Deborah "Debbie" J. Konkle-Parker, PhD
SON-Instruction School Nursing
Dr. Deborah Konkle-Parker, PhD, FNP is a researcher with expertise in adherence to HIV treatment and retention in HIV care, as two of the necessary components to successful control of the HIV virus to improve health outcomes and reduce transmission. She is also co-Principal Investigator for the joint UAB/UMMC cohort first for the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) from 2013-2019, and now for the MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study as well as the Study of Treatment and Reproductive Options (STAR), observational cohort studies following women and men, and in the case of STAR, women in reproductive years, living with or at-risk for HIV. She facilitates investigators in the use of the huge MWCCS and STAR database for research purposes. In addition, she is a Family Nurse Practitioner for individuals living with HIV disease, offering specialty and primary care. She is also creator and Project Director for the Helping HAND substance abuse treatment program within the clinic setting.
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Nursing | 2002 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MSN, Nursing | 1996 |
University of Maine, BSN, Nursing | 1986 |
Tufts University, BA, Social Psychology | 1979 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Family Nurse Practitioner | 08/1996 - 11/2011 |
Licensure, Nursing | 08/1986 - 12/2010 |
Certification, Advanced HIV/AIDS Certified Registered Nurse | 11/2005 - 11/2009 |
Current Positions
Professor, School of Medicine | 07/2014 - Present |
Medical Director, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 07/2011 - Present |
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 10/2010 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Nursing | 2005 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 2005 - Present |
Graduate Faculty, School of | 07/2003 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine | 07/2003 - 06/2008 |
Assistant Professor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Nursing | 07/1999 - 06/2005 |
Instructor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine | 10/1996 - 06/2003 |
Instructor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Nursing | 10/1996 - 06/1999 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, Provision of Treatment for Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health Disorders in Mississippi to Reduce Transmission and Improve Clinical Outcomes in People Living with HIV, HRSA/SAMHSA | 09/2017 - 09/2022 |
Extramural, SBIRT Training for Medical Students and Residents in Mississippi, HRSA/SAMHSA | 09/2015 - 08/2018 |
Extramural, Mechanisms and longitudinal effects of stigma on women's adherence and outcomes, NIH/NIMH | 02/2015 - 12/2019 |
Extramural, Physical activity levels, psychological stress levels, and immune variables in HIV-positive women, NIH/NIAID | 08/2014 - 07/2015 |
Extramural, Improving Retention in Care Among Postpartum HIV-infected Women in Mississippi, NIH/NIMH | 06/2014 - 05/2019 |
Extramural, K23MH100955: Improving Retention in Care Among Postpartum HIV-infected Women in Mississippi, NIH/NIMH | 06/2014 - 05/2019 |
Extramural, Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (The REPRIEVE Study), NIH/NHLBI | 06/2014 - 05/2020 |
Extramural, Factors associated with adherence to boceprevir in combination with pegylated interferon and ribavirin in veterans with genotype 1 hepatitis C, Merck Investigator Studies Program | 03/2014 - 02/2015 |
Extramural, U01 AI103401: Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS-V), UMMC cohort site, National Institutes of Health | 01/2013 - 12/2017 |
Intramural, Interdisciplinary Research Center Formation, Office of Faculty Development | 07/2011 - 12/2012 |
Extramural, Mississippi Local Performance Site of the Dellta Region AIDS Education and Training Center, HRSA | 07/2010 - 06/2015 |
Extramural, R34MH84670: Multidimensional HIV Treatment Adherence Intervention, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Mental Health | 07/2008 - 06/2012 |
Extramural, A Physician-Delivered Intervention for HIV Positive Patients in Clinical Care: The OPTIONS Project, Department of Health and Human Services; Health and Resources Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Special Project of National Significance | 09/2005 - 08/2006 |
Extramural, Ryan White Title III Primary Care Services Grant, Department of Health and Human Services; Health and Resources Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Ryan White CARE Act | 04/2005 - 03/2010 |
Extramural, K23-NR09186: Multidimensional HIV Adherence Intervention, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research | 09/2004 - 08/2008 |
Extramural, Ryan White Title III Primary Care Services Grant, Department of Health and Human Services; Health and Resources Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Ryan White CARE Act | 10/2001 - 04/2005 |
Journal Article | |
Tull MT, Berghoff CR, Bardeen JR, Schoenleber M, Konkle-Parker DJ An initial open-trial of a brief behavioral activation treatment for depression and medication adherence in HIV-infected patients. Behavioral Modification, accepted for publication | 2017 |
Burton, MJ, Patel, A, Voluse, A, Konkle-Parker, DJ Measuring adherence to direct acting antiviral medications in hepatitis C infected Veterans: comparing Visual Analog Scale to pill counts and hepatitis C viral load. Southern Medical Journal, accepted for publication | 2017 |
Ludema C, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Holmes GM, Anastos K, Cocohoba J, Cohen M, Cooper HLF, Golub ET, Kassaye S, Konkle-Parker D, Metsch L, Milam J, Wilson TE, Adimora AA. Health insurance type and control of hypertension among US women living with and without HIV infection in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study. Am J Hypertens. 2017 Jun; 30(6): 594-601. | 2017 |
Konkle-Parker D, Fouquier MK, Arnold T, Harris C, Portz KJ, Wheeless L, Turan, JM Women's Decision-Making about Self-Protection during Sexual Activity in the Deep South Context: A Grounded Theory Study Culture, Health and Sexuality, accepted for publication | 2017 |
Berghoff, CR, Gratz, KL, Portz, KJ, Pinkston, M, Naifeh, JA, Evans, SD, Konkle-Parker, DJ, Tull, MT The role of emotional avoidance, the patient-provider relationship, and other social support in AT adherence for HIV+ individuals. AIDS and Behavior. Epub 2017 March 9. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-017-1745-2 | 2017 |
Ludema, D, Cole, SR, Eron, JJ, Edmonds, A, Holmes, GM, Anastos, K, Cocohoba, J, Cohen, M, Cooper, HL, Golub, ET, Kassave, S, Konkle-Parker, D, Metsch, L, Milam, J, Wilson, TE, Adimora, AA Impact of health insurance, ADAP, and income on HIV viral suppression among US women in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study, 2006-2009. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 73(3) 307-312. DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001078. PMCID: PMC5089078. | 2017 |
Rehm KE, Konkle-Parker D Association of CD4+ T cell subpopulations and psychological stress measures in women living with HIV. AIDS Care, 2017 Jan 24:1-5. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2017.1281880. | 2017 |
Rehm KE, Konkle-Parker D. Physical activity levels and perceived benefits and barriers to physical activity in HIV-infected women living in the Deep South of the United States. AIDS Care, in press. | 2016 |
Luema D, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Edmonds A, Holmes GM, Anastos K, Cocohob, J, Cohen M, Cooper HL, Golub ET, Kassave S, Konkle-Parker D, Metsch L, Milam J, Wilson TE, Adimora AA. Impact of health insurance, ADAP, and income on HIV viral suppression among US women in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study, 2006-2009. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 73(3) 307-312 | 2016 |
Konkle-Parker, D. J. Nurses can facilitate safer sexual behavior counseling for persons living with HIV: Strategies for success. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 26(3): 229-234. | 2015 |
Konkle-Parker, D. J., Amico, K. R., McKinney, V. (2014). Effects of an Intervention Addressing Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills on HIV Care Adherence in a Southern Clinic Cohort. AIDS Care. 2014; 26: 229-234 | 2014 |
Konkle-Parker, DK Community-level HIV stigma is a public health threat. HIV Clinician. 2013; 25(2):7-9 | 2013 |
Konkle-Parker, D. J., Erlen, J. A., Dubbert, P. M., May, W. Pilot testing of an HIV medication adherence intervention in a public clinic in the Deep South Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 2012, 24(8):488-98 | 2012 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Barnett, G Retention in HIV Care: A critical component to HIV chronic management HIV Clinician 24(1), 1-3. | 2012 |
KonKle-Parker, DJ, Amico, KR, Henderson, HM. Barriers and facilitators to engagement in HIV clinical care in the Deep South: Results from semi-structured patient interviews. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 2011; 22(2):90-99 | 2011 |
Williams B, Konkle-Parker DJ, Amico KRA Qualitative Assessment of Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Treatment Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 22(4): 307-312 | 2011 |
Konkle-Parker, DJ, Robertson, AA HIV discharge planning: from correctional setting to community care in Mississippi HIV Clinician. 2011; 23(1): 1-5 | 2011 |
Konkle-Parker DJ How can we facilitate entry into and retention in HIV Care? HIV Clinician. 2010; 22(1): 10-11. | 2010 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Erlen JA, Dubbert, PM Lessons Learned from an HIV Adherence Pilot Study in the Deep South Patient Education and Counseling. 2010; 78(1):91-96 | 2010 |
Amico KR, Barta W, Konkle-Parker DJ, Fisher JD, Cornman DH, Shuper P, & Fisher, WA The Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model of ART adherence in a Deep South HIV positive Clinic Sample AIDS and Behavior, 13, 66-75 | 2009 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Dubbert PM, Erlen JA Barriers and facilitators to medication adherence in a southern minority population with HIV disease Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 19(2), 98-104 | 2008 |
Amico KR, Konkle-Parker DJ, Cornman DH, Barta W, Ferrar R, Norton W, Trayling C, Shuper P, Fisher JD., Fisher WA Reasons for ART non-adherence in the Deep South: Adherence needs of a sample of HIV-positive patients in Mississippi AIDS Care 19(10), 1210 – 1218 | 2007 |
Bondenlos JS, Grothe KB, Whitehead D, Konkle-Parker DJ, Jones GN, Brantley PJ Attitudes toward health care providers and appointment attendance in HIV/AIDS patients. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 18(3): 65-73. | 2007 |
amico KR, Fisher WA, Cornman DH, Shuper PA, Redding CG, Konkle-Parker DJ, Barta W, Fisher JD Visual analog scale of ART adherence: Association with 3-day self-report and adherence barriers Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom (JAIDS). 2006: 42:455-9 | 2006 |
Reeves RR, Parker JD, Koknkle-Parker D New clinical awareness of war-related mental health problems in veterans retrning from Afghanistan & Iraq Journal of Psychosocial Nursing. 2005: 43(7): 1-10 | 2005 |
Konkle-Parker D, Cramer C, Hamill C Standardized patient training: A modality for teaching interviewing skills Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2002; 33(5): 225-230 | 2002 |
Konkle-Parker D A motivational intervention to improve adherence to treatment of chronic disease Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 2001; 13(2):61-68 | 2001 |
Konkle-Parker D Policital Activity: A nursing intervention Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 2000; 11(3): 57-58 | 2000 |
Penton-Eklund N, Konkle-Parker, DJ Using Standardized patients to train providers Isssues in HIV Servivce Delivery | 1997 |
Rubtsova AA, Kempf MC, Taylor T, Konkle-Parker D, Wingood GM, Holstad MM Healthy aging in older women living with HIV infection: A systematic review of psychosocial factors Current HIV/AIDS Reports, accepted for publication. | |
Konkle-Parker, D 2013 IDSA Guidelines for vaccinations of HIV-infected individuals HIV Clinician. 2014; 26(2):1-3 | 2014 |
Konkle-Parker DJ Mississippi clinicians are involved in multiple HIV research projects HIV Clinician. 2009; 21 (2): 14-15 | 2009 |
Konkle-Parker DJ NP mentors Nepal HIV clinics in clinical decision-making HIV Clinician. 2009; 21(1): 9-11. | 2009 |
Konkle-Parker, DJ Medication adherence: What are the barriers and facilitators? HIV Clinician, 19(4): 8-9. | 2007 |
Konkle-Parker D How can clinicians help motivate their clients to change? HIV Clinician. 2005; 17(2): 9 | 2005 |
Konkle-Parker D HIV clinicians are in a position to help slow the epidemic. HIV Clinician. 2004; 16(2): 10-11 | 2004 |
Konkle-Parker D How one clinic met a new demand without additional resources. HIV Clinician. 2003: 15(2):11-12. | 2003 |
Konkle-Parker D Depression can be a serious problem for HIV-infected. HIV Clinician. 2002: 14(2): 10-11. | 2002 |
Konkle-Parker D What is the best way to measure medication adherence? HIV Clinician. 2000: 12(3):11-12 | 2000 |
Konkle-Parker D Early HIV deetection and treatment: An underutilized primary care service ADVANCE for Nurse Practitioners. 1998: 6(9): 63-66 | 1998 |
Abstracts | |
Rana A, Johnson K, Lanier C, Nash, B, Zlotnick C, Wingood G, Mena L, Konkle-Parker D, Wilson I. Mortality among HIV-infected women following delivery n Mississippi International Association of Providers in AIDS Care Adherence Conference, Miami FL | 2017 |
Turan, B, Rice W, Atkins G, Kempf MC. Konkle-Parker D, Sosanya O, Wilson T, Plankey M, Milam J, Tien P, Cohen M, Golub E, Adimora A, Wingood G, Parish C, Neilands T, Johnson M Weiser S, Turan J. Longitudinal associations between internalized HIV-related stigma and antiretroviral treatment adherence among women living with HIV: The mediating role of depression. International Association of Providers in AIDS Care Adherence Conference, Miami FL June 4 – 6 2017 | 2017 |
Konkle-Parker, D.J., Fouquier, M.K., Arnold, T., Harris, C., Portz, K., Wheeless, L., “Decision-making about self-protection from HIV when engaging in risky sexual behavior in the southern USA.”, Sixth International Workshop on HIV & Women, Boston, MA, February 21, 2016 | 2016 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Amico KR, McKinney V Intervention using Motivational Interviewing Improves Retention in HIV Care 2012 National Summit on HIV and Viral Hepatitis Diagnosis, Prevention, and Access to Care, Washington, DC | 2012 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Amico KR, McKinney V A Multidimensional Intervention Improves Retention in HIV Care 2012 International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Adherence Conference | 2012 |
Konkle-Parker, DJ, Amico, KR, McKinney, V Early Effects of a Multidimensional Treatment Adherence Intervention 2011 Annual Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 19, 2011 | 2011 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Williams B, Amico KR, McKinney V Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Medical Care 2010 International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Adherence Conference, Miami, FL | 2010 |
Konkle-Parker DJ & Henderson HM Barriers to HIV Clinical Care in a Minority Southern Population 2008 International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Adherence Conference, Jersey City, NJ, March 17-18, 2008 | 2008 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Erlen JA, Dubbert PM HIV Adherence Pilot Study based on the IMB Model 2008 Society of Behavioral Medicine annual conference, San Diego, CA, March 26-28, 2008 | 2008 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Erlen JA, Dubbert PM HIV Adherence Barriers in a Southern Minority Population 2007 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care conference, Orlando, FL, November 8-11, 2007 | 2007 |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Erlen JA, Dubbert PM The Use of a Computer-Assisted Self-Interview in a Sample of Patients with HIV Infection Living in the Deep South 2006 National State of the Science Congress in Nursing Resesrch, Washington DC | 2006 |
Konkle-Parker D, Erlen JA, Dubbert PM Multidimensional HIV adherence intervention Enhancing Adherence: A State of the Science Meeting on Intervention Reseaarch to Improve Anti-Retroviral Adherence, New Haven, CT | 2005 |
Konkle-Parker D Networked linkages in Mississippi between corrections and the community for discharge of HIV-infected women 2004 Minority Women's Health Summit, DHHS Office on Women's Health, Washington DC | 2004 |
Konkle-Parker D Tailored adherence interventions for HIV-infected adults based on the Transtheoretical Model of Change American Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico | 2000 |
Aadia Rana High Mortality and Low Rates of Long Term Engagement in Care Following Delivery Among HIV infected Women in Mississippi | |
Book Chapter | |
Konkle-Parker, D. & Lostalot, F. Rehabilitation in regulatory/metabolic and immune system dysfunction. In S. E. Hoeman (Ed.), Rehabilitation Nursing: Prevention, Intervention, & Outcomes (4th ed.) Mosby, St. Louis, 2008 (pp. 707-729). | 2008 |
Editorial Commentary | |
Konkle-Parker DJ, Erlen, JA Commentary to Letter to the Editor: Technicalities: Getting and staying connected to people living with HIV/AIDS in the Southern United States by Farrell, Fabbri, and Ingersoll Patient Education and Counseling, 2011; 83:141 | 2011 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Process of Decision-making about HIV Self-Protection in the Deep South Context, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA | 11/2016 |
Poster Presentation, Decision-making about self-protection from HIV when engaging in risky sexual behavior in the southern USA., Sixth International Workshop on HIV & Women, Boston, MA | 02/2016 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Panel Moderator, University of Alabama at Birmingham "Ending AIDS" Summit, Birmingham, AL | 04/2015 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, HIV in Mississippi – Understanding the Impact of HIV in the Deep South, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL | 04/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, HIV in Primary Care, UMMC Advanced Practice Council Annual Conference, Jackson, MS | 04/2015 |
Invited Symposia, Patient-Provider Teams: Some Times the "Care Relationship:" is the Intervention, 9th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence/International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, Miami, FL | 06/2014 |
invited panel, White House Office of National AIDS Policy Regional Listening Session, White House Office of National AIDS Policy, Jackson, MS | 05/2014 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Motivational Interviewing: Application and Practice, Mississippi Primary Healthcare Association, Jackson, MS | 09/2013 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Motivational Interviewing: Application and Practice, 6th Empowering Communities for a Healthy Mississippi Conference, Jackson, MS | 05/2013 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The State of HIV in Mississippi and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Where are we and Where are we Going?, Mississippi Nurses Association District 13/Theta Beta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, Jackson, MS | 02/2013 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Developing Training on Retention in Care, Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center, Gulfport, MS | 06/2012 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Addressing HIV Screening: Testing in Health Care Settings and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center, Biloxi, MS | 06/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Retention in Care: Keep Them Corning Back, Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center, New Orleans, LA | 04/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Introduction to Motivational Interviewing, MS Department of Health District Social Workers, Jackson, MS | 03/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, HIV Clinical Program of Research, UMMC Department of Medicine Research Council, Jackson, MS | 03/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, HIV Clinical Research at UMMC, UMMC, Jackson, MS | 01/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Improving Client Connections: Motivational Interviewing strategies, MS Department of Health, Greenville, MS | 01/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Early Effects of a Multidimensional Treatment Adherence Intervention, 2011 Annual Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Conference, Baltimore, MD | 11/2011 |
Invited Symposia, HIV Clinical Research in Progress, Brown University Center for AIDS Research, Providence, RI | 10/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, At Risk for Non-Adherence, John D. Bower Annual Renal Update 2011, Jackson, MS | 05/2011 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Treatment in the Deep South, Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center, New Orleans, LA | 04/2011 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Discharge Planning in Mississippi, Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center, Jackson, LA | 03/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Motivational Enhancement Strategies, 1st Annual Mental Health Issues and HIV Conference/ UMMC, Jackson, MS | 06/2009 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Motivational Enhancement Strategies, 2009 International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Adherence Conference, Miami, FL | 04/2009 |
Scientific Presentations, HIV Adherence Pilot Study based on the IMB Model, 2008 Society of Behavioral Medicine annual conference, San Diego, CA | 03/2008 |
Scientific Presentations, Barriers to HIV Clinical Care in a Minority Southern Population, 2008 International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Adherence Conference, Jersey City, NJ | 03/2008 |
Scientific Presentations, HIV Adherence Barriers in a Southern Minority Population, 2007 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care conference, Orlando, FL | 11/2007 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Clinical Research: Multidimensional HIV Adherence Intervention, 2007 Annual Meeting, Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Beta Chapter/ Oglevee Research Day, University of MS Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/2007 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing | 2014 |
Mississippi Nightingale Nurse Researcher of the Year, Mississippi Nurses Association | 2014 |
Nurse Resesarcher of the Year, UMMC Nursing Department | 2013 |
President, Faculty Senate, elected, UMMC Faculty Senate | 2012 |
Member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers | 2010 |
Phi Kappa Phi member, Phi Kappa Phi | 2009 |
Faculty Senate member, elected, UMMC Department of Medicine | 2009 |
UMMC Leadership Development Program, UMMC Leadership Development Office | 2009 |
HIVMA Board of Directors, elected, HIV Medicine Association | 2004 |
Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society member, Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society | 1997 |
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa | 1986 |
Excellence in Research, Gold Level, University of Mississippi Medical Center | |
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing Article of the Year, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing | |
Excellence in Research Award, Bronze level, UMMC | |
Rene Reeb Research Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing | |
Rene Reeb Research Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing |
Professional Membership and Service
Faculty Forward Task Force, Member | 2014 - Present |
Member Advocacy Program Leadership Group, Member | 2014 - Present |
Intramural Research Support Program, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2013 |
BMJ Open, Reviewer, Journal Article | 2013 - Present |
Theta Beta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, Officer, President/Elect/Past | 2012 - 2013 |
AIDS Care, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2012 - Present |
In+Care Campaign Technical Working Group, Member | 2011 - Present |
Mississippi Prevention, Action, and Treatment Coalition for HIV (M-PATCH), Officer, President/Elect/Past | 2011 - Present |
Intramural Research Support Program, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2011 |
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Editorial Review Board Member | 2011 - Present |
Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Beta Chapter, Officer, President/Elect/Past | 2011 - Present |
AIDS and Behavior, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2011 - Present |
AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2011 - Present |
Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2011 - Present |
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2011 - Present |
Journal of the International AIDS Society, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2011 - Present |
Global Medic Force, Clinical Mentor, Clinical Mentor in South Africa for HIV care | 2010 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2010 - 2011 |
American Nurses Foundation, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2010 - Present |
NIH/NIMH Exploratory HIV/AIDS Intervention Research Study Section, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2010 - 2011 |
HIV Clinician, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2010 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2009 - 2010 |
Board of Regents, State of Louisiana, Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 2009 |
Patient Education and Counseling, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2009 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2008 - 2009 |
International Center for Equal Health Care Access, Clinical Mentor, Clinical mentor for HIV care in Nepal | 2008 |
Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Beta Chapter, Officer, Other Officer | 2008 - 2011 |
International Association of Physicians in AIDS CAre, Member | 2008 - Present |
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2008 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2007 - 2008 |
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 2007 - Present |
Southern Nursing Research Society, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Annual meeting | 2007 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2006 - 2007 |
CDC Provider Advisory Board for the Medical Monitoring Project, Committee Member | 2006 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2005 - 2006 |
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Reviewer, Conference Paper, Annual meetings | 2005 - Present |
HIV Medicine Association, Board of Directors of a Company | 2004 - 2008 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2004 - 2005 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2003 - 2004 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2002 - 2003 |
Infectious Diseases Society of America, Member | 2002 - Present |
Society of Behavioral Medicine, Member | 2002 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2001 - 2002 |
Southern Nursing Research Society, Member | 2000 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 2000 - 2001 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 1999 - 2000 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 1998 - 1999 |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 1997 - 1998 |
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Member | 1996 - Present |
AIDS Education and Training Center, Guest Speaker, Multiple training programs provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center | 1996 - 1997 |
American Nurses Association, Member | 1996 - Present |
Committee Service
Infectious Diseases Research Council, Chair | 2012 - Present |
Medical Center - Library Faculty Advisory, Member | 2012 - 2013 |
SACS Reaffirmation Leadership, Member | 2012 - 2013 |
School Of Medicine - Continuing Education Liaison, Member | 2012 - 2013 |
Department of Medicine Research Council, Member | 2011 - Present |
School of Medicine Performance Improvement Committee, Member | 2007 - 2010 |
UMMC Faculty Development Committee, Member | 2007 - 2013 |
University of Mississippi Alumni Association, Member | 2006 - 2008 |
Community Service
unfunded research: "HIV care linkage and retention in selected sites in Mississippi: exploring care delays and those never linked to care"; PI: Sprague and Simon, co-investigator | 10/2014 - Present |
Other Service
Faculty Senate, President | 07/2012 - 06/2013 |
Epic Super User | 03/2012 - 08/2012 |
Collaboration for Research in Communicable Diseases, Founder/Director | 09/2010 - Present |
Faculty Senate, member | 07/2009 - Present |
Inter-Departmental Writing Improvement Group, founder and chair | 07/2007 - Present |
Teaching Experience
633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Methods | Spring 2013 |
633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Methods | Spring 2012 |
633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Methods | Spring 2012 |
633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Methods | Spring 2011 |
708, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Quantitative Research | Summer 2010 |
633, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Research Methods | Spring 2010 |
798, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Dissertation Research | Spring 2009 |
717, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Research Practicum | Spring 2009 |
679, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Scholarly Inquiry II | Spring 2009 |
798, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Dissertation Research | Fall 2008 |
678, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Scholarly Inquiry I | Fall 2008 |
701, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Seminar | Fall 2008 |
682, Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Therapeutic Management in Primary Care | Fall 2008 |
701, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Seminar | Summer 2008 |
701, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Seminar | Spring 2008 |
717, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Directed Research | Winter 2008 |
798, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Dissertation Research | Winter 2008 |
701, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Seminar | Winter 2008 |
708, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Quantitative Research | Winter 2007 |
Directed Student Learning
Preceptor, Advised: Monica Gordon | 2015 - Present |
Capstone Project committee member, Proactive Evaluation to Assess the Perceived Need for Routine HIV Testing in the Community Health Center Advised: Sherikee Causey | 2015 - Present |
clinical preceptor, Advised: Emily Strebeck, James Wilson | 2013 - 2013 |
Dissertation Committee Member, Effects of Portable Play Equipment at Daycare on Young Children's Physical Activity. Advised: Melissa Temple | 2012 - Present |
Directed Individual/Independent Study, Advised: Wren Hand | 2009 - 2009 |
Dissertation Committee Member, Relationship between Co-Dependency and Over-eating Advised: Denise Bynum | 2008 - 2011 |