Sung-Ho Huh

Sung-Ho Huh

Assistant Professor

SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery


Work Phone:
(601) 984-5162


Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Developmental Biology2012
Washington University in St. Louis, PhD, Molecular Cell Biology program in DBBS2009
Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Researcher in Cell Death Research Center2002
Korea University Seoul, Korea., MS, Graduate School of Biotechnology2001
Korea University Seoul, Korea., BS, Genetic Engineering1999

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine2023 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Ting Therapeutics, School of Medicine07/2022 - 12/2022
Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center, School of Medicine2016 - 06/2022
Instructor, Washington University, School of Medicine11/2012 - 12/2015

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Child Health Research lnstitute Grant01/2021 - 12/2022
Extramural, DHHS Nebraska State07/2018 - 06/2019
Extramural, Pilot Grant, UAB The Hepato/Ranal Fibrocystic Disease Core Center07/2018 - 06/2020
Extramural, Edna lttner Pediatric Research Grant11/2016 - 10/2017
Extramural, CoBRE Pilot Award09/2016 - 08/2018
Extramural, K99/R00 NIH Pathway to lndependence07/2013 - 12/2019
Extramural, Hearing Health Foundation Research Grant renewal07/2011 - 06/2013


Journal Article

Huh SH-, Nilrhi K., Lindfors PH, Haara O, Yang L, Ornitz DM--, Mikkola ML FGF20 governs formation of
primary and secondary dermal condensations in developing hair follicles, Genes&Development 2O13 Feb;
27 . 450458 *Equal contribution, '*Correspondence. Evaluated by Faculty of '1000.
Barak H-, Huh SH., Chen S, Jeanpierre S, Martinovic J, Parisot M, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschke P, Salomon R,
Antignac C, Ornitz DM**, Kopan R*. FGF9 and FGF20 maintain the stemness of nephron progenitors in
mice and man, Dev Cell.2012 Jun 22(6):1191-1207 "Equal contribution, "*Correspondence. Previewed in
'Dev.Cell.' Featured in Cover Page. Evaluated by Faculty of 1000.
Huh SH, Jones J, Warchol ME, Ornitz DM. Difierentiation of the lateral compartment of the cochlea
requires a temporally restricted FGF20 signal, PLoS Biology'10(1): e1001231.
Highlighted in 'Nature' . Evaluated by Faculty of 1 000.
Xue W, Kong Y Abu R, Roy P, Huh SH, Kuss M, Kumar V, Duan B. Regulation
of Schwann Cell and DRG Neurite Behaviors within Decellularized Peripheral Nerve Matrix. ACS Appl Materlnterfaces. 2022 F eb 23;14(7):8693-8704. doi: 10.1021 lacsami. 1 c20320.
Li H, Kurtzeborn K, Kupari J, Gui Y Siefker E, Lu B, Mdtlik K, Olfat S, Montano-Rodriguez AR, Huh SH, Costantini
F, Andressoo JO, Kuure S. Postnatal prolongation of mammalian nephrogenesis by excess fetal GDNF.
Development.2021 May 1 5 ; 1 a8( 1 0). doi: 1 0. 1 2421 dev. 1 97 47 5.
Ebeid M, Huh SH. Mesenchymal ETV transcription factors regulate cochlear length.Hear Res. 2020 Aug
20;396;1 08039. doi: 1 0. 1 01 6/j.heares.2020. 1 08039.
Huh SH., Ha L, Jang HS Nephron Progenitor Maintenance ls Controlled through Fibroblast Growth Factors and
Sproutyl lnteraction. J Am Soc Nephrol 2020 Aug 4;ASN.2020040401 . doi: 10.1681/ASN.2020040401.
Jansson L, Ebeid M, Shen JW, Mokhtari TE, Quiruz LA, Ornitz DM, Huh SH., Cheng AG.. p-Catenin is required
for radial cell patterning and identity in the developing mouse cochlea.Proc NatlAcad Sci U S A. 2019 Oct
1 5;116(42):21054-21 060. doi: 1 0. 1 073/pnas. 1 910223116. *Correspondence
Yang LM, Cheah KSE, Huh SH*, OrniE DM.. Sox2 and FGF20 interact to regulate organ of Corti hair cell and
supporting cell development in a spatially-graded manner PLoS Genet. 2019 Jul;15(7):e 1008254. doi:
'1 0.1 371 /journal.pgen.l 008254.
Yang LM, Huh SH, Ornitz DM. FcF2o-Expressing, WnlResponsive Olfactory Epithelial Progenitors Regulate
Underlying Turbinate Growth to Optimize Surface Area. Dev Cell 2018 Sep 10;46(5):564-580.e5. doi:
1 0.1016/j devcel.2O1 8.07.01 0.
Elo T, Lindfors PH, Lan Q, Voutilainen M, Trela E, Ohlsson C, Huh SH, Orni2 DM, Poutanen M, Howard BA,
Mikkola ML. Ectodysplasin target gene Fgf20 regulates mammary bud growth and ductal invasion and
branching during puberty, Sci Rep.2017Jul 1 I ;7(1):5049. doi: 10.1038/s41 598-017-04637-1
Huh SH*, Warchol ME, Ornitz DM*. Cochlear progenitor number is controlled through mesenchymal FGF
receptor signaling, elife. 2015 Apt 27;4. doi: '10.7554/elife.05921
Kim JY, Lee RH, Kim TM, Kim DW, Jeon YJ, Huh SH, OH SY, Kyba M, Kataoka H, Choi K, Ornitz DM,
Chae Jl, Park C. OVOL2 is a critical regulator of ERTl in generating FLK+ cells, hematopoietic and
endothelial cells from embryonic stem cells, Blood. 2014 Nov 6;124(19):2948-52.
Chen Z, Huang J, Liu Y, Dattilo LK, Huh SH, Ornitz D, Beebe DC. FGF signaling activates a Soxg-Sox10
pathway for the formation and branching morphogenesis of mouse ocular glands, Development. 2014
Jul; 141 (1 3):2691 -701.
Heile O, Harjunmaa E, Lindfors PH, Huh SH, Fliniaux l, Aberg T, Jernvall J, Ornitz DM, Mikkola ML,
Thesleff l. Ectodysplasin regulates activator-inhibitor balance in murine tooth development through Fgf20
signaling, Development 201 2 Sep;'1 39( 1 7):31 89-99.
Huh SH and Ornitz DM. p-catenin deficiency causes DiGeorge syndrome- like phenotypes through.
regulation of Tbx1, Development 2010 Apr;137(7).1137 47.
Yin Y White AC, Huh SH, Hilton MJ, Kanazawa H, Long F, Ornitz DM An FGF-WNT gene regulatory
network controls lung mesenchyme development. Dev. Biol.2008 Jul 15;319(2):426-36.
Park HS, Huh SH, Kim MS, Kim DY Gwag BJ, Cho SG, Choi EJ Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)
modulates the JNK1 activity through redox mechanism: a cGMP independent pathway. Biochem. Biophys.
Re s. Com m u n. 2006 Jul 28;346(2).408-1 4.
Ryoo K, Huh SH, Lee YH, Yoon KW, Cho SG, Choi EJ Negative regulation of MEKKl-induced signaling by
glutathione S-transferase Mu. J. Blol. Chem.2004 Ocl 15,279(42):43589-94.
Patk HS, Yu JW, Cho JH, Kim MS, Huh SH, Ryoo K, Choi EJ lnhibition of apoptosis signal-regulating
kinase 1 by nitric oxide through a thiol redox mechanism. J. Biol. Chem.2004 Feb 27;27 9(9):7 584-90
Park HS, Cho SG, Kim CK, Hwang HS, Noh KT, Kim MS, Huh SH, Kim MJ, Ryoo K, Kim EK, Kang WJ,
Lee JS, Seo JS, Ko YG, Kim S, Choi EJ. Heat shock protein hsp72 is a negative regulator of apoptosis
signa l-regu lating ki nase 1 . M ol. C e I l. B i ol. 2002 Nov ;22(22):7 7 21 -30.
Park HS, Kim MS, Huh SH, Park J, Chung J, Kang SS, Choi EJ Akt (protein kinase B) negatively regulates
SEK1 by means of protein phosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 2002 Jan 25;277 (4):257 3-8.
Kim JW Chang TS, Lee JE, Huh SH, Yeon SW, Yang WS, Joe CO, Mook-Jung l, Tanzi RE, Kim TW, Choi
EJ. Negative regulation of the SAPI(JNK signaling pathway by presenilin 1. J. Cell. Biol.2001 Apr
30;1 53(3):457-63.
Pa,k HS, Lee JS, Huh SH, Seo JS, Choi EJ Hsp72 functions as a natural inhibitory protein of c-Jun Nterminal
kinase. EMBO J. 2001 Feb 1;20(3):446-56.
Park HS, Huh SH, Kim MS, Lee SH, Choi EJ. Nitric oxide negatively regulates c-Jun N-terminal
kinase/stress-activated protein kinase by means of S-nitrosylation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2000 Dec
19;97(26):14382-7 .
Park HS, Huh SH, Kim Y Shim J, Lee SH, Park lS, Jung YK, Kim lY Choi EJ Selenite negatively regulates
caspase-3 through a redox mechanism. J. Biol. Chem.2000 Mar 24;275(12):8487-91.
Lin C, Yin I Bell SM, Veith GM, Chen H, Huh SH, Ornitz DM, Ma L Delineating a Conserved Genetic
Cassette Promoting Outgrowth of Body Appendages. PLoS Genef. 9(1). e1 003231

Review Article

Ebeid M, Huh SH FGF signaling. diverse roles during cochlear development. BMB Rep. 2017

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Scholarship in Lions Club2017
Society of Developmental Biology travel award2014
Scholarship for workshop "The Mouse as an lnstrument for Ear Research V"2012
Travel award for CSHL" Molecular Pathways in Organ Development & Disease"2012
Fine Science & Merlie Traveling Fellowships2012
Society of Developmental Biology travel award2011
Society of Developmental Biology travel award2008
Scholarship, Korea University1998

Other Service

Mentored MSTP Student, mentor07/2012 - 08/2016
Mentor undergraduate student2010 - 01/2012
Teacher Assistant, Teacher Assistant Cell biology2004 - 12/2011
Teacher Assistant Advanced Biochemistry, Teacher Assistant07/2000 - 12/2004

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Course, Assistant ProfessorAnnual 2023
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Course, Assistant ProfessorAnnual 2016 - 2022
Washington University, Small Group, Research InstructorAnnual 2012 - 2015
Ting Therapeutics, Course, Senior ScientistAnnual 07.22 - 2022