Birdie "Babbette" B. Lamarca, PhD
Work Phone:
(601) 815-1430
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD | 2003 |
Mississippi College, BS | 1995 |
Current Positions
Associate Professor, School of Graduate, Department of Pharmacology / Toxicology | 2013 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 07/2011 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Thesis Director, MFM Fellowship, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 2007 - 07/2014 |
Director of Basic Science Research, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 2009 - 2013 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 2008 - 2011 |
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 2005 - 2008 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, Project II of the proposal seeks to determine the role of angiogenic and endothelial factors in the pathophysiology of pregnancy-induced hypertension., NIH/NHLBI | 01/2014 - 12/2019 |
Extramural, Inhibiting AT1-AAs; potential therapeutics during preeclampsia, Ferring Pharmaceauticals | 01/2013 - 12/2015 |
Extramural, Hypertension, kidney and immune activation., NIH:NICHD | 07/2011 - 06/2016 |
Extramural, Hypertension, Kidney and Pregnancy, NIH/NHLBI | 04/2011 - 03/2016 |
Extramural, Pre-Eclampsia Triage by Rapid Assay of Novel Biomarkers of Placental Function and Maternal Adaptation (PETRA), "Biosite Grant," Sponsored by NSA | 01/2011 - 10/2013 |
Intramural, Molecular Analysis of Uterine Leiomyomas, Institutional Research Support | 05/2010 - 05/2011 |
Extramural, Hypertension and Cardiorenal Diseases Research Training Program, NIH/NHLBI | 09/2009 - 08/2015 |
Extramural, The role of Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II type I receptor in mediating hypertension during pregnancy, : American Heart Association, Scientist Development Grant 0835472N | 08/2008 - 09/2012 |
Extramural, Mechanisms of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, NIH-National Research Service Award | 06/2005 - 07/2008 |
Journal Article | |
Cornelius DC, Castillo J, Porter J, Amaral LM, Campbell N, Paige A, Thomas AJ, Harmon AC, Cunningham MW Jr, Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Dechend R, LaMarca BD. Blockade of CD40 ligand reduces hypertension, placental oxidative stress, and AT1-AA in response to adoptive transfer of CD4+ T lymphocytes from RUPP rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. | 2015 |
Cornelius DC, Amaral LM, Thomas AJ, Campbell N, Scott J, Wallace K, Harmon A, Herse F, Haase N, Wallukat G, Dechend R and LaMarca B. An Increased Population of Regulatory T cells improves the Pathophysiology of placental ischemia in a rat model of preeclampsia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. | 2015 |
Przybyl L, Ibrahim T, Haase N, Golic M, Rugor J, Luft FC, Bendix I, Serdar M, Wallukat G, Staff AC, Müller DN, Hünig T, Felderhoff-Müser U, Herse F, LaMarca B, Dechend R. Regulatory T Cells Ameliorate Intrauterine Growth Retardation in a Transgenic Rat Model For Preeclampsia. Hypertension.2015 Jun;65(6):1298-306. | 2015 |
Harmon A C., Cornelius DC., Amaral LM., Paige A., Herse F, Ibrahim T, Wallukat G, Faulkner J L., Moseley J, Dechend R, LaMarca B. IL-10 supplementation increases Tregs and decreases hypertension in the RUPP rat model of preeclampsia. Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2015 May 21:1-16. | 2015 |
Johnson AC, Tremble SM, Chan SL, Moseley J, LaMarca B, Nagle KJ, Cipolla MJ. Magnesium sulfate treatment reverses seizure susceptibility and decreases neuroinflammation in a rat model of severe preeclampsia. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 19;9(11):e113670. | 2014 |
Wallace K, Chatman K, Porter J, Scott J, Johnson V, Moseley J, LaMarca B. Enodthelin 1 is elevated in plasma and explants from patients having uterine leiomyomas. Reprod Sci. 2014 Sep;21(9):1196-205. doi: 10.1177/1933719114542018 | 2014 |
Wallace, K, Cornelius,DC., Scott J,Heath J, Moseley J ,Chatman K,LaMarcaB CD4+T cells are important mediators of oxidative stress that cause hypertension in response to placental ischemia Hypertension. 2014114. in press | 2014 |
Amaral LM, Kiprono L, Cornelius DC, Shoemaker C, Wallace K, Moseley J, Wallukat G, Martin JN Jr, Dechend R, LaMarca B Progesterone supplementation attenuates hypertension and the autoantibody to the angiotensin II type I receptor in response to elevated interleukin-6 during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Aug;211(2):158.e1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2014.02.018. Epub 2014 Feb 15. | 2014 |
Mathis KW, Wallace K, Flynn ER, Maric-Bilkan C, LaMarca B, Ryan MJ. Preventing Autoimmunity Protects Against the Development of Hypertension and Renal Injury. Hypertension. 2014 Jul 14. pii: HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04006. | 2014 |
Wallace K, MorrisR, Kyle P B., DarbyM, CorneliusD, ScottJ, MoseleyJ, FrazierK, LaMarcaB. A rat model of HELLP syndrome is associated with hypertension and inflammation, Hypertension in pregnancy., accepted | 2014 |
Cornelius DC, Hogg JP, Scott J, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Wallukat G, Dechend R, LaMarca B. Administration of interleukin-17 soluble receptor C suppresses TH17 cells, oxidative stress, and hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy. Hypertension. 2013 Dec;62(6):1068-73. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01514. | 2013 |
Brewer J, Liu R, Lu Y, Scott J,Wallace K,Wallukat G, Moseley J,Herse F,Dechend R, Martin J, LaMarca B. Endothelin-1, oxidative stress and endogenous ANGII: mechanisms of AT1-AA Enhanced Renal and Blood Pressure Sensitivity during pregnancy. Hypertension. 2013 Nov;62(5):886-92. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01648. Epub 2013 Sep 16 | 2013 |
Novotny S, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Darby M, Heath J, Gill J, Wallukat G, Martin J, Dechend R, LaMarca B. CD4+ T cells play a critical role in mediating hypertension in response to placental ischemia. Journal of Hypertension | 2013 |
Marie M Darby1*, Kedra Wallace1, Denise Cornelius2, Krystal T Chatman1, Janae N Mosely3, James N Martin1, Christine A Purser3, Rodney C Baker3, Michelle T Owens1, and B Babbette Lamarca Vitamin D Supplementation Suppresses Hypoxia-Stimulated Placental Cytokine Secretion, Hypertension and CD4+ T Cell Stimulation in Response to Placental Ischemia Med J ob & gyn., 1(2): 1012 | 2013 |
Denise C Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Luissa Kiprono, Pushpinder Dhillon, Janae Moseley and Babbette LaMarca Endothelin-1 is not a Mechanism of IL-17 Induced Hypertension during Pregnancy Med J Obstet Gynecol 1(1): 1006. | 2013 |
Kiprono LV, Wallace K, Moseley J 3rd, Martin JN Jr, Lamarca B. Progesterone Blunts Vascular Endothelial Cell Secretion of Endothelin-1 in Response to Placental Ischemia. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Mar 29. | 2013 |
Parrish MR, Martin JN Jr, Lamarca BB, Ellis B, Parrish SA, Owens MY, May L.. Randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial evaluating early pregnancy phytonutrient supplementation in the prevention of preeclampsia J Perinatol. | 2013 |
Martin JN Jr, Brewer JM, Wallace K, Sunesara I, Canizaro A, Blake PG, LaMarca B, Owens MY. Hellp Syndrome and Composite Major Maternal Morbidity: Importance of Mississippi Classification System. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. | 2013 |
Brewer J, Owens MY, Wallace K, Reeves AA, Morris R, Khan M, LaMarca B, Martin JN Jr. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome In 46 Of 47 Patients With Eclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 208(6):468.e1-6. | 2013 |
Wallace K, Martin JN Jr, Tam KT, Wallukat G, Dechend R, Lamarca B, Owens MY. Seeking the mechanism(s) of action for corticosteroids in HELLP syndrome: SMASH study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 May;208(5):380.e1-8. | 2013 |
Murphy SR, LaMarca BB, Parrish M, Cockrell K, Granger JP. Control of soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (sFlt-1) production response to placental ischemia/hypoxia: role of tumor necrosis factor-α. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. ;304(2):R130-5. | 2013 |
Herse F, LaMarca B, Hubel CA., Kaartokallio T, Lokki AI, Ekholm E, Laivuori H, Gauster M, Huppertz B, Sugulle M, Ryan MJ., Novotny S, Brewer J, Park JK, Kacik M, Hoyer J, Verlohren S, Wallukat G, Rothe M, Luft FC, Muller DN, Schunck WH, Staff AC, and Dechend R. CYP2J2 expression and circulating epoxyeicosatrienoic metabolites in preeclampsia. Circulation;126(25):2990-9. | 2012 |
Dhillon P, Wallace K, Herse F, Scott J, Wallukat G, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr, Dechend R, Lamarca B. IL-17 mediated oxidative stress is an important stimulator of AT1-AA and hypertension during pregnancy. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 15;303(4):R353-8. [Epub ahead of print] | 2012 |
Novotny SR, Wallace K, Heath J, Moseley J, Dhillon P, Weimer A, Wallukat G, Herse F, Wenzel K, Martin JN Jr, Dechend R, Lamarca B Activating autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor play an important role in mediating hypertension in response to adoptive transfer of CD4⁺ T lymphocytes from placental ischemic rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2012 May 15;302(10):R1197-201 | 2012 |
Wallace K, Novotny SR, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr, Owens MY, LaMarca B. Hypertension in response to CD4+ Tcells from RUPP rats is associated with activation of the ET-1 system. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 303(2):R144-9. | 2012 |
Murphy SR, LaMarca B, Cockrell K, Arany M, Granger JP. L-arginine supplementation abolishes the blood pressure and endothelin response to chronic increases in plasma sFlt-1 in pregnant rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2012 Jan 15;302(2):R259-63 | 2012 |
Ryan MJ, Gilbert EL, Glover PH, George EM, Masterson CW, McLemore GR Jr, LaMarca B, Granger JP, Drummond HA Placental ischemia impairs middle cerebral artery myogenic responses in the pregnant rat. Hypertension. 2011 Dec;58(6):1126-31 | 2011 |
Speed JS, LaMarca B, Berry H, Cockrell K, George EM, Granger JP Renal medullary endothelin-1 is decreased in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2011 Aug;301(2):R519-23 | 2011 |
Parrish MR, Wallace K, Tam Tam KB, Herse F, Weimer A, Wenzel K, Wallukat G, Ray LF, Arany M, Cockrell K, Martin JN, Dechend R, LaMarca B Hypertension in response to AT1-AA: role of reactive oxygen species in pregnancy-induced hypertension. Am J Hypertens. 2011 Jul;24(7):835-40. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2011.62. | 2011 |
Gutkowska J, Granger JP, Lamarca BB, Danalache BA, Wang D, Jankowski M. Changes in cardiac structure in hypertension produced by placental ischemia in pregnant rats: effect of tumor necrosis factor blockade. J Hypertens. 2011 Jun;29(6):1203-12. | 2011 |
Parrish MR, Ryan MJ, Glover P, Brewer J, Ray L, Dechend R, Martin JN Jr, Lamarca BB Angiotensin II type 1 autoantibody induced hypertension during pregnancy is associated with renal endothelial dysfunction. Gend Med. 2011 Jun;8(3):184-8. Epub 2011 May 20. | 2011 |
Wallace K, Richards S, Dhillon P, Weimer A, Edholm ES, Bengten E, Wilson M, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca B CD4+ T-helper cells stimulated in response to placental ischemia mediate hypertension during pregnancy. Hypertension. 2011 May;57(5):949-55 | 2011 |
Lamarca B, Parrish MR, Wallace K Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Cause Pathophysiologic Characteristics of Preeclampsia. Gend Med. 2012 Jun;9(3):139-46. Epub 2012 Apr 11. | 2011 |
Tam Tam KB, George E, Cockrell K, Arany M, Speed J, Martin JN Jr, Lamarca B, Granger JP Endothelin type A receptor antagonist attenuates placental ischemia-induced hypertension and uterine vascular resistance. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Apr;204(4):330.e1-4. | 2011 |
LaMarca B, Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Martin JN Jr, Weimer A, Dechend R Hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy: role of B lymphocytes. Hypertension. 2011 Apr;57(4):865-71. | 2011 |
LaMarca B, Wallace K, Granger J Role of angiotensin II type I receptor agonistic autoantibodies (AT1-AA) in preeclampsia. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2011 Apr;11(2):175-9. | 2011 |
Wenzel K, Rajakumar A, Haase H, Geusens N, Hubner N, Schulz H, Brewer J, Roberts L, Hubel CA, Herse F, Hering L, Qadri F, Lindschau C, Wallukat G, Pijnenborg R, Heidecke H, Riemekasten G, Luft FC, Muller DN, LaMarca BB, Dechend R Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antibodies and Increased Angiotensin II Sensitivity in Pregnant Rats. Hypertension. 2011 Jul;58(1):77-84. Epub 2011 May 16. | 2011 |
LaMarca BB, Speed J, Ray LF, Cockrell K, Wallukat G, Dechend R, Granger J Hypertension in response to IL-6 during pregnancy: role of AT1-receptor activation. Inter. J of interferon, cytokine, and mediator res. 2011 Nov.; 3:65 – 70. | 2011 |
Tam Tam KB, Lamarca B, Arany M, Cockrell K, Fournier L, Murphy S, Martin JN Jr, Granger JP Role of reactive oxygen species during hypertension in response to chronic antiangiogenic factor (sFlt-1) excess in pregnant rats. Am J Hypertens. 2011 Jan;24(1):110-3. | 2011 |
Sartori-Valinotti JC, Venegas-Pont MR, Lamarca BB, Romero DG, Yanes LL, Racusen LC, Jones AV, Ryan MJ, Reckelhoff JF Rosiglitazone reduces blood pressure in female Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Steroids. 2010 Nov;75(11):794-9 | 2010 |
33. Venegas-Pont M, Manigrasso MB, Grifoni SC, LaMarca BB, Maric C, Racusen LC, Glover PH, Jones AV, Drummond HA, Ryan MJ. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist etanercept decreases blood pressure and protects the kidney in a mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus. Hypertension. 2010 Oct;56(4):643-9. Epub 2010 Aug 9. | 2010 |
31. Parrish MR, Murphy SR, Rutland S, Wallace K, Wenzel K, Wallukat G, Keiser S, Ray LF, Dechend R, Martin JN, Granger JP, LaMarca BB. The Effect of Immune Factors, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, and Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type I Receptor on Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine-1 and Soluble Endoglin Production in Response to Hypertension During Pregnancy. Am J Hypertens. 2010 Aug;23(8):911-6. Epub 2010 Apr 29. | 2010 |
Murphy, S.R., LaMarca BB, Cockrell, K., Granger JP Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine-1 Induced Hypertension: Role of Endothelin. Hypertension. 2010 Feb;55(2):394-8. Epub 2009 Dec 21. PMC Journal – In Process | 2010 |
Keiser SD, Veillon EW, Parrish MR, Bennett W, Cockrell K, Fournier L, Granger JP, Martin JN Jr, Lamarca B. Effects of 17-hydroxyprogesterone on tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced hypertension during pregnancy. Am J Hypertens. 2009 Oct;22(10):1120-5. | 2009 |
Chandler DL, Llinas MT, Reckelhoff JF, LaMarca B, Speed J, Granger JP Effects of hyperhomocysteinemia on arterial pressure and nitric oxide production in pregnant rats. Am J Hypertens. 2009 Oct;22(10):1115-9. | 2009 |
LaMarca B, Parrish M, Ray LF, Murphy SR, Roberts L, Glover P, Wallukat G, Wenzel K, Cockrell K, Martin JN Jr, Ryan MJ, Dechend R Hypertension in response to autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) in pregnant rats: role of endothelin-1. Hypertension. 2009 Oct;54(4):905-9. | 2009 |
Veillon EW Jr, Keiser SD, Parrish MR, Bennett W, Cockrell K, Ray LF, Granger JP, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca B. 17-Hydroxyprogesterone blunts the hypertensive response associated with reductions in uterine perfusion pressure in pregnant rats. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Sep;201(3):324.e1-6. | 2009 |
Suo G, Sadarangani A, Lamarca B, Cowan B, Wang JY. Murine xenograft model for human uterine fibroids: an in vivo imaging approach. Reprod Sci. 2009 Sep;16(9):827-42. | 2009 |
Jernigan NL, Speed J, LaMarca B, Granger JP, Drummond HA Angiotensin II regulation of renal vascular ENaC proteins. Am J Hypertens. 2009 Jun;22(6):593-7. | 2009 |
LaMarca B, Speed J, Fournier L, Babcock SA, Berry H, Cockrell K, Granger JP. Hypertension in response to chronic reductions in uterine perfusion in pregnant rats: effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockade. Hypertension. 2008 Dec;52(6):1161-7 | 2008 |
Sedeek M, Gilbert JS, LaMarca BB, Sholook M, Chandler DL, Wang Y, Granger JP Role of reactive oxygen species in hypertension produced by reduced uterine perfusion in pregnant rats. Am J Hypertens. 2008 Oct;21(10):1152-6. | 2008 |
LaMarca BD, Gilbert J, Granger JP. Recent progress toward the understanding of the pathophysiology of hypertension during preeclampsia. Hypertension. 2008 Apr;51(4):982-8. | 2008 |
Gilbert JS, LaMarca BB, Granger JP ACE2 and ANG-(1-7) in the gravid uterus: the new players on the block. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2008 Mar;294(3):R915-6. | 2008 |
Gilbert JS, Ryan MJ, LaMarca BB, Sedeek M, Murphy SR, Granger JP Pathophysiology of hypertension during preeclampsia: linking placental ischemia with endothelial dysfunction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008 Feb;294(2):H541-50. | 2008 |
Jernigan NK, LaMarca BB, Speed J, Galmiche L, Granger JP, Drummond HA Dietary salt enhances benzamil sensitive component of myogenic constriction in mesenteric arteries. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008 Jan;294(1):H409-20. | 2008 |
LaMarca BB, Wallukat G, Llinas M, Herse F, Dechend R, Granger JP Elevated agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin type 1 (AT1-AA) receptor in response to placental ischemia and TNF alpha in pregnant rats. Hypertension; 2008; 52:7-11 | 2008 |
LaMarca BD, Alexander BT, Gilbert JS, Ryan MJ, Sedeek M, Murphy SR, Granger JP. Pathophysiology of hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy: a central role for endothelin? Gend Med. 2008;5 Suppl A:S133-8. | 2008 |
LaMarca BD, Chandler DL, Grubbs L, Bain J, McLemore GR Jr, Granger JP, Ryan MJ. Role of sex steroids in modulating tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced changes in vascular function and blood pressure. Am J Hypertens. 2007 Nov;20(11):1216-21. | 2007 |
Gilbert J, Dukes M, LaMarca B, Cockrell K, Babcock S, Granger J Effects of reduced uterine perfusion pressure on blood pressure and metabolic factors in pregnant rats. Am J Hypertens. 2007 Jun;20(6):686-91. | 2007 |
LaMarca BB, Ryan MJ, Gilbert J, Murphy S, Granger JP Pathophysiology of Hypertension during Preeclampsia: Role of Inflammatory Cytokines. Current Hypertension Reports 2007 Dec; 9(6):480-485. | 2007 |
Gadonski G, LaMarca BB, Sullivan E, Bennett W, Chandler D, Granger JP Hypertension produced by reductions in uterine perfusion in the pregnant rat: role of interleukin 6. Hypertension. 2006 Oct;48(4):711-6. | 2006 |
Granger JP, Abram S, Stec D, Chandler D, LaMarca B. Endothelin, the kidney, and hypertension. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2006 Aug;8(4):298-303. | 2006 |
Roberts L, LaMarca BB, Fournier L, Bain J, Cockrell K, Granger JP. Enhanced endothelin synthesis by endothelial cells exposed to sera from pregnant rats with decreased uterine perfusion. Hypertension. 2006 Mar;47(3):615-8. | 2006 |
Granger JP, LaMarca BB, Cockrell K, Sedeek M, Balzi C, Chandler D, Bennett W Reduced uterine perfusion pressure (RUPP) model for studying cardiovascular-renal dysfunction in response to placental ischemia. Methods Mol Med. 2006;122:383-92. | 2006 |
LaMarca BB, Bennett WA, Alexander BT, Cockrell K, Granger JP Hypertension produced by reductions in uterine perfusion in the pregnant rat: role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Hypertension. 2005 Oct;46(4):1022-5 | 2005 |
LaMarca BB, Cockrell K, Sullivan E, Bennett W, Granger JP Role of endothelin in mediating tumor necrosis factor-induced hypertension in pregnant rats. Hypertension. 2005 Jul;46(1):82-6. | 2005 |
LaMarca BB, Zhu W, Arceneaux JE, Byers BR, Lundrigan MD Participation of fad and mbt genes in synthesis of mycobactin in Mycobacterium smegmatis. J Bacteriol. 2004 Jan;186(2):374-82. | 2004 |
Review Article | |
Amaral LM., Cunningham Jr., MW, Cornelius DC., and LaMarca B. Preeclampsia: long term consequences for vascular health. Vasc. Health Management. 2015 in press | 2015 |
Cornelius DC, LaMarca B. TH17 and IL-17 mediated autoantibodiesand placental oxidative stress play a role in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia. Minerva Ginecol. 2014 Jun;66(3):243-9. | 2014 |
50. DarbyM,. Martin JN, LaMarca B. A complicated role for the Renin-Angiotensin-System during pregnancy; highlighting the importance of drug discovery. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety.accepted | 2013 |
LaMarca B, Corneius D, Wallace K., Elucidating immune mechanisms causing hypertension during pregnancy. Physiology, 2013 Jul;28(4):225-33. | 2013 |
Herse F, LaMarca B. Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Autoantibody (AT1-AA)-Mediated Pregnancy Hypertension. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2013 Apr;69(4):413-8. | 2013 |
LaMarca B. Endothelial dysfunction. An important mediator in the pathophysiology of hypertension during pre-eclampsia. Minerva Ginecol.64(4):309-20. | 2012 |
Li J, Lamarca B, Reckelhoff JF A Model of Pre-eclampsia in Rats: The Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) Model. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 Apr 20. | 2012 |
Lamarca B, Brewer J, Wallace K IL-6-induced pathophysiology during pre-eclampsia: potential therapeutic role for magnesium sulfate? Int J Infereron Cytokine Mediator Res. 2011 Jul 1;2011(3):59-64 | 2011 |
LaMarca B Progress toward identifying potential markers for preeclampsia: role of agonistic autoantibody to the angiotensin II type I receptor. Hypertension. 2010 Feb;55(2):236-7. | 2010 |
LaMarca BB The role of immune activation in contributing to vascular dysfunction and the pathophysiology of hypertension during preeclampsia. Minervia Ginecologica, 2010 62(2) 105-120. | 2010 |
LaMarca BB, Ryan MJ, Gilbert J, Murphy S, Granger JP. Pathophysiology of Hypertension during Preeclampsia: Role of Inflammatory Cytokines. Current Hypertension Reports 2007 Dec; 9(6):480-485. | 2009 |
Abstracts | |
Jessica L. Faulkner, Sydney Murphy, Nicole Lee, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca. Blockade of 20-HETE synthesis improves blood pressure in the RUPP rat model of preeclampsia. Experimental Biology; Boston, MA. | 2015 |
Denise C. Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Lorena Amaral, Jeremy Scott, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca. Placental Ischemia-induced TH17 Cells Mediate the Pathophysiology Associated with Preeclampsia. Experimental Biology; Boston, MA. | 2015 |
Mark W. Cunningham, Jessica L. Faulkner, Denise Cornelius, Lorena Amaral, Robert Kramer, Babbette LaMarca. Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Enhance ANGII Binding on Vascular Endothelial Cells. Experimental Biology; Boston, MA. | 2015 |
Lorena Amaral, Jose Santiago-Font, Ellen Gillis, Janae Moseley, Jennifer Sasser, Babbette LaMarca. Serelaxin Improves Blood Pressure and Uterine Artery Resistance in the Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) Rat Model of Preeclampsia. Experimental Biology; Boston, MA. | 2015 |
Nicole Lee, Shauna-Kay Spencer, Babbette LaMarca, Kedra Wallace, Sydney Murphy. Alterations in placental eicosanoids contribute to impaired vascular remodeling in preeclampsia. AJOG;Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Diego, CA 2015. 526:S263. | 2015 |
Jose Santiago-Font, Lorena Amaral, Ellen Gillis, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca, Jennifer Sasser. Serelaxin reduces mean arterial pressure (MAP) and improves fetal growth in the RUPP rat model of preeclampsia. AJOG;Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Diego, CA. 2015. 657:S324. | 2015 |
Lee N, Spencer SK, LaMarca BB, Murphy S Alterations in placental eicosanoid production contribute to impaired vascular remodeling in preeclampsia. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2015 Jan;5(1):131-2. | 2015 |
Amaral LM, Cornelius DC, Moseley J, Martin JN, LaMarca B. 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate attenuates hypertension and uterine artery resistance in response to Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) in pregnant rats. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2015 Jan;5(1):28. | 2015 |
Cornelius DC, Wallace K, Scott JD, Campbell N, Thomas A, Hogg JP, Moseley J, LaMarca B. A role for TH17 cells and IL-17 in mediating the pathophysiology associated with preeclampsia. 2015 Jan;5(1):17. | 2015 |
Faulkner JL, Darby MM, Cornelius DC, Harmon AC, Amaral LM, Moseley J, Herse F, Wallukat G, Dechend R, LaMarca B. Treatment with Vitamin D attenuates blood pressure and immune activation in a preeclamptic rat model. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2015 Jan;5(1):17-8. | 2015 |
Harmon AC, Cornelius DC, Wallace K, Moseley J, LaMarca B. Placental CD4+ T cells isolated from preeclamptic women cause preeclampsia-like symptoms in pregnant nude-athymic rats. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2015 Jan;5(1):16-7 | 2015 |
Denise C. Cornelius, Javier Castillo, Justin Porter, Nathan Campbell, Alexia Thomas, Lorena M. Amaral, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca Interrupting lymphocyte communication reduces RUPP T cell induced hypertension and pathophysiology during pregnancy. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 2014 |
Ashlyn C. Harmon, Denise C. Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley & Babbette LaMarca. CD4+ T cells isolated from Preeclamptic Women induces a Preeclampsia-Like Phenotype in Pregnant Nude-Athymic Rats. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 2014 |
Lorena M. Amaral, Denise C. Cornelius, Janae Moseley, James N Martin, Babbette LaMarca. Progesterone supplementation improves blood pressure and uterine artery resistance in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 2014 |
Jessica L Faulkner, Marie M Darby, Denise C Cornelius, Janae Moseley, Florian Herse, Ralf Dechend and Babbette LaMarca. Vitamin D supplementation reduces CD4+ T cells, blood pressure and autoantibodies to the AT1 receptor (AT1-AA) in a rat model of preeclampsia. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 2014 |
Tarek Ibrahim, Lukasz Przybyl, Ashlyn C. Harmon, Denise Cornelius, Janae Moseley Lorena Amaral, Jessica Faulkner, Ralf Dechend and Babbette LaMarca Proliferation of endogenous T-reg cells improves the pathophysiology associated with placental ischemia of pregnancy. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 2014 |
Ashlyn C. Harmon, Adrienne Paige, Denise Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Alexia Thomas, Jeremy Scott, Janae Moseley1, Babbette LaMarca. IL-10 supplementation suppressed hypertension and inflammation in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy. FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology, San Diego CA | 2014 |
Jeremy Scott, Kedra Wallace, Denise Cornelius, Lorena M Amaral, Janae Moseley, Krystal Chatman, Babbette LaMarca. Oxidative stress signaling in response to CD4+T cells stimulated via placental ischemia play an important role in hypertension during preeclampsia FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology, San Diego CA | 2014 |
Lorena M. Amaral, Luissa Kipprono, Kedra Wallace, Krystal Frazier, Janae Moseley, James N Martin, Babbette LaMarca. Progesterone supplementation improves blood pressure and uterine artery resistance and hypoxia-stimulated placental cytokines during pregnancy. FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology, San Diego CA | 2014 |
Janae Moseley, Javier Castillo, Lorena Machado, Denise Cornelius, Babbette LaMarca. Specific Inhibition of AT1-AAs by direct binding improves maternal and fetal outcome in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy; emphasizing the importance of novel drug development in the treatment of preeclampsia. FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology, San Diego CA | 2014 |
Denise C Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Ashlyn Harmon, Adrienne Page, Janae Moseley, and Babbette LaMarca. Normal pregnant T Regs inhibit Pathophysiology associated with hypertension in response to Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) in pregnant rats. FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology, San Diego CA | 2014 |
Denise C Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley, and Babbette LaMarca, RUPP TH17 cell cause Hypertension during Pregnancy. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, New Orleans,LA. | 2013 |
Lorena Amaral Machado, Denise Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Luissa Kipprono, Janae Moseley, Florian Herse, Gerd Wallukat, James N Martin, Ralf Dechend, and Babbette LaMarca. Progesterone supplementation attenuates hypertension and AT1-AA in response to elevated IL-6 during pregnancy. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, New Orleans,LA. | 2013 |
Kedra Wallace, Rachael Morris, Krystal Chatman, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca. Hypertension in hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme, low platelet syndrome is associated with increased Endothelin-1. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, New Orleans,LA | 2013 |
Kedra Wallace, Marie Darby, Patrick Kyle, Rachael Morris, Janae Moseley, Krystal Frazier, Babbette LaMarca. Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP Syndrome is associated with increased TNF-alpha, IL-6 and CD4+ T cell activation. Experimental Biology; Boston, MA . | 2013 |
Keisa W. Mathis, Kedra Wallace, Babbette LaMarca, Michael J. Ryan. Humoral immune system activation promotes the development of hypertension Faseb Journal, Experimental Biology, Boston MA | 2013 |
Denise C Cornelius, James P Hogg, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca. Blunting circulating TH17 cells decreases hypertension and oxidative stress in response to placental ischemia. FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology, Boston MA | 2013 |
Justin Brewer, Kedra Wallace, Florian Herse, Janae Moseley, Ralf Dechend, Gerd Wallukat, James N. Martin, Jr., Babbette LaMarca AT1-AA enhances ANGII induced hypertension and renal vascular sensitivity. Society for Gynecological Investigations, Orlando FL | 2013 |
Kedra Wallace, Krystal Frazier, Venessia Johnson, Jeremy Scott, Babbette LaMarca. Angiotensin type 1 receptor blockade blunts in vitro uterine leiomyoma proliferation and Endothelin-1 secretion; linking uterine fibroids with pre-hypertension in premenopausal patients. Society for Gynecological Investigation Annual Meeting, Orlando FL | 2013 |
Marie Darby, MD, Kedra Wallace, PhD, Janae Moseley, Judith Heath, BS, James N Martin Jr, MD, Christine Purser, Rodney Baker, PhD, Michelle Owens, MD, and Babbette LaMarca, PhD PREGNANCY COMPLICATED BY CHRONIC HYPERTENSION: A STATE OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY AND IMMUNE ACTIVATION Society for Gynecological Investigation Annual Meeting, Orlando FL | 2013 |
Marie Darby, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley, Judith Heath, James N. Martin, Christine Purser, Rodney Baker, Michelle Owens, Babbette LaMarca. Pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertension: A state of Vitamin D Deficiency and immune activation. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine | 2013 |
Luissa Kiprono, Krystal Frazier, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley, Margaret Wester, Jeremy Scott, James Martin, Babbette LaMarca. More Evidence Suggestive of Preeclampsia as a State of Progesterone Deficiency: Progesterone Suppresses Hypoxia-Stimulated Production of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-17, and sFlt-1. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting | 2013 |
Javier Castillo, Justin Porter, Lorena Machado, Denise Cornelius, Kedra Wallace, Babbette LaMarca. Inhibition of AT1-AAs by interrupting lymphocyte communication or by direct binding reduces blood pressure in response to placental ischemia of pregnancy; emphasizing the importance of novel drug development in the treatment of preeclampsia Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, New Orleans, LA. AJOG; 2014. 210:S376. | 2013 |
Marie Darby, Kedra Wallace, Krystal Frazier, Justin Porter, Janae Moseley, Judith Heath, James N. Martin, Christine Purser, Rodney Baker, Michelle Owens, Babbette LaMarca VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION decreased blood pressure in a model of CHTN DURING PREGNANCY. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, New Orleans, LA. AJOG. 2014; 210:S166. | 2013 |
Kedra Wallace, Marie Darby, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca. CD4+ T helper cell infiltration in the AV3V region and frontal cortex is associated with hypertension in response to placental ischemia in pregnant rats. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting | 2012 |
Babbette LaMarca, Sarah Richards Novotny, Kedra Wallace, Janae Moseley, Marie Darby, Judith Heath, James N Martin Jr. CD4+ T cells play a critical role in mediating hypertension in response to placental ischemia Council High Blood Pressure Research. | 2012 |
Kedra Wallace, Marie Darby, Jeremy Scott, Janae Moseley, Michelle Y. Owens, Babbette LaMarca Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP syndrome is associated with T helper 1 type immune activation Council High Blood Pressure Research. Washington DC. Hypertension 58: e | 2012 |
Kedra Wallace, Jeremy Scott, Sarah Novotny, Judith Heath, Janae Moseley, Babbette LaMarca. Placental ischemic stimulated CD4+ T helper cells increase blood pressure and placental and renal oxidative stress during pregnancy. FASEB Journal. 2012:26.879.7 | 2012 |
Kedra Wallace, Justin Porter, Evan Turnage, Krystal Frazier, Venessia Johnson, Babbette LaMarca. Hypoxia stimulates endothelin-1 secretion from human myometrium explants; A potential link between hypertension and development of uterine leiomyomas. Society for Gynecologica Investigations ,Reproductive Sciences. 2012:19(3)162A. | 2012 |
Brewer J, Liu R, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Dechend R, Wallukat G, LaMarca BB. AT1-AA enhances renal sensitivity and blood pressure in response to ANGII during pregnancy. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. S342. | 2012 |
Novotny S, Wallace K, Dhillon P, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin Jr JN, and LaMarca BB Blockade of CD4+ T Cells Prior to Placental Insult, Attenuates Hypertension and Placental sFlt-1 in Response to Placental Ischemia. 2012 San Diego CA., Society of Gynecological Investigations. | 2012 |
Novotny S, Wallace K, Dhillon P, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca BB Blockade of CD4+ T cells prior to placental insult, attenuates hypertension in response to placental ischemia. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. s112. | 2012 |
Brewer J, Martin J, Armstrong A, Blake P, Morris R, Owens M, LaMarca B Eclampsia and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES):cause or effect or both in 47 patients? Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. S342 | 2012 |
Brewer J, Martin JN, Canizaro A, Blake P, Darby M, Morris R, Owens M, LaMarca BB, Sunesara I HELLP Syndrome(s) and severe preeclampsia differentiation according to maternal outcomes: class 1 HELLP syndrome trumps all others. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. S341. | 2012 |
Wallace K, Porter J, Turnage E, Frazier K, Johnson V, LaMarca B Hypoxia stimulates Endothelin-1 Secretion from Human Myometrium Explants; a potential link between hypertension and development of uterine leiomyomas. 2012 San Diego CA., Society of Gynecological Investigations. | 2012 |
Dhillion P, Scott J, Wallace K, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin J, and LaMarca BB IL-17 mediated oxidative stress is an important stimulator of AT1-AA and hypertension during pregnancy. 2012 San Diego CA., Society of Gynecological Investigations. | 2012 |
Dhillon P, Scott J, Wallace K, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin J, and LaMarca BB Placental oxidative stress is an important mediator of IL-17 induced hypertension during pregnancy. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. S349. | 2012 |
Brewer J, Martin J, Armstrong A, Blake P, Morris R, Owens M, LaMarca BB Posterior reversible encephalopathy sendrome (PRES) associated with eclampsia: the variable effects of therapeutic agents to accelerate safe recovery. 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. S341. | 2012 |
Fisteag-Kiprono L, Wallace K, Keiser S, Veillion E, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin J, LaMarca BB Progesterone, 17-alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate, Suppress Endothelin-1 and Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012, Dallas Tx. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2012. S | 2012 |
Wallace K, Richards S, Weimer A, Dhillon P, Wallukat G, Wenzel K, Martin Jr JN, Dechend R, LaMarca BB Adoptive transfer of placental ischemia induced CD4+T Lymphocyte stimulate AT1-AAs and cause hypertension during pregnancy. Experimental Biology. April 9-13 2011. Washington DC | 2011 |
Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Weimer A, Dechend R, LaMarca BB Agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) mediate endothelial dysfunction associated with hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Feb 7-11, 2011 San Francisco CA. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2011. 204, s300. | 2011 |
LaMarca BB, Brewer J, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Dechend R, Wallukat G, Liu R Agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor enhance blood pressure and renal vascular sensitivity to angiotensin II in pregnant rats. Council High Blood Pressure Research. Sept 17-24, 2011 Orlando, Fl.Hypertension 58: e . | 2011 |
Brewer J, Wallace K, Roberts L, Ray L, Martin Jr JN, Wallukat G, Dechend R, and LaMarca BB AT1-AA increases AngII-induced ET-1 and ROS. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Feb 7-11, 2011 San Francisco CA. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2011. 204, s300 | 2011 |
Tam Tam KB, George E, Cockrell K, Arany M, Speed J, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca BB, Granger JP Endothelin type A receptor antagonistattenuates uterine hypoxia-induced hypertension and uterine vascular resistence. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Feb 7-11, 2011 San Francisco CA. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2011. 204, s12 | 2011 |
Wallace K, Richards Novotny S, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca BB Hypertension in response to CD4+ Tcells from RUPP rats is associated with activation of the endothelin-1 system. Council High Blood Pressure Research. Sept 17-24, 2011 Orlando, Fl.Hypertension. 58: e | 2011 |
LaMarca BB, Brewer J,Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Dechend R Increased blood pressure sensitivity to angiotensin II in pregnant rats pretreated with agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor. Experimental Biology. April 9-13 2011. Washington DC. | 2011 |
Wallace K, Dhillon P, Richards S, Weimer A, Martin Jr JN, and LaMarca BB Interleukin 17 increases blood pressure during pregnancy: a link between autoimmunity and preeclampsia? Experimental Biology. April 9-13 2011. Washington DC. | 2011 |
Dhillon P, Wallace K, Richards S, Weimer A, Martin Jr JN, and LaMarca BB. Interleukin 17 increases blood pressure during pregnancy: a link between autoimmunity and preeclampsia? Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Feb 7-11, 2011 San Francisco CA. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2011. 204, s308. | 2011 |
Richards S, Wallace K, Weimer A, Dhillon P, Wallukat G, Wenzel K, Martin Jr JN, Dechend R, LaMarca BB T Lymphocyte induced AT1-AAs cause hypertension in response to placental ischemia. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Feb 7-11, 2011 San Francisco CA. Am J Ob Gyn.(gray journal) 2011. 204, s100 | 2011 |
Parrish MR, Brewer J, Murphy S, Ray L, Dechend R, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca BB AT1-AA Induced hypertension during pregnancy is associated with renal endothelial dysfunction. CAOG 2010, Las Vegas, NV | 2010 |
Wallace K, Richards S, Weimer A, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca BB CD4+ T helper cells stimulated in response to placental ischemia mediate hypertension in pregnant rats. Council for High Blood Pressure Research. Oct 13-16 2010, Washington DC | 2010 |
Parrish M, Fournier L, Arany M, Weimer A, Cockrell K, Dechend R, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca BB Hypertension in response to agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA): role of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Abstract presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of SMFM, Feb 3-6, 2010, Chicago, IL. | 2010 |
LaMarca BB, Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Weimer A, Dechend R Hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy: Role of agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA). Council for High Blood Pressure Research. Oct 13-16 2010, Washington DC | 2010 |
Pushpinder D, Wallace K, Weimer A, Richards S, Martin J N Jr, and LaMarca Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia is Associated with Increased Interleukin 17: Involved in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia? CAOG 2010, Las Vegas, NV | 2010 |
Tam Tam KB, Wallace K, Mott K, Weimer A, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca BB Placental ischemia triggers immune activation as leukocyte overproduction of sFlt-1: a step in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia? Abstract presented as oral presentation to the 30th Annual Meeting of SMFM, Feb 3-6, 2010, Chicago, IL. | 2010 |
Edward W. Veillon, Sharon D. Keiser, William Bennett, Kathy Cockrell, Lillian Fournier, Joey P. Granger, James N Martin Jr, LaMarca BB 17 OHP blunts the hypertensive response associated with Reductions in Uterine Perfusion Pressure in pregnant rats. Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, 2009, San Diego CA | 2009 |
Venegas-Pont M, Glover PH, LaMarca BB, Jones A, Ryan MJ A Role For TNF-α in Hypertension During Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Experimental Biology, 2009, New Orleans LA 2009. | 2009 |
Sharon D. Keiser, Edward W. Veillon, William Bennett, Kathy Cockrell, Lillian Fournier, Joey P. Granger, James N. Martin Jr, LaMarca BB Administration of 17Hydroxyprogesterone attenuates Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha-induced hypertension during pregnancy. Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, 2009, San Diego CA | 2009 |
LaMarca BB, Glover P, Parrish M, Fournier-Ray L, Dechend R, and Ryan, MJ AT1-AA induced hypertension during pregnancy is associated with renal endothelial dysfunction and endothelin (ET-1) type A receptor activation. Experimental Biology, 2009, New Orleans LA | 2009 |
LaMarca BB, Parrish MR, Ray LF, Arany M, Cockrell K, Dechlend R Hypertension and enhanced reactive oxygen species production in response to chronic elevations in agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) in pregnant rats. Presented to the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, September 23-25, Chicago, Illinois. | 2009 |
LaMarca BB, Murphy SR, Parrish MR, Fournier L, Cockrell K, Dechend R Hypertension in response to agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) is associated with increased sFlt-1 and sEndoglin in pregnant rats. Presented to the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, September 23-25, Chicago, Illinois. | 2009 |
Marc Parrish, Sydney R. Murphy, Ralf Dechend, Sharon Keiser, Edward Veillion, Kathy Cockrell, Lillian Fournier, James N. Martin Jr., LaMarca BB Hypertension in response to agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor is associated with elevated circulating sFlt-1 Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, 2009, San Diego CA | 2009 |
Tam Tam K, LaMarca BB, Murphy S, Arany M, Lee NM, Fournier L, Cockrell K, Granger JP Hypertension in response to chronic sFlt-1 excess during pregnancy: role of reactive oxygen species. Experimental Biology, 2009, New Orleans LA | 2009 |
Murphy S, LaMarca BB, Cockrell K, Granger JP Hypertension in response to soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) during pregnancy: role of endothelin-1. Council for High Blood Pressure Research. September 23-25, Chicago Illinois. | 2009 |
Speed J, Fournier L, Cockrell K, Dechend R, Granger JP, LaMarca BB IL-6 induced hypertension in pregnant rats is associated with agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor. Experimental Biology, 2009 New Orleans LA | 2009 |
Tam Tam K, Murphy S, Arany M, Martin JN, LaMarca BB, Granger J. Role of Reactive Oxygen Species during Hypertension in response to Chronic Sflt-1 excess pregnant rats. Central Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009, Hawaii | 2009 |
Murphy SR, LaMarca BB, Speed J, Keiser S, Cockrell K, Granger JP Soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (sFlt-1) is enhanced in response to chronic tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-α) excess during pregnancy Experimental Biology, 2009, New Orleans LA | 2009 |
Parrish MR, Murphy SR, Keiser S, Ray L, Martin JN, LaMarca BB Soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (sFlt-1) production is enhanced in response to Tumor Necrosis Factor- alpha (TNF-α) induced hypertension during pregnancy Central Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009, Hawaii | 2009 |
Roberts L, Dukes M, Fournier L, Dechend R, Wallukat G, LaMarca BB Agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor increases Angiotensin II-induced ET-1 production. Experimental Biology, 2008, San Diego CA. | 2008 |
LaMarca, BB, Dechend, Lillian Fournier, Sydney R. Murphy ,Kathy Cockrell. Chronic elevations in agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) during pregnancy in rats increase arterial pressure and endothelin-1. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, 2008, Atlanta, GA | 2008 |
LaMarca BB, Roberts L, Dukes M, Murphy SR, Fournier L, Speed J, Cockrell K, Granger JP. Endothelial cell activation in response to placental ischemia in pregnant rats is mediated by agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin type I receptor. Experimental Biology, 2008, San Diego CA. | 2008 |
Sydney R. Murphy, Babbette LaMarca, Kathy Cockrell, Joey P. Granger Placental Angiotension II and soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (sFlt-1) production increase in response to reductions in uterine perfusion pressure. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, 2008, Atlanta, GA | 2008 |
Murphy SR, LaMarca BB, Cockrell K, Gilbert J, Granger JP Soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (sFlt-1) in response to placental ischemia and hypoxia in the placenta of pregnant rats. Experimental Biology, 2008, San Diego, CA | 2008 |
Dukes M, Roberts L, LaMarca BB, Gilbert JS, Granger JP. The ischemic placenta of pregnant rats elaborates factors that inhibit endothelial tube formation. Experimental Biology, 2008, San Diego, CA | 2008 |
Roberts L, Dukes M, Dechend R, Wallukat G, LaMarca BB Agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor increase endothelial cell sensitivity to angiotensin II. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, 2007 Tucson AZ | 2007 |
LaMarca BB, Dechend R, Wallukat G, Llinas M Elevated agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin type 1 (AT1-AA) receptor in response to placental ischemia and TNF alpha in pregnant rats Sex and Gender in Cardiovascular-Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology, 2007 Austin TX | 2007 |
LaMarca BB, Speed J, Fournier L, Babcock S, Berry H, Cockrell K, Granger JP Hypertension in response to chronic reductions in uterine perfusion in pregnant rats: Effect of TNF alpha blockade. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, 2007 Tucson AZ | 2007 |
LaMarca BB, Speed J, Fournier L, Cockrell K, Chandler D, Granger JP The Role Angiotensin II Type I receptor activation in mediating TNF alpha-induced hypertension in the pregnant rat. Experimental Biology, 2007 Washington DC | 2007 |
Dechend R, Llinas M, Caluwaerts S, Herse F, Lamarca B, Muller DN, Pijnenborg R, Wallukat G, Granger JP Agonistic Autoantibodies to the AT1 Receptor in Rat Models of Preeclampsia: Induced by Chronic Reductions in Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) and Low Dose TNFalpha Infusion. Hypertension, 2006 48:(4); e35 | 2006 |
LaMarca BB, Speed J, Fournier L, Cockrell K, Chandler D, Granger JP. Angiotensin II Type I receptor blockade prevents interleukin (IL-6)-induced hypertension in the pregnant rat. Hypertension 2006 48:(4); e47 | 2006 |
LaMarca BB, Speed J, Fournier L, Cockrell K, Granger JP Hypertension in response to chronic reductions in uterine perfusion in pregnant rats: Effect of IL-6 blockade. Experimental Biology, 2006 San Fransisco, CA | 2006 |
LaMarca BB, Costa BEP, Fournier L, Hoffmann K, Gadonski G, Figueiredo CEP, Granger JP Maternal plasma and placental cytokine profile in hypertensive preeclamptic women. Council for High Blood Pressure Research, 2006, San Antonio TX | 2006 |
Costa P, LaMarca BB, Fournier L, Bisinella F, Gadonski G, Figueiredo CP, Granger JP Maternal Plasma and Placental Cytokine Profile in Preeclampsia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 2006, 8(5): A67 | 2006 |
Llinas M, Wallukat G, Dechend R, Mueller DN, Luft FC, Alexander BT, LaMarca BB, Granger JP Agonistic Autoantibodies to the At1 Receptor in a Rat Model of Preeclampsia Induced by Chronic Reductions in Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP). Hypertension 2005 46: 883 | 2005 |
Gutkowska J, Granger JP, Lamarca BB, Coderre L, Pelletier A, Gangal M, Jankowski M Cardiac Hypertrophy and Cardiac Insulin Responsive Amino-Peptidase (IRAP) in the Reduced Uterine Perfusion (RUPP) Model of Preeclampsia Hypertension 2005 46: 841 | 2005 |
LaMarca BB, Chandler D, Cockrell K, Bennett W, Granger JP Hypertension produced by chronic reductions in uterine perfusion in the pregnant rat: role of TNF alpha. IASH, 2005, Cancun, Mexico | 2005 |
LaMarca BB, Grubbs L, Cockrell K, Bain J, Granger JP Role of estrogen and progesterone in modulating tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced increases in blood pressure in pregnant rats. Hypertension 2005 46: 883 | 2005 |
Ryan MJ, McLemore Jr. GR, Cockrell KL, LaMarca BB, Granger JP TNF-alpha Mediated Changes in Vascular Reactivity are Attenuated by Progesterone and Estrogen in Ovariectamized Rats. Hypertension 2005 46: 841 | 2005 |
LaMarca BB, Cockrell K, Sullivan E, Granger JP Role of endothelin-1 in mediating TNF-alpha-induced Hypertension in Pregnant Rats. Experimental Biology, 2004 Washington, D.C. | 2004 |
LaMarca BB, Gadonski G, Cockrell K, Sullivan E, Granger JP Endothelin type A receptor blockade attenuates TNF alpha-induced hypertension in pregnant rats. American Physiological Society, 2003, Washington D.C. | 2003 |
LaMarca BB, Gu JW, Sullivan E, Granger JP Modulation of Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha induced endothelin production by estrogen and progesterone. Understanding Renal and Cardiovascular Function through Physiological Genomics. APS Conference, 2003 Augusta, Georgia | 2003 |
LaMarca BB, Gu JW, Sullivan E, Granger JP TNF-alpha-induced endothelin production in HUVEC: influence of estrogen and progesterone. Council for High Blood Pressure Research in association with Council on Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, 2003, Washington DC | 2003 |
LaMarca BB, Arceneaux JEL, Byers BR, Lundrigan MD Characterization of Siderophore Knockout Strains in Mycobacterium smegmatis American Society of Microbiologists 101st General Meeting, 2001, Orlando Florida | 2001 |
Functional Characterization of Siderophore Synthesis in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Annual Meeting of the South Central Branch, American Society of Microbiologists, 2001, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. | 2001 |
LaMarca BB, Arceneaux JEL, Byers BR, Lundrigan MD Exochelin-Mycobactin Siderophore Mutants of Mycobacterium smegmatis Annual Meeting of the South Central Branch, American Society of Microbiologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1999 | 1999 |
LaMarca BB, Arceneaux JEL, Byers BR, Lundrigan MD Siderophore Knockout Strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis. American Society of Microbiologist 100th General Meeting, 2000; Los Angeles, California. | |
Dissertation | |
LaMarca BB Functional Characterization of Siderophore Synthesis in Mycobacterium smegmatis: Identification of New Myocbactin Synthesis Genes. | 2003 |
Book Chapter | |
Babbette LaMarca The Pathogenesis of HELLP Syndrome: Similarities and Differences with Preeclampsia. The 2015 HELLP Syndrome Compendium: from bench to besdside. | 2015 |
Dechend R, LaMarca B, Taylor, RN. The Renin Angiotensin Syste, its Autoantibodies, and body fluid volume in preeclmapsia Chesley's Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy; 4th edition, Elsevier Inc, Watham MA | 2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Role of immune mechanisms in the pathophysiology of hypertension in preeclampsia, Bowditch Lecturer/ American Physiological Society, Experimental Biology, Boston, MA | 03/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, State of the Art Speaker : Immune Mechanisms in Hypertension in Pregnancy, International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, New Orleans, LA | 10/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Proliferation of endogenous T-reg cells improves the pathophysiology associated with placental ischemia of pregnancy, Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 09/2014 |
Platform Presentations, Progesterone supplementation improves blood pressure and uterine artery resistance in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 09/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Vitamin D supplementation reduces CD4+ T cells, blood pressure and autoantibodies to the AT1 receptor (AT1-AA) in a rat model of preeclampsia., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 09/2014 |
Poster Presentation, CD4+ T cells isolated from Preeclamptic Women induces a Preeclampsia-Like Phenotype in Pregnant Nude-Athymic Rats., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 09/2014 |
Platform Presentations, Interrupting lymphocyte communication reduces RUPP T cell induced hypertension and pathophysiology during pregnancy., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, San Fransisco CA | 09/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Immune Mechanisms that mediate the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, American Society of Hypertension, New york city, New York | 05/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Inflammation and autoantibodies: a link between placental ischemia and hypertension during pregnancy, 22nd Easley Symposium Resident Research Day, Health System/University of South Carolina Medical School, Greenville South Carolina | 05/2014 |
Invited Symposia, A role for TNF alpha in mediating hypertension during pregnancy, Renal Section/APS, Symposium, Experimental Biology, San Diego CA | 04/2014 |
Invited Symposia, Immune Cells in Pregnancy-Related Hypertension, Cardiovascular Seminar entitled Inflammation, Immunity and Hypertension, Scientific Session, AHA, Dallax TX | 11/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Role for T helper cell dysregulation and imbalance to mediate hypertension during pregnancy, Tox Talx, San Francisco CA | 06/2013 |
Invited Symposia, Translational Research, A Ph.Ds perspective, Trainee Advisory Committee/APS Symposium, Experimental Biology, Boston MA | 04/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Blunting circulating TH17 cells decreases hypertension and oxidative stress in response to placental ischemia., APS, Experimental Biology, Boston, MA | 04/2013 |
Scientific Presentations, Humoral immune system activation promotes the development of hypertension., APS, Experimental Biology, Boston, MA | 04/2013 |
Scientific Presentations, Cerebral white matter CD4+ T cell infiltration is associated with hypertension in a rat model of HELLP Syndrome., APS, Experimental Biology, Boston, MA | 04/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP Syndrome is associated with increased TNF-alpha, IL-6 and CD4+ T cell activation., APS, Experimental Biology, Boston, MA | 04/2013 |
Angiotensin type 1 receptor blockade blunts in vitro uterine leiomyoma proliferation and Endothelin-1 secretion; linking uterine fibroids with pre-hypertension in premenopausal patients., Society for Gynecological Investigation, Orlando FL | 03/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertension: A state of Vitamin D Deficiency and immune activation, Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Francisco CA | 02/2013 |
Poster Presentation, More Evidence Suggestive of Preeclampsia as a State of Progesterone Deficiency: Progesterone Suppresses Hypoxia-Stimulated Production of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-17, and sFlt-1., Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA | 02/2013 |
Scientific Presentations, CD4+ T helper cell infiltration in the AV3V region and frontal cortex is associated with hypertension in response to placental ischemia in pregnant rats., Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting | 10/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP syndrome is associated with T helper 1 type immune activation, Council High Blood Pressure Research. AHA, Washington DC | 09/2012 |
Scientific Presentations, CD4+ T cells play a critical role in mediating hypertension in response to placental ischemia, Council High Blood Pressure Research. AHA, Washington DC | 09/2012 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Inflammation and Autoantibodies; linking placental ischemia with hypertension during pregnancy, American Society of Hypertension (ASH) | 2012 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, APS Conference: Physiology and Cardiovascular Disease:Gender Disparities, APS Conference, Jackson, MS | 2011 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tox Talx, Tox Talx, San Francisco, CA | 2011 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Role of Immune Factors in Mediating Hypertension during pregnancy, American Society of Hypertension (ASH) | 2011 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Role of ROS and ET in hypertension during pregnancy, FASEB Summer Conference: Renal Microcirculation | 2010 |
Scientific Presentations, A Role For TNF-α in Hypertension During Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, APS, Experimental Biology, New Orleans LA | 04/2009 |
Poster Presentation, IL-6 induced hypertension in pregnant rats is associated with agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor., APS, Experimental Biology, New Orleans LA | 04/2009 |
Poster Presentation, Hypertension in response to chronic sFlt-1 excess during pregnancy: role of reactive oxygen species, APS, Experimental Biology, New Orleans LA | 04/2009 |
Scientific Presentations, 17 OHP blunts the hypertensive response associated with Reductions in Uterine Perfusion Pressure in pregnant rats., Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Diego CA | 02/2009 |
Scientific Presentations, Hypertension in response to agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor is associated with elevated circulating sFlt-1., Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Diego, CA | 02/2009 |
Scientific Presentations, Administration of 17Hydroxyprogesterone attenuates Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha-induced hypertension during pregnancy, Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Diego CA | 02/2009 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Role of AT1-AA in mediating hypertension during pregnancy, InterAmerican Society of Hypertension, Brazil | 2009 |
Poster Presentation, Chronic elevations in agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) during pregnancy in rats increase arterial pressure and endothelin-1., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, Atlanta GA | 09/2008 |
Poster Presentation, Placental Angiotension II and soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (sFlt-1) production increase in response to reductions in uterine perfusion pressure., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, AHA, Atlanta GA | 09/2008 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Animal models of pregnancy related hypertension workshop, International Society for Studies of Hypertension during Pregnancy, Washington DC | 2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Department of Pharmacology Lecture Series, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 2008 |
Invited Symposia, Tox Talx, Tox Talx, San Francisco, CA | 2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Water and Electrolyte Young Investigator Competition, Experimental Biology, Washington DC | 2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Division for Systems and Integrative Pharmacology Symposium: Pharmacology of Cytokines in the Cardiovascular System., Experimental Biology, San Franscisco, CA | 2006 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Senior Seminar Series, Biology Department, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi | 2006 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Gender Differences Workshop, Council for High Blood Pressure Research, Washington DC | 2005 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Senior Seminar Series, Biology Department, Mississipi College, Clinton, Mississippi | 2005 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
NHLBI- Progesterone supplementation; a novel therapeutic for preeclampsia, National Institutes of Health-pending | 2015 |
Henry Pickering Bowditch Award, American Physiological Society | 2015 |
NHLBI-NRSA, National Institutes of Health- Hypertension, the kidney and inflammation scored 8%tile | 2014 |
Excellence in Research Gold Medal, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2013 |
Inhibiting AT1-AA; a novel approach for treating preeclampsia, Ferring Pharmaceuticals | 2013 |
Excellence in Research, Silver medal award, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2012 |
Faculty Membership, Perinatal Research Society | 2012 |
FAHA, American Heart Association | 2012 |
Harry Goldblatt Young Investigator Award Finalist, CHBPR AHA | 2012 |
Young Investigator Award, American Society of Hypertension | 2012 |
NICHD, 1 R01 HD067541, National Institutes of Health | 2011 |
Excellence in Research – Bronze Medal Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2009 |
Scientist Development Grant, American Heart Association | 2008 |
Merck New Investigator Award, Council for High Blood Pressure Research | 2007 |
Travel Award, Sex and Gender Differences in Cardiorenal Physiology and Pathophysiology, American Physiological Society | 2007 |
Young Investigator Award Finalist, Experimental Biology | 2007 |
National Research Service Award (Postdoctoral), National Institutes of Health | 2005 |
Young Investigator Award, IASH | 2005 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association | 2005 |
Travel Award, Understanding Renal and Cardiovascular Function through Physiological Genomics, American Physiological Society | 2003 |
McClesky Award for Outstanding Research by a Doctoral Student, American Society of Microbiologists. | 2001 |
Professional Membership and Service
American Physiological Society, Committee Member, Awards Committee | 2015 - 2018 |
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, Editorial Review Board Member | 2014 - 2017 |
American Society for Hypertension, Task Force Member | 2014 - 2015 |
GSHS Alumni Board, Committee Member | 2013 - Present |
American Society of Hypertension, Program Organizer, Annual Meeting | 2013 - 2014 |
APS STRIDE Fellowship, mentor, mentor for underrepresent minority students | 2013 - 2014 |
American Heart Association, Committee Co-Chair, Vascular endothelial biology clinical Section | 2013 - Present |
FUND U/ Faculty Mentoring, Chairperson | 2012 - Present |
American Heart Association, Immunology Section, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2012 |
NIH NHLBI, Pathway to Independence PI Awards K99/K00, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2012 |
WEH section, American Physiological Society, At-Large Councilor for Membership | 2011 |
Hypertension, Member, Editorial Board | 2010 - 2018 |
Committee on Careers in Physiology, American Physiological Society, Member | 2010 |
Hope Grants from the Preeclampsia Foundation, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2009 - 2014 |
American Heart Walk, Team Captain | 2006 |
Journal of Reproductive Sciences, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
American Heart Association, Member | |
Journal of Experimental Medicine, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Intagrative and Comparitive Physiology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
American Society for Microbiology, Member | |
American Journal of Physiology, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Kidney International, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Member | |
Placenta, Reviewer, Journal Article | |
American Physiological Society, Member | |
Circulation, Reviewer, Journal Article |
Committee Service
AHA Vascular Biology Study Section, Chair | 2015 - 2018 |
APS Awards Committee, Member | 2015 - 2018 |
Departemental Promotions and Tenure Committee, Member | 2014 - Present |
RAC-eSyndicate, Member | 2013 - 2025 |
FUNDU U, Faculty funding enhancment, Chair | 2012 - Present |
WEH, Councilor for Membership, Chair | 2011 - 2015 |
APS/ WEH section | 2011 - Present |
Excellence in Research Subcommittee, Member | 2011 - 2025 |
APS/Carreers in Physiology, Member | 2010 - 2013 |
RAC-Institutional Cores, Member | 2009 - 2025 |
Delta Regions Institute Advisory Committee, Member | 2009 - 2013 |
Medical Center - Institutional Biosafety, Member | 2009 - 2025 |
Medical Center - Research Advisory Committee, Member | 2009 - 2025 |
Graduate Faculty, Member | 2007 - 2025 |
Organizer of Methodology Discussion Group and Medical Physiology Refresher Course | 2005 - 2005 |
Secretary-Treasurer | 2001 - 2002 |
Graduate Student Body Association, Vice President | 1999 - 2000 |
Other Service
Base Pair Program, Mentor | 07/2009 - 06/2014 |
Director Of Basic Science Research, Director | 07/2009 - 04/2013 |
Teaching Experience
620, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Pharmacology | Spring 2014 - 2013 |
723, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Mechanism of Drug Action- endocrinology | Spring 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Pharmacolgoy | Fall 2014 - 2015 |
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Mechanisms of Drug Actions-endocrinology | Fall 2014 |
620, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Pharmacology | Fall 2013 - 2013 |
710, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Tools in Molecular Biology | Spring 2013 |
710, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Tools in Molecular Biology | Spring 2012 |
605, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM; Research Methods and Projects | Fall 2012 |
605, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Methods and Projects | Fall 2011 |
710, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Tools in Molecular Biology | Spring 2011 |
605, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Methods and Projects | Fall 2010 |
710, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Tools in Molecular Biology | Spring 2010 |
605, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Methods and Projects | Fall 2009 |
710, Graduate, Course, Course Director, MFM Research Tools in Molecular Biology | Spring 2009 |
Directed Student Learning
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Suppressed CD4+T regulatory cells in response to placental ischemia lead to alterations in Natural killer cell phenotype and mediators of hypertension during pregnancy. Advised: Jamil Elfarra | 2014 - 2017 |
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Tarek Ibrahim | 2014 - Present |
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Jessica Faulkner | 2014 - Present |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Alterations in placental eicosanoids contribute to impaired vascular remodeling in Preeclampsia. Advised: Nicole Lee | 2013 - 2016 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, The Role of Relaxin to improve the pathophysiology in response to placental ischemia Advised: Jose Santiago-Font | 2013 - 2016 |
Dissertation Committee Chair, Immune suppression and AT1-AA blockade: novel treatments for preeclampsia. Advised: Ashlyn Harmon | 2013 - 2014 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Anti-inflammatory properties of dexamethasone provide relief for hypertension during HELLP syndrome Advised: Rachel Morris | 2012 - 2015 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Inhibitin AT1-AA; potential therapeutics for preeclampsia Advised: Javier Castillo | 2012 - 2015 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Chronic hypertension during pregnancy is associated with inflammation and increased CD4+ T cells Advised: Marie Darby | 2011 - 2014 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, AT1-AA enhances ANGII induced hypertension during pregnancy Advised: Justin Brewer | 2010 - 2013 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Potential anti-inflammatory properties of progesterone may provide anti-hypertensive therapy to hypertension in presonse to placental ischemia Advised: Luissa Kiprono | 2010 - 2013 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Activation of IL-17 during pregnancy; a link between autoimmunity and preeclampsia Advised: Pushpinder Dhillon | 2009 - 2012 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, The role of CD4+ Tcells in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia Advised: Sarah Novotny | 2009 - 2012 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Hypertension in response to placental ischemia; role of antiangiogenic factors Advised: Kiran Tam Tam | 2008 - 2011 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, The role of AT1-AA to cause hypertension during pregnancy Advised: Marc Parrish | 2007 - 2010 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, The role of 17 OHP to prevent hypertension and inflammation in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy Advised: Edward Veillion | 2006 - 2009 |
Master's Thesis Committee Chair, The Role of 17 OHP to prevent hypertension in response to elevated TNF alpha during pregnancy Advised: Sharon Keiser | 2006 - 2009 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Lyndsey Roberts, Derrick Chandler, Batira Acosta, Matt Dukes, Josh Speed, Sydney Roberts | 2003 - 2010 |
Fellows supervised
MFM fellowship/LaMarca Lab, Training Faculty, 9 fellows supervised | 01/2013 - Present |
MFM Fellowship, Thesis Director, 7 fellows supervised | 01/2012 - Present |
MFM Fellowship, Thesis Director, 6 fellows supervised | 01/2011 - 01/2011 |
LaMarca Lab, Training Faculty, 6 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - Present |
MFM Fellowship, Thesis Director, 7 fellows supervised | 01/2010 - 01/2010 |
MFM Fellowship, Thesis Director, 6 fellows supervised | 01/2009 - 01/2009 |
MFM Fellowship, Thesis Director, 4 fellows supervised | 01/2008 - 01/2008 |
MFM Fellowship, Program Director, 3 fellows supervised | 01/2007 - 01/2007 |
0 fellows supervised |