Tina M. Martin

Tina M. Martin

Dean & Associate Chief Nursing Officer for Academi

SON-Instruction School Nursing


Work Phone:
(601) 984-6207


University of Mississippi, PhD, Clinical Health Sciences2005
University of Mississippi, MS, Nursing1998
University of Mississippi, BS, Nursing1994
Pearl River Community College, AAS, Medical Office Technology1989

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Board Certified Nurse Practitioner
Licensure, Family Nurse Practitioner

Current Positions

Dean, School of Nursing03/2024 - Present
Professor, School of Nursing07/2015 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Dean, School of Nursing07/2022 - 07/2023
Assistant Dean, School of Nursing04/2016 - 06/2022
Director, School of Nursing07/2009 - 06/2016
Associate Professor, School of Nursing07/2007 - 06/2009
Associate Professor, School of Health Related Professions07/2007 - 06/2016
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing07/2004 - 06/2007
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology07/2004 - 06/2016
Instructor, School of Nursing07/1999 - 06/2004
Instructor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology07/1999 - 06/2004


Journal Article

Tacy, J. & Martin, T. Descriptive predictors of nursing faculty’s job satisfaction Tacy, J. W., & Martin, T. (2023). Descriptive predictors of nursing faculty’s job satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 13(9).2023
Worth, G., Martin, T., Christian, R. & Palokas Free Clinic Oversight and Outcomes in the United States: A Scoping Review Protocol2020
Rhodes, K., Walker, J., Martin, T., McElwain, S., & Blocker, A. Internet-Based Recruitment Strategies: Considerations in Populations with Chronic Illness. Rhodes, K., Walker, J., Martin, T., McElwain, S., & Blocker, A. (2020). Internet-Based Recruitment Strategies: Considerations in Populations with Chronic Illness. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13(2), 828-836.2020
Patrick, K. & Martin, T. (2017). Effectiveness of droxidopa compared to midodrine in standing blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in adults with neurogenic orthostatic hypotension: a systematic review protocol2017
Cooper, J., Martin, T., Marks, J., Harrington, M., Fisher, W. Peer-to-Peer Teaching: Improving Communication Techniques for Students in an Accelerated Nursing Program.2013
Northington, L., Martin, T., Walker, J.T., Williams, P., Lofton, S., Cooper, J. R., Luther, C., & Keller, S. Integrated Community Education Model: Breast Health Awareness to Impact Late Stage Breast Cancer. Northington L, Martin T, Walker JT, Williams PR, Lofton SP, Cooper JR, Luther CH, Keller SD. Integrated community education model: breast health awareness to impact late-stage breast cancer. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2011 Aug;15(4):387-92. doi: 10.1188/11.CJON.387-392. PMID: 21810571.2011
Waltman, P., Schenk, L., Martin, T., and Walker, J. The Effects of Student Participation in Hand Hygiene Monitoring of Knowledge and Perception of Infection Control Practices2011
Martin, T., Benghuzzi, H., Tucci, M. The effect of acetylcholine administration to SHSY5Y cells in the presence of levodopa (L-dopa) using conventional and sustained drug delivery. Mitchell Martin Phd T, Benghuzzi Ph D H, Tucci Ph D M. The effect of acetylcholine administration to sh-sy5y cells in the presence of levodopa (L-dopa) using conventional and sustained drug delivery - biomed 2010. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2010;46:428-33. PMID: 20467118.2010
Williams, P. R., Walker, J. T., Martin, T., Northington, L., Waltman, P., Beacham, T. & Grant, L. Comparing clinical competencies between nursing students with degrees and traditional students. Williams, P. R., Walker, J. T., Martin, T., Northington, L., Waltman, P., Beacham, T. & Grant, L. (2008). Comparing clinical competencies between nursing students with degrees and traditional
students. Issues in Educational Research, 18(1), 90-100.
Walker, J., Lofton, S., Haynie, L., & Martin, T. The Home Health Care Nurses’ Role in Geriatric Assessment of Three Dimensions: Depression, Delirium & Dementia.2006
Haynie, L., Martin, T., Norwood, A., May, M., Walker, J., Ellis, A. Nursing: A kaleidoscope of opportunities. Haynie, L., Martin, T., Norwood, A., May, M., Walker, J., Ellis, A. (2006). Nursing: A kaleidoscope of opportunities. Journal of Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 51(4): 211-214.2006
Walker, J., Martin, T., White, J., Norwod, A., & Haynie, L. Generational age differences impact the college classroom. Walker, J., Martin, T., White, J., Norwod, A., & Haynie, L. (2006). Generational age differences
impact the college classroom. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 51(4): 215-219.
Walker JT, Martin T, White J, Elliott R, Norwood A, Mangum C, Haynie L. Generational (age) differences in nursing students' preferences for teaching methods.2006
Martin, B., Walker, J., Martin T., Haynie, L. & Norwood, A. Health policies addressing America’s newcomers. Martin, B., Walker, J., Martin T., Haynie, L. & Norwood, A. (2006). Health policies addressing America’s newcomers. Journal of Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 51(3); 187-193.2006
Martin, T., Benghuzzi, H. & Tucci, M. The effect of conventional and sustained delivery of
thymoquinone and Levodopa on SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells.
Martin, T., Benghuzzi, H. & Tucci, M. The effect of conventional and sustained delivery of
L-dopa on SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells.
Fowler, D., Martin, T. & Spence, L. The clinical laboratory practitioner.2005
Martin, T. & Lobert S. Chemical Warfare: Toxicity of Nerve Agents.2003

Book Chapter

Martin, T. Caring for a Child with a Neurological or Sensory Condition. Martin, T. (2016). Caring for a Child with a Neurological or Sensory Condition. In Ward & Hisley (Eds.), Maternal-Child Nursing Care: Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers, Children, & Families, 1112-1155. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company2016

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Academy for Excellence in Education, UMMC2022
Elevating Leaders in Academic Nursing Fellow, AACN2021
Norman C. Nelson Order of Teaching Excellence, UMMC2012
Nightingale Awards - Nurse Educator of the Year, Mississippi Nurses Association2011
Semifinalist in Faculty Scholars Program, Josiah Macy2011
Research Excellence Award, Mississippi Academy of Sciences2006
First Place Poster - Allied Health Graduate Division, Mississippi Academy of Sciences2005
Research Award - First Place, UMMC's School of Health Related Professions2005
Second Place Poster, Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium2005
Nurse Clinician of the Year, Sigma Theta Tau - Theta Beta Chapter2004

Professional Membership and Service

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
National League for Nursing
Mississippi Nurse's Association
Sigma Theta Tau - Theta Beta Chapter
Mississippi Council of Deans and Directors of Schools of Nursing, Officer, Other Officer

Community Service

Gulf Coast Sailing Foundation, Board of Directors Member07/2019 - Present
Jackson Yacht Club Foundation, Board of Directors Member07/2016 - 06/2021
UMMC School of Graduate Studies Alumni Board of Directors, Member, President Elect, President07/2014 - 06/2017
Mississippi Academy of Sciences Board of Directors, President and President-Elect07/2010 - 06/2012
Epilepsy Foundation of Mississippi, Board of Directors, President07/2008 - 06/2014
Jackson Yacht Club Foundation, Board of Directors, Treasurer