Phuc T. Do, MS

Phuc T. Do, MS


SOM-Medicine Genetics


Work Phone:
(601) 984-5615


Phuc Thi Hong Do, MS, MPH, is a dedicated Genetic Counselor specializing in adult and cardiovascular genetics at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC). As the Adult Genetics Subject Matter Expert, she provides comprehensive care across specialty clinics, including Cardiovascular Genetics, Inherited Amyloidosis, and Hereditary Cancer Syndromes. Actively involved in clinical operations, patient care, and research, Phuc is committed to improving the lives of patients in Mississippi by driving clinically relevant insights and innovations in genetics.

Phuc holds dual Master’s degrees in Genetic Counseling and Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh, where she excelled academically and conducted impactful research on prenatal screening guidelines. She is a recipient of the C.C. and Clara Li Scholarship (California) and the Dr. Edgar and Lauraine Duncan Endowed Scholarship (Pennsylvania).

Currently, Phuc’s research focuses on inherited transthyretin amyloidosis in Mississippi populations and the return of genomic results in population-based cohorts like the Jackson Heart Study. Her recent accomplishments include winning the Southern Society of Clinical Investigation (SSCI) Cardiovascular Case Report Award for her work on LZTR1 Haploinsufficiency in cardiology. Passionate about advancing genetic services, she strives to create meaningful, patient-centered care that drives innovation in clinical genetics.


University of Pittsburgh, MPH, Public Health Genetics2022
University of Pittsburgh, MS, Genetic Counseling2022
University of California, Irvine, BS, Genetics2019

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Instructor, University of Mississippi, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine

Sponsored Program Funding

Intramural, Inherited Transthyretin Amyloidosis (mTTR) among Patients in the State of Mississippi, UMMC02/2024 - 02/2024
Extramural, Jackson Heart Study: Return of Genomic Results and Aggregate Penetrance in Population-Based Cohorts, Jackson Heart Study02/2024 - 02/2025



Phuc Do, Runyi Liu, Michael Pomianowski, Ann Miller, Ghandi Nisha, Pawel Pomianowski LZTR1 Haploinsufficiency: A Cardiology Case Report2025


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, LZTR1 Haploinsufficiency: A Cardiology Case Report

Selected for a Podium Presentation and a recipient of a SSCI Cardiovascular Case Report Award, SSCI Regional Meeting Conference, New Orleans, US
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Genetic Counseling and Huntington Disease, Mississippi Huntington's Disease Day12/2024
Poster Presentation, Hereditary Cancer Predisposition Syndrome– ATM Mutation Case Report, UMMC Scholarship Day, UMMC05/2024
Poster Presentation, A 17q12 Duplication Case Report, UMMC Scholarship Day05/2024
Poster Presentation, Survey of the Genetic Counselor perspective regarding the 2020 ACOG guideline update recommending the routine offering of NIPT in all pregnancies, Public Health Genetics Day at Pitt, University of Pittsburgh10/2021
Platform Presentations, Expression of different eIF2A isoforms under cellular stress, UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of California, Irvine02/2018
Platform Presentations, Exploring the role and characteristics of eukaryotic initiation factor 2A (eIF2A) on Drosophila development delay, UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of California, Irvine02/2017

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

C.C. and Clara Li Scholarship, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Edgar and Lauraine Duncan Endowed Scholarship, University of Pittsburgh
Cardiovascular Case Report Award, 2025 Southern Regional Meeting
Phi Beta Kappa Membership, UC Irvine Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
Dean's List, University of California, Irvine

Community Service

Newhope Crisis Hotline and Crisis Text Line, Crisis Counselor09/2019 - 05/2020
Trauma Intervention Program of Orange County, Volunteer08/2019 - 05/2020
By Any Means Organization at University of California, Irvine, Internal Vice President08/2017 - 12/2018
Crescent OC Free Clinic, Anaheim, CA, Scribe, Social Worker, and Receptionist09/2016 - 02/2019

Other Service

UMMC Clinical Cancer Committee, Genetics Representative03/2024 - Present

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Genetic Counseling and Huntington DiseaseFall 2024 - 2024

Directed Student Learning

Preceptor, Advised: Parker Gleason2024 - 2025
Preceptor, Advised: Anna Lee Bullock2024 - 2025
Advised: Anne Miller
2024 - 2024
Preceptor, Advised: Cameron Hunt