Zurab V. Guruli, MD, PhD

Zurab V. Guruli, MD, PhD

Associate Professor


Work Phone:
(601) 984-5900


In 1985, I began my medical career at Tbilisi State Medical University (Republic of Georgia, USSR). I graduated medical school as a summa cum laude and residency training as a pediatric surgeon. In 1992, I have entered in a 3 years PhD program at the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Anesthesiology of Tbilisi Medical Academy. My research project, which I have successfully finalized in my dissertation, included the study of immunological and biochemical changes in pediatric critical patients. Concurrently, I taught Topographic Anatomy and performed experimental research in transplantation of pancreatic islet cells.
In 1995, I started my American Medical training by becoming a visiting scholar at the LSU Medical Center and New Orleans Children’s Hospital. After successfully passing the USMLE exams and becoming a licensed physician in the US, I began an internship in General Surgery at the Michigan State University program. Upon completion of my internship, I entered the residency program and subsequently cardio-vascular fellowship at the Anesthesiology Department of Tulane University.
I have started my independent practice at New Orleans VA Hospital in 2004. After hurricane “Katrina” I was detailed at Jackson VA Hospital and appointed as a chief of Anesthesiology Department., where I am currently serving.


Tulane University, MD, Anesthesiology/Cardiac2005
Tulane University, MD, Anesthesiology2004
Michigan State University, MD, General surgery2001
Tbilisi Medical Academy, PhD, Pediatric Surgery1995
Tbilisi State Medical University, MD, Pediatric Surgery1991

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, ABA2018 - 12/2027

Current Positions

Clinical Associate Professor, School of Medicine11/2015 - Present
Department Chair12/2006 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216


Journal Article

Joseph M. Saenz, Zurab V Guruli "Dexmedetomidine to Remove a Large Thyroid Mass" Federal Practitioner. 2014 September;31(9):28-31.2014
Gogol', K. N., Gotsiridze, E. G., Guruli, Z. V., Kintraia, N. P., Tsaava, F. D. "The expectancy-stress factor in pregnant refugee women" Georgian Med News. 2006 Sep2006
Shukry,M., Guruli Z., Ramadhyani,U. "Suspected malignant hyperthermia in a child with laminin a2 (merosin)deficiency in the absence of a triggering agent" Paediatric Anaesthesia, Volume 16, Number 4, April 2006, pp. 462-465(4)2006


Zurab Kakabadze, MD, Zurab Guruli, MD "The New Method of Transplantation of Pancreatic Islet Cell Cultures" XI World congress of ISAO, Providence, Rhode Island (1997)1997
Zurab kakabadze, MD; Zurab Guruli, MD "Surgical Correction of the Bile-Duct Strictures by the Polytetraftorethylene Prosthesis of Gore-Tex" XI World Congress of ISAO, Providence, Rhode Island (1997)1997
Zurab Guruli, MD, Petre Shotadze, MD "Condition of T and B Systems of Immunity in Children with TB During Immunomodulatory Therapy" International Journal of Immunorehabilitation, Moscow, Russian Federation (1996)1996
Zurab Guruli, MD, Petre Shotadze, MD "Immunotherapy and Immunorehabilitation of Children with Purulent
Destructive Processes of Lung"
International Journal of Immunorehabilitation, Moscow, Russian Federation (1995)
Zurab Guruli, MD "Determination of Immune Reactivity by the AMLC Method in Children With Acute Diseases of Pleura and Lung During the Critical Situation" Messenger of Medicine # 2, Tbilisi, Georgia (1995)1995
Iuri Malashkhia, MD, Zurab Guruli, MD "Pneumocystis Carinii Infection in Children" 2nd Congress of the European Confederation Medical Mycology, Brussels, Belgium (1995)1995
Zurab Guruli, MD, Petre Shotadze, MD, Iuri Malashkhia, MD "Immunorehabilitation of Children With LTI and LA" International Journal of Immunorehabilitation, 1st supplement, Moscow, Russian Federation1995
Iuri Malaskhia, MD, Zurab Guruli,MD "Content of Endogenic Opioid Peptides During the Septic (Endotoxin) Shock in Newborns and Infants" 7th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Vienna, Austria (1995)1995
Zurab Guruli, MD, Petre Shotadze, MD "Condition of the Immune System in Children With Destructive Processes of the Lung" Messenger of Medicine # 3-4, Tbilisi, Georgia (1994)1994
Petre Shotadze, MD; Zurab Guruli, MD "Research of Problems of Late Hospitalization of Children with Acute Appendicitis" Collection of Scientific Works of Medical Institutes of Prague and Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia (1990)1990


Zurab Guruli, MD "Diagnosing Pathological Changes in Children During the Critical Stages of Purulent Diseases of Lung and Pleura" Journal of Tbilisi Medical Academy, October, 19951995


National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Management of Perioperative Complications; Anaphylactic Reactions” –Presentation, Georgian Society of anesthesiology, Georgia06/2019
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Anesthesia in Pregnant Patients for Nonobstetric Surgery“, GAMPHA, Tbilsi, Georgia06/2018
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Motivations and Counter-Motivations Before Tackling the USMLE
( What should we know up front)”, GIMPHA, Tbilisi, Georgia
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “PACU – Where trouble starts: Acute pain management in patients with chronic pain”, Georgian Association of Anesthesiology, Batumi, Georgia09/2017
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Anesthesia in Pregnant Patients for Nonobstetric Surgery”, GAMPHA, Tbilisi, Georgia06/2015
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Anesthesia and Respiratory Diseases”, International Congress of Georgian Respiratory, Batumi,Georgia06/2014
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “COPD Yesterday and Today; Achievements and Challenges”, GAMPHA, Tbilisi, Georgia06/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Paradoxes of Pain”, GAMPHA, Tbilisi, Georgia06/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, “Obstructive Sleep Apnea; From Dickens to Sullivan”, GAMPHA, Tbilisi, Georgia05/2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Dexmedetomidine in the OR" Mississippi CRNA, Mississippi CRNA Association, Jackson, MS01/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Peripheral nerve blocks for postoperative pain management", VA Hospital, Jackson,MS05/2007
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Merosin Deficiency and Malignant Hyperthermia", Gulf Atlantic Residents onference, Miami05/2004
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Dexmedetomidine and Clonidine Use for Perioperative Management of Drug Dependent Patients", Gulf Atlantic Residents Conference, New Orleans01/2003

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Clinical Manager of the Year, 2018, VA Medical Center2018
Doctor of the Year, 2016, VA Medical Center2016
Clinical Manager of the Year 2015, VA Medical Center2015
Presidential Order of Honor, Republic of Georgia2012
Georgian-American Medical and Public Health Association, GAMPHA2011
Chief Medical Advisor; Chairman of Georgian International Scientific Council, Ministry of Health, Republic of Georgia2011
Clinical Manager of the Year, 2008, VA Medical Center2008
Teacher of the Year, 2007, UMMC, CRNA School2007
Doctor of the year, 2007, VA Medical Center2007
Special Contribution Award, VA Medical Center2006
Special Contribution Award for Hurricane "Katrina" Rescue Operations, VA Medical Center2005
Chief Resident, 2003-2004, Tulane University, Department of Anesthesiology2004
Outstanding Resident , 2003-2004, Tulane University, Department of Anesthesiology2004
Outstanding Resident, 2002-2003, Tulane University, Department of Anestesiology2003
Outsatnding Junior Resident, 2001-2002, Tulane University, Department of Anesthesiology2002

Professional Membership and Service

Mississippi Society of Anesthesiology, Member2006 - Present
ASA, Member2001 - Present

Committee Service

VA Ethics Committee, Member2015 - Present
VA Procedures Review Committee, Member2006 - Present
VA Blood Transfusion Committee, Member2006 - Present

Directed Student Learning

VA SRNA Rotation Director2006 - Present

Fellows supervised

VA Pain rotation, Rotation site director, 0 fellows supervised07/2015 - Present

Residency Training

VA Anestehsiology Department, Subspecialty/Activity Director2006 - Present