Juebin Huang, MD, PhD

Juebin Huang, MD, PhD




Work Phone:
(601) 984-5500


Dr. Huang earned his MD in 1994 at West China University of Medical Sciences, Chendu, China, and his PhD in 2002 at Peking Union Medical College in Beijing, China. He completed his Neurology residency training at UMMC in February 2015.

Before his residency training, Dr. Huang gained extensive research training in the area of neuroimaging of aging and dementia at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas (2003-05), Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH (2005-2006) and University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, TN (2006-09). From 2009-11, he held a faculty position focusing on research in the Department of Neurology at UMMC.

Prior to his immigration from China to the United States in 2003, Dr. Huang also received extensive clinical and research training in Neurology and Neurodegenerative disorders including dementia and Alzheimer's disease as well as Parkinson's disease. He served as one of the key investigators for a large neuroepidemiology study of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease in China.

Dr. Huang's clinical practice is focused on neurodegenerative and movement disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, tremor, vascular dementia, and mild cognitive impairment. His research interests include exploration of experimental therapeutics for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and the study of Neuroimaging biomarkers for aging and dementia. Dr. Huang is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, a recipient of the 2006 Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award (first place), and the 2006 AFAR-NYAS-GE Neuroimaging Prize for Junior Investigators. He has authored or coauthored more than two dozen articles in peer-reviewed publications.


University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, Residency, Neurology2015
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, Internship, Neurology2012
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Postdoc research fellowship, Neuroimaging in aging and dementia2006
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Postdoc research fellowship, Neuroimaging in aging and dementia2005
Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, PhD, Neuroepidemiology2002
West China Univeristy of Medical Sciences, Chendu, China, MBBS, Clinical Medicine1994

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Certificate of License Registration, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure08/2014 - Present
Certification, Board certification, American Board or Psychiatry and Neurology09/2015 - 09/2025

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine07/2023 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology07/2018 - 06/2023
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology03/2015 - 06/2018
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology08/2009 - 02/2011
Research Associate, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology07/2006 - 08/2009

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, An open-label multicenter Phase 2 dose-evaluation study of Altropane (123I) Injection for
striatal dopamine transporter visualization using SPECT brain imaging, GE healthcare
03/2023 - Present
Extramural, Huntington's Disease Society of America Center of Excellence award, HDSA01/2023 - 12/2025
Extramural, New IDEAS: Imaging Dementia —
Evidence for Amyloid ScanningStudy:
A Study to Improve Precision in AmyloidPET
Coverage and Patient Care, American College of Radiology
02/2022 - Present
Extramural, Huntington's Disease Society of America Center of Excellence award, Huntington's Disease Society of America01/2022 - 12/2022
Extramural, Huntington's Disease Society of America Center of Excellence, Huntington's Disease Society of America01/2021 - 12/2021
Extramural, A phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Efficacy and Safety Study of Gantenerumab in Patients with Early (Prodromal to Mild) Alzheimer’s Disease., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd05/2018 - 05/2023
Extramural, Huntington's Disease Society of America Center of Excellence Partner Site, Huntington's Disease Society of America01/2018 - 12/2020
Extramural, A phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Efficacy and Safety Study of Crenezumab in Patients with Prodromal to Mild Alzheimer’s Disease., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd09/2017 - 06/2018
Extramural, Longitudinal Cohort Study of Resource use and Cost of Mild
Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia due to Alzheimer’s
Disease in the United States (GERAS-US), United BioSources, LLC
05/2017 - 01/2020
Extramural, Imaging Dementia—Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (IDEAS) Study: A Coverage with Evidence Development Longitudinal Cohort Study, American College of Radiology06/2016 - 03/2018
Extramural, GV: Small: Collaborative Research: Supporting Knowledge Discovery Through a Scientific Visualization Language, National Science Fundation11/2010 - 10/2012
Extramural, Mechanisms of White Matter Microstructural Changes in Aging Brain, Ellison Medical Foundation / American Federation for Aging Research07/2007 - 06/2009


Coauthorship for Multicenter Study

Stein JL, Medland SE, Vasquez AA, Hibar DP, Senstad RE, Winkler AM, Toro R, Appel K, Bartecek R, Bergmann Ø, Bernard M, Brown AA, Cannon DM, Chakravarty MM, Christoforou A, Domin M, Grimm O, Hollinshead M, Holmes AJ, Homuth G, Hottenga JJ, Langan C, Lopez LM, Hansell NK, Hwang KS, Kim S, Laje G, Lee PH, Liu X, Loth E, Lourdusamy A, Mattingsdal M, Mohnke S, Maniega SM, Nho K, Nugent AC, O'Brien C, Papmeyer M, Pütz B, Ramasamy A, Rasmussen J, Rijpkema M, Risacher SL, Roddey JC, Rose EJ, Ryten M, Shen L, Sprooten E, Strengman E, Teumer A, Trabzuni D, Turner J, van Eijk K, van Erp TG, van Tol MJ, Wittfeld K, Wolf C, Woudstra S, Aleman A, Alhusaini S, Almasy L, Binder EB, Brohawn DG, Cantor RM, Carless MA, Corvin A, Czisch M, Curran JE, Davies G, de Almeida MA, Delanty N, Depondt C, Duggirala R, Dyer TD, Erk S, Fagerness J, Fox PT, Freimer NB, Gill M, Göring HH, Hagler DJ, Hoehn D, Holsboer F, Hoogman M, Hosten N, Jahanshad N, Johnson MP, Kasperaviciute D, Kent JW Jr, Kochunov P, Lancaster JL, Lawrie SM, Liewald DC, Mandl R, Matarin M, Mattheisen M, Meisenzahl E, Melle I, Moses EK, Mühleisen TW, Nauck M, Nöthen MM, Olvera RL, Pandolfo M, Pike GB, Puls R, Reinvang I, Rentería ME, Rietschel M, Roffman JL, Royle NA, Rujescu D, Savitz J, Schnack HG, Schnell K, Seiferth N, Smith C, Steen VM, Valdés Hernández MC, Van den Heuvel M, van der Wee NJ, Van Haren NE, Veltman JA, Völzke H, Walker R, Westlye LT, Whelan CD, Agartz I, Boomsma DI, Cavalleri GL, Dale AM, Djurovic S, Drevets WC, Hagoort P, Hall J, Heinz A, Jack CR Jr, Foroud TM, Le Hellard S, Macciardi F, Montgomery GW, Poline JB, Porteous DJ, Sisodiya SM, Starr JM, Sussmann J, Toga AW, Veltman DJ, Walter H, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., EPIGEN Consortium., IMAGEN Consortium., Saguenay Youth Study Group., Bis JC, Ikram MA, Smith AV, Gudnason V, Tzourio C, Vernooij MW, Launer LJ, DeCarli C, Seshadri S, Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology Consortium., Andreassen OA, Apostolova LG, Bastin ME, Blangero J, Brunner HG, Buckner RL, Cichon S, Coppola G, de Zubicaray GI, Deary IJ, Donohoe G, de Geus EJ, Espeseth T, Fernández G, Glahn DC, Grabe HJ, Hardy J, Hulshoff Pol HE, Jenkinson M, Kahn RS, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, McMahon KL, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Morris DW, Müller-Myhsok B, Nichols TE, Ophoff RA, Paus T, Pausova Z, Penninx BW, Potkin SG, Sämann PG, Saykin AJ, Schumann G, Smoller JW, Wardlaw JM, Weale ME, Martin NG, Franke B, Wright MJ, Thompson PM. Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis Consortium., Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes. Nature genetics, 2012 Apr 15;44(5):552-612012
Carmichael O, Xie J, Fletcher E, Singh B, DeCarli C, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Localized hippocampus measures are associated with Alzheimer pathology and cognition independent of total hippocampal volume. Neurobiology of aging, 2012 Jun;33(6):1124.e31-41
Shen KK, Fripp J, Mériaudeau F, Chételat G, Salvado O, Bourgeat P, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Detecting global and local hippocampal shape changes in Alzheimer's disease using statistical shape models. NeuroImage, 2012 Feb 1;59(3):2155-66
Cho Y, Seong JK, Jeong Y, Shin SY, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Individual subject classification for Alzheimer's disease based on incremental learning using a spatial frequency representation of cortical thickness data. NeuroImage, 2012 Feb 1;59(3):2217-30.
Eskildsen SF, Coupé P, Fonov V, Manjón JV, Leung KK, Guizard N, Wassef SN, Østergaard LR, Collins DL, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., BEaST: brain extraction based on nonlocal segmentation technique. NeuroImage, 2012 Feb 1;59(3):2362-73
Schott JM, ADNI Investigators., Using CSF biomarkers to replicate genetic associations in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of aging, 2012 Jul;33(7):1486.e9-15
McEvoy LK, Holland D, Hagler DJ Jr, Fennema-Notestine C, Brewer JB, Dale AM, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Mild cognitive impairment: baseline and longitudinal structural MR imaging measures improve predictive prognosis. Radiology, 2011 Jun;259(3):834-43
Tosun D, Schuff N, Mathis CA, Jagust W, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease NeuroImaging Initiative., Spatial patterns of brain amyloid-beta burden and atrophy rate associations in mild cognitive impairment. Brain : a journal of neurology, 2011 Apr;134(Pt 4):1077-88
Kauwe JS, Cruchaga C, Karch CM, Sadler B, Lee M, Mayo K, Latu W, Su'a M, Fagan AM, Holtzman DM, Morris JC, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Goate AM Fine mapping of genetic variants in BIN1, CLU, CR1 and PICALM for association with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. PloS one, 2011 Feb 9;6(2):e15918
Wolk DA, Dickerson BC, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype has dissociable effects on memory and attentional-executive network function in Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 Jun 1;107(22):10256-61
Ho AJ, Stein JL, Hua X, Lee S, Hibar DP, Leow AD, Dinov ID, Toga AW, Saykin AJ, Shen L, Foroud T, Pankratz N, Huentelman MJ, Craig DW, Gerber JD, Allen AN, Corneveaux JJ, Stephan DA, DeCarli CS, DeChairo BM, Potkin SG, Jack CR Jr, Weiner MW, Raji CA, Lopez OL, Becker JT, Carmichael OT, Thompson PM, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., A commonly carried allele of the obesity-related FTO gene is associated with reduced brain volume in the healthy elderly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 May 4;107(18):8404-9
Rimol LM, Agartz I, Djurovic S, Brown AA, Roddey JC, Kähler AK, Mattingsdal M, Athanasiu L, Joyner AH, Schork NJ, Halgren E, Sundet K, Melle I, Dale AM, Andreassen OA, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Sex-dependent association of common variants of microcephaly genes with brain structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 Jan 5;107(1):384-8
Jack CR Jr, Lowe VJ, Weigand SD, Wiste HJ, Senjem ML, Knopman DS, Shiung MM, Gunter JL, Boeve BF, Kemp BJ, Weiner M, Petersen RC, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative., Serial PIB and MRI in normal, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: implications for sequence of pathological events in Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology, 2009 May;132(Pt 5):1355-65.
Mormino EC, Kluth JT, Madison CM, Rabinovici GD, Baker SL, Miller BL, Koeppe RA, Mathis CA, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Episodic memory loss is related to hippocampal-mediated beta-amyloid deposition in elderly subjects. Brain : a journal of neurology, 2009 May;132(Pt 5):1310-23

Journal Article

Kronfol CA, Shekhar S, Huang J. An elderly woman presents with a “Transient
Ischemic Attack”: A curable cause.
J Neurol Stroke. 2021;11(1):27‒29.
Singh L, Gibson S, Patel N, and Huang J. Huntington’s Disease Care in Mississippi: The Challenge and the Hope on the Horizon Journal of Mississippi State Medical Association. 2020; 61(6-7):161-164.2020
Huang J, Friedland RP, Auchus AP, Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Normal Appearing White Matter in MCI and Early AD: Preliminary Evidence of Axonal Degeneration in Temporal Lobe. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2007, 28:1943-1948.2007
Chen X, Zhang ZX, Huang J, Wen HB. Comparative study on the clinical features of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao 2004; 26: 122-7.2004
Huang J, Zhang ZX, Hong X, et al. The conversion rates of mild cognitive impairment to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in natural elderly: A population-based follow-up study. Chinese Journal of Neurology 2004; 37: 105-108.2004
Chen X, Zhang ZX, Huang J, Wen HB. Comparative study on clinical features of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia diagnosed on the basis of neuroimaging results. Chinese Journal of Neurology 2004; 37: 109-113.
Zhu YC, Cui LY, Huang J. Clinical features and treatment of thallium poisoning in 4 patients. Chinese Journal of Neurology 2004; 37: 315-318.
Guan HZ, Chen X, Wei J, Huang J, Jin ZY. Spontaneous carotid cavernous fistula: 2 cases report. Chinese Journal of Geriatric Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease. 2004; 8: 68.
Duan LL, Zhang ZX, Huang J, et al. Evaluation on the disability weight of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2003; 24:220-223.
Zhao JH, Zhang ZX, Hong X, Huang J, et al. Functions and limitations of neuropsychological tests on diagnosis of dementia. Chinese Journal of Neurology 2002; 35: 333-335.
Zhang ZX, Wei J, Hong X, Zhao JH, Huang J, et al. Prevalence of dementia and major subtypes in urban and rural communities of Beijing. Chinese Journal of Neurology 2001; 34: 199-203.
Hong X, Zhang ZX, Li H, Zhao JH, Wei J, Huang J, et al. A case-control study of endogenous estrogen and risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 22:379-382.
Huang J, Zhang ZX, Wu JX. Clinical characteristics of Parkinson’s disease in natural population. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao 2001; 23: 19-22.
Zhang ZX, Hong X, Li H, Zhao JH, Huang J, et al. Norms for the Mini-Mental State Examination among residents aged 55 years and over in rural and urban areas of Beijing, China. Chinese Journal of Neurology 1999; 32: 149-153.
Huang J, Wei J, Li SW, et al. Thallium poisoning: a clinical analysis of 5 cases. National Medical Journal of China 1998; 78: 610-611.

Review Article

Huang J, Zhang ZX. The current concept and advance in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Chinese Journal of Neurology 2002; 35:369-371.


Phillips E, Yu Z, Huang J. Difference of [123I] Ioflupane Striatal Binding Between African Americans and Caucasians with Normal Presynaptic Dopaminergic Function (P8-4.001) Neurology. 2024; 102 (issue 17/Supplement 1). https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.00000000002051782024
Yu Z, Weeks K, Gunturu M, Huang J. Late-Onset Wilson’s Disease in an Elderly Woman with Unusual Natural History: A Case Report. Annals of Neurology. 2023; 94 (suppl 30): S175-176.2023
Yu Z, Vijayakumar V and Huang J. Quantitative Striatal [123I] Ioflupane Uptake in Tremor versus Postural Instability and Gait Difficulty Syndrome without Presynaptic Dopaminergic Deficiency Annals of Neurology. 2022. 92 (suppl 29): S1232022
Nelson P. Douglass, MD, Jordan Maury, BA, Juebin Huang, MD. Left Ventricular Non-Compaction: An Uncommon Cause of Cardoembolic Stroke Annals of Neurology. 2022. 92 (suppl 29): S732022
Shamsed Mahmud 1, Hao Mei 1, Adrienne Tin 1, Jan Bressler 2, William A Pruett 1, Myriam Fornage 2, Juebin Huang 1, Eric Boerwinkle 2 3, Thomas H Mosley Jr 1, Jeannette Simino 1 Whole Exome Sequence Study of Mild Cognitive Impairment in African and European Americans; the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities-Neurocognitive Study Alzheimers Dement
. 2021 Dec;17 Suppl 12:e058619. doi: 10.1002/alz.058619.
Juebin Huang, Kevin J. Sullivan, Vani Vijayakumar Racial Difference of [123I] Ioflupane Uptakes in Patients with Tremor and Parkinsonian Syndrome: A Retrospective Chart Review Study Neurology Apr 2021, 96 (15 Supplement) 1488.2021
Silu Lu, Manasa Gunturu, Juebin Huang, Tiffany Pike-Lee An atypical case of Ocular Bartonellosis without feline exposure responding to glucocorticoid treatment. Neurology Apr 2021, 96 (15 Supplement) 2904.2021
Salman Tarique, Prashant Natteru, Zachary Goodwin, Juebin Huang, Manasa Gunturu Bilateral Hemorrhagic Disc Edema is not always Papilledema: An unusual presentation of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy. Neurology Apr 2021, 96 (15 Supplement) 1580.2021
Joshua Smith, Prashant Natteru, Chandra Sekhar Mannyam, Juebin Huang, Manasa Gunturu Trigeminal neuralgia heralding a florid case of Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation. Neurology Apr 2021, 96 (15 Supplement) 2011.2021
Huang J, Kronfol CA and Vijayakumar V. The Utility of [123I] Ioflupane Spect Imaging in African-American Patients: A Retrospective Chart Review Study Annals of Neurology. 2020; 88 (S25):S186.2020
Nobleza CO, Auchus AP, Shekhar S, Gangadhara S, Huang J, Willis MA, Uschmann H. Hogwarts House Grouping for a Combined Wellness and Assessment Initiative for Resident Trainees in Neurology (Hogwarts-Neurology) Annals of Neurology. 2020; 88 (S25):S115.2020
Natteru P and Huang J. Man Carrying a Diagnosis of “Parkinson Disease”with a Prolonged History of Stuttering Speech - ACase Report. Movement Disorder Clinical Practice. 2020; 7(S1):S30-S31.2020
Kronfol CA and Juebin Huang. An Elderly Patient Presents with "Transient Ischemic Attack": A Case of Cardioembolic Stroke Secondary to Cardiac Myxoma. Annals of Neurology.2019;86(suppl 24): S141-142.2019
Huang J, Cohen M, Safar J, Auchus AP. Early-Onset Progressive Dementia with Persistent Extensive Cortical Diffusion Restriction. Neurology, 2018 90 (15 Supplement). P1. 174.2018
Huang J, Hussain SA, Vijayakumar V, Goel S, Auchus AP The Utility of Dopamine Transporter Imaging in Clinically Uncertain Parkinsonian Syndrome: Experience from General Neurology Practice. Movement Disorder. 2017, 32 (Suppl 1): s692017
Power MC, Tingle JV, Reid RI, Huang J, Sharrett AR, Coresh J, Jack CR, Knopman D, Mosley T, Gottesman RF. Midlife and late life vascular risk factors and white matter integrity assessed using diffusion tensor imaging: the ARIC-NCS study. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2016; 12 (issue 7, supplement): p247-248.2016
Huang J, Vijayakumar V, Auchus AP The Clinical Utility of [123I]-FP-CIT SPECT in Tremor Type versus Non-Tremor Type Clinically Uncertain Parkinsonian Syndrome. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 357 (2015), e55.2015
Huang J, Jayaram S, Herndon, RM, Corbett JJ. MRI Signal Abnormalities of the Anterior Visual Pathways in Neuromyelitis Optica. Annals of Neurology 2014; 76 (Suppl 18): s78.2014
Huang J, Chaudhry BZ, McDonald KR, Vedanarayanan VV, Parker CC, Corbett JJ, Herndon RM. Typical and Atypical Initial Presentation of Neuromyelitis Optica: A Retrospective Study. Neurology, 2014 82 (Suppl 10): P4. 008.2014
Huang J, Chaudhry BZ, McDonald KR, Vedanarayanan VV, Parker CC, Corbett JJ, Herndon RM. The Spectrum of Brain MRI Abnormalities in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders. Neurology, 2014 82 (Suppl 10): P4. 009.2014
Huang J, Chaudhry BZ, McDonald KR, Vedanarayanan VV, Parker CC, Corbett JJ, Herndon RM. Typical and Atypical Initial Presentation of Neuromyelitis Optica: A Retrospective Study. Annals of Neurology 2013; 74 (Suppl 17): s21-22.2013
Huang J, Chen J, Cai H, Friedland RP, Koubeissi MZ, Laidlaw DH, Auchus AP. Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography (DTT) Reveals Altered Brainstem Fiber Connections Accompanying Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC). Annals of Neurology 70 (Suppl 15):S48-S49,2011.2011
Auchus AP, Huang J, Koubeissi MZ, Tkach J, Friedland RP and Wee AS. Diffusion tensor tractography of corpus callosum agenesis: report of two cases. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2009: 285, S182-S183.2009
Huang J, Friedland RP, Tkach J and Auchus AP. Altered Intra- and Inter-hemispheric Fiber Connection in Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: A case Report. Journal of Neuroimaging 2009; 19 (1), 105-106.2009
Huang J and Auchus AP. Lobar Gray And White Matter Atrophy In Alzheimer’s Disease: Preliminary Results From The ADNI Public Database. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2008; 4 (issue 4, supplement): T81, T371.2008
Auchus AP, Huang J. Lobar Gray Matter Atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Neuroimaging 2008; 18 (2), 2112008
Auchus AP, Huang J. Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Normal Appearing White Matter in AD and MCI. Neurology 68(Suppl 1):A273, 2007.2007
Auchus AP, Huang J. Cognitive and Functional Relevance of White Matter Integrity in MCI and AD. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2007; 19(2): 230-231.2007
Huang J, Auchus AP. Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Normal and Abnormal Appearing White Matter in the Frontal Lobes of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Neuroimaging 2007; 17(1): 94.2007
Huang J, Auchus AP. Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Normal Appearing White Matter in MCI and AD. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2006; 2(Suppl): S335.2006
Meyer J.S, Huang J and Chowdhury M.H. MRI confirms mild cognitive impairment prodromal for different dementias. European Journal of Neurology. 2005; 12(S2): 11.2005
Zhang Z-X, Roman GC, Hong Z, Wu CB, Huang J. Epidemiologic Patterns of Parkinson’s Disease in Beijing, Xian and Shanghai Regions of China: Prevalence and Related Socio-Demographic Factors. Neurology 2004; 62(Suppl 5): A205.2004

Book Chapter

Juebin Huang Delirium and dementia In: R.S. Porter, editor. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy: 20th Edition. New Jersy: Merck sharp & dohme corp; 2018. 1870-1889.2018
Juebin Huang Function and dysfunction of the cerebral lobes In: R.S. Porter, editor. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy: 20th Edition. New Jersy: Merck sharp & dohme corp; 2018. 1893-1900.2018
Huang J. Brain Dysfunction. In: R.S. Porter, editor. The Merck Manual-Home Health Handbook: Third Home Edition. New Jersy: Merck Research Laboratories. Merck & CO., INC; 2009. 677-681.
Huang J. Delirium and Dementia. In: R.S. Porter, editor. The Merck Manual-Home Health Handbook: Third Home Edition. New Jersy: Merck Research Laboratories. Merck & CO., INC; 2009. 682-700.

Electronic Publications

Huang, J Delirium and Dementia The Merck Manual Professional Version. New Jersy: Merck Research Laboratories. Merck & CO.,INC2016
Huang J Overview of Cerebral Function The Merck Manual Professional Version2015


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Movement Disorders, Mississippi Society of Nuclear Medicine, Jackson, MS02/2025
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Managing Neurological Complications of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias., 24th Annual Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, Jackson, MS10/2024
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Anti-Amyloid Immunotherapy for Alzheimer's Disease: Translating Research into Clinical Practice., University of Mississippi Medical Center Neurology Grand Rounds09/2024
Poster Presentation, Novel SPAST Deletion Mutation in an American Family with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: A Case Report, 2024 American Federation for Medical Research (AFMR) Southeastern Meeting05/2024
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Molecular Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementia, Nuclear Medicine Update 2024/Mississippi Society of Nuclear Medicine, Flowood, MS02/2024
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Many Faces of Parkinson’s Disease: The Non-Motor Symptoms, Methodist Rehab Outpatient in affiliation with The Parkinson’s Foundation, Methodist Rehab Center12/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Huntington's Disease & Comorbidities, 8th Annual Nola Team Hope & Education DayWalk, New Orleans, LA09/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biomarkers for Common Neurodegenerative Disorders: Translating Research to Clinical Practice, 2022 Neurology Symposium, Jackson,MS08/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Anti-Amyloid Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease: an Update, University of Mississippi Medical Center Neurology/Neurosurgery Grand Rounds06/2022
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Dealing with Comorbidities and Huntington's Disease, 37th Annual Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) convention, Atlanta, GA06/2022
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Let’s Talk About It: Symptoms Beneath the Surface: Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson Disease, Parkinson's Foundation Symposium, Jackson, MS04/2022
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Huntington's Disease Care in Mississippi: the Challenge and the Hope, University of Mississippi Medical Center Neurology/Neurosurgery Grand Rounds05/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Use of Neuroimaging in Cognitive Impairment and Mild Cognitive Impairment, American Geriatric Society Annual meeting 2021, virtual conference05/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Workshop: Ask the Doctors...anything, 35th Annual Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) convention, Virtual06/2020
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Research and the Future for the Elderly Mind, St Catherine Village, Jackson, MS08/2019
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Use of Neuroimaging for Cognitive Impairment, American Geriatrics Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Potland, OR05/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Current Status and New Perspectives, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Jackson, MS03/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Clinical Research for Alzheimer’s Disease: An Update of the IDEAS Study, UMMC MIND Center, Jackson, MS11/2018
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Managing Motor Aspects of Parkinson Disease, American Geriatrics Society 2018 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL05/2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Clinical Research for Alzheimer’s Disease: Update on Anti-Amyloid Immunotherapy, Mississippi Annual Alzheimer’s Summit, Jackson, MS12/2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Biomarkers in Neurodegenerative Disorders: Translating Research into Clinical Practice, University of Mississippi Medical Center Neurology Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS11/2017
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Neurologist's Perspective on Functional Imaging for Epilepsy and Movement Disorders, Radiological Society of North American (RSNA) Annual meeting, Chicago, IL12/2016
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, FP-CIT SPECT in Diagnosis of Tremor and Parkinsonian Syndrome, Nuclear Medicine Update/Mississippi Society of Nuclear Medicine, Jackson, MS02/2016
Platform Presentations, [123I]-FP-CIT Striatal Uptake in Tremor vs. Non-Tremor Type Parkinsonian Syndrome., 2016 American Federation for Medical Research/The Southern Society for Clinical Investigation’s Southern Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA02/2016
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Amyloid beta PET Imaging as Biomarkers in the Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease, Mississippi Annual Alzheimer’s Summit/Alzheimer's Association, Jackson, MS12/2015
Platform Presentations, The Clinical Utility of [123I]-FP-CIT SPECT in Tremor Type versus Non-Tremor Type Clinically Uncertain Parkinsonian Syndrome., XXII World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2015), Santiago, Chile10/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Research and the Future for the Elderly Mind, Elderly Patients: Keeping their Minds in the Game/University of Mississippi Medical Center / St. Dominic Hospital /Baptist Hospital (Jackson, MS) Joint CME event, Jackson, MS10/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Advance in imaging of Parkinsonian syndrome., University of Mississippi Medical Center-Neurology Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS06/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography: Applications in Clinical Neurology, University of Mississippi Medical Center-Neurology Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS03/2011

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Travel Fellowship Award, The 139th annual meeting of the American Neurological Association, Baltimore, MD2014
Travel Fellowship Award, Alzheimer’s Imaging Consortium, the 11th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ICAD), Chicago, IL2008
2007 Mid-South Fair Geriatric Research Award, Mid-South Fair, Memphis, TN2007
Chinese Medical Science Research Award, Chinese Medical Association, Beijing, China2006
Travel Fellowship Award, American Federation for Aging Research / New York Academy of Sciences2006
AFAR-NYAS-GE Healthcare Neuroimaging Prize for Junior Investigators, American Federation for Aging Research /New York Academy of Sciences2006

Professional Membership and Service

American Neurological Association, Member2020 - Present
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, Member2016 - Present
American Academy of Neurology, Member2016 - Present

Committee Service

Department of Neurology Clinical Research Committee, Chair2022 - Present
Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) 2022 Convention Program Planning Committee, Steering Comittee Member2021 - 2022
Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) 2020 Convention Program Planning Committee, Steering Comittee Member2020 - 2020
Department of Neurology Program Evaluation Committee, Member
MCCTR Pilot Project Review Committee, Member
Department of Neurology – Clinical Competency Committee, Member
Department of Neurology Translational Research Committee, Member

Community Service

Mississippi Huntington's Disease Education Day, Event organizer11/2024 - 11/2024
Media interview-WLBT-Huntington's disease awareness05/2022 - Present
Parkinson's Foundation Jackson Community Education Day, Keynote Speaker04/2022 - 04/2022
NPR-Southern Remedy Healthy and Fit | Parkinson's Disease awareness, Guest speaker04/2022 - Present
1st Mississippi HDSA Team Hope Walk Planning Committee, Member12/2021 - 05/2022
Metro-Jackson Parkinson’s Education/Support Group Meeting, Guest speaker10/2021 - 10/2021
Bellhaven Senior Care Nursing Home Huntington's disease In-service, Speaker08/2021 - 08/2021
Beau Ridge Nursing Home Seizure Disorder In Service Presentation, Speaker07/2021 - 07/2021
Media interview-Super Talk Radio-Huntington's disease awareness03/2020 - Present
Media interview-Super Talk Radio-Huntington's disease awareness05/2018 - Present
Mississippi Huntington's Family Support and Awareness Group, Committee member2018 - Present

Other Service

eNeurologicalSci.03/2022 - Present
MCCTR Pilot Project Grant Program03/2022 - Present
npj Parkinson's Disease06/2021 - 10/2021
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology10/2020 - Present
Journal of Neurology & Experimental Neuroscience12/2019 - Present
Journal of Parkinson's Disease03/2018 - Present
Journal of the Neurological Sciences05/2021
American Neurological Association (ANA) 2021 annual meeting abstract review

Teaching Experience

SOM 623, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, The Neurological System and Human Behavior courseSpring 2024-2025 - 2025
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences-Huntington's DiseaseFall 2024-2025 - 2024
SHRP, Lecture, Guest Presenter, PT605 (Pharmacology in Physical Therapy)-Pharmacological Management for Parkinson Disease and Alzheimer's DiseaseSummer 2024-2025 - 2024
Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, M3 Neurology Clerkship Didactic-Dementia OverviewAnnual 2023-2024 - 2024
SOM610, Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences-Huntington's DiseaseFall 2023-2024 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Guest Presenter, Medical Genetics Student Interest Group MeetingFall 2023-2024 - 2023
SHRP, Course, Guest Presenter, PT605 (Pharmacology in Physical Therapy)-Pharmacological Management for Parkinson DiseaseSummer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior III – Dementia OverviewSpring 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior ISpring 2022 - 2022
SHRP, Course, Guest Presenter, PT605 (Pharmacology in Physical Therapy)-Pharmacological Management for Parkinson DiseaseSummer 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Family Medicine Resident Didactic Lectures-Movement DisordersFall 2022 - 2022
SHRP, Lecture, Guest Presenter, CNS PharmacologySummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior IIFall 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior II: Movement Disorders Block lecture seriesFall 2021
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior ISpring 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Geriatric Fellowship program - core curriculum conference-Geriatric Neurology Lecture seriesFall 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior IIFall 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Geriatric Fellowship program - core curriculum conference-Geriatric Neurology Lecture seriesFall 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Department of Medicine Residents noon lecture seriesAnnual 2019 - 2019
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Neuroscience and Behavior 2Fall 2019 - 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Geriatric NeurologyAnnual 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Department of Medicine Residents noon lecture seriesSummer 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical Neuroscience and Behavior 1Annual 2018 - 2019
Medicine, Small Group, Medical Neuroscience and Behavior 2Fall 2018 - 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Geriatric Neurology 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Movement disorder lecture seriesAnnual 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Dementia lecture seriesFall 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neuroscience and Behavior 2Winter 2017 - 2018
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Medical Neuroscience and Behavior 1Spring 2017 - 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Department of Medicine Resident noon lecture seriesSummer 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Movement disorder lecture series 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Movement Disorder Lecture Series 2015 - 2015

Directed Student Learning

Research Advisor, Quantitative Striatal [123I] ioflupane Uptake in Tremor versus Postural Instability and Gait Difficulty Syndrome without Presynaptic Dopaminergic Deficiency
Advised: Zheming Yu
2021 - Present
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, The Genetic Architecture of Mild Cognitive Impairment in African and European Americans: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities-Neurocognitive Study (ARIC-NCS)
Advised: Shamsed Mahmud
2021 - 2022
Research Advisor, Association between Vascular Risk Factors and Quantitative DaTscan striatal binding capacity: A retrospective chart review study
Advised: Sarah Brannan
2021 - 2022
Research Advisor, Association between Vascular Risk Factors and Quantitative DaTscan striatal binding capacity: A retrospective chart review study
Advised: Parakash Pratibhu
2020 - 2021
Dissertation Committee Member, Sleep and health-related quality of life among patients and caregivers in Parkinson’s Disease
Advised: Sushmitha Inguva
2020 - 2021
Research Advisor, The Clinical Utility of Amyloid PET Imaging in Clinically Uncertain Dementia Syndrome: A Retrospective Chart Review Study
Advised: Catherine Kronfol
2018 - 2018
Research Advisor, Clinical Utility of DaTscan in Tremor vs. non-Tremor type Clinically Uncertain Parkinsonian syndrome
Advised: Saumya Goel
2015 - 2018

Fellows supervised

UMMC Internal Medicine Geriatric Fellowship Program, Attending Physician, 7 fellows supervised07/2016 - Present

Residency Training

UMMC Adult Neurology Residency Program, Research Advisor2015 - Present
UMMC Adult Neurology Residency Program, Attending Physician2015 - Present