Hannah B. Gay

Hannah B. Gay


SOM-Peds-Infectious Disease



University of Mississippi Medical Center, Residency, Pediatrics1983
University of Mississippi School of Medicine, MD, Medicine1980
The University of Mississippi, BA, Biology/Chemistry1976

Specialty Certification Licensure

Re-certification, AAHIVM HIV Specialist, American Academy of HIV Medicine2015 - 12/2017
Certification, Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics01/1986 - Present
Re-certification, AAHIVM HIV Specialist, American Academy of HIV Medicine2013 - 12/2014
Licensure, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure08/1980 - 06/2015
Re-certification, AAHIVM HIV Specialist, American Academy of HIV Medicine2011 - 12/2012
Certification, AAHIVM HIV Specialist, American Academy of HIV Medicine2009 - 12/2010

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics07/2014 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics07/2001 - 06/2014
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric HIV Program09/1994 - 06/2001
Medical Missionary, Southern Baptist Convention, School of , Department of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia06/1987 - 04/1993
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Out-Patient07/1985 - 06/1986
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Neurology1985 - 06/1985
Consultant, Mississippi Department of Public Health, School of , Department of Crippled Children's Clinic07/1984 - 12/1984
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Adolescent Medicine07/1983 - 06/1984

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Mississippi Department of Health Ryan White Part B subcontract Pediatric and Perinatal HIV Care and Services, Ryan White Care Act01/2006 - 03/2014
Extramural, Ryan White Title III Early Intervention Services, Ryan White Care Act01/1998 - 12/2001
Extramural, Pediatric and Perinatal Clinical Trials Network, National Institutes of Health, NICHD01/1996 - 12/2003
Extramural, AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol #300, Glaxo Research Institute01/1995 - 12/1997


meeting report

Twelve recommendations following a discussion about the "Mississippi baby": Implications for public health programmes to eliminate new HIV infections among children Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS website2013

Journal Article

Gay H What is Better than "Curing" an HIV-Infected Child? J Miss State Med Assoc. 2015 56:176-1782015
Nash BT, Gay H Perinatal HIV consultation in Mississippi: a service area with limited access to providers HIV Clin. 2012 Summer;24(3):1-4.2012
Gay H, Alla S, PalmerA There is much to be considered when prescribing ARV therapy in HIV+ children HIV Clin. 2008 Fall:20(4):1-32008
Hull R, Gay H, Giles H, Nowicki M Streptococcus agalactiae Myositis in a Child with Perinatally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus. South Med J. 2008 Mar;101(3):317-92008
Seeborg FO, Gay H, Schmiege LM, Bernard D, Shearer WT Immunoglobulin G (κ) [IgG(κ)] and IgG(λ) Paraproteinemia in a Child with AIDS and Response to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2005 Nov: 12(11):1331-32005
Palmer A, Gay H Comprehensive update on antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children HIV Clinician, 2005:17(2):1-52005
Abdul-Rahman OA, Gay H, Caldwell E, Megason GC Cryptococcal sepsis diagnosed by bone marrow examination J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2004 Aug:26(8):526-82004
Capparelli EV, Mirochnick M, Dankner WM, Blanchard S, Mofenson L, McSherry GD, Gay H, Ciupak G, Smith B, Connor JD. Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group 331 Investigators Pharmacokinetics and Tolerance of Zidovudine in Preterm Infants J Pediatrics, 2003 Jan; 142(1):47-522003
Scott ZA, Chadwick EG, Gibson LL, Catalina MD, McManus MM, Yogev R, Palumbo P, Sullivan JL, Britto P, Gay H, Luzuriaga K. Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group 345 Investigators Infrequent Detection of HIV-1-Specific, But Not Cytomegalovirus-Specific, CD8(+) T Cell Responses in Young HIV-1-Infected Infants J Immunology, 2001 Dec 15;167(12):7134-71402001
Palmer AL, Gay H, Currier M.M The impact of zidovudine use in HIV-infected pregnant women on vertical transmission of HIV in Mississippi J Miss State Assoc 2000 Feb;41(2):479-83.2000
Evans OB, Gay H, Swisher A, Parks B Hematologic monitoring in children with epilepsy treated with carbamazepine J Child Neurol 1989 Oct;4(4):286-2901989
Gay H, Singh S, Alla S Preventing Perinatal HIV in Mississippi Mississippi Morbidity Report 2009 June:25(6):1-2,42009
Gay H, Palmer A Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of perinatal HIV have undergone dramatic changes. HIV Clinician, 2001:13(3):1-52001
Gay H Children’s hospital HIV/AIDS programs for the new century Pediatric Rounds,


Persaud D, Deveikis A, Gay H, Batra J, Chen T, Michalik DE, RainwaterLovett K, Ziemniak C, Luzuriaga K, Bryson Y Very Early Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Perinatal HIV Infection: Two Case Studies Oral presentation at 21st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 20142014
Deborah Persaud, H Gay, C Ziemniak, YH Chen, M Piatak,
T-­W Chun, M Strain, D Richman, and K Luzuriaga Functional HIV Cure after Very Early ART
of an Infected Infant
Oral Presentation - 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Oppotunistic Infections
Palmer A, Gay H Combination antiretroviral therapy in premature infants Poster presentation at the Twenty-fifth AIDS Clinical Trials Groups Meeting, 1998.1998

Electronic Publications

Seema K, Shah JD,Persaud D, Wendler D,Taylor A, Gay H, Kruger M, Grady C
The Lancet Infectious Diseases - 4 June 2014
DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70766-2 Research into a functional cure for HIV in neonates: the need for ethical foresight The Lancet Infectious Diseases - 4 June 2014
DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70766-2


Webinar, What is better than "curing" HIV in an infant?, Delta Regional AIDS Education and Training Center, web based06/2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, On Becoming Famous - and surviving it, Sally Barksdale Honors College, The University of Mississippi02/2014
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Story of the Mississippi Baby, Oxford Union, Oxford, UK11/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Case presentation of the Mississippi Baby, William Carey University, Hattiesburg, MS10/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Three things I learned nothing about in medical school, Governor's Health Care Economic Summit, Jackson, MS08/2013
Webinar, Results from the Mississippi Child - Are there implications for clinical practice?, New York/New Jersey AIDS Education and Training Center, internet06/2013
Invited Symposia, Case report of the "Mississippi Baby", UNAIDS, Durban, South Africa06/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Presentation of the Mississippi Baby, MS chapter of AAP, Ridgeland, MS04/2013
Meeting, MSDH Meeting, Mississippi Department of Health, Jackson, MS12/2010
Pediatrics Grand Rounds, "Pediatric/Perinatal HIV: 2010 Update"
Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
Pathology Grand Rounds, "Laboratory Testing in Pediatric HIV Medicine", University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS08/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "HIV and Pregnancy: Managing Mother and Baby"
Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, Women's Health Center, Hattiesburg, MS
Obstetrics Grand Rounds, "HIV in Pregnancy: Update 2002"
Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "HIV Infection and Pregnancy: Managing Mother and Baby" Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, Oktibbeha County Hospital, Starkville, MS03/2002
Pediatrics Grand Rounds, "Peritnatal HIV Transmission"
Co-Presented with Dr. Ben Nash, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
Family Medicine Grand Rounds, "Pediatric HIV Update"
Co-Presented with Dr. Ben Nash, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
Invited Symposia, "HIV Infection and Pregnancy: Managing Mother and Baby"
Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, Southeast MS Rural Health Initiative, Inc., Hattiesburg, MS
OB/Gyn Grand Rounds, "Pediatric HIV Update"
Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "STD's: Neonatal Sequelae", Low Risk Neonatal Nursing Update, Jackson, MS07/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "HIV Infection and Pregnancy: Managing Mother and Baby" Co-presented with Dr. Ben Nash, Covington County Hospital, Collins, MS06/2001
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Pediatric HIV: Delivery of Comprehensive Care", Midsouth HIV/AIDS Update 1999, Jackson, MS05/1999
Invited Symposia, "HIV in the Neonate", Mothers and Babies: Prevention of Adverse Pregnancy Outcome, Oxford, MS10/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Role of the Primary Care Practioner in Diagnosing and Managing Pediatric HIV Infection", Perinatally Transmitted HIV Infection. Advances in Prevention, Diagnosis & Management, Jackson, MS09/1998
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Choices & Challenges: Case Studies of Antiretroviral Treatment Management in Children", Perinatally Transmitted HIV Infection: Advances in Prevention, Diagnosis & Management, Jackson, MS09/1998
"Pediatric HIV: How Are Kids Different?", MidSouth HIV/STD Conference 1997, Jackson, MS10/1997
Primary Health Care Long Distance Learning Conference, "Reducing Perinatal HIV Transmission", University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS07/1997
Primary Health Care Long Distance Learning Conference, "Reducing Perinatal HIV Transmission", University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS06/1997
Grand Rounds, "Pediatric HIV Update", University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS06/1997
Invited Symposia, "Reducing Perinatal HIV Transmission", University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS06/1997
Invited Symposia, "A Look at the Perinatal Transmission of HIV and its Prevention", Methodist Medical Center CME Conference, Jackson, MS04/1996
Pediatric Nursing Update, "HIV in Children", Pediatric Nursing Update 1996, Jackson, MS02/1996
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Models of Care for the Treatment of Perinatal HIV", Delta Region AIDS Update 1996, Jackson, MS02/1996
MS State Board of Health, "Pediatric HIV Disease in Mississippi and it's Prevention.", MS State Board of Health, Jackson, MS03/1995
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Prevention of Maternal/Fetal Transmission of HIV", Delta Region AIDS Update 1995, Jackson, MS02/1995

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Honorary Doctrate of Humane Letters, William Carey University2014
100 Global Thinkers of 2013, Foreign Policy Magazine2013
Resolution: "Honoring the Medical Achievements of Dr. Hannah Gay", Mississippi State Medical Association2013
Resolution of Commendation, Office of the Governor of Mississippi2013
Healthcare Woman of the Year, Mississippi Commission on the Status of Women2013
100 Most Influential Persons of the Year, Time Magazine2013
Concurrent resolution of recognition, Mississippi House of Representatives and Senate2013
Congressional Record: "Recognizing Dr. Hannah Gay", US Senate2013

Professional Membership and Service

American Academy of HIV Medicine, Member, Writing committee for the credentialing exam2009 - 2012
Ryan White Title IV HIVQUAL Advisory Committee, Member, advisory committee to develop computerized quality improvement monitoring for pediatric HIV programs2002 - 2003
Reviewer, Clinical Pediatrics, Clinical Pediatrics2001 - 2008

Committee Service

SACS Review Self-Study - Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Member1998 - 2000

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric HIV 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Medical Microbiology 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Nelson Curriculum for Pediatric ResidentsSpring 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Nelson Curriculum for Pediatric ResidencySpring 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Nelson Curriculum for Pediatric ResidencySpring 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Nelson Curriculum for Pediatric ResidencySpring 2010
621, Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Pathology for second year Medical StudentFall 2004
621, Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, pathology for second year medical studentsFall 2003
621, Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, pathology for second year medical studentsFall 2002
621, Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Pathology for second year medical studentsFall 2001
621, Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Pathology for second year medical studentsFall 2000

Residency Training

Pediatrics, Training Faculty