Rick W. Martin, MD

Rick W. Martin, MD


SOM-Obstetrics & Gynecology



University of Texas Medical Branch, MD, Medicine1977
Georgia Institute of Technology, BS, Chemistry1973
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Fellowship, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
University of Texas Medical Branch, Internship and Residency

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Subspecialty Certification, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology1989 - Present
Licensure, Mississippi State Medical License, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure06/1985 - Present
Certification, Board Certification, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology1983 - Present
Licensure, Texas Medical Board1977 - Present

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology2001 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology1992 - 2001
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology1987 - 1992
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology1985 - 1987

Sponsored Program Funding


Journal Article

Rick W. Martin Tocolysis in Women with Advanced Preterm Labor: A Randomized Clinical trial Journal of Perinatology2014
Briery C, Klauser C, Martin RW, Magann EF, Chauhan S, Morrison J The use of 17-Hydroxy Progesterone in women with Arrested Preterm Labor: A Randomized Clinical Trial2014
Klauser C, Briery C, Martin RW, Langston, Magann EF, Morrison JC. A Comparison of Three tocolytics for Preterm Labor: A Randomized Clinical Trial Journal of Maternla-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine2013
Magann E, Briery CM, Klauser C, Martin RW, Morrison J, Hauhasp C The Use of 17-Hydroxy Progesterone in Women with Arrested Preterm Labor: A Randomized Clinical Trial The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 20132013
Owens, MY, Martin JN Jr, Wallace K, Keiser SD, Parrish MR, Tam Tam KB, Martin RW Postpartum thrombotic microangiopathic syndrome Transfus Aper Sci 48(1):51-7.2013
Klauser Ck, Briery CK, Keiser SD, Martin RW, Kosek MA, Morrison JC Effect of antenatal tocolysis neonatal outcomes. J Matern Fetal neonatal Med. 25(12):2778-812012
Woodring TC, Klauser CK, Bofill JA, Martin RW, Morrison JC Prediction of placenta accreta by ultrasonography and color Doppler imaging. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011 Jan;24(1):118-21.2011
Briery CM, Veillon EW, Klauser CK, Martin RW, Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Morrison JC. Progesterone does not prevent preterm births in women with twins. South Med J. 2009 Sep;102(9):900-4.2009
Taylor MY, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Gray J, Bofill JA, Martin RW, Morrison JC. Pregnancy loss after first trimester viability in women with sickle cell trait: a preliminary report. South Med J. 2008 Feb;101(2):150-1.2008
Klauser CK, Briery CM, Magann EF, Martin RW, Chauhan SP, Morrison JC Tocolytic preference for treatment of preterm labor J Miss State Med Assoc 2007;48(2):35-82007
MOore LE, Briery CM, Clokey D, Martin RW, Williford NJ, Bofill JA, MOrrison JC Metformin and insulin in the management of gestational diabetes mellitus: preliminary results of a comparison. J Reprod Med 2007;52:1011-52007
Moore LE, Briery CM, Clokey D, Martin RW, Williford NJ, Bofill JA, Morrison JC Metformin and insulin in the management of gestational diabetes mellitus: preliminary results of a comparison J Reprod Med 2007;52:1011-52007
Rose CH, Bofill JA, Le M, Martin RW. Non-immune hydrops fetalis: prenatal diagnosis and perinatal outcomes. J Miss State Med Assoc. 2005 Apr;46(4):99-102.2005
Partlow DB Jr, Chauhan SP, Justice L, Magann EF, Martin RW, Morrison JC. Diagnosis of postpartum infections: clinical criteria are better than laboratory parameter. J Miss State Med Assoc. 2004 Mar;45(3):67-70.2004
Martin RW Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy Mississippi Healthy Baby Update 2004;18(3):22004
Partlow DB Jr, Chauhan SP, Justice L, Magann EF, Martin RW, Morrison JC Diagnosis of postpartum infections: clinical criteria are better than laboratory parameter. Journal MSMA 2004;45(3):67-92004
Stevens AO, Chauhan SP, Magann ER, Martin RW, Bofill JA, cushman JL, Morrison JC. Fetal fibronectin and bacterial vaginosis are associated with preterm birth in women who are symptomatic for preterm labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Jun;190(6):1582-7.discussion 1587-9.2004
Martin RW First trimester prenatal diagnosis. Healthy Baby Update 2004;17(4):32004
Terrone DA, Rinehart BK, May WL, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr The myth of transient hypertension: descriptor or disease process? Am J Perinatol 2001;18(2):73-72001
Martin JN Jr, May WL, Rinehart BK, Martin RW, Magann ER Increasing maternal weight: a risk factor for preeclampsia/eclampsia but apparently not for HELLP syndrome. J Hypertens Pregnancy 2000;93(7):686-912000
Seago DP, Robertes WE, Johnson VK, Martin RW, Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr Planned cesarean hysterectomy: a preferred alternative to separate operations. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;180:1385-931999
Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Larmon JE, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr A 12-hour urine collection accurately assesses proteinuria in the hospitalized hypertensive gravida. J Perinatol 1999;19(8):556-81999
Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Magann EF, Martin RW, May WL, Martin JN Jr Preeclampsia-associated hepatic hemorrhage and rupture: mode of management related to maternal and perinatal outcome. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1999;54:196-2021999
Perry KG Jr, Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Martin RW, May WL, Roberts WE Second trimester uterine evacuation: a comparison of intra-amniotic (15s)-15-methyl-PGF2a and intravaginal misoprostol. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;181:1057-611999
Isler CM, Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Martin RW, MagannEF, Martin JN Jr Maternal mortality associated with HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets) syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;181:924-81999
Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Martin JN Jr, Hess LW, Roberts WE, Morrison JC Oral magnesium for tocolysis: A comparison of magnesium gluconate and enteric-coated magnesium chloride. J Miss State Med Assoc May 1998;39:180-821998
Rust OA, Bofill JA, Carroll SC, Cowan BD, Martin RW, Morrison JC The two-hour postprandial test versus the one-hour, fifty-gram glucola test as screening tools for gestational diabetes: A critical analysis. J Perinatol 1998;18:49-541998
Naef RW III, Allbert JR, Ross EL, Weber BM, Martin RW, Morrison JC Premature rupture of membranes at 34 to 37 weeks' gestation: Aggressive versus conservative management. Am J Obstet Gyneocl 1998;178(1 Pt 1):126-301998
Perry KG, JR, Ross EL, May WL, Robinette L, Martin RW Cervical ripening: A randomized comparison between intravaginal misoprostol and an intracervical balloon catheter combined with intravaginal dinoprostone. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178:1333-401998
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Blake PG, Roberts WE, Martin JN Jr Maternal mortality associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome. South Med J 1998;91(5):441-451998
Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Magann EF, Sullivan DL, Morrison JC Comparison of intra-amniotic (15S)-methyl-PGF2a and intravaginal PGE2 for second-trimester uterine evacuation. J Perinatol 1998;18(1):24-71998
Martin RW Screening for fetal abdominal wall derfects. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 1998;517-261998
Ascarelli MH, Johnson V, May WL, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Individually determined postpartum magnesium sulfate therapy using clinical parameters to safely and cost effectively shorten treatment for preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998:179:952-61998
Roberts WE, Martin RW, Roach HH, Perry KG Jr, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Are obstetric interventions such as cervical ripening, induction of labor, amnioinfusion or amniotomy associated with umbilical prolapse? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;176:1181-51997
Bofill JA, Vincent RD, Ross EL, Martin RW, Norman PF, Rust OA, Werhan CF, Morrison JC Nulliparous labor, epidural analgesia, and cesarean delivery for dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;177(6):1465-701997
McCaul JF IV, Rogers LW, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Allbert JR, Morrison JC Premature rupture of membranes at term with an unfavorable cervix: Comparison of expectant management, vaginal prostaglandin, and oxytocin induction. South Med J 1997;90:1229-331997
Rust OA, Perry KG Jr, Andrew ME, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Twins and preterm labor. J Reprod Med 1997;42:229-341997
Bofill JA, Rust OA, Schoor SJ, Brown RC, martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC A randomized prospective trial of the obstetric forceps versus the M-cup. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;175:1325-301996
Martin RW Amniotic fluid embolism. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1996;39:101-61996
Bofill JA, Rust OA, Devidas M, Martin RW, Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr Prognostic factors for moderate and severe maternal genital tract laceration with operative vaginal delivery in a residency training program. J Pelvic Surg 1996;2:293-71996
Sullivan CA, Johnson CA, Roach H, Martin RW, Stewart DK, Morrison JC A pilot study of intravenous ondansetron for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174:1565-81996
Sullivan CA, Benton LW, Roach H, Smith LG Jr, Martin RW, Morrison JC Combining medical and mechanical methods of cervical ripening: Does it increase the likelihood of successful induction of labor? J Reprod Med 1996;41:823-81996
Bofill JA, Rust OA, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Forceps and vacuum delivery: A survey of North American residency programs. Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:622-51996
Bofill JA, Rust OA, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Operative vaginal delivery: A survey of fellows of ACOG. Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:1007-101996
Vincent RD Jr, Martin RW Postpartum tubal ligation oafter pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:119-221996
Floyd Rc, McLaughlin BN, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Allbert JR, Roberts WE, Morrison JC Magnesium sulfate or nifedipine hydrochloride for acute tocolysisi of preterm labor. Efficacy and side effects. J Matern Fetal Invest 1995;5:25-91995
Martin RW Cervical ripening. Mississippi Healthy Baby Update 1995;9:31995
Perry KG Jr, Morrison JC, Rust OA, Sullivan CAS, Martin RW, Naef RW III Incidence of adverse cardiopulmonary effects with low-dose continuous terbutaline infusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;173:1273-71995
Magann EF, Bass D, Chauhan SP, Sullivan DL, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Response to Letter to the Editor. Antepartum corticosteroids: Disease stabilization in patients with the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;172:1656-71995
Naef RW III, Washburne JF, Martin RW, Magann ER, Scanlon PH, Morrison JC Hemorrhage associated with cesarean delivery: When is transfusion needed? J Perinatol 1995;173:1273-71995
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Blake PG, Burnett JC Jr, Martin JN Jr The impact of parturition and severe preeclampsia on gestational plasma endothelin (ET-1) concentrations. J Matern Fetal Invest 1994;4:128-321994
Isaacs JD, Magann ER, Martin RW, Meeks GR, Chauhan SP, Morrison JC Obstetric challenges of massive obesity complicating pregnancy. J Perinatol 1994;14:10-41994
Dupre AR, Martin JN Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Blake PG, Floyd RC Can improved surgical technique by resident surgeons reduce maternal infectious morbidity? J Matern Fetal Invest 1994;4:31-51994
Allbert JR, Johnson C, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Gookin KS, Morrison JC Tocolysis for recurrent preterm labor using a continuous subcutaneous infusion pump. J Reprod Med 1994;39:614-81994
Magann ER, Bass D, Chauhan SP, Sullivan DL, Martin RW, Marin JN Jr Antepartum corticosteroids: Disease stabilization in patients with HELLP syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994:171:1148-531994
Roberts WE, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr The University of Mississippi Medical Center's Antenatal Diagnostic Unit: On the cutting edge of tomorrow. J Miss State Med Assoc 1993;Sept:299-3041993
Morrison JC, Allbert JR, McLaughlin BN, Whitworth NS, Roberts WE, Martin RW Oncofetal fibronectin in patients with false labor a as a predictor of preterm delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993;168:538-421993
Magann EF, Martin JN Jr, Isaacs JD, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Meydrech EF Immediate postpartum curettage: Accelerated recovery from severe preeclampsia. Obstet Gynecol 1993:81:502-61993
Rivlin ME, Woodliff JM, Bowlin RB, MOore JL Jr, Martin RW, Grossman JH III, Morrison JC Comparison of cytobruxh and cotton swab for Papanicolaou smears in pregnancy. J Reprod Med 1993:38:147-501993
Magann ER, Dodson MK, Allbert JR, McCurdy CM, Martin RW, Morrison JC Blood loss at the time of cesarean section by method of placental removal and exteriorization versus in situ repair of the uterine incision. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1993;177:389-921993
Chauhan SP, Martin RW, Morrison JC Intrapartum hydramnios and perinatal outcome. J Perinatol 1993;13:186-91993
Martin JN Jr, Perry JKG Jr, Miles JF Jr, Blake PG, Magann ER, Roberts WE, Martin RW The interrelationship of eclampsia, HELLP syndrome and prematurity: Cofactors for significant maternal and perinatal risk. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;100:1095-1001993
Magann EF, Johnson CA, Gookin KS, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Placenta praevia: Does uterine activity cause bleeding? Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;33;22-41993
Martin RW Oral magnesium and preterm labor. (reply to the editor) Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993:168:1004-51993
Morrison JC, Allbert JR, Whitworth NS, Martin RW, Roberts WE Use of fetal fibronectin to predict early delivery in patients with suspected amniorrhexis. Am J Gynecol Health 1993;7:11-51993
Isaacs JD, Mulholland DH, Hess LW, Allbert JR, Martin RW Pregnancy in a woman with an automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. J Reprod Med 1993;38:487-81993
Chauhan SP, Meydrech ER, Washburne JF, Hudson JL, Martin RW, Morrison JC Clinical estimate of birth-weight in labour: Factors incluencing its accuracy. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;33:371-31993
Morrison JC, Chez BF, Davis ID, Martin RW, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Floyd RC Intrapartum fetal heart rate assessment: Monitoring by auscultation or electronic means. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993;168:63-61993
Magann ER, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Isaacs JD, Blake PG, Morrison JC Corticosteroids for the enhancement of fetal lung maturity: Impact on the gravida with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;33:127-31.1993
Floyd RC, Martin RW, McLaughlin BN, Roberts WE, Morrison JC Preterm birth prevention in a large Medicaid population. Am J Gynecol Health 1993;7:65-701993
Fox MD, AllBert JR, McCaul JF, Martin RW, Roberts WE, McLaughlin BN, Morrison JC Neonatal morbidity between 34 and 37 weeks' gestation. J Perinatol 1993;13:349-531993
McCaul JF, Perry KG Jr, Moore JL Jr, Martin RW, Bucovaz ET, Morrison JC Adjunctive antibiotic treatment of women with preterm rupture of membranes or preterm labor. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1992;38:19-2141992
Holland JG, Dupre AR, Blake PG, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Trial of labor after cesarean delivery: Experience in the non-university level II regional hospital setting. Obstet Gynecol 1992;79:936-91992
Woods JB, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, Magann EF, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Ascites: A portent of cardiopulmonary complications in the preeclamptic patient with the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets. Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:87-911992
Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Hess LW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Oral magnesium and the prevention of preterm labor in a high-risk group of patients. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1992;166:144-71992
Vandermolen DT, Floyd RC, Martin RW, Roberts WE, Bucovaz ET, Morrison JC A comparison of second-line tocolytic agents for preterm labor: Nifiedipine and naproxen sodium. Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation 1992;1:253-61992
Morrison JC, Martin RW Home monitoring of uterine activity [letter; comment]. N Engl J Med 1992;326:1222-3; discussion 1223-41992
Pickhardt MG, Martin JN Jr, Meydrech ER, Blake PG, martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Morrison JC Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: Are there useful and valid predictors of success or failure? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1992;166:1811-91992
Magann EF, Nolan TE, Hess LW, Martin RW, Whitworth NS, Morrison JC Measurement of amniotic fluid volume: Accuracy of ultrasonography techniques. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1992;167:1533-71992
McCaul JF, Perry KG Jr, Moore JL Jr, Martin RW, Bucovaz ET, Morrison JC Trattamento antibiotico in donne con rottura prematura delle membrane o con travaglio pretermine. Giorn It Ost Gin 1992;684-81992
Martin RW Screening for diabetes in pregnancy. Mississippi Healthy Baby Update 1991;4(June):71991
Martin JN Jr, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, McCaul JF, Hess LW, Martin RW The natural history of HELLP syndrome: Patterns of disease progression and regression. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;164:1500-131991
Perry KG Jr, Hess LW, Roberts WE, Allbert JR, Floyd RC, McCaul JF, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Cordocentesis (funipuncture) by maternal-fetal fellows: The learning curve. Fetal Diagn Ther 1991;6:87-921991
Ridgway LE III, Martin RW, Hess LW, Buchanan J, Whitworth NS, Martin JN Jr Acute gestational pyelonephritis: The impact upon colloid osmotic pressure, plasma fibronectin, and arterial oxygen saturation. J Perinatol 1991;8:222-61991
Floyd RC, Gookin KS, hess LW, Martin RW, RAwlinson KF, Moenning RK, Morrison JC Administration of heparin by subcutaneous infusion using a programmable pump Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;165:931-31991
Morrison JC, Floyd RC, Martin RW, Dodson MK, Roberts WE, Morrison FS Blood transfusions after postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation 1991;1:209-121991
Martin RW, McColgin SG Evaluation of fetal and neonatal acid-base status. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 1990;17(1):223-331990
Morrison JC, Martin RW, Johnson C, Hess LW Characteristics of uterine activity in gestations less than 20 weeks. Obstet Gynecol 1990;75:60S1990
Martin JN Jr, Ridgway LE III, Connors JJ, Sessums JK, Martin RW, Morrison JC Angiographic arterial embolization and computed tomography-directed drainage for the management of hemorrhage and infection with abdominal pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:9411990
Morrison JC, Pittman KP, Martin RW, McLaughlin BN Cost/health effectiveness of home uterine activity monitoring in a Medicaid population. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:76S1990
Hill WC, Fleming AD, Martin RW, Hamer C, Knuppel RA, Lake MF, Watson DL, Welch RA, Bentley DL, Gookin KS, Morrison JC Home uterine activity monitoring is associated with a reduction in preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:13S1990
Martin JN Jr, Brewer DW, Rush LV Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Successful pregnancy outcome following midgestational uterine rupture and repair utilizing Gore-Tex soft tissue patch. Obstet Gynecol 1990;75:5181990
Martin RW Fetal/neonatal acid-base evaluation. Mississippi Healthy Baby Update 1990;4(August):21990
Watson DL, Welch RA, Mariona FG, Lake MF, Knuppel RA, Martin RW, Johnson C, Bentley DL, Hill WC, Fleming AD, Morrison JC Management of preterm labor patients at home: Does daily uterine activity monitoring and nursing support make a difference? Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:32S1990
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Blake PG, Norman PH, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC, Wiser WL Plasma exchange for preeclampsia. I. Postpartum use for persistently severe preeclampsia-eclampsia with HELLP syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990;162:1261990
Knuppel Ra, Lake MF, Watson DL, Welch RA, Hill WC, Fleming AD, Martin RW, Bentley DL, Moenning RK, Morrison JC Preventing preterm birth in twin gestation: Home uterin activity monitoring and perinatal nursing support. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:24S1990
Martin JN Jr, McColgin SW, Martin RW, Roach H, Morrison JC Uterine activity among a diverse group of patients at high risk for preterm delivery. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:47S1990
Miles JF Jr, Martin JN Jr, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Meeks GR Postpartum eclampsia: A recurring perinatal dilemma. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:3281990
Lorenz RP, Comstock CH, bottoms SF, Marx SR Randomized prospective trial comparing ultrasonography and pelvic examination for preterm labor surveillance. (RW Martin, Discussant) Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990;162:16071990
Bentley DL, Bentley JL, Watson DL, Welch RA, Martin RW, Gookin KS, Knuppel RA, Lake MF, Hill WC, Fleming AD, Morrison JC Relationship of uterine contractility to preterm labor. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:36S1990
Knuppel RA, Lake MF, Watson DL, Welch RA, Hill CW, Fleming AD, Martin RW, Bentley DL, Hamer C, Morrison JC The contribution of symptomatology and/or uterine activity to the incidence of unscheduled visits. Obstet Gynecol 1990;76:28S1990
Martin JN Jr, Sessums JK, Howard P, Martin RW, Morrison JC Alternative approaches to the management of gravidas with prolonged-postterm-postdate pregnancies. J Miss St Med Assoc 1989;30:105-111989
Helton D, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Meeks GR, Morrison JC Detection of glucose intolerance in pregnancy. J Perinatol 1989;9:2591989
Martin RW, Lucas JA, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC, Cowan BD Conservative management of Cushing's syndrome in pregnancy. J Reprod Med 1989;34:4931989
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Gookin KS, Wiser Wl Cost effectiveness of ambulatory uterine activity monitoring. Int J Gynecol 1989;28:1271989
Hess LW, Nolan TE, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC, Wiser WL. Incarceration of retroverted gravid uterus: Report of four patients managed with uterine reduction. South Med J 1989;82:310.1989
McColgin SW, Hess LW, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Group B streptococcal sepsis and death in utero following funipuncture. Obstet Gynecol 1989;74:464.1989
Martin RW Ultrasound in obstetrics. Newsletter, published by March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Mississippi Chapter, Summer, 1989;Vol 11989
Martin RW, Helman NS, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Use of prostaglandin E2 vaginal suppositories in third-trimester fetal demise. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1989;29:2691989
Griffis KR, Martin JN Jr, Palmer SM, Martin RW, Morrison JC Utilization of hydralzine or alpha-methyldopa for the management of early puerperal hypertension. Am J Perinatol 1989;6:4371989
Hunt MG, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Meeks GR, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Perinatal aspects of abdominal surgery for nonobstetric disease. Am J Perinatol 1989;6:4121989
McColgin SW, Martin RW. Cardiac disorders in pregnancy. Healthy Baby Update 1988(December);2:2.1988
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Gookin KS, Wiser WL. A program of uterine activity monitoring and its effect on neonatal morbidity. J Perinatol 1988;8:228.1988
Martin JN Jr, Sessums JK, Martin RW, Morrison JC, Pryor JA. Abdominal pregnancy: Current concepts of management. Obstet Gynecol 1988;71:579.1988
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, McColgin SW, McCaul JF, Morrison JC. Pregnancy-associated substance abuse and addiction: Current concepts and management. J Miss St Med Assoc 1988;29:369.1988
Cowan BD, Marin JN Jr, Tucker JM, Martin RW, Morrison JC, Kikokawa T, Mukherjee AB. High plasma concentrations of human atrial natriuretic polypeptide in women with pregnancy-induces hypertension. Clin Exp Hyper 1988;B7:331.1988
Morrison JC, Marin JN Jr, Christie RJ, Martin RW, Wiser WL, Bucovaz ET, Stafford DT, Anderson WH. Meperidine and normeperidine distribution in the rhesus monkey. J Perinatol 1988;8:24.1988
Martin RW. Assessment of fetal pulmonary maturity. Mississippi Healthy Baby Update 1988;1:2.1988
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, McColgin SF, McCaul JF, Morrison JC. Pregnancy-associated substance abuse and addiction: Current concepts and management. J Miss State Med Assoc 1988;29:369.1988
Martin Rw, Martin JN Jr, Pryor JA, Gaddy DK, Wiser WL, Morrison JC. Comparison of oral ritodrine and magnesium gluconate for ambulatory tocolysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988;158:1440.1988
Martin JN Jr, Rushing WR, Tucker JM, Martin RW, Cowan BD, Mukherjee AB. Midgestational amniotic fluid human atrial natriuretci polypeptide (hANP): Possible predictor of third-trimester pregnancy-induced hypertension. Clin Exper Hyper 1988;B7:359.1988
Martin RW Perinatal management of herpes virus infections. Mississippi Perinatal Update February 1987;4:2.1987
Slocum WA, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Whitworth NS, Morrison JC Third-trimester biparietal diameter as a predictor of fetal lung maturity. Am J Perinatol 1987;4:266.1987
Devoe Ld, Morrison JC, Martin JN, Palmer SM< Martin RW, Searle N, Arthur M. A prospective comparative study of the extended nonstress test and the nipple stimulation contraction stress test (NST/CST). Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;157:5311987
Page FO, Howard PR, Martin RW, Rivlin ME, Morrison JC High risk factors for cesarean febrile morbidity. J Miss St Med Assoc 1987;28:271987
Martin JN Jr, Walker A, Read V, Martin RW, Hess LW, Gibson JH, Morrison JC. Prenatal detection of neural tube defects--a multidisciplinary approach. J Miss St Med Assoc 1987;28:327.1987
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Hess LW, Wiser WL, Morrison JC. Risk of uterine rupture with oxytocin stimulation in the grand multipara. Surgical Forum 1987;38:479.1987
Martin RW, Gaddy DK, Martin JN Jr, Lucas JA, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Tocolysis with oral magnesium. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;156:4331987
Devoe LD, Morrison JC, Martin JN, Plamer SM, Martin RW, Searle N, Arthur M. A prospective comparative study of the extended nonstress test and the nipple stimulation contraction stress test (NST/CST). Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;157:5371987
Martin RW, Morrison JC. Oral magnesium for tocolysis. Contemp Ob/Gyn 1987;30:111.1987
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Gookin KS, Wiser WL Prevention of preterm birth by ambulatory assessment of uterine activity: A randomized study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;156:5361987
Morrison Jc, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Gookin KS, Wiser WL. A program of uterine activity monitoring and its effect on neonatal morbidity. Am J Perinatol 1987;4:379.1987
Martin RW Management of shoulder dystocia. Mississippi Perinatal Update October 1986;4:2.1986
Martin RW Uterine rupture. Mississippi Perinatal Update. June 1986;3:2.1986
Morrison JC, Myatt RE, Martin JN Jr, Meeks GR, Martin RW, Bucovaz ET,Wiser WL External cephalic versionof the breech presentation under tocolysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1986;154:9001986
Page FO< Martin JN Jr, Palmer SM, Martin RW, Meeks GR< Bucovaz ET, Morrison JC Correlation of neonatal acid-base status with apgar scores and fetal heart rate tracings. Am J Obstet and Gynecol 1986;154:1306.1986
Terrone DA, Rinehart BK, May WL, Isler CM, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr The myth of transient hypertension: descriptor or disease process? Am J Obstet Gynecol (submitted)
Klauser CK, Briery CM, Martin RW, Langston L, Magann EF, Morrison JC. A Comparison of Three Tocolytics for Pretermlabor: A Randomized Clinical Trial Am J Obstet Gynecol
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Magann EF, Blake PG, Robinette L, Martin JN Jr Expanded peripartum utilization of betamethasone in HELLP syndrome pregnancies significantly improves maternal and perinatal outcome. J Hypertens Pregnancy (submitted)
Bofill JA, Dickey S, Martin RW, Magann EF, Bryant KS, Roberts WE Fetal echocardiography by maternal-fetal subspecialists: how accurate is prenatal diagnosis for fetal cardiac malformations. J Perinatol (Submitted)


Klauser CK, Briery CM, Tucker A, Martin RW, Magann EF, Chauhan S, Morrison M. Tocolysis in Women with Advanced Preterm Labor: A Randomized Clinical Trial2014
Odom CD, Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Martin RW, Rose CH, Morrison JC Nutritional Supplements Decrease Obstetric Complications: A Community Hospital Project. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists2003
Bofill JA, Dickey SR, Martin RW, Magann EF, Bryant KS, Roberts WE Fetal echocardiography by maternal-fetal medicine subspecialists: how accurate is prenatal diagnosis for fetal cardiac malformation? Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists2003
Stevens AO, Bofill JA, Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Martin RW, Cushman J, Morrison JC Symptomatic for Preterm Labor. Central Associationof Obstetricians and Gynecologists2003
Bofill JA, Barrilleaux PS, Magann EF, Martin RW, Andrew ME, Morrison JC Cesarean delivery in the second stage of labor. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists2000
Martin RW, Roberts WE, Collins BJ, Morrison JC Test scores for teh third-year clerkship in obstetrics and gynecology: effect of student night call. Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology & Associationof Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics2000
Terrone DA, Rinehart BK, May WL, Isler CM, MartinRW, Martin JN Jr The myth of gestational hypertension: descriptor or disease process? Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1999
Perry KG Jr, Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Martin RW, May WL, Roberts WE Second trimester uterine evacuatio: A comparison of intra-amniotic (15s)-15-methyl-PGF2a and intravginal misoprostol. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine1999
Pery KG Jr, Larmon JE, Cadle JF, Isler CM, Martin RW A randomized, double-blind comparison of ampicillin/sulbactam at 1.5 g and 3.0 g doses for the treatment of postpartum endometritis. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine1999
Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Larmon JE, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr A 12-hour urine collection permits accurate evaluation of proteinuria in the hypertensive gravida. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine1999
Perry KG Jr, Larmon JE, Rinehart BK, Gebhart LD III, May WL, Martin RW Cervical ripening: A randomized clinical trial of an intracervical balloon catheter combined with either intravaginal dinoprostone or misoprostol. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine1999
Isler CM, Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Martin RW, Magann EF, Martin JN Jr Maternal mortality associated with HELLP syndrome. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine1999
Ascarelli MH, Johnson V, May WL, Martin RW, Ross EL, Martin JN Jr Individualized postpartum magnesium sulfate therapy using clinical parameters to safely and cost-effectively shorten the length of treatment in puerperal patients with preeclampsia. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1998
Ascarelli MH, Johnson V, May WL, Martin RW, Ross EL, Martin JN Jr Individualized postpartum magnesium sulfate therapy using cliical parameters to safely and cost-effectively shorten the length of treatment in puerperal patients with preeclampsia. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1998
Rinehart BK, Terrone DA, Magann EF, Martin RW, May WA, Martin JN Jr Preeclampsia-associated hepatic hemorrhage and rupture: Mode of management versus maternal-perinatal outcome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1998
Perry KG Jr, Gebhart LD III, Turner KY, Martin RW Ampicillin/sulbactam and corticosteroids in the management of preterm premature rupture of the membranes. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1998
Ross EL, Bofill JA, Keith SJ, Martin RW, Morrison JC Highidose versus standard-dose oxytocin inparturients with uterine risk factors: A randomized double blind trial. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1998
Perry KG Jr, Ross EL, May WL, Robinette L, Martin RW Cervical ripening: a randomized comparison between intravaginal misoprostol and an intracervical balloon catherter combined with intravaginal dinoprostone. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1997
Roberts WE, Morrison JC, Morton HH, Martin RW Does the 3rd year resident schedule effect the in-service examination score? CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1997
Martin RW, Barker JR Leadership by example: Methods for increasing computer use amony ob/gyn residents. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1997
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW Obstetric ultrasound education in an ob/gyn residency program. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1997
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Robinette L, Moore A Better maternal outcomes are achieved using dexamethasone therapy for postpartum HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1997
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW,Magann ER, Blake PG, Robinette L, Martin JN Jr Expanded implementatonof dexamethasone for HELLP syndrome pregnancies improves maternal-perinatal outcomes. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1997
Ascarelli MH, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Magann EF, MartinJN Jr 600 grams: Cutpoint on the cusp of perinatal viability in pregnancies with HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1997
Martin RW, Blake PG, Robinette L, Moore A, Martin JN Jr Maternal weight and obesity with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia as HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1997
Roberts WE, Morrison JC, Mortho HH, MartinRW Can junior faculty and house staff assess prospective reidents as well as senior faculty, department chairman and residency program director? CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1996
Bofill JA, Rust OA, Schorr SJ, Brown RC, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC A randomized prospective trial of the obstetric forceps versus the M-cup. Society of Perinatal Obstetrics1996
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Blake PG, Roberts WE, MartinJN Jr Maternal outcome associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1996
Rust OA, Bofill JA, Carroll SC, Cowan BD, Martin RW, Morrison JC The 2-hour postprandial meal vs the 1-hour, 50-gram glucola test as a screening test for gestational diabetes: A critical analysis. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Annual Clinical Meeting1996
Rust OA, Morrison JC, Schorr SJ, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW Outcome of twin gestations with preterm labor prior to 24 weeks' gestation. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1996
Wiser WL, Morrison JC, Cowan BD, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morton HH Fate of resident graduates over 17 years. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1996
Bofill JA, Rust OA, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Marin RW, Morrison JC The teaching of operative vaginal deliveries in North American residency training programs. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1996
Roberts WE, Martin RW, Roach HH, Perry KG Jr, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Are obstetric interventions such as cervical ripening, induction of labor, amnioinfusion or amniotomy associated with umbilical cord prolapse? Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1996
Pery KG Jr, Morriso JC, Martin JN Jr, Wiser WL, Martin RW The teaching of forceps application in a resident training program. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1995
Rust OA, Schorr SJ, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Outcome of twin gestations with preterm labor prior to 24 weeks' gestation. Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Mead Johnson Nutritionals1995
Sullivan CA, Johnson CA, Roach H, Martin RW,Stewart DK, Morrison JC A prospective, randomized, double-blind comparison of the serotonin antagonist ondansetron to a standardized regimen of promethazine for hyperemesis gravidarum. A preliminary investigation. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1995
Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Magann EF, Sullivan DL, Morrison JC Second-trimester pregnancy termination: A case control comparison of intr=amniotic 15(s)-15-methyl PGF2a and intravaginal PGE2. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1995
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Wiser WL, Martin RW, Cowan BD, Robinson SV Validation of data collected by house officers in residency review committee (RRC) mandated categories. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1995
Perry KG Jr, Morrison JC, Rust OA, Sullivan CA, Martin RW, Naef RW III Incidence of adverse cardiopulmonary effects with low-dose continuous terbutaline infusion. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1995
Magann EF, Bass D, Chauhan SP, Sullivan DL, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Antepartum corticosteroids: Disease stabilization in patients with HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1994
Naef RW III, Allbert JR, Weber BM, Roach H, Martin RW, Morrison JC Premature rupture of membranes at 34-37 weeks' gestation: Aggressiver versus conservative management. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1994
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morton H, Cowan BD, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Use of computeres in residency education. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1994
Naef RW III, Magann ER, Allbert JR, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Prospective comparison of empiric antibiotic therapy in patients with idiopathic preterm labor. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1994
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Wiser WL, Martin RW, Cowan BD, Robinson S Validation of data collected by house officers in Residency Review Committee (RRC) mandated categories. CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting1994
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Blake GP, Norman PH, Morrison JC, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr A decade of experience with plasma exchange therap in patients with preeclampsia/eclampsia. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Magann EF, Martin RW, Isaacs JD, Blake PG, Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr Corticosteroids for the enhancement of fetal lung maturity: Impact on the gravida with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Naef RW III, Martin RW, Magann EF, Roach H, Scanlon PH, Morrison FS, Morrison JC Transfusion requirements for hemorrhage after cesarean section. Mississippi Academy of Sciences1993
Chauhan SP, Meydrech EF, Washburne JF, Hudson JL, Martin RW, Morrison JC Clinical estimate of birth weight in labor at term: Factors influencing its accuracy. Society of Perinatal Obstericians1993
Isaacs JD, Magann EF, Martin RW, Chauhan SP, Meeks GR, Morrison JC Pregnancy outcome among 101 gravidas over 300 pounds. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Martin JN Jr, Magann EF, Blake PG, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE Analysis of 454 pregnancies with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia HELLP syndrome using the 3-class system of classification. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Magann EF, Martin JN Jr, Isaacs JD, perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Meydrech EF Immediate postpartum curettage: Accelerated recovery form preeclampsia. Mississippi Academy of Sciences1993
Naef RW, Martin RW, Magann ER, Roach H, Scanlon PH, Morrison FS, Morrison JC Hemorrhage after cesarean section: Is transfusion needed? Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Magann EF, Martin JN Jr, Isaacs JD, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Meydrech EF Immediate postpartum curettage: Accelerated recovery from preeclampsia. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Martin JN Jr, Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Magann EF, Roberts WE, Martin RW The presence of HELLP syndrome in the eclamptic parturient is a major maternal and perinatal risk indicator. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1993
Dupre AR, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Blake PG, Floyd RC, Cowan BD Cesarean birth: Can improved surgical technique enhance maternal outcome? American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting1992
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Blake PG, Norman PH, Morrison JC, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr Plasma exchange for preeclampsia: Lessons learned during the first ten years. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1992
Chauhan SP, Martin RW, Morrison JC Intrapartum hydramnios and perinatal outcome. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meetinn1992
Martin JN Jr, Pery KG Jr, Blake PG, Magann ER, Roberts WE, Martin RW The inverse relationship of gestational age to severity of HELLP syndrome with eclampsia. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1992
Martin JN Jr, Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Magann ER, Roberts WE, Martin RW The presence of HELLP syndrome in the eclamptic parturient is a major maternal and perinatal risk indicator. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1992
Morrison JC, Allbert JR, Gookin KS, Whitworth NS, Martin RW, Roberts WE Fetal Fibronectin: A discriminator for early delivery in patients with preterm premature rupture of the membranes. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Annual Clinical Meeting1992
Floyd RC, McLaughlin BN, Martin RW, Roberts WE, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Comparison of magnesium and nifedipine for primary tocolysis and idiopathic preterm labor. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1992
Floyd RC, Martin RW, Gookin KS, Roberts WE, McLaughlin BN, Morrison JC Preterm birth prevention in a large Medicaid population. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1992
Morrison JC, Allbert JR, Whitworth NS, Roberts WE, Gookin KS, Martin RW Prediction of preterm labor and early delivery using fetal fibronectin levels. Society for Gynecologic Investigations1992
Martin JN Jr, Magann ER, Blake PG, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE Severe preeclampsia/eclampsia with HELLP syndrome in 454 pregnancies: Comparative analysis using the 3-class system of classification. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1992
Allbert JR, Roberts WE, Poist JE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Amniotic fluid glucose level, white blood cell count, leukocyte esterase, and gram stain in predicting the effectiveness of tocolysis for preterm labor. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Annual Clinical Meeting1992
Magann EF, Dodson MK, Allbert JR, Moore JL Jr, Martin RW, Morrison JC Blood loss at the time of cesarean section by method of placental removal and exteriorization versus in situ repair of the uterine incision. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Annual Clinical Meeting1992
Magann ER, Johnson CA, Gookin KS, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Morrison JC Placenta previa: Does preterm labor cause bleeding? Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1992
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Roberts WE, Morrison JC The perinatal database: Experience with Objectvision. Third Worl Symposium, Computers in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Neonatology1992
Perry KG Jr, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Blake PG, Hublein D, Burnett JC Jr Plasma immunoreactive endothelin in concentrations in severe preeclamptic and normotensive gravidas. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
Floyd RC, Gookin KS, Hess LW, Martin RW, Rawlinson KF, Huntley KA, Morrison JC The use of the subcutaneous infusion pump for the administration of heparin. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
Holland JG, Dupre AR, Blake PG, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr VBAC experience and utilization in selected Mississippi regional level II hospitals American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Cliical Meeting1991
Fox MD, Martin RW, Floyd RC, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC, Wiser WL The effects of cesarean curettage on puerperal morbidity. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual clinicla Meeting.1991
Allbert JR, Johnson C, Roberts WE, Martin RW, Gookin KS, Morrison JC Subcutaneous terbutaline tocolysisi for recurrent preterm labor via infusion pump. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
Martin JN Jr, Perry KG, Blake PG, Martin RW, Files JC Rate of worsening thrombocytopenia in the terminal stages of HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
Fox MD, Martin RW, Floyd RC, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC, Wiser WL The effects of cesarean curettage on puerperal morbidity. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting1991
Pickhardt MG, Martin JN Jr, Meydrech ER, Blake PG, Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Morrison JC VBAC: Are there useful and valid predictors of success or failure? Central Association of OBstetricians and Gynecologists1991
McCaul JF, Perry KG, Martin RW, Morrison JC Treatment of idopathic preterm rupture of membranes or labor with adjunctive ampicillin. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
Woods JB, Blake PG, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Ascites: A portent of cardiopulmonary complications in the preeclamptic patient with HELLP syndrome. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting1991
Martin JN Jr, Woods JB, Blake PG, Perry KG, Martin RW, Files JC HELLP syndrome: Guidelines for hemotherapy. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
Morrison JC, Martin RW, Hess LW, Sumrall DD, Perry KG Jr, Morrison FS Maternal morbidity from anemia following vaginal delivery. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Clinical Meeting1991
Hess LW, Whitworth NS, Whittle TE, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Morrison JC Plasma fibronectin: A biochemical marker for the chronically hypertensive patient destined to develop preeclampsia. Society for Gynecologic Investigation1991
Morrison JC, Allbert JR, Bale CS, Lou CH, Gookin KS, Martin RW Interval to delivery in high risk patients: Do tocolytics really work? Society for Gynecologic Investigation1991
Martin JN Jr, Miles JF, Blake PG, perry KG, McCaul JF, Martin RW Eclampsia and the HELLP connection. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1991
PIckhardt MG, Blake PG, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Clinical correlates associated with successful trial of labor and vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologsts, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting1990
Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, Files JC, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Maternal consequences of severe preeclampsia/eclampsia with HELLP syndrome. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1990
Martin JN Jr, Miles JF Jr, Martin RW, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr Antepartum and intrapartum eclampsia: The HELLP connection. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1990
Miles JF Jr, Martin JN Jr, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Meeks GR Postpartum eclampsia: A recurring perinatal dilemma. International Society for th eStudy of Hypertension in Pregnancy1990
Martin RW, McColgin SW, Perry KG Jr, McCaul JF, Hess LW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Oral magnesium and the prevention of preterm labor in a high-risk group o f patients. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1990
Woods JB, Blake PG, Martin RW, Files JC, Martin JN Jr Hemotherapy of class 1 HELLP syndrome. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting1990
Martin JN Jr, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, McCaul JF, McColgin SW, Hess LW Maternal morbidity associate with severe preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1990
Martin RW, Perry KG Jr, Martin JN Jr, Hess LW, Morrison JC Oral magnesium for tocolysis: A comparison of magnesium gluconate and enteric-coated magnesium choloride. Society for Gynecologic Investigation1990
Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Brown EG, Graves GR, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr Perinatal consequences of severe preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1990
Martin JN Jr, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Lowry SL, Files JC Patterns of thrombocytopenia and platelet recovery rates following parturition with HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1990
Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Martin RW, McCaul JF, Martin JN Jr Severity of HELLP syndrome and hypertension in association with onset of postpartum diuresis. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1990
Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Martin RW, McCaul JF, Martin JN Jr Severity of HELLP syndrome and hypertension in association with onset of postpartum diuresis. International Society for the Study of Hypertensionin Pregnancy1990
Hess LW, Whitworth NS, Whittle TE, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Plasma fibronectin concentrations as a predictor of early labor in women with preterm rupture of the fetal membranes. Society for Gynecologic Investigation1990
Martin JN Jr, Perry KG Jr, Blake PG, Jackson JF, Martin RW, Morrison JC The recurrent risk of severe preeclampsia/eclampsia associated with HELLP syndrome. International Society for the Study of Hypertension In Pregnancy1990
Martin JN Jr, Perry KG, Blake PG, Martin RW, McCaul JF, Hess LW, Morrison JC The natural history of hemolysis, hepatic dysfunction and thrombocytopenia in severe preeclampsia/eclampsia with HELLP syndrome. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1990
Martin JN Jr, Blake PG, Perry KG Jr, McCaul JF, Hess LW, Martin RW The natural history of HELLP syndrome: Patterns of disease progression and regression. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1990
McColgin SW, Hampton HL, McCaul JF, Howard PR, Perry KG Jr, Andrew M, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Stripping membranes at term: Can it safely reduce the incidence of postdate pregnancies? American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1990
Morrison JC, Martin RW, Gookin KS Comprehensive case management of complicated pregnancies - resultant health and cost benefits. Setting the Stage, HMOs and the American Health System in the Next Decade pp. 485-5021989
Martin R, Gookin KS, Knuppel R, Lake M, Watson D, Welch R, Bentley D, Hill W, Fleming A, Morrison JC Home uterine activity monitoring and perinatal nursing support versus the standard of care in the early detection of preterm labor. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Norman JR, Norman PF, Morrison JC Gestosis: Acronym for the diverse etiologies of pregnancy-associated adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1989
Perry KG, Martin RW, Whitworth NS, Martin JN Jr, Hess LW, Morrison JC Effects of hydramnios on lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid and incidence of respiratory distress syndrome. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1989
Morrison JC, Martin RW, Gookin KS, Hill W, Fleming A, Knuppel R, Lake M, Watson D, Welch R, Bentley D. Comparison of uterine activity versus symptomatology in the detection of preterm labor. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Norman J, Norman P, McCaul J, Morrison JC Pregnancy-specific events associated with acute pulmonary injury/adult respiratory distress syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
McColgin SW, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, McCaul JF, Morrison JC In utero group B streptococcal sepsis and death following percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS). Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Ridgway LW III, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Pery KG Jr, Buchanan J, Morrison JC Alterations in colloid osmotic pressure, plasma fibronectin and arterial oxygen saturation during acute gestational pyelonephritis. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Perry KG Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Materanal magnesium administration does not alter the outcome of neonatal patent ductus arteriosus treated with indomethacin. Society for Gynecologic Investigation1989
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, McColgin SW, Martin RW, Hess LW, Blake P, Morrison JC Puerperal utilization of plasma exchange for acute fatty liver of pregnancy and adult respiratory distress syndrome. Socieity of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Martin JN Jr, Walker AG, Read VH, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening in a deep south state: Recommended versus actual provider practice. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Martin JN Jr, Brewer DW, Rush LV Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Mills S, Morrison JC Midgestational uterine rupture and repair utilizing Gore-Tex patch with successful pregnancy outcome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Hess LW, McCaul J, McColgin S, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Semilobar holoprosencephaly associated with 6p-aneuploidy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1989
Martin JN Jr, Fernandez RJ, Martin RW, McColgin SW, McColgin SW, McCaul J, Morrison JC The maternal and perinatal impact of the three-day induction of labor. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1989
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Gookin KS, Wiser WL Cost effectiveness of ambulatory uterine activity monitoring to prevent preterm birth. Southern Perinatal Association1988
Mills SJ, Martin RW, McColgin SW, Hess LW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Neonatal outcome associated with severe variable decelerations of the fetal heart rate. Southern Medical Association1988
Martin JN Jr, Griffis KR, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Early puerperal hypertension management: Hydralazine versus methyldopa. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1988
Martin JN Jr, Tucker JM, Norman JR, Norman PF, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Categorization of clinical conditions associated with adutl respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the pregnant patient. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1988
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Plasma exchange for severe preeclampsia: Immediate peripartal utilization for rapidly progressive severe PIH/HELLP syndrome. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1988
McColgin SW, Hess LW, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC In utero fetal group B streptococcal sepsis and death following percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1988
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Clinical correlates for the maternal-fetal medicine specialist utilizing plasma exchange for persistently severe puerperal preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1988
Martin RW, MartinJN Jr, Hess LW, Whitworth NS, Morrison JC Clinical implications of hydramnios. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1988
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Plasma exchange for severe preeclampsia: Puerperal utilization for persistently severe PIH/HELLP syndrome. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1988
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Norman P, Morrison JC Pulmonary injury complicating severe pregnancy-induced hypertension. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy1988
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Immediate peripartal utilization of exchange plasmapheresis with fresh frozen plasma for the parturient with rapidly progressive severe PIH/HELLP syndrome. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1988
Martin JN Jr, Slocum WA, Ridgway L, Whitworth NS, Martin RW, Hess LW, Morrison JC Prediction of fetal lung maturity and absence of hyaline membrane disease in near term pregnancies complicated by placenta previa. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1988
Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Hess LW, Gookin KS, Wiser WL A program of uterine activity monitoring and its effect on neonatal morbidity. American Academy of Pediatrics1987
Martin JN Jr, Slocum WA, Whitworth NS, Martin RW, Morrison JC Predictability of fetal lung maturity utilizing third-trimester biparietal diameter. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1987
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC Use of prostaglandin E2 baginal suppositories in third-trimester fetal demise. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1987
Hess LW, Nolan TE, Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC, Wiser WL Incarcerationof the retroverted gravid uterus: Report of four patients managed with uterine reduction. Southern Medical Association1987
McKenna PH, Hess LW, Hampton H, Martin RW, MartinJN Jr, Morrison JC Antenatally diagonsed genitourinary abnormalities: Incidence and scheme for diagnosis. Amnerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1987
Martin JN Jr, Sessums MC, Palmer SM, Norman JR, Norman JR, Norman PF, Martin RW, Morrison JC Sepsis-associated acute adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in pregnancy. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1987
Wooley JR, Martin JN Jr, Meeksa GR, Martin RW, Wiser WL, Morrison JC The efficacy of emergent versus prophylactic cervical cerclage during pregnancy. Southern Perinatal Asssociation1987
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Risk of uterine rupture with oxytocin stimulation in the grand multipara. American College of Surgeons1987
Martin JN Jr, Files JC, Martin RW, Morrison JC Utilization of plasmapheresis with fresh frozen plasma for the therapeutic interruption of persistently severe puerperal preeclampsia with hemolysisi and thrombocytopenia (HELLP syndrome). Society of Perinatal Obstetricians1987
Morrison JC, Purser CA, Huma AS, Marrin JN Jr, Martin RW, Wiser WL Organic acid production in amniotic fluid varies with gestational age. Society for Gynceologic Investigation1987
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Gaddy DK, Wiser WL, Bucovaz E, Morrison JC The use of ritodrine and magnesium gluconate for ambulatory tocolysis.1987
Martin RW, Gaddy DK, Martin JN Jr, Wiser WL, Palmer SM, Morrison JC The effect of oral magnesium ingestion on serum magnesium levels in the pregnant patient. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1986
Helton DG, Meeks GR, Martin RW, Palmer SM, Morrison JC Detection of glucose intolerance in pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1985
Martin RW, Martin JN Jr, Gaddy DK, Wiser WL, Bucovaz E, Morrison JC The use of ritodrine and magnesium gluconate for ambulatory tocolysis.

Book Chapter

Martin RW Diabetes mellitus associated with pregnancy. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 2000:74-82000
Martin RW Screening for fetal abdominal wall defects. In: Perry KG, Jr, Roberts WE, eds. Utilizing Sonography in a General Obstetric Practice. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America 1998;25:517-261998
Martin RW Fetal distress in the intrapartum period. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994:169-1711994
Martin RW Advanced materanl age and management of the grand multipara. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual od Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994:89-931994
Martin RW Anteparum assessment of fetal well-being. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecolgoy, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994:215-81994
Martin RW Preterm labor. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gyncology, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994:110-31994
Martin RW Diabetes mellitus associated with pregnancy. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th ed. boston: Little, Brown, 1994:73-61994
Martin RW Surgery and trauma in pregnancy. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994:122-61994
Martin RW Postterm pregnancy. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th ed. Boston: Little Brown, 1994:102-51994
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Morrison JC Surgical diseases & disorders in pregnancy. In: Pernoll ML, ed. Current Obstetrics and Gynedology Diagnosis & Treatment, 7th ed. Norwalk, Connecticut: appleton & Lange 1991:480-921991
Martin RW, McColgin SW Evaluation of fetal and neonatal acid-base status. In: Morrison JC, ed. Antepartal Fetal Surveillance. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America 1990;17:2231990
Martin RW Advanced maternal age including the management of the grand multipara. In: Rivlin ME, Morrison JC, Bates GW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 19901990
Martin RW Surgery and trauma in pregnancy. In: Rivlin ME, Morrison JC, Bates GW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 19901990
Martin RW, Morrsion JC Oral magnesium for tocolysis. In: Petrie RH, ed. Perinatal Pharmacology. Oradell, New Jersey: Medical Economics, 19891989
Martin RW, Morrison JC Liver disease. In: Charles D, Glover DD, eds. Current Therapy in Obstetrics. Philadelphia: BC Decker, 19881988
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, Morrison JC Surgical diseases & disorders in pregnancy. In: Pernoll ML, Benson RC, eds. Current Obstetrics & Gynecology Diagnosis & Treatment, 6th ed. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 19871987
Martin JN Jr, Martin RW, MOrrison JC Acute management of sickle cell crisis in pregnancy. In: Cotton DB, Clark SL, eds. Critical Care Obstetrics. Clinics in Perinatology 1986;13:8531986
McLaughlin BN, Martin RW, Morrison JC Clinical management of sickle cell hemoglobinopathies during pregnancy. In: Lindheimer M, Barron W, eds. Medical Disorders During Pregnancy. Clinics in Perinatology 1985;12:585.1985
Martin RW Failure to progress in labor. In: Rivlin ME, Martin RW, eds. Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994:162-5
Martin RW, Wiser WL, Morrison JC Cesarean birth: Surgical Techniques. In: Sciarra JJ (ed). Sciarra's Gynecology and Obstetrics. Chicago: Lippincott-Raven (in press).


Rivlin ME, Martin RW Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 20002000
Rivlin ME, Martin RW Manual of Clinical Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 19941994


Poster Presentation, Time-to-Delivery with Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labor, CAOG, Albuequerque, New Mexico10/2014
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Shoulder Dystocia., 52nd Annual Willard R. Cooke Ob/Gyn Society Meeting, Galveston, Texas10/2001
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Update on Preterm Labor., 52nd Annual Willard R. Cooke Ob/Gyn Society Meeting, Galveston, Texas10/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy., Mississippi Section ACOG, Annual Combined Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi04/2000
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Test Scores for the Third-year Clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Effect of Student Night Call., Council on Resident Eduction in Obstetrics and Gyneoclogy & Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, New Orleans, Louisiana03/2000
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Current Concepts in Labor Induction, Physician's Meeting Sponsored by Forest Pharmaceuticals, Pascagoula, Mississippi12/1999
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Current Concepts in Labor Induction., Grand Rounds, Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, New Jersey11/1999
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Insulin-Requiring Diabetes., ACOG, Mississippi Section Annual Combined Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi04/1999
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Post-term Pregnancy., Mississippi Perinatal Postgraduate Course and GYN Seminar, Jackson, Mississippi12/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Evaluation and Management of Nonimmune Hydrops (NIH)., ACOG, Mississippi Section Annual Combined Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi04/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Managing the Pregnant Diabetic., Mississippi Perinatal Postgraduate Course, Jackson, Mississippi11/1995
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Amniotic Fluid Embolus: Recognition and Therapy., ACOG, Mississippi Section, Annual Combined Meeting04/1995
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, After Acute Tocolysis: Oral Medicines for Maintenance., Mississippi Perinatal Postgraduate Course, Jackson, Mississippi11/1994
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Review of Perinatal Database., ACOG, Mississippi Section, Annual Combined Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi04/1994
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Use of Computers in Residency Education., CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee03/1994
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, PROM and PTL - What's New?, Mississippi Perinatal Postgraduate Course, Jackson, Mississippi12/1993
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Uses of Databases in Obstetrics and Gynecology,., ACOG, Mississippi Section, Annual Combined Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi04/1993
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Pregnant HIV Woman. AIDS Update 1993: HIV/AIDS:, No Respector of Persons, Jackson, Mississippi02/1993
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Transfusion requirements for hemorrhage after cesarean section., Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Jackson, Mississippi1993
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Perinatal Database: Experience with Objectvision., Third World Symposium Computers in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatology, Anchorage, Alaska06/1992
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Teratology for the Clinician., Mississippi Section, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in conjunction iwth UMC Ob-Gyn Alumni Association and Winfred L. Wiser Society, Jackson, Mississippi04/1992
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Premature Rupture of Membranes, Mississippi Section, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in conjunction iwth UMC Ob-Gyn Alumni Association and Winfred L. Wiser Society, Jackson, Mississippi04/1991
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Fetal Echocardiography in the Evaluation of the Fetus at Risk for X-Linked Cardiomyopathy., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma10/1990
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Effects of HIV on Pregnancy and the Fetus., Seventh Annual Symposium on Current Events in Ob/Gyn Health Care, Jackson, Mississippi05/1990
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Preterm Labor., Mississippi Section, ACOG in conjunction iwth UMC Ob-Gyn Alumni Association and Winfred L. Wiser Society04/1990
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Management of Preterm Labor and PROM., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kings Daughters Hospital, Greenville, Mississippi02/1990
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Discussant. Randomized Prospective Trial Comparing Ultrasound and Pelvic Examination for Preterm Labor Surveillance., Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Phoenix, Arizona10/1989
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Comprehensive case management of complicated pregnancies-resultant health and cost benefits. Setting the Stage, HMOs and the American Health System in the Next Decade., Atlanta, Georgia06/1989
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Prevention of Prematurity., Louisiana Perinatal Association, Alexandria, Louisiana05/1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Clinical Strategies to Prevent Prematurity., Obstetrics-Newborn Update, Jackson, Mississippi04/1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Fetal Blood Gas Assessment., Mississippi Perinatal Association Annual Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi04/1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Perinatal Pearls., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital, Hazlehurst, Mississippi04/1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Perinatal Pearls., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kings Daughters Hospital, Greenville, Mississippi03/1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Perinatal Pearls., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Norhwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center, Clarksdale, Mississippi03/1989
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening in a deep south state: Recommended versus actual provider practice., Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, New Orleans, Louisiana1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Diabetes in Pregnancy., Mississippi Dietitians Association, Jackson, Mississippi09/1988
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Infant Mortality: The March of Dimes Challenge., March of Dimes, New Orleans, Louisiana09/1988
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tocolysis With Magnesium., Delta Medical Society, Greenville, Mississippi04/1988
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Grand Multipara and Other Obstetric Enigmas., Perinatal Postgraduate Course, Jackson, Mississippi12/1987
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Use of Ritodrine and Magnesium Gluconate for Ambulatory Tocolysis., Southern Medical Association, SanAntonio,Texas11/1987
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Comparison of Oral Ritodrine and Magnesium Gluconate for Ambulatory Tocolysis., Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Tarpon Springs, Florida10/1987
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Risk of Uterine Rupture With Oxytocin Stimulation in the Grand Multipara., American College of Surgeons, San Franciso, California10/1987
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Uterine Rupture., Grand Rounds, USAF Medical Center, Keesler AFB, Keesler, Mississippi08/1987
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Comparison of Oral Ritodrine and Magnesium Gluconate for Ambulatroy Tocolysis., UMC Ob-Gyn Alumni Association Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi05/1987
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Drugs Used in Labor and Premature Rupture of the Membranes., Perinatal Outreach Education, Biloxi, Mississippi04/1987
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Drugs Used in Labor, Premature Labor and Premature Rupture of the Membranes., Perinatal Outreach Education, Hattiesburg, Mississippi04/1987
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oral Magnesium., Tenth Annual Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Key Largo, Florida01/1987
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, A program of uterine activity monitoring and its effect on neonatal morbidity., American Academy of Pediatrics, New Orleans, Louisiana1987
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Drugs Used in Labor, Premature Labor and Prematrue Rupture of the Membranes., Perinatal Outreach Education, McComb, Mississippi05/1986
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Detectionof Glucose Intolerance in Pregnancy., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District VII Annual Clinical Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee10/1985
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Correlation of Neonatal Acid-Base Status With Apgar Scores and Fetal Heart Rate Tracing., Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, New Orleans, Louisiana10/1985

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Delegate, Mississippi State Medical Meeting, Central Medical Society1998
Solvay Pharmaceuticals Education Scholar, Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Excellence in Teaching Award, Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Membership and Service

AIUM, Member2012 - Present
Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, Member1989 - Present
Executive Council, Mississippi March of Dimes, Member1989 - 1990
Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Member1987 - Present
Mississippi Perinatal Association, Council Representative1986 - 1987
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Member1984 - Present
Medical Records Committee USAF Hospital Shaw, Member1982 - 1985
USAF Hospital Shaw, Executive Committee, Member1982 - 1985
USAF Hospital Shaw, Credentials Committee, Member1982 - 1985
USAF Hospital Shaw, Tumor and Tissue Committee, Member1982 - 1985

Committee Service

The University Hospital and Clinics - Credentials, Member2000 - 2010
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Member1999 - 2003
The University Hospitals and Clinics - Ambulatory Services, Member1990 - 1994
Mississippi March of Dimes, Executive Council1989 - 1990
The University Hospitals and Clinics - Medical Records, Member1988 - 2000
Mississippi Perinatal Association, Council Representative1986 - 1987
USAF Hospital Shaw, Credentials Committee1982 - 1985
USAF Hospital Shaw, Executive Committee1982 - 1985
USAF Hospital Shaw, Medical Records Committee1982 - 1985
USAF Hospital Shaw, Tumor and Tissue Committee1982 - 1985
The University Hospitals and Clinics - Medical Records, Chair