Ralph H. Didlake, MD, FACS
SER-Assoc VC Academic Affairs
Work Phone:
(601) 815-4951
Dr. Ralph Didlake is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and The University of Mississippi School of Medicine. He trained in general surgery, also at UMMC, and completed a surgical fellowship in organ transplantation at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. After practicing transplant, general, and vascular surgery for 23 years, Dr. Didlake developed a compelling interest in the human context of modern medical and surgical care. This interest led to a master's degree in bioethics and health policy from the Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics at Loyola University, Chicago. Currently, Dr. Didlake is Professor of Surgery, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Director of the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities. His current focus is professionalism education, research ethics, and the medical humanities.
Loyola University, Chicago, MA, Bioethics and Health Policy | 2010 |
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Fellowship, Organ Transplantation | 1987 |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Resdiency, Surgery | 1985 |
The University of Mississippi, MD, Medicine | 1979 |
The University of Mississippi, BS, Biology | 1975 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, Surgery, American Board of Surgery | 07/1987 - Present |
Licensure, Medical License, MS State Medical Licensure Board | 1979 - Present |
Licensure, Medical, State of Texas Licensure Board | 1985 - 1987 |
Current Positions
Graduate Faculty, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences | 2015 - Present |
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, School of Medicine | 07/2011 - Present |
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 07/2008 - Present |
Director, Department of Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities | 07/2008 - Present |
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/1996 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Associate Professor, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/1990 - 06/1996 |
Assistant Professor, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/1987 - 06/1990 |
Instructor, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/1985 - 06/1987 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Extramural, An Investigation of the Mississippi Lunatic Asylum as History and Memory, National Endowment for the Humanities | 10/2020 - 10/2023 |
Extramural, The Mississippi State Asylum: A Realm of Its Own, Mississippi Humanities Council film development grant | 01/2020 - 10/2020 |
Extramural, Intervention to Deter Questionable Research Practices, HHS Office of Research Integrity | 09/2017 - 08/2016 |
Extramural, Misconduct Framing and Questionable Research Practices, HHS Office of Research Integrity | 08/2016 - 08/2017 |
Extramural, Southeast Consortium for the Interprofessional Education: Using Interprofessional e-Learning Communities to Teach Collaborative Practice, Macy Organization | 07/2013 - 06/2015 |
Extramural, Food for Thought, Food For Life, Mississippi Humanities Council | 06/2013 - 05/2015 |
Extramural, Poverty Simulation Experience, Entergy Corporation | 01/2013 - 12/2015 |
Intramural, QEP-Professionalism Across the Curriculum | 02/2010 - 06/2016 |
Extramural, Neointimized, Norfloxacin Bonded PTFE as Tracheal Prosthetic, Merck, Sharp and Dome | 01/1990 - 01/1991 |
Extramural, Hypothermic Storage of Hepatocytes, Biomedical Support Research Grant | 08/1989 - 07/1990 |
Extramural, Evaluation of Hepatic Ischemic Injury by In Vitro Perfusion, Biomedical Research Support Grant | 07/1987 - 12/1988 |
Extramural, Treatment of ARDS with Fructose Diphosphate, National Lung Institute | 12/1986 - 11/1991 |
Extramural, Treatment of Septic Shock with Fructose 1, 6-Diphosphate, National Institutes of Health | 12/1984 - 11/1989 |
Invited Commentary | |
Didlake R. Smartphone Photography May Be Acceptable to Patients. Practice Update: Dermatology. April, 2017. | 2017 |
Journal article | |
Didlake R, Odinets OP. Sputnik and Amateur Radio American Radio Relay League. 27 September 2007. | 2007 |
Invited book review | |
Didlake R Surgical Practice Illustrated: Atlas of Esophageal Surgery. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 1992; 87:157 | 1992 |
Journal article-invited republication | |
Johnson JA, Didlake RH. Capsules & Comments in Perioperative Nursing. Johnson JA, Didlake Rh. Peripherally-placed central venous access ports: clinical and laboratory observations. (Invited republication.) Capsules & Comments in Perioperative Nursing. 1995;1(2):175-176. | |
Journal Article | |
Didlake R, Compretta C. Journal MSMA Didlake R, Compretta C. Attitudes Toward Diversity in the Health Care Environment. Journal MSMA, May 2015;56(5):144-146. | 2016 |
Didlake R, Didlake SH. Centenary College of Brandon Springs: Mississippi’s First School of Medicine. The Journal of Mississippi History. 2020, 82(1,2). 1-26. | 2020 |
Dang KH, Nguyen VT, Arain O, Pruett WH, Didlake R. Strategies for the physician workforce shortage in Mississippi. Jour MSMA 2019, 60(6): 212-217. | 2019 |
Sherriff J, Hamadain E, Didlake R, Benghuzzi H, Tucci, M, Sullivan, D. Comparison of interdisciplinary viewpoints among professionals regarding event antecedents in perioperative settings using Q-methodology. International Journal of Current Research. 2017 Nov; 9. | 2017 |
Lirette S, Didlake R. Educational debt in Mississippi’s health care workforce. Journal MSMA, 2017 Sep; 58(4):122-124. | 2017 |
Didlake R, Fordham JA. Do I need to come in? Teaching Ethics. 2017;17(2):167-176. doi: 10.5840/tej/2017111548. | 2017 |
Bruton S, Sacco DF, Didlake R Financial Conflicts of Interest, Disclosure, and Academic Discipline J Emp Res Hum Res Ethics. 2016 Apr;11(2):165-9. doi:10.1177/15526264616636748. Epub 2016.Mar 23 | 2016 |
Didlake R, Compretta C Attitudes Toward Diversity in the Health Care Environment Journal MSMA, May, 2015; 56(5): 144-146. | 2015 |
Markov A, Didlake R, Neely W, Heath B, Poole G, Skelton T, Lehan P. Salutary effect of fructose-1,6-diphosphate in lung injury: a randomized double blinded placebo clinical trial. European Respiratory Journal 2007 30 Suppl 51, 1S: 193. | 2007 |
Markov AK, Neely WA, Didlake RH, Terry III J, Causey A, Lehan PH Metabolic responses to fructose-1, 6-diphosphate in healthy subjects. Metabolism. 2000;49(6):698-703 | 2000 |
Rubin J, Didlake R, raju S, Hsu H A prospective randomized evaluation of chronic f catheters: Insertion site and intraperitoneal segment ASAIO Trans.1990;23:2959-2960 | 1990 |
Rubin, J, Didlake R, Raju S, Hsu H. ASAIO Trans. 1990;36:M497-500. A prospective randomized evaluation of chronic catheters: Insertion site and intraperitoneal segment. ASAIO Transplant.1990;36:M497-500 | 1990 |
Kahan BD, Didlake R, Kim EE, Yoshimura N, Konda E, Stepkowski S Import role of cyclosporine for the induction of immunologic tolerance in adult hosts. Transplant Proc.1988;20(2 Suppl 2):438-50. | 1988 |
Didlake R, Kim EK, Kahan BD Unique cyclosporine pharmaco-kinetic characteristics of the rat Surg Forum.1987;38:366-368 | 1987 |
Didlake RH, Kirchner KA, LEwin J, Bower JD, Markov A. Protection from ischemic renal injury by fructose diphosphate in the rat. Circ Shock.1985;16:205-212. | 1985 |
Dalton M, Didlake R A simplified approach to femoral-tibial bypass using in situ saphenous vein graft Contemp Surg.1985;27:34-37. | 1985 |
Didlake R, Shroyer T Effects of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate on lymphocyte viability in vitro J Miss Acad Sci.1983;28:131-136 | 1983 |
Didlake RH, Markov AK, Terry J, Lehan PH, Raju S, Hellems HK Mechanism by which hemopericarditis causes ECG injury pattern. Surgical Forum. 1983;34:346-348. | 1983 |
Dullum MK, Didlake R, Maher JW A randomized comparison of various methods of repair of experimental duodenal wounds in canines. Surg Gastroenterol. 1983;2:173-177. | 1983 |
Abstracts | |
Didlake R, Bushway D, Childs A, Clark S. Crescents in the Blood: Images of Malaria Parasites 1897 – 2020. J Miss Acad Sci 2020 January 65(1):128. | 2020 |
Didlake R, Gibson L. The Cutting Edge: Surgical Procedures at the Mississippi State Asylum 1910 – 1935. J Miss Acad Sci January 65(1):128. | 2020 |
Lambert J, Knight A, Didlake R. The evolution of medical illustration at University of Mississippi Medical Center, 1955-2018. J Miss Acad Sci 2019 January; 64(1): 134. (Presented at the MS Academy of Sciences meeting, Hattiesburg, MS February 22, 2019. | 2019 |
Ebeid M, Cothern JG, Didlake R. One story, through many lenses: How one Mississippian helped pave the way for women in science. J Miss Acad Sci 2019 January; 64(1): 105. (Presented at the MS Academy of Sciences meeting, Hattiesburg, MS. February 22, 2019. | 2019 |
Kebert LC, Didlake RH. Metrics of social justice in health care. J Miss Acad Sci 2018 January; 63(1):118. (Presented at the MS Academy of Sciences Annual meeting, Hattiesburg, MS. February 22-23, 2018). | 2018 |
Stout AG, Butts ME, Bailey A, Compretta C, and Didlake RH. The science-humanities interface at an academic health science center. J Miss Acad Sci 2018 January; 63(1):143. (Presented at the MS Academy of Sciences Annual meeting, Hattiesburg, MS. February 22-23, 2018). | 2018 |
Alford K, Didlake R. Dentition in Early 20th Century Mississippi State Insane Asylum Burials: Initial Observations Alford K, Didlake R. Dentition in Early 20th Century Mississippi State Insane Asylum Burials: Initial Observations. J of the MS Academy of Sciences. 2017 January;62(1):109. | 2017 |
Maxwell JA, Didlake R The Asylum Hill Cemetery Project: Administrative Need, Biomedical Science, and the Humanities. Journal of MS Academy of Sciences 2017 January; 62(1):108-109. | 2017 |
Sims N, Didlake R. Application of the Diversity Index to Educational Environments J of MS Academy of Sciences. 2016;61(1):134. | 2016 |
Audry J, Williamson L, Markow MB, Sharp R, Didlake R. The Lost Art of Medicine: Archiving As A Novel Learning Experience. J MS Acad of Science. 2016 January;61(1):134. | 2016 |
Tucker AR, Didlake R Human subjects research in a southern academic medical center: Ethical Observations on Selected Demographic Characteristics Journal. (Presented at MS Academy of Sciences Annual meeting, Hattiesburg, MS, February 26-27, 2015). | 2015 |
Wright M, Didlake R. Dual loyalty: What is this phenomenon and what are the core journals in which research is published? QQML 2012 Proceedings. May, 2013: 83. Presented at the 4th Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Limmerick Ireland, May 22-25, 2012). | 2012 |
Achike FI, Jones J, Rockhold R, Didlake R. Innovative health professional education: the Challenges of integration. J Miss Acad Sci 2012; 56(2-3): 217. Presented to the MS Academy of Sciences annual meeting Hattiesburg, MS, February 23, 2012. | 2012 |
Markov AK, Didlake R, Raju S, Heath B, Poole G Metabolic intervention in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure J Invest Med.2000;48(1):128A | 2000 |
Didlake R, Hester R Pump-induced motion of hemodialysis catheters J.Miss.Acad.Sci.1994;39 | 1994 |
Markov AK, Didlake RH, Bigelow C, Tann T, Figueroa A, Skelton TN, et al Lowering of plasma lipids with fructose-1,6-diphosphate in animal model and man J Molecular & Cellular Cardiology.1994;26:7 | 1994 |
Wegener EE, Curry ET, DIdlake RH, Das SK Vascular access in hemodialysis patients:Effects on hand function J.Miss.Acad.Sci.1993;38:44 | 1993 |
Didlake RH, Johnson JA, III Resolution of electromagnetic catheter-locating systems J.Miss.Acad.Sci.1993;38:46 | 1993 |
Didlake R Experimental and clinical observations of energy dissipation in vascular prosthetics J.Miss.Acad.Sci.1992;37:46 | 1992 |
Didlake R, Welch J, Grogan JB Effect of sterilization procedures on the antimicrobial activity of norfloxacin bonded, expanded polytetrafluorethylene material J.Invest.Surg.1991;4:385 | 1991 |
Didlake RH, Wilton PB, Scott-Conner, CEH Malignant neoplasms of the male breast Breast Cancer Res.Treat.1990;16:154 | 1990 |
Cox G, Didlake R, Powers C, Scott-Conner C Choice of anesthetic technique for needle-localized breast biopsy Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.1989;14:138 | 1989 |
Cox G, Scott-Conner C, Powers C, Didlake R Needle localized biopsy of mammographically suspiscious lesions. Presented before the NCI-IST Symposium on Biology and Therapy of Breast Cancer, Genoa, Italy, September, 1989 | 1989 |
Didlake R, Fitts C Application of compartmental kinetic analysis to the study of hepatic injury J.Miss.Acad.Sci.1989;4(Supp):66 | 1989 |
Schmidt R, Didlake R, Skelton D, Subramony C, Anglin B, Scott-Conner C Juvenile polyps in the adult: An association with gastrointestinal malignancy South.Med.J.1989;82(Supp):21 | 1989 |
Didlake RH, Finch CD, Lovell FA, Markov AK Further definition of the effect of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate on neutrophil derived oxygen free radical production J Miss Acad Sci.1988;33(Supp):58 | 1988 |
Markov AK, Didlake R, Gerken VM, Neely WA, Hellems HK Cardiovascular responses to fructose 1, 6-diphosphate treatment of patients in traumatic shock Clin.Res.1987;35:35A | 1987 |
Warren ET, Markov A, Didlake R, Terry JW, Lehan PH, Hellems HK Can hemopericarditis induce ECG injury pattern? J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.1987;9:118A | 1987 |
Markov A, Didlake R, Neely WA, Hellems HK Prevention of free radicals-incuded pulmonary damage with fructose 1, 6-diphosphate (FDP) Clin.Res.1986;34:227A | 1986 |
Markov AK, Didlake R, Finch C, Hellems HK. Inhibition of respiratory burst and superoxide generation in human and canine granulocytes with fructose 1, 6-diphosphate (FDP) in animals and man Circ.Shock.1986;18:360 | 1986 |
Markov AK, Didlake RH, Neely WA, Hellems HK Prevention of oxygen free radicals-induced pulmonary microvascular damage with fructose 1, 6-diphosphate (FDP) in animals and man Internat.J.Microcir;Clin. Exper.1986 | 1986 |
Didlake RH, Markov SD, Raju S, Neely WA, Morrison FS Effect of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate on survival of stored red cells Presented before the 14th Annual Meeting of the American Associatio of Blood Banks, Los Angeles, CA | 1985 |
Markov AV, Didlake RH, Neely WA, Dalton JL, Hellems HK Experimental and clinical evidence for the effectiveness of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate in treatment of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Clin.Res.1985;33:530a | 1985 |
Markov AV, Terry J, Didlake R, Lehan PH, Hellems HK Prevention of myocardial injury and circulatory collapse in shock with fructose 1, 6-diphosphate J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.1984;3:544 | 1984 |
Didlake R, Raju S Experience with en bloc nephrectomy and anomalous renal arteries J. Miss. Acad. Sci.1984;29:33 | 1984 |
Didlake R, Kirchner K, Lewin J, Bower J, Markov A Prevention of ischemic renal failure with fructose 1, 6-diphosphate Circ. Shock. 1984;13:107-108 | 1984 |
Didlake R, Markov A Reduction of hemolysis during extracorporeal circulation Clin.Res. 1984;32:A860 | 1984 |
Markov A, Causey AL, Dorrah L, Didlake R, Fletcher J Effect of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate on the pulmonary circulation and damage associated with alpha-naphthylthiourea Circ.Shock.1984;16:52-53 | 1984 |
Markov A, Strete D, Terry J, Didlake R, Hellems HK Tissue and organ protection with fructose 1, 6-diphosphate in hemorrhagic shock Microvasc Res.1983;25:275 | 1983 |
Markov A, Neely WA, Didlake R, Bell W, Hellems, HK Biological and metabolic effects of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate in man Clin Res.1983;31:530A | 1983 |
Didlake R, Markov A, Morriso FS Effects of fructose 1, 6-diphosphate on cold preservation of canine red blood cells Clin. Res. 1983;31:873A | 1983 |
Didlake R, Kirchner KA, Lewin J, BOwer JD, Markov A Prevention of ischemic renal failure with fructors 1, 6-diphosphate Clin Res.1983;31:887A | 1983 |
Didlake RH, Raju S, Kirchner KA Effects of intraoperatie volume loading on return of renal function of iced stored canine kidneys Clin Res.1983;31:887A | 1983 |
Didlake R, Jackson K Hepatic oxygen consumptiom during static hypothermic storage in Eurocollins solution. J Miss. Acad. Sci.1983;28:28-29 | 1983 |
Isbell S, Didlake R, Hopkins D Gastric partitioning prosthesis model 4:A potential treatment for morbid obesity J Miss Acad. Sci.1983;28:23 | 1983 |
Book Chapter | |
Compretta C, Didlake R. Ethical features of derogatory humor in medical settings. In: Benko S. Ethics in Comedy: Essays on Crossing the Line. Jefferson (NC): McFarland, 2020. | 2020 |
Hirthler MA, Hutchison R, Rockhold R, Didlake R. Reducing medical errors through simulation-an ethical alternative for training medical practitioners. In: Allhoff F, Borden S. Ethics and Error in Medicine. New York: Routledge; 2019. | 2019 |
Didlake R, Fordham JA Do No Harm: Neurodiversity, Health Care Advocacy and the Language and Culture of Informed Consent Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2013 | 2013 |
Didlake R Terms of Art: Plath, the Medical Lexicon, and the Human Body in Health and Disease Sale Press, Inc, 2013 | 2013 |
Didlake R Medical Imagery in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath Plath Profiles;Vol.2. Indiana University Northwest, August 2009. | 2009 |
Didlake R Impact of erythropoietin therapy on dialysis patency WL Gore & Assoc., Inc. & Precept Press, Elkton, Maryland, 1995 | 1995 |
Didlake R, Curry ET Vascular access surgery as an outpatient procedure W.L. Gore & Assoc, Inc., & Precept Press, 1995 | 1995 |
Didlake R Cadaveric donor nephrectomy and renal transplantation JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1993 | 1993 |
Cox G, Didlake R, Powers C, Scott-Conner C Choice of anesthetic technique for needle localized breast biopsy Cox G, Didlake R, Powers C, Scott-Conner. Choice of anesthetic technique for needle localized breast biopsy. Balch, C.U., et al. (Eds) Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. Chicago, Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1992. Also found in: Mosby Year Book, Chicago, 1992. | 1992 |
Didlake R, Raju S, Rhodes RS, Bower J Dialysis access in patients older than 65 years W.L. Gore & Associates & Precept Press, Inc., Elkton Maryland, 1991 | 1991 |
Markov AV, Didlake RH, Gerken V, Neely WA, Hellems HK. Improvement of hemodynamics and pulmonary function following fructose 1, 6-diphosphate administration in ARDS patients. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., 1987 | 1987 |
Didlake R, Coltharp W. arkov A Reduction of hemolysis during extracorporeal circulation In: Sauer BW, editor. Biomedical Engineering IV-recent developments Reduction of hemolysis during extracorporeal circulation. Sauer BW, editor. Biomedical Engineering IV-recent developments. New York; Pergamon Press;1985.p. 249-251. | 1985 |
Didlake R, MacMillan R. Effective insulation of glass solution bottles for operating room use. Biomedical Engineering IV-recent developments.New York:Pergamon Press;1985. | 1985 |
Didlaek R, Currey E, Rigdon E, Raju S, Bower J. Dialysis access using polytetrafluorethylene-coated woven grafts W.L.Gore & Associates, Inc. & precept press, Inc; Elkton, Maryland, 1993. | |
Journal Article-Invited Republication | |
Didlake RH, Kukora JS Tetanus following frostbite injury (Invited republication) Contemp Orthop.1985;10:69-73 and Contemp Surg.1985; 27:79-82. | 1985 |
Editorial | |
Didlake RH, Smith PO. Focusing on Professionalism. Jour MSMA 2012 Feb: 2: 54. | 2012 |
Didlake R, Cannon CR. IRB and Case Reports Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surg.2008 Dec;139(6):871. | 2008 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake R. The Asylum Hill Project. History is Lunch Series, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, MS, March 11, 2020 | 03/2020 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake R. Excavation of a large asylum cemetery: a transdisciplinary approach. Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science. New Orleans, LA, March 7, 2020. | 03/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake R, Gibson LB. The Mississippi State Asylum: a realm of its own. Southwest Mississippi Center for Culture and Learning, Alcorn University, Lorman, MS, March 2, 2020 | 03/2020 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake R. Centenary College: Mississippi’s first school of medicine. 17th Billy S. Guyton Symposium on the History of Medicine. September 6, 2019 | 09/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake R. Civic revitalization through the lens of health care. Phi Kappa Phi Summer Institute, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS. July 21, 2019. | 07/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake, R. The Asylum Hill Project. Mississippi Library Commission annual meeting, Jackson, MS. May 16, 2019. | 05/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake, R. The Asylum Hill Project and its administrative challenges. Society of University Department of Anesthesia Chairs (SUDAC), Jackson, MS. March 29, 2019 | 03/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Didlake R, Compretta C. Patient labeling as clinical humor: ethical implications. SHRP Alumni Education Day. 2019. | 2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Butts ME, Didlake R. A poverty simulation experience for health care students. Annual meeting the Mississippi Public Health Association, Jackson, MS. October, 2017 | 10/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Asylum Hill Consortium: Bioscience, the Humanities and Opportunity, Millsaps College Arts and Lecture Series, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS | 03/2017 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Food: A Bioethics Perspective", MS Humanities Council-Speaker series, Brookhaven Library, Brookhaven, MS | 10/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, 2016 MAS Annual meeting-Professionalism in Science, MS Academy of Scienc, Hattiesburg, MS | 02/2016 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, American Graduate STEAM Panel, MS Public Broadcasting, Hinds Community College, Rankin Campus, Pearl, MS | 12/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ethics for Health Care Professionals, MS Association for Nurse Practitioners, Biloxi, MS | 07/2015 |
Exhibit, Didlake R. Faces of Madness. Extraordinary Bodies: Perceptions and Engagements Conference, Jackson, MS March 19-20, 2015. | 03/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Observations on the Centenary College Medical Curriculum 1841-1844., SAHMS Conference, Jackson, MS | 03/2015 |
Exhibit, Compretta C, Didlake R. Food for Life, Food for Thought. Mobile exhibit circulated to 31 public and community college libraries. Sponsored by the Mississippi Humanities Council | 2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, How do you clean a shark tank? Faculty-to-Faculty Incivility In the Health Sciences., American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Charleston, SC | 11/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, An Engagement of Conscience Model for Dual Professional Roles., 15th International SEAC conference, Corvalis, OR | 10/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Using Blended Interprofessional e-Learning to Teach Collaborative Practice, Principles of Patient Safety and Quality, and Improving Transition of Care, Vancouver, BC | 06/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Oath-Taking in Academic Medicine: Expanding the Commitment to Ethics within the Profession., 2014 AAMC Conference, Chicago, IL | 11/2012 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Dual Loyalty: What is this phenomenon and what are the core journals in which research is published?, 4th Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Limmerick, Ireland | 05/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bioethics of the 21st Century, UMMC Leadership Development Conference, UMMC, Jackson, MS | 03/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bioethics of Food, NE MS Community College, Booneville, MS | 03/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Innovative Health Professional Education: The challenges of Integration, MAS Annual Meeting, lake Terrace Convention Center, Hattiesburg, MS | 02/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Attitude toward disclosure of clinical errors and unprofessional caregiver behavior among student and practicing nurses., MAS Annual Meeting, Lake Terrace Convention Center, Hattiesburg, MS | 02/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Innovative Health Professional Education: The Challenges of Integration., MAS Annual Meeting, Hattiesburg, MS | 02/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Assessing Instrumental Versus Intuitive Grief Patterns by Key Characteristics in Resident Physicians., MAS Annual Meeting, Hattiesburg, MS | 02/2012 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bioethics of the 21st Century, Greenwood Leflore Medical Center for CME, Greenwood, MS | 01/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, TIME (Teaching In Medical Education) Series: Residents As Teachers, UMMC:Residents as Teachers, University of MS Medical Center | 11/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Reporting Medical Errors, MS Nurses Association Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS | 10/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ethical Dilemmas, Faculty Scholarship Exchange, University of MS Medical Center | 10/2011 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, A Student Fellowship in Bioethics: a novel approach to bridging medicine and the humanities., 12th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, Schenectady, NY | 10/2010 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Professionalism across the curriculum of an academic medical center., 12th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, Schenectady, NY | 10/2010 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Of fetuses and hospital sinks: Medical imagery in the poetry of Sylvia Plath., Sylvia Plath 75th Year Symposium, Oxford, UK | 10/2007 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Experimental therapies for shock and ARDS, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA | 05/1990 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Polyps and gastrointestinal malignancy in a Mississippi family., 49th Annual MSMA, Biloxi, MS | 05/1989 |
Exhibit, Safety factors in the perioperative management of HIV and hepatitis B positive patients, MS State Medical Association, Biloxi, MS | 05/1989 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Safety factors in the perioperative management of HIV and hepatitis B positive patients., 48th annual MSMA meeting, Biloxi, MS | 06/1988 |
Exhibit, Safety factors in the perioperative management of HIV and hepatitis B positive patients, MS State Medical Association, Biloxi, MS | 06/1988 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, High-energy substrates in the treatment of ischemic injury., Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | 05/1988 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Dudley E. Peeler Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Mississippi of Sciences | 2018 |
Mississippi Kidney Foundation John D. Bower Award, Mississippi Kidney Foundation | 2016 |
Professional Membership and Service
Mississippi State Medical Association, Council on Medical Education | 2016 - Present |
Mississippi State Medical Association, Commemorative Committee | 2015 - Present |
American College of Surgeons, Officer, President/Elect/Past | 1997 - 1998 |
American College of Surgeons, Officer, President/Elect/Past | 1996 - 1997 |
Mississippi State Medical Association, House of Delegates | 1996 |
Academy of Surgical Research, Board of Directors of a Company | 1994 - 1995 |
Academy of Surgical Research, Committee Chair | 1994 - 1995 |
Society of Sigma Xi, Officer, President/Elect/Past | 1994 - 1995 |
American College of Surgeons, Secretary/Treasurer | 1993 - 1996 |
Academy of Surgical Research, Committee Chair | 1993 |
Society of Sigma Xi-UMMC Chapter, Officer, Other Officer | 1991 - 1992 |
American College of Surgeons, Committee Member | 1990 - 1993 |
Academy of Surgical Research, Board of Directors of a Company | 1990 - 1991 |
Mississippi State Medical Association, House of Delegates | 1990 |
American College of Surgeons, Fellow | 1989 - Present |
Houston Academy of Medicine, Member | 1985 - 1987 |
Texas Medical Association, Member | 1985 - 1987 |
MS Academy of Sciences, Committee Chair | 1984 |
American Heart Assocition Basic Science Council, Member | |
American Medical Association, Member | |
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Member | |
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | |
American Society of Transplant Surgeons, Member | |
Association for Academic Surgery, Member | |
Central Medical Society, Member | |
James D. Hardy Society, Member | |
Jackson Surgical Society, Member | |
MS Academy of Sciences, Life Member | |
Mississippi Gerontological Society, Member | |
Mississippi Humanities Council, Member | |
Mississippi State Medical Association, Member | |
Shock Society, Member | |
Societe International de Chirurgie, Member | |
Southeastern Surgical Congress, Member | |
Southern Medical Association, Member | |
Transplantation Society, Member | |
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Member | |
Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum, Member | |
Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science, Member | |
Southeastern Surgical Congress, Member | |
Southern Medical Association, Member |
Committee Service
Provost Search Advisory Ctte, Member | 2017 - 2017 |
Chancellor Search Advisor Ctte, Member | 2015 - 2015 |
Research Compliance Subcommittee, Member | 2012 - Present |
SACS Quality Enhancement Plan, Director | 2010 - Present |
Search Advisory Committee for Neonatology Chair, Member | 2010 - Present |
Search Advisory Committee for Anesthesia Chair, Member | 2010 - Present |
Search Advisory Committee for Anatomy Chair, Member | 2010 - Present |
SACS Leadership Committee, Member | 2009 - Present |
Clinical Chair Search and Recruitment Team, Member | 2009 - Present |
Graduate Medical Education Committee, Member | 1997 - 1999 |
UMMC Perioperative Management Team Committee, Member | 1997 - 1999 |
Search Advisory Committe for Medicine Chair, Member | 1996 - 1997 |
UMMC Procedures Review Committee, Chair | 1996 - 1999 |
UMMC Patient Care Committee, Member | 1996 - 1999 |
Self Study Task Force for Liaison Committee on Meical Education, Member | 1996 - 1996 |
Surgical Residency Program Director, Chair | 1996 - 1999 |
UMMC Amateur Radio Group, Member | 1994 - Present |
Infection Control Committee, Member | 1993 - 1995 |
University Clinical Associates Executive Commitee, President | 1993 - 1994 |
Transfusion Research Advisory Committee, Member | 1992 - 1999 |
Geriatric Education Center, Faculty | 1992 - 1999 |
University Clinical Associates-Executive Committee, Treasurer | 1991 - 1993 |
Faculty Senate, Member | 1990 - 1991 |
Ad Hoc Committee to Establish Do Not Resuscitate Policy, Member | 1990 - Present |
Medical Staff Executive Committee, Secretary | 1990 - 1991 |
University Clinical Associates Clinical Practice Committee, Chair | 1990 - 1993 |
Self Study Task Force for Liaison Committee on Medical Education, Member | 1990 - 1990 |
Medical Staff Executive Committee, Member at Large | 1989 - 1997 |
University Clinical Associates, Executive Commitee-Secretary | 1989 - 1990 |
Institutional Animal Care and Utilization Committee, Member | 1989 - 1997 |
Search Advisory Committee for Physiology Chair, Chair | 1989 - 1989 |
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Member | 1988 - 1993 |
Ad Hoc Committee for Universal AIDS/UHepatitis Precautions, Member | 1988 - Present |
Ambulatory Services Committee, Member | 1988 - 1993 |
Antibiotic Usage Committee, Member | 1987 - 1993 |
Experimental Surgery Laboratory, Executive Officer | 1987 - 1999 |
University Clinical Associates, Member |
Community Service
Mississippi Humanties Council, Program Committee | 2016 - Present |
Mississippi Humanities Council, Board of Directors | 2010 - Present |
MS Children's Museum, Community Advisory Committee | 2006 - Present |
Center for MS Health Policy, Board of Directors | 2006 - Present |
Bower Foundation, Chair Compensation Ctte | 2005 - Present |
Bower Foundation, Chair Grants Ctte | 2003 - Present |
Bower Foundation, Board of Directors | 2000 - Present |
Kidney Care Foundation, Board of Directors | 2000 - Present |
Madison Ridgeland Academy, Madison, MS, Board of Trustees | 1994 - 1997 |
Editorial Board Journal of Investigative Surgery, Board member | 1993 - 2992 |
Madison Ridgeland Academy, Madison, MS, Curriculum/Planning Committee | 1993 - 1994 |
Hinds Community College, Raymond, MS, Surgical Tech Program Advisory Committee | 1990 - 2001 |
Bower Foundation, Board of Directors/Medical Review Board | 1988 - 1996 |
Other Service
Kidney Care Foundation, Board of Directors | 1996 - 2000 |
Journal of Investigative Surgery, Editorial Board | 1993 - 2002 |
ESRD Network 8, Inc., Medical Review Board | 1988 - 1996 |
ESRD NEtwork 8, Inc., Board of Directors | 1988 - 1995 |
Teaching Experience
2007 - 2015 | |
Dept of Surgery, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Experimental therapies for Shock and ARDS | Spring 1990 |
Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Lecture, Lecturer | Spring 1988 |
Dept of Surgery, Ottawa Civic Hospital Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Lecture, Guest Presenter | Spring 1988 |