Joshua Mann, MD, MPH

Joshua Mann, MD, MPH


SOM-Preventive Medicine


Work Phone:
(601) 815-8988


Dr. Mann completed his undergraduate degree at Delta State University in 1992 and his Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in 1996, followed by a transitional year at Carraway Methodist Medical Center and a residency in Public Health and General Preventive Medicine with a master of public health from the University of South Carolina.

Later on, as a faculty member with the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, he served as medical director of Employee and Student Health from 2002 to 2015 and Preventive Medicine residency director from 2005 to 2015.

Dr. Mann joined UMMC in 2015 and led the creation of the Department of Preventive Medicine in the School of Medicine, where he remains professor and founding chair. He was also a member of the leadership team that created the John D. Bower School of Population Health in 2016, and the Department of Preventive Medicine now has a presence the School of Population Health in addition to the School of Medicine. In 2018, he led the creation of the UMMC Office of Well-Being, and has served as director of the Office since that time. From 2019 to 2022, he served as Preventive Medicine residency director, and from 2020 to 2022, as medical director of Student and Employee Health.

In addition to his primary leadership roles, Dr. Mann has also contributed to graduate medical education nationally. In 2011, he led the work group that created ACGME-required milestones for Public Health and General Preventive Medicine residents. In 2020, he was appointed to be a member of the ACGME Preventive Medicine Review and Recognition Committee, serving as committee Chair since 2023.

Dr. Mann has been principal investigator or co-investigator on a number of research and training grants and has authored or co-authored more than 100 journal articles. His research interests include the health of people with disabilities, risk factors for childhood disabilities, links between religion/spirituality and mental health, and workforce well-being. Since joining UMMC he has directed large HRSA-funded projects for training Preventive Medicine residents and for promoting healthcare workforce resiliency.


University of South Carolina School of Public Health, MPH, Public Health1999
University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Residency Program, Public Health and General Preventive Medicine1999
University of South Carolina School of Medicine, MD, Preventive Medicine Resident1999
Carraway Methodist Medical Center, MD, Transitional Intern1997
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MD, Medicine1996
Delta State University, BS, Pre-Med Chemistry1992

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Licensed to practice medicine in South Carolina: May 2002 thru present
Licensure, Medical, MS State Board of Medical Licensure07/2015 - 06/2021
Certification, Public Health and General Preventive Medicine, American Board of Preventive Medicine01/2001 - 12/2030

Current Positions

Professor and Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine07/2015 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor with Tenure, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine07/2012 - 06/2015
Associate Professor (Tenure Track), University of South Carolina School of Medicine, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine04/2008 - 06/2012
Associate Professor of Clinical Family and Preventive Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine12/2006 - 04/2008
Director, USC SOM Preventive Medicine Residency Program, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of SOM Preventive Medicine Residency Program08/2005 - 07/2015
Medical Director, USC SOM Employee/Student Health Services, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, School of Health Related Professions, Department of SOM07/2002 - 06/2015
Assistant Professor of Clinical Family and Preventive Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine07/2002 - 12/2006
Director of Research, The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, Austin, TX08/1999 - 06/2002

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Rare Condition Research Using a Combined Administrative/Clinical Data Warehouse, CDC/Disability Research and Dissemination Center10/2014 - 09/2017


Journal Article

Place J.M.S, Billings D.L., Frongillo E.A., Blake C.E., Mann J.R., deCastro F. "Policy for Promotion of Women’s Mental Health: Insight from Analysis of Policy on Postnatal Depression in Mexico." Administration and Policy in Mental Health. February 2015. Epub ahead of print. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 2016 Mar; 43(2): 189-98.
doi: 10.1007/s 10488-015-0629-x.
Deng FE, Shivappa N, Tang Y, Mann JR, Hebert JR. Deng FE, Shivappa N, Tang Y, Mann JR, Hebert JR. "Association between Diet-related Inflammation, All-cause, All-Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, with special focus on Prediabetics": Findings from NHanes III. Eur J Nutr. 2016 Jan 29 [Epub ahead of Print]2016
Mann J.R., Royer J.A., McDermott S., Hardin J.W., Ozturk O., Street N. Mann J.R., Royer J.A., McDermott S., Hardin J.W., Ozturk O., Street N. "Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits for Adolescents and Young Adults with Muscular Dystrophy, Living in South Carolina." Muscle and Nerve. February 2015. Epub ahead of print. Muscle and Nerve.2015 Nov;52(5):714-21. doi:10.1002/mus.24599.Epub 2015 Aug 14.2015
Cai B, McDermott S, Wang Y, Royer JA, Mann JR, Hardin JW, OZturk O, Ouyang L., "Skin Ulcers and Mortality Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Spina Bifida in South Carolina During 2000-2010" J. Child Neurol. 2016 Mar; 31 (3): 370-7. doi: 10.1177/0883073815596611. Epub 2015 Aug 3.2015
Wang Y, McDermott S, Mann JR, Hardin JW. Wang Y., McDermott S., Mann J.R., Cai B. "Preventing Intellectual Disability During Pregnancy: What are the Potentially High Yield Targets?" Journal of Perinatal Medicine. July 2015. Epub ahead of print. J Perinat Med. 2015 July 15.pii: /j/pme.ahead-of-print/jpm-2015-0059/jpm-2010-0059.xml. doi: 10.1515/jpm-2015-0059 [Epub ahead of print]2015
Bookstaver P.B., Foster J.L., Lu Z.K., Mann J.R., Ambrose C., Grant A., Burgess S., "Hepatitis B Virus Seroconversion Rates Among Health Sciences Students in the Southeastern United States." Journal of American College of Health. May 2015, Epub ahead of print. Journal of American College Health2015
Mann J.R., Royer J.A., Turk M.A., McDermott S., Holland M.M., Ozturk O., Hardin J.W., Thibadeau J.K. "Inpatient and Emergency Room Visits for Adolescents and Young Adults with Spina Bifida Living in South Carolina." Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. May 2015. 1 year Impact Factor (2013) = 1.66. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.2015 May;7(5): 499-511.
doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2014.11.011.Epub 2014 Dec 12.
McDermott S., Hardin J.W., Royer J.A., Mann J.R., Tong X., Ozturk O.D., Ouyang L. "Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Hospitalization for Adolescents and Young Adults with Fragile X Syndrome." American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Accepted February 2014. 1 year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.44. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.2015 May; 120(3): 230-43 doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-
Place J.M.S., Billings D.L., Blake C.E., Frongillo E.A., Mann J.R., and deCastro F. "Conceptualizations of Postpartum Depression by Public-Sector Health Care Providers in Mexico." Qualitative Health Research. April 2015;25:551-68 1 year Impact Factor (2012) = 2.18 Qualitative Health Research. April 2015;25:551-68
doi: 10.1177/1049732314552812. Epub2014 Oct 3.
Deroche C.B., Holland M.M., McDermott S., Royer J.A., Hardin J.W., Mann J.R., Salzberg D., Ozturk O., Ouyang L. "Development of a Tool to Describe Overall Health, Social Independence and Activity Limitation of Adolescents and Young Adults with Disability." Res Dev Disabil. March 2015;38:288-300 1 year Impact Factor (2013) = 2.74. Res Dev Disabil. 2015 Mar; 38:288-300 doi: 10.1016/J.ridd.2014.12.009. Epub 2015 Jan 9.2015
Mann J.R., Balte P., Clarkson J., Nitcheva D., Graham C., and McDermott S. "What are the Specific Disability and Limitation Types Underlying Responses to BRFSS Disability Questions? Disability and Health Journal. January 2015;8:17-28. 1 year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.45. Disability and Health Journal.2015
Miller M.C., Pope H.C., Wolfer T.A., Mann J.R., McKeown R.E. "Psychometric Analysis of a Scale to Assess Particularized Trust in Families and Community- and Congregation-based Groups." Journal of Community Psychology. 2015; 43:227-243. 1 year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.08.2015
Pan C, Deroche C, Mann JR, McDermott SW, and Hardin J. Pan C, Deroche C, Mann JR, McDermott SW, and Hardin J. "Is Pre-pregnancy Obesity Associated with Risk of Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy in Children?" Brief Communication.2013 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print]. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.385. Journal of Child Neurology.2014 Dec;29(12):NP196-201. doi:0.1177/0883073813510971. Epub 2013 Dec 11.2014
Ozturk O.D., McDermott S., Mann J.R., Hardin J.W., Royer J.A., Ouyang L. "Disparities in Health Care Utilization by Race Among Teenagers and Young Adults with Muscular Dystrophy." Medical Care October 2014; 52 Suppl 3.S32-91 year Impact Factor (2012) = 3.23. Medical Care. 2014 Oct;52 (10 Suppl 3):S32-9.
doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000194.
Royer J.A., Hardin J.W., McDermott S., Ouyang L., Mann J.R., Ozturk O.D., Bolen J. "Use of State Administrative Data Sources to Study Adolescents and Young Adults with Rare Conditions." Journal of General Internal Medicine August 2014; 29 Suppl 3:S732-8. 1 year Impact Factor (2012) = 3.28. doi: 10.1007/s 11606-014-2925-72014
Rao GA, Mann JR, Shoaibi A, Bennett CL, Nahhas G, Sutton SS, Jacob S, Strayer SM. Rao GA, Mann JR, Shoaibi A, Bennett CL, Nahhas G, Sutton SS, Jacob S, Strayer SM. "Azithromycin and Levofloxacin Use and Increased Risk of Cardiac Arrhythmia and Death." 2014;12:121-7. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 4.610. Annals of Family Medicine. 2014 Mar-April; 12(2): 121-7. doi: 10.1370/afm.1601.2014
Pope H.C., Miller M.C., Wolfer T.A., Mann J.R., & McKeown, R.E.(2014). "Psychometric Analysis of a Scale to Assess Norms of Reciprocity of Social Support in Community-based and Congregation-based Groups, Sage Open, 3 (4). Impact Factor Not Available.2014
Rao GA, Mann JR, Shoaibi A, Pai SG, Bottai M, Sutton SS, Haddock KS, Bennett CL, Hebert JR. Rao GA, Mann JR, Shoaibi A, Pai SG, Bottai M, Sutton SS, Haddock KS, Bennett CL, Hebert JR. "Angiotensin Receptor Blockers: Are They Related to Lung Cancer? J Hypertension. 2013 Aug;;31(8):1669-1675. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 3.806.
doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283621ea3.
Rao GA, Mann JR, Bottai M, Uemura H, Burch JB, Bennett CL, Haddock KS, Hebert JR. Rao GA, Mann JR, Bottai M, Uemura H, Burch JB, Bennett CL, Haddock KS, Hebert JR. "Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Risk of Prostate Cancer Among United States Veterans." 2013;53:773-8. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 2.841. J Clinical Pharmacology. 2013 Jul;53(7):773-8. doi: 10.1002/jcph.98. Epub 2013 May 17.2013
Mann JR, Pan C, Rao G, McDermott S, Hardin JW. Mann JR, Pan C, Rao G, McDermott S, Hardin JW. "Children Born to Diabetic Mothers May Be More Likely to Have Intellectual Disability." Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2013 Jul;17 (5):928-32. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.875. doi: 10.1007/s 10995-012-1072-1.2013
Mann JR, McDermott SW, Hardin J, Pan C, Zhang. Mann JR, McDermott SW, Hardin J, Pan C, Zhang. "Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index, Weight Change During Pregnancy, and Risk of Intellectual Disability in Children." BJOG. 2013 Feb; 120(3):309-19. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 3.760.
doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12052. Epub 2012 Nov 27.
Ozturk, O, McInnes, M, McDermott, S, Mann, JR Ozturk, O, McInnes, M, McDermott, S, Mann, JR(2013) "Improved Targeting of Social Programs: An application to a State Job Coaching Programs for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities." In Press. Eastern Economic Journal2013
Mann JR, McDermott S, Pan C, Hardin JW. Mann JR, McDermott S, Pan C, Hardin JW. "Maternal Hypertension and Intra-partum Fever are Associated with Increased Risk of Ischemic Stroke During Infancy." Developmental Medicine Child Neurology. 2013 Jan;55(1):58-64. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 2.776 doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2012.04409.x. Epub 2012 Sep 17.2013
Barnes TL, Howie EK, McDermott S, Mann JR
"Physical Activity in a Large Sample of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities."
J Phys Act Health. 2013 Sep;10(7):1048-56. Epub 2012 Nov 5
Barnes TL, Howie E, McDermott S, Mann JR. Barnes TL, Howie E, McDermott S, Mann JR. "Activity and Obesity in a Large Sample of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities." Journal Physical Activity and Health. 2012 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print]. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.951. Journal Physical Activity and Health. 2012 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print]. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.951.2012
Chadha A, Brown T, Rye AK, Mann JR, Bao W. Chadha A, Brown T, Rye AK, Mann JR, Bao W. "Trends in Palivizumab Dosing in South Carolina and Hospitalization of Children for Respiratory Syncitial Virus." Southern Medical Journal. 2012;105:399-404. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 0.915. Southern Medical Journal. 2012;105:399-404. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 0.915.2012
McDermott, S, Whitner W, Thomas-Koger M, Mann JR, Clarkson J, Barnes TL, Bao H, Meriwether RA. McDermott, S, Whitner W, Thomas-Koger M, Mann JR, Clarkson J, Barnes TL, Bao H, Meriwether RA. "An Efficacy Trial of the Steps to Your Health Program for Adults with Intellectual Disability." Health Education Journal. 2012; 71: 278-290. Health Education Journal. 2012; 71: 278-290.2012
Howie E, Barnes T, McDermott S, Mann JR, Meriwether B.5(1):41-8. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.446. Howie E, Barnes T, McDermott S, Mann JR, Meriwether B. "Availability of Physical Activity Resources in the Environment for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities." Disability and Health Journal. 2012;5(1):41-8. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.446. Disability and Health Journal. 2012;5(1):41-8. 1-Year Impact Factor (2012) = 1.446.2012
Mann JR, McDermott S. Mann JR, McDermott S. "Maternal Pre-eclampsia is Associated with Childhood Epilepsy in South Carolina Children Insured by Medicaid." Epilepsy and Behavior. 2011; 20:506-11. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 2.610. Epilepsy and Behavior. 2011; 20:506-11. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 2.610.2011
Mann JR, McDermott S, Griffith MI, Hardin J, Gregg AR. Mann JR, McDermott S, Griffith MI, Hardin J, Gregg AR. "Uncovering the Complex Relationship between Pre-eclampsia, Pre-term Birth and Cerebral Palsy." Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2011; 25: 100-10. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 1.797. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2011; 25: 100-10. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 1.797.2011
Griffith M, Mann JR, McDermott S. Griffith M, Mann JR, McDermott S. "The Risk of Intellectual Disability in Children Born to Mothers with Pre-eclampsia or Eclampsia with Partial Mediation by Low Birth Weight." Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2011; 30:108–115. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 1.368. Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2011; 30:108–115. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 1.368.2011
Mann JR, McDermott S. Mann JR, McDermott S. "Are maternal genitourinary infection and pre-eclampsia associated with ADHD in school aged children?" E-Pub September 13, 2010. Journal of Attention Disorders. [Impact Factor is not available.] E-Pub September 13, 2010. Journal of Attention Disorders. [Impact Factor is not available.]2010
Mann JR, Mannan J, Quinones LA, Palmer AA, Torres M. Mann JR, Mannan J, Quinones LA, Palmer AA, Torres M. "Religion, spirituality, social support, and perceived stress in prenatal and postpartum Hispanic women." Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing. 2010; 39(6):645-57. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 0.952. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing. 2010; 39(6):645-57. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 0.952.2010
Mann JR, McDermott S, Bao H, Hardin J, Gregg A. Mann JR, McDermott S, Bao H, Hardin J, Gregg A. "Pre-eclampsia, Birth Weight, and Autism Spectrum Disorders." J Autism Dev Disord. 2010; 40(5):548-54. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 3.063. J Autism Dev Disord. 2010; 40(5):548-54. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 3.063.2010
Jordan J, Mann JR. Jordan J, Mann JR. "Obesity and Mortality in Persons with Obstructive Lung Disease Using Data from the NHANES III Study." Southern Medical Journal. 2010;103(4):323-30. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 0.924. Southern Medical Journal. 2010;103(4):323-30. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 0.924.2010
McInnes MM, Ozturk OD, McDermott S, Mann JR. McInnes MM, Ozturk OD, McDermott S, Mann JR. "Does Supported Employment Work?" Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2010; 29:506-25. [Impact Factor is not available; Article Influence Score = 0.96 ( This is roughly equivalent to the "AI Score of Sexually Transmitted Diseases," which has an Impact Factor of 2.579.] Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2010; 29:506-25.2010
Mann JR, McDermott S, Gill T. Mann JR, McDermott S, Gill T. "Sexually Transmitted Infection is Associated with Increased Risk of Pre-term Birth in South Carolina Women Insured by Medicaid." J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2010;23(6):563-8. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 1.741. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2010;23(6):563-8. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 1.741.2010
Mann JR, McDermott S, Barnes T, Hardin J, Bao H, Zhou L. Mann JR, McDermott S, Barnes T, Hardin J, Bao H, Zhou L. "Trichomoniasis in Pregnancy and Mental Retardation in Children." Ann Epidemiol. 2009 Dec;19(12):891-9. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 2.947. Ann Epidemiol. 2009 Dec;19(12):891-9. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 2.947.2009
McDermott S, Mann JR, Wu J.. McDermott S, Mann JR, Wu J. "Maternal Genitourinary Infection Appears to Synergistically Increase the Risk of Epilepsy in Children of Women with Epilepsy." Neuroepidemiology. 2009;34(2):117-122. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 2.375. Neuroepidemiology. 2009;34(2):117-122. 1-Year Impact Factor (2009) = 2.375.2009
Reichard A, McDermott S, Ruttenber M, Mann J, Smith MG, Royer J, Valdez R. Testing the Feasibility of a Passive and Active Case Ascertainment System for Multiple Rare Conditions Simultaneously: The Experience in Three US States. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2016 Aug 29;2(2):e151. doi: 10.2196/publichealth.5516.

Editorial Commentary

Mann JR, Deroche CB, Spiryda LB, McDermott S. "Is Pre-Pregnancy Weight a Risk Factor for Intellectual Disability? Expert Review of Obstetricss & Gynecology, May 2013, Vol. 8, No. 3, Pages 197-199. (Editorial)2013

Letter to the Editor

Mann JR, Larimore W. "Impact of Religious Attendance on Life Expectancy." J Am Board Fam Med. 2006 19:429-30.2006


Poster Presentation, Bertollo S. and Mann J.R. "A Multidisciplinary Approach to Training Preventive Medicine Residents in Integrative Medicine." Presented at Teaching Prevention 2015, the Annual Meeting of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Charleston SC, Charleston, S.C.02/2015
Peer Reviewed, Place J.M., Billings D., Frongillo E., Blake C., Mann J.R., Castro F. "Postnatal Depression: Conceptualizations of Health Care Providers from Public Sector Health Care Facilities in Mexico." 26th Annual Postpartum Support International Conference. June 21-22, 2013. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Minnesota06/2013
Peer Reviewed, Love B.L., Mann J.R., Hardin J.W., Amrol D.J. "Antibiotic Exposure and the Risk of Food Allergy in Young Children." Prebiotics, Probiotics, and the Host Microbiome Conference, The New York Academy of Sciences, June 2013.06/2013
Poster Presentation, Love B.L., Mann J.R., Hardin J.W., Amrol D. "Risk of Food Allergy Following Antibiotic Exposure in Young Children." 2013 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Poster Symposium. May 22, 2013. Winner, best poster.05/2013
Poster Presentation, Ambrose C.M., Wolf S.E., Foster J.L., Quidley A.M., Grant A.D., Bookstaver B., Mann J.R., Burgess S. "Rate of Seroconversion Following Hepatitis B Vaccination Among Healthcare Students: A Pilot Study." Student poster presented at USC Discovery Day, April 26, 2013.04/2013
Peer Reviewed, Ozturk O.D., McDermott S., Mann J.R., Hardin J.W., Royer J.A., Ouyang L. "Determinants of Health Care Utilization Among Teenagers and Young Adults with Rare Conditions: Role of Socioeconomic Status." Health Disparities Research at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: National Conference – Washington, D.C. April 25-26, 201304/2013
Peer Reviewed, Lujing Zhan, MSPH, MD; Jennifer Baker MSPH, BS; Joshua Mann, MD, MPH;Suzanne McDermott, PhD; John Clarkson, MPH; Catherine L. Graham, MBME. "Health Conditions of Adults with Disabilities in South Carolina." Poster presented at the 2013 BRFSS Annual Conference, March 23, 2013.03/2013
Poster Presentation, Rao G.A., Shoaibi A., Nahhas G., Strayer S., Bennett C.L., Bertollo S., Mann J.R. "Azithromycin and Risk of Death: An Hypothesis Confirmation by the New Southern Network on Adverse Reactions." Poster presented at Preventive Medicine 2013, the Annual Meeting of the American College of Preventive Medicine. February 20-23, 2013. Phoenix, Arizona. Winner, Outstanding Resident Presentation (Poster Abstract)., Arizona02/2013
Reviewed, Love B.L., Mann J.R., Hardin J.W., Amrol D. "Antibiotic Exposure and the Risk of Food Allergy in Young Children." The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, February 2013;131(2):AB331 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.12.1557. Presented at the American Association of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology Annual Scientific Meeting, February 201302/2013
Peer Reviewed, Mann J.R., McDermott S.W., Hardin J., Pan C., Zhang Z. "Obesity and Weight Gain in Pregnancy: Are They Risk Factors for Intellectual Disability in Children?" Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. September 14, 2012. Toronto, ONT, Canada.09/2012
Poster Presentation, Mann J.R., McDermott S., Pan C., Hardin J.W. "Maternal Hypertension and Intrapartum Fever are Associated with Increased Risk of Ischemic Stroke During Infancy." Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Perinatal Epidemiologic Research, Minneapolis, MN, June 27, 2012.06/2012
Poster Presentation, Rao G.A., Mann J.R., Shoabi A., Sutton S., Bennett C., Bottai M., Haddock K.S., Hebert J. "Relationship Between Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Lung cancer: A Medication Safety Experience from a Million Veterans." Poster Presented at the Dorn VAMC Annual Research Day, Columbia, SC. April 25, 2012.04/2012
Peer Reviewed, Bulchandani D., Rao G., Nachnani J., Mann J.R., Graves L., Pandya P. "Insulin Sensitizers and Diabetic Control Decrease the Risk of Colon Polyps." American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 13-17, 2011.04/2011
Peer Reviewed, Mann J.R., McDermott S., Gregg A. "Uncovering the Complex Relationship Between Pre-Eclampsia, Preterm birth and Cerebral Palsy." Accepted for publication at the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. Washington, DC. September 22-25, 2010. [This presentation was nominated for the "Gayle G. Arnold Award" for the Best Scientific Paper at the conference.]09/2010
Peer Reviewed, Erin K. Howie, Timothy L. Barnes, Suzanne McDermott, Joshua R. Mann, and Rebecca A. Meriwether. "Description of Physical Activity in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities,"
Presented at the International Congress on Physical Activity and Health. May 8, 2010.
Peer Reviewed, Mann J.R., McDermott S., Hardin J., Bao H. "Maternal Trichomoniasis is Associated with Increased Risk of Mental Retardation." Presented at the Gatlinburg Conference on Reseach & Theory in Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. New Orleans, LA. March 21, 2009.03/2009
Peer Reviewed, Graham C.L., Mann J.R. "Accessibility of Physicians’ Offices in South Carolina for Patients with Disabilities": Final Data. Presented at the 2008 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. October 2008.10/2008
Peer Reviewed, Rhoden C.A., Owens S., Olivier J., Mann J.R. "Circadian Variation and the Benefits of Exercise on Arterial Blood Pressure: Should Timing of Exercise be Considered when Prescribing Exercise for Prevention or Treatment of Hypertension?" Abstract published in May 2008, Journal of Clinical Hypertension, Volume 10, Issue 5, Supplement A05/2008
Poster Presentation, Rhoden C., Owens S., Olivier J., Mann J.R. "Should Timing of Exercise be Considered When Prescribing Exercise for Prevention or Treatment of Hypertension." Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Preventive Medicine. Austin, TX. February 21, 2008.02/2008
Peer Reviewed, Mann J.R., McKeown R., Bacon J., Vesselinov R., Bush F. "Religiosity, Spirituality and Antenatal Depression and Anxiety." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group. Vancouver, British Columbia. October 22, 2007.10/2007
Peer Reviewed, Graham C.L., Mann J.R. "Accessibility of Physicians’ Offices in South Carolina for Patients with Disabilities." Presented at the 2006 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. November 7, 2006.11/2006

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Dean’s Scholarship (Norman C. Nelson Scholarship, full tuition), UMMC1992
President's List, Delta State University1991
Pi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Delta State University
Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Medical Honors Society, Delta State University
Second Diploma (Transfer student graduating with highest grade point average), Delta State University

Professional Membership and Service

• American College of Preventive Medicine
American Public Health Association, Member
• Christian Medical and Dental Association

Committee Service

Mississippi Health Summit Steering Committee, Member2016 - 2016
Health Equity Commission, Mississippi State Medical Association, Member2016 - 2016
Ambulatory Committee - Reviews and monitors quality, performance data, discusses strategic and operational performance improvement; advises leadership on strategies., Member2016 - 2017
Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI) Program Steering Committee, Member2016 - Present
Council of Clinical Chairs - Advisory to the Health System Executive Committee; provides leadership to support the delivery of quality, patient-centered clinical care; growth of clinical volume; improvement of practice efficiency., Member2016 - 2017
Culture of Health Work Group, Mississippi State Health Improvement Plan, Member2015 - 2016
American College of Preventive Medicine Residency Standardized Acceptance Date Task Force, Member2014 - 2014
Subcommittee on Common Program Requirements & Evaluation, Palmetto Health GMEC, Member2013 - 2015
Graduate Medical Education Committee, Palmetto Health, Member2013 - 2015
DFPM Education Team, Member2013 - Present
DFPM Leadership Team, Member2013 - Present
DFPM Research/Preventive Medicine Team, Director2013 - Present
Institution for the Advancement of Health Care Chair Search Committee2012 - 2012
Suicide Prevention Committee, Member2012 - 2012
DFPM Chair Search Committee, Member2012 - 2012
South Carolina BRFSS Advisory Committee, Member2012 - 2015
DFPM Vice Chair Search Committee, Member2011 - 2011
ACGME General Preventive Medicine Section, Chair2011 - 2012
Scientific Review Committee, Palmetto Health, Member2010 - 2015
Science and Religion Travel Committee, Member2010 - 2013
Scientific Committee, Carolina Women’s Health Research Forum, Member2010 - Present
DFPM FEI Preventive Medicine faculty member search committee, Member2010 - 2011
DFPM Leadership Team, Member2010 - 2011
University of South Carolina Research Consortium on Children and Families, Member2009 - 2015
University of South Carolina Pandemic Influenza Executive Committee, Member2009 - 2009
University of South Carolina Pandemic Influenza Coordinating Committee, Member2009 - 2009
University of South Carolina Interdisciplinary Conference on Pregnancy and the Health of Women and Children, Chair2009 - 2015
University of South Carolina School of Medicine LCME Preparation Team (Student Affairs), Member2009 - 2009
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Influenza Planning Committee, Chair2009 - 2009
USC SOM Green Environmental Management System Committee, Member2006 - 2007
• Faculty mentor, student mentoring program, Mentor2005 - 2015
DFPM Research Team, Member2005 - 2010
Institutional Review Board, Palmetto Health, Member2004 - 2010
USC SOM Scholarships and Loans Committee, Member2003 - 2005
USC SOM Wellness Committee, Member2003 - 2005
USC SOM Student Health Committee, Member2002 - 2006

Community Service

Mississippi State Medical Association Commission on Health Equity - Physicians, policy experts and other professionals to make a positive impact on health equity in Mississippi., Member2016 - Present

Teaching Experience

University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Course, Trainee, Clinical Research Institute, a 1 1/2 year program for training clinical researchers 2005 - 2006