Rui He, DABR, PhD

Rui He, DABR, PhD

Affiliate Faculty



Work Phone:
(601) 815-7498


Rui He is an American Board Radiology certified radiation oncology medical physicist with 17 years experiences. She left her country of China since 1993 and she with her husband and a daughter lived and worked in different countries including Germany, Canada and United States. She is very open-minded and love different cultures and different people. She is a life –long learner and hard worker. She is a very detail orientated and patient care focused person. Her hobbies are dancing, practicing yoga, and playing piano.


University of Mississippi School of Health Related Profession, PhD, Clinical Health Science2017
Lanzhou University, China, MS, Solid State Physics1988
Lanzhou University, China, BS, Physics1984

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Therapeutic Radiologic Physics, The American Board Of Radiology06/2006 - 12/2016

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine11/2010 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

medical physicist, Kaiser Permanente, Department of Radiation / Oncology11/2004 - 10/2010
medical physicist, OnCure Medical Corporation08/2002 - 11/2004
medical physicist, Albany Medical school09/2001 - 07/2002
medical physicist associate, Princess Margaret Hospital09/1999 - 08/2001



He R., Kumar P., Hu Y., Suggs J., Yang C., Giri S. Usefulness of CT-MR Fusion in Radiotherapy Planning for Prostate Cancer Patient with Bilateral Hip Replacement Medical Physics. 2014; 41:3432014
Nguyen A., Rajaguru P., Kaurin D., Paul T., He R., Plowman A., Yang C. VMAT Commissioning and Quality Assurance of an Elekta Synergy-STM Linac Using ICOM Test HarnessTM Medical Physics. 2014; 41:3942014
Nguyen A., Hu Y., He R., Paul T., Plowman A., Mobit P., Ma J., Packianathan S., Kanakamedala M., Yang C. TG-129 Implementation on BrachyVisionTM Medical Physics. 2014; 41:3212014
Hu Y., Ruan C., Stanford J., Duggar W., Rajaguru P., He R., Yang C. Phantom 3D Dose Calculation and Anatomy Based DVH Evaluation on VMAT Patient QA Using the Newest Version of Delta4 Dosimetry System Medical Physics. 2014; 41:1552014
Hu Y., Ruan C., Nguyen A., Duggar W., Mobit P., Rajaguru P., He R., Yang C. Phantom 3D Dose Calculation and Anatomy Based DVH Evaluation on VMAT Patient QA Using the Newest Version of Delta4 Dosimetry System Medical Physics. 2013; 40:2132013
Liu T., Rajaguru P., Dieck G., Edwards J., He R., Huang Z., Vijayakumar S., and Yang C. Variation in VMAT QA Pass Rate Caused by Detector Setup Errors Medical Physics. 2012; 39:37842012
Liu T., He R., Huang Z., Vijayakumar S., and Yang C. Comparison of three Array Calibration Methods of MapCheck for Elekta Beam Modulator LINAC Medical Physics. 2012; 39:37862012
Liu T., Rajaguru P., He R., Dieck G., Edwards J., Brewer M., Mobit P., Yang C. Comparison of Two 3D Gamma Index Calculation Schemes Medical Physics. 2011; 38:35012011
He R., Edwards J., Dieck G., Liu T., Yang C. Impact on Delivered Dose Accuracy of a Moving Target in Diffferent Types of Plan Medical Physics. 2011; 38:35942011
Yang C., Dieck G., Edwards J., Liu T., Rajaguru P., He R., Mobit, P. Verification of High Density Concrete Transmission Characteristics under User Beams Medical Physics. 2011; 38:35562011
He R. and Yang C. MapPlan with MapCHECK and Im'RT MatriXX for Real Gantry Angle IMRT QA Medical Physics. 2009; 36:26042009
He R. and Yang C. A Systematic Methodology in Dosimetric Verification of Anisotropic
Analytical Algorithm in Eclipse Treatment Planning System
Medical Physics. 2009; 36:2596


oral presentation, Study of interplay effect between multi-leaf collimator movement and target motion on a moving lung phantom in radiation therapy, 16th World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC 2015), Denver, CO09/2015
Poster Presentation, TG-129 Implementation on BrachyVisionTM, AAPM07/2014
Poster Presentation, VMAT Commissioning and Quality Assurance of an Elekta Synergy-STM Linac Using ICOM Test HarnessTM, AAPM07/2014
Poster Presentation, Usefulness of CT-MR Fusion in Radiotherapy Planning for Prostate Cancer Patient with Bilateral Hip Replacement, AAPM07/2014
Poster Presentation, Phantom 3D Dose Calculation and Anatomy Based DVH Evaluation on VMAT Patient QA Using the Newest Version of Delta4 Dosimetry System, AAPM07/2014
Poster Presentation, Phantom 3D Dose Calculation and Anatomy Based DVH Evaluation on VMAT Patient QA Using the Newest Version of Delta4 Dosimetry System, AAPM08/2013
Poster Presentation, Comparison of three Array Calibration Methods of MapCheck for Elekta Beam Modulator LINAC, AAPM07/2012
Poster Presentation, Variation in VMAT QA Pass Rate Caused by Detector Setup Errors, AAPM07/2012
Poster Presentation, Verification of High Density Concrete Transmission Characteristics under User Beams, AAPM07/2011
Poster Presentation, Impact on Delivered Dose Accuracy of a Moving Target in Diffferent Types of Plan, AAPM07/2011
Poster Presentation, Comparison of Two 3D Gamma Index Calculation Schemes, AAPM07/2011
Poster Presentation, MapPhan with MapCHECK and Im'RT MatriXX for Real Gantry Angle IMRT QA, AAPM, Anaheim, CA07/2009
Poster Presentation, A Systematic Methodology in Dosimetric Vertification of Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm in Eclipse Treatment Planning System, AAPM, Anaheim, CA07/2009

Professional Membership and Service

ASTRO, Member, American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)2010 - Present
AAPM, Member, American Association of physicists in medicine2006 - Present

Residency Training

medical physics residency program, Training Faculty2015 - Present
medical physics residency program, Training Faculty2014 - Present
medical physics residency program, Training Faculty2013 - 07/2015
medical physics residency program, Training Faculty2011 - 01/2014
Medical physics Residency program, Training Faculty2011 - 11/2013
Radiation Oncology residency program, Training Faculty2010 - Present