04/2021
Extramural, ARIC Neurocognitive Study (ARIC/NCS) The Role of Intracranial Atherosclerosis in the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease (ARIC-ICAD)

To determine whether intracranial atherosclerosis measures together with vascular risk factors are associated with cognitive outcomes, NIH/NHLBI
07/2010 - 08/2023


Journal Article

Corresponding Author: Dmitriy Kazimirko
Co-Authors: Dr, Ellen Parker, Dr, David Joyner, Dr, Teddi Berry, Dr, Charlotte Taylor, Dr, Todd Nichols, Dr, Majid Khan Unusual Cause of Acute Headache: Spontaneous Bronchopleurodurosubarachnoid Fistula from a Pancoast Tumor Radiology Case Reports
Megan R. Lyle, DO
Jaydevsinh N. Dolia, MD
Jonathan Fratkin, MD
Todd A. Nichols, MD
Betty L. Herrington, MD Newly Identified Characteristics and Suggestions for Diagnosis and Treatment of Diffuse Leptomeningeal Glioneuronal/Neuroepithelial Tumors

A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Child Neurology Open
January - March 2015: 1-7
Velazquez A, Lebhar MS, Yang J, McCandless M, Pitre D, Shiflett M, Weaver K, Nichols T, Hoppe IC, Humphries LS, "Craniometric and Volumetric Analyses of Normocephalic and Scaphocephalic Patients with Nonsyndromic Single-Suture Sagittal Craniosynostosis". Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 2024 Sep 4;2024
Varney ET, Taylor CS, Crosthwait AG, Weaver K, Nichols T, A deceptive mass on neonatal ultrasound and a fetal brain MRI-confirmed complex dural arteriovenous fistula postnatally: illustrative case. Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons, 2022 Dec 5;4(23)2022
Varney E, Abou Elkassem A, Khan M, Parker E, Nichols T, Joyner D, Lirette ST, Howard-Claudio C, Smith AD, Prospective validation of a rapid CT-based bone mineral density screening method using colored spinal images. Abdominal radiology (New York), 2021 Apr;46(4):1752-17602021
Taylor, C.S.; Nichols, T.A.; Joyner, D.A. Party Lines and Other Mucosal Crimes: Nasal Septal Perforation: A Review of Common and Uncommon Causes Neurographics. August 2020; Volume 10, Number 4 pp. 182-195(14)2020
Taylor CS, Kelly BM, Nichols TA Fear the reaper: reversible cerebrovascular vasoconstriction syndrome after hot pepper ingestion Radiology Case Reports
Volume 15, Issue 6, June 2020, Pages 641-643
Taylor CS, Kelly BM, Nichols TA, Fear the reaper: reversible cerebrovascular vasoconstriction syndrome after hot pepper ingestion. Radiology case reports, 2020 Jun;15(6):641-6432020
Abuzar A Asif , Tathagat Narula , David B Erasmus , Francisco Alvarez , Todd Nichols , Samuel Jacob , Si M Pham , Cherise Cortese , Ian A Makey Successful lung transplantation from a donor with lung and ovarian masses J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Nov 5;2019(11):rjz307. doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjz307. eCollection 2019 Nov.2019
Asif AA, Narula T, Erasmus DB, Alvarez F, Nichols T, Jacob S, Pham SM, Cortese C, Makey IA, Successful lung transplantation from a donor with lung and ovarian masses. Journal of surgical case reports, 2019 Nov;2019(11):rjz3072019
Edward Florez, Todd A Nichols, Seth T Lirette, Candace M Howard and Ali Fatemi Developing a Texture Analysis Technique using Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) to Differentiate Tumor from Edema for Contouring Primary Intracranial Tumors SM Journal of Clinical and Medical Imaging. 2018; 4(2): 10232018
Florez E, Nichols T, E Parker E, T Lirette S, Howard CM, Fatemi A, Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Assessment of Primary Brain Tumors Through Radiomic Features: A Metric for Guided Radiation Treatment Planning. Cureus, 2018 Oct 8;10(10):e34262018
Kazimirko DN, Parker EE, Joyner DA, Berry TH, Taylor CS, Nichols TA, Khan MA, An unusual cause of acute headache: subarachnoid free air secondary to spontaneous bronchopleurodurosubarachnoid fistula from a Pancoast tumor. Radiology case reports, 2016 Sep;11(3):238-412016
Albert A, Allbright R, Nichols T, Farley E, Vijayakumar S, Pneumocephalus after the Treatment of an Inoperable Superior Sulcus Tumor with Chemoradiation. Case reports in oncological medicine, 2017;2017:3016517
Lyle MR, Dolia JN, Fratkin J, Nichols TA, Herrington BL, Newly Identified Characteristics and Suggestions for Diagnosis and Treatment of Diffuse Leptomeningeal Glioneuronal/Neuroepithelial Tumors: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Child neurology open, 2015 Jan-Mar;2(1):2329048X14567531

Book Chapter

Jana, T, Nichols, T, Pittman, K Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Chapter: Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Khan, M, Nichols, T Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Chapter: Imaging Cystic Neck Masses
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013

Electronic Publications

Edward Florez, Todd Nichols, Ellen E Parker, Seth T. Lirette, Candace M. Howard, Ali Fatemi Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Assessment of Primary Brain Tumors Through Radiomic Features: A Metric for Guided Radiation Treatment Planning Cureus 10(10): e3426. doi:10.7759/cureus.3426
(October 08, 2018
Ashley Albert,1 Robert Allbright,1 Todd Nichols,2 Edward Farley,2 and Srinivasan Vijayakumar1 Pneumocephalus after the Treatment of an Inoperable Superior Sulcus Tumor with Chemoradiation Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3016517, 4 pages
Received 7 August 2017; Accepted 7 November 2017; Published 26 November 2017
Ashley Albert,1 Robert Allbright,1 Todd Nichols,2 Edward Farley,2 and Srinivasan Vijayakumar1 Pneumocephalus after the Treatment of an Inoperable Superior Sulcus Tumor with Chemoradiation “Pneumocephalus after the Treatment of an Inoperable Superior Sulcus Tumor with Chemoradiation,” Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 3016517, 4 pages, 2017.


Poster Presentation, Out of Hand: An Uncommon Spinal Presentation of Gout in a Female Patient, Southern Radiological, Point Clear Alabama01/2025
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Cranial Morphology Differences Between Scaphocephalic and Normocephalic Patients with Nonsyndromic Single-Suture Sagittal Craniosynostosis. Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 66th Annual Meeting, Craniofacial and Cleft Symposium, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Nassau, Bahamas06/2023
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Velazquez Alexander, Lebhar M, Yang J, McCandless M, Metildi M, Pitre D, Nichols T, Hoppe I, Humphries L. Cranial Morphology Differences Between Scaphocephalic and Normocephalic Patients with Nonsyndromic Single-Suture Sagittal Craniosynostosis. Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 66th Annual Meeting, Quick Shots Session, Nassau, Bahamas, June 18 - 22, 2023., Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Nassau, Bahamas06/2023
Platform Presentations, Velazquez Alexander, Lebhar M, Yang J, McCandless M, Metildi M, Pitre D, Nichols T, Hoppe I, Humphries L. Cranial Morphology Differences Between Scaphocephalic and Normocephalic Patients with Nonsyndromic Single-Suture Sagittal Craniosynostosis. American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association 80th Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 2-6, 2023., American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association Meeting, Raleigh, NC05/2023
Poster Presentation, Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Going Beyond Stroke, Villarinho, L; Santos, CT; Saripalli, S; Nichols, T, American Roetgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Chicago05/2020
Poster Presentation, Prospective Validation of Colored Non-Enhanced Head CT Images for Detecting Acute Stroke
in the Setting of a Code Gray, American Medical Association Expo Research Symposium, San Diego, CA
Poster Presentation, Prospective Validation of Color Non-Enhanced Head CT Images for Detecting Acute Stroke in the Setting of Code Grey., The Delta Clinical and Translational Science Health Disparities Conference., UMMC Jackson, MS08/2019
Poster Presentation, Prospective Validation of Color Non-Enhanced Head CT Images for Detecting Acute Stroke in the Setting of Code Grey., Mississippi Academy of Science Summer Symposium, Starkville , MS07/2019
Poster Presentation, Prospective validation of a rapid bone density screening method that is applicable to routine abdominal CT images, American Roentgen Ray Society, Honolulu, HI05/2019
Poster Presentation, Prospective Validation of Colored Non-Enhance Head CT Images for Detecting Acute Storke in the Setting of a Code Gray, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Hattiesburg, MS02/2019
Poster Presentation, Unknown Case of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis presenting in a child as an orbital mass., Southern Radiology Annual Conference, Point Clear Alabama01/2019
Invited Symposia, Stoke Imaging Update, Where we were, Where we are, and Where we are going., 2017 Stroke Symposium, UMMC Conference Center at Jackson Medical Mall11/2017
Poster Presentation, Kazimirko D, Berry T, Nichols TA, and Parker EE.

Bronchopleurodurosubarachnoid Fistula from Pancoast Tumor., American Society of Head and Neck Radiology, Naples, Florida
Poster Presentation, Cerebellar Brain Abscess as a Complication of Mastoiditis, The Southern Medical Assoc Centennial Scientific Assembly, Nashville, TN08/2008
Poster Presentation, Characteristics of an Intracranial Epidermoid, The Southern Medical Assoc Centennial Scientific Assembly, Nashville, TN08/2008
Poster Presentation, Imaging of Sinonasal Masses, The Southern Medical Assoc Centennial Scientific Assembly, Nashville, TN08/2008
Poster Presentation, More than a Pain in the Neck: Differential Diagnosis of Clival Masses, The Southern Medical Assoc Centennial Scientific Assembly, Nashville, TN08/2008
Poster Presentation, Ameloblastoma, The Southern Medical Assoc Centennial Scientific Assembly, Nashville, TN07/2008

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

ENT Consultant of the Year, UMMC Otolaryngology2020
ENT Consultant of the Year, UMMC Otolaryngology Dept.2013
ENT Consultant of the Year, Otolaryngology Department UMC2012
Resident Body CT Award, University of MS School of Medicine2008
Radiology Sloan Award, University of MS School of Medicine2004
Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS2000
Valedictorian, McComb High School, McComb1996

Professional Membership and Service

Mississippi Radiological Society Chapter of the American College of Radiology, Officer-President2019 - 2020
Mississippi Radiological Society Chapter of the American College of Radiology, Officer, Vice President2018 - 2019
Mississippi Radiological Society Chapter of the American College of Radiology, Officer, Treasurer, Treasurer2017 - 2018
Mississippi Radiological Society Chapter of the American College of Radiology, Officer, Secretary, Secretary2016 - 2017
Association of University Radiologist, Member2015 - Present
American Society of Neuroradiology, Member, ASNR 51st Annual Meeting and The Foundation of the ASNR Symposium 20132013 - Present
American College of Radiology, Member2011 - Present
Radiological Society of North America, Member2010 - Present
American Society of Neuroradiology, Member2010 - Present
American Board of Radiology, Member2007 - Present

Committee Service

RFP Radiology PACS Planning Committee, Member2020 - Present
Interventional Radiology Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, Member2020 - Present
MRI Safety Committee, Member2019 - Present
Comprehensive Stroke Planning Committee, Member2019 - Present
Radiology Residency Program Evaluation Committee, Member2018 - Present
Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, Chair2017 - Present
Neuroradiology Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee, Chair2017 - Present
Interview Radiology Resident Candidates2016 - Present
Radiology Executive Committee, Member2015 - Present

Other Service

Stereotactic Radiosurgery Tumor Board, Tumor board meets every other week. Present relevant imaging to prepare for gamma knife treatment04/2021 - Present
Strategic Planning Next Level Leader Meeting, Attended UMMC Strategic Planning Meeting12/2018 - 12/2018
CT Head Pediatric VP shunt Protocol, Implemented new VP shunt protocol to decrease radiation over 50% in pediatric patients. Developed and instituted CT pediatric VP shunt protocol. Children with ventricular shunts often have multiple CT head exams to evaluated for recurrent hydrocephalus. This protocol reduces radiation dose greater than 50% resulting in drastic reduction in cumulative radiation dose over the lifetime of the patient.2013 - Present
CT Neuroradiology Protocol Director, As the neuroradiology CT protocol director, I work closely with our radiologist and technologist to make sure we maintain high quality CT examinations by optimizing our techniques and providing new scan protocols when necessary. Our goal is to provide the highest quality CT possible with the lowest possible radiation exposure.2012 - 12/2015
Neuro MRI Protocol Director, Develop and Standardize Neuro MRI Protocols. I worked closely with the radiologists, technologists, and physicist to enhance the image quality and to troubleshoot problems encountered on our MRI scans.2011 - 07/2014
Weekly Pediatric Neuro-oncology Tumor Board, Present relevant imaging07/2010 - 06/2022
Adult weekly Brain Tumor Board, Prepare and present relevant imaging07/2010 - 06/2022
Head and Neck weekly Tumor Board, Prepared and presented relevant imaging. I have attended this meeting extensively for the past five years.07/2010 - 06/2022

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M1 Neurobiology CourseSpring 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Course, Attended, Radiology Faculty Development Series - Dr. Lyssa Weatherly - Effective FeedbacSummer 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeurobiologySpring 2021 - 2021
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2021 - 2021
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2021 - 2021
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2021 - 2021
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2021 - 2021
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeurobiologySpring 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeurobiologyFall 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Otolaryngology ResidencySummer 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeurobiologySpring 2019 - 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Gross AnatomyFall 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Lecture, see description, Neuroradiology Fellowship Journal ClubFall 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Course, Facilitator, Radiology Residency Morbidity and Mortality ConferecneSpring 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiation OncologyWinter 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeurobiologySpring 2018 - 2018
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon CoferenceFall 2018 - 2018
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSpring 2018 - 2018
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, EndocrinologyFall 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Gross AnatomyWinter 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, OtolaryngologyFall 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon CoferenceFall 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceFall 2017 - 2017
UMMC Stroke Symposium, Lecture, Lecturer, UMMC Stroke SymposiumWinter 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceSummer 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Facilitator, Radiology M&MWinter 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Course, Facilitator, Radiology Residency M&MSpring 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Neuroanatomy M1 classSpring 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSummer 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Gross AnatomyFall 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residency Noon ConferenceFall 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Small Group, Attending, Med School Radiology RotationFall 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Course, Facilitator, Radiology M@MSpring 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident ConferenceFall 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeuroanatomySpring 2015 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Noon ConferenceSpring 2015 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon CoferenceSummer 2015 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, ER Radiology 7 AM CoferenceSummer 2015 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, ER Radiology 7AM LectureSummer 2015 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology 7AM LectureSummer 2015 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M1 Gross AnatomyFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Neuroanatomy M1Spring 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Gross AnatomyFall 2014 - 2014
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceWinter 2014 - 2014
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceFall 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Gross Anatomy Head and NeckFall 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NeuroanatomySpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2015
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Otolaryngology Resident 7AM ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewFall 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewFall 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M1 Gross AnatomyFall 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceFall 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceSummer 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceSpring 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Gross AnatomyFall 2012 - 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Neuroanatomy Medical School ClassSpring 2012 - 2012
Medicine, Lab, Guest Presenter, Gross Anatomy LabFall 2012
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewSpring 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewSpring 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2012 - 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M1 Medical Class LectureFall 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSummer 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceFall 2012 - 2012
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewSpring 2011
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewSpring 2011
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceSpring 2011 - 2011
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceSpring 2011 - 2011
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceSpring 2011 - 2011
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Resident Noon ConferenceSpring 2011 - 2011
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewSpring 2010
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Oral Board ReviewSpring 2010
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceFall 2010 - 2010
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Radiology Residen Noon ConferenceFall 2010 - 2010

Directed Student Learning

High School Student Shadowed, Advised: Tommy Boone2012 - 2012

Fellows supervised

Neuroradiology Fellowship, Fellowship Director, 1 fellows supervised, Neuroradiology07/2019 - 06/2020
Neuroradiology Fellowship, Fellowship Director, 1 fellows supervised07/2017 - 06/2018

Residency Training

Radiology Residency UMMC, Preceptor2016 - 06/2017
Radiology Residency UMMC, Preceptor2015 - 06/2016
Radiology Resident UMMC, Preceptor2014 - 12/2015
Radiology Residency UMMC, Preceptor2010 - 06/2011
Radiology Residency UMMC, Attending Physician2010 - 07/2017