Statewide Newsletter |
Kyle PB. Mississippi Toxicology Bulletin Mississippi Toxicology Bulletin. 2018. 3:1. | 2018 |
Kyle PB, Kaur J. Mississippi Toxicology Bulletin. Mississippi Toxicology Bulletin. 2017. 2:2. | 2017 |
Spencer L, Walley R, Kyle PB. Mississippi Toxicology Bulletin. Mississippi Toxicology Bulletin. 2017. 2:1. | 2017 |
Kyle PB. Mississippi Toxicology Newsletter. Mississippi Toxicology Newsletter. 2016. 1:1 | 2016 |
Journal Article |
Morris R, Spencer SK, Barnes A, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Wallace K. Attenuation of oxidative stress and hypertension in an animal model of HELLP syndrome. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2018. 834:136-141. | 2018 |
Spencer S, Shaffery J, Kyle PB, Wallace K. Hypertension, anxiety and blood brain barrier permeability are increased in post-partum severe preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome rats. Hypertension. 2018 | 2018 |
Kasper AM,Ridpath AD, Gerona RR, Cox R, Galli R, Kyle PB, Parker C, Arnold JK, Chatham-Stephens K, Morrison MA, Olayinka O, Preacely N, Kieszak SM, Martin C, Schier JG, Wolkin A, Byers P, Dobbs T. Severe illness associated with reported use of synthetic cannabinoids: a public health investigation (Mississippi, 2015). Clinical Toxicology. 2018. 10:1-9. | 2018 |
Bean C, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Williams JM, Gibbens J, Wallace K. Inhibition of T-cell activation attenuates hypertension, TNFα, IL-17, and blood-brain barrier permeability in pregnant rats with angiogenic imbalance. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2016. 76(4):272-9. | 2016 |
Morris R, SPencer L, Kyle PB, Williams JM, Harris A, Owens MY, Wallace K. Hypertension in an Animal Model of HELLP Syndrome is Associated With Activation of Endothelin 1. Reproductive Sciences. 2016. 23(1):42-50. | 2016 |
Kasper AM, Ridpath AD, Arnold JK, Chatham-Stephens K, Morrison M, Olayinka O, Parker C, Galli R, Cox R, Preacely N, Anderson J, Kyle PB, Gerona R, Martin C, Schier J, Wolkin A, Dobbs T. Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids - Mississippi, April 2015. Morbidity Mortality Weekly Report. 2015. 64(39):1121-2. | 2015 |
Jia Z, Johnson AC, Wang X, Guo Z, Driesbach AW, Lewin J, Kyle PB, Garrett MR. Allelic Variants in Arhgef11 via the Rho-Rock Pathway Are Linked to Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Contributes to Kidney Injury in the Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rat. PLOS One. 2015. 10(7):e0132553. | 2015 |
Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, Sathyanesan M, Iyo AH, Moulana M, Kyle PB, Woolverton WL, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, and Newton SS. Oligodendrocyte morphometry and expression of myelin - Related mRNA in ventral prefrontal white matter in major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2015;65:53-62. | 2015 |
Wang X, Johnson A, Williams J, White T, Chade A, Zhang J, Liu R, Roman R, Lee J, Kyle P, Solberg W, and Garrett M. Nephron deficiency and predisposition to renal injury in a novel one-kidney genetic model. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2014. In Press. | 2014 |
Driesbach AW, Smith SV, Kyle PB, Ramaiah M, Amenuke M, Garrett MR, Lirette ST, Griswold ME, and Roman RJ. Urinary CYP eicosanoid excretion correlates with glomerular filtration in African-Americans with chronic kidney disease. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators. 2014. In Press. | 2014 |
Westbrook L, Johnson AC, Regner KR, Williams JM, Mattson DL, Kyle PB, Henegar JR, and Garrett MR. Genetic susceptibility and loss of Nr4a1 enhances macrophage-mediated renal injury in CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2014. In Press. | 2014 |
Wallace K, Morris R, Kyle PB, Cornelius D, Darby M, Scott J, Moseley J, Chatman K, and LaMarca B. Hypertension, Inflammation and T Lymphocytes are Increased in a Rat Model of HELLP Syndrome. Hypertension in Pregnancy. | 2014 |
Stover KR, Farley JM, Kyle PB, Cleary J. Cardiac Toxicity of Some Echinocandin Antifungals. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety. 2014. 13(1):5-14. | 2014 |
Slaughter TN, Paige A, Spires D, Kojima N, Kyle PB, Garrett MR, Roman RJ, Williams JM. Characterization of the Development of REnal Injury in Type-1 Diabetic Dahl Salt-sensitive Rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013; In Press | 2013 |
Cleary JD, Stover KR, Farley J, Daley W, Kyle PB, Hosler J. Cardiac toxicity of azole antifungals. Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 2013; 4:362-368. | 2013 |
Regner KR, Harmon AC, Williams JM, Stelloh C, Johnson AC, Kyle PB, Lerch-Gabbl A, White SM, Garrett MR. Increased Susceptibility ot Kidney Injury by transfer of Genomic Segment from SHR onto Dahl S genetic background. Physiol Genomics. 2012;44:629-637. | 2012 |
Kyle PB, Brown KB, Bailey AP, Stevenson JL. Reactivity of commercial Benzodiazepine Immunoassays to Phenazepam. J Anal Toxicol. 2012; 36:207-209. | 2012 |
Kyle PB, Lawrence TJ. Aberrant Lamellar Body Counts noted on teh Beckman Coulter Unicel DxH 800. Clin chem Lab Med. 2012;50:1631-1633. | 2012 |
Kyle PB, Smith SV, Baker RC, Kramer RE. Mass Spectrometric detection of CYP450 adducts following oxidative desulfuration of Methyl Parathion. J Appl Toxicol. 2013;33:644-651. | 2012 |
Kyle PB, Iverson RB, Gajagowni RG, Spencer L. Illicit Bath Salts: not for Bathing. J Miss State Med Assoc. 2011; 52:375-377. | 2011 |
Bogdan R, Fitzgibbon H, Woolverton WL, Bethea CL, Iyo AH, Stockmeier CA, Kyle PB, Austin MC. 5-HTTLPR Genotype and Gender, but not Chronic Fluoxetine Administration, are associated with Cortical TREK1 Protein Expression in Rhesus Macaques. Neurosci Lett. 2011; 503:83-86. | 2011 |
Cox RD, Kyle PB, Brackin B, Snazelle T, Surkin J. Blood Lead Levels in Mississippi Children. J Miss State Med Assoc. 2010; 51:206-210. | 2010 |
Szeczyk B, Albert PR, Rogaeva A, Fitzgibbon H, May WL, Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Woolverton WL, Kyle PB, Wang Z, Austin MC. Decreased expression of Freud-1/CC2D1A, aa transcriptional repressor of the 5-HT1A receptor in the prefrontal cortex of subjects with major depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2010; 13:1089-1101. | 2010 |
Kyle PB. Beware of Carryover in Modern Chemistry Analyzers. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2010. 48(4):519-521. | 2010 |
Feyissa AM, Woolverton WL, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wang Z, Kyle PB, Hasler G, Stockmeier CA, Iyo AH, Karolewicz B. Elevated level of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 2/3 in teh Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depression. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2010; 34:279-283. | 2010 |
Kyle PB, Daley WP. Domestic Abuse of the European Rave Drug Prolintane. J Anal toxicol. 2007; 31:415-418. | 2007 |
Adcock KG, Kyle PB, Deaton JS, Olivier JH, Hogan SM. Pharmacokinetics of Intranasal and Intratracheal Pentoxifylline in Rabbits. Pharmacotherapy. 2007; 27:200-206. | 2007 |
Glisson JK, Wood RL, Kyle PB, Cleary JD. Bioavailability of Promethazine in a topical Pluronic Lecithin Organogel: A Pilot Study. Int J Pharm Compd. 2005; 9:242-246. | 2005 |
Kyle PB, Adcock KG, Kramer RE, Baker RC. Use of Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the analysis of Pentoxifylline and Lisofylline in Plasma. Biomed Chromatogr. 2005; 19:231-236. | 2005 |
Zhu MY, Kyle PB, Hume AS, Ordway GA. The Persistent Membrane Retention of Desipramine causes lasting Inhibition of Norepinephrine. Neurochem Res. 2004; 29:419-427. | 2004 |
Kyle PB, Spencer JL, Purser CM, Hume AS. Drugs Detected in Suspected Pediatric Ingestions: a three-year review. J Miss State Med Assoc. 2004; 45:35-40. | 2004 |
Kyle PB, Spencer JL, Purser CM, Eddleman KC, Hume AS. Suspected Pediatric Ingestions: Effectiveness of Immunoassay Screens vs. Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy in the Detection of Drugs and Chemicals. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 2003; 41:919-925. | 2003 |
Kasper AM, Ridpath AD, Gerona RR, Cox R, Galli R, Kyle PB, Parker C, Arnold JK, Chatham-Stephens K, Morrison MA, Olayinka O, Preacely N, Kieszak SM, Martin C, Schier JG, Wolkin A, Byers P, Dobbs T, Severe illness associated with reported use of synthetic cannabinoids: a public health investigation (Mississippi, 2015). Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 2019 Jan;57(1):10-18 | 2019 |
Morris R, Spencer SK, Barnes A, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Wallace K, Attenuation of oxidative stress and hypertension in an animal model of HELLP syndrome. European journal of pharmacology, 2018 Sep 5;834:136-141 | 2018 |
Morris R, Spencer SK, Kyle PB, Williams JM, Harris A, Owens MY, Wallace K, Hypertension in an Animal Model of HELLP Syndrome is Associated With Activation of Endothelin 1. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.), 2016 Jan;23(1):42-50 | 2016 |
Bean C, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Williams JM, Gibbens J, Wallace K, Inhibition of T-cell activation attenuates hypertension, TNFα, IL-17, and blood-brain barrier permeability in pregnant rats with angiogenic imbalance. American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989), 2016 Oct;76(4):272-9 | 2016 |
Wang X, Johnson AC, Williams JM, White T, Chade AR, Zhang J, Liu R, Roman RJ, Lee JW, Kyle PB, Solberg-Woods L, Garrett MR, Nephron Deficiency and Predisposition to Renal Injury in a Novel One-Kidney Genetic Model. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 2015 Jul;26(7):1634-46 | 2015 |
Rajkowska G, Mahajan G, Maciag D, Sathyanesan M, Iyo AH, Moulana M, Kyle PB, Woolverton WL, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Newton SS, Oligodendrocyte morphometry and expression of myelin - Related mRNA in ventral prefrontal white matter in major depressive disorder. Journal of psychiatric research, 2015 Jun;65:53-62 | 2015 |
Kasper AM, Ridpath AD, Arnold JK, Chatham-Stephens K, Morrison M, Olayinka O, Parker C, Galli R, Cox R, Preacely N, Anderson J, Kyle PB, Gerona R, Martin C, Schier J, Wolkin A, Dobbs T, Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids - Mississippi, April 2015. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2015 Oct 9;64(39):1121-2 | 2015 |
Stover KR, Farley JM, Kyle PB, Cleary JD, Cardiac toxicity of some echinocandin antifungals. Expert opinion on drug safety, 2014 Jan;13(1):5-14 | 2014 |
Wallace K, Morris R, Kyle PB, Cornelius D, Darby M, Scott J, Moseley J, Chatman K, Lamarca B, Hypertension, inflammation and T lymphocytes are increased in a rat model of HELLP syndrome. Hypertension in pregnancy, 2014 Feb;33(1):41-54 | 2014 |
Westbrook L, Johnson AC, Regner KR, Williams JM, Mattson DL, Kyle PB, Henegar JR, Garrett MR, Genetic susceptibility and loss of Nr4a1 enhances macrophage-mediated renal injury in CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 2014 Nov;25(11):2499-510 | 2014 |
Dreisbach AW, Smith SV, Kyle PB, Ramaiah M, Amenuke M, Garrett MR, Lirette ST, Griswold ME, Roman RJ, Urinary CYP eicosanoid excretion correlates with glomerular filtration in African-Americans with chronic kidney disease. Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators, 2014 Oct;113-115:45-51 | 2014 |
Kyle PB, Smith SV, Baker RC, Kramer RE, Mass spectrometric detection of CYP450 adducts following oxidative desulfuration of methyl parathion. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT, 2013 Jul;33(7):644-51 | 2013 |
Slaughter TN, Paige A, Spires D, Kojima N, Kyle PB, Garrett MR, Roman RJ, Williams JM, Characterization of the development of renal injury in Type-1 diabetic Dahl salt-sensitive rats. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2013 Oct 1;305(7):R727-34 | 2013 |
Kyle PB, Brown KB, Bailey AP, Stevenson JL, Reactivity of commercial benzodiazepine immunoassays to phenazepam. Journal of analytical toxicology, 2012 Apr;36(3):207-9 | 2012 |
Regner KR, Harmon AC, Williams JM, Stelloh C, Johnson AC, Kyle PB, Lerch-Gaggl A, White SM, Garrett MR, Increased susceptibility to kidney injury by transfer of genomic segment from SHR onto Dahl S genetic background. Physiological genomics, 2012 Jun 15;44(12):629-37 | 2012 |
Kyle PB, Lawrence TJ, Aberrant lamellar body counts noted on the Beckman Coulter Unicel DxH 800. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 2012 Mar 9;50(9):1631-3 | 2012 |
Bogdan R, Fitzgibbon H, Woolverton WL, Bethea CL, Iyo AH, Stockmeier CA, Kyle PB, Austin MC, 5-HTTLPR genotype and gender, but not chronic fluoxetine administration, are associated with cortical TREK1 protein expression in rhesus macaques. Neuroscience letters, 2011 Oct 3;503(2):83-6 | 2011 |
Kyle PB, Iverson RB, Gajagowni RG, Spencer L, Illicit bath salts: not for bathing. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 2011 Dec;52(12):375-7 | 2011 |
Feyissa AM, Woolverton WL, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wang Z, Kyle PB, Hasler G, Stockmeier CA, Iyo AH, Karolewicz B, Elevated level of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2/3 in the prefrontal cortex in major depression. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 2010 Mar 17;34(2):279-83 | 2010 |
Kyle PB, Beware of carryover in modern chemistry analyzers. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 2010 Apr;48(4):519-21 | 2010 |
Szewczyk B, Albert PR, Rogaeva A, Fitzgibbon H, May WL, Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Stockmeier CA, Woolverton WL, Kyle PB, Wang Z, Austin MC, Decreased expression of Freud-1/CC2D1A, a transcriptional repressor of the 5-HT1A receptor, in the prefrontal cortex of subjects with major depression. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 2010 Sep;13(8):1089-101 | 2010 |
Cox RD, Kyle PB, Brackin B, Snazelle T, Surkin J, Blood lead levels in Mississippi children. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 2010 Aug;51(8):206-10 | 2010 |
Adcock KG, Kyle PB, Deaton JS, Olivier JH, Hogan SM, Pharmacokinetics of intranasal and intratracheal pentoxifylline in rabbits. Pharmacotherapy, 2007 Feb;27(2):200-6 | 2007 |
Kyle PB, Daley WP, Domestic abuse of the European rave drug prolintane. Journal of analytical toxicology, 2007 Sep;31(7):415-8 | 2007 |
Kyle PB, Adcock KG, Kramer RE, Baker RC, Use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of pentoxifylline and lisofylline in plasma. Biomedical chromatography : BMC, 2005 Apr;19(3):231-6 | 2005 |
Zhu MY, Kyle PB, Hume AS, Ordway GA, The persistent membrane retention of desipramine causes lasting inhibition of norepinephrine transporter function. Neurochemical research, 2004 Feb;29(2):419-27 | 2004 |
Kyle PB, Spencer JL, Purser CM, Hume AS, Drugs detected in suspected pediatric ingestions: a three-year review. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 2004 Feb;45(2):35-40 | 2004 |
Kyle PB, Spencer JL, Purser CM, Eddleman KC, Hume AS, Suspected pediatric ingestions: effectiveness of immunoassay screens vs. gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy in the detection of drugs and chemicals. Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology, 2003;41(7):919-25 | |
Adeosun SO, Hou X, Jiao Y, Zheng B, Henry S, Hill R, He Z, Pani A, Kyle P, Ou X, Mosley T, Farley JM, Stockmeier C, Paul I, Bigler S, Brinton RD, Smeyne R, Wang JM, Allopregnanolone reinstates tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons and motor performance in an MPTP-lesioned mouse model of Parkinson's disease. PloS one, 2012;7(11):e50040 | |
Glisson JK, Wood RL, Kyle PB, Cleary JD, Bioavailability of promethazine in a topical pluronic lecithin organogel: a pilot study. International journal of pharmaceutical compounding, 2005 May-Jun;9(3):242-6 | |
Jia Z, Johnson AC, Wang X, Guo Z, Dreisbach AW, Lewin JR, Kyle PB, Garrett MR, Allelic Variants in Arhgef11 via the Rho-Rock Pathway Are Linked to Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Contributes to Kidney Injury in the Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rat. PloS one, 2015;10(7):e0132553 | |
Abstracts |
Kyle PB, Kaur J. Evaluation of new specimen validity markers. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. Annual Meeting Abstracts. 2018 | 2018 |
Gibbens JD, SPencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Morris R, Wallace K. Anti-angiogenic imbalance during pregnancy: is the Fas/FasL system a contributor? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017. 216(1):S546. | 2017 |
Bean C, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Evidence that perinatal hypertension and inflammation leads to chronic inflammation, hypertension and neurological changes in an animal model of HELLP syndrome. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine: The Pregnancy Meeting. January 23-28, 2017. | 2017 |
Kasper AM, Gerona R, Ridpath A, Galli R, Arnold J, Cox R, Anderson J, Kyle P, Martin C, Shier J, Wolkin A, Dobbs T. Severe illness associated with a novel synthetic cannabinoid - Mississippi, April 2015. 65th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference. May 2-5, 2016. page 98. | 2016 |
Kyle PB, Chekuri S. Laboratory utilization of HbA1c, PSA and BMP in an academic medical center. Clinical Chemistry. 2015. 61(10):s170. 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts. American Assocaition for Clinical Chemistry. | 2015 |
Kyle PB and Brown KB. Using Technological Advances to Improve Laboratory Turn around Times. Clinical Chemistry. 2014 Annual Meeting Abstracts. S201, #B171. | 2014 |
Kyle PB, Bhaijee F, Magee L, Booth D. A highly sensitive quadrupole GC-MS for quantitative and qualitative toxicology. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab. 2014. | 2014 |
Kyle PB, Bhaijee F, Magee L, and Booth D. A highly sensitive quadrupole GC-MS for quantitative and qualitative toxicology. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 2013;37(8):xx. | 2014 |
Kyle PB, Bhaijee F, Magee L, Booth D. A Quadrupole GC/MS with Dual-Role Toxicology Capability. Journal of Analytical Toxicology | 2013 |
Johnson AC, Guo Z, Kyle PB, and Garrett MR. Use of Congenic Strains, Comparative Genome Hybridization, and Whole Genomic Sequencing to Dissect the Genetic Basis of Chronic Kidney Disease in teh Dahl S. Hypertension. 2013;62:A517. | 2013 |
Wallace K, Darby M, Kyle PB, Morris R, Moseley J, Frazier K, Scott J, and LaMarca B. Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP syndrome is associated with increased TNF-alfa, IL-6, and CD4 T cell activation. FASEB Journal, 2013;27:1115.7 | 2013 |
Slaughter T, Paige A, Fan F, Kyle P, Geurts AM, Jacob HJ, Roman RJ, and Williams JM> Involvement of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 During the Progression of Renal Disease in Diabetic Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. Hypertension. 2012; 60(3):A55. | 2012 |
Dreisbach AW, Smith SV, Kyle PB, Ramaiah M, Amenuke M, Garrett MR, Lirette ST Griswold ME, and Roman RJ. Urinary CYP Eicosanoid Excretion Correlates with Glomerular Filtration Rate in African-Americans with Chronic Kidney Disease. Hypertension. 2012; 60(3):A348. | 2012 |
Slaughter T, Paige A, Rucker C, Kyle P, Kojima N, Garrett MR, Roman RJ, and Williams JM. Temporal Characterization of the Development of Diabetic-Induced Renal Disease in Strains of Goto-kakizaki Rats. Hypertension. 2012; 60(3):A134. | 2012 |
Wallace K, Darby M, Kyle P, Scott J, Moseley J, Brewer J, Owens MY, and LaMarca B. Hypertension in a Rat Model of HELLP Syndrome is Associated with T Helper 1 Type Immune Activation. Hypertension. 2012; 60:A176 | 2012 |
Westbrook L, Regner KR, Johnson A, Lee J, Kyle PB, Mattson DL, and Garrett MR. Loss of Nr4a1 on a Hypertensive Genetic Background Promotes Immune-Mediacted Renal Injury. Hypertension. 2012; 60(3 Abstracts):A1. | 2012 |
Kyle PB, Bhaijee F, and Booth DD. Clinical Toxicology Results after Supplementation of Commercial GC/MS Libraries. Clinical Chemistry. 2012; 58(9):A193. | 2012 |
Williams JM, Slaughter T, Wells A, Rucker C, spires D, Kyle PB, and Roman RJ. Increased MMP-9 Activity During the Progression of Renal Injury in Type-2 Diabetic Nephropathy Rats. FASEB Journal. 2012; 26(supplement):687.4 | 2012 |
Slaughter T, Spires D, Rucker C, WElls A, Kyle P, Roman RJ, and Williams JM. The Reduction of Renal Injury in Diabetic Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats with Insulin is Associated with Decreased MMP Activity. FASEB Journal. 2012; 26:687.3 | 2012 |
Rucker C, Spires D, Slaughter T, Wells A, Kyle PB, Roman R, and Williams J. Involvement of Matrix Metalloproteinases During the Progression of Renal Injury in Type-II diabetic Nephropathy Rats. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2012; 57(1):109 | 2012 |
Spires D, Slaughter T, Rucker C, Wells A, Kyle PB, roman RJ, and Williams JM. Controlling Plasma Glucose LEvels Reduces Renal Injury in Diabetic Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2012; 57(1):109 | 2012 |
Stover KR, Kyle PB, Farley J, and Cleary JD. Echinocandin Myocardial Toxicity. | 2011 |
Kyle PB, Booth D, Magee L, and Spencer JL. Comparison of Six Extraction methods for Emergency Toxicology Screening. Clinical Chemistry. 2011;57(S10):A55 | 2011 |
Wang J, Adeosun S, Jiao Y, Henry S, Hill R, Zheng B, Sun c, Hou X, Pani A, Kyle P, Bigler S, Farley S, Stockmeier C, Paul I, Brinton RD, Smeyne R. The Impact of a Neurogenic Agen, Allopregnanolone in Rodent Models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2011;7(4):s667. | 2011 |
Austin MC, Goswami DB, Fitzgibbon H, Woolverton WL, Stockmeier CA, Kyle PB, Bethea CL, and Barth J. Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Prefrontal Cortex in Chronic Fluoxetine-Treated Rhesus Monkeys: Sex Differences. Biological Psychiatry. 2011; 69:56s. | 2011 |
Spires D, Wells A, Zhang J, Kyle PB, Roman RJ, and Williams JM. Progression of Diabetic-Induced Renal Injury in Diabetic Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2011; 69:56s. | 2011 |
Brown J, Wells A, Kyle PB, Roman RJ, and Williams JM. Effects of a High Salt Diet on the Progression of Renal Injury in Diabetic Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science. 2011. 56(1):141. | 2011 |
Legutko B, Abel K, Migual-Hidalgo J, Wang Z, Kyle P, Woolverton W, Maciag D, Stockmeier C, and Rajkowska G. Fluoxetine Treatment Does Not Alter Density or Size of CNPase-Immunoreactive Oligodendrocytes in Prefrontal White Matter in Rhesus Monkeys Biol Psychiatry. 2010. 67(9):54s. Accepted for Publication | 2010 |
Feyissa AM, Chandran A, Legutko B, Woolverton WL, Wang Z, Austin M, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Rajkowska G, Kyle P, Stockmeier CA, and Karolewicz B. Reduced Level of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 (mGlu5R) Protein in the Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depressive Disorder. Soc Neuroscience. 2009. 34:156.4. | 2009 |
Adcock KG, Kyle PB, Deaton JS, and Olivier J. Pentoxifylline Pharmacokinetics Following Two Novel Delivery Techniques American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2004. 24(10):1453 abstract 219. | 2004 |
Book Chapter |
Kyle PB. Toxicology: GC-MS. Mass Spectrometry for the Clinical Laboratory. Elsevier, Academy Press. San Diego, CA. Eds. Nair H. and Clarke W. 2017. ISBN: 978-0-12-800871-3. | 2017 |
Book |
Kyle PB, Fuller DC, Garg U, Hammett-Stabler CA, Hoess E, Johnson-Davis K, Kapur BM, Langman LJ, LeGatt DF, Loughmiller D, Pesce A, Sadek W, Smith MP, Watson ID, Wolf CE, Wu A, Zhang YV. Toxicology and Drug Testing in the Medical Laboratory. CLSI. Toxicology and Drug Testing in the Medical Laboratory. 3rd ed. CLSI Guideline C52 (ISBN 1-56238-808-8 [Print]; ISBN 1-56238-809-6 [Electronic). Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 950 West Valley Road, Suite 2500, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087 USA, 2017. | 2017 |