Penni S. Foster, PhD
Director - Office of Academic Affiliations
SOM-Family Medicine
Work Phone:
(601) 815-5064
After completing my doctoral degree in psychology, I completed a postdoctoral fellowship in primary care and health psychology with the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. My clinical work with patients with chronic pain and training experiences with medical residents in this position led me to accept a position as Assistant Professor with the Department of Anesthesiology. From 2008 until 2013, I served as the Director of Education for the Department of Anesthesiology and assisted with ACGME accreditation, educational strategies, program and curriculum development, and faculty development. I also provided psychological evaluation and treatment to patients with chronic pain syndromes at the multidisciplinary Pain Management Center in the Department of Anesthesiology from 2008 until 2012. In 2012, I began a position within the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Since that time I have served as an Academic Consultant and now assist students, residents, fellows, and faculty across the institution with teaching, learning, and academic development. In 2015, I became the Director of Academic Affiliations within the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. In 2013, I was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine. In 2014, I was promoted to Associate Professor of Family Medicine.
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Certificate of Completion, Health Psychology/Primary Care Psychology | 2008 |
University of Southern Mississippi, PhD, Counseling Psychology | 2006 |
VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System, Certificate of Completion, Clinical Psychology Predoctoral Internship | 2006 |
University of Southern Mississippi, MS, Counseling Psychology | 2002 |
Mississippi College, BA, Psychology | 2000 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Licensure, Psychology, Mississippi Board of Psychology | 01/2008 - 06/2018 |
Current Positions
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine Resrch & Tching Center | 07/2018 - Present |
Director, Department of Academic Affairs | 10/2015 - Present |
Academic Consultant, Department of Academic Affairs | 05/2012 - Present |
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 12/2011 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine Resrch & Tching Center | 07/2014 - 06/2018 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine Resrch & Tching Center | 07/2013 - 06/2014 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology | 07/2008 - 06/2013 |
Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology | 07/2008 - 03/2013 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Intramural, Development of the Study Behavior Inventory, University of Mississippi Medical Center Faculty Scholarship Exchange Award | 07/2014 - 10/2015 |
Extramural, Emergency Grant Request by the Mississippi Psychological Association, Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP)/American Psychological Association | 01/2014 - 12/2014 |
IRB File# 2013-0146 | |
Smith PL, Gaughf NW Validation of the Study Behavior Inventory Approved IRB Protocol | 2013 |
IRB File# 2013-0051 | |
Gaughf NW, Smith PL Using the ASSIST to categorize study approaches used by medical residents and relate them to academic performance Approved IRB Protocol | 2013 |
IRB File #2013-0070 | |
Smith PL, Gaughf NW Using the LASSI to understand the relationship between medical residents' learning strategies and academic performance Approved IRB Protocol | 2013 |
Educational Bulletin for the Faculty of the UMMC Department of Anesthesiology | |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2011, August 31; III (1): 1-2 | 2011 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2010, November 30; III (1): 1-2 | 2010 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2010, March 31; II (4): 1-2 | 2010 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, November 1; II (3): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, October 1; II (2): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, August 15; II (1): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, May 15; I (8): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, April 15; I (7): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, March 15; I (6): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, February 15; I (5): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2009, January 15; I (4): 1-2 | 2009 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2008, December 15. I (3): 1-2 | 2008 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2008, November 15; I (2): 1-2 | 2008 |
Smith PL. Anesthesia Block: Bulletin for Faculty of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program Anesthesia Block. 2008, October 15; I (1): 1-2 | 2008 |
Newsletter for the UMMC Department of Anesthesiology | |
Smith PL (Editor), Staples AT (Designer), Brunson CD, Current JD, Eriator I, Bethea JW, Calimaran AL (Contributing Authors). Anesthesiology Newsletter Anesthesiology Newsletter. Fall 2009. I (1): 1-8 | 2009 |
Educational Brochure for the UMMC Anesthesiology Residency Training Program | |
Smith PL (Editor), Calimaran AL (Editor), Staples AT (Designer). Anesthesiology Residency Program Brochure for the Anesthesiology Residency Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center. 2009 | 2009 |
Non-published work | |
Smith PL, Wagner WG, Crowson WL. The relationship between anger, perceptions of self-worth, forgiveness, and peer rejection and acceptance in male high school dropouts 2003. Accepted for publication by Child Study Journal but the journal discontinued prior to publication | 2003 |
Journal Article | |
Foster PS, Gaughf NW A comprehensive approach to academic accommodations in health sciences and medical education (Unpublished) | 2017 |
Foster PS, Gaughf NW Guidelines for cultivating academic support at an academic health science center Medical Science Educator. DOI 10.1007/s40670-017-0466-5 | 2017 |
Jordan KD, Foster PS Medical student empathy: Interpersonal distinctions and correlates Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2016; 21(5): 1009-1022 | 2016 |
Gaughf NW, Foster PS Implementing a centralized institutional peer tutoring program Education for Health. 2016; 29: 148-51 | 2016 |
Gaughf NW, Norris MR, Foster PS Step by step guide for program development MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2016. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10346 http://dx.doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10346 | 2016 |
Foster PS, Gaughf NW Study behaviors of health science education students Journal of Contemporary Medical Education. 3(4): 184-187. | 2015 |
Gaughf NW, Foster PS, Norris MR Comparing a face-to-face and online faculty development program at an academic health science center Journal of Family Medicine. 2015. 2 (1): 5. | 2015 |
Foster PS, Gaughf NW Pilot study of the Study Behavior Inventory: Preliminary analysis of a new tool for health science education students Journal of Contemporary Medical Education. 2014. 2 (4): 237-239 | 2014 |
Radico J, Foster PS, Gaughf NW Differences in study Approaches and in-training examination performance among male and female medical residents (Rejected) Education for Health | 2014 |
Gaughf NW, Smith PL, Williams DA Student-reported satisfaction with academic enhancement services at an academic health science center Education for Health. 2014. 27(2): 208-212 | 2014 |
Gaughf NW, Smith PL, Williams DA Faculty and student perceptions of academic counseling services at an academic health science center Perspectives on Medical Education. 2013; 2(3): 165-170. DOI 10.1007/s40037-013-0056-1. ISSN 2212-2761 | 2013 |
Smith PL, Moss SB. Psychologist impairment: What is it, how can it be prevented, and what can be done to address it? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 2009; 16: 1-15 | 2009 |
Smith PL, Moss SB, Smith PO. Teamwork and Pain Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 2008; 49: 75-79 | 2008 |
Randolph DL, Anderson CE, Smith PL, Shipley-Clark MA Social desirability, defense styles, and the Children's Role Inventory Scale Psychological Reports. 2003; 92: 842-846 | 2003 |
Foster, PS Mississippi Board of Psychology proposing changes to the rules and regulations The Mississippi Psychologist. August 2017 | 2017 |
Foster PS MPA Day at the Capitol 2017 The Mississippi Psychologist. winter 2017. | 2017 |
Foster PS Government relations The Mississippi Psychologist. 39 (2) | 2016 |
Foster PS MPA Day at the Capitol 2016 The Mississippi Psychologist | 2016 |
Foster, PS Legislative session comes to an end The Mississippi Psychologist. 2015; 38 (2). | 2015 |
Foster, PS Government Relations: MPA Day at the Capitol 2015 The Mississippi Psychologist. Newsletter of the Mississippi Psychological Association. Winter 2015 | 2015 |
Foster, PS Legislative Update The Mississippi Psychologist. Newsletter of the Mississippi Psychological Association. Winter 2015 | 2015 |
Foster PS MPA working for you The Mississippi Psychologist. Newsletter of the Mississippi Psychological Association. 2014 (Spring). v. 37. | 2014 |
Smith PL Linking for legislative action: Members of MPA Executive Council attend APA State Leadership Conference in Washington, DC The Mississippi Psychologist. Newsletter of the Mississippi Psychological Association. 2013; v. 36 (1). | 2013 |
Smith PL Linking for legislative action: MPA Day at the Capitol 2013 The Mississippi Psychologist. 2013. v. 36 (1). | 2013 |
Smith PL Linking for legislative action: APA advocates for psychologists using new outreach system The Mississippi Psychologist. 2012, August. v. 35 (2) | 2012 |
Smith PL, Calimaran A. In-brief and out-brief: A communication tool to optimize residents' education Anesthesia Education, The Newsletter of the Society for Education in Anesthesia. 2012; XXXI (1): 7 | 2012 |
Smith PL. Linking for legislative action: MPA members attend state leadership conference in Washington, D.C The Mississippi Psychologist. 2012, April. v. 35 (1) | 2012 |
Smith PL Linking for legislative action: Upcoming legislative issues for Mississippi psychologists The Mississippi Psychologist. 2011, December. v. 34 (3) | 2011 |
Smith PL Linking for legislative action: Upcoming legislative issues for Mississippi psychologists The Mississippi Psychologist. 2011, September. v. 34 (2) | 2011 |
Smith PL. Linking for legislative action: MPA day at the capitol 2011 The Mississippi Psychologist. 2011, February. v. 34 (1) | 2011 |
Dutton S, Jamhour N, Landry J, Roat E, Smith PL. Disaster mental health. The Beacon, a VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System newsletter. 2006 | 2006 |
Dutton S, Jamhour N, Landry J, Roat E, Smith PL. Weathering Katrina: Predoctoral interns' personal and professional experiences The Mississippi Psychologist. 2006 | 2006 |
Jordan KD, Foster PS, Medical student empathy: interpersonal distinctions and correlates. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice, 2016 Dec;21(5):1009-1022 | 2016 |
Gaughf NW, Smith PL, Williams DA, Faculty and student perceptions of academic counselling services at an academic health science center. Perspectives on medical education, 2013 Jun;2(3):165-170 | 2013 |
Smith PL, Moss SB, Smith PO, Teamwork and pain. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 2008 Mar;49(3):75-9 | 2008 |
Randolph DL, Anderson CE, Smith PL, Shipley-Clark MA, Social desirability, defense styles, and the Children's Role Inventory scale. Psychological reports, 2003 Jun;92(3 Pt 1):842-6 | 2003 |
Gaughf NW, Foster PS, Williams DA, Student-reported satisfaction with academic enhancement services at an academic health science center. Education for health (Abingdon, England), 2014 May-Aug;27(2):208-12 | |
Gaughf NW, Foster PS, Implementing a centralized institutional peer tutoring program. Education for health (Abingdon, England), 2016 May-Aug;29(2):148-51 | |
Abstracts | |
Allingham T, Lerant AA, Smith P, Carter W, Calimaran A. Teaching communication to CA1 anesthesiology residents 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. 2009: A1536. | 2009 |
Dissertation | |
Smith PL Social Preference Among Male High School Dropouts Enrolled in a Residential Program The University of Southern Mississippi | 2006 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, How did I get here? Discussion of non-traditional career paths with trainees and early career psychologists, Mississippi Psychological Association 2018 Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS | 09/2018 |
Mississippi Psychological Convention 2017 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS | 09/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Effective feedback and evaluation in medical training. Grand rounds presentation, Department of Pathology. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/2016 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2016 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2016 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Bay St. Louis, MS | 09/2016 |
Poster Presentation, Implementation of a centralized institutional peer tutoring program in an academic health science center, AAMC’s 2016 Southern Group on Educational Affairs Regional Conference, Austin, TX | 04/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Conflict management in the work and academic settings. Grand rounds presentation, Department of Pathology. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, How to handle conflict in the workplace, Leadership U: LAMP Program. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/2015 |
Poster Presentation, Empathy in medical students: Interpersonal distinctions and correlates, Mississippi Psychological Association 66th Annual Convention, Bay St. Louis, MS | 09/2015 |
Poster Presentation, Comparing a face-to-face and online faculty development program, Mississippi Psychological Association 66th Annual Convention, Bay St. Louis, MS | 09/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, MPA's advocacy initiative: Recent developments and new horizons, Mississippi Psychological Association 66th Annual Convention, Bay St. Louis, MS | 09/2015 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2015 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2015 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Bay St. Louis, MS | 09/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, SPTAs: Beneficial for the early career psychologist?, Postdoctoral psychology fellowship. G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 09/2015 |
Poster Presentation, Gender differences in study approaches and in-training performance among medical residents, 19th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, San Diego, CA | 06/2015 |
Poster Presentation, The Study Behavior Inventory: Establishing a new tool for students in medical and health science education, 19th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, San Diego, CA | 06/2015 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Study Behaviors and Medical Education: What Does the Research Say?, Northeast and Group on Student Affairs/Southern Organization of Student Representatives Joint Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA | 04/2015 |
Poster Presentation, Differences in the usage of electronic resources for studying: Implications for advising, National Academic Advising Association Region 4 Conference, Auburn, AL | 04/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Effective feedback and evaluation in medical training. Grand rounds presentation., Department of Pathology. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Pilot study for the Study Behavior Inventory: Examining validity, Mississippi Psychological Association 65th Annual Convention, Gulfport, MS | 09/2014 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2014 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2014 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Gulfport, MS | 09/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Pilot study for the Study Behavior Inventory: Establishing reliability, 18th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), Nashville, TN | 06/2014 |
Poster Presentation, Faculty and student perceptions of academic counseling services at an academic health science center, National Academic Advising Association Region 4 Conference, Savannah, GA | 04/2014 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, SPTAs: Beneficial for the Early Career Psychologist?, Postdoctoral psychology fellowship. G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 02/2014 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Effective evaluation and feedback for the medical resident: A professional development workshop for the faculty of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMMC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jackson, MS | 02/2014 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Conflict resolution in the academic and workplace setting: A professional development workshop for faculty of the School of Dentistry, UMMC School of Dentistry, Jackson, MS | 02/2014 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2013 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2013 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS | 09/2013 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, How to help students: A presentation for Teaching in Medical Education (TIME): For Faculty, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 05/2013 |
American Psychological Association State Leadership Conference, American Psychological Association State Leadership Conference. Bringing Psychology to the Table: State Leadership in Health Care Reform., American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. | 03/2013 |
American Psychological Association State Leadership Conference, American Psychological Association State Leadership Conference. Countdown to Health Care Reform, American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. | 03/2013 |
Poster Presentation, Student-reported satisfaction with academic enhancement services at an academic health science center, Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers 6th National Conference, Nashville, TN | 01/2013 |
2013 Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers 6th National Conference, 2013 Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers 6th National Conference. Applying the Science of Psychology in Academic Health Centers: Implications for Practice, Teaching Research and Policy Healthcare Environment, Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers, Nashville, TN | 01/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Creating & managing effective clinical competency committees, Partners in Medical Education Inc., National Webinar | 10/2012 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2012 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2012 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Gulfport, MS | 09/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, SPTAs: Beneficial for the early career psychologist?, Postdoctoral psychology fellowship. G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 04/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Teaching tips 101, Faculty development presentation for the UMMC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jackson, MS | 04/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Evaluating the medical resident, Faculty development presentation for the UMMC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jackson, MS | 03/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Giving feedback to medical residents: Do's and don'ts, Faculty development presentation for the UMMC/Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jackson, MS | 2012 |
Southern Pain Society 2011 Annual Meeting, Southern Pain Society 2011 Annual Meeting. Pain Management from Beginning to End, Southern Pain Society, New Orleans, LA | 12/2011 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2011 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2011 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS | 09/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Get on the bus or get left behind: The changing roles of psychologists in healthcare, Mississippi Psychological Association 2011 Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS | 09/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Threats to education, training, licensure, and practice: How do we protect our profession?, Mississippi Psychological 2011 Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS | 09/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Psychology in multidisciplinary healthcare, UMMC/Department of Family Medicine, Jackson, MS | 06/2011 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Teaching interpersonal and communication skills to residents, Partners in Medical Education Inc., National Webinar | 10/2010 |
Southern Pain Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Southern Pain Society 2010 Annual Meeting. Practical Pain Management in 2010, Southern Pain Society, New Orleans, LA | 10/2010 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2010 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2010 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS | 09/2010 |
American Psychological Association State Leadership Conference, American Psychological Association State Leadership Conference. The Power of Advocacy, American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. | 03/2010 |
American Society of Anesthesiologists 2009 Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists 2009 Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, LA | 10/2009 |
Society for Education in Anesthesia Fall Annual Meeting, Society for Education in Anesthesia Fall Annual Meeting. Education in the Face of Adversity, Society for Education in Anesthesia, New Orleans, LA | 10/2009 |
Poster Presentation, Teaching communication to CA1 anesthesiology residents, 2009 American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA | 10/2009 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2009 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2009 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS | 10/2009 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The nuts and bolts of primary care psychology (PCP), Mississippi Psychological Association CE Workshop, Jackson, MS | 04/2009 |
Invited Symposia, Primary care behavioral health service delivery models, Mississippi Psychological Association 2008 Annual Convention, Tunica, MS | 09/2008 |
Mississippi Psychological Association 2008 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association 2008 Annual Convention, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS | 09/2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The nuts and bolts of primary care psychology (PCP), Mississippi Psychological Association 2008 Annual Convention, Tunica, MS | 09/2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, How do I make my pain patients responsible?, Family Practice Update, UMMC Department of Family Medicine, Jackson, MS | 11/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Managing patient's chronic pain: A protocol for family medicine physicians, 28th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine sponsored by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Family and Community, Chicago, IL | 09/2007 |
Invited Symposia, Hurricane Katrina: Interns' perspectives on disaster mental health, American Psychological Association 2006 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA | 08/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Predictors of peer rejection and acceptance in male high school dropouts, Mississippi Psychological Association 2004 Annual Convention, Choctaw, MS | 09/2004 |
Poster Presentation, The peer nomination procedure: Normalizing an often abnormal distribution, Mississippi Psychological Association 2004 Annual Convention, Choctaw, MS | 09/2004 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
University of Mississippi Medical Center Teaching Academy Planning Retreat. I served as a member of the planning retreat for the UMMC Teaching Academy along with other selected faculty across the institution to define the vision for, and preferred structure of a Teaching Academy at UMMC., UMMC Office of the Deputy Chief Academic Officer | 2016 |
2nd Place for student team in the state-wide Mississippi Social Business Challenge. I served as the UMMC coordinator for the Social Business Challenge and the student team representing UMMC placed 2nd place in the state-wide competition for the Blueprint Mississippi Social Business Challenge. https://www.umc.edu/News_and_Publications/Press_Release/2016-02-15-00_SGSHS_students_place_second_in_statewide_IHL_competition.aspx, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Social Business Challenge | 2016 |
Faculty Scholarship Exchange Award. The Office of Faculty Development provides resources to enhance professional development through funding of proposals for Instructional Integration Awards. Funds were awarded for one year for myself and my colleague to develop a new tool, the Study Behavior Inventory, to assess the learning strategies of health education students and identify those study strategies associated with higher academic performance., University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2015 |
2012 President's Award. This award is given to psychologist for exceptional service to the Mississippi Psychological Association. This was awarded to me for work as the MPA Government Relations Officer and my substantial efforts during the 2012 state legislative session to advocate for the profession of psychology in Mississippi., Mississippi Psychological Association | 2012 |
Certificate of Appreciation for Dedication, Service, and Leadership. This award is given to a psychologist for their substantial service to the Mississippi Psychological Association and the profession of psychology. I received this award for my work as the MPA Government Relations Officer, my role as the MS Federal Advocacy Coordinator for the American Psychological Association, and my advocacy efforts for the profession of psychology at the state and federal levels., Mississippi Psychological Association | 2011 |
Certificate of Appreciation. This was awarded to me for my service as the MPA Government Relations Officer, and my coordination and implementation of legislative and advocacy initiatives regarding the profession of psychology in 2011., Mississippi Psychological Association | 2011 |
Leadership Development Program. This is awarded to faculty member who show promise as future leaders in the core areas of medical education, basic and/or clinical research, or service to the mission of the Medical Center., University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2009 |
Stuart C. Tentoni Award for Outstanding Professional Development. This was awarded to me and my predoctoral internship cohort based on our clinical work in Biloxi, MS, following Hurricane Katrina and our national presentation at the American Psychological Association's Annual Convention regarding our disaster response efforts., American Psychological Association of Graduate Students | 2006 |
Chief Resident. I served as Chief Resident to my predoctoral intern class in Clinical Psychology at the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System., VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System | 2006 |
Group Award for Excellent Performance in the Response to Hurricane Katrina. Awarded by the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System due to the combined efforts of my cohort of psychology residents' clinical work and disaster response efforts with patients and VA staff following Hurricane Katrina in Biloxi, MS., VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System | 2006 |
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, The University of Southern Mississippi | 2002 |
Summa Cum Laude, Mississippi College | 2000 |
Professional Membership and Service
Mississippi Psychological Association/Mississippi Board of Psychology, Member, Member. Mississippi Statute Work Group. This group consists of representatives from the Mississippi Psychological Association and the Mississippi Board of Psychology as a joint effort to collaborate and address changes to the statute regulating the practice of psychology in Mississippi during the next state legislative session. | 2017 - Present |
Office of the Attorney General State of Mississippi, Member, Member. MS Attorney General's Mental Health Task Force. This legislatively defined task force is managed by the MS Attorney General. The purpose is to address the availability and accessibility of mental health and drug/alcohol treatment services on the state and community levels. This task force consists of 26 invited representatives of different agencies and organizations. I represent the Mississippi Psychological Association on this task force. | 2017 - Present |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2017. I coordinated MPA Day at the Capitol 2017 for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol. During this event, psychologists from across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. I schedule the event, advertise the event, coordinate the resources for the event, and manage the activities on the day of the event. | 2017 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2016. I coordinated MPA Day at the Capitol 2016 for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol. During this event, psychologists from across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. I schedule the event, advertise the event, coordinate the resources for the event, and manage the activities on the day of the event. | 2016 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2015. I coordinated MPA Day at the Capitol 2015 for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol. During this event, psychologists from across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. I schedule the event, advertise the event, coordinate the resources for the event, and manage the activities on the day of the event. | 2015 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2014. I coordinated MPA Day at the Capitol 2015 for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol. During this event, psychologists from across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. I schedule the event, advertise the event, coordinate the resources for the event, and manage the activities on the day of the event. | 2014 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Member, Mississippi Psychological Association Internal Audit Committee. I served as a member of this committee for my state guild association, the Mississippi Psychological Association. The charge of this committee is to conduct an internal audit of the finances of the Mississippi Psychological Association for the 2010-2012 fiscal periods. | 2013 - 2014 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2013. I coordinated MPA Day at the Capitol 2015 for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol. During this event, psychologists from across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. I schedule the event, advertise the event, coordinate the resources for the event, and manage the activities on the day of the event. | 2013 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2012. I coordinate this event annually for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol and psychologists across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. | 2012 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Chair, Legislative Steering Committee. I served as the chair for the Legislative Steering Committee. This committee was compiled of members of the Mississippi Psychological Association and the Mississippi Board of Psychology and addressed important and urgent legislative concerns affecting Mississippi psychologists, including protections of MS Code of 1972 73-31, which regulates the practice of psychology. My role consisted of coordinating the meetings, communicating the with the board and the state guild association, working with the lobbyist for MPA, and meeting with state legislators to facilitate successful passage of bills related to the statute for the practice of psychology. | 2011 - 2012 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Organizer, MPA Day at the Capitol 2011. I coordinate this event annually for the state guild association. This is an advocacy event held at the state capitol and psychologists across the state of Mississippi meet with state legislators to educate them about the role of psychologists in health care, discuss mental health needs of residents within the state, and advocate for issues related to the practice of psychology. | 2011 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Officer, Other Officer, Government Relations Officer. My role as the Government Relations Officer for the Mississippi Psychological Association occurs on the state legislative levels. I work with state legislators to advance the professional needs of psychologists in our state. This includes monitoring bills during each legislative session that affect psychology in Mississippi, meeting with members of the House and Senate, working with the lobbyist for the Mississippi Psychological Association, coordinating committee efforts, and facilitating the successful protection of the 73-31, the MS Code of 1972 statute that regulates the practice of psychology in Mississippi. | 2011 - Present |
American Psychological Association, Mississippi Federal Advocacy Coordinator, Mississippi Federal Advocacy Coordinator. I am the liaison between the American Psychological Association and our state guild association to disseminate information and facilitate advocacy efforts for federal legislation affecting psychologists. My responsibilities as Federal Advocacy Coordinator also include attending the annual APA Practice Organization's State Leadership Conference and meeting with federal Mississippi legislators to advocate for important issues related to the practice of psychology. | 2011 - Present |
Society for Education in Anesthesia, Member, Faculty Development Committee. The mission of the Faculty Development Committee is to provide opportunity to network with SEA members, to allow exchange of effective faculty development materials, and to provide educational programs on faculty development. | 2010 - 2013 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Member, Government Relations Committee. I served as member of this committee to address advocacy and legislative needs of MPA as needed. | 2010 - 2011 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Officer, Other Officer, Associate Government Relations Officer. I assisted the Government Relations Officer with organization and coordination of MPA's 2010 Day at the Capital. | 2010 |
American Psychological Association, Associate Federal Advocacy Coordinator, Associate Federal Advocacy Coordinator. I assisted the MS Federal Advocacy Coordinator by attending the 2010 APA State Leadership Conference to meet with Mississippi federal legislators and to advocate for professional issues affecting psychologists across the nation. | 2010 |
Society for Education in Anesthesia, Member, Member. The Society for Education in Anesthesia (SEA)is a national organization dedicated to the teaching and development of anesthesiologists and those who educate them. | 2008 - 2013 |
Mississippi Psychological Association Executive Council, Member, I have served on the Executive Council of the Mississippi Psychological Association since 2008 due to my various leadership positions in the organization. The council meets monthly to make decisions on all aspects of the association, including finances, public relations, continuing education, membership, and advocacy. | 2008 - Present |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Officer, Other Officer, Membership Chair. As the membership chair for MPA, my role was to maintain our membership numbers, increase outreach to psychologists in Mississippi who were non-members, and increase contact and enrollment of students, interns, and fellows engaged in training programs in Mississippi. During this time, I created a mentorship program for students and early career psychologists, increased contact with academic psychologists and program directors of all training programs in Mississippi, and created a welcome and educational package to recruit potential members. | 2008 - 2011 |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Associate Government Relations Officer, Associate Government Relations Officer. I assisted the Government Relations Officer with MPA's Day at the Capital during that time frame. | 2006 - 2008 |
The University of Southern Mississippi, Member, Faculty Search Committee. I served as member of this committee to search and approve new faculty to the Counseling Psychology Doctoral Program at the University of Southern Mississippi. | 2004 - 2005 |
American Psychological Association, Member, Member. The American Psychological Association (APA) is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the USA. | 2002 - Present |
Mississippi Psychological Association, Member, Member. The Mississippi Psychological Association (MPA) is the state guild association and the organized voice of psychology in Mississippi. The purpose is to advance psychology as a science and a profession. | 2001 - Present |
Committee Service
Medical Student Subcommittee. This subcommittee will be responsible for reviewing information related to medical students, their admission, matriculation and services received to assis the School of Medicine with sits self-study for the LCME accreditation., Member | 2018 - Present |
UMMC Learning Environment Group. The charge of this group is to assess the learning environment across UMMC’s entire academic mission, ensure compliance with all regulators and accreditors, [and] make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor through the Office of Academic Affairs., Member | 2017 - Present |
Academic Integrity Council (AIC). This is a council in the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The AIC is charged with oversight of the UMMC academic mission. The AIC plays an important role in the Department of Education, the Board of Trustees of the Institutions of Higher Learning, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Colleges. This council receives reports from the Academic Affairs Council, Student Affairs Council, and Council of Deans and communicates its monitoring, analytic, reporting, and planning activities directly to the Vice Chancellor's office., Member | 2017 - Present |
School of Medicine Academic Achievement Program Committee. I serve as a member of this committee that meets regularly to review medical students' performance, identify students in need of academic support and placement in the SOM Academic Achievement Program (AAP), and make recommendations for resources for students enrolled in the AAP., Member | 2017 - Present |
Continuing Health Professional Education: Psychology Advisory Committee. As Chair of this committee, I communicate with Continuing Medical Health Education committee and the Psychology Advisory committee to review continuing education opportunities for licensed psychologists at UMMC and make recommendations regarding the appropriateness of the educational experiences being considered., Chair | 2017 - Present |
Compliance Education Committee. I serve as a member of this committee. The committee's charge is to develop annual compliance training activities, maintain up-to-date knowledge of federal regulations related to compliance training, and assist with updating institutional policies related to compliance training., Member | 2016 - Present |
MEDICAL CENTER-FACULTY SENATE, Alternate Member | 2015 - 2017 |
Mississippi Psychological Association Internal Audit Committee. I serve as a member of this committee for my state guild association, the Mississippi Psychological Association. The charge of this committee is to conduct an internal audit of the finances of the Mississippi Psychological Association for the 2010-2012 fiscal periods., Member | 2013 - 2014 |
Continuing Health Professional Education: Psychology Advisory Committee. As a member of this institutional committee, I reviewed continuing education opportunities for licensed psychologists at UMMC and made recommendations regarding the appropriateness of the educational experiences being considered., Member | 2013 - 2017 |
Student Disruptive Behavior Advisory Subcommittee (SDBAS). I served as a member of this institutional committee. The DSBA Subcommittee serves as a resource to the Student Affairs Council and ultimately the institution in the formulation and review of policies and procedures which address disruptive student behaviors. The DSBA Subcommittee does not preempt any other institutional department or official in performing its duties, enforcing the law or managing student situations. The objectives of this subcommitte are to formulate and review policies and procedures related to disruptive student behavior and make recommendations to appropriate school and/or institutional officials and to provide and/or coordinate educational opportunities for departments, administrators, faculty and staff regarding the management of disruptive students., Member | 2013 - 2016 |
UMMC Psychologist Credentialing Committee. This committee reviewed and made recommendations regarding the credentialing procedures of licensed psychologists at UMMC., Co-Chair | 2012 - 2013 |
Legislative Steering Committee. I served as the chair for the Legislative Steering Committee. This committee was compiled of members of the Mississippi Psychological Association and the Mississippi Board of Psychology and addressed important and urgent legislative concerns affecting Mississippi psychologists, including protections of MS Code of 1972 73-31, which regulates the practice of psychology. My role consisted of coordinating the meetings, communicating the with the board and the state guild association, working with the lobbyist for MPA, and meeting with state legislators to facilitate successful passage of bills related to the statute for the practice of psychology., Chair | 2011 - 2012 |
Mississippi Psychological Association Government Relations Committee. This committee convenes as necessary to make pertinent recommendations regarding government or legislative issues that may affect psychologists in Mississippi., Chair | 2011 - Present |
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-ADMISSIONS, Member | 2010 - Present |
Society for Education in Anesthesia Faculty Development Subcommittee. This national committee provides recommendations on faculty development initiatives for anesthesiology educators who are members of the Society for Education in Anesthesia (SEA)., Member | 2010 - 2013 |
Department of Anesthesiology Faculty Development Subcommittee. I served as the chair of this departmental committee. This committee's charge is to promote and support professional achievement and excellence in education, research, and service for faculty members of the Department of Anesthesiology. The committee will also serve as a forum and an advisory body to assess tools and methods for encouraging successful professional growth and development of new and established faculty members. This will include review of continuing education, scholarly activities and endeavors, and educational skills. This can be used to strategically identify and recruit faculty to assist the department in meeting its mission. All recommendations are submitted to the Education Committee., Chair | 2009 - 2012 |
Department of Anesthesiology PIF Committee. I served as the Co-Chair of this departmental committee, which prepared the department for the 2010 ACGME accreditation reviews for the core residency program and the pain management fellowship program. This committee's charge is to facilitate and monitor the efficient and effective completion of the Program Information Form (PIF) for the Department of Anesthesiology for the approaching accreditation cycle. The committee will engage in strategic planning for determining how to construct the PIF and serve as a forum and as an advisory body to prepare, review, and evaluate the PIF., Co-Chair | 2008 - 2010 |
Department of Anesthesiology Education Committee. I served as a member of this departmental committee. This committee's charge is to promote and support academic excellence for the Department of Anesthesiology. The committee will also serve as a forum and an advisory body to assess tools and methods of educating residents, CRNA staff, CRNA students, and anesthesia faculty and anesthesia technicians. In addition, the committee will review and evaluate continuing medical education activities regarding the Department of Anesthesiology and will engage in strategic planning for determining future continuing education needs of the anesthesia providers of the State of Mississippi., Member | 2008 - 2012 |
Department of Anesthesiology Information Services Committee. I served as a member of this departmental committee. The committee's charge is to review departmental information systems: communication, human resources and education processes via surveys (perception) and outcome reviews (results of failed communication, lack of computer skills, etc); to identify existing problems and anticipate upcoming problems based on departmental plan and DIS strategic plan (anesthesia case log on computer, LAN support time, e-Value); to design a comprehensive plan for regular and orientation computer user education/update for faculty, staff and residents; to review the existing computer hardware and accessory pack; in coordination with departmental educational, clinical and research goals; to coordinate with DIS and disaster preparedness to ensure that essential departmental communication (call/personnel notification, orders) software and hardware have proper backup systems., Member | 2008 - 2012 |
Department of Anesthesiology Research Committee. I served as member of this departmental committee. The committee's charge is to foster and support departmental research by providing research structure, guidance, advice, peer-review and mentoring., Member | 2008 - 2012 |
Department of Anesthesiology Clinical Competence Committee. As a member of this departmental committee, I assisted with evaluation of each resident at the conclusion of each six-month period of training or more frequently as determined by the committee when indicated. The CCC discusses each resident individually in detail, yielding a recommendation to the chairman., Member | 2008 - 2012 |
Department of Anesthesiology Promotions and Tenure Committee. I served as member of this departmental committee, which reviews nominations for promotion and tenure by faculty of the Department of Anesthesiology., Member | 2008 - 2012 |
Mississippi Psychological Association Executive Council. I have served on the Executive Council of the Mississippi Psychological Association since 2008 due to my various leadership positions in the organization. The council meets monthly to make decisions on all aspects of the association, including finances, public relations, continuing education, membership, and advocacy., Member | 2008 - Present |
Community Service
Ted Kindall III 2010 Class of Eagle Scouts, Boy Scouts of America, Sponsor | 02/2011 - 02/2011 |
Other Service
Program Development: Electronic Record System - University Tutoring Services. I assisted with creation, development, and implementation of a confidential electronic record system that documents tutor applications, tutoring requests, tutoring sessions, and tutor payments. This online application electronically calculates and manages invoices for tutoring payments. This project required extensive collaboration with the Division of Information Systems. The application was completed and implemented in August of 2016. | 04/2014 - 08/2016 |
Institutional Internal Review - Psychiatry Residency Program. I served as the Team Leader for the Internal Review Team (designated by the Residency Review Subcommittee) that assessed and completed the Department of Psychiatry's 2013 Internal Review. My responsibilities included communicating with the Program Director and Program Administrator, communicating with the internal review team, gathering and reviewing the documentation from the program, meeting face-to-face with the Program Director and faculty and staff, writing the report and sending to other internal review team members for approval, and presenting the report to the Residency Review Subcommittee. | 03/2013 - 07/2013 |
Program Development: University Tutoring Services. http://www.umc.edu/University_Tutoring/ I assisted with creation and implementation of UMMC's new University Tutoring Services, the peer tutoring program available to all students currently enrolled in any of the six schools at UMMC. The program was implemented in 2013. | 2013 - 08/2013 |
Program Development: Academic Accommodations. http://www.umc.edu/Academic_Accommodations/ I assisted with creation and implementation of UMMC's new Academic Accommodations program, which provides for reasonable academic accommodations to be made for students with verified disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis as specified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). This program was implemented in 08/01/2013. | 2013 - 08/2013 |
Program Development: Website - The Office of Academic Support. http://www.umc.edu/academic_support/. I assisted with creation of the structure, writing of the content, and development of the online request system for the website for the Office of Academic Support. | 2013 - 07/2013 |
Program Development: Electronic Record System - The Office of Academic Support. I assisted with creation, development, and implementation of a confidential electronic record system that documents initial evaluation, progress reports, PDFs of records for all students, residents, and fellows who receive services in the Office of Academic Support. | 06/2012 - 08/2013 |
Department of Anesthesiology Website for Academic Programs. I provided all updates of content and information for the Department of Anesthesiology academic programs. This included information about the residency and fellowship programs. | 05/2012 - 09/2012 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's Pain Medicine Fellowship Program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinate and communicate with the committee, compile the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the fellowship program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), write the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensure the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2012 - 08/2012 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's core residency training program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinated and communicated with the committee, compiled the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the residency program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), wrote the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensured the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2012 - 08/2012 |
Reviewer for the American Journal of Health Behavior. I have consistently reviewed journal articles for AJHB, a peer-reviewed journal whose aim is to seek to improve the quality of life through multidisciplinary health efforts in fostering a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of both individuals and social systems as they relate to health behaviors. | 04/2012 - Present |
Curriculum Development: June Training Month Department of Anesthesiology Residency Training Program. I coordinated the June Anesthesia training month for the PGY1 residents of the Department of Anesthesiology. My responsibilities included coordinating a team of faculty and residents to meet and brainstorm ideas for the month, creating a schedule, assigning resident teams, assigning faculty presenters, assigning reading and roundtable assignments, communicating with faculty and residents, and gathering feedback at the end of the month about the experience. | 03/2012 - 06/2012 |
Reviewer for Medical Teacher. I have consistently reviewed journal articles for Medical Teacher, a peer-reviewed journal of the Association for Medical Education in Europe, an international association for all involved with medical and healthcare professions education. Medical Teacher addresses the needs of teachers and administrators throughout the world involved in training for the health professions. This includes courses at basic and post-basic levels as well as the increasingly important area of continuing education. | 2012 - Present |
Curriculum Development: Handoff Evaluation Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created an electronic evaluation in E*Value for attending anesthesiology faculty to use when observing and evaluating residents' hand-offs of patient care to another provider. This evaluation was created in compliance with ACGME requirements. | 12/2011 - 03/2012 |
Institutional Internal Review of Orthopedic Surgery - Hand Fellowship Program. I served as the Team Leader for the Internal Review Team (designated by the Residency Review Subcommittee) that assessed and completed the 2011 Internal Review for the Orthopedic Surgery - Hand Fellowship Program. My responsibilities included communicating with the Program Director and Program Administrator, communicating with the internal review team, gathering and reviewing the documentation from the program, meeting face-to-face with the Program Director and faculty and staff, writing the report and sending to other internal review team members for approval, and presenting the report to the Residency Review Subcommittee. | 09/2011 - 2012 |
Curriculum Development: 2012-2013 Didactic Program for Anesthesiology Residency Training Program. I assisted with development of a new curriculum for anesthesiology residents. This included implementation of a new day and time for didactics with inclusion of lecture, problem based learning discussions, journal clubs, mock oral exams, and keyword reviews. I assisted with coordinating the schedule, reviewing the lectures, and assigning presenters. This curriculum was designed in compliance with the new certification examinations by the ABA. | 07/2011 - 07/2013 |
Curriculum Development: Duty Hour Policy Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created a Duty Hour Policy for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program that was compliant with new ACGME requirements that were effective 07/01/2011. I also educated faculty and residents about this policy and distributed it electronically to the department. | 07/2011 - 10/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Extension of Maximum Hour Duty Limit - Notification Form Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created the Extension of Maximum Hour Duty Limit - Notification Form for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program that was compliant with new ACGME requirements that were effective 07/01/2011. I designed the form to be completed by residents whose duties extended beyond the continuous duty period allowed by ACGME and to be reviewed and approved by their Program Director. I also educated faculty and residents about this policy and distributed it electronically to the department. | 07/2011 - 10/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Fatigued Resident Policy Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I wrote an updated Fatigued Resident Policy for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program. This policy provided education about fatigue management and was compliant with the new ACGME requirements that were effective 07/01/2011., Writer | 07/2011 - 12/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Hand-off FAQs Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created this educational document for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program to be compliant with ACGME requirements of education of residents about effective transitions in care. This educational material was placed online for residents to have quick access. | 07/2011 - 10/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Hand-off Policy Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created a Hand-Off Policy for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program that was compliant with new ACGME requirements that were effective 07/01/2011. I also educated faculty and residents about this policy and distributed it electronically to the department. | 07/2011 - 10/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Less than 8 Hours of Duty - Notification Form Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created the Less than 8 Hours of Duty - Notification Form for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program that was compliant with new ACGME requirements that were effective 07/01/2011. I designed the form to be completed by residents whose duties resulted in less than 8 hours of time between duty periods and to be reviewed and approved by their Program Director. I also educated faculty and residents about this policy and distributed it electronically to the department. | 07/2011 - 10/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Supervision Policy Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created a Supervision Policy for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program that was compliant with new ACGME requirements that were effective 07/01/2011. I also educated faculty and residents about this policy and distributed it electronically to the department. | 07/2011 - 10/2011 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's Pain Medicine Fellowship Program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinate and communicate with the committee, compile the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the fellowship program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), write the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensure the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2011 - 08/2011 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's core residency training program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinated and communicated with the committee, compiled the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the residency program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), wrote the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensured the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2011 - 08/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Subspecialty Rotation Quizzes Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I created rotation quizzes for required training rotations for the Department of Anesthesiology residency training program. These quizzes were based upon a continuing education program that would facilitate preparedness for the ABA written examination. I created the quizzes with answer keys for rotation directors to utilize with residents who completed the rotation. | 2011 - 2012 |
Program Development: Faculty Mentorship Needs Assessment Department of Anesthesiology. I created two needs assessment surveys for the faculty of the Department of Anesthesiology to assess needs for a mentorship program. One survey was created for senior faculty/mentors, and one was created for junior faculty/mentees. The results of these surveys were compiled, presented to the department chair, and used to create a faculty mentorship program for the department. | 2011 - 06/2011 |
Program Development: Faculty Mentorship Program - Department of Anesthesiology. I created a faculty mentorship program for the Department of Anesthesiology per the request of the chair. This program was based on the empirical literature about mentoring in academic medicine and the departmental needs assessment that I conducted. The program consisted of individual and group meetings for 1 year, topics of interest, readings for mentors and mentees, and a system for matching participants. Following creation of the program, the chair postponed implementation due to a shortage in faculty. | 2011 - 09/2011 |
Program Development: Case Log Review Form Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created an Excel spreadsheet to collect, track, and monitor the clinical experiences of the Department of Anesthesiology residents. This case log form was used to track the clinical experiences of residents and ensure that these experiences were compliant with ACGME guidelines. | 09/2010 - 07/2011 |
Program Development: Pain Medicine Fellowship Electronic Application Department of Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Fellowship Program. I created and coordinated the implementation of an electronic application for the Department of Anesthesiology pain medicine fellowship program. | 07/2010 - 12/2011 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's Pain Medicine Fellowship Program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinate and communicate with the committee, compile the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the fellowship program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), write the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensure the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2010 - 08/2010 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's core residency training program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinated and communicated with the committee, compiled the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the residency program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), wrote the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensured the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2010 - 08/2010 |
Curriculum Development: Revised Global Resident Evaluation Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I redesigned the global evaluations used by the Department of Anesthesiology teaching faculty to assess resident performance to improve ease and accuracy of use. The new evaluations utilized behavioral anchors for all items used to evaluate the ACGME competencies. | 2010 - 07/2011 |
Curriculum Development: Rotation Credit Policy Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Program. I created a Rotation Credit Policy for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program. This policy addressed the maximum number of days of attendance required to receive credit for a training rotation. I also educated faculty and residents about this policy and distributed it electronically to the department. | 2010 - 03/2010 |
Department of Anesthesiology Faculty Orientation Manual. I created a Faculty Orientation Manual for new faculty of the Department of Anesthesiology to assist them with the transition to employment with the University of Mississippi Medical Center. This manual included information on clinical duties, research resources, educational responsibilities, services available on campus, and departmental policy and procedures. | 07/2009 - 06/2010 |
Institutional Internal Review of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program. I served as the Team Leader for the Internal Review Team (designated by the Residency Review Subcommittee) that assessed and completed the 2009 Internal Review for the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program. My responsibilities included communicating with the Program Director and Program Administrator, communicating with the internal review team, gathering and reviewing the documentation from the program, meeting face-to-face with the Program Director and faculty and staff, writing the report and sending to other internal review team members for approval, and presenting the report to the Residency Review Subcommittee. | 07/2009 - 10/2009 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's Pain Medicine Fellowship Program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinate and communicate with the committee, compile the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the fellowship program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), write the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensure the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2009 - 08/2009 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's core residency training program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinated and communicated with the committee, compiled the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the residency program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), wrote the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensured the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 05/2009 - 08/2009 |
Curriculum Development: Faculty Peer Evaluations Department of Anesthesiology. I redesigned and implemented a new faculty peer evaluation per the request of the chair of the Department of Anesthesia. | 2009 - 04/2009 |
Curriculum Development: UMMC HealthCare Matrix Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I modified the Healthcare Matrix by Bingham and Quinn and implemented with the Department of Anesthesiology curriculum for residents and fellows. I altered the matrix to include a review of the impact of transitions of care on the case and implemented use of the tool with the M & M conference, Regional Anesthesia rotation, and Acute Pain rotation for fellows. | 2009 - 2010 |
Electronic Pain Medicine Fellow Handbook - Department of Anesthesiology. I created an electronic handbook for the pain medicine fellowship program that consisted of all ACGME-required policies, procedures for the fellowship's educational processes, goals and objectives for each educational activity, and samples of evaluations. I updated this handbook annually and evolved the handbook from a PDF file, to a password-protected website, and finally to a secure sharepoint location. | 2009 - 03/2013 |
Electronic Resident Handbook - Department of Anesthesiology. I created an electronic handbook for the pain medicine fellowship program that consisted of all ACGME-required policies, procedures for the fellowship's educational processes, goals and objectives for each educational activity, and samples of evaluations. I updated this handbook annually and evolved the handbook from a PDF file, to a password-protected website, and finally to a secure sharepoint location. | 2009 - 03/2013 |
ACGME Program Information Form (PIF) and Accreditation Review - UMMC Department of Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Fellowship Program. As the Director of Education, I was responsible for preparing the Department of Anesthesiology for the ACGME accreditation review of the pain medicine fellowship program. This review occurred in 02/2010. My responsibilities beginning in 2009 were to lead the PIF Committee, write the Program Information Form (PIF), educate fellows and faculty about the ACGME site visit, meet with fellows and faculty to gather information and distribute information, coordinate a mock site visit with the department in preparation for the actual site visit, and coordinate the events on the day of the actual site visit. | 2009 - 02/2010 |
ACGME Program Information Form (PIF) and Accreditation Review - UMMC Department of Anesthesiology Residency Training Program. As the Director of Education, I was responsible for preparing the Department of Anesthesiology for the ACGME accreditation review of the core residency program. This review occurred in 02/2010. My responsibilities beginning in 2009 were to lead the PIF Committee, write the Program Information Form (PIF), educate residents and faculty about the ACGME site visit, meet with residents and faculty to gather information and distribute information, coordinate a mock site visit with the department in preparation for the actual site visit, and coordinate the events on the day of the actual site visit. | 2009 - 02/2010 |
Curriculum Development: CA3 Resident Lecture Evaluation Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I created this evaluation form for teaching faculty to assess the teaching skills of anesthesiology residents. This form was created in compliance with ACGME requirements and is an important evaluation tool in teaching and evaluating residents' performance regarding several ACGME competencies (i.e., Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, and Professionalism). | 2009 - 07/2010 |
Program Development: Resident/Fellow Selection Rating Forms. I created and designed new evaluation forms for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program. These forms are utilized to screen applications, rate applicants who attend face-to-face interviews, and recommend selection of residents and fellows for the available positions. | 2009 - 07/2009 |
Program Development: Resident Remediation Follow-Up Form Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I created a remediation tracking form utilized by the Department of Anesthesiology's Clinical Competence Committee. This form was completed at each quarterly or semiannual evaluation to monitor and update the committee on the resident or fellow's adherence to previously agreed upon remediation plan. The follow-up form is designed to document accomplishment of previously agreed upon goals and objectives for remediation and recommendation for future actions and current status. | 2009 - 07/2009 |
Program Development: Resident Remediation Report Form Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I created a remediation report form utilized by the Department of Anesthesiology's Clinical Competence Committee. This form was completed when residents or fellows demonstrated unsatisfactory performance. The form is designed to document clear goals and objectives for remediation that are agreed upon by the resident/fellow, Program Director, CCC Chair, and Faculty Advisor. | 2009 - 07/2009 |
Curriculum Development: ACGME-Compliant Resident Summative Evaluation Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I created the summative evaluation form for all graduating residents and fellows for the Department of Anesthesiology core residency program and pain medicine fellowship program. These evaluation forms were designed in compliance with ACGME requirements. | 10/2008 - 03/2009 |
Curriculum Development: Multisource Evaluations (Nursing, Peer, Self) Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I created and implemented multisource evaluations compliant with ACGME requirements for the Department of Anesthesiology residency program and fellowship program. I created multiple evaluations that were utilized by patients, nurses, and peers to evaluate residents and fellows. I also created a system for collection of these evaluations during specific training rotations, which included electronic distribution and paper distribution for patients. I also created the self-evaluation for residents and fellows that is compliant with ACGME requirements and reviewed during semiannual evaluations. | 09/2008 - 07/2009 |
Resident Selection Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I assisted with the selection of the anesthesiology residents each year between 2008 and 2012. My responsibilities included reviewing applications, interviewing applicants, and providing evaluation feedback and recommendations for resident selection., Interviewer/Evaluator | 09/2008 - 03/2012 |
Fellow Selection. Department of Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. I assisted with the selection of the pain medicine fellows each year between 2008 and 2012. My responsibilities included reviewing applications, providing recommendations for interview selection, interviewing applicants, and providing evaluation feedback and recommendations for fellow selection., Interviewer/Application Reviewer | 08/2008 - 09/2012 |
UMMC Pain Management Team. From September 2008 until June of 2012, I was a member of the multidisciplinary pain management team at UMMC. I provided didactic lectures to medical residents in the Department of Anesthesiology and medical fellows in the Pain Medicine Fellowship in the Department of Anesthesiology regarding psychosocial aspects of pain and chronic pain. I also provided clinical outpatient services as a pain psychologist at the Pain Management Center and inpatient consultation for University Hospital. Outpatient services that I provided included psychological assessment and cognitive-behavioral psychological treatments for individuals with chronic pain syndromes due to a variety of medical conditions. In addition, I conducted presurgical psychological evaluations of patients being considered for neurostimulators, intrathecal pump, and bariatric surgery. I conducted these evaluations for inpatients and outpatients at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and for patients referred by various community outpatient medical clinics., Psychologist/Team Member | 07/2008 - 06/2012 |
Department of Family Medicine Health Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow Selection. I have interviewed candidates each year for the postdoctoral psychology fellowship program in the Department of Family Medicine. I provide evaluation feedback and recommendations to assist the Fellowship Director in the selection of a psychology fellow., Interviewer | 07/2008 - 07/2014 |
Curriculum Development: ACGME-Compliant Global Resident Evaluation Department of Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Programs. I redesigned the global evaluation used by teaching faculty to evaluate resident performance to be more efficient, compliant with ACGME guidelines, and include rotation-specific items of evaluation. My responsibilities included meeting individually with each rotation director to identify the key skills demonstrated during that training experience that should be evaluated for competency. I also constructed and distributed the new evaluations in E*Value. | 07/2008 - 05/2009 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's Pain Medicine Fellowship Program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinate and communicate with the committee, compile the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the fellowship program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), write the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensure the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 07/2008 - 09/2008 |
Program Development: ACGME-Compliant Annual Program Review Department of Anesthesiology Residency Program. I coordinated the Annual Program Review for the Department of Anesthesiology's core residency training program that is compliant with ACGME requirements. I coordinated and communicated with the committee, compiled the information to be reviewed by the committee, lead the committee meeting through a comprehensive review of the data related to the residency program (i.e., certification rates, faculty scholarly activities, fellow aggregate performance, faculty aggregate performance, confidential program evaluations, and action plan for the prior Annual Program Review), wrote the areas of improvement with the action plan, and ensured the action plan is presented to faculty for approval. | 07/2008 - 09/2008 |
UMMC School of Dentistry 2008 Research Day. While serving as a judge for the School of Dentistry Research Day, my responsibilities included reviewing poster presentations, interviewing presenters about their work, evaluating the soundness of the research designs, and making recommendations for stellar presentations., Judge | 01/2008 - 01/2008 |
Teaching Experience
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Professional Skills for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows | Spring 2018 |
CONJ 611, Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Neuroscience & Behavior I: Case Based Learning Session | Spring 2018 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for Occupational Therapy Students | Summer 2018 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies | Summer 2017 - 2017 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Time Management for Professional Students | Summer 2017 - 2017 |
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Professional Skills for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows | Spring 2017 |
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Excellent Teacher: Faculty Edition | Annual 2017 |
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Academic Success: PREMAT | Summer 2017 - 2017 |
Course available to students from all 6 schools at UMMC, Course, Course Director, Academic Success Kiosk (ASK) | Annual 2017 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Time Management for Professional Students | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Professional Interviewing | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Managing Time Wisely for Standardized Examinations | Annual 2017 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Lecturer, Coping with Stress | Fall 2017 - 2017 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for Medical Students | Fall 2016 - 2016 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Lecturer, Coping with Stress | Fall 2016 - 2016 |
ID-714, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Professional Skills for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows | Spring 2016 - 2016 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for Occupational Therapy Students | Fall 2016 - 2016 |
Interprofessional Education Collaboration, Small Group, Facilitator, Foundations of Interprofessional Education: Building Bridges | Spring 2016 - 2016 |
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Excellent Teacher | Annual 2016 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Managing Time Wisely for Standardized Examinations | Annual 2016 - 2016 |
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Professional Skills for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows | Spring 2015 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for M1 Students | Fall 2015 - 2015 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Lecturer, Coping with Stress | Fall 2015 - 2015 |
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Professional Skills for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows | Spring 2014 - 2014 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Management of Stress | Spring 2014 - 2014 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Stress Management | Fall 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for Medical Students | Fall 2014 - 2014 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for Medical Students | Summer 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep During Residency | Summer 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Substance Abuse and Impairment | Summer 2013 - 2013 |
Nursing, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Coping and Cancer: Psychosocial Considerations | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Preparing to take the MCAT | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Professional Skills for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep During Residency | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Pharmacy, Lecture, Lecturer, Stress Management | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Substance Abuse and Impairment | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Testing Strategies and Board Preparation | Spring 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Chronic Pain and Considerations for the Psychologist | Fall 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Effective Study Strategies for Medical Students | Fall 2013 - 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Test Taking Strategies for the Medical Resident | Fall 2013 - 2013 |
Healthstream module, All faculty and staff at the instituion, Course, Course Director, Fit for Duty: Impairment and Wellness | Annual 2012 - 2015 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Psychological Mechanisms and Psychological Treatment of Chronic Pain | Fall 2012 |
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Study Skills | Fall 2012 |
Healthstream module, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Transitions in Care: Improving the Hand-off | Fall 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Time Management and Study Skills | Summer 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Debriefing | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Psychological Mechanisms & Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep During Residency | Spring 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Guest Presenter, Focus Group: Resident Experiences and Feedback | Fall 2011 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Interpersonal and Communication Skills | Summer 2011 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Systems-Based Practice | Summer 2011 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, 2011 Update on Educational Goals for Department of Anesthesiology Residency. | Spring 2011 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Communication Training Workshop. | Spring 2011 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Psychological Mechanisms & Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain | Spring 2011 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Interpersonal and Communication Skills | Fall 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, ACGME Competencies | Summer 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, ACGME Competencies and Educational Orientation | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, ACGME core site visit: Resident preparation | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, ACGME core site visit: Key faculty preparation | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, ACGME pain medicine site visit: Faculty/fellow preparation | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Communication Training Workshop | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Faculty Portfolio Workshop | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Psychological Mechanisms and Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Understanding the ACGME Competencies | Spring 2010 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Conducting a Successful In-Brief/Out-Brief | Fall 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Interpersonal and Communication Skills | Fall 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Psychological Evaluation and Treatment of Pain | Fall 2009 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Communication Training Workshop | Spring 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep During Residency | Spring 2009 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, ACGME Competencies: Systems Based Practice | Fall 2008 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Physician Wellness | Spring 2008 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Family Medicine Orientation | Fall 2007 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep During Residency | Fall 2007 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Physician Impairment | Spring 2007 |
Directed Student Learning
Supervised Clinical Activity, Advised: Tanya Ratcliff | 2007 - 2008 |
Fellows supervised
Department of Family Medicine Health Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship in Primary Care. I met with the fellow once per week to discuss current research projects and supervised and co-authored the research project, Medical Student Empathy: Interpersonal Distinctions and Correlates. The fellow also assisted with data entry, data analysis, and manuscript and poster preparation. I monitored and supervised all of these scholarly activities. This resulted in approximately 100+ hours dedicated to this supervisory experience during the 2014-2015 academic year., Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, Research | 09/2014 - 05/2015 |
Department of Family Medicine Health Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship in Primary Care. I met face-to-face with the fellow once per week regarding ongoing research projects related to an IRB-approved study on learning approaches and in-training performance among medical residents. The fellow assisted with data entry, data analysis, and manuscript and poster preparation. I monitored and supervised all of these scholarly activities. This resulted in approximately 100+ hours dedicated to this supervisory experience during the 2013-2014 academic year., Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, Research | 07/2013 - 08/2014 |
Department of Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Fellowship Program. As the Director for Education in the Department of Anesthesiology, my responsibilities to the pain management fellowship program included clinical teaching of fellows during the Psychiatry rotation, didactic teaching of fellows, program and curriculum development, evaluation and implementation of fellow and faculty evaluations, facilitation of faculty development with regarding to teaching and education skills, monitoring and implementing educational systems adherent to ACGME requirements, and preparation of the Program Information Form (PIF) and the coordination of the 2010 ACGME accreditation visit., Director of Education, 0 fellows supervised | 07/2008 - 04/2013 |
Residency Training
Department of Anesthesiology Residency Training Program, Subspecialty/Activity Director | 2008 - 04/2013 |