Mary "M." A. Kosek, MD
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5260
An Academic Neonatologist at UMMC for over 25 years, Enthusiastic for clinical research while maintaining a rigorous clinical commitment.
Clinical responsibilities: NICU care in our Level IV NICU (average daily census is 80) attending high risk deliveries and orchestrating state wide neonatal transports. and consults in the Fetal Center (outpatient) and inpatient. Attend multidisciplinary prenatal conferences and participate in establishing delivery plans for high risk deliveries.Providing an academic environment for the Neonatal-Perinatal fellows, residents, medical students and NNPS.
Member in the Residency Review Sub-Committee and GMEC. I have built a NP fellowship training program initially with 2 with capacity of 6. I am accountable for the operation of the program and responsibilities that encompass every aspect of post graduate training. This includes: curriculum, evaluation, learning environment, faculty as teacher, mentors, coaches, supervision of trainees including duty hours and program management as well as resources. I am on the Core faculty for the Pediatric Surgery Fellowship and mentor surgical residents as well as am active in interview process. A long standing mentor at UMMC to the Pediatric residents (since 2002) as well as the premedical-medical students (since 2009) through Health Careers Development Program, Division of Multicultural Affairs (DMCA). In 2009 I was awarded Mentor of the year. I presently am Chairman of the GWIMS Mentor Committee where I am on the task force at UMMC. Medical School Admissions Committee (MSAC) since July 2012. We instituted the process of multiple mini interviews (MMI) data driven, better predictor of success and more reliable method of interviewing candidates. I participate in the MMI process as well as Scenario Subcommittee. We have selected from over 100 scenarios for the 2014 and again in 2018. interviews. The data from this process of interviewing is reviewed each academic year.
Since 2006, I have participated in the process of interviewing perspective Pediatric faculty candidates and am part of the key faculty.
In February 2011, as part of a Risk Management initiative for patient quality and safety, at Wiser Women's Hospital,I have also participated in scholarly activity in the area of health information systems with our recent transition to EMR (Epic) and received specialized training to support others. We have reviewed NICU specific templates, neonatal doses and abstracted charts before “going live” on June 1st 2012.
In Aug 2012,as part of an initiative and while acting as Physician Champion for UMMC Wiser to promote breast feeding through prestigious "Best fed Beginnings" we have now received the prestigious designation as becoming a Baby Friendly Hospital ” 2017
Following many years, as the NICU Education coordinator and orchestrated educational activities involving NP fellows. In the NICU, I have lead the summer medical students in developing and yearly revising a NICU notebook used by the residents for Board Review and is based on AAP Content objectives, inservice training exam topics and PREP questions. I was the Course Coordinator for the PED 653 Neonatal Medicine Course, (an M4 NICU elective) since January 2011 before establishing role as Fellowship PD. As a Regional trainer and course Director since 2002, I have provided initial NRP training of all incoming Pediatric and OB residents as well as 2 year recertification. Since 2007, I am the co-coordinator for the bimonthly NP Clinical Pathology Conference and am a member of the M & M Committee. Morbidity and Mortality Conference.
Since 2007, I have been a research mentor to 1st year medical students in the Summer Research Tech Program. Efforts include collaboration with Dr. Norma Ojeda ,to examine the gestational effects of breast milk proteins and growth in term and preterm infants. Related to these programs, I have initiated QI projects with the medical students and residents and plan to encorporate our physicians in QI innitiatives which will be available through "Bestfed Beginnings".In March 2010, I implemented a new initiative to make donor breast milk available for our babies and now serve as a medical consultant for a breast milk bank developing in Jackson. Active in divisional and fellow QI instruction and projects submitted and part of the Vermont Oxford Data base as well as several NICU initiatives for which I am participating in including: time to Surfactant and temperature after Delivery.
I institute a Neonatal –Perinatal Fellowship program at UMMC,I have taken on the responsibility of Fellowship Program Director and been the PD since 2014. Participated in regular ACGME CLER (clinical learning Environmental Review)Aug 2015, 2017. Our 1st SITE Visit Sept 2015 Nominated to be a reviewer for MedEdPORTAL and educational Journal for the AAMC in July 2015
Case Western Reserve University, Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Neonatal-Perinatal | 1992 |
Case Western Reserve University, General Pediatrics Residency, Pediatrics | 1988 |
Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine, MD, Human Medicine | 1985 |
University of Michigan, BSN, Nursing | 1979 |
Henry Ford Community College, AD, Nursing, Nursing | 1976 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Lactation Management, Wellstart International | 06/2013 - Present |
Certification, NRP-Instructor, Mentor, Renewal, American Academy of Pediatrics | 04/2024 - 05/2026 |
DEA, DEA Registration | 11/2014 - 12/2026 |
Licensure, Florida, State of Florida | 11/2014 - 01/2023 |
Certification, Sub-board neonatal-Perinatal, American Board of Pediatrics | 1997 - 12/2025 |
Licensure, Ohio Board, State of Ohio | 10/2024 |
Certification, Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics | 1989 - 12/2025 |
Licensure, Mississippi, State of Mississippi | 07/2024 - 06/2025 |
Current Positions
Professor, School of Medicine | 07/2014 - Present |
Program Director, School of Medicine | 10/2013 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Neonatal Medical Director for the Center for Maternal and Fetal Care, UMMC, Wiser Women and Infants Hospital, School of Medicine | 07/2015 - 12/2017 |
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics | 11/2008 - 06/2014 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics | 12/1997 - 11/2008 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Intramural, “Community Interventions to Improve Breastfeeding Rate Among African American Mothers” with Dr Sutton and Dr. Elena Dent from the Department of Preventive Medicine as Co-Investigators., Women’s Foundation of Mississippi ,Pediatric Discovery Enterprise and the Center for Excellence in Developmental Outcome Research are supporting this initiative on identifying potential sponsors, and the grant application process. | 10/2021 - Present |
Extramural, AAP District VII grant, "Fellows Boot camp and simulation", AAP | 07/2020 - 07/2021 |
Extramural, AAP District VII grant "Buckle up your Boots", AAP | 07/2017 - 07/7018 |
QI | |
Tipnis, Savach, Kosek, Time is golden,ABP 7/1/2015 | |
Journal Article | |
Klauser, Keiser, Martin, Magann, Chauhan, Kosek, Morrison. Effect of Antinatal Tocolysis on Neonatal Outcomes. Submitted for publication 10/2009 | 2012 |
Laye MR, Rehberg JF, Kosek MA, Bufkin LK, Bofill JA Prenatal Diagnosis and Outcomes of Congenital diaphragmatic Hernias Journal MSMA, March 2007; Vol. 48, No. 3 | 2007 |
Laye MR, Rehbery JF, Kosek MA, Bufkin LK, Bofill JA Prenatal Diagnosis and Outcomes of Congenital Diaphragmantic Hernias Greenbrier, White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia, October 26-29, 2006 | 2006 |
Kosek MA, Ebeid MR, Braden DS, Joransen JA Normally Connected Anomalously Draining Obstructed Pulmonary Veins in an Infant with Mitral Atresia: Clinical Presentation and Catheter Management Pediartric Cardiology | 2002 |
Kosek MA, Ebeid MR, Gaymes CH Balloon Dilation of Neonatal Severe/Critical Pulmonary Stenosis: Single Center Experience Pediatric Cardiology in the Young. May 2001; Vol. 11 Supp 1, pages 275-276 | 2001 |
Kosek MA, Ordway GA, Rodriguez LF, Kliegman RM Gender Differential Regulation of CNS Monoamine Receptors following Neonatal Cocaine Exposure Pediatr Res 1991; 29:221A | 1991 |
Kosek MA, Ordway GA, Widdowson PA, Yamamota B and Kliegman RM Effects of Perinatal Cocaine Exposure on Central Catecholamines and Noradrenergic Receptors in Rats Neuro Science Abstracts 1990; 16:747 | 1990 |
Kosek MA, Widdowson PS, Landis S, and Kliegman RM. Prenatal Cocaine Exposure does not Decrease Central Monamines in rat pups at birth. Pediatr Res 1990; 27:212 | 1990 |
Kosek MA. Pharmaceutical Error Resulting in Fatal DKA Journal of Forensic Sciences 1986; 31(2) | 1986 |
Abstracts | |
Sanders Goode, Mary Anne Kosek, Norma Ojeda Community Interventions in Breastfeeding Rates Among African American Mothers University of Mississippi Research Day Jackson, MS | 2023 |
Frost S, Stegall A, Desai J, Narang R, Johnson M, Tipnis S, Ashraf M, Bhatt A, Driver K, Famuyide M, Karam S, Kosek M, Patel J, Savich R Breathe Easy: A Quality Improvement Project to Increase the Use of Non-invasive Ventilation in VLBW Infants Platform presentation at The Vermont Oxford Network Annual Congress; Chicago, IL, 2016 Sept 9-12 | 2017 |
Karam S, Kosek MA, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Ojeda N. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection: A Retrospective observational study. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2015 April 25-28. | 2015 |
Ojeda, Kosek Factors Associated With Levels of Leptin and Adiponectin in Human Milk, Pediatric Academy Societies, Vancouver, CA. PAS. May 2014 | 2014 |
Norma Ojeda, M.D; Mary Anne Kosek, MD; Praveen Kumar, M.D. Department of Pediatrics, Newborn Medicine Division. University of Mississippi Medical Center-Jackson MS- USA. Prematurity and maternal obesity reduce levels of leptin and adiponectin in breast milk The composition of breast milk differs in relation to gestational age at delivery, with lower levels of biologically active proteins in preterm breast milk (PBM) compared to term breast milk (TBM). Little is known about the factors and the possible mechanism involved in this difference. Leptin and adiponectin are among the proteins biologically active found in breast milk associated with infant’s development. Therefore, this study investigated the differences in breast milk content of leptin and adiponectin between PBW and TBM, and the factors involved. We enrolled 77 participants admitted for delivery in our institution with signed informed consent approved by the Institutional Review Board. We collected 5 ml of milk used to feed the newborn within the first 7 days post-delivery, with collection of breast milk at the end of nursing. Medical information from electronic medical records from mothers and infants were also collected. The sources of milk were mother’s breast milk, donor’s breast milk and formula milk. We found that TBM has significantly higher levels of leptin (2.0±0.3 ng/ml ) and adiponectin (94±29 ng/ml) compared to PBM. Gestational age, maternal obesity and socio economic status were factors significantly (P<0.05) associated with these differences in leptin levels, but only maternal obesity was associated with differences in adiponectin levels. Additionally, we found that formula milk and donor’s breast milk were deficient in leptin and adiponectin. These findings suggest that differences in breast milk composition between preterm and term nursing women are associated with pregnancy length, maternal weight, and socio economic status. Further investigations are needed to assess whether interventional strategies can modify these factors and the composition of breast milk, and the effects on infants development. | 2013 |
Ebeid M, Gaymes C, Kosek MA, Aggarwal A, Erami C, Shores J, Dibardino D, Salazar J Balloon Angioplasty of Native Coarctation in Infants Cath and Cardiovascular Interventions, Vol. 79, issue 6 (S-71; D-013) | 2012 |
Ebeid M, Kosek MA, Erami C, Gaymes C Transhepatic Balloon Atrial Septostomy in Newborn Infants Vol. 79, issue 6 (S-66); B-035) | 2012 |
Ebeid M, Kosek MA, Aggarwal A, Gaymes C. Transhepatic Closure of the Persistently PatentDuctus Arteriosus (PDA) Cath and cardiovascular interventions vol 79 issue 5:S17 (P-29) April 2012 | 2012 |
Makram Ebeid, Mary Anne Kosek, Avichal Aggarwai, Charles Gaymes Transhepatic Closure of the Persistently Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) | 2012 |
Kosek MA, Ordway GA, Kantz K, Kliegman RM Effects of Chronic Neonatal Cocaine on Developing Beta Adrenoreceptors in Rat Heart and Lung Pediatr Res 1992; 31:70A | 1992 |
Kosek MA, Ordway GA, Rodriguez LF, Kliegman RM Effects of Chronic Perinatal Methamphetamine Exposure on Monamine Receptors in Rats Pediatr Res 1991; 29:221A | 1991 |
Kosek MA, Ordway GA, Kliegman RM Effects of Neonatal Cocaine Exposure on Serotonin Receptors in Rats NeuroSci Abstracts 1991; 17(1): 158 | 1991 |
Rains,Kosek Unusual Cause of Persistent tachypnea I a late preterm infant | |
Karam S, Kosek MA, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Ojeda N. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection: A Retrospective observational study. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2015 April 25-28. | |
Book Chapter | |
Kosek MA Nutritional Support of the Newborn Principles of Perinatal and Neonatal Metabolism | 1991 |
Book | |
Ebeid MR, Kosek MA, Gaymes CH, Joransen JA Balloon Dilatation of Neonatal Severe/Critical Pulmonary Stenosis: Single Center Experience Cardiology of the Young. May 2001; Vol. 11, Supp 1, pgs 275-276 | 2001 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Neonatal Resuscitation Symposium and Tele-Resuscitation Simulation Workshop, OU College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics and Oklahoma Children's Hospital, Virtual -Oklahoma | 09/2022 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, AAP Experience 2021-Philadelphia 10/7/21- 10/12/21 10-7-2021 ONTPD Bootcamp 10-8-2021 Virtual ONTPD General Meeting, AAP-NCE, Virtual | 10/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Professionalism and Trust in Health Care During a Crisis. Attendee at the Virtual Meeting of the Academy for Professionalism in Health Care (APHC).Drexelmed.edu, APHC, Virtual | 02/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Attended RQI,Resuscitation Quality Improvement, NRP Webinar Update, AAP-AHA, Virtual | 02/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Attended Virtual Conference, International Day of Women and Girls in Science Symposium, IDWGS, Virtual | 02/2021 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, NeoPREP 2020, Long Beach,CA | 02/2020 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, AAP-NCE New Orleans (Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine) Oct 25-29, 2019, Organization of Neonatal Program Directors (ONTPD), New Orleans | 10/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Neonatology for Primary Care, Mississippi College -Physician Assistant Lecture Series, University of Mississippi Medical School | 07/2019 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, St.Louis Bootcamp for fellows, Defibrillation and cardioversion station, AAP-St.Louis Univ, St Louis Univ | 07/2019 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, AAP-NCE Orlando (Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine) Nov.2-4, 2018, Organization of Neonatal Program Directors (ONTPD), Orlando | 11/2018 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, ONTPD Bootcamp for Program Directors and annual meeting. Included ONTPD National Curriculum Informational Meeting., ONTPD, Orlando | 11/2018 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, 2nd Annual Neonatal Resuscitation Symposium, Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma | 10/2018 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Part I: Interviewing for a Job" presentation and panel discussion with Audience Responses. SCA presentation UMC faculty and students and sponsored event by GWIMS, GWIMS, CW | 04/2018 |
Pediatric Cardiology Fellows, Fetal Transition, Pediatric Cardiology, 5th Floor conf room Batson | 06/2017 |
Newborn Center Orientation Class, Hypothermia Blanket and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) NICU nurses, Newborn Medicine, NICU W117 | 05/2016 |
Division M & M, Preterm infant with HIE, Newborn Med, W 109 | 05/2016 |
UMMC NNP Graduate School Lecture, Fetal Development: Environmental Influences, UMMC Graduate School of Nursing, W117 | 02/2016 |
Neonatal Division M & M, Mono-Di Twin following laser ablation with complex heart disease, Division of NB Medicine, W 109 | 11/2015 |
Pediatric Interest Group, Neonatology, UMMC Medical Students, R153 | 02/2015 |
University of Mississippi, Error Prevention Trainer. Safety program initiated at UMMC and is hospital wide on the medical campus. Patient safety program to complement Team STEPPS, an evidenced based team training program developed by the DOD and AHCR, to improve communication and conflict management among HC professionals, prevent medical errors and improve patient care. Trainers teach at least 2 (3 hr classes/ month), RIsk Managment, UMMC | 08/2014 |
Conference, Improve the quality of care and the outcome of patients in the NICU, M & M Conference, W109 | 04/2014 |
Conference at UMC, Neonatal Abstinence, Neonatal Case Conference, W109 | 04/2014 |
Conference, A Series of Neonates with HSV Infection, Neonatal Clinical Pathology Conference, W020 | 04/2014 |
Pediatric Pharmacology PH720, M2 Pediatric Pharmacology in the Neonate, School of Medicine, R354 | 03/2014 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference Neonatal-Perinatal, Multiple Gestations, Neonatal-Pathology, W020-UMC | 02/2014 |
NICU Nurses Course, Care of the Extremely Low-Birthweight Infant, UMC, W110 | 02/2014 |
Mortality & Morbidity Conference Neonatal-Perinatal, Hypotonia and Congenital Myopathies, Neonatal-Pathology, W020 - UMC | 01/2014 |
Pediatric Case Management, Abdominal Distention in the Newborn, Pediatrics, UMC | 12/2013 |
M&M Conference, Term Infant with Possible Amniotic Bands, Neonatal Clinical Pathology Conference, W020 | 11/2013 |
M & M Conference, Two Preterm Infants with Liver Masses, Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, W020 | 10/2013 |
An Infant with Multiple Anomalies and An Infant With a CCAM, Neonatal Morbidity & Mortality Conference | 09/2013 |
Morbidity and Mortality Conference :Neonatology-Perinatology, Complications of Extreme Prematurity and IUGR, Neonatolgy-Pathology, UMMC | 08/2013 |
NICU Nurses Orientation Lecture, Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant, UMMC, W113 | 08/2013 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference, Neonatal-perinatal, Dysmorphism, Alpha strep sepsis and Apert's, Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC | 07/2013 |
Morbidity and Mortality Conference,Neonatal-perinatal, One-Month-Old Preemie with Abdominal Distention, Neonatal-Pathology, UMMC | 06/2013 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference, Neonatal-Perinatal, Potpourri: Fetal-Neonatal Deaths, Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC | 05/2013 |
Talk with Nurses, Care of the Extremely Low BW Premie, Nurses Talk, W109 | 05/2013 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Five-Day-Old ELBW Twin with Acute Myocardial Infarction, Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC | 04/2013 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC | 03/2013 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference : Neonatal-Perinatal, Morbidity Associated with Multiple Anomalies including Hydrocephalus, Neonatolgy-Pathology, UMMC | 02/2013 |
Morbidity & Mortality Neonatal-Perinatal, The Placenta: Normal Anatomy and Pathologic Conditions, Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC | 01/2013 |
Pediatric Case Management, Preterm Baby with Hypoxia and Seizures, UMMC Pediatrics, UMMC | 11/2012 |
Morbidity & Mortality Neonatal-Perinatal, Preterm Infant with Non-Immune Hydrops, Neonatlogy-Patholgy, UMMC / W020 | 11/2012 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal Perinatal, Twins Born at Edge of Viability, Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC | 10/2012 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatology-Perinatolgy, 10-Day-Old ELBW Infant with Maternal HIV Exposure, Neonatolgy-Pathology M & M, UMMC:/W020 | 08/2012 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatology-Perinatology Topics, Ten-Hour-Old Preterm Infant with Respiratory Distress, Neonatology-Pathology M&M Conference, UMC/ W020 | 06/2012 |
Morbidity/Mortality Conference Neonatal-Perinatal, Preterm Baby with Skeletal Anomalies, Neonatolgy-Pathology M&M Conference, UMC/ W020 | 05/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Balloon Angioplasty of Native Coarctation in Infants., Las Vegas, NV | 05/2012 |
M & M Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Preterm baby with Giant Omphalocele, Morbidity and Mortality: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 04/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias, Quarterly Perinatal CME program, Greenwood Leflore Hospital | 03/2012 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference Neonatology-Perinatal, Morbidity Associated with Prematurity and Multiple Anomalies, M orbidity and Mortality :Neonatology/Pathology, UMMC/W 020 | 03/2012 |
Morbidity & Mortality ConferenceNeonatal-Perinatal, ELBW with Triploidy, M orbidity & Mortality: Neonatology/Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 02/2012 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, TRAP Sequence and a Case with Maternal Chorioamnionitis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 12/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 11/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Current Controversies Regarding PDA Management, UMC, River Hills Jackson, MS | 09/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, TeamSTEPPS, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 09/2011 |
Pediatric Case Management, Baby with Vomiting (MCAD Deficiency), Pediatrics, UMMC | 08/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Fetal Neurosurgery Therapy: History, Outcomes and a Surgical Opinion, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 08/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, 3-Day-Old Term Infant with Congenital Heart Disease, Peeling Skin and Suspected Sepsis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 07/2011 |
Pediatric Grand Rounds (faculty, medical students, residents and nurses), GR: Team STEPPS, Pediatric Grand Rounds, UMMC/S123 | 07/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Multiple Congenital Anomalies Due to Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 06/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Two-Day-Old with Beals/Epstein, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 05/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Donor Breast Milk Banking, River Regional Hospital, Vicksburg, MS | 04/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Donor Breast Milk Banking, Quarterly Perinatal CME Program, Greenwood Lefore Hospital | 03/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Term Infant with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 03/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Zebra Case: Preterm with Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 02/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Necrotizing Enterocolitis Totals/Gastric Pneumotosis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 01/2011 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Donor Breast Milk Banking and Its Relevance to Infection in the Newborn, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 12/2010 |
Pediatric Grand Rounds (Faculty , residents, medical students and nurses), GR: Donor Breast milk and the Premature and high risk baby, Pediatric Grand Rounds, UMMC/S123 | 11/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Infant with Prune Belly Syndrome and Bladder Outlet Obstruction, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 11/2010 |
Pediatric Case Management, The Newborn with Petechia (Neonatal alloimmune Thrombocytopenia), Pediatrics, UMMC | 11/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, IUGR Preterm Infant with Multiple Anomalies, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 10/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, GI Potpourri: Clinical Radiographic and Pathological Correlates in Three GI Conditions in the Newborn, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 09/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Preterm Infant with Multiple Anomalies and Trisomy 22, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 08/2010 |
Pediatric Case Management ( Discussants: Drs April Palmer, Mary Anne Kosek, Mobolaji Famuyide), Non-Immune Hydrops, Pediatrics, UMMC | 08/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Infant with Heart Failure, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 07/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Stillborn with Multiple Anomalies including Amniotic Bands and Gastroschisis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 06/2010 |
ELBW with Multiple Congenital Anomalies | 06/2010 |
Poster Presentation, Transhepatic Balloon Atrial Septostomy in Newborn Infants., Las Vegas, NV | 05/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, ELBW Premature Infant with Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 04/2010 |
Pediatric Grand Rounds(to faculty, medical students, residents, nurses), GR: What's new in the NICU and outcomes in the tiny premie, Pediaric Grand Rounds, UMMC/S123 | 03/2010 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Street and Prescription Drugs :Harmful Effects on Teens and Teen pregnancy, UMMC/MVSU Division of Multicultural Affairs, Mississippi Valley State University | 03/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Infant with Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Infant with Inborn Error of Metabolism, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 03/2010 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, What's New in Neonatology, QUarterly Perinatal CME Program, Greenwood Leflore Hospital | 03/2010 |
Pediatric Case Management, CM: Hypoglycemia in the Newborn, Pediatrics, UMMC | 02/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Preterm Infant with Myocardial Infarction (PDA Lig), Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 01/2010 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, 4-Day-Old ELBW Premie with Abdominal Distention, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 12/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Two Infants with Chronic Lung Disease, Interstitial Fibrosis and PPHN, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 11/2009 |
Pediatric Case Mangement, CM: Case of the Blistering Bambino (Epidermolysis Bullosa), Pediatrics, UMMC | 10/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Two Preterm Infants with Pseudomonas Pneumonia, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 10/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Three Cases of Preterm Stillborns with Congenital Anomalies, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 09/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Pathology and the Placenta, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 08/2009 |
Pediatric Grand Rounds to faculty, reidents , medical students and nurses, GR:Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Pediatric Grand rounds, UMMC/S123 | 07/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, 25-Week Preterm Infants with Gram Negative Sepsis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 07/2009 |
Neonatology Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Preterm Infant with Malrotation and Intraperitoneal Hemorrhage, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 05/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Extremely Low Birth Weight Premie with gram negative sepsis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 04/2009 |
ELBW Premie with Gram Negative Sepsis | 04/2009 |
Pediatric Pharmacology, M2 Pediatric Pharmacology, School of Medicine, R354 | 03/2009 |
Medical students, P.I.G.:Neonatology, UMC,Pediatric Interest Group | 03/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality, Abdominal Mass in the Newborn, Neonatal-Pathology, UMC Wyser | 03/2009 |
Abdominal Mass | 03/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality, ELBW with Chronic Abdominal Distention and Postoperative Hemorrhage, Neonatology-Pathology, UMC Wyser | 02/2009 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Zebras in the Nursery, Quarterly Perinatal CME Program,Greenwood Leflore Hospital, Greenwood, MS | 02/2009 |
Pediatriac Case Management, Case Management: Neonate with Neonatal Hemochromatosis, Pediatrics, UMC | 01/2009 |
Pediatric Case Management, CM: Neonate with Hemochromatosis, Pediatrics, UMMC | 01/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality, Morbid Maternal Obesity and Stillborn delivery, Neonatology-Pathology, UMC Wyser | 01/2009 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, CMV and Sudden Death In A Preterm Infant with Congenital CMV, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 12/2008 |
CMV and Sudden Death in Newborn | 12/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, 8-Week-Old with Respiratory Syncytial Viral Pneumonia, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 11/2008 |
RSV in 2 Month Old | 11/2008 |
Pediatric residents and medical students, Ped Resident Curriculum: Respiratory Diesases in the Newborn, Pediatrics, UMC R123 | 11/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Neonate with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Complications Related to Prematurity, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 10/2008 |
Neonate with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Complications Related to Prematurity | 10/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Twin with Multiple Organism Sepsis, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 09/2008 |
Twin with Multiple Organism Sepsis | 09/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Newborn with Respiratory Failure, Fungal, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 08/2008 |
Fungus | 08/2008 |
M2 Summer research:Outcomes of Premature Babies with NEC/Peritoneal Drains, UMC | 08/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Neonate with Disseminated Herpes Simplex Virus, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 07/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Premature Infant with Multiple Medical Problems Related to Prematurity, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 06/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Term Infant with Biventricular Non-Compaction Syndrome, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 05/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Preterm with Duodenal Atresia, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 04/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, 4-Month-Old with Jacobsen's Syndrome and Hypoplastic Left Heart, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 03/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Term Infant with Late Gestational Brain Injury, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 02/2008 |
Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Morbidity Associated with Prematurity, Neonatology/Pathology, Wiser Conference Room | 01/2008 |
Morbidity & Mortality Neonatal-Perinatal, Cerebral Hemorrhage in the Preterm Infant, M & M Conference :Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC /W 020 | 12/2007 |
Pathology Residency Training Program, GR-Pathology:Iatrogenic Disorders and Autopsy Findings in the Preterm Infant, Pathology, UMC | 12/2007 |
Pediatric Grand Rounds(Faculty, medical students, Residents, Nurses, NNPs), GR: Neonatal Resuscitation Program : Old and New, Pediatric Grand Rounds, UMMC/S123 | 12/2007 |
Pediatric Residents and Medical students, Ped.Resident Curriculum: Respiratory Disorders in the Newborn, Pediatrics, UMC R123 | 11/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality :Neonatal-Perinatal, Blisters in the Newborn, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 11/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conf: Neonatal-Perinatal, Unusual Causes of Hyperammonemia in the Newborn, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 10/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference:Neonatology-Perinatology, Unusual Causes of Respiratory Failure, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 09/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, IUGR and Hypertension, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 08/2007 |
Summer Research Tech Program, M2 Summer Research:Cardiomyopathy Associated with IDM, UMC | 08/2007 |
Morbidity and Mortality, Newborn with Shock and Acidosis, M & M Conference: Neonatolgy-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 07/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality COnference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Complications Associated with Imperforate Anus, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 06/2007 |
Morbdity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Multiple Anomalies, M & M Conference: Neonatal-Pathology, UMMC/ W020 | 05/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Oligohydramnios, M & M Neonatolgy-Pathology, UMMC/W020 | 04/2007 |
Morbity & Mortality Conference: Neonatal-Perinatal, Preterm with Pneumonia, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC-W020 | 02/2007 |
Morbidity & Mortality Conference, ELBW Premie with Ascites and Renal failure, M & M Conference: Neonatology-Pathology, UMMC/W 020 | 01/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, AAP-NCE (Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine) Nov.2-4, 2018 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Precep-Mentor, University of Mississippi | 2023 |
Top Doctors 2021, Top Doctors | 2021 |
Top Neonatologist | 2021 |
Best Doctors in America: 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011-2012, 2015, 2016, 2017,2019,2020, Best Doctors in America | 2020 |
Implicit Bias in Admission Training Workshop, Office of DIversity and Inclusion | 2019 |
Interdisciplinary Skill Sessioon SoNPM District Grant, AAP SoNPM Distric 7 | 2018 |
Top Doctors 2018, Top Doctors | 2018 |
Helping Babies Breath (HBB) Master Trainer, AAP | 2018 |
2015 Multiple Mini Interview Rater Runner Up-Interviewed Most Students Award, UMMC Medical School Admission Committee | 2014 |
Discovery Council Newsletter, e-Peds - UMMC | 2014 |
Dove Award, Medical School Admissions, Multiple Mini Interview Rater | 2014 |
Peer Reviewed Physicians, Peer Reviewed Professionals | 2013 |
Lactation Management Self-Study, Wellstart International | 2013 |
TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer and Physician Champion, TeamSTEPPS | 2011 |
2014 AAP CME/CPD Award, American Academy of Pediatrics | 2011 |
AMA Physician's Recognition Award, American Academy of Pediatrics | 2011 |
Certificate of Appreciation, Outstanding Contribution Mini Medical School Project : Street and Prescription Drugs: Harmful Effects on Teens and Teen Pregnancy, UMMC/MVSU :Division of Multicultural Affairs | 2010 |
Certificate of Apppreciation: Mentor of the Year Award, UMMC: Division of Multicultural Affairs | 2009 |
Certificate of Appreciation for participation in the Mentoring Program, UMMC: Division of Multicultural Affairs | 2009 |
America's Top Pediatricians 2009, 2010, 2011, Consumers' Research Councel of America | 2009 |
AMA Physicians’ Recognition Award, AMerican Medical Association | 2008 |
Biltmore Who’s Who among Executive Women in Healthcare and Medicine, “Honors Edition” and Professional, Biltmore Who's Who | 2007 |
Outstanding Young Woman of America , 1988, Outstanding Women of America | 1987 |
Magna Cum Laude, 1976, Henry Ford College | 1974 |
1st Gold Ribbon Award, UMMC Wiser Hospital physicians, nurses and assistants who exhibit evidence-based maternal/newborn care practices that promote quality and patient satisfaction. |
Professional Membership and Service
GWIMS-Executive Board & Programming Committee Chair, Executive Board & Programming Committee Chair, Wellness fair | 2022 - 2023 |
Newborn Brain Society, Member, 12th international Newborn Brain Conference Series | 2020 - Present |
GWIMS, Officer, Other Officer, CSA (Connect-share-Advance)Lecture on interviewing 4-10-18 | 2018 - Present |
GWIMS, Officer, Other Officer | 2017 - Present |
GWIMS, Member, Membership drive,awards,CSA(Connect Share Advance) | 2017 - Present |
ONPD (Neonatal/Perinatal Program Directors), Member | 2014 - Present |
APPD, Member | 2014 - Present |
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Newborn Medicine:Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Program Director initiated at UMMC,PIF bmited to the ACGME 8/15/2013 | 2013 - Present |
Telemedicine Conference, Conference-Related, PedsPLACE, Telemedicine Conferences (Collaboration with Arkansas Childrens' Hospital targets physicians, nurses, and health care providers) | 2012 - Present |
Neonatal Symposium, Program Coordinator, Current Controversies Regarding PDA Management: Symposium for pediatricians,CV Surgeons, Cardiologists, Neonatologists and Nurses, Continuing Medical Education | 2011 |
Neonatal American Academy of Pediatrics: Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), Program Coordinator, Regional instructor. Teaches yearly NRP to the incoming Pediatric, Med-Peds and OB residents.Throughoutthe year renews training for those residents, Neonatal faculty and NNPS. | 2011 - 2016 |
Updated PEARLS Nurse Practitioner, Donor Milk Banking, Invited Lecture, Update PEARLS Nurse Practitioner, Continuing Medical Education Invited Lecturer:Donor Milk Banking | 2011 |
Statewide Outreach Lectures, Vicksburg, MS, Invited Lecture, Perinatal Topics:Lecture provided to statewide Pediatricians and Nurses | 2011 - Present |
Quarterly Perinatal CME Program, Greenwood Leflore Hospital, Guest Speaker, From Wet Nursing to Donor Milk Banking: Neonatal-Perinatal topics, 1 per year beginning 2009, ongoing Community physicians, OB, nurses and social workers. | 2011 |
Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Medical Advisor | 2011 - Present |
Update PEARLS Nurse Practitioner, iNO in Premies, Invited Lecture, Update PEARLS,inhaled Nitric Oxide in Premies, Continuing medical Education,Jackson Medical Mall,yearly neonatal lectures to neonatal nurse practitioners and nursing students | 2010 |
Quarterly Perinatal CME Program, Greenwood Leflore Hospital, Guest Speaker, Neonatal Cases: Neonatal-Perinatal topics, 1 per year beginning 2009, ongoing Community physicians, OB, nurses and social workers. | 2010 |
Quarterly perinatal CME Program, Greenwood/Leflore Hospital, Invited Lecture, Perinatal topics, 1 per year beginning 2009, ongoing Community physicians, OB, nurses and social workers. | 2009 - Present |
American Medical Society, Member, Past member | 2008 - Present |
Central Medical Society, Delegate, Member, Attend delegate meetings, discuss health cares issues in Mississippi as well as legislation and participate in voting on yearly amendments at the Mississippi State Medical Association Annual Session House of Delegates. | 2007 - 2014 |
AMA Alliance, Member, Attend State and local meetings as well as participate in activities and functions. | 2007 - Present |
Collaborative Antiviral Study Group, Phase III, Randomized placebo controlled blinded investigation of oral valgancyclovir | 2007 - Present |
Mississippi State Medical Association, Member, Attend of State and Local meetings | 2006 - 2014 |
Residency Curriculum Lectures, Neonatal-perinatal component, Program Organizer, Provide lectures and Coordinate Pediatric Board Review lectures related to Neonatal-perinatal medicine provided by the Neonatologists based on Nelsons textbook of Pediatrics, AAP Content guidelines and PREP. | 2002 - Present |
National Perinatal Association, Member, National and State member | 2002 - Present |
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Society, Member, Network with this Society in order to provide therapeutic strategies for our babies afflicted with OI. This includes educational material for the patients, nurses, medical students and residents. | 1999 - Present |
American Academy of Pediatrics FFAP, Fellow, FFAP,and State Member # 144869 | 1988 - 2022 |
Executive Admissions Committee, Member | |
Batson Children's Hospital NICU Performance Improvement Committee, Member |
Committee Service
Pedia link Workgroup AAP, Member | 2025 - Present |
Education Committee, Member | 2022 - Present |
Leadership Devo Program, Member | 2021 - Present |
Chasing Zero, Member | 2021 - Present |
MSAAP Goverment Affairs Committee, Member | 2021 - Present |
Education Committee, Member | 2020 - Present |
Fellow's Research Subcommittee, Member | 2020 - Present |
Program Evaluation Committee (PEC), Member | 2020 - Present |
NICU 50th Anniversary Celebration, Member | 2020 - Present |
Research SubCommittee for Neonatal -Perinatal Fellowship, Member | 2020 - Present |
Perinatal Memorial Service Committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Newborn Center Breastmilk QI, Member | 2019 - Present |
Pediatric Fellowship PD's Committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Simulation/Resuscitation Core Group, Member | 2019 - Present |
Alarms Committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Team Safety-Ongoing, Trainer | 2019 - Present |
Sub Committee, Platet transfusion guidelines NICU, Chair | 2018 - 2018 |
Division of Newborn Medicine M & M Committee, Member | 2018 - Present |
MEDICAL CENTER-MULTICULTURAL ENHANCEMENT, Preceptor for Premedical Student Luther Ward | 2018 - 2018 |
ACGME CLER Session, Faculty PD Representative | 2018 - 2018 |
GWIMS Mentor Committee (Group on women and Medicine in Science), Chair | 2017 - 2018 |
Pediatric Fellowship Program Director Council, Member | 2016 - Present |
Center for Matenal and Fetal Care Advisory Board, Member | 2015 - Present |
Subcommittee Group Meeting-Scenario Selection, Member | 2015 - 2015 |
Faculty Mentor Committee, Member | 2015 - Present |
Newborn Medicine Morrbidity and Mortality Committee, Member | 2015 - Present |
TEARS Service of Remembrance Planning Committee, Member | 2015 - 2019 |
TEARS Service of Remembrance Planning Committee, Member | 2015 - Present |
NICU Documentation Workgroup, Member | 2015 - Present |
MEDICAL CENTER-FACULTY DEVELOPMENT, Faculty Mentor | 2015 - Present |
Clinical Alarms Committee, Member | 2014 - Present |
Fellowship Web Site Committee, Member | 2014 - Present |
UMMC Center for Maternal and Fetal Care, Member | 2014 - Present |
Participant in O.N.T.PD at AAP (Organization of Neonatal Training Program Directors, San Diego, CA, Participant | 2014 - 2014 |
Nosocomial Infection Prevention Task Force at the Newborn Center of Children's Hospital of Mississippi, Member | 2014 - Present |
Error Prevention Trainer - Train the Trainer, Trainer | 2014 - 2020 |
Q I Time Surfactant and Temperature After Delivery, Member | 2014 - Present |
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION, Residency Review Subcommittee | 2014 - Present |
Clinical Competency Committee (CCC), Member | 2014 - Present |
Fellowship Planning Commitee (FPC), Chair | 2014 - Present |
Scholarly Oversite Committee (SOC), Member | 2014 - Present |
CCC (Clinical Competency Committee), Chair | 2014 - Present |
School of Medicine Admissions Interview Committee (AIC), Member | 2014 - Present |
Golden Hour Performance Improvement Team, Member | 2014 - Present |
Nosocomial Infection Prevention Task Force, Member | 2014 - Present |
Pediatric Education Committee (PEC), Member | 2014 - Present |
Executive Admissions Committee, Member | 2014 - Present |
School Of Medicine - Admissions, Member | 2013 - Present |
Veteran MMI Rater, Member | 2013 - 2019 |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Planning Committee, Member | 2013 - Present |
School of Medicine Admissions - Subcommittee MMI Scenerio Selection, Member | 2013 - 2013 |
Vermont Oxford Network, Member | 2013 - Present |
NICU Performance Improvement, Member | 2013 - Present |
School Of Medicine - Graduate Medical Education, Program Director | 2013 - Present |
Childrens Quality Team Committee (Pediatric Quality Committee), Member | 2012 - Present |
School Of Medicine - Admissions, Member | 2012 - Present |
Task Force Batson Lab Consolidation, Member | 2012 - Present |
Pediatric Surgery Neonatology - Academic Teaching Rounds, Member | 2011 - Present |
S.W.O.T. Subcommittee, Member | 2011 - 2011 |
TEAM STEPPS (Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety), Physician Champion: Neonatal Physician Representative and Teacher | 2011 - Present |
Preterm Awareness Day, March of Dimes, Member | 2010 - Present |
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Member | 2010 - Present |
School of Medicine Curriculum Management System, Member | 2010 - Present |
Appreciative Inquiry Focal Group, Member | 2010 - Present |
Pediatric Surgery-Neonatology Multidisciplinary Rounds, Member | 2010 - Present |
Fetal Center Committee (Neonatal-Perinatal-Cardiology and Surgery), Member | 2010 - Present |
ECMO Neonatology Liason, Member | 2010 - Present |
ECMO Debriefing, Member | 2009 - Present |
OB Chair Search Committee, Member | 2009 - 2010 |
Pediatric Complaint and Grievance Committee, Member | 2008 - Present |
Health Careers Development Program, Member | 2008 - Present |
Residency Program Site Visit, Member | 2007 - Present |
Manuscript Reviewer for Clinical Pediatrics, Member | 2007 - Present |
Pediatric Mentor Groups (Residents and Students), Member | 2002 - Present |
Match Committee, Member | 2001 - Present |
Pediatric Residency Review Committee, Member | 2001 - 2014 |
School Of Medicine - Curriculum, Member | 2001 - Present |
Performance Improvement and Risk Management Committee, Member | 2001 - 2002 |
Physician Champion for Best Fed Beginnigs, Physician Champion, attended training in Atlanta.GA. In order for UMMC Hospitals to Achieve The pretigious "Baby Friendly Status" Innitiatives are on going .Is to be established is a modular training and "On line" exam fro teaching required on Breast feeding to all pediatric Physicians and NNPs caring for babies at Wiser. I have encorparated this teaching program in the Medical Shool teaching program for the medical student in the NICU and nursery. |
Community Service
Sanderson Farms Championship and Children's of Mississippi, Faculty Volunteer | 10/2021 - 10/2021 |
MS CHildrens Museum-Health Day, UMMC Physician Pt education | 03/2018 - 03/2018 |
Sanderson Farms Championship for Batson, Volunteer Physician | 10/2017 - 10/2017 |
Greenwood/Leflore Perinatal CME, Lecturer | 06/2015 - 06/2015 |
Mississippi Public Broadcasting Southern Remedy, Interview on Breast Feeding with Dr. Richard DeShazo | 10/2014 - 10/2014 |
UMMC Legacy Medical Reunion, Physician Tour in NICU | 03/2014 - Present |
March of Dimes, UMMC Physician representative, Participates in regular charity walks and events for local chapter UMMC | 04/2012 - Present |
Mission Mississippi, Invited participant, Jackson Mississippi | 11/2011 - Present |
Mothers' Milk Bank of Mississippi, Medical Advisory Board | 04/2011 - Present |
UMC Medical Community Outreach, Gulfport Memorial Hospital Representing Neonatal, CV center and Transport Team | 04/2011 - 04/2011 |
March of Dimes, Invited speaker and presentation for Charity Walk, UMC Physician Presentation for Charity Walk | 04/2011 - 04/2011 |
Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition, Faculty Member | 03/2011 - Present |
Women in Higher Education, Mississippi Network, Physician representative | 2011 - Present |
March of Dimes Health Agency Fair, Physician representative | 09/2010 - 09/2010 |
Mississippi Valley State University, Mini Medical School, Invited Speaker | 03/2010 - 03/2010 |
Booster Club, St. Andrews School, Physician Board Member to promote health, safety and sportsmanship in High School Athletics | 2009 - 05/2012 |
American Medical Association, Member | 12/2008 - 2010 |
AMA Alliance, Physician | 05/2008 - Present |
Central Mississippi Medical Society, Member and Delegate | 2007 - Present |
Junior League Regionalization Lecture, Lecturer | 2007 - 2007 |
Women in Medicine, Promote Scholarships for premedical and predental students in Mississippi | 2005 - Present |
National Perinatal Association, Physician membership # 1898 | 12/2002 - Present |
NICU Reunion, Junior League, Physician coordinator for NICU Reunion held every 2-3 years.Review list for invitations, preparation of invitations and participate in activities with NICU graduates and their families. | 2000 - Present |
Wiser Women Incorporated, Physician | 2000 - 2010 |
Mississippi State Medical Society, Physician | 1997 - 2011 |
American Academy of Pediatrics,FAAP, FAAP | 06/1988 - Present |
Other Service
Sanderson Farm Gulf tournament | 10/2024 - 10/2024 |
Guidelines-Renal failure, Physician Champion | 06/2021 - Present |
Guidelines-Intubation, Member on the Guidelines Committee | 11/2020 - 06/2021 |
NEO PREP-2020 (California), Atendee | 02/2020 - 02/2020 |
NICU 50th Anniversary Planning Group, Fellowship Rep | 02/2020 - Present |
National Conference & Exhibition-New Orleans, Participant | 10/2019 - 10/2019 |
PD Bootcamp and ONTPD, Participant | 10/2019 - 10/2019 |
Team Safety Training, Trainer-Ongoing | 08/2019 - Present |
Pulmonary Hypertension Task Force, Task Force Member | 07/2019 - Present |
SOM : Pre-professional Advisor's Day, MMI Interviewer | 03/2018 - 03/2018 |
Administration, Faculty Interview for Pediatric ID | 02/2018 - 02/2018 |
Canvas Essentials, Participant | 07/2017 - 07/2017 |
Med-Hub transition | 07/2017 - Present |
Children's Leadership Program, Participant | 07/2017 - 07/2018 |
ONTPD, Attended ONTPD San Francisco | 05/2017 - 05/2017 |
Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, Attended PAS in San Francisco | 05/2017 - 05/2017 |
APPD (Association of Pediatric Program DIrectors, attended | 05/2017 - 05/2017 |
Guideline-Platelet transfusion, Physician Champion | 02/2017 - 11/2017 |
Academic Development and Discovery Seminar, Attendee and meet with Dr. Witte | 01/2017 - 06/2017 |
Ped.Surgery Fellow interviews, Faculty interviewer | 02/2016 - 02/2016 |
PFDC Pediatric Fellowship DIrector Council, PD Representative for NP Fellowship | 12/2015 - Present |
ACGME Clinical Learning Environment Review, Participated in Program Directors discussion/meeting with ACGME CLER representatives | 08/2015 - 08/2015 |
Leadership Development Program, LPI Observer | 07/2015 - Present |
Mentor for Dr Anju Sukumaran, Faculty mentor | 06/2015 - Present |
First Pediatric Fellows Retreat | 05/2015 - 05/2016 |
Mother Baby Care (MBC) Workgroup, Physician Representative | 05/2015 - Present |
FacultyDevelopment Advisory, Faculty mentor | 03/2015 - Present |
Clinical ALarms Committee, Physician representative | 12/2014 - 12/2015 |
Interview applicants for Pediatric Faculty Positions :GI and Neonatal, Interviewer | 12/2014 - 12/2015 |
Fellow Interview (Singla, Alok), Interviewer: Singla 10/2/ | 10/2014 - 10/2014 |
Faculty Interviews, Interviewer: Silas 10/2/; Johnson 10/1 | 10/2014 - 10/2015 |
Nosocomial Infection Prevention Task Force, Subcommittee, Physician Representative | 09/2014 - 12/2014 |
Error Prevention Training, Position Trainer | 08/2014 - Present |
QI, Golden Hour, Physician representative | 06/2014 - Present |
NICU, PI Committee, Physician representative | 04/2014 - Present |
Pediatric Education Committee, Representative NP fellowship | 04/2014 - Present |
Pediatric Discovery Council, Participant | 01/2014 - Present |
Neonatal-Perinatal Match Committee, Chairman | 07/2013 - Present |
Best Fed Beginnings, Physician Champion, Lead Team | 08/2012 - 07/2014 |
PedsPLACE, Telemedicine Conferences, Collaboration with Arkansas Childrens' Hospital (Targets physicians, nurses and health care providers) | 03/2012 - 04/2013 |
TeamSTEPPS, Physician Champion and Master trainer | 07/2011 - 07/2013 |
M3 Pediatric "On call " clinical preceptorship, "On call " mini lectures and observation | 05/2011 - 05/2012 |
Pediatric Complaint and Grievance Committee, Pediatric faculty representative | 08/2008 - 08/2012 |
Health Careers Development Program, Faculty with Tonya Moore for pre-medical student | 05/2008 - Present |
M4 Lecture series, Lecturer | 11/2007 - 11/2009 |
M3 Newborn Medicine Pediatric Block Party, Physician, Coordinator | 04/2007 - 03/2012 |
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), Regional trainer, Instructor and Course Coordinator | 06/2002 - 05/2016 |
Pediatric MentorGroup, Faculty Menter | 06/2002 - Present |
Pediatric Residency Match Committee, Faculty representative, interview and rankapplicants | 09/2001 - 09/2014 |
Performance Improvement and Risk Management, Neonatal faculty representative | 06/2001 - 06/2002 |
Pediatric Residency Curriculum Comittee, Evaluate and Revise curriculum and Board Review course | 2001 - 07/2014 |
Pediatric Residency Review | 2001 - Present |
Teaching Experience
SOM 622, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems | Spring 2025 - 2025 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, NICU RN Orientation Class | Spring 2024 - 2024 |
PH 720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pharmacology | Spring 2024 - 2024 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, NICU Nurses Boot Camp | Summer 2023 - 2023 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, NICU Nurses Bootcamp | Fall 2022 - 2022 |
Nursing, Small Group, Lecturer, NICU Nurses Orientation | Spring 2022 - 2022 |
PH 720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pharmacology PH 720 | Spring 2022 - 2022 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Fellows Bootcamp | Summer 2022 - 2022 |
Division of Newborn Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Morbidity and Mortality | Spring 2021 - 2021 |
Medicine, Lecture, DIvision of NB Med- M&M Conference | Spring 2021 - 2021 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pharmacology | Spring 2021 - 2021 |
Graduate, Small Group, Lab Presenter, FM Bootcamp | Spring 2021 - 2021 |
PAS 6400:, Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Physician Assistant Graduate Course, Pediatrics | Summer 2021 - 2021 |
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Healer's Art | Spring 2020 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Introduction to Neonatal Medicine | Winter 2020 - 2020 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, NNP Graduate school | Spring 2020 - 2020 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pharmacology PH 720 | Spring 2020 |
PAS 6400, Graduate, Lecture, Guest Presenter, PAS 6400:Physician Assistant Graduate Course Mississippi College | Summer 2019 - 2019 |
Developmental Medicine Series, Lecture, Lecturer, Developmental MDT/Discharge Rounds | Summer 2019 - 2019 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Case Management | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Training Program, Lecture, Lecturer, Morbidity and Mortality | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, NNP Graduate Course | Fall 2019 - 2019 |
M1, Medicine, Small Group, intro to the Medical Profession: OSCE | Spring 2018 - 2018 |
N 629-2, SNNP, Lecture, Lecturer, SNNP | Spring 2018 - 2018 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Case Management | Summer 2018 - 2018 |
Graduate, Lecture, Guest Presenter, PAS 6400: Physician Assistant Graduate Course MS College | Summer 2018 - 2018 |
DIvision, Lecture, Lecturer, Developmental MDT | Summer 2018 - 2018 |
CPC, Lecture, Clinical Pathology Conference, Clinical Pathology Conference | Winter 2017 - 2017 |
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Physician Assistant Graduate Course MS College | Summer 2017 - 2017 |
N629-2, Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, SNNP | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, NICU Fellows Developmntal Lecture Series | Annual 2017 - 2017 |
Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, NRP | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
Pediatric Residency, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Pediatric Board Review | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
PH 720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pharmacology PH 720 | Spring 2016 - 2016 |
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Physician Assistant Graduate Course MS College | Summer 2016 - 2016 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M3 Pediatric Lecture Series | Summer 2016 - 2016 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M3 Pediatric Lecture Series | Fall 2016 - 2016 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Student Lecture Series | Winter 2015 - 2015 |
PH 720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pharmacology PH 720 | Spring 2015 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Case Management | Spring 2015 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Clinical Pathology Conference | Spring 2015 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Clinical Pathology Conference | Summer 2015 - 2015 |
PAS 6400-Pediatrics, Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Physician Asst.Graduate Course Mississippi College | Summer 2015 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Participant, Quarterly Neonatology/ Gastroenterology/ Surgery Journal Club | Fall 2015 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Board Review | Fall 2015 - 2015 |
Department of Pediatrics, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident Curriculum Lectures | Fall 2015 - 2015 |
UMMC Wiser Hospital, Lab, Guest Presenter, intermediate Care Nursery Education | Fall 2015 - 2015 |
720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, PH 720 Pharmcology | Spring 2014 - 2014 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, Newborn Center Orientation | Spring 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Neonatal Clinical Pathology Conference | Winter 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Neonatal Clinical Pathology Conference | Summer 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M & M Conference | Summer 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, M & M Conference | Summer 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Golden Hour PI Team Meeting | Summer 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Neonatology Potpourri | Summer 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Talk given regarding Baby William Hopson | Winter 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Neonatal-perinatal Morbidity and Mortality | Fall 2013 - 2014 |
720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, PH 720 Pharmacology | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Resident Curriculum Lecture | Fall 2013 - 2013 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, Newborn Center Orientation Lectures | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Orchestrates Neonatal Lectures, Physician Assistant Lecture Series | Summer 2013 - 2013 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, Newborn Center Orientation Lectures | Fall 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Patient Infant with Non Immune Hydrops | Winter 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Twins Born at Edge of Viability | Fall 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Neonatal-perinatal Mobidity and Mortality | Fall 2012 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Ten-Hour-Old Infant with Respiratory Distress | Summer 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Total Parenteral Nutrition in the Neonate | Summer 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Preterm Baby with Giant Omphalocele | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Preterm Baby with Skeletal Anomalies | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Morbidity Associated with Prematurity and Multiple Anomalies | Winter 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Resident Curriculum Lecture | Winter 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Triploidy | Winter 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Physician Assistant Lecture Series | Summer 2012 - 2012 |
Nursing, Lecture, Lecturer, Newborn Center Orientation | Spring 2012 - 2013 |
720, Medicine, Lecture, Multimedia powerpoint presention made available via videostreaming, PH 720 Pharmacology | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Resident Curriculum Lecture | Fall 2011 - 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Grand Rounds,Team STEPPS | Summer 2011 |
720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, PH 720 Pharmacology | Spring 2011 |
Medicine, Course, Course Director, PED 653 Neonatal Medicine | Spring 2011 - 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Interest Group, Donor Milk Banking | Spring 2011 |
IRB RISC Training | Winter 2011 |
Medicine, Course, Training, IRB Training | Winter 2011 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Donor Milk Banking | Fall 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Resident Curriculum Lecture | Fall 2010 - 2011 |
720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, PH 720 Pharmacology | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Grand Rounds,Outcome of Tiny Premie | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Interest Group, Neonatal Cases | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Resident Curriculum Lecture | Fall 2009 - 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome | Summer 2009 |
720, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, PH 720 Pharmacology | Spring 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Case Management | Spring 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Interest Group, Role of a Neonatologist | Spring 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Residency Curriculum Lecture | Fall 2008 - 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Residency Curriculum Lecture | Fall 2007 - 2008 |
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Neonatology Morbidity and Mortality Conference and Lecture Series | Spring 2007 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pathology Grand Rounds,Iatrogenic Disorders and Autopsy Findings in the Preterm Infant | Winter 2007 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Update NALS | Winter 2007 |
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, NRP-8th Edition | Summer - 2022 |
Directed Student Learning
Premed Shadowing | 2024 - Present |
Research Advisor, Advised: Jamey A. Cobb-Martin | 2024 - 2024 |
Directed Individual/Independent Study, Advised: Simmy Vig | 2023 - 2023 |
Research Advisor, Advised: Sherilyn (Sanders) Goode | 2023 - 2023 |
Physician Shadow, Advised: Fatima Malhai | 2022 - 2022 |
Physician Shadow, Advised: Camille Couey | 2022 - 2022 |
Preceptor, Advised: Marianna Tollison | 2019 - Present |
Pre medical Mentor, Advised: Simmy Vig | 2019 - 2019 |
Preceptor, Advised: Kaia Horne | 2018 - 2018 |
Preceptor, Advised: Katelyn Mallett | 2018 - 2018 |
Preceptor, Advised: John Dumas | 2018 - 2018 |
Preceptor, Advised: Varsha Prakash | 2018 - 2018 |
Mentor, Advised: Jonathan Lee | 2018 - 2018 |
Mentor, Advised: Tanner Nielson | 2018 - 2018 |
Mentor, Advised: Kristin Myers | 2018 - Present |
Mentor-HCDP, Advised: Luther Ward | 2018 - 2018 |
Mentor for Pediatric Resident Candiate, Advised: Mohana Penukonda | 2018 - 2018 |
Mentor, Advised: Erin Britt | 2018 - 2018 |
Preceptor, Health Careers Development Program Advised: Mariam Ebeid | 2016 - 2016 |
Preceptor, SOM Re-entry Program Advised: Lakeshia Gibson | 2016 - 2016 |
HCDP, Health Careers Development Program Advised: Francis Dournayan | 2016 - Present |
Shadow/Observer, Preceptor-Mentor for Premedical student Advised: Kathleen Carter | 2016 - 2019 |
Shadow/Observer, Advised: Meredith Cobb | 2016 - 2016 |
Healh Careers Development Program, Health Careers Development Program Advised: Jana Phillips | 2015 - 2016 |
Shadow/Mentor, Health Careers Development Program Advised: Chiamaka Azogini | 2015 - 2015 |
Research Advisor, Health Careers Development Program Advised: Lauren Taylor East | 2014 - 2015 |
Research Advisor, Advised: Ashton Walters, Jakayla Harrell | 2014 - 2014 |
Premedical student, Advised: Lateia Taylor | 2014 - 2014 |
Health Careers Development Program (HCDP), Premedical student Advised: Deepali Bhatt | 2013 - 2014 |
Health Careers Development Program, Neonatology Shadow Advised: Deepali Bhatt | 2013 - 2014 |
PreNursing mentor, PreNursing Advised: Katelyn (Mary) Hardy | 2013 - 2013 |
Supervised Research, Medical Student (M1-2) Breast Milk Composition and Gestational Ages Advised: Sara Hutchins | 2013 - 2013 |
Premedical shadow, Premedical Advised: Carmen Bofill | 2013 - 2013 |
Mentor Health CareersDevelpment Program, Premedical Advised: Jung Yoo | 2013 - 2013 |
Mentor, Premedical Advised: Amber Carraway | 2012 - 2013 |
Supervised Research, Medical Student (M1-2) Breast Milk Composition and Gestational Ages Advised: Megan Pike | 2012 - 2012 |
mentor, Medical student mentor Advised: Ashley Wells | 2011 - 2011 |
Supervised Research, Medical Student (M1-2) : Oxygen toxicity and monitor alarm limits Advised: Megan Harvey | 2010 - 2010 |
Medical Student Mentor, M1, Medical Student Mentor, M1-4 Advised: Megan Harvey | 2009 - 2013 |
High School Mentor, High school premedical mentor Advised: Kasey McGee | 2009 - 2010 |
M1 Mentor, Medical student mentor Advised: Chanchaldeep Sood, Allison Jones | 2009 - 2011 |
Physician Assistant Mentors, Physician Assistant , mentor Advised: Kristen Campbell, Ankita Patel, Walter Hoyt, Timothy Beaty, Shannon Swift, Riley Baker, Courtney Brautwell, Suzanne Eason, Kim Nelson, Kallee Marolt | 2008 - 2009 |
High school student, premedicine, Premedical Advised: Dabrianna Milton | 2008 - 2012 |
Supervised Research, Medical Student (M1-2) Outcome of Premature Babies with NEC/Peritoneal Drains vs Exploratory Laparotomy Advised: Ameze Adah | 2008 - 2008 |
Health Careers Development Program, Pre Medical Student Mentor Advised: Sabira Ebaddy, Mary Caskey, Elizabeth Wright, Jeremy Washington, Richard Jones, Halima Stringer, Nicholas Walker, Crystal Carter, John Bullock, Lisa Biswas, Janice Okeke, Elise Fontenot, Mary Hughes, Steven Wahl, Amber Carraway, Lenzy Fisher, Jung Yoo, Carmen Bofill | 2008 - 2013 |
Summer Research Mentor, Summer Research Mentor Advised: Cassandra Stein, Amaze Adah, Meghan Harvey, Megan Pike, Sara Hutchins | 2007 - 2013 |
Supervised Research, Medical Student (M1-2) Cardiomyopathy in the newborn associatd with maternal Diabetes Advised: Cassandra Stein | 2007 - 2007 |
Resident Mentor, Pediatric Resident Mentor Advised: Leigh Campbell, Katie Ferrell, Nina Dave, Marla Johnson, Elwaseila Handoun, Megan Harvey | 2002 - 2016 |
Fellows supervised
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Fellowship Director, 1 fellows supervised | 07/2024 - 06/2027 |
Neonatal-Perinatal, Program Director, 2 fellows supervised | 07/2022 - 06/2025 |
Neonatal Perinatal Fellowship, Fellowship Director, 2 fellows supervised | 07/2021 - 06/2024 |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Fellowship Director, 2 fellows supervised | 07/2020 - 06/2023 |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 3 fellows supervised | 07/2019 - 06/2022 |
QI-Delivery room video recording, QI-Mentor, 1 fellows supervised, Delivery room video recording Golden Minute | 01/2019 - 09/2020 |
Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship, Preceptor, 5 fellows supervised, NICU | 10/2018 - Present |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 2 fellows supervised | 07/2018 - 06/2021 |
Neonatal Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 2 fellows supervised | 07/2017 - 06/2020 |
Neonatal Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 2 fellows supervised | 07/2016 - 06/2019 |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 1 fellows supervised, NICU | 08/2015 - 08/2018 |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 2 fellows supervised, NICU | 07/2015 - 06/2018 |
Leadership Development Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised | 05/2015 - Present |
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship, Program Director, 2 fellows supervised, NICU | 07/2014 - 06/2017 |
Pediatric Surgery Fellowship, Attending Physician, 5 fellows supervised, NICU | 07/2009 - Present |
Neonatal-Perinatal, Fellowship Director, 2 fellows supervised |
Residency Training
Pediatrics, Joseph McLean, Attending Physician | 2015 - Present |
Pediatric Mentor, Training Faculty | 2013 - 06/2016 |
Resident Curriculum NICU and NBN, Program Director | 2012 - 11/2012 |
Resident Curriculum Lectures, Attending Physician | 2002 - 09/2010 |
NRP Certification and Recertification, OB-PEDS, and MED-PEDS Residents, Program Director | 2002 - Present |
Resident Mentor, Attending Physician | 2002 - Present |
Pediatric Curriculum Committee, Attending Physician | 2001 - Present |
Pediatric Match Committee, Attending Physician | 2001 - Present |
Residency Review Committee (Pediatric), Attending Physician | 2001 - Present |
Resident Mentor, Attending Physician | |