Matthew E. Kutcher, MD

Matthew E. Kutcher, MD

Associate Professor

SOM-Surgery-Trauma/Critical Ca


Work Phone:
(601) 815-1312


Dr. Kutcher is a board-certified surgeon and intensivist with fellowship training in trauma, acute care surgery, and critical care. As a practicing trauma and acute care surgeon at Mississippi's only Level One trauma center, he is also the vice chair of Mississippi's state Committee on Trauma. In addition to a busy practice in clinical surgery, he is co-director of the surgical intensive care unit and an associate program director of UMMC's surgical critical care fellowship. His NIH-funded research laboratory focuses on coagulation abnormalities in trauma and critical illness, specifically evaluating the role of innate immune mediators underlying platelet and fibrinolytic abnormalities.


University of Mississippi School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences, MS, Master of Science in Clinical Investigation2019
University of Pittsburgh, Acute Care Surgery2016
University of Pittsburgh, Surgical Critical Care2015
University of California, San Francisco, General Surgery2014
Tufts University School of Medicine, MD, Medicine2007

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Surgical Critical Care
Certification, General Surgery

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, A Proposal to Establish the Mississippi Violence Injury Prevention (VIP) Program, NIMHD09/2022 - 06/2024
Extramural, Mechanisms of transition from acute to chronic pain in Non-Hispanic Black and White injury patients, NIMHD09/2022 - 04/2027
Extramural, Mitochondrial DNA in the pathogenesis of post-injury coagulopathy, NIGMS08/2020 - 07/2025
Extramural, Mitochondrial DNA as a driver of trauma-induced platelet dysfunction, NIH NCATS - University of Alabama, Birmingham CTSA04/2018 - 03/2019
Intramural, Obesity-Associated Hypercoagulability in Trauma Patients, MCCTR05/2017 - 04/2018



Kutcher ME, Forsythe RM, Tisherman SA, Emergency preservation and resuscitation for cardiac arrest from trauma. International journal of surgery (London, England), 2016 Sep;33(Pt B):209-2122016


Daly GT, Pastukh VM, Tan YB, Francis CM, Aggen CZ, Groark SC, Edwards C, Mulekar MS, Hamo M, Simmons JD, Kutcher ME, Hartsell EM, Dinwiddie DL, Turpin ZM, Bass HW, Roberts JT, Gillespie MN, Langley RJ, Novel attributes of cell-free plasma mitochondrial DNA in traumatic injury. Clinical and translational medicine, 2022 Oct;12(10):e10552022
CODA Collaborative, Davidson GH, Flum DR, Monsell SE, Kao LS, Voldal EC, Heagerty PJ, Fannon E, Lavallee DC, Bizzell B, Lawrence SO, Comstock BA, Krishnadasan A, Winchell RJ, Self WH, Thompson CM, Farjah F, Park PK, Alam HB, Saltzman D, Moran GJ, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Salzberg M, Ferrigno L, Mandell KA, Price TP, Siparsky N, Glaser J, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Victory J, Chung B, Carter DW, Kutcher ME, Jones A, Holihan J, Liang MK, Faine BA, Cuschieri J, Evans HL, Johnson J, Patton JH, Coleman N, Fischkoff K, Drake FT, Sanchez SE, Parsons C, Odom SR, Kessler LG, Talan DA, Antibiotics versus Appendectomy for Acute Appendicitis - Longer-Term Outcomes. The New England journal of medicine, 2021 Dec 16;385(25):2395-23972021

Randomized Controlled Trial

Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, A Video-Based Consent Tool: Development and Effect of Risk-Benefit Framing on Intention to Randomize. The Journal of surgical research, 2023 Mar;283:357-3672023
Wang TY, Wahed AS, Morris A, Kreuziger LB, Quigley JG, Lamas GA, Weissman AJ, Lopez-Sendon J, Knudson MM, Siegal DM, Kasthuri RS, Alexander AJ, Wahid L, Atassi B, Miller PJ, Lawson JW, Patel B, Krishnan JA, Shapiro NL, Martin DE, Kindzelski AL, Leifer ES, Joo J, Lyu L, Pennella A, Everett BM, Geraci MW, Anstrom KJ, Ortel TL, ACTIV-4C Study Group, Effect of Thromboprophylaxis on Clinical Outcomes After COVID-19 Hospitalization. Annals of internal medicine, 2023 Apr;176(4):515-5232023

Journal Article

Cottrell-Cumber S, Cockrell H, Enos J, Kutcher M, Kogon B, Removal of a Retained Bullet in the Heart After Gunshot Injury. The American surgeon, 2023 Nov;89(11):4899-49012023
Dickens H, Rao U, Sarver D, Bruehl S, Kinney K, Karlson C, Grenn E, Kutcher M, Iwuchukwu C, Kyle A, Goodin B, Myers H, Nag S, Hillegass WB, Morris MC, Racial, Gender, and Neighborhood-Level Disparities in Pediatric Trauma Care. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 2023 Jun;10(3):1006-10172023
Shaw TB, Cockrell HC, Carter KT, Mijalis EM, Buti Y, Sawaya D, Berch BR, Kutcher ME, Morris MW Jr, Population Density and Triage of Pediatric Firearm Injuries in a Rural Trauma System. The American surgeon, 2023 Nov;89(11):4559-45642023
Goligher EC, Lawler PR, Jensen TP, Talisa V, Berry LR, Lorenzi E, McVerry BJ, Chang CH, Leifer E, Bradbury C, Berger J, Hunt BJ, Castellucci LA, Kornblith LZ, Gordon AC, McArthur C, Webb S, Hochman J, Neal MD, Zarychanski R, Berry S, Angus DC, REMAP-CAP, ATTACC, and ACTIV-4a Investigators, Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Therapeutic-Dose Heparin in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19. JAMA, 2023 Apr 4;329(13):1066-10772023
Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC), O'Toole RV, Stein DM, O'Hara NN, Frey KP, Taylor TJ, Scharfstein DO, Carlini AR, Sudini K, Degani Y, Slobogean GP, Haut ER, Obremskey W, Firoozabadi R, Bosse MJ, Goldhaber SZ, Marvel D, Castillo RC, Aspirin or Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for Thromboprophylaxis after a Fracture. The New England journal of medicine, 2023 Jan 19;388(3):203-2132023
Flum DR, writing group for the CODA Collaborative, Factors associated with recurrent appendicitis after successful treatment with antibiotics. The British journal of surgery, 2023 Oct 10;110(11):1482-14892023
Berger JS, Neal MD, Kornblith LZ, Gong MN, Reynolds HR, Cushman M, Althouse AD, Lawler PR, McVerry BJ, Kim KS, Baumann Kreuziger L, Solomon SD, Kosiborod MN, Berry SM, Bochicchio GV, Contoli M, Farkouh ME, Froess JD, Gandotra S, Greenstein Y, Hade EM, Hanna N, Hudock K, Hyzy RC, Ibáñez Estéllez F, Iovine N, Khanna AK, Khatri P, Kirwan BA, Kutcher ME, Leifer E, Lim G, Lopes RD, Lopez-Sendon JL, Luther JF, Nigro Maia L, Quigley JG, Wahid L, Wilson JG, Zarychanski R, Kindzelski A, Geraci MW, Hochman JS, ACTIV-4a Investigators, Effect of P2Y12 Inhibitors on Organ Support-Free Survival in Critically Ill Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA network open, 2023 May 1;6(5):e23144282023
Carter KT, O'Brien R, Larson SB, Creswell LL, Kutcher M, Baran DA, Copeland JG, Copeland H, Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a viable option as a bridge to heart transplant. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 2022 Jan;163(1):140-147.e42022
Makamson LM, Holm TE, Jenkins HN, Mehaffey NA, Mansour EA, Coleman TP, Norton CH, Walker SC, McClain JE, Parker AC, Brousse BR, Schaefer DC, Kutcher ME, Moremen JR, Impedance Planimetry and the Changing Paradigm of Esophageal Dysphagia. The American surgeon, 2022 Aug;88(8):1805-18082022
Berger JS, Kornblith LZ, Gong MN, Reynolds HR, Cushman M, Cheng Y, McVerry BJ, Kim KS, Lopes RD, Atassi B, Berry S, Bochicchio G, de Oliveira Antunes M, Farkouh ME, Greenstein Y, Hade EM, Hudock K, Hyzy R, Khatri P, Kindzelski A, Kirwan BA, Baumann Kreuziger L, Lawler PR, Leifer E, Lopez-Sendon Moreno J, Lopez-Sendon J, Luther JF, Nigro Maia L, Quigley J, Sherwin R, Wahid L, Wilson J, Hochman JS, Neal MD, ACTIV-4a Investigators, Effect of P2Y12 Inhibitors on Survival Free of Organ Support Among Non-Critically Ill Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 2022 Jan 18;327(3):227-2362022
Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Monsell SE, Voldal EC, Davidson GH, Fischkoff K, Coleman N, Bizzell B, Price T, Narayan M, Siparsky N, Thompson CM, Ayoung-Chee P, Odom SR, Sanchez S, Drake FT, Johnson J, Cuschieri J, Evans HL, Liang MK, McGrane K, Hatch Q, Victory J, Wisler J, Salzberg M, Ferrigno L, Kaji A, DeUgarte DA, Gibbons MM, Alam HB, Scott J, Kao LS, Self WH, Winchell RJ, Villegas CM, Talan DA, Kessler LG, Lavallee DC, Krishnadasan A, Lawrence SO, Comstock B, Fannon E, Flum DR, Heagerty PJ, Patient Factors Associated With Appendectomy Within 30 Days of Initiating Antibiotic Treatment for Appendicitis. JAMA surgery, 2022 Mar 1;157(3):e2169002022
Grenn E, Kutcher M, Hillegass WB, Iwuchukwu C, Kyle A, Bruehl S, Goodin B, Myers H, Rao U, Nag S, Kinney K, Dickens H, Morris MC, Social determinants of trauma care: Associations of race, insurance status, and place on opioid prescriptions, postdischarge referrals, and mortality. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2022 May 1;92(5):897-9052022
Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Talan DA, Moran GJ, Krishnadasan A, Monsell SE, Faine BA, Uribe L, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Self WH, Shapiro NI, Cuschieri J, Glaser J, Park PK, Price TP, Siparsky N, Sanchez SE, Machado-Aranda DA, Victory J, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Corsa J, Evans HL, Ferrigno L, Garcia L, Hatch Q, Horton MD, Johnson J, Jones A, Kao LS, Kelly A, Kim D, Kutcher ME, Liang MK, Maghami N, McGrane K, Minko E, Mohr C, Neufeld M, Patton JH, Rog C, Rushing A, Sabbatini AK, Salzberg M, Thompson CM, Tichter A, Wisler J, Bizzell B, Fannon E, Lawrence SO, Voldal EC, Lavallee DC, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Davidson GH, Flum DR, Kessler LG, Analysis of Outcomes Associated With Outpatient Management of Nonoperatively Treated Patients With Appendicitis. JAMA network open, 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e22200392022
Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Davidson GH, Monsell SE, Evans H, Voldal EC, Fannon E, Lawrence SO, Krishnadasan A, Talan DA, Bizzell B, Heagerty PJ, Comstock BA, Lavallee DC, Villegas C, Winchell R, Thompson CM, Self WH, Kao LS, Dodwad SJ, Sabbatini AK, Droullard D, Machado-Aranda D, Gibbons MM, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Ferrigno L, Salzberg M, Mandell KA, Siparsky N, Price TP, Raman A, Corsa J, Wisler J, Ayoung-Chee P, Victory J, Jones A, Kutcher M, McGrane K, Holihan J, Liang MK, Cuschieri J, Johnson J, Fischkoff K, Drake FT, Sanchez SE, Odom SR, Kessler LG, Flum DR, Self-selection vs Randomized Assignment of Treatment for Appendicitis. JAMA surgery, 2022 Jul 1;157(7):598-6082022
Rhie RY, Chamblee D, Walker S, Mehaffey N, Jenkins H, Kutcher ME, Moremen J, Weight Bias: Examining Achalasia Therapy in the Obese Patient. The American surgeon, 2022 Sep;88(9):2194-21972022
Rodgers SC, Carter KT, Patki D, O'Brien RC, Kutcher ME, Thromboelastography-Based Evaluation of Gender-Associated Hypercoagulability. The American surgeon, 2022 Nov;88(11):2619-26252022
Rodgers SC, Carter KT, Kutcher ME, Iwuchukwu CO, Acquired Factor XIII Deficiency in a 19-year-Old Male Following Ballistic Injury. The American surgeon, 2022 Sep;88(9):2225-22262022
Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Zhang IY, Voldal EC, Davidson GH, Liao JM, Thompson CM, Self WH, Kao LS, Cherry-Bukowiec J, Raghavendran K, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Gonzalez E, Mandell KA, Ohe K, Siparsky N, Price TP, Evans DC, Victory J, Chiang W, Jones A, Kutcher ME, Ciomperlik H, Liang MK, Evans HL, Faine BA, Neufeld M, Sanchez SE, Krishnadasan A, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Lawrence SO, Monsell SE, Fannon EEC, Kessler LG, Talan DA, Flum DR, Association of Patient Belief About Success of Antibiotics for Appendicitis and Outcomes: A Secondary Analysis of the CODA Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA surgery, 2022 Dec 1;157(12):1080-10872022
Mamczak CN, Speybroeck J, Stillson JE, Dynako J, Piscoya A, Peck EE, Aboukhaled M, Cancel E, McDonald M, Garcia D, Lovejoy J, Lubin S, Stanton R, Kutcher ME, Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assays for Orthopedic Trauma and Elective Procedures. Journal of clinical medicine, 2022 Jul 12;11(14)2022
Vulliamy P, Kornblith LZ, Kutcher ME, Cohen MJ, Brohi K, Neal MD, Alterations in platelet behavior after major trauma: adaptive or maladaptive? Platelets, 2021 Apr 3;32(3):295-3042021
Cockrell HC, O'Brien R, Carter KT, Shaw TB, Baran DA, Kutcher ME, Copeland JG, Copeland H, Better together: a reappraisal of heterotopic heart transplantation. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2021 Nov;34(11):2184-21912021
REMAP-CAP Investigators, ACTIV-4a Investigators, ATTACC Investigators, Goligher EC, Bradbury CA, McVerry BJ, Lawler PR, Berger JS, Gong MN, Carrier M, Reynolds HR, Kumar A, Turgeon AF, Kornblith LZ, Kahn SR, Marshall JC, Kim KS, Houston BL, Derde LPG, Cushman M, Tritschler T, Angus DC, Godoy LC, McQuilten Z, Kirwan BA, Farkouh ME, Brooks MM, Lewis RJ, Berry LR, Lorenzi E, Gordon AC, Ahuja T, Al-Beidh F, Annane D, Arabi YM, Aryal D, Baumann Kreuziger L, Beane A, Bhimani Z, Bihari S, Billett HH, Bond L, Bonten M, Brunkhorst F, Buxton M, Buzgau A, Castellucci LA, Chekuri S, Chen JT, Cheng AC, Chkhikvadze T, Coiffard B, Contreras A, Costantini TW, de Brouwer S, Detry MA, Duggal A, Džavík V, Effron MB, Eng HF, Escobedo J, Estcourt LJ, Everett BM, Fergusson DA, Fitzgerald M, Fowler RA, Froess JD, Fu Z, Galanaud JP, Galen BT, Gandotra S, Girard TD, Goodman AL, Goossens H, Green C, Greenstein YY, Gross PL, Haniffa R, Hegde SM, Hendrickson CM, Higgins AM, Hindenburg AA, Hope AA, Horowitz JM, Horvat CM, Huang DT, Hudock K, Hunt BJ, Husain M, Hyzy RC, Jacobson JR, Jayakumar D, Keller NM, Khan A, Kim Y, Kindzelski A, King AJ, Knudson MM, Kornblith AE, Kutcher ME, Laffan MA, Lamontagne F, Le Gal G, Leeper CM, Leifer ES, Lim G, Gallego Lima F, Linstrum K, Litton E, Lopez-Sendon J, Lother SA, Marten N, Saud Marinez A, Martinez M, Mateos Garcia E, Mavromichalis S, McAuley DF, McDonald EG, McGlothlin A, McGuinness SP, Middeldorp S, Montgomery SK, Mouncey PR, Murthy S, Nair GB, Nair R, Nichol AD, Nicolau JC, Nunez-Garcia B, Park JJ, Park PK, Parke RL, Parker JC, Parnia S, Paul JD, Pompilio M, Quigley JG, Rosenson RS, Rost NS, Rowan K, Santos FO, Santos M, Santos MO, Satterwhite L, Saunders CT, Schreiber J, Schutgens REG, Seymour CW, Siegal DM, Silva DG Jr, Singhal AB, Slutsky AS, Solvason D, Stanworth SJ, Turner AM, van Bentum-Puijk W, van de Veerdonk FL, van Diepen S, Vazquez-Grande G, Wahid L, Wareham V, Widmer RJ, Wilson JG, Yuriditsky E, Zhong Y, Berry SM, McArthur CJ, Neal MD, Hochman JS, Webb SA, Zarychanski R, Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19. The New England journal of medicine, 2021 Aug 26;385(9):777-7892021
ATTACC Investigators, ACTIV-4a Investigators, REMAP-CAP Investigators, Lawler PR, Goligher EC, Berger JS, Neal MD, McVerry BJ, Nicolau JC, Gong MN, Carrier M, Rosenson RS, Reynolds HR, Turgeon AF, Escobedo J, Huang DT, Bradbury CA, Houston BL, Kornblith LZ, Kumar A, Kahn SR, Cushman M, McQuilten Z, Slutsky AS, Kim KS, Gordon AC, Kirwan BA, Brooks MM, Higgins AM, Lewis RJ, Lorenzi E, Berry SM, Berry LR, Aday AW, Al-Beidh F, Annane D, Arabi YM, Aryal D, Baumann Kreuziger L, Beane A, Bhimani Z, Bihari S, Billett HH, Bond L, Bonten M, Brunkhorst F, Buxton M, Buzgau A, Castellucci LA, Chekuri S, Chen JT, Cheng AC, Chkhikvadze T, Coiffard B, Costantini TW, de Brouwer S, Derde LPG, Detry MA, Duggal A, Džavík V, Effron MB, Estcourt LJ, Everett BM, Fergusson DA, Fitzgerald M, Fowler RA, Galanaud JP, Galen BT, Gandotra S, García-Madrona S, Girard TD, Godoy LC, Goodman AL, Goossens H, Green C, Greenstein YY, Gross PL, Hamburg NM, Haniffa R, Hanna G, Hanna N, Hegde SM, Hendrickson CM, Hite RD, Hindenburg AA, Hope AA, Horowitz JM, Horvat CM, Hudock K, Hunt BJ, Husain M, Hyzy RC, Iyer VN, Jacobson JR, Jayakumar D, Keller NM, Khan A, Kim Y, Kindzelski AL, King AJ, Knudson MM, Kornblith AE, Krishnan V, Kutcher ME, Laffan MA, Lamontagne F, Le Gal G, Leeper CM, Leifer ES, Lim G, Lima FG, Linstrum K, Litton E, Lopez-Sendon J, Lopez-Sendon Moreno JL, Lother SA, Malhotra S, Marcos M, Saud Marinez A, Marshall JC, Marten N, Matthay MA, McAuley DF, McDonald EG, McGlothlin A, McGuinness SP, Middeldorp S, Montgomery SK, Moore SC, Morillo Guerrero R, Mouncey PR, Murthy S, Nair GB, Nair R, Nichol AD, Nunez-Garcia B, Pandey A, Park PK, Parke RL, Parker JC, Parnia S, Paul JD, Pérez González YS, Pompilio M, Prekker ME, Quigley JG, Rost NS, Rowan K, Santos FO, Santos M, Olombrada Santos M, Satterwhite L, Saunders CT, Schutgens REG, Seymour CW, Siegal DM, Silva DG Jr, Shankar-Hari M, Sheehan JP, Singhal AB, Solvason D, Stanworth SJ, Tritschler T, Turner AM, van Bentum-Puijk W, van de Veerdonk FL, van Diepen S, Vazquez-Grande G, Wahid L, Wareham V, Wells BJ, Widmer RJ, Wilson JG, Yuriditsky E, Zampieri FG, Angus DC, McArthur CJ, Webb SA, Farkouh ME, Hochman JS, Zarychanski R, Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Noncritically Ill Patients with Covid-19. The New England journal of medicine, 2021 Aug 26;385(9):790-8022021
O'Toole RV, Stein DM, Frey KP, O'Hara NN, Scharfstein DO, Slobogean GP, Taylor TJ, Haac BE, Carlini AR, Manson TT, Sudini K, Mullins CD, Wegener ST, Firoozabadi R, Haut ER, Bosse MJ, Seymour RB, Holden MB, Gitajn IL, Goldhaber SZ, Eastman AL, Jurkovich GJ, Vallier HA, Gary JL, Kleweno CP, Cuschieri J, Marvel D, Castillo RC, METRC, PREVENTion of CLots in Orthopaedic Trauma (PREVENT CLOT): a randomised pragmatic trial protocol comparing aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin for blood clot prevention in orthopaedic trauma patients. BMJ open, 2021 Mar 24;11(3):e0418452021
Carter KT, Lirette ST, Baran DA, Creswell L, Kutcher ME, Copeland JG, Copeland H, The effects of increased donor support time from organ donation referral to donor procurement on heart transplant recipient survival. Journal of cardiac surgery, 2021 Jun;36(6):1892-18992021
Amaral LM, Sandrim VC, Kutcher ME, Spradley FT, Cavalli RC, Tanus-Santos JE, Palei AC, Circulating Total Cell-Free DNA Levels Are Increased in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Associated with Prohypertensive Factors and Adverse Clinical Outcomes. International journal of molecular sciences, 2021 Jan 8;22(2)2021
Rivas L, Estroff J, Sparks A, Nahmias J, Allen R, Smith SR, Kutcher M, Carter K, Grigorian A, Albertson S, Turay D, Quispe JC, Luo-Owen X, Vella M, Pascual J, Tororello G, Quattrone M, Bernard A, Ratnasekera A, Lee A, Tamburrini D, Rodriguez C, Harrell K, Jeyamurugan K, Bugaev N, Warner A, Weinberger J, Hazelton JP, Selevany M, Wright F, Kovar A, Urban S, Hamrick A, Mount M, Carrick M, Cullinane DC, Chang G, Jain G, Spalding C, Sarani B, The incidence of venous thromboembolic events in trauma patients after tranexamic acid administration: an EAST multicenter study. Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis, 2021 Jan 1;32(1):37-432021
Carter KT, Palei AC, Spradley FT, Witcher BM, Martin L, Hester RL, Kutcher ME, A rat model of orthopedic injury-induced hypercoagulability and fibrinolytic shutdown. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2020 Nov;89(5):926-9312020
Raff LA, Schinnerer EA, Maine RG, Jansen J, Noorbakhsh MR, Spigel Z, Campion E, Coleman J, Saquib S, Carroll JT, Jacobson LE, Williams J, Young AJ, Pascual J, Burruss S, Gordon D, Robinson BRH, Nahmias J, Kutcher ME, Bugaev N, Jeyamurugan K, Bosarge P, Contemporary management of traumatic cervical and thoracic esophageal perforation: The results of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multi-institutional study. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2020 Oct;89(4):691-6972020
Rieske RR, Kutcher ME, Audia JP, Carter KT, Lee YL, Tan YB, Gillespie MN, Capley GC, Tatum DM, Smith AA, Duchesne JC, Simmons JD, Analysis of Plasma Products for Cellular Contaminants: Comparing Standard Preparation Methods. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2020 Apr;230(4):596-6022020
CODA Collaborative, Flum DR, Davidson GH, Monsell SE, Shapiro NI, Odom SR, Sanchez SE, Drake FT, Fischkoff K, Johnson J, Patton JH, Evans H, Cuschieri J, Sabbatini AK, Faine BA, Skeete DA, Liang MK, Sohn V, McGrane K, Kutcher ME, Chung B, Carter DW, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Rushing A, Steinberg S, Foster CS, Schaetzel SM, Price TP, Mandell KA, Ferrigno L, Salzberg M, DeUgarte DA, Kaji AH, Moran GJ, Saltzman D, Alam HB, Park PK, Kao LS, Thompson CM, Self WH, Yu JT, Wiebusch A, Winchell RJ, Clark S, Krishnadasan A, Fannon E, Lavallee DC, Comstock BA, Bizzell B, Heagerty PJ, Kessler LG, Talan DA, A Randomized Trial Comparing Antibiotics with Appendectomy for Appendicitis. The New England journal of medicine, 2020 Nov 12;383(20):1907-19192020
Morris MC, Bailey B, Hellman N, Williams A, Lannon EW, Kutcher ME, Schumacher JA, Rao U, Dynamics and determinants of cortisol and alpha-amylase responses to repeated stressors in recent interpersonal trauma survivors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2020 Dec;122:1048992020
Shaw TB, Lirette S, Carter KT, Kutcher ME, Baran DA, Copeland JG, Copeland H, Does pediatric heart transplant survival differ with various cardiac preservation solutions? Clinical transplantation, 2020 Dec;34(12):e141222020
Myers SP, Kutcher ME, Rosengart MR, Sperry JL, Peitzman AB, Brown JB, Neal MD, Tranexamic acid administration is associated with an increased risk of posttraumatic venous thromboembolism. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2019 Jan;86(1):20-272019
Tan YB, Rieske RR, Audia JP, Pastukh VM, Capley GC, Gillespie MN, Smith AA, Tatum DM, Duchesne JC, Kutcher ME, Kerby JD, Simmons JD, Plasma Transfusion Products and Contamination with Cellular and Associated Pro-Inflammatory Debris. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2019 Sep;229(3):252-2582019
Carter KT, Kutcher ME, Shake JG, Panos AL, Cochran RP, Creswell LL, Copeland H, Heparin-Sparing Anticoagulation Strategies Are Viable Options for Patients on Veno-Venous ECMO. The Journal of surgical research, 2019 Nov;243:399-4092019
Briggs A, Handzel RM, Kutcher ME, Peitzman AB, Forsythe RM, Predisposed to failure? The challenge of rescue in the medical intensive care unit. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2019 Oct;87(4):774-7812019
Myers SP, Brown JB, Leeper CM, Kutcher ME, Chen X, Wade CE, Holcomb JB, Schreiber MA, Cardenas JC, Rosengart MR, Neal MD, PROPPR study group, Early versus late venous thromboembolism: A secondary analysis of data from the PROPPR trial. Surgery, 2019 Sep;166(3):416-4222019
Kutcher ME, Sperry JL, Rosengart MR, Mohan D, Hoffman MK, Neal MD, Alarcon LH, Watson GA, Puyana JC, Bauzá GM, Schuchert VD, Fombona A, Zhou T, Zolin SJ, Becher RD, Billiar TR, Forsythe RM, Zuckerbraun BS, Peitzman AB, Surgical rescue: The next pillar of acute care surgery. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2017 Feb;82(2):280-2862017
Myers SP, Dadashzadeh ER, Cheung J, Alarcon L, Kutcher M, Brown JB, Neal MD, Management of anticoagulation with rivaroxaban in trauma and acute care surgery: Complications and reversal strategies as compared to warfarin therapy. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2017 Mar;82(3):542-5492017
Leeper CM, Kutcher M, Nasr I, McKenna C, Billiar T, Neal M, Sperry J, Gaines BA, Acute traumatic coagulopathy in a critically injured pediatric population: Definition, trend over time, and outcomes. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2016 Jul;81(1):34-412016
Leeper CM, Lin E, Hoffman M, Fombona A, Zhou T, Kutcher M, Rosengart M, Watson G, Billiar T, Peitzman A, Zuckerbraun B, Sperry J, Computed tomography abbreviated assessment of sarcopenia following trauma: The CAAST measurement predicts 6-month mortality in older adult trauma patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2016 May;80(5):805-112016
Peitzman AB, Sperry JL, Kutcher ME, Zuckerbraun BS, Forsythe RM, Billiar TR, Alarcon L, Rosengart MR, Mohan D, Watson G, Puyana JC, Bauza G, Schuchert VD, Neal MD, Redefining acute care surgery: Surgical rescue. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2015 Aug;79(2):3272015
Kutcher ME, Weis JJ, Siada SS, Kaups KL, Kozar RA, Wawrose RA, Summers JI, Eriksson EA, Leon SM, Carrick MM, Mallory G, Sperry JL, The role of computed tomographic scan in ongoing triage of operative hepatic trauma: A Western Trauma Association multicenter retrospective study. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2015 Dec;79(6):951-6; discussion 9562015
Kutcher ME, Howard BM, Sperry JL, Hubbard AE, Decker AL, Cuschieri J, Minei JP, Moore EE, Brownstein BH, Maier RV, Cohen MJ, Evolving beyond the vicious triad: Differential mediation of traumatic coagulopathy by injury, shock, and resuscitation. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2015 Mar;78(3):516-232015
Kutcher ME, Kornblith LZ, Vilardi RF, Redick BJ, Nelson MF, Cohen MJ, The natural history and effect of resuscitation ratio on coagulation after trauma: a prospective cohort study. Annals of surgery, 2014 Dec;260(6):1103-112014
Kornblith LZ, Kutcher ME, Redick BJ, Calfee CS, Vilardi RF, Cohen MJ, Fibrinogen and platelet contributions to clot formation: implications for trauma resuscitation and thromboprophylaxis. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2014 Feb;76(2):255-6; discussion 262-32014
Lee TH, Hampton DA, Diggs BS, McCully SP, Kutcher M, Redick BJ, Podbielski J, Cotton BA, Cohen M, Schreiber MA, Traumatic brain injury is not associated with coagulopathy out of proportion to injury in other body regions. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2014 Jul;77(1):67-72; discussion 722014
Cripps MW, Kutcher ME, Daley A, McCreery RC, Greenberg MD, Cachola LM, Redick BJ, Nelson MF, Cohen MJ, Cause and timing of death in massively transfused trauma patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2013 Aug;75(2 Suppl 2):S255-622013
Kutcher ME, Kornblith LZ, Narayan R, Curd V, Daley AT, Redick BJ, Nelson MF, Fiebig EW, Cohen MJ, A paradigm shift in trauma resuscitation: evaluation of evolving massive transfusion practices. JAMA surgery, 2013 Sep;148(9):834-402013
Kornblith LZ, Kutcher ME, Evans AE, Redick BJ, Privette A, Schecter WP, Cohen MJ, The "found down" patient: a diagnostic dilemma. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2013 Jun;74(6):1548-522013
Kutcher ME, Ferguson AR, Cohen MJ, A principal component analysis of coagulation after trauma. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2013 May;74(5):1223-9; discussion 1229-302013
Cohen MJ, Kutcher M, Redick B, Nelson M, Call M, Knudson MM, Schreiber MA, Bulger EM, Muskat P, Alarcon LH, Myers JG, Rahbar MH, Brasel KJ, Phelan HA, del Junco DJ, Fox EE, Wade CE, Holcomb JB, Cotton BA, Matijevic N, PROMMTT Study Group, Clinical and mechanistic drivers of acute traumatic coagulopathy. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2013 Jul;75(1 Suppl 1):S40-72013
Kutcher ME, Xu J, Vilardi RF, Ho C, Esmon CT, Cohen MJ, Extracellular histone release in response to traumatic injury: implications for a compensatory role of activated protein C. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2012 Dec;73(6):1389-942012
Kutcher ME, Cripps MW, McCreery RC, Crane IM, Greenberg MD, Cachola LM, Redick BJ, Nelson MF, Cohen MJ, Criteria for empiric treatment of hyperfibrinolysis after trauma. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2012 Jul;73(1):87-932012
Kutcher ME, Redick BJ, McCreery RC, Crane IM, Greenberg MD, Cachola LM, Nelson MF, Cohen MJ, Characterization of platelet dysfunction after trauma. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2012 Jul;73(1):13-92012
Yeh DD, Kutcher ME, Knudson MM, Tang JF, Epidural analgesia for blunt thoracic injury--which patients benefit most? Injury, 2012 Oct;43(10):1667-712012
Yeh DD, Kutcher ME, Lunghi K, Traditional weight-based vancomycin dosing is inadequate in critically ill trauma patients. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society, 2012 Jun;38(3):301-62012
Laroche M, Kutcher ME, Huang MC, Cohen MJ, Manley GT, Coagulopathy after traumatic brain injury. Neurosurgery, 2012 Jun;70(6):1334-452012
Burlew CC, Moore EE, Cuschieri J, Jurkovich GJ, Codner P, Nirula R, Millar D, Cohen MJ, Kutcher ME, Haan J, MacNew HG, Ochsner G, Rowell SE, Truitt MS, Moore FO, Pieracci FM, Kaups KL, WTA Study Group, Who should we feed? Western Trauma Association multi-institutional study of enteral nutrition in the open abdomen after injury. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2012 Dec;73(6):1380-7; discussion 1387-82012
Kutcher ME, Pepper MB, Morabito D, Sunjaya D, Knudson MM, Cohen MJ, Finding the sweet spot: identification of optimal glucose levels in critically injured patients. The Journal of trauma, 2011 Nov;71(5):1108-142011
Call MS, Kutcher ME, Izenberg RA, Singh T, Cohen MJ, Spinal cord injury: outcomes of ventilatory weaning and extubation. The Journal of trauma, 2011 Dec;71(6):1673-92011
Kutcher ME, Herman IM, The pericyte: cellular regulator of microvascular blood flow. Microvascular research, 2009 May;77(3):235-462009
Kutcher ME, Kolyada AY, Surks HK, Herman IM, Pericyte Rho GTPase mediates both pericyte contractile phenotype and capillary endothelial growth state. The American journal of pathology, 2007 Aug;171(2):693-7012007
Kutcher ME, Klagsbrun M, Mamluk R, VEGF is required for the maintenance of dorsal root ganglia blood vessels but not neurons during development. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2004 Dec;18(15):1952-42004
Mamluk R, Gechtman Z, Kutcher ME, Gasiunas N, Gallagher J, Klagsbrun M, Neuropilin-1 binds vascular endothelial growth factor 165, placenta growth factor-2, and heparin via its b1b2 domain. The Journal of biological chemistry, 2002 Jul 5;277(27):24818-252002
Howard BM, Kornblith LZ, Cheung CK, Kutcher ME, Miyazawa BY, Vilardi RF, Cohen MJ, Inducing Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy In Vitro: The Effects of Activated Protein C on Healthy Human Whole Blood. PloS one, 2016;11(3):e0150930
Robinson LA, Turco LM, Robinson B, Corsa JG, Mount M, Hamrick AV, Berne J, Mederos DR, McNickle AG, Chestovich PJ, Weinberger J, Grigorian A, Nahmias J, Lee JK, Chow KL, Olson EJ, Pascual JL, Solomon R, Pigneri DA, Ladhani HA, Fraifogl J, Claridge J, Curry T, Costantini TW, Kongwibulwut M, Kaafarani H, San Roman J, Schreiber C, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Hu P, Bosarge P, Uhlich R, Lunardi N, Usmani F, Sakran JV, Babcock JM, Quispe JC, Lottenberg L, Cabral D, Chang G, Gulmatico J, Parks JJ, Rattan R, Massetti J, Gurney O, Bruns B, Smith AA, Guidry C, Kutcher ME, Logan MS, Kincaid MY, Spalding C, Noorbaksh M, Philp FH, Cragun B, Winfield RD, Outcomes in patients with gunshot wounds to the brain. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 2019;4(1):e000351
Lannon E, Sanchez-Saez F, Bailey B, Hellman N, Kinney K, Williams A, Nag S, Kutcher ME, Goodin BR, Rao U, Morris MC, Predicting pain among female survivors of recent interpersonal violence: A proof-of-concept machine-learning approach. PloS one, 2021;16(7):e0255277
Seshadri A, Appelbaum R, Carmichael SP 2nd, Cuschieri J, Hoth J, Kaups KL, Kodadek L, Kutcher ME, Pathak A, Rappold J, Rudnick SR, Michetti CP, Management of Decompensated Cirrhosis in the Surgical ICU: an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Critical Care Committee Clinical Consensus Document. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 2022;7(1):e000936
Seshadri A, Cuschieri J, Kaups KL, Knowlton LM, Kutcher ME, Pathak A, Rappold J, Rinderknecht T, Stein DM, Young J, Michetti CP, Organ donation in the surgical ICU: an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Critical Care Committee clinical consensus document. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 2023;8(1):e001107
Alexander KM, Butts CC, Lee YL, Kutcher ME, Polite N, Haut ER, Spain D, Berndtson AE, Costantini TW, Simmons JD, Survey of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in trauma patients: current prescribing practices and concordance with clinical practice guidelines. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 2023;8(1):e001070

Clinical Trial

Kornblith LZ, Kutcher ME, Callcut RA, Redick BJ, Hu CK, Cogbill TH, Baker CC, Shapiro ML, Burlew CC, Kaups KL, DeMoya MA, Haan JM, Koontz CH, Zolin SJ, Gordy SD, Shatz DV, Paul DB, Cohen MJ, Western Trauma Association Study Group, Mechanical ventilation weaning and extubation after spinal cord injury: a Western Trauma Association multicenter study. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 2013 Dec;75(6):1060-9; discussion 1069-702013


Peitzman AB, Leppäniemi A, Kutcher ME, Forsythe RM, Rosengart MR, Sperry JL, Zuckerbraun BS, Surgical Rescue: An Essential Component of Acute Care Surgery. Scandinavian journal of surgery : SJS : official organ for the Finnish Surgical Society and the Scandinavian Surgical Society, 2015 Sep;104(3):135-62015


Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Practice patterns in trauma and acute care surgery, MS-AL ACS Chapter Meeting, Gulf Shores, AL07/2023
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, 2023 Mississippi State Committee on Trauma Resident Paper Competition, MS-AL ACS Chapter meeting, Gulf Shores, AL07/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Multidisciplinary optimization of hernia and fistula care in Mississippi, MS-AL ACS Chapter meeting, Gulf Shores, AL07/2023
Poster Presentation, Sex-dependent differences in liver mitochondrial function: Implications for trauma, Shock Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR06/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, The emerging role of whole blood in trauma, Mississippi Trauma Symposium 2023, Biloxi, MS05/2023
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hot off the press: 10 critical care trials from the last year that should inform your practice, Mississippi Critical Care Organization Conference, Ridgeland, MS04/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, The emerging role of whole blood in trauma, University of South Alabama Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Mobile, AL04/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, The emerging role of whole blood in trauma, University of South Alabama Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Mobile, AL03/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, EMS literature review, University of South Alabama Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Mobile, AL03/2023
Poster Presentation, Adiposity and coagulation: Predicting post-injury hypercoagulability with advanced imaging analysis, Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX02/2023
Poster Presentation, Adipose tissue and coagulation: Novel insights into traumatic coagulopathy using advanced imaging analysis, Region IV ACS Committee on Trauma Resident Paper Competition, Orlando, FL11/2022
Poster Presentation, Sex dimorphism in rodent models: Implications for post-injury hypercoagulability, Region IV ACS Committee on Trauma Resident Paper Competition, Orlando, FL11/2022
Poster Presentation, Use it or lose it: The evolution of salvaged autologous blood transfusion in emergency surgery, American College of Surgeons, San Diego, CA10/2022
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, 2022 Mississippi State Committee on Trauma Resident Paper Competition, American College of Surgeons, MS/AL Chapter, Gulf Shores, AL07/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ulcer Disease: Perforation, Bleeding, and Acid-Reducing Surgery, American College of Surgeons, MS/AL Chapter, Gulf Shores, AL07/2022
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Nuclear and mitochondrial antigen effects on coagulation after trauma, Shock Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada06/2022
Poster Presentation, Amphetamine use may have occult platelet effects relevant to management of hemorrhage, Shock Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada06/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Upcoming Clinical Trials in Hemorrhagic Shock at UMMC, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS04/2022
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Adjuncts for Hemorrhage Control in the Field, Gulf Coast Trauma Symposium, Mobile, AL03/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Trauma Update: Trauma Imaging and Procedures, Decision-Making in Trauma Transfer, & Teletrauma, American College of Surgeons, MS Chapter, Virtual03/2022
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Do not resuscitate (DNR) status after injury: Does race play a role?, Western Trauma Association, Big Sky, MT02/2022
Platform Presentations, Population Density and Triage of Pediatric Firearm Injuries in a Predominantly Rural State Trauma System, Pediatric Trauma Society, Baltimore, MD11/2021
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, 2021 Mississippi State Committee on Trauma Resident Paper Competition, American College of Surgeons, MS/AL Chapter, Gulf Shores, AL07/2021
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, From the Field to the ICU: Critical Care Concerns in Injured Patients, Mississippi State Trauma Symposium05/2021
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Massive Transfusion Protocol - The Hemorrhage Stops Here, Mississippi State Trauma Symposium, Virtual05/2021
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hypercoagulability after Injury: Clinical and Research Implications, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL01/2020
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Mitochondrial DNA in the pathogenesis of post-injury coagulopathy, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI11/2019
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Immunothrombosis in inflammation: A unifying concept in the coagulopathy of critical illness?, International Federation of Shock Societies, Chania, Greece10/2019
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, 2019 Mississippi State Committee on Trauma Resident Paper Competition, American College of Surgeons, MS-AL Chapter, Gulf Shores, AL07/2019
Platform Presentations, Circulating cell-free nuclear DNA is associated with fibrinolytic shutdown after injury, Shock Society, Coronado, CA06/2019
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Coagulopathy and platelet failure in trauma, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL04/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Trauma-induced platelet dysfunction, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL12/2018

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Translational Research Team Award, UMMC Office of Research2022
Medical Student Teacher of the Year, UMMC Department of Surgery2018

Professional Membership and Service

American Burn Association, Member2023 - Present
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Fellow2021 - Present
American College of Surgeons, Fellow2019 - Present
Association for Academic Surgery, Member2017 - Present
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST), Member2017 - Present
Pediatric Trauma Society, Member2016 - Present
Society for Critical Care Medicine, Member2014 - Present

Committee Service

American Association for the Surgery of Trauma - Critical Care Committee, Member2021 - Present
Department of Surgery Promotions and Tenure Committee, Member2021 - Present
Discovery Curriculum Committee, Member2020 - Present
Pressure Injury Assessment and Prevention Team, Member2020 - Present
Manuscript and Literature Review Committee, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Member2019 - Present
Publications Committee, Pediatric Trauma Society, Member2018 - 2022
Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee, Member2018 - Present
Medical Student Research Program committee, Member2017 - Present

Teaching Experience

MSCI 755, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Special topics in Clinical InvestigationAnnual 2021
Medicine, Lab, Lecturer, Surgical ICU Simulation Skills LabAnnual
Medicine, Lecturer, M4 surgery clerkshipAnnual

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Advised: Rebekah Hazlewood2022 - 2022
Supervised Research, Advised: Kendall Rains2022 - 2022
Supervised Research, Advised: Joshua Parker2021 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Libby Li2021 - 2021
Supervised Research, Advised: Brycen Witcher2018 - 2021

Fellows supervised

Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised06/2020 - 06/2021
T32 Research Fellowship, Research Advisor, 3 fellows supervised07/2018 - Present
Surgical Critical Care Fellowship, Fellowship Director, 9 fellows supervised07/2017 - Present